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File: 53 KB, 850x400, quote-what-has-athens-to-do-with-jerusalem-tertullian-80-6-0615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22252950 No.22252950 [Reply] [Original]

philosophy is cope

>> No.22252957

Your brain has been completely overtaken by a jewish mind virus and now you celebrate ignorance

>> No.22252968

Christianity is mega turbo cope

>> No.22252977

>this book says that people like me are morally right
>we all will go to heaven to spend eternity hooked to the pleasure machines
>everyone who we don't like will be hooked to the torture machine
>that's why you should accept my faith
>what do you mean it's not in my book?
>i'm not coping, you're coping!

>> No.22252987

Philosophy is understanding or refuting, taking everything at face value is cope.

>> No.22253574

All philosophies and belief systems are cope, your point is? it's natural for human beings to latch onto things to make sense of the world around them.

>> No.22253580

Keep coping lmao you all will burn in hellfire along with your heathen heroes.

>> No.22253584


Christianity is Greek

>> No.22253588
File: 112 KB, 680x657, chud nazi kick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22253590
File: 127 KB, 848x1160, BFFE3489-EFC6-4191-83DE-C1F079CCE569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But while we are here on Earth, I’ll show you christfaggot what hell is really like

>> No.22253594

both Christianity, atheism and philosophy are massive copes. Man is scared of death and copes, copes and copes again. Life is filled with cope. Ideology, politics, science, theology, etc are coping mechanisms.

There is no single human activity that is not essentially cope and deep down you know this is true. So stop arguing over what is and isn't cope because it's all cope, always will be, always has been. So get up and do something with your life

>> No.22253597

Shut up mass replying faggots.

>> No.22253603

You do realize, by adopting Christian beliefs, you are ''coping'' yourself to make the world and the thought that one day we will no longer exist more bearable, and that is honestly absolutely fine, more power to you. Christianity was also arguably influenced by Philosophies such as Stoicism and Cynicism too.

>> No.22253666


You christcucks are worse that ponies

>> No.22253691

1. Your picrel depicts Basil the Great, not Tertullian.
2. Read this text of Basil the Great (Address to young men on the right use of Greek literature). Any Christian should read this.


>> No.22253695
File: 99 KB, 467x700, saint-basil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22253741

Nazis are retarded and conscious discrimination is not the best answer but... it really is the jews. Someday you may understand.

>> No.22253745
File: 1.48 MB, 1500x2461, 1645948291321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Julian Augustus (pbuh) and Tertullian I agree christers should neither study pagan literature nor instruct others in it

>> No.22253792

name one (1) thing in life that is not cope

>> No.22253805

Christians are better at reading pagan materials than pagans are at reading Christian materials.

>> No.22253815

fpbp commence golem mald

>> No.22253873

Then why did they need to destroy the writings of Celsus and Julian?

>> No.22253933
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>> No.22253946

this is a queer thread for queers btw

>> No.22253950
File: 53 KB, 403x403, 1688079775406011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jan Assman

>> No.22253956
File: 22 KB, 570x351, 1647272604882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Assmann, egyptologist Jan Assmann

>> No.22253970

It didn't make me laugh when I read it, but the cat made it funny somehow

>> No.22253974

they didn’t

>> No.22254010


>> No.22254029

They did. You can only read them as fragments annotated by seething, play-pretend rabbis.

>> No.22254113

These are all the things wild animals do by instinct, are you nothing more than a animal then? or do you also have something what the animal kingdom doesn't, the ability to analyse, to philosophize, and come up with ideas about our purpose in the world. Ignorance is not a good thing my friend, if you only go by your natural instincts you are nothing more than a beast.

>> No.22254481

No one is more than a beast, you and the most ignorant man in the world are exactly as worthless. At least the ignorant does not play games like you do

>> No.22254579

This isn't true, you don't have to act on your impulses and on every urge you get, and you don't have do assent to every single thing what happens around you, you can stop and think, is this worth it, or is this woman worth going for in the long run for example. Human beings have the capacity to reason, something most animals don't, who naturally react on every impulse. Ignorance and people acting on impulse trying to fulfil their base animal desires causes much of the suffering in the world. Most people err towards the flesh when human beings are much more than this.

>> No.22254621

>At least the ignorant does not play games like you do
They don't know any better, that's why it's called ignorance, someone who isn't ignorant knows they have a animal side and are capable of doing things that are wrong but choose to walk a higher path instead.

You don't have to be a slave to your emotions, impulses and desires.

>> No.22254688


Brilliant deduction, zoomer. Go read a dictionary.