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File: 101 KB, 1200x974, 1900px_botticelli_aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22246070 No.22246070 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that Aquinas was a 6'6", 300lbs, musclebound monster. Which means he would have wiped the floor - not only philosophically but physically- with whoever this retarded board's german-idealist-of-the-week happens to be (inevitably a sickly midget)
>in b4 "chud"
idc, just read Aquinas will you ? (or any ancient/medieval philosopher, really)
modern midwittism does not have to be your sole horizon.
k good talk

>> No.22246079

>The Blessed in the Kingdom of Heaven Will See the Punishments of the Damned So That Their Bliss May Be More Delightful to Them
What did Aquinas the fat resenting incel mean by this?

>> No.22246093

>Daily reminder that Aquinas was a 6'6", 300lbs, musclebound monster

>> No.22246095
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>> No.22246097

He was fat. Aka a glutton. Aka a sinner.

>> No.22246105

Yeah like G.K. Chesterton lmao. I'll disregard another fat fuck from now on.

>> No.22246144

I hate you lookism niggers so fucking much its unreal

>> No.22246148

>t. sickly midget
didn't think people like you were real

>> No.22246162

I'm a universalist (spent 72 hours explaining why in the DBH thread so I'm not gonna do it again).
I have always found his stance on Hell very strange.
doesn't change the fact that Aquinas is a very interesting thinker who absolutely mogs any modern (not that this is very hard to accomplish) and could also physically wipe the floor with them.

>> No.22246178

>the DBH thread
What was the thread called?

>> No.22246185

not much of interest here t b h
but I was sick so I had nothing better to do

>> No.22246193


>> No.22246531

Dead religion.

>> No.22246543

I could outgrapple that fat fuck no problem

>> No.22246550

It doesn't take long to explain if you know what you're talking about any not just talking. Universal salvation is not heretical or anathema to sacred tradition, it is merely the recognition that God always gets what He wants and that there is no time in eternity, even if infidels do get a taste of it upon death.

>> No.22246554

he would get you in a stranglehold and slowly but surely choke you out, which, incidentally, is exactly what he would do intellectually to most of /lit/'s favourite "philosophers"

>> No.22246560

More than a chud, he was a thud

>> No.22246569

All that mass just to uselessly be pushed to being a pious cuck, a complete waste of it.

>> No.22246571

I agree, but apologetics unfortunately take more time (and more ink) than putting it elegantly or discussing it with people who already know.
see the arguments I had to reply to (for instance the "bittaker" (ctrl+f) defense to universalim and insubstatiality of evil)
you can't stand idly by when you read things this wrongheaded. but they are so wrongheaded that you have to rebuild everything from the ground up basically.

>> No.22246581

>be giant chad (6'6 in the middle ages is like 7'+ nowadays)
>born to noble family
>chose to be humble, live simple life, and devote all energies to God
a manlet like you would never understand, I am afraid.

>> No.22247171

"He does not, like the Platonic Socrates, set out to follow wherever the argument may lead. He is not engaged in an inquiry, the result of which it is impossible to know in advance. Before he begins to philosophize, he already knows the truth; it is declared in the Catholic faith. If he can find apparently rational arguments for some parts of the faith, so much the better; if he cannot, he need only fall back on revelation. The finding of arguments for a conclusion given in advance is not philosophy, but special pleading. I cannot, therefore, feel that he deserves to be put on a level with the best philosophers either of Greece or of modern times."

>> No.22247183

He wouldn't be able to get a hold of my neck after I hit a picture perfect knee tap on that obese fag

>> No.22247192

just reiterate your explanation of Daniel 12:2, if you may.

>> No.22247703

didn't say I was a christian universalist though
I don't care about jewish folklore

>> No.22247713

Damn I got schooled, I had no idea whoever wrote this felt this way

>> No.22247733
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Yes, because the core of Christianity revolves around being prideful and vain, and not meek and humble like skinny Jesus. When Christians try this alpha male “based!” attitude they sound retarded and are compensating for being dyels who can’t bench 1pl8. Christcucks btfo, your religion is fading away and being replaced by the Ubermensch.

>> No.22247742
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>He wouldn't be able to get a hold of my neck after I hit a picture perfect knee tap on that obese fag

>> No.22247758

>if he cannot, he need only fall back on revelation.
So doesn't this mean he's engaging in metaphysics and not philosophy...

>> No.22247783

>not understanding humor
also not a christian

>> No.22248185

seethe, cuck. Christ wins

>> No.22248198

Daily reminder that at the end of his life he had a mystical experience and realized all his works were straw that don't touch divine truth, beauty and love, and he said as much, he said all his works were straw and he wrote no more.
If you want to be a real fan of his you have to understand he's an ironic character set before us, an extremely intelligent, rational, systematic man trying to pin down divine reality and morals. And he failed, completely.
Also he supported prostitution.

>> No.22248216
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The entire reason lookism is so popular is inherent in the underlying homosexuality of its believers. What kind of man judges another man by his looks? Is he sizing him up for sexual intercourse? And another thing, women by and large make bad choices in regards to partners, evidently, women select for tall height (the body must pump blood to the heart twice as fast in regards to body size) and risk-intensiveness (more likely to get in car accidents or get murdered). In short women are effectively shortening the lifespan of men. For us to live long, women must not have a choice to begin with.

>> No.22248234

>While Thomas was celebrating Mass, he experienced an unusually long ecstasy.[66] Because of what he saw, he abandoned his routine and refused to dictate to his socius Reginald of Piperno. When Reginald begged him to get back to work, Thomas replied: "Reginald, I cannot, because all that I have written seems like straw to me"[67]
Why should I read this nigga's work when he himself repudiated it as pointless?

>> No.22248240

Most philosophers were actually just pedophiles trying to figure out ways to fuck kids. In the end, philosophers are the most evil, twisted, psychopathic, kiddie diddlists.

>> No.22248262

of course philosophy pales in comparison to direct contemplation of the divine
doesn't mean it's worthless lmao
I know this and I've never had a mystical experience
No one denies that language is essentially unable to capture the divine essence or the mystery of creation, I'm sure Thomas was well aware of this when he was writing (in fact he wrote so, on numerous occasions)

>> No.22248279

He realizes it, but I know people irl, and see them online (tradcaths) who use this kind of systemic metaphysics so trustingly. Or they'll be some moral question and they'll look straight at me and act like the answer is as simple as 1 + 1 = 2, because they have these kind of Thomist understandings. So I don't really appreciate him that much and I like mystics and existentialists better.

>> No.22248468

>I know people irl, and see them online (tradcaths) who use this kind of systemic metaphysics so trustingly. Or they'll be some moral question and they'll look straight at me and act like the answer is as simple as 1 + 1 = 2, because they have these kind of Thomist understandings

I'm the exact same kek

they forget that metaphysical and theological language is a sort of cue for inducing knowledge/sight of realities that are for the better part beyond language. these are things we can only ever hope to circle again and again, but through a miracle of apophatic and analogical phrasing, sometimes we get like a good angle and we have a sense of what it is we are talking about. thomist larpers (internet thomists) get fixated on doing le ebin syllogism thing. they actually have that same "facts and logic" asperger larp as atheists. they have been memed by the times, and have effectively separated wonder, beauty, and goodness, from truth.

that's one of the reasons I like Hart, he doesn't fall for that shit.

I still like Aquinas though, because he's not irritating like that. Plus the man has actual talent. as I said he acknowledged all that.

>> No.22248506

so you are just a hardstuck midwit shitposting to compensate for your lack of motivation to go deeper, got it

>> No.22248551

wrong post I'm afraid

>> No.22248706

Evil is the privation of good.
The highest good has to be aware of the possibility of its own privation.

>> No.22248709
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>don't mind me lol

>> No.22249538


>Before he begins to philosophize, he already knows the truth

All philosophers after Descartes do this by assuming that human reason alone is capable of providing man with knowledge. Kant tried to put an end to this reification of rationalism by placing hard limits on it, but subsequent German Idealists spent all of their energies finding increasingly elaborate ways for them to keep doing it.

>> No.22249554

>mystics and existentialists better.
In other words, you enjoy LARPing as someone who is too smart to be able to formulate a coherent statement.

>> No.22249577

just take LSD and you'll see "philosophy" as the autistic pedantry that Thomas came to see it as, except for the handful of insights that, by then, feel like they state the obvious, but at least they do that neatly (Jakob Böhme, Hegel...)

>> No.22249621

t. Thomist midwit

>> No.22250003

High Mesomorphic somatotonics are generally very fervent and easily lead into blind worship of their ideals. I'll take an ectomorphic cerebrotonic ascetic with genuine insight over a pushy thug like Aquinas anyday

>> No.22250081

What theologians do you like? Bulgakov?

>> No.22250233

He also terrified the whore his brothers purchased for him (if he fucked hookers, they reasoned, he'd give up his dream of being a Dominican) by grabbing a burning log from the fireplace and chasing her with it. She ran screaming from the room, then he inscribed a giant cross on the door with said burning, charred log, threw it back in the fireplace, and sat his giant ass back in the chair to read.

Thomas was a funny dude.

>> No.22250246

>nooo everyone should just get in to heaven no matter how shitty and evil they are

>> No.22250251

you seem to have nordic neopaganism confused with christianity

>> No.22250278

girl must have feared for her life

>> No.22250294

>musclebound monster
Nah man, he was fat. And he was also timid and quiet. He was the medieval equivalent of a fat sperg neet, deal with it.

>> No.22250303

That's not what was implied. Anyone who takes delight in watching the eternal tortures of hell is a sadist unfit for heaven

>> No.22250324


I can smell the Reddit man’s prose a mile away

>> No.22250350

One who values Justice is perfectly placed In heaven and one who is happy at allowing injustice of free pass to heaven without the aid of Christ and the Christian religion is not fit for heaven

Being replaced by Hebrew based atheism the religion of the goyim

>> No.22250445 [DELETED] 


>> No.22250544

>dude he’s so heckin big and sexy <3
>but he never uses it
>well that’s a heckin good thing!
>but he’s still a big boy and could one shot you
>never would tho.. he’s too heckin sweet
What a retarded thread. You respect his size signaling you like violence but he never does that so it’s irrelevant, I hate this board and fags like you. Go outside.

>> No.22251110
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And yet, Meister Eckhart still wiped the floor with him. Sad!

>> No.22252252
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>> No.22252267


>> No.22252271

I legitimately think the average 17-year-old high school volleyball girl could beat up Nietzsche in a fight.

>> No.22252311

>t. I can bench slightly more than 1pl8