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22233528 No.22233528 [Reply] [Original]

Why do twitter people get upset when men write about women? Is idealization if women in literature even a legitimate issue?

>> No.22233556

No idea, but it sounds somewhat stupid considering that those things are a mark of romanticism.

>> No.22233575

I hate Twitter so much I'd sacrifice myself just to being that shot down

>> No.22233577

Because real women can't live up to the fantasy?

>> No.22233580

Does that fucking matter? People write about heroes that do impossible things all the time.

>> No.22233583

twitter is mostly female mind, and feminists are known to get very angry

>> No.22233589

Dunno, I think is that they miss depictions of "regular women", that they are always hot and attractive if they have a "role" on the plot.

>> No.22233600

I cant be the only mad here, sorry bros


>> No.22233601

But I have no idea, because it is not like I read contemporary goyslop.

>> No.22233604

This is what I mean. They exaggerate a non problem and makes it into one.

I guess that goes with everything when it comes to modern women

>> No.22233606

Boring as hell, this is the kind if thing that if you feel like doing, you have to do throughout 3-4 pages. This kills the whole mood, who the fuck writes a book like that? This is the kind of thing that I would write as a 15 yo or something.

>> No.22234245

women are like muslims, they just exist to make you wait longer in line at the DMV

>> No.22234345

Ban them from making schlockslop about 6’5 CEO chad vampire werewolf chasing self insert mid pussy. Then I will allow women to speak on the state of literature

>> No.22234357

The whole purpose of Twitter is to get upset. That's literally the only reason people go on Twitter.

>> No.22234385

Write something about women. Say a male wrote it and they'll screech and call it bad. Say a woman wrote it and they'll praise it into heaven. It's just partisanship.
There are instances where men larped as female authors and won awards. When they reveal themselves to be male the book is suddenly shit and a scam.

>> No.22234393

Women used to do that too back in the day. Turns out women aren't that better than men overall, and people are full of shit. Who would imagine that?

>> No.22234406

Yea basically. Back then it was easier to get noticed with a male name, now it is easier to get seen with a female name. Thanks for the gender equality.

>> No.22234419

Lmao so true

>> No.22234428

I honestly don't care about it, I'm somewhat having fun watching this whole thing. Being able to not give a damn about it is fucking great.

>> No.22234435

It does not sound like you don't care. But sure enjoy. We all need a good shitpost once in a while.

>> No.22234451

I'm not mad about it, but I'm having fun watching people doing things, that is what "I don't care" means. I don't care, I'm not going to do anything about it, I'm just looking how it is going to end.

>> No.22234485

Don't know why this topic makes people seethe so much. A lot of otherwise excellent male authors fail to write female characters well. This is usually because they don't care to, or they don't give it a ton of thought.

This isn't a death sentence for an author if they're good at other things. However, you shouldn't be surprised when women are annoyed that a celebrated writer has such shallow female characters that exist solely to keep horny male readers from getting bored.

PKD is probably the prime example here. His books are amazing, but boy are his women just lousy.

Obviously people take this issue too far because the internet is all about baiting reactions from people, but I am generally surprised when people play dumb to this concept.

>> No.22234514

Why are you playing dumb and pretending even the most hateful incel wouldn't understand why women complain about "She breasted boobily down the stairs"?
Ofcourse this thread is about (online) women taking it too far and applying it to good writing. These same people will call Borges a toxic white male lmao.

>> No.22234694

>>22234514 #

That's fair. I don't use social media all that much, so I can't say I've seen much beyond criticisms of "she breasted boobily". I'm sure people who overreact to every female characterization exist on social media, but I don't think their motivations are much of a mystery, right? They're just parroting existing criticisms because it draws reactions and engagement.

>> No.22234733

I've been reading the J-novel forums and there's one or two posters who complain about this, or about women in stories being expected/pressured to do feminine things, like have children or be good wives. Without fail, they complain about it like women bearing children isn't vital for the perpetuation of humanity.

It's not worth getting worked up over, though. Just stupid people who will fail to produce children of their own and so literally, evolutionarily, don't matter.

>> No.22234989
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>I've been reading the J-novel forums and there's one or two posters who complain about this, or about women in stories being expected/pressured to do feminine things, like have children or be good wives.
So desu ka?

>> No.22235128

No truer words.

>> No.22236189

Women actively seek to tear down any standards imposed on them so as to not have to exert themselves. All of the stories of women being “dumb and irrational” were made by women of past times to take the burden off of themselves and their daughters. only in modern days have new age women sought to tear down these limiting myths because emotionality and irrationality are not seen as a way of garnering sympathy ,but an active detriment to the cold corporate world of today.

>> No.22237414

No it used to be a platform for fun updates about your life. Then the liberal feminists joined.

>> No.22237436

Women never look up to anyone, only envy. They need any and all female characters to be like them or their ideal self perception of themselves or they will become bitter that someone is better than them.

>> No.22237456
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Underrated post

>> No.22237551

Who cares? They're philistines arguing over genre fiction shitlit. It doesn't affect literature.

>> No.22238783

The things they consider "regular" are incredibly base and rank.

>> No.22238792

I don't know, I think down to earth things. As in a "hot chick in a motorbike shotting a gun" is a somewhat stupid thing to imagine in real life, compared to a "somewhat buff chick in a motorbike shotting a gun". They are probably complaining about those kind of things, because they are literally everywhere.

>> No.22240402
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I don't know, a man wrote one of the best female leads in any piece of fiction ever - and that's, of course, Brenda from Six Feet Under.

>> No.22240419

Philistines were manly men who fucked manly women and fucked manly trap castrated sacred prostitutes. Read about Samson getting shaved and pulling two massive pillars at once.