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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 110 KB, 977x688, honer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22275750 No.22275750 [Reply] [Original]

gen z just dropped the book of a generation

and what have you done with your life?

>> No.22275753

has connections to people
not organic

>> No.22275758

Not gonna lie, it picked my curiosity

>> No.22275759

> and what have you done with your life?
Given you're asking, I moved out of the falling West and now I'm in a rather uncomfortable situation where I have no job, no useful qualifications and only a little bit of money.

>> No.22275762

Shalom :)

>> No.22275766


>> No.22275768

terrible name for a book, will not read

>> No.22275770

Black Sea, home of the white race

>> No.22275774

Tell me more

>> No.22275777

There's nothing to be told other than that I live in what seems to be a quite literal ethnostate where not even other white ethnicities like me are tolerated

>> No.22275847

Not interested

>> No.22275948

whats the deal with dimes square shit
is it just the overlap of rich kids, new york, and internet culture?

>> No.22275960

woe woe
woe is me
woe is me the girl struggling to find herself in a society!
woe is me #1 best seller new york times

Yeah, nah, you can keep your literary masterpiece in the same pulp pile as the other self discovery -ly works of art.

>> No.22275971

this author is a nepotistic jew

>> No.22275972

Why did you move there, then?

>> No.22275979

I read a story of hers in The New Yorker, I don't recall the story but it at least impressed me enough to bother remembering her name.

>> No.22275988
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 1662696555123910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I can't wait to read this childless fat late twentysomething kike's livejournal!

>> No.22275999

>got beaten to the punch
I guess I will write the second great zoomer novel
>americlap or adjacent falls for the white "race" meme
The fascists didn't consider half of the white race as fucking people

>> No.22276010

I had no other choice
The West kicked me out
First they gave me bad marks in school
Then they kicked me out of school
Then I worked in fast food until I got health damages
Then I found a job in some farm where I was kicked out too with the option of continuing to work for a smaller pay
I refused for the sake of my own dignity and now here I am
This was my destiny

>> No.22276011

Your story is already more interesting than the "omg I do xanax isn't that edgy" kike cunt OP's

>> No.22276016

What's your connection with the country you're currently in? Why did you pick that up? What did you expect?

>> No.22276025

His reaction to his alienation is more interesting but the process of it isn't more novel. You just relate to it more. From what I glean from this board, if you all had your way the literature industry would be dominated by failures writing self pitying autofiction instead of silver spoon mediocrities writing the same.

>> No.22276037

the mongols who live on the edge of the city are the ones who create the best art

>> No.22276042

Incorrect, if I had my way New York would be treated like a pet cemetery built on an Indian burial ground and repeatedly nuked into a glowing crater to remove all the spiritual filth it has accumulated, and people like Honor Levy would be sent to Madagascar to live in the homogeneous Hasidic ethnostate and study Talmud if they were religious Jews, or else to a walled-off oblast near the north pole if they chose to remain "secular Jews" (Khazars), with nobody but other "secular Jews" (Khazars) to extort usurious interest from or put on "oy vey we Jews are so interesting we are, we have such CUSTOMS we do!" sitcoms for (and accordingly they would all commit suicide within 5 years).

>> No.22276052

I'm sort of related with this country. Some of my ancestors came from here. I picked it up because I have distant relatives here.

>> No.22276055

Guy is named Honor?

>> No.22276058
File: 148 KB, 784x1390, 31E8406B-6BAF-4ED0-9AF4-E7D1F2DD9AD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and what have you done with your life?
I posted crump

>> No.22276066

>it’s not Fedbook
Get real.

>> No.22276152

>the feeling of growing up in the internet generation
>one single feeling


>> No.22276162

>zoomers musing about cutting themselves
I thought that died sometime before 2010. Are zoomers bringing it back in their never-ending quest to be the most tortured generation ever?

>> No.22276165
File: 40 KB, 374x365, 1659199818650564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honor Levy
There is no way anything of value came from a young woman named Honor Levy.

>> No.22276170
File: 31 KB, 474x355, EBEF8968-7E35-4C7E-AA4E-5E2A86430874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As opposed to Whitecastle, home of the black race

>> No.22276194







>> No.22276701

massive checkeroonis

>> No.22276704
File: 38 KB, 567x561, 1689648289150417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd rather do Xanax than cut myself. No, I'd rather do Xanax then cut myself,
It's like Tao Lin but worse, somehow.

>> No.22276711

>le internet is youtube vine tiktok generation
Get fucked. The shitposting internet has been around since the 90s.

>> No.22276714

piqued, retard

>> No.22276717

I'd rather shoot myself than be Xanax-cattle.

>> No.22276720


>> No.22276721


>> No.22276726

This shit is beyond boring. I guess the culture-manipulators haven't figured out that there's a real nihilism/degeneracy fatigue mounting right now. I hope this book gets landfilled.

>> No.22276737

“Good Boys” ?

just read it and it is just more of the same self insert, minimalist prose, nothing to say but superficiality.

>> No.22276759

Are you american? if so fuck off yankee we have enough brownois on the black sea without adding amerimutts to the mix

>> No.22276781

peeked, retard

>> No.22276789

its piqued, birder brains

>> No.22276792

I had to get a full time job to support myself as soon as highschool was over and have spent the last 20 years working towards retiring. What about you? What have you done?

>> No.22276805

>Hardcover $27
do buyfags really?

>> No.22276838

She actually has a pretty cool online presence: https://twitter.com/mimpathy/status/1677398567634485248

>> No.22276872

kill yourself you stupid bint

>> No.22276890
File: 94 KB, 397x560, dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Millennial and I'm still going to be the greatest writer and the greatest poet of the 21st Century. You Zoomies are going to have to eat my dust and worship my dick.

>> No.22276902

Honor Levy's actually pretty cool: here's a recent interview she did, followed by one of her more well known short stories: https://theface.com/culture/honor-levy-new-yorker-literature-writer-online-culture-social-media-commentary-short-stories-young-writers-cancel-culture-


>> No.22276918

are you her? if so, your prose sucks and you don't seem to have anything interesting to say.

>> No.22276937

She got fat. She tries to hide it but we determined this out in a previous shill thread. All her egirl cachet is obliterated. Say what you want about Mira "recurrent yeast infection" Gonzalez, at least she didn't get fat (for long).

>> No.22276938

>Tyrant Books

Oh hey a new place to submit to, just when I was thinking of getting back on the wagon.

>> No.22276943

Once upon a time, there existed an eel unlike any other. Named "Mordred," after his mother Morgause who bore him illegally from her union with King Arthur's own brother Gareth, this jealous serpent lived life like a man torn apart by his inner conflict. Though gifted with extraordinary strength and stealthiness, Mordred was consumed by his own vicious nature, envying the ease with which others seemed to navigate their lives.

His focus fixated solely on what he lacked rather than what blessings surrounded him, and thus did Mordred's jealous heart grow fatigued by the burden of his own failures. Rather than strive to better himself or find solace in the companionship of loved ones, he instead chose to brood in self pity. Wasting away his days amongst the rocky shoals where few ventured to fish, the green-eyed monster within him stirred restless within his cold bloodstream. Denied of his due attention and recognition, this tempestuous spirit took root, blossoming into a cancer that corroded every aspect of his being.

As though determined to fulfill the prophecy spoken by Merlin -- that a son begotten between two knights of the Round Table would bring ruin to Camelot -- Mordred spun himself deeper into his tangled web of lies and intrigue. Seeking to extinguish his burning desire for validation through acts of sabotage and subterfuge aimed directly at his uncle's court, he unwittingly served as the catalyst of his own downfall. His actions fueled by malice, distrust, and bitterness, they ultimately led to betrayal and violence, bringing chaos to the kingdom he claimed to protect.

The stage set for his ultimate showdown with his royal kin, fate collided with destiny when Mordred discovered he shared little love with those around him. Abandoned by his mother and scorned by his father's subjects, he stood solitary on the battlefield, adrift in his sea of troubles. This renegade fish, once admired for his grace and prowess, found himself caught on the shores of disaster, snared like a trout by the angler of destiny.

From these depths arose his archrival Lancelot du Lac, armed with wings and claws honed by years of practice against enemies abroad. In the blink of an eye, the swift-winged eagle swooped forth from heaven, tearing mercilessly into the heart of Mordred's madness. Reaping the harvest sown by his envious thoughts, the jealous serpent breathed his last, consuming the fruit borne of his festering grudges until nothing remained save his legacy of darkness and discord.

>> No.22276949
File: 635 KB, 2024x2526, Jean-Antoine_Watteau_-_Pierrot,_dit_autrefois_Gilles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about you? What have you done?
Not be goycattle lmao

>> No.22276954

go shill yourself somewhere else you fatass egirl

>> No.22276957

>Graduated from my alma mater
All I needed to know to know it sucks

>> No.22276964
File: 338 KB, 828x1170, 3EACACBC-294F-42E2-A6B0-0E5DBF874261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irrevocably crumped.

>> No.22276996

She talks like a nigger. Not interested

>> No.22277006
File: 454 KB, 559x640, Thumbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ameritard buys his own propaganda on “whites”
>moves to slavistan
>gets bullied by bydlos
This fills my heart with joy.

>> No.22277241

Her stuff is okay, perhaps even mildly interesting. Ellis still did it better. Most of all I'm just jealous that NYC has a scene where people can write short stories and someone actually reads them, I guess.

>> No.22277247

Those in the know on /lit/, know
The rest are just unread little retards screeching bout woman or jew
I don't think she's the next great writer (if any there be) but I'll likely check it out

>> No.22277253

*birdie brains

>> No.22277259

Internet Girl is perhaps her best, but it's not going to feel very fresh or interesting to someone already terminally online like most /lit/izens. It's feels more like she's explaining growing up with the internet to boomers than articulating the experience of our generation in some new and interesting way.

>> No.22277389

>and what have you done with your life?
I didn't read harry potter.

>> No.22277394

You'd have mocked Flannery O' Conner as a hick back in the day.

>> No.22277395

>generic book review #374

>> No.22277679

What does this even mean? As if self insertion and minimalist prose is inherently bad? You're the most boring kind of /lit/ poster, nothing to say but superficiality.

>> No.22277705

way way pinker

>> No.22277721

The bitch is at least 25, so just a late millenial. But you're still second, because I'm writing the first.

>> No.22277741

>They gave me bad marks
>must be the browns and the funny hat people
You earned those bad marks because you can't read, cockeyed fuck.

>> No.22277747

More than you, NEET faggot.

>> No.22277753

>We are not currently looking at unsolicited submissions for publication at Tyrant Books.
Sorry anon

>> No.22277790

>She actually has a pretty cool online presence
Absolutely nauseating sentence, faggot.

>> No.22277813

Imagine needing more than that

>> No.22278989

Honor is funny and I'll read her book (on my phone, which is what she would've wanted).

I wonder if the jump to a larger press has led to the contents being somewhat neutered, to sweeten it for normies. On the other hand, I assume this book has changed quite a bit altogether since it was first announced in, what, early 2021?

>> No.22279006

Do you even need to question whether or not things have been neutered? Her work has been released by a major press. It will contain nothing that challenges the norm. It's another literary stillbirth by definition.

>> No.22279023

he was

>> No.22279031
File: 58 KB, 720x687, FT7u29IXwAAKdCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As if self insertion and minimalist prose is inherently bad
>As if self insertion and minimalist prose is inherently bad
>As if self insertion and minimalist prose is inherently bad
>As if self insertion and minimalist prose is inherently bad
>As if self insertion and minimalist prose is inherently bad
>As if self insertion and minimalist prose is inherently bad

>> No.22279037

Wow anon, you're so edgy...

>> No.22279041

>Bennington college

>> No.22279050

could you define edgy and then justify your use of the term, please?

>> No.22279090

Send this to Penguin, brother.

>> No.22279297

she's catholic

>> No.22279301

youre jealous that your life will never be as kino as this anons

>> No.22279310

>haha we dont do that silly race stuff over here stupid americans
>t. lives in a 90%+ white area

>> No.22279312

>on the brink of collapse
>amid the sense of imminent catastrophe
This is more interesting to me than any whiny, entitled drivel coming from the younger generations. Why is it that we live in the most peaceful and prosperous period of human history but every person that is politically aware, educated and intimate with social media is fucking hysterical? Why do they see themselves as oppressed when they live better than anyone else ever has? Why are the younger generations so keen on mistaking their despair for actual collapse?

>> No.22279340

Seems alright, it's very Best Easton Ellis. Reminds me of James Ferraro or Ryan Trecartin too.

>> No.22279350

>why do the generations that were born around the biggest crisis in a hundred years, then went through a goobal pandemic, then another massive crisis and finally saw the real posdibility of WW3 show its face are obsessed with collapse?
Gee, anon, I don't know

>> No.22279352

>40 years on, the Bennington torch is finally passed from BEE to Honor
kino desu

>> No.22279393

>why do the generations [...] are obsessed with collapse?

>> No.22279419

You realize she's also friends with Tao Lin, who's been promotion her work? She's the real deal.

>> No.22279423

newfag detected, lurk moar

>> No.22279428

>biggest crisis in a hundred years
Lol what? What was bigger than the world wars?

>> No.22279590

ohhh promotion sir where can i redeem sir?

>> No.22279703

peaked, retard

>> No.22279724

I want to read your book

>> No.22279749

>the book of a generation
sounds like a more navel-gazing Less Than Zero rip off by a very inexperienced writer*

>*"I'd rather do Xanax than cut myself. No, I'd rather do Xanax then cut myself."
This is undergrad creative writing class it-came-to-me-at-the keyboard tier.

Whatever happened to editors?

>> No.22279751

It picked my curiosity up and powerbombed it through a glass table like in WWE. If you're actually interested in drivel like this you should burn your entire book collection.

>> No.22279794
File: 17 KB, 468x361, imout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's all I need to know.

>> No.22279812

>Jew is a Jewish nepotism product from Jew York #2. Jew graduated from Jew College in 2020. Jew's work has appeared in The Jew Yorker and the Jew York Tyrant and been anthologized in Probably Controlled by Jews.

>> No.22279820

seek help

>> No.22279825

>seek Jew

>> No.22279827

They're Christian, not Jewish.

>> No.22279877

This is true. Theres such a massive difference between pre-smartphone internet and the way people engage with it now, that they're different issues. Smartphone age would be more apt or even social media age, or the age of the algorithm.

>> No.22279881

i read her story "good boys" to get an idea of what all the buzz is about. &amp tier tbdesu

>> No.22279882

Broads ruined the internet, turned it into a fucking nigger's tea party

>> No.22280861

I met god, she's black

>> No.22280895


>> No.22280900

who do you think would win in a fight, her or Rupy Kaur (Rapy Haur)

>> No.22280901
File: 30 KB, 640x486, justice1689347524198469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Dropped with extreme prejudice like all other demoralizing degeneracy scribbled by filthy kikes," he spat, fists tightening around the axe handle as he raised the bloody weapon up once more for another swing.
The ratlike face, already ruined from birth by bad genetics, instantly became even more comically grotesque as the flat back of the axe head stove in the gory skull, eyes comically popping out with a splurge of blood. He looked once more at his handiwork; the shylock's visage seemed somehow improved... but his hatred was not yet satisfied (and, truth be told, would never be quenched, not even if he'd personally slaughtered every last edomite ten thousand times). Again, and again, and again he laid into the ruined cranium of the subhuman, until what was left of its head was a pulpy mass of shattered bone and gore, blood matted hair under a crumpled yarmulke. He breathed deeply as he stood over his work, admiring the results. The other jews were sobbing, knowing that they were next, praying to their false god for salvation.
"Salvation comes only through the grace of Jesus Christ... whom your goddamned ancestors MURDERED!"
He was on them in an instant, the bloody axe head glistening wildly in the light as it traced arc after arc into their broken bodies. He continued to use it as a hammer, wanting to spare the keen blade's edge for another task.
>t. least antisemitic writer on /lit/

>> No.22280937


>> No.22281144

I opened her twitter and even though I'm only 4 years older than her I have absolutely no fucking clue what is going on, what she's talking about or what it all means
I thought I was at least somewhat in tune with what the zoomers are doing online but this is just retarded, it's completely alien to me how anyone would waste their time posting the things Honer and the people she tags post regularly

>> No.22281232

>"I'm unable to recognize shitposting," he posted on the world's #1 shitposting website.

>> No.22281235

wait so it's just shitposting?

>> No.22281245

you're swimming in a current you can't keep up with, pops. quit while you're ahead and get back to shore

>> No.22281249

what would that even look like
I didn't recognize shitposting because I never shitpost even on /lit/, I come here to actually talk to people
am I ok?

>> No.22281252

You are fooling nobody quit mentally jerking yourself off in plain sight

>> No.22281254

Anyone who doesn't use Twitter to just blow off steam is a mark.

>> No.22281300

She posts in a detatched aloof style that "artists" like to use. It is just a new sameness to the usual lol random that pervades most artistic circles. It is a way to be a bully, that is all, and is usually a sign that their artistry is noting more that socio-political weaponry

Older than the hills but seems so new to people who only just learned how to walk

>> No.22281334

since I made a twitter just to be able to look at shit like this I have no clue what Western artists are like online so it's very interesting to me when you say that this type of thing pervades most artistic circles
why? does it have anything to do with them being products of postmodernism and as such loathe the idea of meaning and structure and just anything that isn't ironic/post-ironic trash?
>It is a way to be a bully
bully how

>> No.22281350

he's just making shit up

>> No.22281370

He's just salty that the cool girls at his high school didn't even look at him

>> No.22281392

I don't read big nose tribe.

>> No.22281420

she's cath..

>> No.22281428
File: 312 KB, 635x476, R (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honor Levy

what luck

>> No.22281474

>I don't read
We know.

>> No.22281479

>is a mark
Could you explain this insult to me? I've heard it but haven't nailed down the meaning. Also, would I be mistaken in thinking it is mainly used by blacks against other blacks? That's always how I've seen it used.

>> No.22281562

This is what I would write but with school shooters and shit. Im a couple years older than her but I believe I can do better

>> No.22281579

> detached aloof style
Good choice of words. I hate this style. It declares that everything is not worth looking into and that caring about something or having interests or love or sincerity is a bad thing. My guess is that its scared of taking risks so it just makes fun of those who do. There are loads of people like that, both young and old

>> No.22281603

Rupi Kaur beat you to it

>> No.22281627
File: 186 KB, 900x1200, D350ABB9-8863-4AD0-ABFE-D20EEA12CCEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks based and i will be reading this book. saged tho (advertising)

>> No.22281691

angelicism did it better

>> No.22281776

but he was an ugly nonce sooo

>> No.22281785

Rupi Kaur is the most honest form of this bitch, she is a more honest conduit of contemporary narcissism. This Levy is trying to write rehash of a 2012 alt lit rehash of a mid 90s rehash of Don DeLillo and not even bothering to update the style.

She looks like a tranny

>> No.22281800
File: 234 KB, 1200x2400, Doryphoros_MAN_Napoli_Inv6011_Schema-Contrapposto-chiasmo-ponderazione-Canone_policleteo-Doriforo_di_Policleto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are looking for a genuine opinion: she has some talent at writing but I fear what she has to say is ultimately uninteresting medicated e-girl shit 'ooh look at me i take drugs' bollocks. maybe has potential 10 years from now

>Levy says that she can only write at night, and while on Adderall, so the second time we speak on Zoom it’s 4am in New York. She’s sat in her dark room smoking Vogues because she’s lost her vape. She’s slightly dismissive of her book, laughing as she describes it as “just more stories about what it’s like to be a girl”.

>> No.22282371

>someone actually writes something