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22239001 No.22239001 [Reply] [Original]

I was made aware that Evola's book is extremely useful for this sort of thing. I'd presume that meditation and yoga could otherwise help improve one's cognitive abilities. Any ideas? How do I get into this stuff?

>> No.22239021
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niggas literally believing in magic in this board

>> No.22239033

There is literally a secret world of people teleporting, flying, mindposting on the psychic internet, astral projecting to other planets where similar travelers have constructed etheric outposts and colonies across the solar system, and you don't have access to any of it because you thought being cynical about everything was cool when you were 14.

>> No.22239044

did your brain fall out?

>> No.22239054

Yes, it is called dungeons and dragons. I have a high level sorcerer with epic skills. It can even stop time.

>> No.22239057

please elaborate. i'm desperate. i used to have eidetic memory when i was a child but now that i'm 20...

>> No.22239087

There's literally a documented cave you can enter that astral projects you on Mars

>> No.22239100
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mf thought John Carter was a documentary

>> No.22239379

I have no fucking idea what hyperphantasia is but one easy way to get into the book would be to fucking read it. The fact that you chose to make a thread instead makes me think that you are here to troll.
Depends on what you mean by magic. Evola was clear that the title was chosen to be deliberately provocative.

>> No.22239400

>cultural appropriation of ancient practices
>bait title
Was he the first esoteric shitposter?

>> No.22239401


>> No.22239434

>Any ideas? How do I get into this stuff?
Maybe the book you posted tells you how?

>> No.22239447

>cultural appropriation
Idiot detected

>> No.22240587

>charlatan steals shit from some old fart living in bum fuck nowhere
>invents a flashy name for it
A tale as old as time

>> No.22240604

You are just schizophrenic, thats about it. Go to the hospital and take you meds you psycho fag.

>> No.22240611

Thank you for giving your retard opinion for my entertainment, fag. Do you live in a big city?

>> No.22240612


>> No.22240619

Why people get so butthurt when you expose charlatans?

>> No.22240683

What did you expose and how, tranny?

>> No.22240689

>anon sucking some magical dick
>thinks he has ground to call someone tranny
So this is your mind on Evolian madick?

>> No.22240705

>can't answer the question
>whines like a triggered snowflake about le nazi wizard man
Good job retard

>> No.22240712

>believes in magic
>shit shilled by literal roasties on yt
>oh this is legit

>> No.22240741

>le magix??!!
Just admit you're butthurt about Evola being far right because you're not white and frequent r3ddit. At least you aren't even pretending that you have an argument at this point.

>> No.22240749

>butthurt about le ebola
I read Mishima, and I think it is good. I just don't like this HACK.
>ride le tiger
Literal garbage. Fuck off to /x/ with this crap already.

>> No.22240753

You and those crowley schizo faggots. Fuck off to /x/.

>> No.22240758

Sorry you're brown lmao

>> No.22240762

>y-y-y-y-you are le nigger
out of here

>> No.22240763

No, you're brown. Don't deny it, we know. Now apologise.

>> No.22240766

>apologize to my husbando
Fuck off, roastie. Get this garbage to /x/.

>> No.22240776

>more shitskin cope

>> No.22240779

Do you have a link?

>> No.22240788

This is 100% true but if you don't have blue eyes your ability to perceive it will be hindered immensely, it is astonishing that Evola was able to learn what he did considering his dual disability of being crippled and Italian.

>> No.22240790

You and those crowley faggots, fuck off to /x/ with your garbage. What kind of retard even bothers with those charlatans?

>> No.22240803

Skin colour is more important, fascist asshole.

>> No.22240809

>oy vey!
Go back to the 3rd world

>> No.22240853
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Greetings OP. I haven't been on this board in several years. I just happened to notice this thread while checking in on /lit/ out of morbid curiosity since /mu/ is a baron wasteland these days.
Don't let the fedorable nay sayers itt discourage you in your studies. These cynical npc types aren't worth yours or anyone elses time. If this board is nearly as slow as it once was, it should give me enough time to post a tldr on this subject, along with my recommended reading list and maybe some youtube links. If you're looking to expand your visualization capacity, you're 100% on the right track.

>> No.22240854

skull > eyes > skin

Disagree and you're a troon.

>> No.22240912

>caucasoidal shitskins with blue eyes are superior to Danes or Dutch with brown eyes

>> No.22240915

>How do I get into this stuff?
When you hate modern life enough that you think that the answer must be forgotten practices rather than revolution.

>> No.22240927 [DELETED] 
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Positioning the skull as anything but the utmost signifier of quality is dysgenics of the highest order. But troons like you love dysgenics, so it is no suprise.

>> No.22240938 [DELETED] 

Sorry you're brown. Keep simping for shitskins.

>> No.22240942 [DELETED] 

The bloke on the right looks properly Korean. The bloke on the left looks like an inhuman finn.

>> No.22240946 [DELETED] 

Whiter than you, chimpskull.

>> No.22240947 [DELETED] 

Both are niggers, who cares?

>> No.22240949

Thanks. I'd appreciate if it'd also be possible to get in contact with you. AFAIK, Evola is incredibly hard to get into

>> No.22240957 [DELETED] 

I'm as white as one can be. You're the one running damage control for shitskins, arguing which type of brown is more Aryan. Sorry you're brown but just get over it lmao.

>> No.22241263


>> No.22241269

Magic is real but it’s much more akin to praying and receiving aid from God than casting spells and shit. Spells and sigils work, but you just can’t hijack the nature of reality to be invisible for an hour. It’s subtle and ultimately a pious activity if undertaken with the understanding that God is the only magician and any work which you do is only possible because he let you. It’s similar to how prayer flags or prayer wheels work in other cultures. You can do stuff like bring about business opportunities or new friends but never shoot fireballs or levitate. White hoes call it manifestation but they are hylics and have no connection to God such that all their attempts are in vain.

>> No.22241535

>literal basic bitch yt shit
>magic works
Just learn self-hypnosis. This is what the cool kids are doing.

>> No.22241740

>How to develop hyperphantasia
How do you get to Carnigie Hall?

>> No.22241751

>you think that the answer must be forgotten practices rather than revolution.
To be fair, Evola was put on trial for being involved with a paramilitary group literally called "Fasces of Revolutionary Action."

>> No.22241900

Magic is total bullshit, these books are rubbish and do not get a person anywhere. Evola has been debunked on multiple occasions, stick to exoteric Christianity and refining your moral and ethical behavior, force absolutely nothing, of you're called you're called.

>> No.22241942

I have it as a result of OCD
It's not particularly pleasant at times and can lead to extreme emotionality

>> No.22241995

Are you 12? Or retarded? This "le magic is just le positive thinking" is one of the worst intellectually and most spiritually new age memes imaginable. Just incredibly ignorant and misinformed and reductive. It would be like if someone said they were interesting in working out and someone said just walk around more as if that was anywhere near the extent of such activity's possibilities or would lead to anything resembling interesting results. Tl;dr: kys fag

>> No.22242006

This but unironically

>> No.22242021

>my magic works trust me on that one, despite never having any results with it
There is science and charlatanism. Pick one.

>> No.22242033

Advanced science is magic and vice reversa -- asimov or some faggot

>> No.22242041

Yoga and meditation is for morons and cattle. Activating the 3rd eye aka your pineal gland? You will never experience magic in this path.
What you need is to be illuminated by Saturn aka Satan aka Lucifer. That light will enter your body through your real 3rd eye, ie your asshole. You should be sodomized when you are 3 to 4 years of age and initiated into the order of Lucifer. Then and only then can you do magic.
I'm surprised how all of you can't see that this recent esoteric traditional movement is a callback to Osiris and Horus worship, worship of the solar diety, in an attempt to blacken it (sodomize it) to gain ultimate power.
I'm assuming all of you are above 4 years old, so you're past the initiation prime. But you can try and sodomize yourself. Use a hallucinogen and a depressant. Contemplate a female diety from the Mysteries, like Venus. Then repeatedly sodomize yourself till you dissociate and feel the diety manifest inside you. Even better if you can get someone to brutally fuck you in the ass. This is what Ebola calls "contemplation". But he dresses it up in very sterile intellectual striving language so you think otherwise.

>> No.22242047

>Schizofaf obsessed with gay sex sees it everywhere
I bet you don't even realize how hard you are projecting lmao

>> No.22242057

If you don't get any results, you restart the whole thing. That is how it works with science.

>> No.22242065

You have no clue what you are talking about. But whatever. I need to get started with my day and stop shitposting anyhow.

>> No.22242070

I don't have to bet, I know that you're an ignorant moron and all you've read is Ebola. You have no clue about the cults, their symbolism, their initiation rituals and how they all relate to what Ebola wrote. You also don't have a clue about how most of today's esotericism is repackaged Mysteries and Judaic cult practices with some eastern yogic terminology thrown in to make it seem credible.
I'm surprised how you morons take this stuff seriously. But you know, if you want to "teleporting, flying, mindposting on the psychic internet, astral projecting to other planets" then please take a bunch of hallucinogens, depressants, get fucked in your asshole and dissociate. Im sure you'll be flying and teleporting all over the place.
Oh and as far as the gay remark goes, I'm not saying it, literally every ancient cult around the mediteranian practiced some form of ritual abuse to initiate its members, including sodomy.

>> No.22242077

>I'm going to do some magic, so I get le epic trad waifu
Ok, you just convinced me.

>> No.22242080

Ebola, frenchie and every other metaphysicist or esotericism has just repackaged these old ideas of ritual abuse for initiation, doing magic after being sodomized, etc in eastern mysticism language. So all of you start heckin loving tradition now.

>> No.22242083

>I don't have to bet, I know that you're an ignorant moron and all you've read is Ebola.
Wow such psychic much wow

I presume you must have gained such telepathy to know me so well by psychedelicly sodomizing yourself? Makes a lot of sense. You speak from experience!

Just kidding. You're a retard and a faggot.

>> No.22242105

Yawn. Cheap insults aside, stop taking this esoteric/tradition movement so seriously. You might resist what I'm saying because you've already spent a lot of time reading and understanding the material. But you really haven't pierced the layers of deception, not even a little bit. Everyone needs a hobby. Everyone needs some kind of belief. Or so they say. At least rid your mind of false deceptive harmful beliefs.

>> No.22242114

I'm just a normal dude bro. I think it reductive to claim all religions are just about sodomy. Some may abuse positions of authority for that purpose. But hardly encompasses whole gamut of religion. I have never been sodomized. But I do believe that cultivating imagination and learning about beliefs is interesting and enlightening or at least mind-expanding. It is very Freudian to reduce everything to sex. Very gay to make it all gay too. I'm not a tradition person. I do like esoterica tho. There is definitely some weird sex stuff involved at times. Just as much straight as gay however. But also seems kinda blood libel conspiracyish to claim there is some cult of satanic sodomites shadow ruling etc.

>> No.22242116

I guess some fuckers are that fucking desperate. So this is what "no le trannerino" does to a mf?

>> No.22242341

Well said. More on this vein of God-centered manifesting?

>> No.22242413

You need to put on your white robe (and matching shoes) and go into the basement and perform the ritual. Make sure to face east. See chapter 5 for more details

>> No.22242455

What's the deal with this style of cover? I've noticed every fucking information book you find now is nearly identical like that. Doesn't matter if it's about crystal healing or assault rifles.

>> No.22242831
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Part 1:
Ok I have a lot of ground to cover and only a short window of time to put my two cents in, so I'll make this as quick and concise as possible. Apologies in advance for not taking the time to read the posts itt, this post is just a response to op.
>How to develop hyperphantasia and other such abilities
While I'm not familiar with this word, a quick search online has given me enough to work with.
>"Hyperphantasia is the condition of having extremely vivid mental imagery."
Development of this alone may be accomplished through many different routs. The obvious first path to mention is what we may loosely call "meditation". There's thousands of ways to "meditate" and the definition of meditation is (from my experience) quite rocky. Suffice to say, meditation in this context could simply mean working with the mind through introspective or introvertive practices. Thus, no external stimuli is necessary. Just sit down and let your mind wonder, without being totally enamored or fixated on any given arising thought.
If a passive approach is not to your liking, you may wish to pursue a more active role. This somewhat more active approach is called by Jungians as "active imagination", or by others as "creative visualization". The Jungian approach is quite interesting and is described quite well here:
The method of "creative visualization" is outlined in the book of that same name by the author Shakti Gawain. However, the literature for this is extremely vast if you know where to look. I've been able to collect well over a thousand books relating to this and related topics, and have been able to see many connections that may have been passed over by others. A book I highly recommend is titled "Think and Grow Right" which was probably the most famous of the "New Thought" genre. New Thought, while undoubtedly being shunned by most itt, is imo another great place to start when delving into the esoteric and metaphysical subject. It describes many ways of developing the mind, and was partially responsible for the later "Self Help" and "Personal Development" genres. Again, this stuff is easy to discredit, especially because of the cult of personality so prominent in it. After Napoleon Hill came Earl Nightingale, and after him came Bob Proctor. All three of these men are worth looking into.
Another author that I can not recommend enough is William Walker Atkinson (also known as Theron Dumont, Yogi Ramacharaka, Magus Incognito, and was also the author of The Kybalion). I have been able to hunt down many of his rarest titles and have found him to be a great teacher. Some books of his dealing with your topic are:
>"The Power of Concentration"
>"Practical Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing"
>"Thought Vibration"

>> No.22242905

Hey, I'm the OP & >>22239057. Is there any way to get in contact with you? I clearly have a talent for this, but I lost my abilities due to unfortunate circumstances
My e-mail: alumi@mailfence.com
My Discord: alumi9
My telegram: t.me/Alumi2

>> No.22242908
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Part 2:
Another means of developing the mental faculties is through The Silva Method, developed by Jose Silva. This practice has also become a buzz word through the new cult surrounding it known as "Mind Valley", but I think the initial text "The Silva Mind Control Method" stands on its own and is worth checking out.
Around the same time Jose Silva was developing his method, another man was also doing something quite similar. This man was Robert Monroe, and his institute for research into the Out of Body Experience (OBE, a term coined by him). OBE, Near Death Experience (NDE), astral projection, lucid dream, shamanic flight are all very closely related, if not entirely the same phenomena. In the case of Monroe, he was experimenting with binaural beats and developed the Hemi-Synch program which I have found to be very helpful. The United States Army was interested in these studies and had send agents to the institute to gather information, leading to the document known as the Gateway Process paper. Through this document, you may also be lead down the rabbit hole into topics such as other dimensions, UFO phenomena, extraterrestrials, ect, which also leads into the topic of the New Age movement and all that it encompasses. The Gateway document is discussed here:
Thus, we now begin to see a connection here between the occult and the new science. This is where psychology, physics, and biology begin to gross over into the realm if imagination. Parapsychology is a vast subject, but it mustn't be overlooked entirely. Remember that almost all of histories most prominent thinkers were esoterically-inclined, and the study of the history of science is a study of the history of the occult. I will try and elaborate more on this in later posts, but this is all the time I have for now. Happy hunting friends!

>> No.22243029

KJV 2 Corinthians 12:3
>And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;)

>> No.22243157

Evola isn't a way towards the path you want to walk. Though his exploration are still worth reading.

Sorta this, but just like most of you are unable to comprehand that you're frogs in well thinking it is an ocean, so is he merely a shark stuck in lake with exactly the same mindset.

The key lies in death. It is the ultimate teacher but the cost it asks for at the very least is inhumane suffering, the kind most people are unwilling to go through. It was because of this fear that sodomites became dominant - it's easier, less painful and even enjoyable to some.

You need to touch death, "die" and then return to life. The easiest way is fasting to the point where hunger almost claims your life and hope that you will "connect", there are also more extreme ways many of which are present in legends, mythologies and other fantastical stories but they were reserved for those with strength of mind, body, spirit and soul and majority are lacking in that department today.

It is a thin edge. But it will work. Plenty of spiritually dead individuals "awakend" their spirituality from accidental brush with death due to Near Death Experience. Most of them became believers in the unnatural after such incidents, however because they were unprepared or "weak" from a sense of one's totality, they could not grasp what was to be offered. A library of knowledge for 1 hour is useless for those who do not know what to look for and priceless for those that do.

>> No.22243176

Go find a simple object like a matchbox or a light bulb and study it for a minute or so. Then close your eyes and imagine that object to the best of your ability. If you don't "see" anything, or the image continually distorts or disappears, or you get distracted -don't fret about any of it and just try to continually summoning the image, and keep trying to hold it in place (without force, "look" at the mental image the same way you would look at clock to check the time). Do this 5-10 minutes a day, 2 or 3 times a day. You will simultaneously be developing your faculties of visualization and concentration, but you will also be developing the Will and cultivating self-discipline.
It will take you about a year to "re-habituate" the mind and bring it under obedience (you will experience a tangible shift in personality which I can only describe as "self-recollection" or "general self-discipline"). Be patient and persistent, we live in an age of instant gratification, but the first results will probably take months of uninterrupted daily practice to show up, so you have to keep at it. If you get that far, you will be presented with further opportunities and instructions (whether through another synchronistic event like this, or the appearance of an actual Teacher, either physical or non-physical).
Good luck.

>> No.22243194

>the appearance of an actual Teacher, either physical or non-physical
hol up. you scary.

>> No.22243202

books on this?

>> No.22243251

I was going to write an addendum to my own post, but you already preempted what I was going to say with your question, so I'll reply to this instead.

I would encourage you to seek out information for yourself. Read books about meditation, the occult, yoga, whatever interests you. 95% of what you will read will be nonsense, but a tiny amount of it will be important. You will not be able to differentiate what is what, and initially skip over or disregard important stuff. Eventually (perhaps over the course of several years) you will find yourself coming back to certain books you've read which you had previously dismissed, for them to only resonate on a second or third reading years after the fact.
It's important that you expose yourself to all of this material so that the "guiding principle" in your life, has something to direct you towards, so research as much as possible.
It's best you undergo this process yourself, because everybody has different proclivities, so any book I could recommend to you, you'll probably think is lame and gay.
We also have to content with the fact that most books are flawed. I have read books where 10 out of 300 pages were life changing and the rest was trash, or books that only made sense because I had knowledge gained from some other book, and so on. So it's difficult to recommend books 'wholesale' because you will not be able to get what I got out of them. That's why it's best to undergo this process yourself.

>> No.22243260

>any book I could recommend to you, you'll probably think is lame and gay.
try me

>> No.22243272
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Let suppose that I touched death in Minecraft while in sleep paralysis, how do I control the powers that keep causing ridiculous synchronized events in my life.

>> No.22243280

Did you have results like that, that took that long to manifest? I'm willing to do this for as long as it takes as long as there is a reward at the end.

>> No.22243468

Concentration by Ernest Wood.
Concentration by Mouni Sadhu.
Concentration and Meditation by Christmas Humphreys
Meditation by Adelaide Gardner
These books specifically give exercises and auxiliary recommendations for gaining control of the mind, between all of them you should gain a fundamental understanding of what it takes. These books were written by Westerns for Westerns, in the early 20th century which is what I like. If your proclivities lie elsewhere, there are innumerous Buddhist and Yogic sources for these things as well, or even any number of other traditions and I encourage you to look for them yourself.
Yes. As a consequence of the daily practice of various concentration exercises I more or less gained the faculty of "self recollection" (or some base form of it at least). I became much more emotionally stable and less reactive. I become happier and more content. I started feeling a sort of inner, self assured confidence and I became more disciplined. Certain negative habits fell away naturally, and certain good habits established themselves with little effort on my part. My concentration and control over my thoughts improved tremendously as well, and much more.
I first started noticing these changes taking place after about 4 months of practice. Then it proceed to unfold with ups and downs and various stages of progress when around 11 months of practice it's like I reached a tipping point and this "self-disciplined/self-controlled" state found a sort of semi-permanent ground in my being. It's like a faculty of volition had established itself within me, whereas previously I was just guided by automatic reactions to stimuli from my environment (and my ability to visualize also improved if that's what you're asking lol).

>> No.22243988

>Mouni Sadhu
Very interesting that you’d mention that name. Just last night I was flipping through a copy of his book on meditation, and was planning to head to the bookstore before work this morning to pick up a copy of his book on the tarot but got sidetracked posting itt instead.

>> No.22244058

>These books were written by Westerns for Westerns,
sweet. thank you anon. blessed be.

>> No.22244075

anon, i am very interested in what you have said. please share more for us learnlings. how and why did you develop interest in these practices? how do you schedule and carry out these practices? and most interestingly, what is the mention of meeting visible or invisible teachers after engaging in these practices?

>> No.22244155

Heads up friend. Magic isnt real. Best case scenario you give it up after reading and making no progress. Worst case you end up with kundalini psychosis in a psych ward. Just pray.

>> No.22244162

You need a guide, someone you can talk to, unless you have a teacher stop.

>> No.22244164

>magic isn't real
>but magical forces (such as kundalini) can cause physical madness
A contradiction, no?
>just pray
Literally part of the praxis (any)

>> No.22244172

Op wasn’t asking if magic was real or not. Stop posting off-topic bullshit.

>> No.22244177

Food for thought - If you want a teacher, try a waterfall, or a mushroom, or a mountain wilderness, or a storm pounded seashore. This is where the action is. - Terence McKenna, arch wizard summoner of machine elves

>> No.22244214
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>Evola's book is extremely useful for this sort of thing.
You'd be wrong, obviously so given the lack of incels that love Evola committing mass castings against the millions that must die.
>I'd presume that meditation and yoga could otherwise help improve one's cognitive abilities.
You'd be wrong, obviously so given the cultures where these are most practiced.

This type of stuff is very real, but "late 1800s-early 1900s 'esoteric' author influenced by pajeet mysticism" is unironically the absolute worst source for this stuff. Stick to secular parapsychological studies, occult writings pre-1800, and become literate enough in mainstream science to know its epistemological shortcomings. Avoid shit that puts emphasis on "initiation".

Stare at an object until your eyes tire, then close them but focus on the after image.
>improve one's cognitive abilities
Art of Memory
Lucid dreaming (direct connection to the unconscious, you'd be surprised what you can ask it to do)
Read real literature.

>> No.22244324

>Read real literature.
Like what? Please provide a list.

>> No.22244330

Magic isnt real.
Complete silliness, a half-truth.
I tell you now. Unless you are ready to go through crises, crises which noone around you will understand which will be characterized as panic attacks, schizophrenia, which may drastically alter your life, and lead you to the looney bin and so forth then do not begin. Many people who are into this field delude themselves, they have not touched the real thing, and simply are fetishists in a state of becoming more and more depraved, especially when it comes to the arousal of kundalini, erotic hypnosis does well to exemplify this abuse.
Real magic is something IRREVERSIBLE, think of it like the beginning of a phase after puberty like puberty. The crises ultimately stem from repressed unconscious psychic content - the ego can literally you put you into schizophrenic hell-world to keep the soul in a state of impurity.
All I can say is, I have travelled the same roads. The holy trinity and christianity, were right all along, the absolute highest form of "magic" is simple prayer, like that of a child. The illiterate man who is pure of heart, is more adept than the modern perennialist elitist who is caught in the web of guenons and evolas, descriptions, words and forms. In this pretentious intellectuality, get ready fo cry and cry for your sins, if this sounds strange to you, you do not understand the power of conflicting emotions.

I will continue to say magic is not real, because in the places where people ask questions about magic, naive young men, which is what I was, dont understand the gravity of what they are getting into.
"Drugs" are a weak form of what is possible for the simple man. And this is terrifying, absolutely, God is awesome that pure unspeakable being.
Once you actually make a step into the real, you will realize what is really going on, and you will be in absolute terror until you find some way to stabilize the experience, such that you can still be functional in your day to day life.

This is the main point, this society and civilization demands a certain functionality, and the "real stuff" can even put you into a cataleptic state, cause psychosomatic diseases, and so on so forth. Think about your family, your mother your father, they will not be able to understand what is happening to their son, you will be a source of immense pain for others. Being absorbed into the ambience of God is all that is required, easy to say, but you will realize that a monastery is where you actually belong.

>> No.22244377
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>”magic isn’t real”

>> No.22244382

what is God?

>> No.22244638

I wish I were able to tell you much more but it is my own system which I have created based off of experimentation and a little of my own thinking on the world. My influences would be Hermeticism, Kant (specifically his insistence on a Noumena God that we cannot know outside of His influences on our world, and chaos magic. It is a system which I have made for myself of myself and any such system which you would wish to practice should be likewise yours. Mysticism should be deeply personal and I encourage you to build your own. That does not mean to not take insights from others, only to let those insights guide and not be your own thoughts. I started as a normal agnostic that grew up Christian who could not reconcile the inconsistencies of the Bible and have scraped my way around to making meaning of it. Essentially, Kant and Hegel play a large role in it by separating the Divine essence from anthropomorphism such that room for evil exists in my system through both free will and the essentially non-phenomenal way in which God works. Meaning, that God is more opposed to evil as a concept than to evil in practice and that the amount and duration of evil has no real effect on the Noumenal battle between God and Satan. Moreover that the interest of the Divine in us is of a similarly objective nature such that the soul can be assumed as having a noumenal link to God which we cannot directly know but exists almost outside us in the impenetrability of the soul. The whole purpose of my practice is to nurture this connection with the Divine by bringing about a deepening of the connection with the soul. This can be achieved in many ways although physical activities like dancing or meditation are more effective than sigils or spellcasting. Spiritual work itself stems from God so that any attempt at magic is doomed to fail but it’s similar to exercise in that it works the spiritual muscle bringing you closer to him. The real effects of the work are given to you when God sees the piety in your wishes and grants them. It sounds very retarded written out but maybe I am a retard. Think for yourself

>> No.22244755

Fuck off back to the 3rd world with your stinky family, ahmed.

>> No.22244761

Keep coping you nigger

>> No.22244764

Shit-tier trolling, you're too stupid to post here.

>> No.22244805

>This can be achieved in many ways although physical activities like dancing or meditation are more effective than sigils or spellcasting.
You get it. Absolutely you get it. Sigils and spellcasting presuppose an "unnatural" unification of some power of the soul, dancing and so forth is just a natural creative expression of the soul. I would beg to differ with you about meditation - sometimes people have an idea of meditation which is nondifferent from spell casting and sigils - engaging inferior powers of the soul usually for egotistical ends. Whereas what its really about is just sitting and being , silently at first, and then closing your eyes and restraining speech does nothing in particular, as you go about your day itself it will be like a meditation, in this state your whole body mind and spirit is in harmony and you can radiate creative expression, and dance with creation.

>> No.22246096

What are your opinions on memory palaces? I have to admit that one reason why I don't get more involved into these techniques is that I feel like I'm constitutionally incapable of learning them. I'm not stupid, and I'm not even suffering from a disability like aphantasia. But I just don't handle spatial things very well. I could barely recall more than the basic imprint of my childhood room. Forget about granular detail. Idk how people use memory palaces without the granular detail.

>> No.22246122

sigils are degenerate meme chaos magic bs

dancing is known as meditative technique to many

confusing magic with meditation is silly

magic is more than just vibing, it's understanding how the vibes works, ofc this knowledge is neutral -- can be used for harm or help
NTA but just practice. Granular detail develops with repetition. Some people find drugs helpful for starting. I find that over long periods it actually diminishes sober ability however.

>> No.22246226

>Granular detail develops with repetition.
But that's the weird thing about memory palaces. They expect you to have already have a cherished place that you remember in granular detail. It's strange. Makes me wonder if I've been going through life handicapped in some way.

>> No.22246244

When you dream is there not granular detail? A lot of it is as much goin with the flow of visions as much as controlling them. Is there a place you remember fondly? Could even be fictional. Memory palaces becomes more subtle with practice. At first it is oft clumsy. Do not expect to start out with a mansion with countless items. You must build yr pyramid from the base as they say.

>> No.22246361

No. I feel vivid but "wispy" and "fleeting" details. I mean, that's what makes it a dream, doesn't it? w
>Is there a place you remember fondly?
Honestly? No. Not one that readily comes to mind. That's another problem I have. I'm ambivalent about most places.

>> No.22246992

There are no coincidences, friend.
I always felt that I could expand my potential as a human being. My concentration was poor, but I knew it was possible to improve it. My mood was poor, but I knew it was possible to feel happy. I was undisciplined but I knew it was possible to exercise self-control, and so on. Knowing it was possible, the question became how? Which is what lead me to exploring these types of techniques, which I found are intrinsically linked to the esoteric and spiritually (all self-development is spiritual development as well in a sense).
As for how I carry out these exercises, I just do. I have a rocking chair in the corner of my room where I do most of my practice -I do them whenever I have time. I prefer practicing in the evenings, but it's good to practice in the morning as well, because it can set the mood for the rest of the day -this is especially important if you're a beginner because one of your biggest obstacles is this sleepwalking like state in which you float through life, so you should take hold of yourself at the earliest possible moment (ideally as soon as you wake up, when you're still lying in bed).
Other than that I've done exercises in daily life where possible. Lunch break at work, sitting on a park bench, passenger in a car, waiting for the bus, etc. It's good to practice in these spare moments.
As for the teacher comment; "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear" is not just some meme phrase made up by New Agers. In my post about reading books I mentioned a "guiding principle", this relates to that (that same phenomena is also the cause behind synchronicities, and going further it relates to what some people call "karma", but that's beyond the scope of this post).
I did some exploration into mnemonics but I gave up on them quickly, because I did not believe them to be worthwhile; they're too gimmicky. As a consequence of improving your concentration and ability to form images, your natural ability to memorize (and recall) information will improve as well because these faculties are intimately linked. I believe this to be a superior development.

>> No.22247801


>> No.22247991

>Meditation by Adelaide Gardner
Does anyone have this as a pdf or epub?

>> No.22247995

>Meditation by Adelaide Gardner
Does anyone have this as a pdf or epub?

>> No.22248571

Il bumpo

>> No.22248639 [DELETED] 

Snowniggers have an ugly occipital bun. It's better than a sloped forehead at least.

>> No.22248659 [DELETED] 

This is just shitskin cope, since Nordic countries are easily among the best and most civilized in the world. That sucks you're brown and your faggot immigrant parents fled like cowards to a White country to be more comfy, i would be butthurt about it too.

>> No.22248761 [DELETED] 

>most civilized in the world
More like they destroyed the entire world, including themselves in the process, with the cancer of industrialization. If they were so great, then they wouldn't have been manipulated by Jews into destroying both themselves and the natural world.
I don't owe you any compassion, Snownigger. Go die crying for Jewsus to save you all the way to death. Snownigs aren't superior at all, being fooled by a Semitic cult for 1000+ years.

>> No.22248767

>all the way to death
all th way to hell*

>> No.22249179

hold on, this book isnt actually about magic?

>> No.22249241 [DELETED] 

>more shitskin cope and seethe

>> No.22249682

>I did some exploration into mnemonics but I gave up on them quickly, because I did not believe them to be worthwhile; they're too gimmicky. As a consequence of improving your concentration and ability to form images, your natural ability to memorize (and recall) information will improve as well because these faculties are intimately linked. I believe this to be a superior development.
There was an old thread that made me change my mind on this. It was a massive expansion of short-term memory. Let me see if I can find it later.

>> No.22250262

Found it.

>> No.22250492 [DELETED] 

>more snownigger hypocrisy and arrogant basically rendering them into Faustian Jews
Kys and epically eat shit in hell.
In fact, take your whole shit family with you.

>> No.22250502

>more snownigger hypocrisy and arrogance basically rendering them into Faustian Jews

>> No.22250635 [DELETED] 

>idiot shitskin is still replying
You're a nigger.

>> No.22250642

>idiot snownigger still acting like an impotent bully
You're not a sentient being, you have no qualia, you are a p-zombie, and you should seriously consider suicide, taking your entire shit family with you.

>> No.22250963

>he's still replying
Kek. It's so pathetic how insecure you are about being nonwhite. Are you going to cry? Why are you playing the victim when you started this by attacking White people, you dumb shitskin? That is stereotypical inferior brown behaviour, so now I'm straightening you out.

Go back to your 3rd world toilet. You won't because you're a pussy who needs 1st world comfort like your stinky brown immigrant parents, just like won't stop replying because you're a desperate brown dog who doesn't belong in civilized White society. Keep coping.

>> No.22251007

>Why are you playing the victim when you started this by attacking White people, you dumb shitskin?
You're the one who started this by constantly yelling shitskin in every Evola thread, you obsessed hypocritical piece of shit. You then try to pass off your own views as Evola's like the Faustian Jew that you are. You are the one playing victim. You hit others, and people will retaliate, you stupid fucking snownigger.
>That is stereotypical inferior brown behaviour, so now I'm straightening you out.
You're the one with a superiority complex, constantly derailing every thread to be about Nordic supremacy, and I simply point out you aren't as great as you are.
>Go back to your 3rd world toilet.
Go get run over by another truck of peace due to your sanctimonious bullshit of spreading modernity everywhere.
>just like won't stop replying because you're a desperate brown dog who doesn't belong in civilized White society.
Snowniggers don't belong on Earth. You created the biggest unprecedented cancer in the entirety of world history. You don't belong on Earth. Get shot to Saturn, you Demiurgic piece of shit.
> Keep coping.
Slit your throat. People like you being disemboweled and dismembered deserve it. You start shit, you get hit. Simple as. Instead of constantly chauvinistically praising yourself online, go do shit about it. Oh that's right. You're a bitch.
You wouldn't even be able to kill a non-white baby fyi, but I would have absolutely no probably mutilating your entire family in Minecraft because of how rude and insufferable you, as if you are not even a creature born of Earth.

>> No.22251035

The white race has a tendency to create entirely novel problems of an epic proportion whereas Middle Easterners tend to be overly aggressive and boorish. Which is worse?
I'd say the ones who created the problems are far worse because if they are allowed to continue as they are, they will pretty much destroy both themselves and the world in the name of progress.

>> No.22251230

Nordics/Germanics are 100% racially superior to you dude, stop coping about muh islam and muh nordicism. They are higher IQ, stronger, taller, more beautiful features, more compassionate, more innovative and strong-willed, and have more control over their base instincts. You are unhinged and seething with genocidal rage, writing fantasies about killing people because someone called you a mean word online after you already insulted their race and continue to do so. Truth hurts, pooman. Jews wouldn't be so dedicated to replacing whites with brown retards like you if they weren't superior, instead they import people like you as a weapon against the native Western population.

Whites create new problems because they create. Middle Eaterners are just fallen white mutts, stupid and violent. They can't do anything, it's why they all flock to white countries and frantically adopt cancerous judeo-america culture.

>> No.22251269

>Nordics/Germanics are 100% racially superior to you dude, stop coping about muh islam and muh nordicism. They are higher IQ, stronger, taller, more beautiful features, more compassionate, more innovative and strong-willed, and have more control over their base instincts.
Is that why Nordics/Germans created the most devastating unprecedented problem in the entirety of human history: industrialization? In short, organization-dependent technology has led to these immense problems: breakdown of local communities & traditions, loss of autonomy, massive biodiversity loss, overcrowding leading to behavioral sinks, loss of privacy, lack of fulfillment, future genetic engineering, etc. I have only given a very brief and rough summary, but the loss of freedom and autonomy is inherent in the telos of organization-dependent technologies.
>You are unhinged and seething with genocidal rage, writing fantasies about killing people because someone called you a mean word online after you already insulted their race and continue to do so
YOU objectively deserve to die, period. Anyone who claims industrialization was ultimately good does not deserve to exist, and since your arrogant and insufferable race STARTED the cancer, then they should be held as more accountable. You have a DUTY to criticize the foundations of your mistake. You are not helping by constantly gloating about your "superiority" and insulting other races for not being able to adapt to your alien, anti-life social model, which is leading to global disasters and catastrophes never seen before. The human mind cannot adapt to this, but rather is US that is forced to adapt to it, thereby being enslaved.
>Jews wouldn't be so dedicated to replacing whites with brown retards like you if they weren't superior, instead they import people like you as a weapon against the native Western population.
You are not superior at all. A truly superior peoples would not be this cucked by Jews, causing a global trainwreck with their "innovations" to the point it threatens both them and the entire Earth.
You are just a cancerous and invasive force at this point. Not even human beings.
>Whites create new problems because they create.
Then stop creating and die. Ironically, this would allow for more flourishing of life and replenishing of biodiversity if the industrial order proceeds to collapse globally.
>Middle Eaterners are just fallen white mutts, stupid and violent. They can't do anything, it's why they all flock to white countries and frantically adopt cancerous judeo-america culture.
I never claimed Middle Easterners are superior or even implied it. What I am saying is people like you deserve to die, period. You are a cancerous, invasive force who simply introduces more and more problems due to your false belief in progress and the need to renovate the world.
There are countless white philosophers I respect, and none of them are as arrogant and haughty as you.

>> No.22251273

Also, finally, I am very sincere, honest person and when I tell you to commit suicide, I 100% mean it. You have no love in your heart for this Earth. In fact, you don't even have a true love for your own race. It is just a means for you to stroke your ego and size up on others. You are a pathetic, soulless man, and the sooner you commit suicide, the better. This is not a joke. We are living in unprecedented times and constantly making enemies with non-whites who do not adapt your sick, twisted modernized standards is not helping.

>> No.22251303

Hahahaha unironically take your meds ahmed.

>The white race has a tendency to create entirely novel problems of an epic proportion
Whites create and strive on epic proportions, novel problems come as a consequence.
>whereas Middle Easterners tend to be overly aggressive
No, that's just shitskins in general. Indians/paki, middle easterners, blacks, etc. Middle easterners are more cucked on average actually, you've read Revolt Against the Modern World I presume, and Evola talks about their "lunar" spirituality.

>> No.22251322

>Hahahaha unironically take your meds ahmed.
Stfu, David. Also, unlike you, I don't have a Semitic derived name.
>Whites create and strive on epic proportions, novel problems come as a consequence.
This is what an inferior race would do. A superior race would seek tranquility in what is already perfect than to introduce novel problems, corrupting what was once perfect and distorting it into a prison. It was thanks to whites that the Kali Yuga and Anthropocene has occurred. It was thanks to your own actions that mass migrations also occurred.
Just slit your throat already.
>No, that's just shitskins in general. Indians/paki, middle easterners, blacks, etc. Middle easterners are more cucked on average actually, you've read Revolt Against the Modern World I presume, and Evola talks about their "lunar" spirituality.
Unlike your Judaic uncultured self, I read more than just Evola. Also, Evola called Pisslam superior to Christcuckery, and I can cite the exact page number in Revolt and give the quote. Dumb piece of shit. Gouge out your eyes.

>> No.22251337

>you've read Revolt Against the Modern World I presume, and Evola talks about their "lunar" spirituality.
Illiterate retard. From pp 244-245:

"In these organizations, and in general in the shia, the recurrent
notions of the masum, of the double prerogative of the isma (doctrinal infallibility),
and of the impossibility of being stained by any sin (which is the prerogative of the
leaders, the visible and invisible Imams and, the mujtahid), lead back to the line of an unbroken race shaped by a tradition at a higher level than both Judaism and the
religious beliefs that conquered the West."

Slit your fucking throat, you disingenuous illiterate faggot. Also, I don't agree with that claim from Evola fyi.

I just hate how EVERY SINGLE THREAD YOU KEEP POSTING RACE BAITING BULLSHIT. I am 100% serious, redeem yourself with suicide.

>> No.22251381

Everything is always white people's fault, according to browns, because browns can't take responsibility for anything and suck at being leaders. Brown's have no agency, they just blindly follow whatever whites do (fact) then cry about it for sympathy later like children, because they're inferior. The kali yuga would happen independent of whites creating industrialization or whatever ted k meme shit you are on, that is idiotic. Whites may have been an instrument for it only because they innovate and conquer on a global scale, but browns adopted this materialism and anti-Tradition even more quickly and fervently, they just weren't able to invent it on their own. Materialism and material exchange is actually much more of a semitic and middle eastern value than it is a Germanic/Nordic value. Industrialization only happened as a result of the semitization of the West. Pretty sure Evola talks about this in Revolt.

Also my name is Celtic in origin, so you're wrong there too. You're a middle eastern muttman (semite) and your behaviour is basically like that of a feral nigger, good job.
>Evola called Pisslam superior to Christcuckery, and I can cite the exact page number in Revolt and give the quote.
So? Christianity is from the ME as well, both are telluric/feminine. The superior elements of Christianity and Islam come from the solar/Aryan form of spirituality accorsing to Evola.

>> No.22251391

What does this have to do with anything? Why are you so angry? Just leave, i am worried for you. You were calling white people snowniggers long before i started posting itt.

>> No.22251436

>Everything is always white people's fault, according to browns, because browns can't take responsibility for anything and suck at being leaders.
I am not saying everything is your fault, you self-victimizing hypocritical jackass. I am saying, you are not superior and these problems began with your race. Therefore, you should stop race baiting about your superior in every fucking thread.
>The kali yuga would happen independent of whites creating industrialization or whatever ted k meme shit you are on, that is idiotic.
Nope, it did not. It started with whites creating industrialization and lead to escalating trainwreck. Before industrialization, none of these problems of this magnitude existed. People lived in homogeneous villages in relative connection with the lands. It was genuinely more "manageable" even with wars.
Also, there are more anti-industrial thinkers than just Ted fyi. I can list several.
Evola himself is also anti-industrial too.
>Materialism and material exchange is actually much more of a semitic and middle eastern value than it is a Germanic/Nordic value
Keep scapegoating like the Faustian Jew you are. Rather than own up to your mistake, keep blaming others while claiming superiority. You can be superior in the ditch and hell.
>Pretty sure Evola talks about this in Revolt.
Nope, you illiterate faggot. He blames Protestants but still acknowledges the agency of the whites who followed it. You can't just say "Semites are responsible for Whites who followed Protestantism and brought the cancer of industrialization". It's because you are cucked and retarded faggots you were fooled in the first place. A truly superior peoples would not be fooled.
You are not interested in viable solutions. You simply want to claim superiority.
>Also my name is Celtic in origin, so you're wrong there too.
Then I'll cut off your head and put it on a stone like Cuchulain did to the Connacthians. I have the spirit and soul of Cuchulain. You do not.
You were screaming shitskin long before I called out your hypocritical snownigger nature. If you can't handle the heat, then don't start shit. Cuchulain will cut off your head and put it on a rock, and only then will you be superior in hell and not The Land of Promise.

Again, in all sincerity and honesty, kys.

>> No.22251455
File: 26 KB, 278x396, Cuchulainn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have his virility, dignity, ability to own up to mistakes, and strength. The only thing you possess is a rotten soul, constantly scapegoating others like a Faustian variant of a Jew. You make enemies out of those who could have easily been allies or sympathized with your plight too.

For this reason, I say you are better off dead. Did I hurt your feelings with the brutal truth? Then if you want to reclaim your honor, like the noble Romans, commit suicide. You will only be superior when you are dead at this point. I am sick and tired of your hypocrisy, constant instigation of fights, poor reading comprehension, and so on. Kill yourself, in all honesty.

And yes, I have read a lot of Celtic myths, and I do not sense even a faint glimmer of the heroes in you. You are merely a Faustian Jew, an agent of pure destruction and hypocrisy.

>> No.22251457

wtf is a faustian anyway?

>> No.22251468

It refers to when "you make a deal with the devil for greater power [or convenience]". Basically, doing something bad for a narrow-sighted benefit.

>> No.22251495

Samefagging and mentally ill retard. You were calling white people snowniggers and whining at the same time about racism when i entered the thread. I've also seen you do this before because i recognize your manic and rambling posting style from other threads. You are legitimately mentally ill so it feels bad, and any conversation with you is fruitless. You prove our point about race realism for us, openly being an unhinged and violent shitskin, wishing death upon innocent people because your feelings got hurt, like a child who can't control his emotions. Meanwhile you cry about and insult white people and the West while you reap every material benefit you can from it, again like a spoiled child. Inferior.

>> No.22251526

>You were calling white people snowniggers and whining at the same time about racism when i entered the thread
Only in RESPONSE to the constant faggot screaming brown and shitskin, which is obviously you: >>22240758
Now to save face, you are pretending to be someone else. Do you see how ignoble this behavior is? You have absolute no spiritual connection to the virile and noble Celts.
And there are different kinds of racism. I respect the prejudiced kind that desires homogeneity. This kind is a natural tribal impulse. I do not respect the type that claims superiority and insults large swathes of people when there are many other complex causal factors involved.
>wishing death upon innocent people because your feelings got hurt
You are not innocent at all, and it is far worse to claim superiority on the basis of industrial, scientific, and technological progress. By doing this, you are basically killing yourself more than any knife can and pulling others into your vortex of delusion.
> Meanwhile you cry about and insult white people and the West while you reap every material benefit you can from it,
Only a moron would have a child at this point, throwing them into the meat grinder of the 4th Industrial Revolution. I didn't benefit from your shitholes in any way. IN fact, you benefited from my slavery to your industrial cancerous system that has offered no true positive to both the natural world and man.
>again like a spoiled child. Inferior.
The only inferior one is the one who constantly gloats about being superior, initially lashing out on the "browns" and "shitskins", and then being double-faced self-victimizing Jew when called out on the hypocrisy.

Again, kys. You are not a sentient being and do not deserve moral consideration.

>> No.22251561

That isn't me, and btw I don't read more than a few sentences of your replies. Why would I? You can't even engage in a discussion, you just ignore what was said and repeat your midwit worldview over and over while telling people to kill themselves and wishing death upon innocent people. I see you in most trad/Evola threads, crying about "racism" while wishing death and rape upon innocent people. You're a feral shitskinned animal. You remind me of the stereotypical spoiled brown child.

Go ahead and write another paragraph that I won't read, you autistic shut-in.

>> No.22251585

> I don't read more than a few sentences of your replies.
To be expected from an illiterate. Funny how you insult negroes when you are effectively a mirror-image of their illiterate rap culture.
>That isn't me
Yes it was. Every single thread, you instigate conflict.
>midwit worldview
I haven't even shared my full worldview.
>innocent people.
There are very, very few innocent people anymore. Those who claim innocence are paradoxically the most tainted. No one is truly innocent in the post-industrial context.
The Anthropocene has turned Original Sin into a reality.
>You're a feral shitskinned animal. You remind me of the stereotypical spoiled brown child.
>Go ahead and write another paragraph that I won't read, you autistic shut-in.
Yes, anyone who is unbiased and reads your posts can tell you can't read.

You are an oversocialized faggot who thinks the worst thing in life is murder. In fact, what is much worse than murder is basing superiority on the "civilized" standards of modernity and industrialization, which has murdered far more life than the entirety of human history.

>> No.22251607

Even infanticide is far less immoral than basing superiority on the cancer of industrial progress, modernity, and scientific "progress". Hypocritical jackasses like you, who are obviously incapable of any deep nuanced reading of multiple authors, will not ever comprehend this undeniable truth.

>> No.22251634

How am I illiterate when I'm writing replies to you? I explained why i wasn't going to waste time reading your entire reply, and you just ignored it because you aren't interested in the truth.
>everyone calling me brown online is the same person
>In fact, what is much worse than murder is basing superiority on the "civilized" standards of modernity and industrialization, which has murdered far more life than the entirety of human history.
Strawman. I say you're a psychotic brown faggot with no control over your base nature, which is typical. That is a more feminine trait. I'm done with you now. Go ahead and have the last word, you seem desperate.

>> No.22251653
File: 65 KB, 667x1000, 61R+114xInL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to develop hyperphantasia
I recommend the book The Phase by Michael Raduga. It sets out a really simple method for lucid dreaming / astral projection. I got it to work literally the first night after I read the book. One part of the technique is deepening, which involves focusing your attention on some part dream world you find yourself in, touching it, observing details of the texture and so forth. The technique is done to help extend the dream and to keep your mind lucid throughout the dream. I've found that after doing this stuff for a few months, my imagination during waking life is more vivid, to the point that I can see things in my mind's eye noticably more clearly.

>> No.22251662

>How am I illiterate when I'm writing replies to you?
Because you just said you don't read everything I say in full. When I respond to a post, I read it in full.
>I explained why i wasn't going to waste time reading your entire reply,
Like a negro in rap culture, who reads a few sentences out of context and misses the crux, you engage in the same unsophisticated behavior.
>you just ignored it because you aren't interested in the truth.
Are you a zoomer? Because I sense a lot of ADHD from you.
It is always the same person who begins the race baiting in the Evola threads, proclaiming his is the superior race while hurling insults, even when unprovoked. I simply pointed out this isn't true since much of the major problems stem from Western introduced industrialization, which would have invariably spread. I believe even Spengler discussed this in Man and Technics, but I have yet to read that work.
There are no superior or inferior races. The desire for a homogeneous society is a natural and sympathetic one. The desire to create a hierarchy based on the capacity for scientific and industrial growth is an immensely dangerous and destructive one, even worse than murder.
>I say you're a psychotic brown faggot with no control over your base nature, which is typical.
And you are a haughty snownigger who is only able to start, perpetuate, or defend intractable and entirely unprecedented problems in the name of "progress".
I shall repeat this again for you:
The white race has a tendency to create entirely novel problems of an epic proportion whereas Middle Easterners tend to be overly aggressive and boorish. Which is worse?
I'd say the ones who created the problems are far worse because if they are allowed to continue as they are, they will pretty much destroy both themselves and the world in the name of progress.
Regardless, even so, I shall not say I am superior or inferior to you. Granted, I do recommend killing yourself.

>> No.22251679
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>> No.22251696

I don't have brown skin and light phenotypes are prevalent among my family. That still won't stop me from slitting your throat if I could get away with it in Minecraft. I'm not even as bad as the liberals since I am unequivocally stated the desire for a homogeneous society is a natural and sympathetic one. In fact, I get into arguments with liberals all the time, defending white peoples' desire for homogeneity.

I am fucking serious. KILL. YOURSELF. You are making enemies out of any those who would sympathize with you.

>> No.22251726
File: 220 KB, 750x557, F1DBC8CC-8684-4825-99C0-214BE16D19B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! I have this and have found it quite helpful. Michael Raduga has plenty of videos on YouTube worth looking into as well. Pic related is a few more book I have on this subject.

>> No.22251732

good recs.

>> No.22251741

Why are there teenagers shitting up this thread? Is it that difficult to stay on topic? MODS!!! REMIVE THESE INGRATES IMMEDIATELY!!!

>> No.22251750

Why does ItM filter everyone? People can't even have discussions about it here. Has anyone tried it?

>> No.22251773 [DELETED] 

That’s great but magicus triplicus, check ‘em, bitch.

>> No.22251817

I haven’t read Evola other than Revolt so I can’t really comment. Because of his political leanings it appears he can’t be openly discussed without controversy due to the fact that people in their teens and 20s are so obsessed with “identity” and the current media-centric cultural zeitgeist. But there are several other perennial-oriented thinkers who I’ve found very helpful in the development of my own Method, namely: Manly P Hall, Carl Jung, Mircea Eliade, and Joseph Campbell. I don’t really follow the Crowley school of magic but I really have enjoyed the weird stuff to come from Kenneth Grant and other derivative “left hand path” orders.

>> No.22251823

This is evil.

>> No.22251828

I've been following this guide for three weeks and I've never gotten as close to success as I did on the first day.

>> No.22252328

gay warlock here, the best ritual i've ever conducted was with a group of other young adult cancer survivors.