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22263654 No.22263654 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished Anabasis by Xenophon and it really evokes a sense of wanderlust. Are there any other nonfiction works like this about going vast distances and encountering new things?

>> No.22263658

something about that girls face makes me think she has a hint of jew blood in her

>> No.22263660

Kel you posted this on /tv/

>> No.22263664

Watership Down (no joke)

Yes it is nonfiction

>> No.22263665

Because of 9/11 making getting through security ass, airlines becoming greedy and cost cutting by removing leg room, 2008 recession making everyone poor and every government imposing restricitons because of covid.
Also your pic is why travel is no longer kino: influencers made travel one of the grossest examples of conspicuous consumption in society + people being disappointed because travel NEVER looks that good in person

>> No.22263669

We don't have travel kino anymore for the same reason we don't have kino anymore: it has been commodified and turned into another conspicuous consumption/leisure activity for the supet rich
Gone are the days when you could make a film about a relatable, average guy going somewhere exotic and feeling the sense of discovery and wonder about the world, now its all about LOOK AT ME, HAVE I FAILED TO MENTION I'M A TRUST FUND NEPO BABY TGAT SPENDS 5000 DOLLARS PER DAY IN BALI HAVE I MENTIONED I'M RICH YET?

>> No.22263671

Because you are afraid of life.

>> No.22263673

Let me break down the problem
1. After 9/11, the TSA has upped security at the airport, making GETTING on the plane a deeply unpleasant experience as you're frisked like a common criminal
2. The WAY we travel is shit in itself, hopping on a metal tube packed like sardines forced to sit for hours is ass
3. Mass tourism has been an unmitigated disaster that ruins the experience for everyone. Who the fuck feels seeing the Mona Lisa at the Louvre is unique and special when they're surrounded by a thousand chink tourists gawking and taking pictures like idiots
3. Airlines have slowly been downgrading and removing features like leg room, snacks and in-flight movies. Greedy niggers
4. Tourism has gotten too big, tourist traps hace sprung up everywhere. You have to loolook l really hard to find some place that has been commercialized to hell
5. I cannot overstate how much influencers have ruined travel. Influencers don't travel, they get paid to shoot commercials in exotic locations.
Imagine making a movie that is nothing but 2 hours worth of ads for toutist destinations, that's what "travel" has been into by influencers
6. Governments everywhere have enacted restrictions, making getting anywhere a pain. Westoid countries demanded vaccine passports at one point, fuck that shit

>> No.22263681

Problem is travel like that us unattainable for like 99.99% of the population.
Travel for the average pleb is being an incel in foreign place renting a shoddy Airbnb instead of being an incel at home

>> No.22263684

Having a kino life is off the table for the average person, you can't make a good travel movie when most of the audience knows that's it bullshit aince they're traveled and realized it looks nothing like in the movie

>> No.22263692

Check out 'Sailing Around the World Alone', its about a dude who made a boat and off he went. Good stuff.

>> No.22263700

I spent every summer of my college years traveling the world and visited 6 of the 7 continents and I came from a lower class background. It was not difficult to manage, I saved my pennies and lived cheap.
He did not build his boat, he fixed up an abandoned fishing boat.

>> No.22263735

What did year did you graduate?
You simply can't ignore the socio-economic factors that make contemporary travel a very ugly experience.
OP is better off reading books than actually getting out of the house nowadays.

>> No.22263846

2017 and I did it for 7 years, the summer before college, through college and the two summers after college, would have done it a few more times if the shutdown didn't happen. Right now it would be easier than ever, there are more jobs than workers and most every week I get a flyer in the mail for somewhere that is hiring and paying well, just the other day I got one from Kwik Trip who has a starting wage of $25/hour for 3rd shift. I mostly worked minimum wage jobs which had tips and saved every penny of those tips for the summer adventure. I rented rooms in houses with college kids for cheap rent and saved every penny I could.

You are just making excuses to validate living in your hole.

>> No.22263852

>2017 and I did it for 7 years, the summer before college, through college and the two summers after college
err, 6. Didn't notice the typo.

>> No.22263867

No, it was 7. lol, had to go through all the trips to figure it out.

t. humanities sort

Also, it is really fucking hot.

>> No.22263874
File: 241 KB, 446x695, Diaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Conquest of New Spain by Diaz
Explorers accounts collected and published in translation by the Hakluyt Society (most available online for free now), like Vasco da Gama etc:

>> No.22263906

Travel has meant a lot less since the advent of photography. Travel in classical times would have been dangerous, time-consuming, and genuinely enlightening.

Global-homogeneity has turned every major urban center into a kind of disneyland. People are largely just the sum of social media trends anymore. Instagram has even transformed natural wonders into the town whore. Nowhere is sacred, it's just a bunch of pigs lined up to take selfies to convince themselves they couldn't possibly have wasted their life. Taking photos means you lived! See: your webm.

Best travel experience i ever had was working at a non-profit in cambodia for a month with a bunch of other foreigners. Much more meaningful experience. Saw angkor wat on the weekend as a bonus, not as the main event. This is clearly a bait thread, but for anyone actually curious, I'd try and do something like that.

You could backpack across Europe if your aim isn't to be impressed by the heckin culture, but to fuck australian girls staying at your hostel, if you want. That's another option.

In summation, travel is probably gay and overrated, but it's still better than waging, so do what you want.

>> No.22263911

this is not a woman you want to build a life with. zero security.

>> No.22263921

i just hikineet and my parents give me 3k each year to spend on a month in japan. pretty based tbhwyfamalams, japanese whores are the last bastion

>> No.22263935

if it makes you feel any better, i agree with you 100%. i would go even further to say that post-9/11 TSA rule changes and increased hiring was to mitigate the potential disaster of high unemployment after western manfacturing was outsourced entirely to china. after dotcom bubble bust, we were basically headed for a major recession, but 9/11 and war in mideast helped soften the decline. i didn't understand it at the time because i was just in HS but the 2001-2008 bull run is now clear to me as pre-planned. the average NPC still loves traveling though because the inconveniences don't bug them as much.

it was not as expensive, required frugality and saving, but you are correct, as you have to also be frugal while on vacation which many don't want to do since they think staying at a 2-star hotel is gross.

>> No.22263948

>Travel in classical times would have been dangerous, time-consuming, and genuinely enlightening.
It still is all of that, if it is not that is your fault. My last summer trip before COVID ended summer was a road trip from MN to Tierra del Fuego and then hopping up the west coast by boat and finishing it all of with a train ride back home. We went through 5 cars, a few abandoned out of necessity and a few sold. One died on a narrow one lane mountain pass, a bus arrived and the driver popped our car into neutral, pushed it off the cliff and then sold us tickets only to leave us in the middle of the forest where half the people carried automatic rifles and stared at us in a way which clearly suggested ill doing and a chance for a possible quick buck. You don't have to spend your vacation in tourist traps.
>many don't want to do since they think staying at a 2-star hotel is gross.
There are other options, especially if you are still young, hostels are not bad and it does not take much in the way of social skills to get people to offer a young traveler their couch or spare bedroom for a few days.

>> No.22263972

Traveling is a truly womanly pleasure. That a person can be amused by aesthetic phenomena and ignore the essence of things, which is the same across all locations, disgusts me.

>> No.22263978

In your baby-tier misogynist ways, you forgot to become a man. Read Melville and Stevenson.

>> No.22263997

> Are there any other nonfiction works
Travel for real you dingus. And then write your own
Good looking out

>> No.22264001

I think you’re looking for travelogues

>> No.22264002

>where half the people carried automatic rifles
that happened to my parents in mexico, too. That was in the 70s or something though. Glad to hear it hasn't really changed.

Yes, third world shit holes are still dangerous. But getting pounded by a monsoon in a fisherman's tiny dinghy you've chartered for week in the year 2 is a little different than purposely rubbing your plump little white ass in front of some drug-crazed cartel members in Mexico.

>You don't have to spend your vacation in tourist traps.
that's why i recommended working at some non-profit on a temporary visa in a third-world country with some side trips you could go to on the weekend, like cambodia. (There's a lot of sexpat traffic to SEA these days but there's a lot of rural areas away from the prostitutes where seeing a white man is still something of a novelty. It's neat.) That way, you can play it by ear and leave the expat district and get as dangerous as you want. Even if you only hang around safe places with your translator the whole time, it's still a fun time and meaningful experience.

Also if you go to cambodia or africa or something for a month, that's just enough time to catch a stomach bug and probably be back in the states for medicine and potable tap water.

>> No.22264023

attention whores and their damaged egos.
this webm should be posted in this thread:


>> No.22264031

The read xenophon and walked away with the gayest interpretation possible?
What retarded translation did you read faggot?

>> No.22264035

>non fiction

>> No.22264072

>But getting pounded by a monsoon in a fisherman's tiny dinghy you've chartered for week in the year 2 is a little different than purposely rubbing your plump little white ass in front of some drug-crazed cartel members in Mexico.
We did not do that purposefully, like I said the car died and was blocking the road, bus driver pushed it off the cliff so he could continue on. We took the bus to the end of the line and the end of the line was certainly better than everything before and our alternative would have been to walk a very long ways on a dangerous road really not suited for pedestrians. Also, not Mexico, Mexico was uneventful in this regard, some good times but nothing scary.

We went through some good storms on small boats while going up the coast and things were hairy at times. We were not taking cruise ships up the coast, just paying passage with locals to the next port on everything from converted fishing trawlers to ~30' wooden sailboats that seemed a century out of their time.
>but there's a lot of rural areas away from the prostitutes where seeing a white man is still something of a novelty.
Not really, Gulf of Thailand are is loaded with whites, rural areas of China are a different story.
>Also if you go to cambodia or africa or something for a month, that's just enough time to catch a stomach bug and probably be back in the states for medicine and potable tap water.
Potable water is not really an issue if you are willing to pay and paying is not expensive for a westerner, bottled water is considerably cheaper in Africa than the US. For the most part you just learn to stock up on clean water when you can.

>> No.22264116

Shut the fuck up about the economic angle. Tourism is more recent than the telephone. Your think your 4th generation grandparents travelled at all? Unless you WASP or euro top 10% it wasn't happening outside a male relative being a soldier.

>> No.22264155

>Are there any other nonfiction works like this about going vast distances and encountering new things?
Internet rendered traveling obsolete.

>> No.22264225

First off, I have a degree in tourism and more importantly I have eyes and ears.
The postwar boom is what really kickstarted mass tourism, for the first time in history tourism was something all classes of society engaged in.
This however brought about the emergence of tourist traps and the progressive erosion of local cultures and communities.
Today tourism is a soulless, commodified experience, add on top of that the Airbnb model of accommodation has made entire cities unlivable for the locals and not worth visiting for travelers.
There really is no sense of wonder or discovery when going to another country, the experience is pretty miserable.

>> No.22264236

>you will stay in the same place all your life and you will like it
>you will have no possessions and no money and you will like it
>you will never sink your dick into pussy and you will like it

Tired of the demoralization here

>> No.22264262

>Not really, Gulf of Thailand are is loaded with whites
nigger don't tell me i was there.

>Potable water is not really an issue if you are willing to pay and paying is not expensive for a westerner, bottled water is considerably cheaper in Africa than the US. For the most part you just learn to stock up on clean water when you can.

>> No.22264299

>Today tourism is a soulless, commodified experience, add on top of that the Airbnb model of accommodation has made entire cities unlivable for the locals and not worth visiting for travelers.
I agree with this. I myself only do historical tourism, so the tourism of coworkers that go to Bali/Dubai/Maldives/Dominican Republic is not of interest to me. Like I love to go to old Euro castles and not even the mega famous top 10.

>> No.22264319

read papillon.

>> No.22264519

Funny you should say that.
I was thinking the same thing but from a different angle.
When she's on the table in a bikini she doesn't seem to have much of a cinched waist. Wide waists are a Neanderkike trait.

>> No.22264523

Great book.

>> No.22264530

Not to mention hoards of untermench everywhere.

>> No.22264538

>Digital photography

>> No.22264551

Good suggestion.

>> No.22264584

3/10 post

>> No.22264585

>analog in this economy
no thanks bozo

>> No.22264589

From the top of my head
Arabian Sands by Wilfred Thesiger, where the English author travels through the empty quarter.

A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush By Eric Newby (he's written a few other travel books, but I only read this one), where another eccentric Englishman decides to walk all the way to Afghanistan.

A Time of Gifts by Patrick Leigh Fermor, yet another interesting Englishman decides to walk across Europe pre WW2.

Kontiki Expedition by Thor Heyerdahl, a journey on a balsa log raft through the Pacific to prove that South Americans were the originators of the Polynesian people.

A visit to Don Otavio by Sybille Bedford, which I have to read. But a lady decided to journey through Mexico for some reason.

In Patagonia by Bruce Chatwin, which I never finished, but it's about his journey to the most remote area of south america.

Smuggling Under Sail in the Red Sea by Henri De Monfreid, a truly excellent book. An adventure by the author who buys marijuana in Greece to sell in Egypt. It's a splendid tale.

>> No.22264875

Nice list, I hadn't heard of all of these. A Time of Gifts is easily the best travel book I've read.

A few others:
Sailing alone Around the World by Joshua Slocum
Beasts, Men, and Gods by Ferdinand Ossendowski (central Asia)
The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawicz (Central Asia)
South by Shackleton (Antarctica)
As I Walked Out one Midsummer Morning by Laurie Lee (Spain)

>> No.22264878

I’m not a travelogue person but I love The Colossus of Maroussi

>> No.22264879

I've traveled all around the world just camping and hiking, using 2nd hand gear and just enjoying being in the woods. When I get home I don't tell anyone about it because nobody cares. I do this every year.
Cynicism is a choice.

>> No.22264901

Hold up. You actually read?

>> No.22264945

>I don't tell anyone about it
if this is actually true despite you telling us all about it right now then nice, glad you found something fulfilling

>> No.22265482


As a greek I am so glad all these people go to that aboninable island Mykonos, and leave the rest of the country alone.

>> No.22265486

You should read the sequel Historiae Alexandri Magni by Rufus. I prefer it over Arrian's version despite being more dramatic and innacurate.

>> No.22265521

I will solve all of these problems for you:

1, 2 & 4. Acquire a sailing yacht and sail to your destination

3. Book after-hour tours

5. Ask Chatgp about tourist traps in your destination and avoid them

6. You won't find influencers if you avoid tourist traps thanks to Chatgp

7. You won't deal with these restrictions if your passport is strong or in other words, if you aren't from a corrupt shithole where people earn $1 a day. If you are, the solution is really simple: pay a smuggler and hop on a little boat towards Italy. You will have a fun adventure to tell your grandkids.

>> No.22265526
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>Smuggling Under Sail in the Red Sea by Henri De Monfreid, a truly excellent book. An adventure by the author who buys marijuana in Greece to sell in Egypt. It's a splendid tale.
Sounds fucking based, anon.

>> No.22265653

You worked min wage in order to pay to live in other poor people's "holes" - try not to act too arrogant

>> No.22265654

Where do Greeks go on holiday in Greece? Is it Naxos or whatever?

>> No.22265665
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>> No.22265696

Nah, I worked those jobs so I wouldn't end up like you. Also, bar tending can easily bring you 50k a year in tips alone just working Friday and Saturday, if it is a better bar or a shit show busy bar you can get into 6 figures working two nights a week.

>> No.22265732

I can also recommend Time of Gifts. It probably has some fictional episodes, but it's really well written.

Some more:
Into the Wild; easy pulp read. Undoubtedly a fiction.
Into Thin Air; another Krakauer novel. Another doubtful account. But, it's still a fun, easy read.
Der Weg by Zaplotnik: I don't think that there's English translation, but a superb alpinist autobiography.
This epic blogpost: http://vienna-pyongyang.blogspot.com/2008/04/how-everything-began.html
Waugh in Abyssinia: Scoop, it's fictional companion, is more hilarious, but this one does really well to fill in the gaps on a foreign correspondents account of Italian invasion of Ethiopia. Buried then, since it was considered Italian propaganda, buried now, since it involves blackies.
Three Men in a Boat: Splendid comedy.
On the Road: Batniks across America.

>> No.22265808

Greeks tend to travel with cars on ferries then drive daily to the best beaches. Lefkada is popular, with direct connection with mainland. Northern beaches on Cephalonia seems to be packed with them. Santorini and Mykonos really are tranny traps, though. Expensive, with few super crowded hotspots, and nothing else. Shit beaches on the former, as well. I guess that everything else is great, can't go wrong with Crete in hot weather. Corfu, Ithaca, Carpathos... Diapontian islands and other tinny islands around them are fantastic with a boat. Best water and best beaches in whole of Mediterranean.

>> No.22265884

The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiessen

>> No.22265964

There's a lot of poorfag cope in this thread.
t. self-hating poorfag

>> No.22265988

That's because you live in a completely rootless society with no culture of your own. Your way to cope is escapism and thrillseeking as a way to sweep your dread under the rug

>> No.22265993

Only fat and ugly women say this. Cope

>> No.22266001

Malaka exoun gamisei kai ola ta alla meri twra, akoma kai h athina exei paraginei
saronic gulf, peloponnese, chalkidiki

>> No.22266031

This woman has a peasant physique. Built like a brick shithouse, which she tries to detract from by presenting her ass supported by clearly overtrained workhorse leg. No grace, no elegance, no refinement.

>> No.22266087 [DELETED] 
File: 536 KB, 1998x1052, Karakorum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanda Devi by Eric Shipton, who together with H.W. Tilman for the first time in history managed to penetrate the Nanda Devi Basin in the Himalayas, a mountain fortress completely surround by a wall of ice-capped peaks, none lower than 17,000 feet, with Nanda Devi itself soaring up to a stupendous 25,660 feet. One of the greatest feats of mountain exploration

The Ascent of Nanda Devi by H.W. Tilman, who, apart from avoiding the company of women at all cost and renounced his Alpine Club membership when they started admitting women) went back to Nanda Devi, this time to climb it, setting a mountaineering world record.

Blank on the Map by Eric Shipton, who together with H.W. Tilman travelled to the unexplored Karakorum mountains which was still largely a... blank on the map.

>> No.22266101
File: 536 KB, 1998x1052, Karakorum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanda Devi by Eric Shipton, who together with H.W. Tilman for the first time in history managed to penetrate the Nanda Devi Basin in the Himalayas, a mountain fortress completely surround by a wall of ice-capped peaks, none lower than 17,000 feet, with Nanda Devi itself soaring up to a stupendous 25,660 feet. One of the greatest feats of mountain exploration

The Ascent of Nanda Devi by H.W. Tilman, who, apart from avoiding the company of women at all cost and renouncing his Alpine Club membership when they started admitting women) went back to Nanda Devi, this time to climb it, setting a mountaineering world record.

Blank on the Map by Eric Shipton, who together with H.W. Tilman travelled to the unexplored Karakorum mountains which were still largely a... blank on the map.

And all of this in the 1930s, lightly equiped, and on a shoestring budget

>> No.22266178
File: 261 KB, 700x528, anabassis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22266255

He also did gunrunning.
If you can read French, he has a whole lot of books about his adventures.
I think the gun running one is 'secrets of the red sea' or something.

>> No.22266280

KEK fucken saved
>The ass! The ass! The ass!

>> No.22266465

First off, that's mega classist and lame.
You nerds have to understand that this is what men, real red-blooded men find attractive.
Your problem is that you sing the praises of women with dainty lithe ballerina physiques merely to be seen as "intellectual" and having "good taste" and that's exactly what makes you unattractive to women, your denial of your own masculinity.
Women want real flesh and blood men and men crave flesh and blood women.
Men can't be sustained by women made of air and aether, they want full-bodied earthly women.
The women in the OP is a flesh and blood sensual woman, if you stopped pretending that you can live purely in the world of abstract intelligence and admitted that you have a body and real bodily needs you wouldn't be so much of a stuck up chud and maybe women would start finding you attractive.

>> No.22266488
File: 127 KB, 1080x1267, 7473BEFC-FBDC-48C5-BC03-4A24881BB713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a trip to thirdie land with a bunch of armed bros to fuck shit up and bang locals and then come back home is the ultimate (white) male fantasy

>> No.22266502

I honestly did not think I would ever see the day when someone unironically calls Xenophon’s Anabasis “womanly”

>> No.22266507
File: 258 KB, 720x545, IMG_8839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest problem for me is globohomo. Literally the homogenization, as every place becomes like every other place. Even surrounded by renaissance masterworks you’re assaulted by Starbucks and McD. The latest Hollywood movies. Places that were renowned for some talent, like leather goods, now buy all their crap from China. The food much the same, local specialities? Fuck that, have a “full english” offered everywhere. Pizza. Sushi. Whatever’s trendy.
>oh but you could find an exception if you went to buttfuckistan in that country
Yes, the point isn’t that it’s completely impossible to find something regional, the point is it’s buried in an avalanche of globohomo. Even the mass immigration leads to the same outcomes across the west. The same nowhere at all mix of people and consistently the same sad outcomes with beggars, pushy dark salespeople with armfuls of chink crap, mystery meat mutts running every establishment. This rush to cosmopolitanism where nowhere is any different than some other place.
>oh but have you gone up in the mountains of buttfuckistan it’s so genuine
Sure. Every time someone wants to downplay what’s happening because they can conjure some remnant of what was. Less mutts in Japan you say? Authentic cheese in a tiny French village only you know about. Meanwhile the vast majority of historical notable places, their treasures of art and architecture, are subsumed. It’s not just the big cities and tourist traps, it spreads further every year.

I’ve been around the world several times and I wouldn’t do it again.

>> No.22266515

You wrote three times as much as the guy just to say you like fat chicks

>> No.22266521

>real red-blooded men find attractive
real, red-blooded men don't find jewish refrigerator bodies sexy, sorry, hun. This has nothing to do with fat or muscle and everything to do with bone structure.

>> No.22266527

what are some patrician vacation spots that aren't filled with that kind of masses like in ops "wanderlust" webm?
Im waging my sovl off for the most time during the year so I want to have at least a blissful and relaxing time for two weeks before I have to go back into the cage

>> No.22266555

She's not remotely fat.
Again, this is cope from nerds who are ashamed of admiting they have physical desires because it destroys their image of themselves as beings of pure intellect.
"Peasant physique" is nonsensical, that woman has obviously never done a single day of manual labor in her life.
Anons associates peasant = crude,l and uneducated so by projecting those qualities and disapproving he's signaling that he's a "refined intellectual" who obviously has no interest in such things.
It's just cope no matter how you look at it.

>> No.22266585

>vacation spots
Any place that is described as a "vacation spot" is by defintion a tourist destination and as a consequence filled with tourists and instathots.

>> No.22266624

Retard detected

>> No.22266631
File: 2.53 MB, 2175x3800, travel lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.22266656

Herodotus really does it for me. I also recommend the Odyssey and Goethe's Italian Journey (though it has a much more "civilized" feel to it that might put you off).

>> No.22266721
File: 187 KB, 800x1090, 800px-Domreiter,_Blattmaske.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women travellers

>> No.22266742

just read the men on the list then, homo :^)

>> No.22266757
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>First off, that's mega classist and lame.

>> No.22266775

I didn‘t say she was fat. You still raved about how much you love fatties and are continuing to do so at embarrassing length.

>> No.22266884

One word

>> No.22267700
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>> No.22267799

Those same masses don't give a fuck about you as well. Just find a place with some nice beaches, possibly somewhere where they don't steal shit, and relax. Here Greece is a boon. Next to you you'll have hairy 600pund mafioso, rich princess, two influencer bitches, 16yo greek virgin in a full bathing outfit with her trad family, white as snow dutchmen, gucci princess just off the boat, and obnoxious teenager charging you sunbed. A real life White Lotus, except that there's no drama.

>> No.22267817

>Next to you you'll have hairy 600pund mafioso, rich princess, two influencer bitches, 16yo greek virgin in a full bathing outfit with her trad family, white as snow dutchmen, gucci princess just off the boat, and obnoxious teenager charging you sunbed.
Greek here, can confirm
Also teenage thugs and sunburnt germans/anglos

>> No.22267847

I like short legs

>> No.22267857

>travel is no longer kino
It's mainly because there's very few authentic places to travel to that haven't been turned into tourist traps for the hoards of cashed up westerners. It's a shit experience when you feel like you're a walking wallet and all your interactions are not genuine.

>> No.22267870

>First off, that's mega classist and lame.

t. sturdy washer women

>> No.22267879

Give me a shithouse broad any day, nothing like a girl who looks like a rectangle struggling to become an oval, love when they have weird visible womb bulges and nonfat stomach paunches and stuff too. Give me a pubic mound like a Scythian tumulus too, I want my rectangle wife's pussy to blot out the sun

>> No.22268515

To my complete and utter surprise, I've read two of these.

>> No.22268565

One of the signs says Mykonos so she's probably a Brit