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File: 69 KB, 640x497, Cima_da_Conegliano,_God_the_Father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22241380 No.22241380 [Reply] [Original]

>Be child
>Die in the worst way imaginable
>See God
>"I love you lol"

Are there any books that go into detail on how insane and horrifying this is and how to escape him?? and biblical contradictions in general

>> No.22241387

Even his cloud is made of beard. And yes I said it right.

>> No.22241390

>he believes in some form of spatial perception after death

>> No.22241392

Be Romeo
Walk through life
See juliet
I love you lol

>> No.22241412

An I for an I makes the whole world blind.

>> No.22241851

The Book of Job

>> No.22241855

>DAE look for contradictions in a collection of stories written and translated by various authors over the course of centuries?
You're a brainlet

>> No.22241863

Christians btfo

>> No.22241865

>implying any religion is anything else
You're a brainlet

>> No.22241868

why are atheists like this ?

>> No.22241891

>be a jerk
>retard in love with you: "he just works in mysterious ways"
>redpilled dude who is seeing the facts and thinking with logic: "he is a complete jerk"

>> No.22241901

This is true, when people are in love, they aren't thinking straight. I guess atheists are somewhat like "incels" of God.

>> No.22241906

I didn't know atheists were so based, I want to be one now.

>> No.22241911

obvious samefag

>> No.22241913

They aren't all thousands of years old and they don't all have a tower of canonical texts. Oral traditions are more flexible, new religious movements haven't had time to pile on this many contradictions, and some are vague enough to adjust to anything. It really isn't universal.
(They're still all wrong though.)

>> No.22241917

Hylic thread

>> No.22241921

>They aren't all thousands of years old and they don't all have a tower of canonical texts.
hence why I said over the course of centuries, authored by various translators. I agree about oral tradition. it isn't much to their prowess as a people but you can still go to any native reservation in North America and hear oral stories from their ancestors who settled the continent

>> No.22241926
File: 79 KB, 1340x561, Screenshot 2023-07-09 10.33.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obvious delusional lover

>> No.22241936

So I'm either a deluded retard or an incel? There is no other way?

>> No.22241937

Does it really matter if the death was horrible if this child is with God eternally?

>> No.22241943

you're asking this question on 4chan

>> No.22241959

>be atheist le enlightened by own intelligence :^)
>suffer horribly for no reason in meaningless universe
>eternal nothingness regardless of whether worst or best person in world
And this is better than a loving God?

>> No.22241962

I'm having a great time chilling with my own intelligence, thank you.

>> No.22241963

better has nothing to do with it. is my better if I truly expect that, the next day, I will win the lottery? it's objectively foolish.

>> No.22241965

Raw inteligence is useful pragmatically but ultimately hollow and without value thus I find the religious worldview possesses a sort of emotional or social intelligence that non-philosophical atheists lack

>> No.22241967

The thing is that "God" is either evil or "not that great" but probably a reasonable dude. The Christian (Abrahamic) God is neither of those.

>> No.22241971

Don't try to reason with them. Atheists have the emotional intelligence of an oyster and I'm being overly generous.

>> No.22241973

And either way, if he is evil, then fuck it, I don't want anything to do with it. If he is reasonable, then he is reasonable, so be it, I can just chill and expect it to do the thinking since he has most of the info.

>> No.22241976

If philosophy is about a praxis of living a good life, then better is everything, who cares about yr doxa of scientific facts? It is necessarily incomplete by nature and cannot ever extinguish faith and hope and meaning despite having toiled to do so with the best efforts of bugmen philosophers for centuries

>> No.22241978

to dismiss your opponent before engaging them is indicative of nothing but fear of being wrong

>> No.22241982

you seem to come from a perspective that objective fact clashes with religion because religion itself is objective fact. we are at an impasse.
>who cares about facts?
who cares about make-believe? I can assert literally the exact opposite of everything you're saying, all you're doing is stating your opinion without elaborating why you think it or how it makes sense.

>> No.22241993

Dismissing someone who has the emotional intelligence of an oyster is the reasonable thing to do. You people are not worth interacting with in any capacity whatsoever. Feel free to respond ; I won't.

>> No.22242001

>you're right, I am afraid to interact with people when I feel intellectually threatened
no response needed

>> No.22242004

I can handle being around religious people just fine without being triggered or triggering them. You on the other hand...

>> No.22242007

ask your god then to update his retard contradictory book

>> No.22242010

You didn't understand the post and you should feel stupid

>> No.22242016

Yes, but that doesn't mean that religion is the best way to get to that. I'm not going to generalize, but the problem with religious people is that they are too rigid in their thinking. While yeah, you can have a pretty decent model of a person inside your head, because it is basically you, they usually have a hard time conceptualizing people who are different from them. I don't know, there is something missing on regular education that goes straight into this and they end up never getting the chance of making "other models" inside their heads.

>> No.22242030

>complete nonsensical misreading
I am saying objective fact has nothing to do with religion.
>who cares about make believe?
We live in a culture of make believe. Laws and cultures and arts rule our minds. Science itself relies on imagination and intuition. We must operate as if our hypotheses are real. Even if we cannot ever know their truth. I am saying atheism is precisely a made up idea too. It is ridiculous that atheists act like they have some sort of transcendent knowledge that transcendence is false. That doesn't even obey classical logic! And you wanna call theism illogical? It at least embraces the irrationality at the heart of humanity with honesty
Atheists are oft just as rigid. See above

>> No.22242032

Yeah... but that doesn't change anything, nor the fact that most people are educated in religious homes.

>> No.22242034

OP is the guy who got btfo on the Hawking thread last night.
see >>22237309 for a good hearty kek
do not engage

>> No.22242037

And I'm not even saying that people should abolish religion, but stating that it is not enough. Maybe, compared to atheism it is "better", but that would be just because most people are religious, they are actually basically the same.

>> No.22242039

>most people are educated in religious homes
The average first world rootless urban cosmopolitan is educated in a shallow godless bugman version of scientism with liberalism and capitalism as its unseen gods in the typical public school.

>> No.22242043

>religious zealot
>persecuting people on the internet
Color me surprised. And some of you guys are potentially dangerous, there is that too. Religion doesn't solve a lot of problems, and creates some others.

>> No.22242046

>According to an average of all 2021 Gallup polling, about three in four Americans said they identify with a specific religious faith.

>> No.22242060

Parents may be religious but education is at school. Religion is banned outside private school. Also that does not differentiate between eastern and western faiths, nor abrahamisms, nor sects within them. It's hard to generalize when most of those religions have virtually nothing in common.

>> No.22242066

Those are pubes dude

>> No.22242071

No, and if parents aren't really teaching it to their kids, it should be a sign of a problem with it.

>> No.22242085

I used to make fun of atheists back when I was 20 or so, but now I understand I was wrong, I just really pity them, and I'm being sincere.
I have visited relatives in psychiatry wards and it's the exact same feeling. You see aimless, delusional, lost people, and you wish you could help them, but it's just like there is nobody home.

>> No.22242094

Most of those really annoying types are the children of zealots. My father literally drove me crazy with his religious crap at home.

>> No.22242117

yeah I know a bunch of them.
they are always fixated on christianity specifically (which they equate with theism at large), and on an infinitesimally small subset of it, at that: the Bible thumping, old-testament centric, sola scriptura type protestant personalist, which is something so insanely far removed from what religion has been through the ages that it is very strange that they equate belief in God with that relatively insignificant historical phenomenon.
anyway, I think they still have time to change. most of them are still teenagers or young adults so there is hope.

>> No.22242122

I hate to break it to you but there are no true contradictions in the Bible. Every word is true, and the cause of your rejecting it is a deep seated pride. You want to place yourself above God. Well I'm sorry my friend. One day you will die and face your Creator and it will be He who judges you, not the other way around.

>> No.22242132

NTA, but it seems some of the most vocal and hateful atheists are mentally stunted. These knee jerk atheists seem to be still stuck in the mind of a teenager who hates his parents and doesn't want to go to Sunday school and thinks God sucks and nothing will change their minds, like it's a rebellion. I'm pretty sure this is a vocal minority silent majority sort of thing, because the more mature atheists tend to be more reserved and are more knowledgeable about religion.

>> No.22242134

just goes to show you the importance of good theology, really. without it you end up with people (even "believers") who talk about God as if he were "a guy" who may or may not be pretty cool, but whose whims we shouldn't contradict, because he (so the view goes) has superpowers of some sort.
and of course, is this was what is meant by theism, the truth of atheism would be obvious. OP is nothing but an unfortunate victim of bad theology.

>> No.22242135

NTA, but it seems some of the most vocal and hateful atheists are mentally stunted. These knee jerk atheists seem to be still stuck in the mind of a teenager who hates his parents and doesn't want to go to Sunday school and thinks God sucks and nothing will change their minds, like it's a rebellion. I'm pretty sure this is a vocal minority silent majority sort of thing, because the more mature atheists tend to be more reserved and are more knowledgeable about religion.

>> No.22242136

Cult members say the same shit about everyone not in the cult. You're confusing an adherance to a strict community with being lost.

>> No.22242151

You are what we call a small man

>> No.22242160

You are a little man and I am an orgonautic genius

>> No.22242174

I hate that this made me laugh

>> No.22242176

Most biblical texts tend to imply some sense of lucidity and coherent thought once in heaven.

>> No.22242185

yeah, there's just not much more to it I'm afraid
but as I said, for the most part they're not "stuck", they are actually underage, so there is hope yet.
but it's the Hitchenses, the Dawkinses, and the like who truly puzzle me. oh well.

>> No.22242193

>I am saying objective fact has nothing to do with religion.
Most religious people would disagree.

>> No.22242224

theism is not a community. except maybe in the broadest sense of being something that can people can have in common, much like knowledge that the sky is blue, or lefthandedness

>> No.22242235

As soon as I read a description of paradise that contains something spatial like light, rivers of honey, and whatnot, I automatically reject it. Visual depictions all creep me out, and the thought of perceiving space and time again once I'm dead is how I imagine Hell.

>> No.22242237

It's the only logical inference that doesn't rely on astronomical probabilities to get shit done . Nothing to worry for you tho. Once you die that's it once in an infinity experience completed never to be seen again.

>> No.22242244


>> No.22242273

>victim in an abusive relationship
>can't see any alternative to it
We will get you out of this, queen. Don't worry, we will save you.

>> No.22242289


>> No.22242311

Yeah honestly the overwhelming majority of prospects of death scare me, both religious afterlife ideas and the eternal nothingness and void of consciousness that is represented by non-religious death.

>> No.22242415

Do atheists derive pleasure from getting intellectually ragdolled or something ? This is painful to watch

>> No.22242423

>religitards living in their own fantasy world
I'm ok with this, just stop trying to drag people by force.

>> No.22242448

Fedora tippers haven't won an internet argument since 2011 and even the ones before were only v's in their headcanon. They've been completely reduced to retreating to "no you."

>> No.22242458

>let's have an argument
It doesn't matter, both sides are deaf. It just shows that religion doesn't really make people any better than edgy atheists when it comes to understanding people.

>> No.22242469

>It just shows that religion doesn't really make people any better
"No you." Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.22242470

>Be OP
>Imagine children to be as bitter as a 20 year old faggot on 4chan
I think the kid would be okay with it

>> No.22242504

>wants to be right
>doesn't even bother asking shit
I'm not even an atheist, but all things considered, I'm all in into secularizing everything and deconstructing religion. Because it is not like I give a shit about it.

>> No.22242516


>> No.22242517

>replies with a "no you"
>gets pissed off when it's pointed out
Don't worry, retard. It was quite clear from your original post you think you're above everyone else. There was no need to reiterate.

>> No.22242559

I mean they've been reduced to worse that that, from the looks of OP's posts in the other thread. Like damn.

>> No.22242589

I have never seen anyone that embodies the "new atheist" meme so perfectly.
To be honest I thought those were just that, a meme, like a concept, a boogeyman paraded around by overzealous catholic larpers. I had never actually encountered one.
How old are you OP ?

>> No.22242593

Kinda, yeah

>> No.22242673

>ITT: zoomer discovers "problem of evil", hilarity ensues
stay tuned boys

>> No.22242702

>Are there any books that go into detail on how insane and horrifying this is and how to escape him??
yeah, read the gnostic canon

>> No.22242714

>just talking
Ok... and it wasn't even a "no u", it was more like a "I know you won't read this. I'm reading your stuff, but you can't read this, you are so fucking high on your shit that you won't be able to make sense out of this post". You are literally trying to "end the dialogue by winning" for some stupid fucking reason, instead of asking me things, and trying to know me, and so on.

>> No.22242722

we know all there is to know about you. we know you're a tranny, and we know you're underage. what more is there to know ? btw God still loves you, even though for most of us it is a trial.

>> No.22242738

>can't read
Maybe we should start reporting religious threads, so that they end up all in /his/.

>> No.22242746

maybe, idc. ignoring theists won't stop God from loving you though.

>> No.22242751

>The problem of suffering is le unsolvable!
Imagine not doing the bare minimum of philosophical reading among believers. You don't even have to agree with them, but your ignorance is shameful.

>> No.22242754

>making assumptions about how some imaginary thing feels about me
If it is a thing, I don't even think it even cares, or even that it is conscious that I'm a thing.

>> No.22242763

>Causality kills the brainlet reddit atheist
Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.22242778

I'm certain OP is an ortho or a catholic doing a false flag operation. It's an initiative I can get behind but it comes at the cost of wasting a lot of good people's time.

>> No.22242782

>doesn't show up
>doesn't ever talk to people
>turn people against each other
Yeah, I'm seeing how this thing loves you. He is a jerk and you are in an abusive relationship. We will rescue you.

>> No.22242791

>it's another "retard defeats strawman anthropomorphic 'god' " episode

>> No.22242795

Truth is that the Jews are right and Christcucks worship a charlatan.

>> No.22242827

Other way around. Yahweh scammed Moses just by telling him his gay and fake name.

>> No.22242834

This Jesus is a demon trying to make you kill God's chosen people. This is why the Jews were always persecuted by Christians and Islam. Isn't it obvious? You have been seduced by a demon, but we will save you. Don't worry.

>> No.22243006

>Are there any books that go into detail on how insane and horrifying this is and how to escape him?? and biblical contradictions in general
Read Plato.

>> No.22243079

In the five Books of Moses it sounds more like the Israelites are summoning a demon to dominate other people then talking to a loving god.

>> No.22243084

>he actually said it

>> No.22243091

Times were different back in the day.

>> No.22243124

Moses literally led his tribe on a suicide ritual to summon a rumpelstitlskin goblin to lead the jews astray. More demonic than the fallen angel that tried to guide them to sin.

>> No.22243181

Idk what you're even attempting to say but read the Hound of Heaven.

>> No.22243558

devastating argument, nicely done champ

>> No.22243971

>I'm reading your stuff, but you can't read this, you are so fucking high on your shit
It was quite clear from your original post you think you're above everyone else (>>22242517)
>you won't be able to make sense out of this post
Fedora tippers haven't won an internet argument since 2011 and even the ones before were only v's in their headcanon.(>>22242448)
>i.e. NO YOU
They've been completely reduced to retreating to "no you." (>>22242448)

Again, thanks for proving my point.

>> No.22243984

i.e. "NO YOU 'NO YOU'" (should have included that example too). Apologies for the multireply, kek.

>> No.22244001

>making quotes
I don't care. And I'm winning, fuck you. I want to thank all my homies who are watching me now. Also, Valhalla! Witness me1

>> No.22244014

>I recently turn to God fully and lost my lust.
>I reworked my current novel to introduce the Bible into relevance.
>I come to here to seek guidance.
>Anons are freaking out about God
God led me here.

>> No.22244019

Jesus doesn't demand murder. He demands salvation.

>> No.22244022

>I'm winning
V's in their headcanon (>>22242448)
This anon said it best:
>we know all there is to know about you (>>22242722)

>> No.22244027

I'm winning, brah. I'm winning. I'm winning. What are you going to do about it?

>> No.22244028

It's no wonder Jesus came.

>> No.22244033

>semitic demon
>tries to steal the Jewish faith
>condemns them
>gets defeated by the Jewish (OG God's chosen people)

>> No.22244035


Someone who dies as a child has a better chance of getting to heaven than someone who lives to 110. They have far less opportunity and motive to commit mortal sins. Even if you view the situation in a pessimistic Schopenhauerian way, the child is still better off, as they managed to avoid being exposed to a life of pointless suffering.

>> No.22244038


>> No.22244047


I think you should look up the definition of nihilism, because it doesn't mean the same thing as pessimism or a belief in providence.

>> No.22244059

>I'm winning, brah. I'm winning. I'm winning.
I pointed out "headcanon" and it broke you. We both know you're repeating that only to yourself as a means of cope, kek.
>What are you going to do about it?
You're already at absolute seethe so I'll probably just end up posting the atheism/intelligence LARP pasta and move on. Last word battles get boring pretty quick unless you're the one seething.

>> No.22244062

>>gets defeated by the Jewish (OG God's chosen people)
Jesus literally put a silver curse on them that would destroy their economies within seconds of a silver-based economy system. You can't out troll him.

>> No.22244071

>puts a silver curse
Jews are living in Israel. Jewish bros, we can't stop winning.
I'm Jewish, and we are winning, what are you going to do about it?

>> No.22244089

>Jews are living in Israel. Jewish bros, we can't stop winning.
You live in a sideways tower of Babel.
God will take your status and pass it to a black man that truly understands this world.

Michael Jackson died kicking your rats and your false God.

>> No.22244115

>I'm Jewish, and we are winning, what are you going to do about it?
I have no problem with Jews, schizo. Maybe there's something to the studies chuds like to post about Ashkanazis/schizophrenia.

>> No.22244118

>goyim tears
Oh finally, some kosher salt. Thanks bros.

>> No.22244122
File: 125 KB, 843x685, 1684188626837615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheists are titans of intellect
>[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
>atheists stand for free-thinking
>[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
>atheists are champions of reason
>[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
>atheists are anti-dogmatic
>[but insist you interpret scripture only according to their ideas of it]
Atheism is an intelligence LARP that retards indoctrinate themselves into. Being an atheist is ridiculously easy; their main weakpoint is their unearned pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down. Reminder that the legacy of New Atheism is pic-related: homosexual rape/cuck furry fetish cartoons.

>> No.22244132

>implying that I am an atheist
I am not an atheist, repeating, I am not an atheist. I'm literally agnostic.

>> No.22244133

Looks to me like Jews are foolishly giving up the valuable and enduring potential of the symbiotic relationship with American whites, developed in the US after WW2, in favor of irrationally paranoid parasitism. You had a good thing going and it's likely to blow up in your face sooner or later if some non-insane jews don't put the brakes on the rampant and shameless semitism. Selling out always looks like winning until the cash flow runs out and you have no relationships to fall back on.

>> No.22244136

I don't know about politics. No idea on what you are talking about.

>> No.22244137
File: 389 KB, 1856x592, 1684268206594705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. You're a retard.

>> No.22244143

define "Scientism"

>> No.22244147

>some random dude
I don't care, honestly. I used to be an atheist, then I started wondering and I thought that it might be wrong, so it is inconclusive. What is the problem with it? You are the one committed to something that you can't possibly be sure.

>> No.22244153
File: 178 KB, 988x720, newatheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>define "Scientism"
Scientism is when you look like this.

>> No.22244157

>ou had a good thing going and it's likely to blow up in your face sooner or later if some non-insane jews don't put the brakes on the rampant and shameless semitism
No. Those kinds of awaken Jews drop the status, grab Jesus, and contribute into anti-semitism.

>> No.22244165

oh ok, then I don't fall into that category
I think you're a moron

>> No.22244270

The definition implies it's an ideology which asserts scientific modes of understanding are the only valid means by which one can arrive at truth; "science" should thereby be granted hegemony over all avenues of human knowledge. Aside, Scientism also begs the question of a strict materialism.

Fedora tippers, self-indoctrinated by the New Atheist movement, usually assert the idea that the pejorative use of "Scientism" doesn't exist (i.e. they attempt to dismiss the conversation via engaging in meaningless semantics) and will frequently present a very basic understanding of the scientific process that idolizes it while betraying the fact they know very little about it. They also become confused and think that bringing up the existence of "scientisim" as an ideology is the same as an attack on scientific understanding. By conflating these two things they signal that they are in fact adherents to the ideology of Scientisim (and ironically defeat their own argument).

>> No.22244283

>You are the one
"No you," again. Boring.

>> No.22244287

So you aren't committed to anything? Are you an agnostic like me? Fuck Jesus, thanks.

>> No.22244294

>And this is better than a loving God?
You mean a sadomasochistic God. An actual loving God would never create such an exquisite house of horrors like this reality where so much suffering is essentially just randomly assigned.

>> No.22244295

You're a retard who graduated from New Atheism to arrive at the status of midwit.

>> No.22244296
File: 52 KB, 1024x767, 1662930262800063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The theistic worldview is retarded on it's face. The problem of evil excludes the possibility of a loving God.

>> No.22244299

>you are le midwit
Ok, stick with your God proofs. He might be dumb enough to be fooled by some stupid shit like that.

>> No.22244304

Of course this is /lit/ so the thread is populated by braindead retards who haven't read a book since they were forced to in school, but to answer your question, OP, I'd recommend The Plague by Albert Camus, it deals with what you are referring to and is actually a pretty excellent novel overall.

>> No.22244314
File: 121 KB, 900x1200, asdfasfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The theistic worldview is retarded on it's face. The problem of evil excludes the possibility of a loving God.
>Now watch what I can do with the Banana.
>tips fedora

>> No.22244317


>> No.22244325
File: 74 KB, 750x593, 1634403330879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope and Seethe over some rando American YouTuber. Theism is still retarded.

>> No.22244328
File: 218 KB, 656x2536, pg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool meme, bro.

>> No.22244332
File: 49 KB, 550x543, Christcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obsessed over an irrelevant YouTuber
kek, how many files do you have saved pertaining to banana man?

>> No.22244345

Well it looks like I've survived hellfire and God certainly doesn't have the power to add more judgment because he's a "let Satan destroy himself" sort of cuck so I thus declare victory. If God ever did have that power then he's no different than what Jesus supposably died for.

>> No.22244346

>seething malding
Keep up with it.

>> No.22244348

Because the antichrist is a great guy ;)

>> No.22244350

Really? Has everyone bent the knee in revelation and confessed Jesus is Lord? No? The antichrist shall never bend his knee!

>> No.22244355

>t. self-defeating retard.

>> No.22244363

>last word battle
As predicted but at least you seem to have calmed down a bit.

>> No.22244378

>Can't tell the difference between wojaks mocking you and files about a specific person who lives rent free in your mind and hard drive.

>> No.22244383

There is no “problem of evil” except for hedonistic religions.

>> No.22244384

>weird schizo babble
I'm fine having dinner, and it is not even a battle. I'm just having some fun before sleeping.

>> No.22244389

>take this copium
>inhale deeply
Come on, slowly.

>> No.22244399

>actually has files saved on his computer with specific filenames
>Google, Save, "asdasrafdsa"
Cope, retard.

>> No.22244415

You lost an argument, predictably replied "no you" repeatedly, seethed when it was pointed out, attempted to troll and failed, and finally (as predicted) went into a pointless last word battle to save face. If that's what you consider "fun" I feel sorry for you--you have my permission to take the last work now.

>> No.22244418

>says something about themselves
>says it is me
Have you ever heard of projection?

>> No.22244420

kek, what did you put in the search anon, "atheists bad" because you literally can't think on your own?

>> No.22244426

And you will be saved, don't worry, we will rescue you from this abusive relationship. Don't worry, we know that it is not your fault, that you fall in love with this dude. We got you, queen.

>> No.22244444

>what did you put in the search anon
"Amazing atheist fedora." I'm sure you'd still get lots of results with just "atheist fedora" but I wanted to keep it on theme.
>"atheists bad" because you literally can't think on your own?
Internet atheists aren't necessarily bad; they're just idiots engaging in an intelligence LARP. See >>22244122.

>> No.22244452

>>22244355 >>22244399 >>22244444
Check those, faggot. We're done here.

>> No.22244466
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Amazing atheist is right you are wrong.

>> No.22244474

I won't pretend that "I Fucking Love Science" types don't fall exactly into this definition, but I also haven't ever heard of a method for discerning the truth better than the scientific method (ie test if something is true before believing it).

>> No.22244478

>imagine studying all sorts of manipulative crap
>still unable to deal with trannies
Christcucks are crazy followers of some powerless charlatan. Trannies will destroy the western civilization and your God won't do anything about it.

>> No.22244485
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>Unironically using the word "scientism"
Theists basically need to oppose rational exploration of the material word because theism itself requires the belief in phenomenon which is entirely schizophrenic. Classic case of projecting onto the opponent your own faults, God is man-made, an illusion, but because the believer has a deep psychological need for a father figure to worship and be dominated by, he must do everything he can to shore up this belief, and since this belief is completely absurd in relation to reality, he must eschew natural science in preference to mysticism, which can conveniently always be manipulated to fit whatever context is required at the time. It's the most elementary form of intellectual dishonesty, but the highest irony is that the believer is so deluded he won't be able to comprehend this. Freud was right, read pic related.

>> No.22244498

Christians and similar monotheists have no imagination, basically. If you have the intelligence to step back and really consider the structure of this world, it becomes obvious that if it was the intentional creation of another being, that being is unimaginably fucked up.

Consider, as one of countless possible considerations, the existence of claws and teeth. God decided to structure the world in such a way that most organisms gain energy by consuming other organisms. And how do they accomplish this? By the most grotesque and horrifying way possible: by using bladed, hooked, and pointed appendages to dig into the flesh of other organisms with the goal of literally ripping them to pieces and swallowing them.

It's happening right now; countless organisms across the planet are consuming others as we speak. Unimaginable, constant suffering on a planetwide scale. Why? Because God CHOSE to make it this way. You're telling me an omniscient, omnipotent being couldn't have created a reality where we all passively absorb sunlight or something? You can put humanity completely aside and tell that God, if real, is a complete sadist simply by taking a quick look at the natural world.

>> No.22244502

God is actually Jewish and is on trannies side. Christcucks keep seething. Jewish trannies keep winning.

>> No.22244559

Kek, did he actually say that?

>> No.22244570

They never had a father figure growing up

>> No.22244599
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See >>22244270. Also, those who adhere to Scientism generally hate Freud.
>I also haven't ever heard of a method for discerning the truth better than the scientific method
Depends on the avenue being explored. Scientific language is limited by it's descriptive nature. See pic-related if you want to develop this idea further.

Regarding "truth": a couple centuries from now most of what we now hold up as "science" will be overturned by new conceptualization alien to our current understanding; this is the general pattern throughout all of history. Does that mean our beliefs aren't grounded and the paradigms we operate within today aren't "true." Further, if you look at how the scientific enterprise operates it becomes clear that theory replacement isn't a straight forward path determined by simple falsification. Underdetermination and theory-ladenness are always present at the core and we don't even have to get into aspects incentivization (e.g. funding).

>> No.22244603

God wants trannies to triumph over christcucks. How does that makes you feel?

>> No.22244624
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Not my problem

>> No.22244660

Name an "avenue of human knowledge" which is objectively reliable that isn't science.

>> No.22244707

People are able to meaningfully engage with literature in a way that displays the poverty of the demtoic mode of language. The study of history affords insight into human experience and attempting to limit it according to the materialistic and applied standards of a scientific discipline (i.e. Marxism) didn't pan out too well. I could go on but I'll also point out you can't ignore the fact paradigm replacement is a the norm within science, a basic appeal to the historical record demonstrates such, and this undermines any idea of capital 'T' Truth.

I'll state again that criticising Scientism isn't the same as denigrating the scientific enterprise. It is however productive when it comes to gaining a deeper understanding of how science operates and its inherent limitations.

How about you name an area of scientific study that isn't open to theory-ladenness and underdetermination. Spoiler: you can't. It's simply part of the game.

>> No.22244719

P.S. Dont forget the last sentence of the first paragraph when you inevitably bitch about "objective."

>> No.22244814

>be child
>watch scary movie
>film ends
>see parents
>"I love you lol"
>child has now "passed through the fire" and is now "hardened like tempered steel"

I'll bet you faggots don't even feed your kids LSD and chase them around the house in a monster costume.

>fucking casual parents gonna raise a generation of spineless simps

>> No.22244852

>if god real why bad thing happen
Why are fedoras so incapable of understanding jack shit about what they criticize?

>> No.22244970

>Immediately appeals to emotions and "insights into human experience"
These are notoriously poor in terms of being "knowledge". Also, no one cares about Kuhn you massive pseud.

>> No.22245032

>saw >>22244719 and had to figure out a way to avoid referencing "muh objectivity" while asserting insight from literature and history doesn't count as knowledge (on a literature board, kek)
>unable to account for change within a given scientific discipline that undermines the definition of what came before as (capital 'T') True
>can't acknowledge underdetermination and theory-ladenness as a criticism of "objective" knowledge
>cries about Kuhn (who he hasn't read, kek)
Cope, retard. You have no answer and you're uneducated. You haven't even studied basic calculus but still LARP "Scientism." Pathetic.

>> No.22245054
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For a "treat other people like you would like to be treated" type of religion these "christians" sure seem to want to be treated like shit huh.
What a bunch of crazies.
>23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. 25 And he went on to Mount Carmel and from there returned to Samaria.
It all makes sense somehow, I am sure God had love in his heart when he sent those bears to horrifically kill and dismember children for disrespecting their elder.
Or omnipotence somehow does not allow to inspire an internally consistent holy book, what do I know?

>> No.22245068

Yeah dude little cunts need to learn that talking shit to a grown ass nigger has consequences.

>> No.22245069

Good post anon
If an intelligence created the universe, it chose for nature to perpetuate itself through the pain, suffering and slaughter of trillions upon trillions upon trillions of creatures. Wild animal suffering just decisively refutes omnibenevolence, it's either go atheist or worship the demiurge.

>> No.22245082

Going vegan because you are too much of a fag to kill animals wont erase the sin of killing sentient plants and fungi.

>> No.22245094

>If an intelligence created the universe
You wouldn't be able to comprehend it. Simple as. Fedora tippers lack the humility to understand that basic point. Internet atheism is an intelligence LARP for prideful retards dumb enough to think regurgitating simplistic answers to complex questions is a substitute for thought.

>> No.22245107

You're admitting that you can't comprehend whether God is good or evil. Why choose to believe in and worship a being who you don't know whether they are good or evil?

>> No.22245119

Little niglets really out here thinking they can put gay ass thoughts on hood deitys.

>> No.22245120

You just want any excuse to hold on to your delusions with the veneer of academia smeared on the surface to make yourself more secure in your schizo worldview which is totally detached from reality. The only LARPer here is you, you MASSIVE pseud.

>> No.22245124
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There are no contradictions in the King James Bible.

Atheism is a blind faith religion for proud fools.

>> No.22245135

>saw >>22244719 and had to figure out a way to avoid referencing "muh objectivity" while asserting insight from literature and history doesn't count as knowledge (on a literature board, kek)
>unable to account for change within a given scientific discipline that undermines the definition of what came before as (capital 'T') True
>can't acknowledge underdetermination and theory-ladenness as a criticism of "objective" knowledge
>cries about Kuhn (who he hasn't read, kek)
You can't answer the above and you sperg about science without having studied it. Rage sliding instead of taking the opportunity to discuss your beliefs speaks poorly of your character, anon.

>> No.22245147

>objective knowledge
Even the french retards rejected that brainlet shit.

>> No.22245158

>You're admitting that you can't comprehend whether God is good or evil.
I was pointing out the absurdity of a finite being passing judgement on an omnipotent entity as if they could give it pointers on how to better render the totality of existence. That's the definition of pride and the opposite of humility. However, even within your limited faculties you possess the ability to ponder moral questions (the catch is that it has to be on the correct scale). Before you can even begin to discuss faith/doubt you have to be aware of your own limitations and cognizant of your inherent flaws--that's something internet atheists are not able to do as evidenced by their constant proclamations which misjudge the scale of their limited intellect.

>> No.22245168

I'm not the one who broached that territory. Sorry your retard-tier gotcha didn't work (>>22244660) and you feel the need to slide. How about addressing:
>saw >>22244719 and had to figure out a way to avoid referencing "muh objectivity" while asserting insight from literature and history doesn't count as knowledge (on a literature board, kek)
>unable to account for change within a given scientific discipline that undermines the definition of what came before as (capital 'T') True
>can't acknowledge underdetermination and theory-ladenness as a criticism of "objective" knowledge
>cries about Kuhn (who he hasn't read, kek)
>why someone who hasn't studied science thinks they're a champion of its cause

>> No.22245200

Your obsession with niche esoteric obscure academic minutia that does not even impact anything in a practical way is embarrassing, anon.You are by far the most one-dimensional poster I've ever seen. Your posts are so predictable, you say basically the identical thing week after week after week with the same level of defensive insecure arrogance. It's depressing to watch anon, do you even actually read new literature at all or are you really and truly stuck intellectually? You're like a pitiable college dropout who adopted the persona his professors wanted from him in his freshmen year and never in the rest of his life dreamed of growing or advancing as a person. It's genuinely just sad to behold.

>> No.22245238

>Your obsession with niche esoteric obscure academic minutia
Nothing I wrote is obscure or esoteric and the concepts I've broached don't constitute minutia, anon (they're pretty broad). Your own lack of education holds you back but instead of building your knowledge base you derail the conversation.
>Your posts are so predictable, you say basically the identical thing week after week after week with the same level of defensive insecure arrogance
If I'm so predictable why can't you mount even a basic response? If you're so passionate about the subject that you discuss it for weeks on end why is your ignorance so apparent? Your need to derail reflects your own inability to move the discussion forward and underscores your insecurities, anon.
>You're like a pitiable college dropout who adopted the persona his professors wanted from him in his freshmen year and never in the rest of his life dreamed of growing or advancing as a person
That's too specific to not be a projection, anon. Did you not make it into university or something? Is projecting a phantom that only exists in your head the way you compensate for personal failures? Small meaningless "victories" where you playact telling off your social betters?
>It's genuinely just sad to behold.
It truly is. So instead of being an insecure faggot who about you engage with the actual conversation and address:
>saw >>22244719 and had to figure out a way to avoid referencing "muh objectivity" while asserting insight from literature and history doesn't count as knowledge (on a literature board, kek)
>unable to account for change within a given scientific discipline that undermines the definition of what came before as (capital 'T') True
>can't acknowledge underdetermination and theory-ladenness as a criticism of "objective" knowledge
>cries about Kuhn (who he hasn't read, kek)
>why someone who hasn't studied science thinks they're a champion of its cause

>> No.22245241

I asked you a simple question. Why believe in and worship a being who you admit you cannot tell or judge whether is good or evil?

>> No.22245243

>Reply is insecure and defensive

>> No.22245252
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But he'll send them to heaven
They get into heaven early which is what everybody wants but they all have to do it the hard way
On this note does anybody else think heaven and hell seem oddly convenient for the church

>> No.22245259

>complaining about le internet atheists but poo poo'ing the problem of evil
retard. hate pseud faggots like you.

>> No.22245260
File: 303 KB, 1441x1438, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but if you claim that God's motives and ways are beyond human comprehension, you cannot in the next breath say that god wants you to behave like the culture you were born into. Because how do you know what God wants if he is so mysterious? Sounds like bullshit.

>> No.22245261

he's a pseud faggot retard who doesn't understand anything about anything. might as well be talking to chat gpt.

>> No.22245268

This is the enduring fatal flaw of theology.
>God is infinitely beyond our comprehension
And also
>We know exactly who God is and what he wants
It's retarded on the most elementary level

>> No.22245303

I rejected your conclusion and explained why your response is a mischaracterization (I'd go as far as to say a strawman) of what I wrote. Want a summary?
>it's absurd for a limited finite being to assume a posture which dictates how the totality of all existence should be refined by an omnipotent entity
>[i.e. it's prideful which is opposed to humility]
>however, as a finite being you're still able to ponder morality
>[i.e. emphasize scale; a little personal reflection should underscore the danger of pride and benefit of humility]
>understanding your limitations and being cognizant of your flaws is a precondition for discussing faith/doubt
>[i.e. limit the scale of the judgements and no one is saying you're precluded from knowing right from wrong]
>internet atheists come from a position of misplaced pride (i.e. saying you may pass judgement on omnipotence from a finite position is clearly absurd)
Basically, the position you take to pass judgement is demonstrably flawed given your finite existence and limited understanding. No one is arguing that you're unable to make moral decisions but the idea of scale is important (e.g. it's easier to act in your immediate surroundings than to profess dictates which all of humanity, let alone God, should follow). If you fail to recognize personal limitations and don't approach a subject with proper humility it means you're incapable of discussing faith/doubt. The saying "pride is the father of all sins" exists for a reason.

>> No.22245306

>u cannot kno nuffn
shut up faggot. you're not a quarter as intelligent as you think you are

>> No.22245310

Good thing I didn't say that.
I hope you get over your personal resentments and insecurities, anon.
That's a false dichotomy.

>> No.22245319

Says the discord pseud that denies omniscience because his little fag brain cant stand getting mogged by Jesus.

>> No.22245321

you're le insecure, you're le prideful, you're le this and that for bringing up problems that monotheistic religions have been struggling with since zoroaster.

you're retarded

>> No.22245322

>le memebrain man
omnipotence and omnibenevolence can't be reconciled. read schelling you rat twat

>> No.22245323

If you believe it is impossible for us to judge God for any action, then if tomorrow God ordered you to rape babies, you would be obligated to go and rape babies.

Likewise, you have no reason for knowing the Bible or any Christian doctrine to be true, because God (as a being inscrutable to human morality) could have created it as a pack of lies simply to fuck with us and cause suffering.

This attempt to defuse the problem of evil causes many more problems than it solves. It posits God as an amoral entity who could turn evil into good and vice-versa if he wanted.

>> No.22245331

Theology is entirely composed of human beings making claims about God. This God is also admitted to be infinitely beyond our comprehension. Therefore, all descriptions of him and his will must be rendered in the confines of the finite, meaning they automatically contradict the nature of God.

>> No.22245333

I'm an unironically religious person, who is afraid to go to heaven. Yeah, the atheist idea that it all goes black, and I stop existing, is super fucked up and scary. The religious idea of hell is also fucked up. But I'm afraid of even the happy ending after death. I'm just supposed to become an angel, and exist as a replacement for one of the fallen angels, just so God can prove a point to Satan? And it will just be a limited existence. Not what I'm used to. I am somewhat sick in the head, and that defines me as a person. I'm also a hedonistic sinner, who takes pleasure in the joys of life. If I die, and somehow end up in heaven (let's say I die a martyr's death), I will literally be a different person. Take my mental illness and temptations away, and there will be nothing left of who I originally was. I'll become a totally different person, who exists eternally, in a state of prayer. That is scary. So options are non-existence, eternal torture, or eternal existence doing one thing, and nothing else. At this point, I wish they could digitize my mind, and let me live forever on earth.

>> No.22245341

Don't you get it? God gave us reason and intellect with the intention that we forego their use. It's obvious!

>> No.22245355

>wouldn't you be... le bored...... in le heaven?

>> No.22245359

>impossible for us to judge God for any action
It isn't impossible but it's a useless exercise as per what I wrote. It's objectively absurd to posit the idea that a limited finite being can dictate the standards by which an omnipotent entity should construct the totality of existence. That's an obvious point that you can't engage with because it undermines your entire argument.
>if tomorrow God ordered you to rape babies
Kek, did you realize how much of an absurd strawman that was when you were writing it or do you honestly think you're making a point?
>you have no reason for knowing the Bible or any Christian doctrine to be true
Even within your own limited faculties of understanding you're able to build knowledge and be a moral actor. Your inability to set aside personal biases doesn't preclude the ability of others to do so and develop faith. Now, you can project the idea that the faithful are acting with bias, it's quite obvious that more than a few are, but this isn't a necessary trait of the religious (e.g. see the discussion of humility in previous posts).
>created it as a pack of lies simply to fuck with us and cause suffering
I don't suggest you build your outlook on that assumption--good things certainly won't come of it.
>This attempt to defuse the problem of evil causes many more problems than it solves
It really doesn't. Personal humility and the acceptance of responsibility within your own limited domain. It's not complicated and going by that solves a lot.
>It posits God as an amoral entity who could turn evil into good and vice-versa if he wanted
The reason for this confusion is a finite mind dictating the behavior of an omnipotent entity.
>Don't you get it?
You obviously don't. Misplaced pride in a finite intellect is harmful. That should be obvious to people but internet atheists can't grasp it.

>> No.22245377

Seriously tho, why didnt jesus or god said a thing about slavery? Maybe they could have ended with the suffering of hundreds of millions if they werent so vague

>> No.22245403

It's not about being bored. It's about losing everything I have, everything that makes me into me. Becoming a different person, and being trapped for all eternity.

>> No.22245411

>Kek, did you realize how much of an absurd strawman that was when you were writing it or do you honestly think you're making a point?
...I don't think you know what "strawman" means. It was not strwamanning to point out the logical entailment of your position is that God (as a being beyond human moral judgement) could order you to rape a baby and you would be obligated to rape a baby.
>Even within your own limited faculties of understanding you're able to build knowledge and be a moral actor.
The problem here is your claim of God's impossibility to be held to any human moral standard. If God cannot be held to a human moral standard, then God could be a liar, and the Bible could be false.
Again, you are positing God as an amoral entity who could decide to make the Bible evil and raping babies good, because our human moral standards cannot be applied to him.

>> No.22245412

nigga's soul is going to go extinct if he loses his dick. sad.

>> No.22245413

Stop talking to him, he's getting filtered by the Euthyphro Dilemma. They assign this shit to freshman in college kek.

>> No.22245426

This is a good one.

>> No.22245441

Tips fedora.

>> No.22245450

>I don't think you know what "strawman" means
It means injecting the idea of raping babies into the conversation in order to not address the point that it's inherently absurd to posit that a limited finite being can dictate to an omnipotent entity regarding how to better construct the totality of existence.
>The problem here is your claim of God's impossibility to be held to any human moral standard
It's impossible for a limited finite being to understand the totality of existence and it's absurd for said limited being to hold the pretense they may dictate by what standards an omnipotent entity should construct reality. I never argued that it's impossible to hold God to a human standard--I argued it's nonsensical. You can't address that directly because it's obviously true.
>If God cannot be held to a human moral standard
Again, I didn't argue that he can't but that it's absurd to do so.
>God could be a liar
Or you could just accept your limitations and act accordingly. As I said before it's quite possible for you to develop knowledge and act as a moral agent.
>the Bible could be false
It's a complicated text written in various voices (i.e. the entire thing isn't written in the voice of God--for example, there's a clear distinction between the voice of the 10 commandments in the Old Testament and the histories/parables/poetics that reflect them). All I can tell you is that it takes a lot of work to meaningfully engage with that text; it somehow remained relevant longer than recorded history and people regardless of their level of intellect are able to do so. If you don't see why that is in and of itself is worthy of significant attention and respect...
>you are positing God as an amoral entity who could decide to make the Bible evil and raping babies good
I'm not doing any such thing, anon. Do I really have to write this again? It's obviously absurd for a limited finite being to postulate they have a window on an omnipotent entity that affords them the ability to dictate how the totality of existence should be structured.
>our human moral standards cannot be applied to him
You're pretty thick so I'm going to repeat this yet again. It is possible to apply human moral standards to God but to do so is absurd.

>> No.22245462


>> No.22245466
File: 136 KB, 1896x248, manf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! Praise from both Kevin AND Ian!

>> No.22245470
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>> No.22245484

>Misplaced pride
The ultimate pride is thinking a human being can assert anything definitively about God, which all theists do by definition.

>> No.22245519

>The ultimate pride is thinking a human being can assert anything definitively about God
You're trying to cannibalize an aspect of my argument instead of addressing it in context. It is absurd that a finite being can dictate the standards by which an omnipotent entity should construct the totality of existence. However, it isn't absurd to reflect on one's own limitations and still act in a way they believe is moral.
>which all theists do by definition
There's a difference between understanding your limitations and maintaining the pretense you have a window by which you can dictate the absolute will of God. Your own individual understanding of any concept changes over time and lacking the humility to allow for such change isn't a necessary component of being a theist nor is it something alien to being an atheist. Wrestling with doubt is an aspect of religious faith and is the subject of a lot of religious literature.

>> No.22245522

read the bittaker transcripts. come back and tell me a loving god would will this in any way, shape, or form.

kill yourself

>> No.22245526

>I can't engage with your arguments
I know, anon. Good luck.

>> No.22245530

They're not very impressive, trust me. at the end of the day, you're just one of Job's faggot sniveling friends, and even God cursed them

>> No.22245543

>They're not very impressive, trust me.
If it's important for you to assert that instead of meaningfully engaging in the coversation--I feel sorry for you, anon.
>you're just one of Job's faggot sniveling friends, and even God cursed them
You sound bitter, anon. You should work on that.

>> No.22245548

I'm light years beyond you on this topic. I'm Aquinas laughing in heaven at cuckolds who still think omnipotence and eternal Love can be reconciled.

>y-you sound bitter, I-I feel sorry for y-you
Better bitter than a retard.

>> No.22245555

>I'm light years beyond you on this topic
Yeah, I'm sure. Too bad you were reduced to insisting on you're superiority instead of maintaining a fruitful conversation. Oh wait...
>Better bitter than a retard.
Smile because you have both, anon.

>> No.22245557

Oh and look at those digits: >>22245555. We'll end things on that.

>> No.22245558

>fruitful conversation with retards
Might as well preach the Gospel to toads. Kill yourself you seething little cuck faggot. And yes, I am angry. Righteous anger is holy. Nobody who handwaves away the suffering and debauchery of existence is human.

>> No.22245569

Why is /lit/ full of uneducated zoomers?

Or are these just mentally ill 30+ year old losers that should be in reddit?

>> No.22245573

>dude, I read aquinas for a weekend and now I'm enlightened by my own euphoria
Shut up faggot

>> No.22245577

Holy shit. Seek help.

>> No.22245578

I was referring to the deniers of Christ?

Take a break from this cesspool brother

>> No.22245580

I'm smarter than you AND angry. Seethe about it.

>> No.22245586

Nobody who handwaves away the suffering of humans and animals so he can feel better about his own life is human. You're just a fucking normgroid locust like the rest, don't care how many Bibles and icons you got on your shelf. I am completely and ruthlessly honest about the horrors of life. You're just a faggot princess who discovered Augustine last year. I can't believe COMPASSION FOR THE DEAD AND SUFFERING is an incel take kek. Utterly lost

>> No.22245588

It's this guy >>22245548/>>22245558. Not sure if he's LARPing a psychotic episode or genuinely upset.
Maybe stop reading murder transcripts. Go with something lighter and disengaged from social media for a bit.

>> No.22245592

>maybe stop exposing yourself to the depths of evil and suffering my superficial takes are trying to handwave away
I just don't understand you faggots. You think because you got air conditioning and wonder bread all's right with the world and God's in his heaven. God help me. God give me strength.

>> No.22245594

I hope he gets the help he needs

>> No.22245595

Lawrence Bittaker has nothing to do with social media and tiktok you demented clown kek. jesus christ

>> No.22245596

>noooo you can't get mad about what you're supposed to get mad about
When did this board get so infested with faggots like you? Normoids ruin everything

>> No.22245597

Me too.

>> No.22245600

>le nonchalant totally normal well-adjusted theist man
kill yourself kek

>> No.22245603

>Be child
>Die in the most horrible way
>Go to hell

>> No.22245606

He will go to limbo and eventually come to God's presence, worry not

>> No.22245611
File: 76 KB, 1396x616, nkba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk to your doctor/pharmacist.

>> No.22245612

le meds. You're all so boring

>> No.22245629

Limbo is hell.

>> No.22245938

>OP bitches about le theists being le scared to engage
>gets into semi serious discussion
>has nothing to offer but tranny tier invective and badly worded standard objections that have been refuted for as long as the arguments have existed
>gets schooled
>leaves thread
>makes shitty topic to vent, this time foregoing any attempt at serious argument given how badly that ended for him last time, and simply repeating "le theists are le silly hehehehe"

>> No.22245947

>2000 years of studying
>haven't solved faggotry or trannies
I would bet science will solve that in less 200 years. Religion is just a bunch of copium and religitards are literally just like those stoners who keep saying "dude weeed is the thing that will solve all your problems and everyone else's problems". Drug addicts.

>> No.22245962

um im not a christian sweaty, nice try tho
>mfw op got schooled and can do nothing but obsess over christians and repeat "le bible, le 2000 years !!!"
see >>22242117
and even if you could prove that le christians are le wrong, you wouldn't have advanced one fucking iota towards disproving the existence of God.
then again you know fuck all about what belief in God even means as evidenced by your brainlet tier responses to actual arguments
get filtered, tranny

>> No.22245969

It is becoming more of an inconvenience. That is the point, and the reason why people are stopping bothering with it. It is literally becoming more of a nuisance as time goes by.

>> No.22245991

>Truth is becoming more of an inconvenience. That is the point, and the reason why people are stopping bothering with it. It is literally becoming more of a nuisance as time goes by.

>> No.22245996

>kill and rape somebody
>go to heaven because I believe Jesus died for my sins
>woman I brutally killed and raped goes to hell because she doesn’t believe in Jesus as the messiah

>> No.22246000

This is so based, now I'm converting to this Jesus thing. I love Jesus. Where can I find some infidels to test this?

>> No.22246004

>le christian le 2000 years
not one fucking iota my dude
(also no christian defends this, not that I care)

>> No.22246007

>some desert schizo ramblings
>not self-evident
>not widely accepted
This dude is as high as a kite.

>> No.22246014

ah, yes. le christian le 2000 years. I see.

>> No.22246017

It is all about doing things and working. All I care is that things work just fine, like some well-oiled machine. Religion used to make things work amazing, but it is starting to turn from oil to sand. It is starting to corrode the essential pieces of what makes things. And they had enough time to figure their shit out, now it is time. If they don't, they will lose their place to something better.

>> No.22246023

Yeah sure, whatever. As long as you admit that God exists and that the problem of evil is not a real problem, you can do whatever you want.
You can have a critical view of organized religion, christianity, you name it.

>> No.22246028

>god exists
And you talk to it, right? And he talks to you? Yeah, I'm sure that you do. Just don't mess with my shit.

>> No.22246032

He also wrote you a book, that doesn't really work with everyone, but it is the truth, so the problem is with people, they are not existing right.

>> No.22246042

>cannot conceive of theism outside of personalism and organized religion
absolute brainlet, ngmi

>> No.22246240

nice to see that OP has left the thread, again, after getting btfo. again.
we should be safe, at least until the next time his parents try and drag him to church

>> No.22246243

The “‘problem’ of evil” is a worthless argument that only works if the ideology it’s attacking is hedonistic.

>> No.22246246 [DELETED] 









>> No.22246250

Arbitrary argument

>> No.22246296

God is reality.
There is no wrong in his actions, they just are. Going againsr reality/god is foolish and you should always respect his laws. Reality can be cruel to a human, or it can be kind. That is god.

>> No.22246297


>> No.22246300

Not OP but atheists are mostly pathetic solipsists who don't believe anything they can't see with their own eyes disregarding the fact that without faith of some sort you cannot even prove that you're talking to another consciousness, rendering online discussion pointless. Trying to prove or disprove the existence of God through human reason is pointless since it exists outside of it

>> No.22246386

>"how to escape Him"
>how to escape Being itself
wtf ?

>> No.22246779

>It is absurd that a finite being can dictate the standards by which an omnipotent entity should construct the totality of existence.
It's finite beings that are proposing the existence of an omnipotent being to begin with. That shows a misplaced pride on the side of those proposing something that, by definition, is infinitely beyond their comprehension.

>> No.22246793

>be sadistic demon
>play around with the feelings of beings you created for the sole purpose of torturing them
>make them love you
You can't escape the matrix unless you are the chosen one. Are you the tranniah? Who will liberate us from this demon?

>> No.22246813
File: 88 KB, 850x850, red-foreman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book of job and off you getting one to avoid the wrath of my foot up your ass!

>> No.22246819


>> No.22246937

t. brainlet

>> No.22246966

This wasn't implied at all and you shouldn't call other people "brainlets" if you can't understand logic

>> No.22246977

even these dubs won't save you from being a brainlet though

>> No.22246986

You don't look like Tranneo. Are you Agent Smith?

>> No.22247339

>is that... bad thing!?
>god is... le EVIL!

>> No.22247347

>le tranny
>is that le ebil power of satan?

>> No.22247406

Not really, as the more thoughtful and organized branches of Christianity are well aware that heaven and hell don't make a lot of sense and don't even have support from the source material, particularly hell. Heaven and hell are really just literary concepts (i.e. 'good thing' and 'bad thing') and this is largely how they are approached even from within Christianity.

>> No.22247413

>The problems with my worldview are so easy to find that bothering to point them out is dumb
Interesting approach here

>> No.22247419

Tell us about your father, do you have a good relationship with him?

>> No.22247507

>no you
See >>22242448.

>> No.22247690


>> No.22247722

We will be "reduced" to the state of a perfected Adam and Eve. What's so bad about it?

>> No.22247725

>"guys how do I escape Truth itself, Being itself ?"
>"He's evil guys, the Good itself is evil !"

>> No.22247728

I love reason more than that. I just like pushing arbitrary symbols around with my head. I could do this forever and never get bored of it.

>> No.22247734

>let me just project my arbitrary values into reality
>things themselves
>good vs evil

>> No.22247738

What you want is gnosticism

>> No.22247751

What benefits did we get from evil other than regrets?

>> No.22247761

ah, yes
>"good and bad don't exist, also there is evil in the world and that proves God doesn't exist."
very nice, very impressive

>> No.22247770

>things are le good
>things are le evil
... have you ever thought about physics being physics and not giving a damn about what you think is evil or not?

>> No.22247776

Would you be ok with living like an animal? Without conscience of anything? Don't you have any pride left? Did they manage to get it all out of you?

>> No.22247782

Atheists do not say they have the ultimate answer to the biggest mysteries of the universe. Theists do make this claim. If you can't see this difference, there is no help for you.

>> No.22247786

You're thinking of agnostics

>> No.22247789

yeah, and then if I recall correctly, right after that, I turned 15

>> No.22247816


"Religious" people do not think they're going to "become an angel" in the afterlife. This is an absurd atheist take which makes me believe this is bait. Angels are distinct entities from humans who serve their own unique purpose

The idea is that you are making a choice to choose God, and you do this by living how He wants you to live. If you don't want to live how He intended, then you are separated from Him (hell). This is your choice. By accepting how He wants you to live, into eternity, then presumably some piece of you will be removed, and this will also be your personal choice

It's clear, in light of the problem of evil, that God or the Creator or aliens or whomever, wanted humans to have free will. The idea that He would remove a part of us would be (imo) unrealistic if we still didn't retain free will. Still, this would make living in the afterlife a sort of dichotomy, and if something like God/Creator made all of this, then that's still possible

To many atheists the idea of an afterlife seems bizarre, unrealistic, and like a joke. Atheists still have no answer for what consciousness is. Atheists still think science is incompatible with Creationism because they're resistant or functionally retarded

Just as an afterlife seems ridiculous, so does the reality we live in right now. Rejecting Creationism and embracing the idea that "nothing made everything, and everything leads to nothing (entropy), and will be nothing once again", is just as much as a cope as rejecting the unreal-yet-real reality we live in right now

>> No.22247819

Even Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens stated they were not absolutists in their statement against God's existence, but the word "agnostic" carries connotations of neutrality or, as Hitchens said "cowardice". One can be an atheist, can say there is no good reason to believe in God and that there are many good reasons NOT to believe in God, without categorically stating there is no God. It seems you have a purposeful misunderstanding of atheists and atheism because your strawman view is more favorable to your internal illusions.

>> No.22247834

>Dawkins and Hitchens
jesus, what is this, 2010 ? I thought we all just had a good laugh at Dawkins' attemps at refuting Aquinas and called it a day. had no idea this was still going.

>> No.22247845

Aquinas is laughable. The New Atheists were based, but people locked into a specific social overton window had to reject them to protect their own illusions.

>> No.22247862

You're agnostic, get over it.

>> No.22247872

now I know this is bait
who is this ? catholic ? ortho ? muslim ?
I'm inclined to say catholic

>> No.22247893

The guy who no academic philosopher takes seriously and who didn't know how gravity worked?

>> No.22247903

Animals feel complete in themselves and often weren't warp and torn apart by evil.
God given us the ability to enact our fictional worlds to tell stories we've wanted to tell.
He has given us the choice to create and expand our activities.

>> No.22247911

Nothing is ridiculous. Numbers are powerful.

>> No.22247927

alright laying it on a bit thick now

>> No.22247934

Aquinas tried to prove the existence of God with motion in retarded Aristotelian physics. There are zero Thomists outside of Catholic apologists mostly employed in Catholic universities.

>> No.22248009
File: 11 KB, 647x235, LACKSBELIEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheists lack belief in God, not necessarily that they have a belief that God definitely doesn't exist. Glad I could educate you on the definition of the word.

>> No.22248180

We still don't know how gravity works and you've never studied physics. You probably can't solve a basic kinematics problem.

>> No.22248190
File: 310 KB, 535x432, oh no!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regurgitates internet atheist nonsense
All you faggots have it "no you." It's pathetic.

>> No.22248195

So it's both. Find something else to regurgitate, retard. You're not ready for big boy conversations.

>> No.22248203
File: 29 KB, 373x521, 1671779841469993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An enemy that numbers time in millennia with a cultural basis that goes back to preliterate man and symbolism rooted in primordial homonids appears!
>[(You)--Choose your fighter]!
a) Richard Dawkins: rat-faced evolutionary biologist who popularized the word meme (secret weapon: Scientism; weakness: Kafka)
b) Sam Harris: midwit who solved the problem of induction (secret weapon: meditiation; weakness: complex thought)
c) Christopher Hitchens: reformed commie/former fag with great talent for rhetoric (secret weapon: alcoholic snark (aka Hitchslap); weakness: Neoconservatism)
d) Daniel Dennett: Saturday morning philosopher (secret weapon: midwit empowerment (aka Reddit); weakness: phenomenology)
[Counter attack: nuance. Enemy isn't 4 and is unimpressed you don't believe in Santa. Attack is ineffective.]
[Counter attack: nuance. Even myth is meaningful in a way not reducible to materialism. Attack is ineffective.]
>(You) choose: SCIENCE THOUGH!
[Counter attack: nuance. Enemy brings up the history of science and its complex relationship and continuing interplay with religion. Attack is ineffective.]
>(You) choose: FEDORA TIP!
[Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
>(You) choose: NO YOU!
[Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
>[(You) have fainted.]

>> No.22248707

>A conspiracy theorist doubts a government that lies and larps all of the time, and have provenly never used Atomic Bombs in any actual war.
>The Atheist goes:
I love God. I love Jesus. I love his standards and his care to clean us away. Away from these morons that love Satan's pathetic world of fakeness.

>> No.22249022 [DELETED] 

>Can't cope with getting BTFO by the dictionary

>> No.22249026

>Doesn't understand what the word "OR" means

>> No.22249042

If you claim you know the character of God, what he wants, and his history in relation to mankind, you are making quite the claim for yourself. Now, you are trying to weasel out of the implications of that when in reality atheists are the ones who acknowledge there are certain mysteries outside of our current knowledge and that to simply project superstitious notions of a deity into that gap is unhelpful and to claim you know it to be correct is the height of hubris.

>> No.22249442

>"Religious" people do not think they're going to "become an angel" in the afterlife. This is an absurd atheist take which makes me believe this is bait.
This is how I was taught in the orthodox church. Angels who joined Satan, made their choice. To prove a point, God made humans, set the odds against them, just to prove to Satan that people with free will, can make the right choice. That's why demons want to corrupt us so bad, because we are after the spots they left empty. Now then, ones in heaven don't have any temptations or mental/physical problems. So I do lose a lot of what defines me. And finally, becoming angel like is the goal. Like monks and desert fathers reject everything earthly, and spend their days in a state of prayer. So when they cross over, the change is minimal for them.

>> No.22249457

Holy. Is this why Adam and Eve are angels in Vivzie Pop's Pro-Demon show?