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22240538 No.22240538 [Reply] [Original]

>woman writes about the human condition

>> No.22240541

>>woman writes about the human condition
>woman writes about the human condition
Literally me writing about >>22240538

>> No.22240542

women are only fit to write smoothie recipes

>> No.22240543
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>> No.22240548
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>> No.22240554

If posting anime
gives you a thrill
you'll ne'er be a woman
and yourself you should kill

>> No.22240568

congrats /lit/, you are more misogynist than /mu/ >>>/mu/117217217

>> No.22240576 [DELETED] 

taytay is watching you
and she will write you a song
taytay can see you

>> No.22240586
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>> No.22240624
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>> No.22240632

Kill women. Behead women. Roundhouse kick a woman into the concrete. Slam dunk a woman baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy women. Defecate in a women food. Launch women into the sun. Stir fry women in a wok. Toss women into active volcanoes. Urinate into a women gas tank. Judo throw women into a wood chipper. Twist women heads off. Report women to the IRS. Karate chop women in half. Curb stomp pregnant women. Trap women in quicksand. Crush women in the trash compactor. Liquefy women in a vat of acid. Eat women. Dissect women. Exterminate women in the gas chamber. Stomp woman skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate women in the oven. Lobotomize women. Mandatory abortions for women. Grind woman fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown women in fried chicken grease. Vaporize women with a ray gun. Kick old women down the stairs. Feed women to alligators. Slice women with a katana.

>> No.22241969


>> No.22242304

What is the human condition? Please do not answer me if you are a degenerate heathen or slut since your opinion does not matter

>> No.22242312

“If you think about human nature, our favourite pair of shoes are the ones we bought yesterday, our favourite thing is the newest thing that we have…and the thing we’ve seen the most and for the longest period of time is our reflection in the mirror, so obviously that’s going to be our least favourite thing.”
You are fine. This is Taytay's word to you.

>> No.22242487

>isak dinesen was better with a rifle than OP
K cool

>> No.22242499

I'm an autist who doesn't like change so this is absolutely not my condition

>> No.22242506
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>woman writes about living, loving, and laughing

>> No.22242508

>animal laborans speaks

>> No.22242732

Don't worry, Taytay will save you.

>> No.22242734

>anon writes about leaving his room

>> No.22242736
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>Stands in your way

>> No.22242798
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Stop spamming the same thread retard

>> No.22242803

“I’ve learned that you can’t predict [love] or plan for it. For someone like me who is obsessed with organization and planning, I love the idea that love is the one exception to that. Love is the one wild card.”
― Taylor Swift

Why incels won't swallow the Taytay pill and accept that they can't predict the love or the future?

>> No.22242806

>writes from the perspective of schizos
>writes like a schizo

>> No.22242919

You see this fucking piece of shit right here. This thing wants to destroy all of civilization. Women are the cancer of the world. Have something you enjoy? They'll ruin it. Have something you want to build? They'll tear it down. Have something you want to invest in? They'll crash it with no survivors. These pampered, privileged creatures have life so god damn good and easy that they actively seek out ways to introduce difficulties into others lives, so they can pretend to solve problems. They are envious of the male drive to create and build. They are envious of the male intellect and physical capabilities. They sit around all day every day for their entire lives wishing they had a penis.

Even worse, there are fellow men who fail to see the destructive nature of these emotional beasts. They actively fight against their own interests to help women destroy what men who are more successful than they built. These traitors deserve hell. They go by many names, they betray their brothers out of jealously and act like women in response to that emotion.

>> No.22242969

“I've wanted one thing for me whole life and I'm not going to be that girl who wants one thing her whole life then gets it and complains.”
― Taylor Swift
Some more Taytay wisdom.

>> No.22242971

“We should love, not fall in love, because everything that falls, gets broken.”
― Taylor Swift
Now this is a bomb. Try to not love this one.

>> No.22242976

“FEARLESS is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again....even though every time you've tried before you've lost.”
― Taylor Swift
I bet she could womanhandle Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.22242984

“At some point you have to forget about grudges because they only hurt.”
― Taylor Swift
See, Taytay knows how it hurts.

>> No.22242990

I was honestly unfamiliar with Taytay's songs and lyrics, it honestly seems that incels need Taytay in their lives.

>> No.22243011

Botpost or anon remaking the same incel thread not even a week later?

>> No.22243078

Men are okay with providing for women who arent even virgins. In fact, men are even happy that the roastie who selected them has ridden the cock carousel. Everybody begins by being female. Men have the female spirit in a male body.
This is why men keep putting women on pedestal. Men live to compete and provide for women.
The ideal life for a man is to have the life of a woman: just by existing, coasting thru life, being adorned by numerous female orbiters devoted to him. But still wanting to give lots of free orgasms to every female simping for him KEK.

This makes 99% of the population female in mind and 50% female in body. Only very very few men manage to escape the female condition.

>> No.22243144

it never ceases to amaze me how this thread is so much more popular here than on other boards

>> No.22243156


Big T knows what is best for you.

>> No.22243199
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Unironically lmao, true.

>> No.22243397
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>Stands in your way

>> No.22243437

Other boards don't have as many Swifties

>> No.22243898

>our favourite thing is the newest thing that we have
that is incorrect though

>> No.22243933

>doesn't consoom
TAYTAY SAID IT, you have to do it.

>> No.22243948

I've heard that there are people disobeying Taytay's laws. WHERE ARE THEY!? This is Taytay Law Enforcement. Everyone who doesn't follow our highness wisdom, will be taken to reeducation camps and be taught the tays of the Taytay.

>> No.22243952
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>opening apartment door
>thinking about what i want to ea-
>suddenly remember how much i hate women
>run to computer
>enter password
>refresh /lit/ (already open)
>see woman hate thread on first page
>open thread


>> No.22243957

HEY PUNK! You! Stop it right there!

>> No.22243973
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Being born into a world you don't understand, comprehending nothing, and then dying.

That's the human condition.

>> No.22243995

More like realizing that you will die, having complete consciousness that you won't be here forever, while also wondering if life has a defined purpose and is the creation of something superior, or it is an emergent property of matter, thus its meaning can probably be deducted in some way, or just an accident of physical laws.

>> No.22244009
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You sure about that?

>> No.22244013

No, but it seems more accurate than >>22243973.

>> No.22244021

I would definitely argue that what makes us actually human and that life as an adult starts when you realize your own finite nature. Until there, we are just preparing ourselves for life, this is why a children or a teenager dying is always really sad.

>> No.22244051
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Consciousness is not some magic pixie dust that suddenly makes one life more valuable than another lol. It's also not required that anyone tick off certain boxes like pondering the nature of existence, realizing ones mortality, etc. You are born. You get a little time being alive then you go back to being dead. Your comprehension of those facts is not required. Ultimately no one can know anything. We can make more or less accurate guesses. But there is currently no ultimate real final truth that explains the whole thing.

Being born, comprehending nothing, and dying are the only three constants of the human condition.

Unless of course you want to make the argument that retarded people too stupid to comprehend much of anything aren't part of the human condition but that seems to me a cop out of setting the terms of your definition of the human condition a bit too narrow. And yes I am aware that my own terms are perhaps a bit too broad and would also encompass animals. But with big brain topics like this you gotta paint with a broad brush.

Also my posts include images which automatically makes them more correct.

>> No.22244068

Those things are incomplete. That is why it feels so sad when a child or a teenager dies. You are thinking a simplistic view of a human condition, that would be more like an animal thing (like you just said at the end).
And yes, people who can't grasp that can't consent and so on, they can't legally do a lot of things. They can't be held accountable for their actions too and so on.

>> No.22244076

Nor you or the women are tied to you are worthy.

>> No.22244795

That's utterly depressing and pointless, i'm just fucking born one day and have to go through the slog of 80 years of life then randomly die which is similar to never being born at all? What kind of sick fucking reality are we in? It literally leads to nowhere.

>> No.22245820

You won't have the realization that you will die someday, and have a shot at doing things that you truly want to do. Basically, you won't have a chance of creating the meaning of things.

>> No.22246502

keep spamming the same thread genius

>> No.22246588

>you have to forget about grudges
>chad didnt call back
>chad was busy fuckin bff

>> No.22246595

“People haven't always been there for me but music always has.”
― Taylor Swift
I would say that this quote is very Nietszchean. Not even joking.

>> No.22246606

No, it's being content in a world you don't understand, a world you must leave, where real happiness can only be brought about by sacrificing yourself for others

>> No.22246627

>real happiness
>sacrificing yourself
This sounds like you are some dom/sub fetishist. I don't like this idea of happiness, putting something like "real" next to it, doesn't make it look better either. If you are going to go with something like this maybe that Nietzsche's idea of eternal recurrence would be interesting. Doing things in a way that you would gladly come back and do it all over again. It might sound easy, but it requires a reasonable amount of wisdom to look back 10 years in the past and not "cringe".

>> No.22247006

The Tay that can be tayed is not the eternal Taytay.