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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 179 KB, 1230x904, Screen Shot 2023-07-15 at 9.00.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22268822 No.22268822 [Reply] [Original]

Post an image and receive a literary recommendation.

>> No.22268889

Orestes by Euripides.

>> No.22268895

I'm just wondering why she needed to point out she's female.

>> No.22268899

because people simp

>> No.22268909 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 256x256, santacrucifixion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22268916

Why do whites love to cremate their dead all of a sudden?

>> No.22268963

I imagine she received some pushback and playing the female card was an easy way to manipulate people into agreeing with her.

>> No.22268976

hmm... probably /r9k/...

>> No.22268985
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>> No.22269036

May God have mercy on our souls for what we have done with this beautiful world

>> No.22269078
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>> No.22269085

Can Life Prevail by Pentti Linkola

>> No.22269086

My diary (im the monkey and society is the steel contraption)

>> No.22269087
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>> No.22269095
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>> No.22269111

"I'm Glad My Mom Died is a memoir by American writer, director and former actress Jennette McCurdy based on her one-woman show of the same name. The book is about her career as a child actress and her difficult relationship with her abusive mother who died in 2013"

>> No.22269228
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Brave new world

>> No.22269234
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>edit: i'm female
For some reason I immediately assumed as much.

Pic for thread rules

>> No.22269236

I’m Glad My Mom Died - Jennette McCurdy
How to Catch Santa - Jean Reagan
Congo - Michael Crichton
Bowling Alone - Robert Putnam

>> No.22269242

no longer human

>> No.22269280
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>> No.22269287
File: 666 KB, 1000x993, jeremy miranda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22269292
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>> No.22269295

imo its because theres no real connection to ones community so why would you want to be buried in "literally who cemetary # 48242" instead of having your remains spread somewhere sentimental and important to you

>> No.22269347
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>> No.22269365

>ima shit in her urn
say you're black without saying your're black

>> No.22269370

cremation is not a new thing for whites, it goes far back

>> No.22269372

nah this has trailer trash white girl written all over it

>> No.22269382

funny i’m actually reading Urn Burial (1658) by Thomas Browne and spent the last twenty minutes reading the history of exactly that.

>> No.22269386

do white people say "ima verb?"

>> No.22269388

If I were God I'd crush all you faggots under my foot.

>> No.22269390
File: 197 KB, 518x659, Arthur_de_Gobineau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the color of one's skin doesn't always match the color of one's soul.

>> No.22269413
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*squirms and squiggles in disbelief*

>> No.22269460
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it's cheaper. Burial comes with many costs for the plot, enbalming, the casket and the wages of everyone involved in the process. a country like the netherlands has most graves exhumed after 10-40 years to make room for burying others further incentivizing people to simply cremate their deceased

>> No.22269493

Why the downvote?

>> No.22269509

hate manlets
hate redditers
would've downvoted twice were I able to

>> No.22269527

>hate redditors
yet you use reddit enough to casually downvote
curious, my friend!!! curious indeed....

>> No.22269533

reddit has its nooks and crannies i like to lurk, doesn't mean i can't openly hate the other 99% of it.
just like humanity and life in general

>> No.22269539
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, my hog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so broody my insightful friend
have a reddit gold for your troubles, courtesy of a kind passing stranger
*tips fedora and rides off on my cool motorcycle to nirvana's "something in my ass"*

>> No.22269540

>thinks he is above reddit while using the systems in place the way they were intended to
>closes with a general remark about "dude humanity and stuff" like the midwit he is

>> No.22269546

Not a book, but a game, Fear & Hunger, particularly the second one.

>> No.22269559
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>> No.22269562

diary of a wimpy kid: rodrick rules

>> No.22269570

foucault's pendulum

>> No.22269574

>If I were God I'd crush all you faggots under my foot.
After God created a world in which organisms have a choice between eating each other alive or starving to death, he proceeded to create man "in his own image". God is the ultimate sadist and revels in each new horror mankind creates.

>> No.22269587
File: 833 KB, 1905x1073, Harbinger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wuthering heights by bronte
To the lighthouse by woolf

>> No.22269622


1442 points 10 months ago

fuck shitty biological mothers. im in urn-shitting solidarity

Top comment. The Platonic Ideal Redditors.

>> No.22269626

Haha yeah guys i only use reddit for the niche hobbyist communities i frequent
>browses /r/popular

>> No.22269649

Go back and stay back, nigger. Admitting to having an account there is enough to see how low quality your posts are. Posting a shitty screencap from that trash heap, like the OP, is fucking cancerous. I know for a fact these threads are almost always made to "discuss the image" and not actually receive book recommendations; none of you faggots making these tertiary off topic threads care about books or preservation of the board. Unironically kill yourself. All fields.

>> No.22269658

>lack of cemetery space and increased sanitation regulations
It's expensive to get permanent graves, most graves are made to be exhumed and whatever remains cremated after three decades because they know grandchildren won't bother with the costs. In most places at least close to urban areas it is illegal to just dig your own graves.
>modern distaste for the common grave
Poor people that can't afford cemetery space used to be tossed in mass pits but people have an issue with it today.
>a recent hygienist preference
Fire is "cleaner" than being eventually eaten by worms. Just look at how hysterical most people were during the scamdemic to see how far the hygienist mindset goes. You are likely to be treated as anti-social for not using deodorant, of course current year people won't accept putrifying corpses.

>> No.22269868
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>> No.22269877
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>> No.22269958

The Prince by Machiavelli
He fucking hated mercenaries, and for a good reason

>> No.22270145
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>> No.22270149
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>> No.22270167

bro the entire thread is actual book recs. chill the fuck out.

>> No.22270220

I don't like imagining myself rotting in the ground.

>> No.22270432
File: 734 KB, 960x1280, meatcube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their Four Hearts by Sorokin

>> No.22270762
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>> No.22271155
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>> No.22271179

>I'm just wondering why she needed to point out she's female
Most likely she was getting a bunch of shit like "I have no idea how a man could ever treat their mother like this..." or "You're a fucking weak loser OP, She BIRTHED you into life and you shit in her urn which she specifically asked to be sent to YOU after her death... I only hope that if you ever start a family with a wife and kids they all take turns shitting in YOUR urn you fucking psycho..." And when she plays her female card the response become more like "Oh, Well you still shouldn't do that. Thats your mom".

Basically pussy pass.

>> No.22271324
File: 44 KB, 640x453, 1687874944450800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Library of Babel by Borges

>> No.22271330

What is this?

>> No.22271340

She probably kept getting called he or people were calling her an incel. Either way she's right to hate her mother

>> No.22271404

Least mentally damaged redditor

>> No.22271452

You don't wanna know

>> No.22271472
File: 482 KB, 1454x1064, MELODY-OF-THE-NIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22271503

Ayn Rand

>> No.22271505
File: 272 KB, 1045x776, Screenshot_20230716_183419_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22271528

well now I wanna know so fucking bad

>> No.22271556
File: 1.74 MB, 3840x2160, 1643352170133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22271572

It may be cruel but we now know monkeys don't like having their throats crushed.

>> No.22271575
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Onions Green is people!

>> No.22271729
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Just a regular meatcube. Don't act like you haven't seen one.

>> No.22271732

Rose of the World

>> No.22271772

You're a redditor if you have an account there.

>> No.22271779

I hate animal cruelty but something about seeing monkeys tortured and hurt is so satisfying. Apparently I’m not the only one. Look up the comments for them on YouTube

>> No.22271786
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>> No.22271787

What am I looking at here?

>> No.22271796


>> No.22271804

>What is a search engine?

>> No.22271808
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>> No.22271831

What is it?

>> No.22271832
File: 738 KB, 960x1280, 16884639885731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thing that could never have been known as human, a
thing whose shape is so alien a travesty that humanity becomes more obscene for the vague resemblance

>> No.22271845

Heretics of Dune
There Are Doors
Confessions of a Mask

>> No.22271864

Like 1000 dead russian soldiers

>> No.22271867

Are those people?!

>> No.22271872

Very unlikely.

>> No.22271877

What is it?

>> No.22271880

you don't wanna know. trust me. just enjoy that you don't know.

>> No.22271884

>Two tons of frozen food were delivered to the animal shelter "Angel" in Shebekinsky Municipal District. However, it has not been possible to remove them from the road so far - there is no necessary equipment. As a result, the products thawed and gave Shebekinsky residents disgusting aromas

>> No.22271893

So compacted rotting meat. Unpleasant, but what is supposed to be so disturbing about that that it's better not knowing

>> No.22271898

Some people claim those are dead Russian soldiers, which is retarded for many reasons.

>> No.22271922

The Book of Rusty by Benjamin Drevlow. it's an indie book but it's dreadfully charming at its best moments

>> No.22271953

I assumed it was a dude until the last line but I don’t see how it’s relevant

>> No.22271981

Because he's taller than me and I don't like it

>> No.22272187
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, H6_grfSiEqf5NojUReRQklaoJG1OuLlZldmpMGiq9io.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22272401
File: 339 KB, 640x896, 1688347249502292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22272745
File: 187 KB, 1200x1102, Discipline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22272769

Peaceful wholesome Ukrainians

>> No.22272955
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The obvious one.

>> No.22272958
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Tomb for 500,000 Soldiers

>> No.22272959
File: 40 KB, 904x905, 1689524619112840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22273009

>my value isn't determined by my output
Engels & collaborator, Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy.

>> No.22273036
File: 55 KB, 653x653, 997tb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking rule of fives, it's real! God damn.

>> No.22273066
File: 3.97 MB, 3041x4226, Workshop_of_Master_of_the_Magdalen_Legend_-_The_Magdalen_Weeping_NG3116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22273074

Luther Blisset _Q_

>> No.22273102

Heart of Darkness — Joseph Conrad

>> No.22273130
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>> No.22273159
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>> No.22273175
File: 107 KB, 1029x590, QUOTE_KIERKEGAARD CLOWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22273190

>>History of the Conquest of Mexico & Peru, William Prescot
>that one guy's memoir from Cortez' campaign

>Game of Saturn, Peter Mark Adams
>Cult of the Black Cube: A Saturnian Grimoire
>Black Aether, David Chaim Smith

>the rockstar in Japan story in The Informers, Bret Easton ellis

>The Tanners, Robert Walser

>What Dreams May Come, Richard Matheson

>Simplicius Simplicissimus, Grimmelhausen
>Blood Meridian

>Omon Ra, Pelevin

>The Idle Warriors, Thornley

>The Hare, Aira

>> No.22273206

Gospel of John

>> No.22273209

The complete essays by Montaigne.

>> No.22273256

SBU/NAFO started the mobik cube meme, implying it's made of the remains of russian soldiers. It's quite hilarious but sadly, untrue

>> No.22273274

the picture was taken in Belgorod near an animal shelter, the original post was a complaint made by the people from the village this pic was taken. This 'meat cube' is animal carcasses and refuse donated by a local farm to an animal shelter. Cuckholes and /k/ trannies instantly began to force a meme that it's a... bunch of compressed human bodies?

>> No.22273296
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>> No.22273297
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>> No.22273307

fuck you nigger go back

>> No.22273942
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>> No.22275159
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The sea of Fertility series.

>> No.22275200
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>> No.22275262

Thanks bro

>> No.22276120
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>> No.22276198

>"I'm a woman, don't go treating me as a fully-grown adult."
Sounds the asshole didn't fall far [enough]...

>> No.22276505

This! So much this! Updooted

>> No.22276510

Typing the captcha in the comment section like a retard

>> No.22276511

women not being ashamed of admitting they shit is the best argument for why billions should die.

>> No.22276513

good post, will check it out

>> No.22276551
File: 406 KB, 1169x1600, F3FD1640-46A0-4B02-8ECC-4B0B14E250DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22276562

Lonesome Dove

>> No.22276567

also checked

>> No.22276865

He turned his head and spat.

>> No.22276900
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>> No.22277081
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>> No.22277090

Imagine being born just to suffer in pain and die
couldn't be me

>> No.22277099
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>> No.22277174
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it’s the trve Aryan way unless you’re getting a special barrow.

>> No.22277312
File: 67 KB, 624x366, 123911547--624x366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this is the alternative

>> No.22277384

sea of fertility

>> No.22277411

Portrait of an artist as a young man

>> No.22277414

Rhe Ego and Its Own.

>> No.22277416

The Clansmen.

>> No.22277419

Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.22277426

Heart of Darkness.

>> No.22277428

4.5x4.5 though

>> No.22277436

They would do the same to us if the roles were reversed

>> No.22277449

Idk what that is, but it reminds me of the part in Blood Meridian where they burn all the scalps so Imma say Blood Meridian