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22243266 No.22243266 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22243275

Nice numbers
Undeniable fact: space is not time, and time is not space.

>> No.22243335

I kant.

>> No.22243345
File: 173 KB, 1300x644, Screenshot 2023-07-09 at 4.34.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22243361

>t. spiritual manlet

>> No.22243436

A favorite between the ages of 12 and 15 and neverafter. Ghastly rigmarole.

>> No.22243446

>tfw you will never give Kant a piggyback ride around Königsberg.

>> No.22243453

in my language kant means sugar

>> No.22244085

Understanding is the glue for the disjointed senses, which generates the unitary thing we call an object.

>> No.22244095


>> No.22244114

read inaugural dissertation NOW.
If infidel retard Hume hadn't distracted Kant, the rationalist dream would have been accomplished long ago.

>> No.22244128

how to understand Kant:
step1: learn German and Latin
step2: read Martin Knutzen

>> No.22245637
File: 468 KB, 640x512, Berkeley Matrix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't read Berkeley
>completely misunderstands his idealism
>completely misrepresents Berkeley in his "Refutation of Idealism"

>> No.22245639

I shan't.

>> No.22245640

You can't own a language

>> No.22245641

Lying is bad.

>> No.22246040

>: space is not time, and time is not space.
retard bro...

>> No.22246046

>brainlet thread, discuss

>> No.22246047

stupid thread
based physicslet

>> No.22246050

I'm hijacking this. People should come up with a certain format and or guidelines to post philosophy shit here. This is getting ridiculous.

>> No.22246055

>5' , 5'2", 5'9"
>These are the messiahs of modern age
Lmao makes sense why everything is fake and gay

>> No.22246091

>t. permanently 11

>> No.22246103

i hope an actual animal mounts and uses you, it would raise you to a higher level as you are the lowest lifeform that has ever existed. either you get raped by a literal animal or you suffer a prolonged and tortuous death, only to thereafter suffer in hell for eternity. this is what you deserve. you never deserved to live.

>> No.22246146

le enlightenment man !
le dare to know !

>> No.22246166

daily reminder that aquinas was 6'6
pick your side wisely boys

>> No.22246173

>stubby manlet fingers typed this
why are midgets so angry ?

>> No.22246174

Kant had sex with niggers and killed them

>> No.22246443

which Turkic language do you speak, anon?

>> No.22246481

Defend Meillassoux's correlationist argument.

>> No.22246489

The apes can write, but can they understand the meaning of the words they type?

>> No.22246536

Never heard of it
I finished the Preface, Introduction, and Transcendental Aesthetic. I started the Transcendental Analytic the other day and it is much harder to understand but I'm getting by. Specifically I was a little confused on pure vs. applied general logic, and how transcendental logic is different from pure general logic. I think general logic is logic applied without regard to what its object is, pure general logic is properly formal logic, and transcendental logic are the logical underpinnings of pure general logic.
Too bad this thread is dead from people who don't read

>> No.22246719

kazakh and turkish

>> No.22246964

>The bud disappears in the bursting-forth of the blossom, and one might say that the former is refuted by the latter; similarly, when the fruit appears, the blossom is shown up in its turn as a false manifestation of the plant, and the fruit now emerges as the truth of it instead. These forms are not just distinguished from one another, they also supplant one another as mutually incompatible. Yet at the same time their fluid nature makes them moments of an organic unity in which they not only do not conflict, but in which each is as necessary as the other; and this mutual necessity alone constitutes the life of the whole.