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/lit/ - Literature

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22242835 No.22242835 [Reply] [Original]

Does it have any kinda of philosophical deeper meaning and morals like other classics of literature such as Brothers Karamazov or is it just an adventure story like Lord of the Rings?

>> No.22242848

There's really no deeper meaning than "fucking over people who fucked you first is fun".

>> No.22242853

"just an adventure story like lord to the rings"
Trying to sneak in anti-tolkien bait, nice work you cheeky weasle

>> No.22242855

It goes by really quickly. I’ve had friends finish it in a week.

>> No.22242858

What? I didn't write anything against Tolkien, you insecure little bitch.

>> No.22242863


>> No.22242869

Skip all the odd numbered chapters and chapters that are divisible by 3, 5, or 7.

>> No.22242873

I didn't think it was particularly philosophical, but it's been years since I've read it.

>> No.22242885

It's a fun adventure novel in the setting of mid 18th century France. Very entertaining but yeah not deep at all. Still fun tho

>> No.22242886

*19th my bad

>> No.22242959

That's highly disappointing.

>> No.22243190

Read theee musketeers instead

>> No.22243217

There aren’t any good translations beyond the first. There’s one guy who is translating the books on substack by chapter but it’s behind a paywall and not very good. It’s also going to be another couple of years before he finishes. Oh, and the fourth book is god awful.

>> No.22243240

There are only three books: The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After and The Vicomte of Bragelonne.

>> No.22243247

It has no deeper meaning, it's not philosophical, and it isn't an adventure in the traditional sense. It's a very good revenge story and definitely worth reading. Very fun and comfy.

>> No.22243283

Also, it's near impossible for a french -> english translation to be bad since the two languages are so close.

>> No.22243285

The last in normally split into three in the Anglo world: The Vicomte de Bragelonne, Louise de la Vallière, and The Man in the Iron Mask.

>> No.22243292

>Also, it's near impossible for a french -> english translation to be bad since the two languages are so close.
That’s just ridiculous. Anything can be badly translated.

>> No.22243295

If I just wanna be entertained I could just go to the nearest cinema and watch the most recent hollywood blockbuster instead of reading 1000+ pages of a book.

>> No.22243314

There's a difference between enjoying consuming audiovisual slop and enjoying reading classical literature as an aesthetic experience. Maybe this whole book thing isn't for you. Go ahead and watch your shitty movie then, retard.

>> No.22243316

Then show me how it's badly translated.

>> No.22243321

You just said there was no deeper or philosophical meaning to the book, why would I spend weeks reading it purely for entertainment then? What's the "aesthetic" of letters on a page if they hold no deeper value to them?

>> No.22243336

I'm not going to debate a boring nihilist. Go watch your shitty cartoons and play your shitty video games if it's all the same to your fried brain and you don't understand the concept of classical literature and aesthetic experience.

>> No.22243344

Well, if you weren't such a dick you could have explained your reasoning properly and I could try to understand.

>> No.22243350

Which one?

>> No.22243358

>There's a difference between enjoying consuming audiovisual slop and enjoying reading classical literature as an aesthetic experience
What's the difference? Can you articulate it in compelling manner?

>> No.22243362

Didn't you say all of them were? Go on and show.

>> No.22243421

It’s been a long time since I’ve read it, but I don’t think it’s entirely meaningless. It does go into the nature of revenge (Who deserves it? How does it affect the people who aren’t involved? Will you destroy yourself in the process?). It’s not deeply philosophical or anything, and all of that has been covered in other revenge stories, and maybe that is too surface-level for you, but it really is top-tier, a lot better and less of a waste of time than the Marvel slop you could be watching. If you don’t actually enjoy reading, it’s probably not for you.

>> No.22243565

The david clarke librivox audiobook recording of this book is fantastic. No, it isnt very philosophical, but yes it’s absolutely worth reading. It is a masterpiece of romanticism.

>> No.22243567

No it’s not. I read the whole thing and the prose don’t warrant that length.

>> No.22243629

>Recent Hollywood movie

>> No.22243650

It does sort of deals with the theme of Providence and Dantès becomes a god of sorts. The film from around 2000 also has a Christian message, which is a good film in its own right.

>> No.22243696
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No but it's comfy; and it goes by quickly, though some of the chapters are quite over the top.
I don't know if it's translation issue, but I prefer much simpler prose like Don Quixote or Musashi if you really want to finish a doorstopper book. Those are maximum comfiness with a tad bit of "deeper meaning" if you're into that stuff. Highly recommended.

>> No.22243708

I read Musashi up until the part where he wants to pick a fight with an old reclusive man but the woman that loves him is there so he runs away. It was so-so, I was expecting a lot more from the plot.

>> No.22243735

The beginning wasn't too interesting if I have to say so myself. It was simply a quick and simple backstory to start the origin of the legend. It'll dwelve deeper into art, discipline, and nature more into the book. There's also this side character who's basically a NEET in the sengoku period and it was hilarious reading his part every time. I personally find the book fun, simple, and life-affirming.

>> No.22244225


>> No.22244704

Just read it you fucking faggot.

>> No.22245126

No. The faggot didn't even have a proper revenge.

>> No.22245149

It does but not on the level of Dostoyevsky. It comes across more like a modern TV show become of the periodical nature of its release. So while it touches on deeper subjects it's mainly concerned with being entertaining, exciting and suspenseful.

>> No.22245153

>alexander dumbass

>> No.22245179

I found his style of writing to be very basic and only read the first couple of chapters

>> No.22245475

It's a good historical/adventure/revenge story. You can pull some deeper thoughts, but it's written to be just a good book with good characters. Read it you silly pig.

>> No.22245565

Short answer: no
Long answer: no