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/lit/ - Literature

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22255385 No.22255385 [Reply] [Original]

I have a 14 year old brother. I've been forcing him to do more intellectual things. I had him play Final Fantasy Stranger of Paradise, a prequel to FF1. He loved it so much he wanted to actually play the orignals, he loved those as well, 4 and 5 being his favorite. Took him maybe a month, he seems reluctant to play 6 or any further because he prefers the Job Class system, I dont like it but atleast he tried something considered boomer trash by zoomcuck standards. We watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I watched it as a late teen and its one of my favorite melancholic films. He really enjoyed the subtle humor and the fact that the romance wasn't obnoxious and in your face. He also appreciated Walter's daydream sequences which he believed represented how he thinks on occasion. I'll show him punch drunk love next.

I started reading the Cyberiad by Stanislaw Lem to him adding in the proper vocal tone and inflections for Trurl and Klaupacious. I asked him if he wanted me to stop, he said no. He even turned off the ps4 to hear me finish the second story. I'll be reading two tales from the cyberiad to him per day. Im not claiming that any of these things are super intellectual, but for his age it seems to be getting him into it. Yesterday he asked me how much the Cyberiad was and if I could get it for him. My plan seems to be working. Next up is Three Stigmata of Eldritch Palmer.

>> No.22255433

Sounds more like you using him to stroke your own ego.

>> No.22255435

>I've been forcing him to do more intellectual things
>I had him play [video game]
Kill your brother and then yourself.

>> No.22255450

Pseuds can't stop seething people do stuff for fun.
That's nice, but you probably shouldn't be obnoxious. He's your brother and most likely he will take interest in same pursuits. Better if he reads himself after you recommend him good books accessible for his age.

>> No.22255453

>>22255435 is right. You say you’ve been forcing him to do intellectual things then you just force him to play old boomer video games, silly romance movies, and fiction books. Which isn’t really a intellectual pursuit. It just seems like your an egotistical faggot old man that just thinks anything made in your young was more intellectual without actually thinking about it. Your a dickhead.

I mean it’s fine to show him old shit and him enjoying it but don’t act like it’s anything intellectual. It’s just fun, which is fine man.

>> No.22255455

Just get him deadlifting it will do more good than the rest

>> No.22255456

Sorry for saying it in a mean way but you know what I mean.

>> No.22255457

Funny post. I enjoyed. Keep making funny posts.

>> No.22255458

>Pseuds can't stop seething people do stuff for fun.
pseuds can't even parse someone pointing out an internal contradiction

>> No.22255463

you should training him to develop social skills and drive him to work out and build a nice body instead of making him another consooomer of media and books.

>> No.22255466

No, its not like a father who failed at sports forcing his son to play them. This kid just sits around and watched prank video YouTube shorts and plays madden all day. I had to step in at some point. I started off with what I liked, and the goal is to get him to explore this on his own. He already asked me to buy him the Cyberiad, so he has taken an interest. From their I won't have to hold his hand anymore, just make occasional recommendations.
Yeah so he could eventually play games that came out almost 40 years ago. He'd be playing NFT niggerball if I didn't intervene. Being black already makes this difficult because his low I.Q. friends attempt to pressure him into hoodshit. My other brother is a wannabe thug, he's almost 25. Im the oldest and I know what must be done.

>> No.22255477
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>> No.22255487

Give him CRPGs.

>> No.22255510

We've played Stellaris and Xcom2 together. Thats as close as I'm getting.

>> No.22255523

I'm not arguing with you, but compared to the shit that is released in more recent years, I have to take him back to prevent his brain from degrading. Nigga stutters to read through the cat in the hat. So I'm going overdrive. He appreciates it. Had this nigga readin MARTIN LUTHER to me on Saturday. We laughed together. He knows what the real problems are, but because he's a child he still succumbs to their degenerate music and microntransactive tricks. Im workin on it.

>> No.22255544

>gives him fucking Final Fantasy 1
>won't touch any old PC games

>> No.22255555

He doesn't seem to enjoy them. He liked Risen, but didn't like Morrowwind. He likes Fallout NV and 3 but hesitates to play anything genuinely Isometric. Im not going to force him to. But I did get him some Ps1 emulators, he likes Suikoden and is willing to try Parasite Eve. I have no control over his tastes, but I can attempt to push him in the right direction. A.K.A anything that isn't modern kike garbage.

>> No.22255562

He's not gonna make it
Nice digits though holy

>> No.22255580

Are you his older sister? If so, hot. If not, don't care.

>> No.22255593

What do you suggest? I dont think he will either, he has random epiphanies and changes up his interests. Then goes back to madden, Fortnite and YouTube shorts. Its most likely a lost cause, but he's my little brother. Im going to buy the Cyberiad for him like he asked, and within a week it'll be collecting dust under the bed. But atleast he has the book.

>> No.22255604

should've raised him on stuff younger

>> No.22255609

I did, Smt Nocturne, Dragons Dogma, Berserk, Fist of the North Star. But he defaulted to his nigger genes. I dont get it.

>> No.22255615


>> No.22255617
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>I've been forcing him to do more intellectual things. I had him play Final Fantasy

>> No.22255622

My original post covers /v/ , /lit/ and /tv/ , mongoloid.

>> No.22255629

As stated, either that or Madden/Fortnite. Doesn't seem to matter anyway. He defaults after a month or so.

>> No.22255655

Those are niggermedia you shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.22255672

Why the fuck do you think Final Fantasy is any "smarter" than Fortnite? Just because it has threadbare "plots" full of goofy JRPG tropes about killing God and "watering the world-tree" or whatever?

At least Fortnite will teach the kid reflexes.

>> No.22255714

Its the micro transactions, it's the faggy dances. Its shitty faggot voice chat. Might as well just play an original Medla of Honor game if you want some reflexes. Fortnite teach nothing but goyim pandering and compliance.
No, Jojo, Dbz, and Naruto are. Nice try buddy.

>> No.22255749

Don’t listen to the faggots ITT Anon. It’s a good thing that you’re introducing him to media that he actually has to think about a little to enjoy. I can remember being a young kid and my father would watch movies with me that I would have never chosen on my own. Even though he disapproves of it now that’s what ignited my love of art. 90% of lit now is just droll faggots who don’t read and come here to posture as an intellectual. You hurt their pride by insinuating that something other than the books they pretend to read could ignite the spark of thought in someone.

>> No.22255813

Thank you, I appreciate that. Nobody did it for me and I ended up just being a contrarian asshole as a teenager. Im glad you get it. I won't give up hope then.

>> No.22255819

How do I know that this ends in pederasty?

>> No.22255844

This thread is about my attempts to get my little brother to be more intelligent and not just consume the Jewish degeneracy being fed specifically to his age group, and you think about Pederasty?


>> No.22256330

> intellectual things
> video games

>> No.22256337

>people like books
Yes, they are basically people, who would imagine that social beings would like social activities... anyway good job on making a person out of your brother.

>> No.22256345

Have him listen to Beach Boy's Sunflower and convince him that it's better than Pet Sounds. Wait, oops. This is /lit/, not /mu/. Lately it's hard to tell sometimes.

>> No.22256361

You’re a good brother Anon

>> No.22256377

Thank you, I appreciate that. I dont understand why I'm getting so much vitriol from these other anons though. Im just trying to get my brother out of his intellectual comfort zone.

>> No.22257350
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spbp. also lmao at the idea that some scifi shit is above the level of a 14 year old. you're just as fucked as your brother

>> No.22257387

I think you are doing it a bit wrong anon. Things you introducing him to are relatively passive, appeal to emotions and similar to what he was doing before, so of course he will eventually revert to them
Instead you should try to get him to like things that do require active thinking for their enjoyment, like puzzles, mystery novels and hard to read novels(like Sound and fury), and then move to harder stuff. That will make him more intellectual, instead of just enjoying different flavor of entertainment
It is cool that you are sharing your interests with him

>> No.22257393

This movie is the definition of saccharine slop

>> No.22257423

Okay this is bait. We're done here folks. That's a wrap!

>> No.22257433
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>Your a dickhead

>> No.22257469
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I clarified in the post that nothing I'm showing him is considered genuinely intellectual, but it is the opposite of the garbage he's accustomed to. He's enjoyed the things I've shown him so far. I cN start introducing significantly smarter things now.. suggestions on what you think I should show next would actually be appreciated.
How is this bait? I'm being 100% serious. I assume you think Madden and Ice Spice are intellectual properties. If so, you're a nigger.

>> No.22257493

Reversion to the mean.
You, personally, seem to be a standard deviation above average IQ, but that average (100) is the average for whites.
So in the context of your race, you are 2-3 SDs above the average (2 if high yellow/mulatto, 3 if more racially pure black).
This is not to say what you're doing will bear no fruit, or that it's pointless. It's your dharma in action, you got to do what you want to do, even if that is reading stuff like Cyberiad to someone that might not fully grasp it.
Keep on trucking, good luck, godspeed etc.

>> No.22257516

It's not the opposite, its just different flavor of same thing - entertainment (and I don't mean that what he is usually consumes and what you are introducing him to are entertainment). They both don't require "active" participation and appeal primary to emotions. Opposite would be math problems, CTFs, science/philosophy books, etc. It's fine approach if you are trying to get him to reading and your interests, but calling it "forcing to do intellectual things" Is straight wrong and pure pseudotry
Introduce him to mystery genre, since it's still entertainment, and at same time requires actually thinking for maximum enjoyment. Buy him some Agatha Christie books, rip out pages where mystery explained and try to solve it together with him. Or try to interest him in maths/programming/infosec/physics/etc

>> No.22257533

>I started reading the Cyberiad by Stanislaw Lem to him adding in the proper vocal tone and inflections for Trurl and Klaupacious. I asked him if he wanted me to stop, he said no.
I'm starting to suspect this is fiction.

>> No.22257591
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Its true, his interest was peaked once we finished the 1st Sally (Trap of Gargantius). I asked him what he took from it, and he seemed to grasp it but couldn't properly explain his thoughts on it. Not surprised. But I'll buy him the $95 Hard cover off of Amazon on my pay day.
My I.Q. is 139. He is the 2nd smartest in my immediate family. Yet he wastes it on absolutely nothing. He is intelligent yet has absolutely no capacity for creativity. Which I guess is my real end goal. If he listens to our parents, they want him to be in the NFL, then they're setting him up for failure. That's fine, but that can't be the only goal.
You are not wrong. He has helped my mother do her college statistics work. She paid him of course. So I could push him in that direction. Personally I've never been apt at math. Not a subject I personally enjoy, but this isn't about me.

>> No.22258120

Not the cunt you replied but yes I agree YouTube shorts and tiktok will leave the children of today unable to fundamentally appreciate movies and you can forget about a fucking book, you're doing a good job keeping his soul intact I guess, good shit anon, you should get him to check out a link to the past

>> No.22258378

This and th e kid will turn into another gen y failure

>> No.22258396

This is the way Anon, give your brother stuff that lets him think and not be just entertained.