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22233488 No.22233488 [Reply] [Original]

Looking to collect good books on the history of French and Russian revolutions, their jewish origins, and the promotion of anti-Christianity within them.

So far:
>The Reign of Terror: A Collection of Authentic Narratives of the Horrors Committed by the Revolutionary Government (Simpkin)

>A French Genocide: the Vendee (Secher)

>The History of the Clergy During the French Revolution (Barruel)

>The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (Jones)

>A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind (Goodson)

I haven't begun on the Russian revolution, but I have seen mention of Solzhenitsyn as a good start. However, it seems he has cucked out and denies the jewish involvement, according to his English website. His book on the topic, Two Hundred Years Together, is also not available in English print. I need hardcovers to stay the test of time, not digital copies.

What would you lads recommend to add to the French Revolution, and to start off the Russian Revolution? I am specifically looking for anti-Christian/atheist promotion and jewish involvement, so no modern cucked """""history""""" please. Also, any books on murder and genocide that took place within the revolutions.


>> No.22233495

What even is your endgoal? To get more radicalized and seethe impotently 10 times harder than before?

>> No.22233501

>stop noticing things!!1

>> No.22233611

There’s a stretch between noticing jewish influence and whatever gargantuan academic endeavour you’re throwing yourself into, so I’m wondering what’s the point of all this

>> No.22233646

>I haven't begun on the Russian revolution, but I have seen mention of Solzhenitsyn as a good start.
Nah, not really - as you have pointed out, he bitched out. Try Ivan Ilyin instead, he has a very strong spiritual Christian element to it as well.

But please do keep in mind that like every author on your list, Ilyin is a humongous retard.

>> No.22233650
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>> No.22233657
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>> No.22233664
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>Russian revolutions, their jewish origins, and the promotion of anti-Christianity within them.
Saint John of Kronstadt talked about exactly what you are saying OP!

>> No.22233665
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Also Fr. Spyridon Bailey mentions it brieflt in this video.

>> No.22233668
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>> No.22233752
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>> No.22234095


>> No.22234450


>> No.22235237

>Looking to collect good books on the history of French and Russian revolutions, their jewish origins, and the promotion of anti-Christianity within them.
So you want to read some skewed takes that are un-academic in origin and generally are ideologically driven horseshit for patsies like yourself that bought into simple narratives, such as "Le Jews are behind everything, they own the world, WAH!"? How about studying the roots of anti-semitism and reading Sartre's essay on the Anti-Semite?

>> No.22235261

>"noticing" "things"
Yeah sure you are

>> No.22235425

>T. left-tard jew lover

>> No.22235429

>Sartre cucked by Simone

lmao. Kys.

>> No.22235586
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>> No.22236083


The Occult War by De Poncins and Malynski is exactly what you're looking for. It's nowhere near as schizo as the title makes it sound.

>> No.22237026

Under the Sign of the Scorpion: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire
has a few chapters on the french rev and its judeomasonic origins too. don't thank me, just spread the knowledge.

>> No.22237042

Preprogrammed response

>> No.22237642
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>Us christians are not supposed to practice usury
>You! Jew! You lend me money
>Aaaahhh why do the Jews have all the money, rev up the progroms and kick them out
>Aaaahhh why are all these young Jewish men seeking out radical ideologies to protect themselves from persecution
>Must be some sort of conspiracy to specifically ruin our epic trad culture that is certainly not outdated and decrepit

>> No.22237924

fk russia

>> No.22237937

This is what you want, OP


Although kind of a silly thing to nerd about

>> No.22237938
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>> No.22237946

Never seen an actual refutation of this. Only snarky comebacks.

>> No.22237954
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>> No.22237958
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>> No.22237959

You should get a tilt shift lens to take photos like this so they're not so distorted. I realize you probably didn't take this, but commenting anyway.

>> No.22237965

Usury was outlawed for Jews as well for most of the Middle Ages. By the time it was legalized for them, it was legal for everyone and Italians loved their banks. Jews lived in separate communities and of course had trades of their own, before industrialization, communities were far more self sufficient. By the time industrialization hit, Jews could participate

It’s true Jews were kicked around a lot and that pogroms continued into modern Russia unlike the west (until Hitler), but this was hardly unique to Jews. Muslim ethnicities were also kicked around, many minorities were, but out of all of them, it was overwhelmingly Jews who were not just communist but had the specifically social transformation idea of communism. For most working class communists in Russia even in the USSR, communism was about Russian fraternity and about how poor people mattered in Russia unlike the west. The weird animosity toward monogamy and social mores was not part of their ideal

>> No.22237984
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>> No.22237986
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>> No.22237992

>Lurks post
>OP searching for knowledge about real issues
>OP doesn’t seem unreasonable

Are you just here to prove that you’re an intelligence officer? Or that you have a small penis? Which one is it?

>> No.22238009

I wonder who could have instigated a creed which placed themselves at a privileged origin, made to be propagated specifically among host populations whose lands they had no business entering but who were generally hamstrung in throwing them out on universalist principles…

>> No.22238104

>OP doesn’t seem unreasonable
He's basically looking for fringe authors and their fringe work to aid his delusional worldview. Everything about that is anti-knowledge and definitely unreasonable.

>> No.22238118

What were they doing in Europe anyway?

>> No.22238124

He doesn't know any book on this topic, but he also can't resist replying.

>> No.22238127

>the masons and illuminati are actually the good guys because they ushered in an age of tolerance and civility, democratised formally private institutions and resources and secularised formally nonsecular notions of inalienable rights and inherent value, ending eras of human debasement and producing untold wealth for generations to come.

>but the illuminati and masons also worship the demiurge and / or lucifer the goat headed light bearer and have ushered in an age where neoliberal industrialists dominate the political landscape, fiat currency backed by a technocratic military industrial complex dominates the world’s foreign currency reserves and systemic systems of domestic and international surveillance pervade. A crisis of meaning is the contemporary overture, everyday our lives become more atomised and with each passing moment the intensional valence of our every word slips more and more towards hyperreal simulated corporate nonspeak, the corporate logos that punctuate and define our lives have remained static and unchanging and as such have become the symbolic language that relates past to present, self to other, a shared vocabulary, a stasis. The distinction between factory floor and consumer paradise becomes more and more blurred, like products along an assembly line people the globe over are now funnelled along conveyer belts, up escalating pneumonic pumping systems and into perfect homeostatic enclosures.

guys this is a tough one

>> No.22238740

Kicked out of Israel by the Romans for being too sassy

>> No.22238764

fuck off chudcel

>> No.22238769

Same reason everybody else was in Europe probably.

>> No.22239025

Well yes, he did fuck Russia in a dazzling fashion.

>> No.22239214

>>the masons and illuminati are actually the good guys because they ushered in an age of tolerance and civility, democratised formally private institutions and resources and secularised formally nonsecular notions of inalienable rights and inherent value, ending eras of human debasement and producing untold wealth for generations to come.
it's funny how bourgeois keep saying it's good thing

the point of freemasonry is really
-to hate absolute monarchy
-to hate the popery
-to love mercantilism
-to love judaism

the little rambling they do is to pass as free thinkers between 2 orgies and 2 closings on megadeals