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/lit/ - Literature

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22266932 No.22266932 [Reply] [Original]

They’re always rapping about how much they like books and reading, but every time I inquire further about their alleged favorite hobby, they act like I’m some sort of freak

>> No.22266940

>women always talk about fashion
>how come they don't like men into fashion?
Because men who like what women like are faggots

>> No.22266946

Women like men who read and often assimulate their literary tastes in order to impress them (if they like you, of course). If they think you're some kind of freak, the chances are you are one.

>> No.22266949

They want to feel like they are better than others and a well-read man breaks that illussion.

>> No.22266952

women want to be fucked raw after playing prude for a few minutes. Imagine catering to the pleasures of those whores.

>> No.22266961

You're not getting any pussy by flexing that Pynchon knowledge.

>> No.22266965

You are doing it wrong, reading is all about what you can do with it. If you just say that you read and act shy, it won't work.

>> No.22266986



>> No.22266999

probably it's literally the first time they've been given the question about their professed "like" ever, and it was a bluff on their part all along; figuring nobody would ever bring it up, because.. obviously.. they don't read.

another example of the failed schools; some chick blathering about a dead author is the same as an intelligent man.

>> No.22267007 [DELETED] 

huh you want to free slaves? that's normally done, what a freak.

>> No.22267022


>Women like men who read and often assimulate their literary tastes in order to impress them (if they like you, of course)
That's kind of a turn off though.

>> No.22267031 [DELETED] 

You are presented with a division, visually and conceptually, as though before two walnut shells and asked to choose which of the two you are. Most choose the one that resembles them physically in the overall sense: if they are male, the father. If female, the mother. But, of course, since it is a binary, they may just as well choose the opposite for whatever nature or nurture unconscious reason. Ditto for a child who has reason to suspect, observe, or otherwise believe that there is a cleft or division in their racial or ethnic identity (as defined by their culture and the dominant ideologies and media). To wit, if the child has a parent of one race and another of a different then they are biologically or physiologically presented with a similar dilemma: which of the two do they most resemble: the father of race A, or the mother of race B. However here the decision is further complicated by the possibility that ipso facto they do not generally sufficiently or integrally resemble one or the other: so an instant lack is created, if not a fully formed dysphoria. Only a true hermaphrodite is presented with such a clear dilemma in matters of sex and gender (within the context of sufficient personal and wider social understanding). So in the Western racialized context, racial dysphoria is as old and as prevalent, if not more so, where racial parental divisions are given as sex/gender dysphoria. Indeed the former may be comorbid with if not causative of the latter in many instances, since both race and sex have treated as fundamental existential binaries in the West for centuries. Yet to deny the existence of racial dysphoria, as Western media is wont to do, is not even to wish for its inexistence (to not wish to give it "power"), rather, in the context of constant continuing racialization in the West, it is rather toe elide and thereby gaslight about its inexistence, allowing for the ideologies and institutions of capitalist plutocrat to more easily, because surreptitiously, manipulate, control, and perhaps even gender, to some extent, this very racial dysphoria, which either does not exist (an absurdity), or should not be discussed (another absurdity).

>> No.22267056

>some chick blathering about a dead author is the same as a man who reads books
It is, cope

>> No.22267060

I don't know, but that single button holding her in a sense of decency is driving me wild.

>> No.22267063

>but every time I inquire further about their alleged favorite hobby, they act like I’m some sort of freak
You're probably ugly or an incel who comes off as a freak for other reasons like not showering
I've seduced and dated multiple women through my interest in literature

>> No.22267064

.......what the fuck are you talking about? You're saying that the chick who says she "reads" and avoids men who "read" is waiting for a racial match before opening up and revealing her genius IQ?

.. that's dumb, but that's not going to happen anyway;

from your perspective: If the first conversation she ever has is with 'the one' then she has no practice and will come off like an idiot. Being smart isn't like a special thing, it's the difference between an empty cup and a cup filled with hot alcohol, it is either filled with good things or its not, and it's obviously from the first thing a person says.

>> No.22267069

as said: low IQ society, you probably think a homosexual telling a joke on stage is identical to a professor giving a lecture,"it's lots of words!" hahahaha

go find a job that involves shovels and get out of here

>> No.22267070

You are presented with a division, visually and conceptually, as though before two walnut shells and asked to choose which of the two you are. Most choose the one that resembles them physically in the overall sense: if they are male, the father. If female, the mother. But, of course, since it is a binary, they may just as well choose the opposite for whatever nature or nurture unconscious reason. Ditto for a child who has reason to suspect, observe, or otherwise believe that there is a cleft or division in their racial or ethnic identity (as defined by their culture and the dominant ideologies and media). To wit, if the child has a parent of one race and another of a different then they are biologically or physiologically presented with a similar dilemma: which of the two do they most resemble: the father of race A, or the mother of race B. However here the decision is further complicated by the possibility that empirically they do not generally, sufficiently, or integrally resemble one or the other: so an instant lack is created, if not a fully formed dysphoria. Only a true hermaphrodite is presented with such a clear dilemma in matters of sex and gender (within the context of sufficient personal and wider social understanding).

So in the Western racialized context, racial dysphoria is as old and as prevalent, if not more so, wherever racial parental divisions are given, as sex/gender dysphoria is. Indeed the former may be comorbid with, if not causative of, the latter in many instances, since both race and sex have been treated as fundamental existential binaries in the West for centuries.

Yet to deny the existence of racial dysphoria, as Western media is wont to do, is not even to wish for its inexistence (to not wish to give it "power"), rather, in the context of constant continuing racialization in the West, it is rather to elide and thereby gaslight about its inexistence, allowing for the ideologies and institutions of capitalist plutocracy to more easily, because surreptitiously, manipulate, control, and perhaps even engender, to some extent, this very racial dysphoria, which either does not exist (an absurdity), or should not be discussed (another absurdity).

>> No.22267073


>> No.22267077

see: >>22267064 damn frog poster

>> No.22267082

>homosexual telling a joke on stage is identical to a professor giving a lecture,"it's lots of words!"
both are impotent retards for other impotent retards to look up to so yes they're the same
cope harder

>> No.22267092

>rocket engineering explaining how to bild a starship
>the same as
>homosexual telling jokes on stage
>both are impotent retards for other impotent retards to look up to
wow, that's a horribly backward take, you need to have your brains blown out or set on fire as example to others.

>> No.22267104

How many starships have you built?

>> No.22267105

At last finally I see that the dilemma of trans if acknowledged to be true must be extended to entire societies and civilizations almost indistinguishably embodying something that they aren't

>> No.22267112

How’s Bud stocks doing?

>> No.22267116

Am I tripping or does that look like a man cosplaying as a woman? A tranny maybe? Someone please agree with me.

>> No.22267121

imagine tying to carry on a conversation with your executioner as a lump of smoking charcoal.

>> No.22267125

Retarded cope

>> No.22267130

You are correct.

>> No.22267136

Heh you really can’t say anything other than cope can you? You fuckin bellend lmao

>> No.22267150

Seething cope

>> No.22267176

Because you can't win with women.
Men who are more successful read.

>> No.22267197

Who cares what women like or don't like. They're scum.

>> No.22267211

My ex gf loved that I read a lot and even got interested in some of them and read them without me even having to shill them.

>> No.22267215

They like the idea of a well-read man. In reality they don't like some guy who spends hours on his ass reading Plato or Melville or whatever.
Similar to how many guys come to /lit/ to ask dumb shit like "I'm 32 and I want to get into reading but I can't concentrate for more than 5 seconds, what do I do?". They want the idea of being well-read but are broken brained dumb fucks.

>> No.22267227

My ex gf loved me so much that she loved to hear me talk about literature. She even pretended to read a couple of the books I liked.

>> No.22267256 [DELETED] 

Well that reads a bit essentialist. But if you take a country like Mexico, basically the dominant paradigm there is white, though most of the population is not clearly quite mixed, but unlike Hungary or even Turkey, they generally don't resemble Europeans very much at all.

>> No.22267263

Well that reads a bit essentialist. But if you take a country like Mexico, basically the dominant paradigm there is white, though most of the population is clearly quite mixed, but unlike Hungary or even Turkey, they generally don't resemble Europeans very much at all.

>> No.22267273

Just watched some nerdy booktuber giving book reviews and there were a ton of hot women in the comments saying how much they love his vids and have a crush on him

>> No.22267281

Thanks, bro. Please subscribe to my channel.

>> No.22267302

Doubt it. I post youtube videos reviewing far right books, mostly about politics but some philosophy and novels too, and I don't get many comments but from the ones I've got, not a single one has been from a woman, much less a hot one.

>> No.22267304

Link channel

>> No.22267313

I have to say, Dylan is starting to pass.

>> No.22267333

Far right ideologies make you an incel. they are chick repelant. If a girl sees you with any of that it is a redflag

>> No.22267343

Typo, lol
Well, they are women after all. They don't think for themselves. Don't be so picky anon.

>> No.22267375

>they act like I’m some sort of freak
it probably has nothing to do with the books you're talking about

>> No.22267497

I certainly do. Some of my favorite men in the world have been heavy readers.

>> No.22267510

>source: trust me, I'm a triggered leftard
Any woman worth going out with will take on your opinions eventually. If you're dating a pink-haired sjw dyke who screams about patriarchal oppression and nazis because you listened to jordan peterson and thought he made some sense then you need a better gf. You have the mind of a child.

>> No.22267519

You people really do see the transsexual bogeyman behind every rock and tree, huh?

>> No.22267523

Mexico is still in the age of the nationalities though, many such cases.

>> No.22267525

Are you trolling? Young women aren't going to spend time learning about Evola's tripartite spiritual conception of race or whatever. They're going to read some shitty romance that's popular at the time or some pseud book that a prof told them about. Do videos about the latest harry potter book or something.

>> No.22267533

>tranny thread
These people belong in work camps

>> No.22267536

Who in their right mind would want to get involved with an ideology that calls for them to be a second-class citizen? It goes against their rational self-interest.

>> No.22267538

There are so many trannies on 4chan, probably 100x over-represented on here. I saw a video of a child predator tranny getting caught amd exposed to his parents and he said he used 4chan.

>> No.22267540

Post your girlfriend then. Where is she anon? Has she taken the redpill yet?

>> No.22267544

But this was about the girl in the OP image, not a poster here.

>> No.22267546

>post your fiancée to 4chan
Tie the noose, tranny.

>> No.22267562

I've never seen someone here say he/she is a trannie. I only see chuds that bring them up out of nowhere.

>> No.22267581

That's not an argument. He's right, I dated a woman who became more racist and right wing after dating me for 2 years. My current gf was extremely racist when i met her, calling black people dumbs apes and niggers, redpilled on crime etc.

I would say a woman being a radical leftist social justice tard is more of a redflag than a male being "far right" (that label means nothing btw, parents who don't want gender theory indoctrination in schools are now called far right). The extreme right teaches "wholesome" values, the caliber of men in those movements is higher than the average. The average seripusly woke leftist female is a juvenile, mentally ill, spoiled-rotten brat.

>> No.22267587

>racist women

This type of women always hops on a black dick at some point. Women have a strange relationship with sex and often forms of self hatred bleed through

>> No.22267595

>The extreme right teaches "wholesome" values, the caliber of men in those movements is higher than the average.
Really? Seems to me like most of them are losers who want to feel better than someone on the basis of race because they can't feel better than anyone on the basis of actual merit.

>> No.22267601

Kek. Keep telling yourself that to cope, shitskin. Also learn English before posting you dumb barn animal.

>> No.22267606

>extreme right teaches "wholesome" values
anon... i've seen you guys post "nigger death" compilations. I've seen what you guys post on /pol/ it is half black people being gored, half BBC cuckold porn.

>> No.22267608

Your NPC peabrain can't be trusted for anything more than its vapid opinion on the latest netflix show. You're a bigot.

>> No.22267611

I don't even have a Netflix subscription.

>> No.22267615

Keep telling yourself whatever you want. I’m white and would never date a coalburner. The taboo forbidden fruit is always enticing. Most white girls wont touch a negro but whenever they go on and on being racist it’s just a matter of time and a red flag

>> No.22267622

>edgy troll posts made by leftists and mexican teens on /pol/ represent real-life Trad men
Keep judging the world from your computer screen.

>> No.22267625

kek gem

>captcha G0Y VV

>> No.22267634

>actual merit.
such as beauty, health etc
Lacking in 100% of lefties and 90% of righties
I hate america. Kill yourselves subhuman animals

>> No.22267637

BBC cuck porn is /pol/cels false flagging, trying to get anons riled up and join their cause

>> No.22267656

>trust me, I pretend to be a psychologist for women on 4chan while not being able to write correct sentences. I promise I'm white!
Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.22267670

No it's not, you unironic moron. It's fetish discords varying in size, full of trannies and shitskins, there are endless screenshots of them coordinating raids. How do you not know this?

>> No.22267671

Checked and absolutely this. A lot of individuals (but it is mostly women) will fold and deflect when pressed on their “interests” because they’re using them simply for a sort of social clout.

>> No.22267675

You aren't white, you're a shitskin coping with the fact that there are white women who see you as a subhuman. You make it up as you go.

>> No.22267676

That is literally the bud light tranny

>> No.22267680

/pol/ has false flagged screenshots too

>> No.22267693

Honestly I wouldn't have recognized her but for the username on screen but... okay, so it is. I'm not sure why I should care.

>> No.22267703

>no it's not my well-documented hatred sublimated into a humiliation fetish. it's the jews that did this

>> No.22267717

>n-n-no i-its fake!

You don't pass btw. Kill yourself, groomer.

>> No.22267729

Trannies will never be real women, and past 30 they grow even more masculine. It's over.

>> No.22267736

Cool theory, but you have no evidence. Meanwhile, there are endless screenshots of fetish discords full of shitskins and trannies raiding 4chan with this anti-white garbage. I could also show you twitter and youtube posts full of shitskins obsessing over this stuff and hating on whites. What evidence do you have? Nothing, so you resort to mockery.

>> No.22267741

Fuck you transphobic pos, go back to pol.

>> No.22267743

>past 30 they grow even more masculine
That's regulated by hormones, so if they're on a proper regimen of hormone replacement therapy they don't, and if they don't have testicles anymore they certainly don't. Most of the differences between male and female bodies aren't directly written into our genes but controlled by various genetic and hormonal 'switches'.

>> No.22267746

Even my near-blind mom has an easy time clocking trannies. She talked about every manly feature the new Miss Nederland (tranny) has.

>> No.22267747

How do trannies cope with the gay death? Even gays can't cope with it, but imagine trying to pass as a woman and still have a carefree tranny sex life as a 34 year old balding man with heavy facial lines. They'd look like Buffalo Bill. What's even the point in investing in "becoming a woman" if the good part of it only lasts the 5 or 6 years before you hit Buffalo Bill territory anyway.

>> No.22267749

Let's face it you stupid cross-dressing freak, most of you freaks don't make it to 30, praise the Lord.

>> No.22267757


>> No.22267758

Wishing death on people isn't very Christian of you.

>> No.22267763

The biggest problem with women is they’re such good liars or just mold themselves into whatever’s socially necessary. I never got which it is and I don’t really care. The upshot is she likes that you read as long as she likes you. When she decides she doesn’t your incessant reading was killing the relationship all along and you never paid attention to her. Likewise the fact that you remembered all the anniversaries and birthdays was the sweetest thing until she decided it was suffocating. You were the best boyfriend in the world until you were always abusive. Etc.
Once you go down that rodeo a few times the trouble is you stop believing them the first time.

>> No.22267769

>"Would you do fuck me?"
>I'd fuck me hard.

>> No.22267778

Yes it is, idiot. Satanic blasphemers must perish. Just kidding you fuckin idiot, I'm not Christian. Hahahaha.

>> No.22267779

>Just because the porn depicts racist beliefs, such as black men being violent, and promote the white genocide conspiracy theory, doesn't mean racists are behind the racist porn!!
Anon this shit is built for you guys, you can blame it on the left or whatever but the only ones interested in the white genocide porn are people who believe it is happening

>> No.22267788

Brilliant CIA-gaslighting game, this is how they got Ted Kaczynski.

>> No.22267791

Women are the original glowniggers.

>> No.22267792

So what is your religion? You alluded to believing in some kind of God.

>> No.22267801

They grow more masculine for the same reason women do, only worse. Loss of subcutaneous fat which is genetically coded is what gives you the soft features. Male bone structure (not reversible with hormones buddy) beneath that doesn’t help and kills the illusion faster.
I don’t really give a shit about trannies but it’s a shame many will get baited into it with false promises and delusional expectations. Oh well. We’ll have some counter pendulum swing in 20-30 years when enough people have been hurt. Remember that phase in the 70s when the psychologists wanted to normalize pedophilia which included the John Money trans pioneering and forcing siblings to simulate sex acts? The crazy just keeps whipping back and forth.

>> No.22267803

>Tell me what you believe in so I can try to think of a gotcha.

>> No.22267810

That is primarily the fault of "people" like you.

>> No.22267815

>Male bone structure (not reversible with hormones buddy)
It can at least be partially fixed if you let the ones who realize early enough transition early and not force them to go through the wrong puberty.

>> No.22267819

That's all just cope while you're trying (and failing) to defend your weak position. The main push for it comes offsite and inorganically from fetish discords full of trannies and shitskins, we have endless screenshots of this happening for years now. If you were correct, there wouldn't need to be coordinated raids, it would simply happen organically, but it doesn't. /b/ and /pol/ are constantly getting raided for years now.

Also, I can see the people on non-anonymous websites, the majority of them aren't white, and then there are a few self-hating white cucks and trannies. This makes perfect sense, since this is an astroturfed anti-white meme, i guarantee you most of the people posting the stuff on this are also nonwhite, and hate white people and white women for seeing them as lesser.

I find it hard to believe that you're actually this stupid. This is like people blaming everything on jews, except this time you're obsessed with pol.

>> No.22267823

Get to work on your wrists in a hot bath, anti-white trash.

Ya it's my fault you're a weak perverted coward whose afraid to go outside and still lives with his parents at 30 kek.

>> No.22267827

>Just kidding you fuckin idiot, I'm not Christian. Hahahaha.
careful anon, the corpse demons who are the object of worship of the christians might hear you and make you a possessed, pray to mars invictus that your ancestors spirits are steel-minded enough to tell them to piss off

>> No.22267833

When did I say anything about being either pro-white or anti-white? I think you're reading things into this interaction that aren't there.

>> No.22267839

Ah ok, you just seemed like anti-white garbage. You probably are unconsciously if you sympathize with leftist arguments.

Christianity is probably the best religion for the West currently.

>> No.22267850

What if I think that white people do not deserve to be either favored or disfavored relative to people of other races? Surely that's the most neutral position possible?

>> No.22267859

Ya you're right boomer. What tv shows are you currently enjoying?

>> No.22267864

>Christianity is probably the best religion for the West currently.
I disagree. The cult of faith in emotional non-reasoning; in belief itself, needs to be beaten to death, be it leftistism, christianity or anything resembling it.

>> No.22267871

None at the moment, I don't watch much TV. Why do you ask?

>> No.22267885

>The cult of faith in emotional non-reasoning; in belief itself, needs to be beaten to death, be it leftistism
Sjw leftism has already replaced religion, it's even more of a "cult of faith of emotional non-reasoning". Your post is midwit.

>> No.22267887

>Anon this shit is built for you guys, you can blame it on the left or whatever but the only ones interested in the white genocide porn are people who believe it is happening
This is true, by all science and all we know of the human mind:
1) animalization of blacks into objects of dumb violent lust (who would think of black people like this)
2) to see a tiny white girl brutalized and humiliated (who would find this fetishistic if not the person who all the time rages against it)
3) watching another mans penis (who would be into 'porn' in general if not the closet-fag)

We know. We all know.

>> No.22267890

Bluepilled normalfags with shallow thinking normally spend at least 45 mins a day watching shows and getting emotionally invested in them.

>> No.22267894

yeah big-brain monkey, i smash BOTH religion and leftism with same fist. being sure to kill all possible forms of problem mentality. you comply.

>> No.22267911

This is just coping after the fact. The posting is inorganic and raids are coordinated offsite by anti-white fetish discords. If what you say is true then it would happen organically without the need for endless shilling, but it doesn't, so you're wrong. It's also mostly nonwhites who watch it. And you're assuming that the average white person is degraded and animalistic to a pathological Freudian state, like a tranny or simian 3rd worlder, which is yet another error.

Your cringe-worthy amateur psychology is so typical of tranny pseuds (kys). I wish i had the screenshots saved on here to post, there's bnwo and many other smaller discords, but the former is pretty out in the open about their constant shilling of anti-whiteism. Then there are many twitter groups full of shitskins and troons as well.

>> No.22267919

You just said you'd like it if irrational/emotional religion was replaced by leftism, which is what's happening, and it's a much worse form imo

>> No.22267927

Also refuted by>>22267819
You're just samefagging to your own shitty post after you got btfo

>> No.22267940

Jokes in you, I got pussy by flexing that Houellebecq knowledge

>> No.22267990

i love how many boards on this site have this exact rant in a slightly different form depending on the board's topic

>> No.22268018

My girlfriend loves hearing me talk about what I'm reading. She was really interested in Blood Meridian in particular, but didn't want to read it since she doesn't read a lot and didn't feel like she would fully appreciate it. I'm getting her a copy of No Country For Old Men for her birthday since I figured that was a good place to start with McCarthy if you don't read much. I love her very much.

>> No.22268030

Don’t know what this thread is about but bbc porn is mostly watched by racists. The whole degradation thing is the appeal

>> No.22268031
File: 126 KB, 600x315, 939393938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP makes this shitty thread
>OP wonders why women think he's a freak

>> No.22268035

>You just said you'd like it if irrational/emotional religion was replaced by leftism,
no I didn't hahahaha fucking coon calls me a midwit and can't even read what is said before replying with its dumbass trigger reactions, I said, which you even quoted:
> The cult of faith in emotional non-reasoning; in belief itself, needs to be beaten to death, be it leftistism, christianity or anything resembling it.

>You're just samefagging to your own shitty post after you got btfo
not going to lower myself by dregging through your stormfront posting /pol/troon, I only jumped in a while ago.


oh, the gay shit? Yeah, Imean, you take it personally but nobody's talking about you i your shaved head ensemble, we're talking about the false-pious cunts who swear they're not at all racist, then who fetishize black people are inhuman sex monsters. You're too indoctrinated into the pol shit to recognize this immediately, but it's what's been talked about.

u talking aboot your briefs,chris chan, weknow we know

>Your cringe-worthy amateur psychology

You know, Kappy the Kike, if lefitsts didn't care so much for your feelings and your sexual hang-ups you'd be in a mental hospital and te'd be teaching kids about how insecure religious cultists created faggotry in their children inadvertently. We'd have a clean society. I'm just coming to you from basic psych well known and well documented and never refuted from the 1900's, along with the psych which regards homoqueers as a mental disorder created by fucked up parenting.

dum white coon don't even know who or what you're refuting, except when you here something sounding a little gay you think people are talking about you. it speaks volumes about where you are emotionally.

fucking hell

dum whit coon shut your mouth and shovel that dung for your paleface intellectual overlords, WON'T CHA

>> No.22268048

Most political power in the US resides in the hands of white Anglo Saxon plutocrats who promote antisemitism, surreptitiously, in order to disguise and whitewash their own power, which, of course, has been held by their kind for centuries.

These Anglo Saxon or otherwise Germanic and ancestrally-Dutch plutocrats love to create all manner of ethnic, racial, sexual, and gender divisions in order to keep the average American, who is still very much statistically white and working class, subsumed within a cave of plutocrat-designed distraction, wherein the menace comes from without, is non white, and most likely feminine and/or feminizing.

But, of course, if one has any understanding regarding which class of men has ruled America since its founding, how they perceived themselves and how they machinated to guard their class position against the "common rabble", it becomes absolutely clear that the origins of America's dysfunction are a result of the very class of men who squashed the Whiskey Rebellion, and every working class uprising or mass strike onward, and such men were and remain as white and Anglo-Saxon as they come.

The problem which you misperceive becomes acute when a plutocratic racist society is nearing the end of the blank, when the frontier has closed, when the only external "menace" to the US has ceased to be, and so whereupon the politico-industrial might of the white working class can be methodically disbanded by disbanding industry itself and sending it off to China.

But those that made the Machiavellian decision to send it off to China were not the Shylock sort, whose power (to the degree they have any) is held in the capacity of an entirely rational, if somewhat exposed, comprador vis a vis the former, but rather the descendants of the very Boston Brahmins who "opened up" China the first time around and never forgot the uncountable riches afforded to that very select circle of Anglo-Saxon Americans as a result.

The kooliefication of the American white working class is simply an inevitable outcome of the lessons "trading" with China has imparted across two centuries to this august stock of noble and enlightened men: whalers, sailors, merchants, traders, thence factory owners, bankers, philanthropists.

Look not to the foreign Abramanic sort, when you have had the native *Brahmin* ruling over you for many centuries, and who, at most, has mixed with the former. The example was set by the latter, for all those that he has deigned to come after, by his conscious and methodical leave.

To wit, by the artificial development of migratory human patterns and latterly by the pattern of sending industry migrating off to China and elsewhere outside the US in turn, in order to deprive the "rabble" of any sense of a rival mass of class power. No "rabbi" came up with that idea, but a "Brahmin."

>> No.22268051

no common woman can connect to what men read, the rare woman who can is usually mid or worse, the rare woman who is pretty and well read is most likely insufferable or damaged

>> No.22268065

Top kek look at this low IQ schizo shitskin chimping out after getting BTFO.

Dude he refuted you and now you're seething, go back to your anti-white tranny discord, you dumb crossdressing nigger. You're too unhinged to even engage in a debate here.

>> No.22268069

>Most political power in the US resides in the hands of white Anglo Saxon plutocrats who promote antisemitism,

>> No.22268075

you are brainwashed moron

>> No.22268078

I suspect there are more unsavory aspects to your character that perturb women (and other normies). Moreso than you're letting on.

>> No.22268079

>Most political power in the US resides in the hands of white Anglo Saxon plutocrats who promote antisemitism
The US is run by Zionist jews who put billions of dollars into fighting anti-semitism. Show me how the establishment promotes anti-semitism, you can't.

You're such a fucking retard, nobody is going to even bother reading your long effortpost, you know that right?

>> No.22268083

Not an argument. You're a bluepilled retard who believes what the tv and government says, you're a slave.

>> No.22268181

>he refuted you
lol you ... i ... you can't just pretend I'm the person you were talking to in some other argument, if you're training your brain to think that this is how you debate anything you're in for a fucking shock when you leave the house, faggot.

sorry sorry, let's stick with what you are:

dum white coon, take your brain medicine

>> No.22268190

chimping out baka
Why don't you conjure up an actual direct response to the things said to you, retard? Pretending people are "niggers" for laughing at you and refuting your delusions about them being niggers (cos you had no argument to begin with wtf) is dum COON shit, low IQ, turd in your underpants, blithering spastic nonsense.

you require a knife in your pancreas.

>> No.22268200

This. It is crazy how some guys are shocked they can’t get pussy. Then they burrow themselves deeper and blame women

>> No.22268201

>The US is run by Zionist jews
who are just white german bastards who woke up one day and declared they were the ancient hebrews.

>nobody is going to
neh I did. And I mostly agree with the sentiment. I don't think your difference matters, since you, as a lying low IQ piece of fucking garbage who needs burning alive in a pit, are the same as the zionist jews you blame for everything wrong with you.


>> No.22268209

Women in the west are disgsing retards with psychopathic disorders who are garbage by comparison to women from elsewhere.

notice how it's always an avoidance of the actual complaints and a making-up of childrens tier positions, and you wonder why men beat up women lol

>> No.22268216

come to think of it, I've never found a white woman who has ever been able to admit that other white women are retards and the culture of women is shit. Why is this so hard? I'm happy to admit that the culture of men in the west is shit, for instance, it's stage 1 of being able to fix a thing, to admit it needs fixing.

Just a thought. It is strange to find not even a tiny trace of acceptance of this amongst Women in .. this/our/whatever most of the west.

>> No.22268218

The lack of self awareness…or troll?

>> No.22268231

>/lit/ is for incels

This thread is an example of what no pussy does to a mf’er. Kek

>> No.22268234

..there's almost no point taking you seriously, pink overalls worker dude, you're riding on beta. If you were a real Man with good taste who was interested in actual Women, you wouldn't be white knighting for invisible twat.

spoiler: they'll never fuck you no matter how much you shill for them. they'll fuck me and i don't even like them. so fuck you.

>> No.22268244

Just because you can’t get laid doesn’t mean that’s true for everyone. I have no issue with women. Perhaps it is our attitude that is the difference. Why should a woman fuck you?

>> No.22268253

i never even vaccinated retard. But you think you are so smart and special because you believe everything you read on /pol/ or spoken by some grifting swine. You are part of hivemind so sad you dont see it

>> No.22268258

why do you insist on coming into threads talking about women and saying over and over that the people can't laid? it's really fucking old.

You're doing what leftists do when people try and talk about labor, "you hate foreign people," no cunt, that's not what anyone has said.

>> No.22268261

Why are you on a literature board screeching about women? Shoo

>> No.22268271

No need to lie. You are a retard who sees no middle ground between a white knight beta and typing paragraph long women hating screeds on the literature section of a Tibetan yodeling site

>> No.22268292

>a Tibetan yodeling site
HAHA YOU! The basket weaving forum guy, MAN you are just a faggot wherever you go, always found taking the most insane positions.

>You are a retard who sees no middle ground between a white knight beta and typing paragraph long women hating screeds
That doesn't even make sense. You're the only one here provoking people, as you're well aware. Man, I've run to you so many times guy, I wouldn't be surprised if you're that Alexander of Cremona guy on wattpad who wanted to 'discuss my book'. For a person of supposedly literate capacity you need to break off with this shit-postin addiction of yours, I'm angry enough to stab random neckbeards who say "kek" over the things you say on here. It's not that you're saying anything valid, it's just the sheer repetition of nonsense.

>> No.22268295

Kek. So you’re a schizo too?

>> No.22268315

You kind of raise a good point, inadvertently though, there's not really any reason for me to be here defending actual incels - except I dont' think they exist - only that the internet is like a fucking dumping ground for any and all positions on sacred cow issues. Sad comment is that there's nowhere that this subject even can be discussed, on any level whatsoever without the thread being hijacked with the same kind of garbage accusations.

From my point of view, feel free to pretend i'm a nigger and dismiss everything i say, I'm a grown man with a fairly good track record with women who has realized that there are things very much wrong with women in the west; from the minor things to the overtly sociopathic, and when I thought to remark on this I'm lumped in as if I'm a angry teenager who "is angry" he "can't get laid" - that's not even close to the truth. No matter what's said, and this is how any comment about women is treated. SURPRISE NIGGER that this CREATES misogyny.

That's probably the intention though.

one more reason we need to ban anonymity.

>> No.22268328

You don't really want me to nab your IP from your wattpad and have you surprised on the toilet by armed police, do you Alex? I'd stop doing this shit if I were you. You have no idea what I can do to your life lol

mr kek tibetan basket weaving forum dude

>> No.22268348

/r9k/ is the place for that. What I don’t get is why so many threads here are complaining about the state of the west or whatever. If you ain’t posting about a book take that shit elsewhere. This board gets worse and worse every time I come

>> No.22268358

Oh noes!! Please don’t!!! You need meds. The other anon was right. It’s time for anonymity to end. I’d love to see how many posters are here and their habits

>> No.22268435

Grow up

>> No.22268437

>you’re freak if women say you are!
Women are worse judges of character than men are by far. They love dating guys who beat them to a pulp and then come back for more. They’re a meme.

>> No.22268440

Too bad it doesn’t ultimately matter. Men are physically stronger.
>inb4 “it’s against the law, retard!”
That doesn’t matter either

>> No.22268449

Which you wouldn’t know anything about. It’s perfectly acceptable to be violent towards evil.

>> No.22268453

Tell me how I know you’re an Asian leftist…I’ll wait

>> No.22268458

>who sees no middle ground between a white knight beta and typing paragraph long women hating screeds
How would you know where the middle ground is, given you haven't actually read any of the "long women-hating screeds?" I don't even think you're smart enough to understand the word "hate" in the first place quite frankly.
If you'd actually paid attention you'd know that legit woman-hating rhetoric is relatively rare and frequently ironic. When it does appear it's always succinct(blunt or sarcastic), never a screed. Anyone taking the time to make a long post about it on /lit/ is usually thoughtful, reasonably honest and not hateful at all.
>defending actual incels - except I dont' think they exist
They definitely exist. But the internet stereotype of an "incel" based on the most extreme/pathetic loserforums is not common at all. Tards like the guy you responded to are just engaged in try-hard stereotyping.
>one more reason we need to ban anonymity.
The reason that faggots' tactics don't work here is because of the anonymity. Anonymity has pros and cons anyone coming down hard against it is retarded.
>there are things very much wrong with women in the west
They are just being women. The problem is that men have failed them and the system is set up to make this failure a near certainty. To put it another way: female suffrage and its consequences have been a disaster for western society.
>this CREATES misogyny.
By the modern faggot meaning of misogyny. where is means anything said or suggested about women that feminists don't like, it's more accurate to say nature creates misogyny. Misogyny of this sort is an inevitable consequence of biological reality.

>> No.22268465


>> No.22268466

It's the grown-ups who know what women are really like.

>> No.22268484

Well yeah, communities with a shared common ancestor and shared members are all going to react similarly to near-identical astroturfed outside influence campaign.

>> No.22268496

>one more reason we need to ban anonymity.
You first. Go ahead and post your name, address and phone number.

>> No.22268517

Ya know what a trip is? Mmmhhmmm

>> No.22268595

You know, maybe we could do some kind of interview of something. I am curious what you 'think' you're doing by trolling on these dumb positions, you're almost like the only y here doing it ...i could be wrong about that but I don't think so. I know we've spoken hundreds of times before (massive exaggeration, maybe 10, maybe 15) and that you certainly are doing this, even if you're not the only one; it's a minority. anyway I'll be in touch on your wattpad when I get around to it.

NIGGA GUESS WUT I wrote a BOOK 2 from that thing you were interested in. yey busy busy busy

>The problem is that men have failed them
partly - although that itself is a white knight mentality where women are excused from culpability; low expectations.

>They are just being women.
Strongly disagree. It's a white western woman thing, I've traveled and lived with women from other places and it's generally just them (white women from the west). I get it, to some extent why and how they're like this today, but I can't stand the clowns who simp and white knight over this; it's only increased with the invention of the incel label, concurrently, interestingly, as if "all along" this was what men were trying to say. Starting with MGTOW, thinking back to honeybadger.. ... then again, betaboys have been simping for gross whores for centuries, they pretended to believe the accuser when she said she was turned into pig by the woman nextdoor, and when the ugly lady claimed to be raped with the eyes of a black slave, etc. On a baseline level a certain percentage of men are just chemically primed to play the suicide-trooper for women. It really is no mystery to me why women are in the position they are in, and how men are almost mentally or linguistically incapable of shutting down the games women do - which haven't changed at all in a few centuries; comparing the woke mob to the lunch mob and the witch burning mobs, same social causes, cognitive processes, same people in every era.

>They definitely exist.
Do any of the other labels exist though? Every seeded political label I can think of has been a press construct to mitigate and dismiss the feedback and discussion of the general public on one issue or another, by spinning the discussion as if it's (some negative association); like how labor or immigration can't be discussed for racism.

>The reason that faggots' tactics don't work here is because of the anonymity. Anonymity has pros and cons anyone coming down hard against it is retarded.
Possibly, ... I do think the agitprop (fake comments) would be impossible to do, along with the false accusation, people would be forced to actually explain what they're getting at without resorting to dumb shit posts. ha nvm, this is far off-topic for this thread, and a pipedream anyway; nobody will accept the state solution to this and the politics requires the disorder and invisibility to maintain the delusions of the narrative.

>> No.22268597

>n a press construct to mitigate and dismiss
or malign and dismiss, rather. Like all propaganda: to give the people who don't want to think a good narrative to run with to excuse themselves from thinking.

>> No.22268602


>> No.22268610

Just make sure to call me a nigger so I know it’s you
This site would unironically be better if everyone was forced to don a tripcode. The course has been run and the pro’s of anonymity have dwindled and the con’s are prevalent. It would be good if there was accountability and anons couldn’t just recede into a homogeneous mass. Cancerous anons would be easily spotted too

>> No.22268628
File: 69 KB, 400x300, mustnotfap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you got a hard-on for a dude is why. I miss the old days when a man with tits could only get them from surgery, you could tell right away and save yourself some grief. Today's tranny tits from hormones look a whole lot more squeezable and not gross, it'd a lot easier to get past the point of no return.

>> No.22268642

Who was he?

>> No.22268668

The guy who there's a thumbnail of in the OP in a different thread about booktubers. Jacob Graham Sponga

>> No.22268694

I don't use /pol/ you dumb nigger

>> No.22268700

You are such a seething stupid pavement ape. White power, nigger.

>> No.22268723

>Ya know what a trip is?
Still a form of anonymity, according to the definition all these anti-anon posters use. There's nothing stopping someone from using multiple tripcodes across multiple different threads, or even in the same thread.

None of these things are solved with tripcodes. Just use Reddit or Twitter or whatever if "a lack of accountability" bothers you so much.

>> No.22268743

Only by a man who is worth being railed by
Think about who you'd willingly open your legs for if you were a woman. Become that man.

>> No.22268753

It's more of a cherry on top kind of deal for most people. If you're a confident masculine individual you will be attractive and being a reader will only make you more attractive in her eyes. But she won't ever like you because of reading alone. Your situation is not much different from how a pudgy girl who loves literature might wonder why bookish guys don't go for her.
The rare exception to this is a girl who is absolutely obsessed with books to the point where they comprise 90% of her thoughts- in this case a man being into books will probably be a big plus, but you and I are probably not smart or interesting enough for a girl like this to feel intellectually stimulated.

>> No.22268780

It seems the solution here is to reject the preformed identities of white and black, in the biracial case, and accept your role as a kind of founder or pioneer of an intermediate, but unique form.

>> No.22268782

>that itself is a white knight mentality where women are excused from culpability
No, it is not a white knight mentality. Trust me, I know this shit way better than you do. I know that it can be used in arguments in that manner, but that is not what I am doing here. I'm just pointing out the truth. Women (as a group) need constraints and guidance. Usually that has to come from men.

Women (as a group) do constrain themselves, but without a tradition of (eg) wise matriarchs setting oppressive rules for younger women, the constraints aren't going to be very stable. Women have basically a hivemind where they're in continual conflict with each other to establish and reinforce acceptable behavior norms (eg Girl Code). Each woman pushes for the unwritten ruleset most favorable to her and they arrive at elaborate compromises. It's a continual process. In traditional societies you have strong conservative influences limiting the volatility of these rules. In the west, these have been eliminated, swept up in a whirlwind of chaotic media-driven fluctuations, heavily influenced by base, short-term economic and political interests.

You can't just complain about women being women and expect them to shape up on their own.

>Strongly disagree. It's a white western woman thing,
It's a white western woman thing because that's the environment where restrictions have been lifted and that's where progressive propaganda has been allowed to fester unchecked. Women have had fully equal social standing for four generations now (maybe 3.5 if you count boomers as a partial since the church was a lot stronger during their youth). No other societies pretend men and women are fully equal or prize female agency to such an extreme degree.

It's fairly easy to see that non-white women raised in the west behave just like white women unless they have an oppressive/moderating influence in their life (eg they grew up with immigrant parents)

>Do any of the other labels exist though?
What does that matter?
Incel means involuntary celibate. It means a male who desires, but is unable to successfully mate. The term is meant to include coupled men who are denied sex by their partner and was not meant to be a permanent label. It was not a press construct,

> I do think the agitprop (fake comments)
agitprop is more than just fake comments.

>> No.22268823

White women are the only female demographic to consistently vote right in the West.

>> No.22268846

>(eg they grew up with immigrant parents)
I've know nonwhite females with immigrant parents who are the most insane whores, doing coke and getting gangbanged at 15.

>> No.22268974

Because they like the idea of it, see how they will rant and rave about stuff like dark academia as an AESTHETIC
But they either know deep down, or realise soon after interacting with these things they say they like, that every man who seriously reads subscribes to some form or other of hoe-scaring political extremism and/or is somewhat mentally ill

>> No.22269021

Both of them, right?

>> No.22269022

GF who can't pronounce Moshfegh
BF who can't pronounce Houellebecq

>> No.22269028

nobody gives a shit about politics if you're hot enough

>> No.22269051

>I'm not sure why I should care
Because you wanted to act all smug in your previous post, fag. Stand in it, coward.

>> No.22269054

You're out of your mind. Tits from hormones ALWAYS look like lopsided traffic cones. Go on /tttt/ and ask them.

>> No.22269064
File: 229 KB, 640x734, hi juden peterstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one more reason we need to ban anonymity.
Go on then, juden peterstein lover, post address.

>> No.22269298
File: 170 KB, 768x960, IMG_8651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you end up in the Jazz (tv show) situation of being castrated pre puberty which means you have no normal sexuality, urges, never experienced an orgasm and probably never will. Oh and you also have a baby dick which means they can’t use the inside out dick sock method for constructing the “vagina” and have to use the colon (you poo from there) as the tube for the “vagina”. This combination of tissues does not want to stick together that well so expect complications including ruptures and a distinct fecal smell from the colon’s mucus lining. Most of this was documented in that I Am Jazz show btw.

Now you never get this level of reality check from the official debates and that’s a big part of the problem. Parents and kids are sold a bill of goods when it comes to how well this shit is supposed to work and what medical science can do. People STILL spread the lie that hormones can be suppressed and that it’s reversible and harmless even though all European countries reversed course on that. It shouldn’t be surprising since a stalled puberty itself is a serious medical condition we treat because of the harm it can do. Your body only has a limited window to hit a normal puberty. We’re back to the permanent baby dick issue for people who reversed course too late, not to mention the mental effects which are less visible but just as bad.

>> No.22269339

Maybe /lit/cels are just repressed homosexuals

>> No.22269345


>> No.22269349

>reviewing far right books
>I don't get many comments
>not a single one has been from a woman
Gee, I wonder why.

>> No.22269350

Not everyone is an NPC like you are.

>> No.22269674

How come OPs don't like making literature threads? Fuck off.

>> No.22269682

>ust use Reddit or Twitter or whatever if "a lack of accountability" bothers you so much.
Then you deal with the censorship on bullshit drama politics, and the gang-voting, that's not organic.

>I've know nonwhite females with immigrant parents who are the most insane whores, doing coke and getting gangbanged at 15.
That's not what we're talking about though, that's a normal night-out for me as a teenager and those whores are probably cool people, we're talking about the day-to-day lunacy of white women and their culture: can't be bothered to type out a list and you already know anyway

>No, it is not a white knight mentality.
>I'm just pointing out the truth. Women (as a group) need constraints and guidance. Usually that has to come from men.
Well it's an advanced form of it - I don't disagree all that much btw, but (your solutions) are 1) not going to happen, and 2) lends itself to the atrophy of a womans brain (as esthar vilar concluded) which create the problem in the first place, that is: women are perfectly capable of reason but they're prevented from ever practicing it by being coddled by the shit culture.

>You can't just complain about women being women
But I'm not. I see women from other societies looking in disgust at white western women in sort of the same manner the pol crowd on 4chan looks at american niggers; partly there's a educational benefit going on, to keep up standards in the own-group, partly it's natural repugnance and comedy, but whatever it is those 'other women' are able to avoid (all of these things we're talking about) by seeing, as we see and understanding completely, that white western women are terrible.

So it's not "all women" as leftists and rightists claiming, and "all women" are not like that.

>It's a white western woman thing because that's the environment where restrictions have been lifted
I agree for the most part, but the problems predate modernity by a long way; the male gaze and fake rape claim existed over 100 yrs ago as the reason of lynchingdem blacks in yankeeland, and the false accusation of women by other women goes back to the torture and witch-burnings. Notice how the male brain refuses to process the identical role of the identical female of similar ethnicity, and so has a culture which was forced to invent whole politics to explain away those things as having other causes.

>>Do any of the other labels exist though?
>What does that matter?
Of course that matters. The only use of the false label in the human society (for centuries) is to identify something legitimately being discussed in the public to stick a negative association onto it to malign the speakers and prevent the discussion from taking place. If 99% (this is my reasoning anyway) like me are being falsely called 'incel' for discussing the subject of "women in the west"; and this being spun as "angry can't get laid" then the incel category is a fiction, like the mythological KKK dude, etc.

>> No.22269702

>>Do any of the other labels exist though?
>What does that matter?
Also, you know, this is very much Brave New World in the reasoning process (of the label as it's used, if we take it seriously).

The claim, which I argued is a fiction, is that men are only concerned and speaking because they can't be a part of the "wild hedonism" and if they could; if fat mary opened her stinking arsehole for them, they would immediately be content, and the problems like: labor, wages, housing, war, government, media, liberty (everything going on in reality) would no longer bother them; that they would be cum-drunk and no longer looking at the world. That is the claim being made.

I can only think that it comes from actual virgins whose brains are so soft that being fucked actually produces a kind of stroke for them, and they lose their minds, something not really evidenced in reality.

Whereas... again of the claim itself ... if you were a young guy in 1900 or 1800 or 1400 you'd probably go your entire life dying young never having had sex or anyway being exposed to multiple partners, and you wouldn't have "gone crazy" over it (maybe you would, maybe that's what bad religion was all about haha) - but it's almost species norm, is my point.

lot of things wrong with Le Label anyway from a scientific intellectual basis,
but the last time I typed this out the thread got nuked so.. let's see if that happens again..

>> No.22269826

well yeah I don't mean every girl with a restraining influence turns out well. There are many reasons why it can fail (or backfire eg Asia Carrera)

>> No.22269832

i read a lot and my wife loves me a lot

>> No.22269856
File: 819 KB, 1601x2047, jewsMediaKanye1674360631050036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most political power in the US resides in the hands of white Anglo Saxon plutocrats
even the dumbest Black ooga-booga musicians know more than you do

>> No.22270017

>kanye takes your side
>kanye loses billions of dollars
>gets called dumbest black ooga-booga by you

Neh nigger, all of those so-called Jews are White Germans or White Georgians.

>> No.22270089

Kill yourself tranny faggot

>> No.22270140

Whatever happened to 'love thy enemy' and 'turn the other cheek'?

>> No.22270156

>because you got a hard-on for a dude is why.
You assume I care. (You assume that I ever even had a hard-on to get, for that matter.)
>I miss the old days when a man with tits could only get them from surgery
So... like, some time in the early 20th century? Because that's when transgender hormone therapy was first administered, and I doubt you were alive then.

>> No.22270165

It depends on a lot of factors. Progesterone can help.

>> No.22270172

I'm not advocating for puberty blockers, I'm advocating for ordinary hormone replacement therapy, the same as adults get, starting from the age of natural onset of puberty, so as to induce the puberty of the opposite sex instead. I agree puberty blockers are a bad idea.

>> No.22270874

pardon me for stating the obvious, but what in junos cunt does this have to do with the topic?

>> No.22270883

Hey don't look at me, I'm not the one who started it by posting transphobia.