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File: 100 KB, 756x1000, whatthefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22240696 No.22240696 [Reply] [Original]

>read camus because i thought he was big dick hedonism sex haver cool guy
>listening to audibook of the stranger
>half way through look up info on mersault
>turns out camus bases this on a man with Aspergers

Ugh, what the fuck exactly am I supposed to be getting from this? He's not a laid back sociopath, he's just fucking autistic? I'm spending 3 hours listening to a autistic algerian larry david? what the fuck is the point of this?

>> No.22240699

also if possible, recommend me some big sex haver nhilistic or something books bros

in a Nietzschean fuck christianity arc

>> No.22240704


>> No.22240709

dont care retard

feel like this is taxi driver but literary, make it make sense

>> No.22240713

American Psycho

>> No.22240719

saw the movie and he is more incel-ish

I'm looking for more like errol flynn biography type of feelin, nhilistic but fun or something. hedonism maybe idk

>> No.22240721

>feel like this is taxi driver but literary
Taxi Driver is worthless compared to Serpico. L'Etranger is a cheap style copy of Zola, which is more like 3rd man in terms of Kino.

I do take it you are literally the 3rd man?

>> No.22240723

Fight club

>> No.22240728

no idea what the fuck the 3rd man is but this book is literally based on a man with aspergers and the entire fucking time I kept thinking Mersault was just cool and laid back

what is the 3rd man lingo

i do love that shit anon, maybe I should take time and read the book. i love tyler durden so much

>> No.22240744

>what is the 3rd man lingo
Classic noir: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Third_Man

Post-war Vienna. Corruption.

>> No.22240751

are you so pretentious that you came into this thread to not only talk shit but also send me a foreign old film and expect me to get your shitty reference

no fucking wonder you like the stranger

>> No.22240795

>but also send me a foreign old film
It is an american film directed by americans starring amercians about america.

It is a foundational noir film.

>> No.22240799


you've been nothing but a cunt and are acting like a pseud

>> No.22240845

Your readings lay within you. I walked into your office with legs up to my cunt and a dead husband and you went off on the gay X DOUBT subplot.

>> No.22240861

You're looking for A Happy Death. He lives with three french girls in a chateau by the sea and fucks all of them.

>> No.22240863

Go watch à bout de souffle and read A Hero of Our Time

>> No.22240867

That sounds awful. Imagine the smell.

>> No.22240870

ur saying u presented me pussy but i missed it

but im saying ur pussy stinks

ill consider the movie but old movies really do mostly eat shit

>> No.22240880

Well it is an Orson Welles film. Personally I prefer my shit eating films from Western Germany 1949-1993.

>> No.22240892

>à bout de souffle
alright watching them both with a 6ft trans girl tomorrow after mimosas

>> No.22241059

Kek retard, read the fictions. You'll never hear joycean preaching from borges

>> No.22241062

You should watch the third man though if you haven't already, although if youre gonma watch any welles watch f for fake

>> No.22241066

>alright watching them both with a 6ft trans girl tomorrow after mimosas
that means she's got three inches of throad for dick

>> No.22241089

Try a book by Marquis de Sade.

>> No.22241146

Ur gay

>> No.22241151

This thread sucks and you are being unnecessarily mad, you child. However, my contribution is God of Speed: it is a novel about Howard Hughes flying planes, making movies, banging moviestars, crashing planes, and doing morphine.

>> No.22241158

Audiobooks are for illiterate retards

>> No.22241164
File: 196 KB, 700x875, 59B1975B-AC5C-4CFC-BB48-83F97B2BEBD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hedonism sex haver cool guy
>reading frogs
Sade may be able to satisfy your eternal normalfag sensibilities.

>> No.22241174

finally someone who recognises citoyen sade for the norm he was. my shit is chicken fed

>> No.22241185

wdym by reading frogs

ill look into sade but why am i a normal fag for this

i have been in a bad mood today and was too harsh on that anon earlier

im going to reread this in the morning but who are the fictions

likely true, she does seem like she isnt entirely a sub

>> No.22241187

Ficciones, borges nigga

>> No.22241464

Who's borges nigga?

>> No.22241520
File: 357 KB, 1200x1709, 1200px-Jorge_Luis_Borges_1951,_by_Grete_Stern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This niggas borges nigga

>> No.22242079

Are you below 14? Because if you're above 14 and still talk and think like this then that's genuinely embarrassing.