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22245002 No.22245002 [Reply] [Original]

What am I supposed to take away from this?

>> No.22245013

Do your own book report

>> No.22245148

"he has autism just like me"

>> No.22245170

i think what it comes down to is he's not and never has been devoted to anything so all his experiences and opinions are flawed. it's a depiction of a beta

>> No.22245250

That Dostoevsky invented the greentext.

>> No.22245254

The entire time I was reading it I kept thinking how if this guy were alive today he'd be a namefag on this board

>> No.22245281

A number of insights emerge from the narrator of this story. Here are the ones I gleaned from my most recent rereading:
>one will pretend to be offended by something just for the pleasure of being offended; inventing adventures and slights which aren't based in reality but simply facilitate the joy one gets from "righteous indignation"
>reason on satisfies man's rational faculty... yet life is not simply extracting square roots (ie. acting merely rationally) [and therefore]...
>man may purposely, consciously, desire what is injurious to himself, even if it's stupid, very stupid, but he does so simply IN ORDER TO HAVE THE RIGHT to desire for himself even something that is stupid; he desires to be bound by something other than sheer rationality.
>[continuing] "the whole work of man seems really to consist in nothing but proving to himself continually that he is a man and not an organ stop."
>"man is pre-eminently a creative animal, predestined to strive consciously toward a goal, and to engage in engineering; that is, eternally and incessantly, to build new roads, WHEREVER THEY MAY LEAD."
>and that "the destination it leads to is less important than the process of making it, and that the chief thing is to save the well-behaved child from despising engineering" (ie. if you allow your child to hate the painful process of discovery, and the unpleasant efforts required to construct something, you will instill in him the great vice of idleness).
>the concept of The Crystal Palace

>> No.22245460

A man without god will end up becoming an underground man.

>> No.22245474

>be me
>> be sick,spiteful, and unattractive
>pretty sure my liver is diseased too

>> No.22245489

I’ve tried reading this book 3 times and I seriously can’t get past the first couple chapters. The writing style is just not for me. I’m kind of shocked at Dostoyevsky’s popularity when his style is just aimless rambling. I get bored very quickly.

>> No.22245493

Just be yourself

>> No.22245494

makes sense if you read what he’s directly responding to with the first half

>> No.22245624

Solid analysis, anon
>I'm shocked other people have a better reading comprehension and a better attention span than me
Absolutely pathetic. Imagine not even being able to read a 100 page something novel. Genuinely dire.

>> No.22245646
