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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 569x681, Plotinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22235483 No.22235483 [Reply] [Original]

I have never witnessed actual, meaningful philosophical discussion on this shitty board.
Why do you think that is ?

>> No.22235504

because you are dead Plotinus

>> No.22235514

Plot twist: you can’t actually read

>> No.22235515

Because you’ve never read any of my posts, because you only enter shitty threads.

>> No.22235518

I just like t post my pseudo intellectual ramblings about books I've never read as a means of taking out my frustrations. It can't produce any worthwhile conversation, and it's really not meant to.

>> No.22235523

you have to go to >>>/po/ for the real philosophical discussion

>> No.22235534

Dare I say, then who was phone

>> No.22235618
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Because most people on this board don't know Orthodox theology.

>> No.22235620

dead of pity, at the absolute state of this board lmao

>> No.22235636

I have several actual, meaningful philosophical discussions every week. It's the only reason I even still go on this site.

>> No.22235732

sometimes, when I browse this board, I wish this were true.

>> No.22235747

or any theology, really.
go and look at the two theology threads that are up right now, it's mostly a pit of despair.

>> No.22235755

i'm a thinker

>> No.22235758

because only retards or minor ecelebs shilling their podcasts post here

>> No.22235764

The last Heidegger thread was good. You are probably just an antention seeking nufag

>> No.22235765

you should have read my internet webpage I hosted from my Mac Server back in 1996

>> No.22235775
File: 199 KB, 600x900, 1651200828827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a great philosophy video.
Fr. Deacon Ananias is a professor of philosophy and a deacon in the Orthodox church.

>> No.22235780

>op has never seen philosophy on /lit/
>some dweeb gives him some gay dungeons and dragons video
peak /lit/

>> No.22235785

Well I'm a materialist, would you really want my thoughts on anything?

>> No.22235804

>dungeons and dragons video

>> No.22235808

What I see on this board is mostly midwits flinging made-up technical jargon at each other, quoting some somber german's grand-theorizing proclamations or some blasé frenchman's prose that can't seem to decide between cultural criticism, political pamplet, sociology and bad poetry, but nonetheless parades itself as philosophy.

Also those same midwits making endless threads about wheter Plato is le right wing or le left wing, and pondering which irrelevant made up modern label should be applied to such other greek or such medieval, who had the misfortune of living before everyone's head was filled with drivel, rendering him unintelligible to the midwit.

They never fail to give me the impression that they care more about who said what (about whom, no less) than about what is meant. When they discuss an author (well, first off, they always discuss a shitty one, preferably post 18th century), all they can really discuss is his political leanings, his relationship with other authors, or do pop psych on him. It's actually insane.

>> No.22235820

then you havent been on the board long before posting this or you actively engage with shitty threads.

Both indicate a lapse of judgement on your part.

>> No.22235843

What is also insane is that they seem to have this disdain for "minute" problems as if those were beneath them: no, they will move straight to the glamorous stuff. This not only precludes any discussion but also any groundwork . The result is of course that whatever else their thought might be, lacking any foundation, it is unlikely to be true.

They have never given a thought about the meaning of basic everyday terms, but they will do their best impression of that very profound-sounding philosopher they just discovered last week: they will explain at length how they are "non-monists, with a hegelian ontology" and yet "conceptualists about the Absolute". They will never know what any of this means, of course (not that it means anything, most of the time), because they can't define a single term to save their lives, can't state or formulate their premises, and make the most easily corrected logic mistakes. Anytime you scratch the surface there is nothing. And then they retreat, because to them "philosophy" is nothing more than a battle of ego, which I surmise is why they treat their views as nothing more than cosmetic items.

I'm not even talking of the whole continental vs analytic debate, just having any concern for meaning would be nice.

maybe the worst in all this is that I know that the egregious mistakes in their reasoning, the alarming weakness of the few arguments they give, cannot be due to any true lack of ability for strict reasoning on their part, because philosophy is accessible to all, and even a toddler, if he applied himself, would not make the mistakes they make.

>> No.22235876

very nice

>> No.22235877

You are part of the problem, icooner. I don't care what video your favorite guru has on a topic. This is a literature discussion board

>> No.22235881

You probably don't visit the threads with the genuine effortposts, or don't read/engage them. Your fault.

>> No.22235944
File: 20 KB, 392x392, s4GYT6OV_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what doth life?

>> No.22235949

Ah yes, and which ones would this be ?

>> No.22235969

They appear now and then, usually any thread asking a decent opening question about very specific (not too broad) philosophy can get some effortposts eventually. If there's no effortposts, start yourself, usually other people start joining in.

>> No.22236483

Because you are retarded and/or blind. We've had many wonderful threads on Neoplatonism.

>> No.22236574

I wish we had a /phi/ board for theology and philosophy.
>talk about it on /his/
Janny will delete the thread if it takes about new religious/philosophical stuff even though it's supposed to be allowed

>> No.22236582

I would prefer /rel/ got its own board as containment, and let /phil/ be its own thing. Only philosophical theology can be allowed in /phil/, the rest stays on /rel/.

>> No.22236586

It's Nietzsche's fault.

>> No.22236590

At least that mentally ill anti natalist stopped posted after his 100th thread seething about the human condition and fellating Benatar.

>> No.22236790

Orthodox posters love to just shove their shit in everyone's faces and be like "look how COOL and EXOTIC and DEEP this is"

Prots and Caths can typically at least ostensibly attempt to keep to a discussion but goddamn do Ortho posters really love showing everyone their cabinet of curiosities and not much else.

>> No.22236824

And the punch line is there are no curiosities. Only lies.
t. Slav from Ortho country

>> No.22236836

How we attend to the world determines what we find. If you only look at the glass of every window you pass, it’s not surprising that all windows look the same — and moreover that all are imprinted with your own reflection staring dumbly at you. Try being more open and charitably disposed to others and the outside world, and what you find might surprise you.

>> No.22236922

That's because you aren't paying attention. We have great threads all the time, like >>22213024 literally yesterday.

>> No.22237023

Used to happen all the time before the influx of election tourists and phoneposters. This board was almost too tedious to read with all the philosophical dick swinging.

The average IQ of this board is now 30-40 points lower than what it used to be.

>> No.22237040

I don't discuss philosophy nor engage with it because I think it's a waste of time
I prefer to read literature and post on /lit/

>> No.22237100

Bruh dis nigga legit be postin plotinus fr and he be susin real hard his name is plato not plotinus dumfuck am i right KEKW ?

>> No.22237103

the best discussions are on the german idealism threads