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22244530 No.22244530 [Reply] [Original]

Name one black philosopher or writer, who isn't Thomas Sowell, who's one main idea isn't

>> No.22244537
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>> No.22244539

Have you ever considered how every philosopher prior happened to belong to the dominant racial grouping and thus did not have to confront their humanity as doubted by others? Of course Descartes could “doubt” he had a body—his body was not the source of his dehumanization

But anyway, Toni Morrison did some great lit theory that doesn’t tackle race, so there

>> No.22244540
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>> No.22244546


>> No.22244553

Boethius was literally beaten to death, and he didn't resort to
>oh no, if only I could express my Latinness in a society with systematic Ostrogothic Supremacy...

>> No.22244575

Race didn’t much exist then as it has since the 1600s, so that’s a doubly moot point

>> No.22244642
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, black_rednecks_and_white_liberals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Celts are the real niggers
>Liberals are the real racists
>Welfare is worse than slavery
If nothing else, I appreciate this man's boldness.

>> No.22244648


>> No.22244659

>begging the question

>> No.22244661
File: 35 KB, 640x360, white-folks-is-demons-pay-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to look for more than an oppression dynamic. What happened with Blacks in the west (English-speaking countries, anyway) is that they went (very quickly) from being institutionally oppressed to being institutionally privileged and eventually socially privileged on the basis of their race. Blacks have become an sacred object for brain-warped westerners. Blacks conspicuously announcing their blackness are trying to cash in on their privileged status.

There's a little more to it than that, but that dynamic is far more anomalous than common historical socio-political persecution. You might have an empire going from persecuting all the christians to stamping out pagans within the space of a decade, but the resulting "I'M CHRISTIAN" rhetoric is only going to look vaguely like the fucked up situation with modern wokeness, since Christians in theory worship God and Christ not Black people.

>> No.22244666

>Blacks conspicuously announcing their blackness are trying to cash in on their privileged status.
Also, of course, doing what they can to preach continuation of this favorable status quo.

>> No.22244698

>Have you ever considered how every philosopher prior happened to belong to the dominant racial grouping and thus did not have to confront their humanity as doubted by others?
Blacks are the predominant race in Africa, so what's your point?

>> No.22244801

What if there is a Descartes esque demon doubting nigger inside all of us?

I am a Mexican and I support this message and also stealing black women

>> No.22244808

Miggers and Brews

>> No.22244830

In theory they worship God in practice they worship submission to Niggers. I saw a baptism recently IRL at a mega church and they went out of their way to have this one black dude who is a turbo democrat antiwhite to baptise all the new baptisms. His facial expression when baptising white children was one of pure evil contorted sweaty rage but restrained in that fake Mr Beast style smile.

I made a lot of black nationalist friends as a Mexican because they're hormonally balanced and based. They're low key about gaming the libshit pussified whites. They're aware. They're the most redpilled people I know. Most redpilled people I know are nonwhites who empathize with the plights of whites who themselves are oblivious to their charity case penury and ritualistic humiliation.

>> No.22244832

based anon. these retards will purposefully misunderstand you but you're correct

>they went (very quickly) from being institutionally oppressed to being institutionally privileged
jesus, imagine genuinely thinking this lmao

>> No.22244836

Okay so Hume didn't exist

>> No.22244856

>blacks are defined by subjugation
Libtards are the real racists.

>> No.22244866
File: 61 KB, 828x620, 1688867440667030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whites do not organize as whites against nonwhites outside of the unique American pioneers of racism. Europeans are ethnic pussyfit fighting powder wig snooty vain sword dueling gun toting ego driven mad men willing to ignore the geographic and biological and economic and sociosexual and genealogical aspects of mate selection in favor of good ol (American shh) sportsball, beer, and TV media goyslop.

America prior to Lady Liberty's subversion was a racial conquista of Anglo elite acquisition and administration. There is nothing to romanticize but that racial idealism for your own competition. However are other groups capable of idealism and capturing the true nature of reality of rising above immediate pressures influences and confusions? No. In Mexico idealism is pariah. You're happy to survive the shit show with whatever woman will share a beer with you and let you smash so tell the in laws that we are all one kumbayah ayayay jajaja. Faces and minds blunted becoming more indistinct in morphology and psychology.

>> No.22244918


>> No.22244977

what's yours?

>> No.22245046

>there's no black philosophers who don't use race as their main point
>it's because blacks are minority ok chud?
>but they aren't a minority in certain countries
>and? look at this list i found on google and that i didn't read

>> No.22245061

What did she write? And she was Greek.
>but she wore a weave
Yes, white women can be bald hoes too, it's not only nigger women that are edgeless.

>> No.22245070

If you'd read the SEP article at all, you'd see that at the bottom there's a compendium of anthologies of African philosophy. The article discusses the situation of and trends in African philosophy as a whole.

>> No.22245278
File: 121 KB, 328x490, Yakub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22245300

Yakub maker and creator of devils. Swine merchant. I kneel.

>> No.22245307

whose, not who's

I'll think about it.

Kyle Baker is a retired comic book writer-artist who wrote a lot of very good comics, many of which have little to do with race.

>> No.22245539

Idiotic niggercope post. Jewish philosophers and writers didn't do this.

>> No.22245542

>Race didn’t much exist then as it has since the 1600s
It existed much more uou coping shitskin. Why are you suddenly trying to fall back on Traditional civilizations to support your "progressive" (regressive) worldview?

>> No.22245545

>itt: brown cope

>> No.22245722
File: 78 KB, 1200x981, EjpYwxnXkAEb_uT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22245728

>>it's because blacks are minority ok chud?
>>but they aren't a minority in certain countries
Blax are 14% of the global populace. If the word "minority" comes to mind or slips out of your mouth, you should genuinely commit suicide. You are literally too goddamned stupid to process the most basic of arithmetic.

>> No.22245739

Do you seriously think modern blacks aren't privileged?

>> No.22245743

Zara Yaqob, easy.
>h-h-he didn't exi-
No evidence for this claim. The only thing that was questioned was the authorship of the Hatata.
There are also some Nigerian philosophers I believe and some more modern day black philosophers but I don't care to keep up with them.

Web Du Bois I'd argue made the concept of 'double consciousness' which can really be applied to other groups outside of black people.

>> No.22245752

Misspelled it actually it's 'Zera Yacob' easy to confuse the two. There's also some philosophers from Timbuktu

>> No.22245760

Jannies are trannies

>> No.22245766

Dr. Cornel West.