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22237714 No.22237714 [Reply] [Original]

do you ever read while under the influence?

>> No.22237717

I used to smoke, so yes, obviously.

>> No.22237718

Yeah under the influence of ur mom's pussy gotem

>> No.22237722

No, that stuff is bad for you.

>> No.22237732

Read one and a half of the Narnia books while high. Was pretty fun.

Haven‘t touched the stuff in close to a decade though because I have things I want to do with my life and parsing through children‘s lit is about at the upper edge of dopesmoker function.

>> No.22237807


>> No.22237814

Weed has to be the shittiest drug out there. It provides a really feminine, moronic high. It temporarily provides the kind of brain I imagine most women and stupid men have.

>> No.22237818

Ipso facto

>> No.22237833

Sometimes. It usually makes it hard for me to concentrate on text but sometimes it can be quite stimulating. It fucked me up more when I smoked regulary but if I don't have a tolerance I might be too stoned to read.
I read some Manifesto of a german shooter at a rave because I was bored, so I was under the influence of some party stims but I rather like to read sober desu.

>> No.22237900

reading while high is like riding a bike after you've been to the zoo

>> No.22237932

Are YOU high? That made no sense

>> No.22237990

It makes it hard to concentrate, so no.

>> No.22238184

I read some of Edith Hamilton's Mythology (the part about Ceres) on acid and it was really vivid

I used to smoke weed for like 4 months but it completely destroyed my psyche (because I smoked it every day and it was some strange weed and I got paranoid from it)
And besides I couldn't read anything on it, because the high had been so fast and shaky that I would do other things

So I will never smoke weed again

>> No.22238196

Yeah, I love reading the same paragraph 12 times because I've forgotten the first 11.

>> No.22238208

Nah, I even gave up alcohol because it just got in the way of reading. I'd just want to tune out watching YouTube or cheesy action or horror movies from the 80s and 90s. Which absolutely have a place in my heart, but not as much as I want to read.

>> No.22238218

Its difficult for me to retain the information while reading high. Reading is a sober joy.

>> No.22238224

Based. I can't read or even hold a conversation stoned, it destroys my verbal ability. I really want to get off this stuff but I need a doc to give me something for sleep.

>> No.22238250

Yeah, not incredibly stoned but usually when I'm buzzing off a few hits. Memory retention isn't affected in that state, but reading becomes pointless when fully intoxicated.

>> No.22238279

Sure I do everything high

>> No.22238396

I got into the habit of reading before bed when I was smoking 24/7, not a very engaging or rewarding way to read imo.

>> No.22238400


>> No.22238482


>> No.22238580


>> No.22238628

Someone who smoked marijuana said he took pregnenolone and stopped smoking without effort.

>> No.22238634


I really don't like being high but come sleepytime there's no choice

>> No.22238797

Amphetamine for focus and good feels.
It's addictive, though.

>> No.22238987

All the time. Low tolerance fags itt btfo.

>> No.22239004

THC disrupts regular REM sleep, take a magnesium sup. an hour before bed instead.

>> No.22239075
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yes. i had a really powerful epiphany about finnegans wake when i smoked for the first time after a month long t-break.


>> No.22239466
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i re-read while under the influence. there is nothing comfier. i feel like i have better ability to make intertextual connections when zooted.

>> No.22239567

Nothing like a stack of books next to a gram or two of heroin

>> No.22239574

Everyone keeps telling me magnesium, OKAY, I'll take magnesium

>> No.22239602

Getting high and reading the I-Ching is really fun I feel.
I mostly smoke cbd dominant stuff, but I see more meaning behind words, sentences etc.
It’s fun but Id rather smoke and watch something like Newsroom, Succession or The Leftovers

>> No.22239626

>smoke cbd dominant stuff
How does feel to waste your parents money on non psychoactive dirt weed.

>> No.22239726

If one has excess vitamin d, drinking beer reduces magnesium, a lot. That's the only situation I found taking magnesium beneficial.

I dissolve magnesium chloride and a small amount of salt in a small amount of water. I drink it. After that, I drink a glass of water.

Someone told me that if you have a machine that puts carbon dioxide in water, you can use it to dissolve magnesium hydroxide in water.

I consume chocolate. It has a lot of magnesium.

>> No.22239758

this is the way to do it imo, you def become a more creative reader but your comprehension totally drops while kush blasted

>> No.22239765

If you say you're not under the influence, then you're literally lying. Literally everyone is under the influence of their environment.

>> No.22239774

Yes. Especially philosophy. Maybe I am a retard, but reading philo is 10x easier when high. It just breaks me out of the standard loop which I usually operate in and allow me to think about things in different ways. Fiction is always a great pleasure to read stoned. Really activates the imagination, if you get high enough it’s like watching a verbose movie

>> No.22240021


>> No.22240171

I write and I find that weed kills my ability to visualize for 2-3 days after, so I’ve mostly stopped smoking. It’s too bad because in other ways the hangover from weed is much nicer than alcohol.

When I do smoke weed and read, I like to reread stories or passage I already know pretty well. It shakes up my perception of them; gives me a new angle on things.

I also like to read Richard Brautigan stories when coming up on lsd. There’s a sweet spot where I start to make weird connections between the images. But it only lasts about twenty minutes before my mind starts to wander.

>> No.22240203

Yeah. I don't smoke though, which might affect my perception.

>> No.22240759

what do you read while high? melville and spenser are my favorites.

>> No.22241683

Nah people create great music while stone so it can't be a female brain thing.

>> No.22241693

Weed is better for physical activities than cognitive. Smoke and lift or jog or kayak is fun. Smoke and read and I don't retain much.

>> No.22241699

I have enjoyed reading a good book, sat by the fire on a winter morning with a cup of coffee and a wake and bake. That is a great moment to savor and get lost in the book but don't expect to retain too much. It is a case where smoking weed and reading is the experience you get and not necessarily what's in the book itself. I'd do it again and probably will should life permit but it isn't something I seek out.

>> No.22242625

I play music but reading sounds too difficult. I tend to get very slumpy or hyper infatuated. Can't play violent videogames cus when I die I feel like I actually died and need a minute to realize I wasn't actually running around with a gun.

>> No.22242630

No, I can't.

>> No.22242805

Magnesium is dog shit and you're under 20 years old to suggest it unironically. I tried all versions. Even l threonate. It's all shit for sleep.

>> No.22242824


>> No.22242830


>> No.22243110

Unironically this. Weed gets good once you reach a certain tolerance. Tradeoff is you end up smoking more and running out and needing to buy/make more and running out again etc

>> No.22243778

I'm 25 and it works better for me than anything else. Doesn't leave me feeling groggy as shit in the morning either.

>> No.22244647

Not any novels, but I do go on huge history rabbit hole binges; it starts with me wanting to learn about the Paris Commune, then I learn about the Second French Empire, then the Second French Republic, then the Revolution(s) of 1848 and so on and so on.
It makes me get hooked on anything that comes to mind instantly.

>> No.22244816

Sounds like you don't have insomnia or real trouble falling asleep or had a clinical magnesium deficiency in the first place. If it's actual insomnia it won't touch it. Basically the only things that actually work are seconal (suddenly withdrawn last year for no reason), halcion and sodium oxybate. Everything else is a total meme or incurs rapid tolerance.

>> No.22244822 [SPOILER] 

I can't read drunk or high. Just totally unable to focus on the words. I never understood how people could do it. Weed was never really my thing anyway, more of a drinker. Well, I was. Tomorrow will be three months sober. I fucking hate going to AA and I want a drink so bad it's unreal

>> No.22244889

try audiobooks.

>> No.22244913

Simply have your doctor predcribe you lisdexamphetamine and baclofen. The lisdex will give focus and control to prevent relapse and baclofen being present saite your urge to drink. A French physician wrote a book on it being the best cure. Won't need to go to one of those stupid meetings ever again.

>> No.22244954


>> No.22244964

Audiobooks, right. If you can listen to a podcast, you can listen to a book on audio.

>> No.22244967

I don't listen to podcasts. That's peak midwit behavior.

>> No.22244975

No-fun nelly right here!

>> No.22245004

Yes, play chess too. Weed is the hyperbolic time chamber for the brain that or a highway to schizophrenia. It's difficult to tell, but it's fun when it happens so I am going to keep doing it.

>> No.22245015

>listening two two midwits speak for hours about topics they botch, trivialize and misunderstand is fun
It isn't. Listen to audiobooks or music. Much better ROI.

>> No.22245086

ganbatte anon. congrats on staying sober.

>> No.22245091
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>> No.22245106

So many junkies here.

>> No.22245314
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>> No.22245756

I've said it before, but weed is like dipping your toes into the ocean of schizophrenia. Can be interesting, or even useful if applied to the right actions, but often unhealthy if you just smoke to smoke with no active engagement while high.
That said, playing Halo 2/3 swat while baked as balls back in the day was insanely fun. Shit felt like I was synchronized with the spartan avatar, my spacial cognition was firing at 200% and my reaction time became much better once I got into the rhythm of it. Felt like I was developing a sixth sense on where my enemies would be spawning and where they'd be walking around corners. Swear that shit must be what Newtype "understanding" is like in Gundam. Military application of empathy.

>> No.22246117
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>> No.22246200
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The bible stoned is intense, through this apotheosis I can now hear Jah.

>> No.22246850

I listen to a lot of newly releases metal albums and toking really gets me vibing with the music and a book gives me something to focus my attention and pass the time. All 3 pair really well, especially out in the fresh air. However weed can make me very neurotic and hyper-self-aware, recalling recent events or trains of thought in days past and doing little mental annotating and critiques. So if I'm in one of those moods then scanning the lines of the books becomes more like a meditative thinking aid -obv not a very good or instructive one but that's what happens

>> No.22246866

>i feel like i have better ability to make intertextual connections when zooted.
same but I've started jotting things down so I don't forget it all the next day.

that's flow state, science is just catching up to exploring it. and hell yeah I was Halo 2 Xbox live GOD back in the day. still peak gaming for me but I play Tagpro in browser now to satisfy the itch, just pure read react with simple physics and infinite depth I can reach flow states easily with some music

>> No.22246879

I just bought magnesium pills, last night's sleep felt pretty good but I still used weed to start it

>> No.22247223

i think hes invoking a very specific kind of feel

>> No.22247238

just use melatonin

>> No.22247254
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Only poetry and while pot is fucking cringe, it really does make it better specifically Wallace Stevens and Rilke

>> No.22247260

let him cook

>> No.22247412

I smoke daily and have started taking magnesium to see what healthful benefits it may contribute and hear it also potentiates kratom.

>> No.22247580

Smoking reduces antioxidants. Chocolate, coffee, orange vegetables, fruits have a lot of antioxidants.

>> No.22247640

You're not supposed to take it frequently or else you end up stunting your body's natural production of it.
Plus, it makes me groggy as shit in the morning if I do take it, and the sleep I get is feverish and unpleasant.

>> No.22247656

I've been perma stoned for 10 years and I hate it

My mind is dulled and I'm probably permanently retarded now. I can't think but if I stop I become so sick I can't function.

I have PTSD and stomach issues and it helps make the days comfortable but I hate this fog

I didn't want to be like this

>> No.22247827

Have you tried not smoking?

>> No.22247869

He did. Second paragraph second sentence.

>> No.22247905

No, UK weed is ridiculously strong. I smoked it every day for the first two years of uni and ruined everything. Hopefully I can stay off it next year and save my grades

>> No.22247915

Not every podcast is frivolous, you know...

>> No.22247940

Doesn't work. Only good in 300mcg doses for circadian rythem adjustment. Haclion is the only non meme drug for insomnia at the moment. At least on label.

>> No.22248004

Regular stoner here. Reading while high is stupidly difficult, so no. As others have said you just end up needing to read everything over and over, kinda just fucks up the whole experience. I can do a lot of shit while high, hell, I could probably drive just fine while high, but reading just doesn't work.

>> No.22248393

swapping one high for another but, that's why people do it