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22254019 No.22254019 [Reply] [Original]

What's the definitive book to understand women?

>> No.22254027

The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

>> No.22254032

once you understand they have too much empathy it all fits
indiscriminate empathy is one of the worst traits a human can have
there's a reason almost every philosopher comments on women's attitudes, or why they haven't been allowed in too many positions of power

>> No.22254037

I don't get it. Is this a boat full of illegal immigrants?

>> No.22254041

Were Africans falling out of the boat and walking ashore not a dead giveaway?

>> No.22254043

Yes, and she’s directing them to the location of her apartment

>> No.22254048

Sex and Character

>> No.22254050

Coomer and chud bait, kys.

>> No.22254063

The secret word is energy. Once you think about it enough (I mean socializing with people and making conclusions) you'll realize it all boils down to energy.

>> No.22254069

What the fuck are you talking about? Women do not have much empathy, it's actually the opposite.

>> No.22254070


>> No.22254120

Is she going to help the fugees? Conveniently in front of a camera?
How altruistic of her

>> No.22254123

Yes women love to be fucked by Max Hardcore, James Deen, Pierre Woodman. Women say it explicitly and they keep doing it.
Women don't love the guy infatuated with beautiful women. What In their teen age men know unconsciously, then very much consciously in their adult age, is that women
-never value the eternal beta orbiter
-women will have debased sex with the first stranger who ''rings her bell''

Women don't give a shit about long-term relationships. Women just want to larp over a few days as the non-slut girl and then they want the sex, and they want it bad.

The second strategy women build to avoid viewing themselves as slut is their fantasy of ''summer love'', which is just the situation with the ''stranger which makes them vibrates all over'' extended to a few weeks of casual fun sex with no string attached and zero bad consequence for the girl (especially no pregnancy, which is reached thanks to normalization of abortion).

Women don't want to to be respected and make love in the dark with their devoted provider. What women want is to be fucked raw by an Adonis they barely know who makes them squirt everywhere and fuck them until they can barely walk the day after.

Women want the convulsive orgasm where they lose consciousness to the point that they roll their eyes and lose their social self, getting in touch for the first time their true self, ie the sheer whoredom. You think they will get that by looking into the eyes of their generic subservient beta appliance fucking them in the missionary position?
Think again.

>> No.22254153

Gone Girl.

>> No.22254159

Madamme Bovary and Anna Karenina

>> No.22254186


>> No.22254209

Study the Big 5 personality traits of agreeableness and neuroticism, and the personality disorders BPD and NPD, and thereby you will understand 99% of women.

>> No.22254231


>> No.22254267

Ahh, clueless bitter youth

>> No.22254277

You could just write “I’ve never been loved by a woman” and that would’ve summed it up

>> No.22254295

The Hobbit. Via negativa.

>> No.22254313
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Please, no one here reads...
This anime unironically describes the contents female brain (was written by a women).

> goes to university, but just spends all day looking at men in the class, searching for beta bucks
> sees a hot guy goes up to him
> he tells her to fuck off, she starts following him around
> turns out he's actually a bin man who just went into the lecture hall for a place to hang out
> even better now she gets her alpha fuck
> the twist is, turns out he can turn into a wolf
> so she lets him fuck her as a wolf YES SHE FUCKS A DOG
> she's knocked up, but he's gone
> she finds out the pound put him down
> she turns up, just in time to see them throw his body into a dump truck, she sheds a tear and gets on with her life (because men are disposable to women)
> she has two children, who turn into puppys (because children are just pets / toys to women)
> she buys a giant house in the country, with no job an no viable means of support except a wallet with some cash in it that her fuck boy left her (women have no concept of money)
> everybody else in the village has to give her food
> she walks into an animal research station as is immediately given a job, with no qualifications
> the two children grow up, one girl, one boy...
> the daughter gets a boyfriend who lives in the school because his bitch mother got a new husband and abandoned her previous children, the boyfriend's stated aspiration in life is to 'punch people' (i kid you not)
> meanwhile the son says 'fuck you mom, im not putting up with this gay shit' and disappears into the forest

>> No.22254322


>> No.22254323

Yes, maternal instincts have literally nothing to do with empathy, and women have zero empathy. It's too abstract of an endeavor, to put yourself in someone else's shoes.
>men forgive women because of empathy
More like because they are cute and neotenous, which is maternal instincts again, weaker as they are in men. Of course it doesn't go the other way.

>> No.22254336

Kek, I truly hate women

>> No.22254346

Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man;

Which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war.

They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders' poison is under their lips. Selah.

>> No.22254347

They're designed to keep small retarded children alive until they're old enough to join the men

>> No.22254356

>I’ve never been loved by a woman
But no one ever has been loved by a woman, anon. Not even their own children. Not in any human sense of the word.

>> No.22254363

it's not empathy. it's a necessity to feel superior in a social strata. this requires fitting into a role in said social strata in order to participate, which is why women are with near consistency conformist. note how almost all womens views position themselves as superior to a perceived inferior, and that mainstream media including social media intentionally reinforces these perceptions because women are the ideal pump and dump consumer and due to their conformity and easily understood instincts are the easiest to manipulate.

these women aren't empathetic, they are obsessed with appearing empathetic because that makes them better than the evil racist bigots by helping the tragic inferior niggers, giving them social clout and giving them a double dip of feeling that they are on a superior tier of the social strata they perceive as real. if unconditional empathy wasn't pushed as the social norm as well as the superior virtue by mainstream media, women wouldn't act like this in front of cameras. they would do whatever they perceive as socially correct and superior in front of the cameras.

>> No.22254370

You’re truly a disturbed fuck

>> No.22254377

my own mother loves me and my siblings, and I've been loved by a woman romantically before. once, and I'm 31 now. I've dated more than one too, so that says some things. it's not impossible for a woman to love though, they are just extremely impressionable beings and modern society is predatory and cancerous.

>> No.22254380

This site has shown me that incels are incels for a reason. They are some of the vilest people out there. Tons of resentment and bitterness

>> No.22254385
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I'm taking the bait fuck you Wolf Children is perfect fuck you

>> No.22254392

only roasties use this word. there isn't much thought put into it, think about it. bitterness is a sensible reaction toward a consistently awful experience, and dealing with women for the vast majority of men these days is specifically that. these men should be bitter, it's sane and sensible to be bitter, and roasties frame it as some kind of personality defect instead of introspecting and wondering why these men might be feeling this way.

the wall is real by the way, respect it. literally no man of value wants a non-virgin or a woman over the age of 23. you will be forced to settle.

>> No.22254393

Sorry for ruining that one for you anon.

>> No.22254402

East of Eden.

>> No.22254417

Strawmanning me into a woman is a typical incel tactic. I just call a spade a spade. There are low value males, and high value males. It seems the low ones know their worth, but they should really stay quiet. The bitterness of an incel is on another level

>> No.22254432

I hate god for making me desire women I cannot have

>> No.22254447

If I can't fuck every woman on earth I will fuck none of them

>> No.22254451

I felt this way too until I started budgeting for whores and strippers and realized it's very viable. And the whore economy is only going up in the next 20 years since women are so useless now. If you like MILFs (women over 30) you are really set, unfortunately I don't.

>> No.22254459

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

>> No.22254460

Unironically the Old Testament.

>> No.22254467

this thread is hilarious

>> No.22254471


Otto Weininger's *Sex and Character*

>> No.22254479

>once you understand they have too much empathy it all fits
hahaha a boy raised by a mother who used emotional blackmail on him, 70% chance full blown homosexual


>definitive book
It's still got to be Esther Vilars "the manipulated man", believe me I have looked hard for anything better - she's on point entirely, and not even in a bad way.

no, that's what a woman wishes women could be, that's not what women are. big difference thar, whaleboy

here's another problem of our society; many bastard men are illiterate shitbrains and come to equate 'basic basic basic' cognition with their mothers, then fall back on psychiatry (which they glean in a feminine manner) to explain why their opinions of this don't work out IRL,
e.g. a woman is screaming at me or hitting me, monkeybrain is so retarded he genuinely doesn't understand why.

Indeed, a man raised without a strong and intelligent father, a british military officer or a senior policeman for example, is a bastard for want of proper upbringing (read: beatings and forced grammar exercises).

word of day: slampig

in fairness you do sound like a poof or a child

>> No.22254494

now there's an incel book if ever there was one - the leading characters have all got mutilated penises ffs and they're acting out the frontal cortex brain damage of their circumcision by running around hitting people with swords, then a big dicked man in a bugati drives up and they shit themselves with fear because "god cannot stop iron chariots"

>> No.22254495


Ah! Far too late -- never has my carelessness been more unsparingly exposed.

>> No.22254500

It's not quite so cut and dry. Men at the very top, alphas of alphas, keep getting divorced and taken for a lot of money. High status men would be those that women are actually afraid of. That's just criminals and anyone with genuine power. In the West.

>> No.22254547

>the leading characters have all got mutilated penises ffs
No they don't, that was an after jesus thing.
they just had a mark

>> No.22254573

even so, let's talk read a book where women with hideous deformities tell us about men, you arrive at you know what,

this was the point

>> No.22254582

>helping invaders
everyone involved in this video should be executed

>> No.22254605
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>> No.22254611

what have you got against the free movement of labor for the purpose of lowering wages? you commie roosevelt you

>> No.22254630
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idk, i kinda agree with this guy

I also believe that women have much more empathy than a man could ever have but they don't empathize with work or struggle. They kinda look down on hard workers like they're robots while they drown them out live their lavish lives and relate and empathize with those that display similar feelings to them. Women just don't view stoic hard working men like humans in my opinion. They can't empathize with that and just drown them out and feel some kind of disdain or superiorty to them unless said hard working man's social status says other wise.

>> No.22254639

shocking truth is that if a person who resembled you facially was on television in a positive light, women would be all over you, and if the character was suddenly bad on the television show, they would despise you.

>> No.22254641

They do have empathy, so much that they’re easily mobilized via empathy against people who are labeled villains (I.e. racists, incels, etc.)

>> No.22254654

That's fucking maternal instincts again and not empathy, Jesus fuck. Protecting babies, real or imaginary, from evil predators. A snake is dangerous, see, but also easily fucked up when identified and ganged up on.

>> No.22254658

None, women are individuals just lik emen.

>> No.22254663

So does the boy just live as a wolf in the forest forever?

>> No.22254665

Empathy is an instinct, just a more complex one.

>> No.22254666

that's not 'empathy', that's looking for an excuse to be vicious to somebody and get away with it.

TECHNICALLY you're correct. In the Pathos sense in Stoicism. But you didn't know that.

>> No.22254668

Loving your mother
Getting along with your sisters
Getting married
Raising daughters

And realizing they’re kind of like men but have more complex variety.

>> No.22254669

This assumption can't be maintained for too long lol. The world will keep whacking you until you learn. That goes for women too, btw. Men aren't women either.

>> No.22254670

It's all in the relations of beings towards energy. There isn't really much more to it. Once you got it.

>> No.22254674

I dislike women but I dislike men just as much for entirely different reasons.

>> No.22254677

Women don’t gang up on snakes.

>> No.22254678

Both are retarded.

>> No.22254682
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>this thread
lmfao you all really need to just go outside

>> No.22254686

I hate women as much as the next fellow 4chan user, but men rape, murder, destroy, etc. at a much higher rate, so I see no reason not to dislike both.

>> No.22254700

Absolutely not, it's an abstract cognitive exercise. You basically just said that you don't have any. There is nothing automatic about empathy.

>> No.22254704

But there are women and trannys out there

>> No.22254708

>Women don’t gang up on snakes
I'm sorry, what? Every woman activist screeching about some villain group of the week is doing just that. I guess men are supposed to kill snakes.

>> No.22254787

Not really

>> No.22254797


>> No.22254800

This. Women do not give a fuck about your issues or whatever. In relationships you are supposed to listen to them, and then maybe you say someone was a bitch at most. Anything more you go to a therapist or talk to your bros about it. Women want you to be a source of energy that makes them feel good and protected. Arguing with them is a waste of time. Basically you’re meant to treat them like a little sister or something. It’s all happies and little gifts and don’t you worry about the big mean ol world I’ll handle it. Taking women too seriously is always the downfall of men.

>> No.22254809

I go outside though. Why bother posying platitudes? Does it bother you that much?

>> No.22254822

you're not using that word right

>> No.22254834


>> No.22254859

This. Aside from the impossible to love portion, which I would like to believe isn’t true. Women are on the whole place a lot of importance in what other people think. This isn’t inherently bad, but capitalism really has taken a violent hold of them and is doing a number on them. Literally just go to the store and look at the differences in marketing for young girls and young boys clothes. Young boy clothes are advertised like “WOW LOOK AT THIS COOL KID RIDING A DIRTBIKE WITH DINOSAURS WEARING OUR SHORTS!!!” Clothes for young girls are marketed similarly, but the implication that they should dress smart and “sexy” is impressed on them from a surprisingly young age. One of my cousins bought their child (like middle school age or late elementary) a skirt that only goes to the mid thigh for her to wear to school and all she had to say about it was “doesn’t she look so smart!” And that’s not even broaching the subject of women’s cosmetics or special products (shampoo, soaks, creams, ointments, etc) which are universally sexualized. Women have an inherent want to be beautiful and valued, and what a good thing too, but when that instinct is hijacked by multinational corporations which implicitly put the worm in their ear that the goal of all this beautification is sex and only sex then there’s a problem. It’s not that women are inherently shallow or incapable of sustained love, it’s that they’ve been subjected to the male equivalent of sissy hypno since they were old enough to know that the triangle goes in the triangle shaped hole. And why shouldn’t they believe it? It really seems to work until they get to about 25 years old. Like other anons have pointed out, there are several ways of categorizing these sexual encounters such that women can create some modicum of emotional satisfaction from them. “Oh, he was a tortured soul and I gave him love enough for the night.” Etc. It’s an expedient formula where capitalism can keep prodductivity high and generally keep men away from the shotgun without having to make the concession of non-atomized families, which would be disastrous to them. Why was the first thing on the agenda after WW2 to pump out more beauty products and lingerie than had ever been seen before? The same goes for men of course, but they generally just try to drive men to a substance dependency and a job because there has to be someone at McDonald’s who knows how to make a decent hamburger some of the time. Women just bear the brunt of the psychological burden of capitalism because men bear the brunt of the physical burden. And, as long as women set the rules for getting sex, which they always have, who’s going to challenge them when they say you need to either look like Brad Pitt or make 7 figures a year to be worthy of them. It’s something people point out about incels more than anything else: their insanity in challenging women on what they themselves want.

>> No.22254861

>no, that's what a woman wishes women could be, that's not what women are. b
>men wish women were hysterical whores

>> No.22254895

>understand women

>> No.22254900

>who’s going to challenge them when they say you need to either look like Brad Pitt or make 7 figures a year to be worthy of them
That would be reality. Women don't seem to be designed to heed reality though. Ellen have a narrow window to catch the best guy they possibly can, so they simply fail. It's not capitalism's fault, lol. Other, older women if anyone. They compete destructively.

>> No.22254923

That’s just normal drives and desires at play, there’s nothing more normal. Women like to be beautiful, women are pretty.

>> No.22254928

i like how vile === resentful and bitter to you people.

Resentful and bitter is a normal human reaction to being abused.

The vile ones are the abusers not the abused.

>> No.22254933

There is easy potential for sabotage there. Give a young and pretty girl cosmetics and tell her it'll make her look better. She'll believe it. From a male perspective, this will make her look worse, naturally, but she won't stop using it. Other women are simply a far greater source of authority than men to modern women.

>> No.22254934

for me, The Maxims of La Rochefoucauld

>> No.22254935

You gonna cry, bitchboy? Wah!! Wahhh!!

>> No.22254938

I think the confusion here comes from word choice. The English language doesn’t have a very good distinction between EMOTIONAL “empathy” and more deeply cognitive, rational “empathy” (and maybe not many languages have this distinction, in fact). Maybe a good distinction is between sympathy/pity and empathy proper, or affective and cognitive empathy.

Women have sympathy/pity/whatever you want to call it for, often, the designated “victim” groups — whatever or whomever looks or we are made to believe is small, weak, defenseless, pitiful, the victim (whether these are taken in a literal or a metaphoric sense — they don’t literally have to be small, weak, and defenseless, like children or disabled, but can simply be BELIEVED to be the equivalent of that — “victims of systemic racism “sexism”, etc). This is a strongly emotional, knee jerk reaction of affective empathy and distress for the “victim” which also has its necessary counterpart — that of vicious hatred, attacks against and condemnation of the “victimizer” or “oppressor.” This actually very easily leads to them dehumanizing vast swathes of people chosen as the “oppressors”, like those with conservative political views, or generalizations about “white men.”

So ironically, and paradoxically, in some ways they may seem to have “more empathy” and be “more emotional,” but this is also hand in hand with a deficit of empathy to whatever they may (on average) support that has destructive effects on their society at large (unchecked migration, for instance).

>> No.22254944

Fuckin lol. Forgot for a second this place is wall-to-wall retards.

>> No.22254946

you being unaware of the definition of a strawman argument is further proof of you being a woman

more people are single than ever before in human history, divorce rates are higher than in any society in human history, and there is a significant gap between single zoomer men and single zoomer women percentage wise. something is deeply wrong. only a woman has the correct combination of narcissism and ignorance to not see this.

>> No.22254947

Yes, but you'd better be careful about it. If you are getting abused but scared to fight back (or technically can't, I suppose), the easiest solution is to find someone even weaker than yourself, and hey, you already know what made you hurt. This is how it usually goes.

>> No.22254955

women are more inherently conformist than japanese and mormons combined

>> No.22254958

That's more or less what I think.
>The English language doesn’t have a very good distinction between EMOTIONAL “empathy” and more deeply cognitive, rational “empathy”
These are so incompatible you are better off calling the first kind part of maternal instincts. Ultimately women heard the term, didn't understand what the fuck it meant, then proceeded to redefine it. This happens a lot.

>> No.22254963

In response to power, anon. If there is no power bearing on them, there will be zero conformity. Certainly not to ideas...

>> No.22254964

What happens when the products which they use to make themselves pretty start to implicitly tell them that casual sex is the epitome of looking pretty? Why is it okay for all women to be hypnotized thus but kids aren’t allowed to be raised by homosexuals?

>> No.22254965

Nice blog post anon.

>> No.22254972

empathy is feeling pained by the struggles of another, no matter what retards say it is obviously instinctual and likely primarily related to child rearing and secondarily to in-group tribalism.

sympathy and pity are examples of similar feelings that are more rational.

>> No.22254979

And then what happened, did everyone clap?

>> No.22254980

Using social darwinist arguments to mock insults is always foolish, since you are really telling they are correct. Incels are self-identified "low value men" that do not believe one can become "high value" because they think value comes from good genes and not achievements. Their hatred of women and bitterness comes from the belief that they were born into an untouchable caste that is socially acceptable to humiliate, a feeling that gets reinforced in them when most people do not challenge their beliefs and instead laugh at them for being virgins.

>> No.22254995

Women have been wearing makeup for a long time to enhance beauty, some women are just not good at it. Some women do look worse but that’s prolly because they don’t know what they’re doing.
Sex is sex, everyone wants to have sex that’s pretty normal. Homosexuals do raise kids sometimes lol, haven’t you seen those shows where they have 2 daddies?

>> No.22254997

this webm seems like a perfect opportunity to act out a L'Étranger fantasy

>> No.22254999

>sympathy and pity are examples of similar feelings that are more rational
No, it's literally the same cluster of things you described in your previous paragraph. Not rational, still something directed exclusively at someone cute and below the "pitying party" in the social hierarchy. As for women and men, well, adult men are literally the only humans who aren't cute, so this instinctual response doesn't apply to them coming from either men or women. And women don't put themselves into another's shoes as the actual empathy demands. Ergo, women have zero empathy for men no matter how you wish to define in. Well, elderly men and invalids are sort of cute and/or pathetic.

>> No.22255000

People think it's hard to grasp the difference between men and women but there is actually one and only one. The key is energy and it's relation with things.

>> No.22255006

The incels are nature’s way of halting the overpopulation problem. The world isn’t fair. There are low quality people, and high quality people. Might is right is the rule of the land, so of course incels are belittled. The problem is when they get uppity. No one wants to hear their impotent screeching or read their I can’t breed screeds. Incels would get more sympathy if they just kept quiet, or better yet, worked on themselves. Why should they be entitled to a woman? Why should a woman want an incel who has nothing to offer?

>> No.22255008

>but that’s prolly because they don’t know what they’re doing
Yup. That's easily socially induced by malevolent women, is my point.

>> No.22255015

I've witnessed my mother, multiple women I've been in relationships with, one of their mothers, and a few female friends over the years experience direct empathy in relation to me. you're not going to sit there and tell me frogs or ducks aren't real when I've seen them with my own eyes. your view of the world is incorrect, and this is coming from someone who absolutely loathes women in general.

>> No.22255018

Yeah they're idiots. They're like women waiting for the perfect man thinking sitting on their fat arse all day and feeling like a princess is enough to do so. Truly pathetic.

>> No.22255022
File: 62 KB, 1152x860, D205FUnU8AI6FyY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is something wrong with society. your views aren't based in reality, the divide between men and women in the modern west and in parts of east asia is unprecedented historically. this has never happened before.

>> No.22255024

None of you faggots can ever understand women because all of you effectively are extremely ugly women with penises, and you actively avoid understanding yourselves.

This is why you never get laid, and why ya'll can't shut up about troons - you're fucking troons in denial.

>> No.22255028

It doesn't really make sense to mock people for having beliefs you apparently think are correct, unless you think maintaining comforting delusions is good, which doesn't make sense if you're a might-makes-right type.

>> No.22255031

Muh society
You sound like a woman
A real man would just get a gf and stop complaining like a bitch

>> No.22255032

Oh, anon, incels won't get any sympathy period. It's technically impossible. They may receive empathy from other men, who may apply themselves to dragging them out of inceldom though.

>> No.22255034

thanks for the reply, user, but you misquoted and posted a one word response, next time consider swigging some pure ethanol beforehand.

i really disagree with the notion that women are at all empathetic, by nature or conditioning; women treat their own children like pets, and this is demonstrated in maybe 2/3rds of mothers, and demonstrated in them all when given a toy baby as a child.

i can't wrap my mind around where you or anybody wold seriously come to the conclusion that "women are empathetic", it was a pretense from the middle ages and victorian times, akin to "women are always innocent, women are too stupid to be cunning," it's self-imposed naivety on the part of men which leads to this kind of fucking impasse in thought: you see a woman being very malicious and very cunning, and your brain seems to shut down and reset.

very strange - and no wonder at all that women dominate the men in the 'developed' world.

>> No.22255039

>Might is right
>Why should they be entitled
moron. Iron out your contradictory worldview. You're probably just trolling.

>> No.22255045
File: 81 KB, 951x609, us-divorce-rate-over-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is something wrong with society. the irony in this chart is that divorce rates are only lower because marriage rates have absolutely plummeted.

>> No.22255047

Which empathy lol? If they perpetually disrespect and pity you and you are taking it, no wonder you "absolutely loathe women in general".

>> No.22255054

Stupid womanly graphs I hate it I'm going to the gym

>> No.22255057

Ok faggot, there is something wrong about society, AND? Why don't you like become a real man. Why don't you change society. You fucking idiot bitch. How depraved of energy one has to be to tolerate such misery on himself.

>> No.22255058
File: 45 KB, 500x316, chart_10_SocialMarriage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women don't post statistics, they parrot mainstream media talking points. I have a girlfriend.

>> No.22255059

lol this is always the answer,
>pretend they are (some bad word)
>pretend they can't get laid
does it work? nop.

I would say everybody you insult (on this topic) is probably a 40yr old father who lost his house and children through naivety toward women, it's more likely than that they're all 16yr olds who can't get a date

old subject, same dumb response

>> No.22255060

Incels don’t deserve sympathy. Incels are like niggers, looking for handouts and sympathy. They need to forget sympathy and better themselves. I guarantee that if incels worked on bettering themselves, stopped being so idealistic and lowered their standards, and actually put themselves out there and made an effort, they would get a woman

>> No.22255061

Juliet Mitchell - Psychoanalysis and Feminism

>> No.22255062
File: 14 KB, 320x240, 1677924586564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the book of Proverbs

>> No.22255065

a few of these women have always been nice to me and one I regret not marrying to this day. while we are making things up about strangers lives, you eat poop.

>> No.22255067

ed. fuck am i talking about, i already know the answer to this,

>deny women are incpaable of wrong, white knighting, ugly coon breeding strategy of the 99%
it's breeding strategy.

>> No.22255070

Anyone can make a fake graph. Take your incel propaganda elsewhere and try to get a woman. They just don’t fall into your lap you know?

>> No.22255072


>> No.22255077

>very strange - and no wonder at all that women dominate the men in the 'developed' world
It probably happens every time society absences to a certain point. Men are still compelled to "waifu" the women, but circumstances are different, so women start accumulating power instead. Untill neighboring barbarians kill and rape everyone. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.22255079
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I'm not insecure at all about my masculinity or actions in life, and I'm not unhappy either. calm down. you could discuss the subject, you know. instead of thrash out at strangers.

>> No.22255080

I don't care lol. I favour marriage because I think it's preferably better but I don't care about what others do like working in a bank is objectively better to doing fast food but why should I care about the idiots who willingly work in fast food

>> No.22255081
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why are we pretending that incels don't get laid?

Pic related recorded himself having sex a bunch on his youtube channel before it got nuked.

>> No.22255087

some dogs have spots

>> No.22255091
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>> No.22255092
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here's the face of a member of I.N.C.E.L.

>> No.22255095

People are fuggin idiots is all I have to say.

>> No.22255097

wasn't meant to insult anybody, even though I guess you could read it that way. Only that it's technically impossible for loser adult men to receive sympathy, from anyone. They are just not pathetic enough, being adult and perfectly functional men. So it's all contempt instead.

>> No.22255100

This is female manipulation and simp propaganda. Women are ruthless psychopaths of social and emotional gain, but often self-deluded about it.

>> No.22255102

>incel is mad that people have relationships while studying at university

fucking LMAO

>> No.22255108

>why are we pretending that incels don't get laid?
i doubt the validity of the pejorative in relation to the subject,
it's like you as an alt-right, let's say, are painfully escaping from years of conditioning and beginning to address labor concerns in a migrant flooded economy, and you get told that you hate immigrants for the colour of their skin - well it's just not the truth of your motivation or interest, it's a delusion on the part of others who can't face-up to the reality of things around them.

that said, if any man really wanted to have sex that badly he could easily just take it.

>> No.22255112
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some people care about the state of the society that they live in and want it to be better for their children or even unborn great grandchildren.

>> No.22255121

Misogynist and incel are different

>> No.22255124

I don't because I know damn well that schools state enterprises etc. whatever do shit about improving the condition of a population and that the entire work of providing a good future for my descendants has to be done by me alone
It's a hard pill to swallow but afterwards everything becomes easier

>> No.22255125

see >>22255092

>> No.22255131

Incels aren’t people that deserve rights or even life, let alone sympathy

>> No.22255132

Niceness isn't really worth anything. Tomorrow they'll go crazy, and if they deem you weaker than them as a result of the confrontation, well. You know what happens. Disrespect is a process.

>> No.22255136

your descendents sound lazy to be taking all these handouts, they should muscle through the hellscape we leave them, fuckin pussies

>> No.22255137

Incel is involuntarily celibate. It’s in the definition. Many become misogynistic as well. It doesn’t matter what he calls himself

>> No.22255151

No, they need ancestors they can look up to. I'm proud to say that I have ancestors I can look up to, people who literally worked themselves out of slavery to become rich and successful business men, real men who knew how to do everything except complain

>> No.22255172

also, you know, the whole argument of this falls apart when you realize that, at least in the west, and certainly the majority of places in the world, "sexless people" have existed at all times in the majority.

If you were alive in 1800 you'd probably die in a coal mine at age 26 never having seen a naked ankle, alive in 1900 shot to death in a trench with the same deal.

The idea that men are suddenly "being difficult" because "they can't get laid" is contradicted by history, probably more likely if there is any real intellect behind the charge it's that men aren't cum-drunk and laying down passive-like when given pornography, as they were expected to do (according to behaviorialism) when given access to strip clubs and porn. Although we Reichian sex scientists called bullshit on this at the turn of the last century.

If anything, this bitchy delusion that ugly men say about other men "hurrr cant get laid" is a feminine thing in them, teenage girls said the same thing to bookish teenage girls in the 1970's, angry and envious that the higher IQ chick wasn't content with flopping around on a hotdog like the lower IQ chick was.

itza breeding strategy, it's white knighting. I was like this as a younger man; "if i take the side of a woman and act cool maybe she'll fuck me," it's the 99% default position.

>> No.22255180

The word incel has deviated from its original meaning. Nowadays the term is used as a synonym for misogynist given their contempt for women. In theory, you could be attractive and even be sexually active but if you hate women then you are deemed incel

>> No.22255181

>It doesn’t matter what he calls himself
oh of course not, but it matters what YOU call him though. Snooze

>> No.22255186

Oh, loser men are just a convenient and safe scapegoat for anyone who wants one. I suppose they might go crazy and kill everyone, but no one is afraid of that. You can't disrespect and fear a person at the same time.

>> No.22255191
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I can't believe you retards are still using these fake social engineering buzzwords to promote whoredom, whoring and whore mongering.

>> No.22255193

I think in a lot of ways that becoming an Adult Man means becoming wise to Women, not even as an advanced thing, but as something any normal Man would do. The evidence speaks for itself; infantlism is the no.1 opiate nowadays, and basically the only thing that will mess you up.

on topic tho:
>It's still got to be Esther Vilars "the manipulated man",
read this book and become enlightened you dum cunt/s

>> No.22255194

Kek, it's horrible

>> No.22255203

Good literature thread, faggots

>> No.22255206

literally most of the world fears and disrespects people at the same time.

it's one of the pillars of fascism

>> No.22255211

Whores are easy pussy, what’s not to like? That they aren’t fucking you?

>> No.22255218

no no, even that is a breeding strategy, I figured this out as a child with no great learned logic lol, watch how couples talk: they say nothing if they aren't bitching about a 3rd party and making up stories; this is all women like to do, it's a bonding process and the only bonding process they have to make fun of others and make-up stories.

really listen to what women say to each other and the few times that men chime-in to what they say.

>> No.22255230

>its original meaning.
originally invented to explain violent muslims in sweden, angry they can't fuck blondes, developed like an ingrown toenail back onto the host society by intention

>> No.22255232

I certainly don't believe this. "They are trying to fuck us up, let's fuck them up first" might be fear, but when the Jews are in camps and being actively fucked up, there is no fear.

>> No.22255242

I've always been interpreting this as therapy. Shit on someone else and stabilize your own emotions. No problem is solved while doing this, of course. I guess it is a bonding process though.

>> No.22255246

>when the Jews are in camps and being actively fucked up
yeah, having to put in an honest day's work for a fair wage is a veritable nightmare for the Jew.

>> No.22255249

Nietzsche famously noted people become miserable when they aren't inflicting misery on someone else.

>> No.22255252

Nevermind the joos then, the scapegoat population may be anyone, and it's not relevant if they deserve it or not.

>> No.22255261
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Books for people who have a candaulism/exhibitionism fetish and like making their gf wear skimpy bikinis in public?

>> No.22255262

In my own experience, only when I was high in negative emotion. The moment it goes away, chasing positive emotion becomes ten times better. People are just miserable and actively trying to make each other miserable. Because, you know, "I'm eating shit and so should you", "that's life!". This sort of shit.

>> No.22255282


>> No.22255284

Seeing a weary mother, have always offered and insisted that I should carry countless babystrollers up flights of stairs, train steps, hailed cabs, what can I do to be empathic to relief the stress of her doing so, as it is a gentleman's nature. Think nothing of it, only honorable. It's a small gesture of kindness. Men have this empathy and it is a quality that is showing of one's character.
The problem arises when you are with a woman that questions this integrity with insecurity, pay attention only to me.

>> No.22255285

I'd like to derail the thread and note that Spain-spanish women are, as a group, the most beautiful in the world.

It's a VERY hard choice between spain, france, italy, etc (not the UK lmao), and there's always the allure of nordic babes, germanic babes, but, I think, gun to my head, if I had to choose, Spain has the best looking women. God I love white people.

>> No.22255319

Actual Spaniard here, our women have small boobs and ass and they're shrill feminists

>> No.22255334

I like small boobies

>> No.22255347

I actually fantasized about making my gf wear a micro bikini at the beaches, my reasoning is that Chads are so confident in themselves that they wouldn't mind the stares vs insecure cucks but the guys who that sort of shit IRL, the ones that force their gfs to wear slutswear and get implants are the exact opposite of Chads, they're the sleaziest slimeballs around

>> No.22255356

To be honest with you, yeah, that's probably the case more often than not. I just like showing off my gf's ass and nothing more, though.

>> No.22255394
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Correct, but they put a whole lot of effort into seeming like they're being empathetic and thoughtful.

>> No.22255406

The Crying of Lot 49
Pynch has them all figured out.