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/lit/ - Literature

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22228231 No.22228231 [Reply] [Original]

At what point does smut cross the line into true literature?

>> No.22228234

it has to be somehow artistic
it is like when porn crosses that line

>> No.22228248

The same as with sci-fi or westerns; when it transcends its form and becomes something greater.

>> No.22228251

what porn crosses that line?

>> No.22228265

Caligula, Nymphomaniac, Salo are three off the top of my head.

>> No.22228266

Whenever >>22228248, in the sense that it starts to be something that other people want to imitate. I don't know what porn crosses that line, that Caligula movie, I can't remember anything of it, but I think there is only a single one of it.

>> No.22228276

>Nymphomaniac, Salo
Would you jerk to that shit? It has to be porn, anon. I never watched Salo.

>> No.22228280

But even if you wouldn't it's filmed pornographically.

>> No.22228282

Have you ever doubted that something was art or porn ? I never has, the line seems to be clear when it's in front of you.

>> No.22228300

Here it is, but AFAIK it is not historically accurate, Caligula was probably a somewhat fine dude that happened to have a lot of political enemies.

>> No.22228313

No, I'm tripping, it was Nero.

>> No.22228348

>still filmed pornsgraphically
You mean the porn film that doesn't show penetration?

>> No.22228366

Caligula was a top lad poetically lashing out against a corrupt Roman elite to the joy of the plebeian class. Thinking he promoted a horse to senate "because he was crazy" is a midwit interpretation of what he was doing.

If an American leader forced the daughters of Epstein's milieu into a brothel, or promoted a donkey to Supreme Court Justice, the irony would be lost on nobody. But because we only hear from his detractors, people assume mental illness as the only possible cause.

>> No.22228378

It is porn regardless.

>> No.22228384

KEK yes, but still, kinda of a wtf, dude stop, just do things.

>> No.22228426

You've never heard of softcore porn? Lesbian porn?

>> No.22228437

Lolita is porn but considered the Great American Novel.

>> No.22228440


>> No.22228452

>great american novel
>written by a russian

no anon, you are incorrect.

>> No.22228463

Von Trier directed a couple of actual pornos and won some feminist movie awards.

>> No.22228486

Only by pedophiles. They don't count.

>> No.22228490

Not all literary critics are pedophiles anon. Many of them are merely ephebophilia or homosexuals.

>> No.22228491

There was some weird brief moment in time when feminists were pro-sex and pro-pornography.
Campus life must've been amazing back then.
Hard to imagine it today.

>> No.22228494

There are multiple kinds of feminists, don't generalize them. They aren't all the same.

>> No.22228498

Only the ones that count Lolita as "great American novel" just for its purple prose and cute gimmick.
It's a book of some merit, but there's like thirty better Great American Novels over it.

>> No.22228502

>It's a book of some merit
Why don't you take a seat anon...

>> No.22228510

No, sex positive broads are usually just gross. Nothing beats the shy girl who didn't get hot until college.
There are only two basic groups. Seething ugly broads who hate men and accidentally based ones who hate troons. The commonality between them is the same though: self-serving ideologue midwits.

>> No.22228523

Not really, they don't hate men. That might be a thing maybe when they are "discovering things", but other than that, they are fine. I used to hang out with a couple of dykes and they were cool. I bet the one who was studying pedagogy was a feminist of whatever, she used to be really nice to me.

>> No.22228526

And I'm not gay or anything.

>> No.22228538

>Not telling this to

>> No.22228556

>Nabokov became an American citizen in 1945

>> No.22228562

Not much anymore. Digitally-enforced conformity through threat of severe punishment. My campus was super sex-negative and that was years ago. There was still plenty of sex to be had but you had to go for STEM/PE chicks

>> No.22228827
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>> No.22228843

somebody I knew in high school works at Taschen. she's the least popular host of a very popular fashion podcast. appeared on one of those "hype house" reality shows where she was voted off before the episode even started because she was so annoying. I remember her as being highly intelligent but also quite snotty. seemed to delight in meaningless nastiness/spite. she looks a little bit like a rat with excellent fashion sense.

I have no comment on the thread's topic. I just wanted to share.

>> No.22228847

There aren't. It all has the same premises but different ones choose to ignore contradictiona in different ways. The fact that sexual repression of women is beneficial to men and at the same time is beneficial to women in relationships with men is one of those contradictions. Also feminists who go against trannies are not real feminists.

>> No.22229015

alan moore said something about if you're working class, they will call it 'porn', but if you're upper class, its considered 'erotica'

>> No.22229101

>STEM/PE chicks
either completely hideous pseuds or hot BPD chicks that suck dick for jobs at google that will ruin your life

>> No.22229308
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When it's written by pic related.

>> No.22229398

erotica seems rather non-U compared with plain old porn

>> No.22229466

Are you crazy?
There are like at least 4 that I can think out of the top of my head. And some of them would be ok with things such as sex work, while other wouldn't and even among those who think it is bad, they think it is bad for completely different reasons. This without even touching that intersec part of it, which is a whole thing in its own, I don't know if it is even fair calling it just feminism, rather than something else.

>> No.22230131

Don't get in relationships with them. Give them fake names. That's what I did.
Also there are plenty of attractive level-headed chicks in there, especially in PE and architecture for some reason. Don't be bitter because you couldn't score.

>> No.22230145

You're the one projecting bitterness on me, Petunia, because you need to suck on a titty to be happy. And a BPD titty at that.

>> No.22230170

Has at least a blowjob where the guy nuts in the girl's mouth

>> No.22230174

minimag NSFW1 got me banned

>> No.22230221

I love big tits so much bros

>> No.22230312

Literature can incorporate smut or ecen be exclusively focused on it and still derive larger meaning from it. It's as much about the sensation and mental stimulation of the reader in a context that also causes the reader to reflect. Nicholson Baker's Vox and The Fermata are literary, but almost exclusively porn. Characterization is the key difference--real people, relatable. Freddie Puck's Turn Up the Night is similarly smut-driven and that's key to the larger plot. I wouldn't describe Lolita as porn. More of a horror story from the pov of the monster, not unlike Jim Thompson's Killer Inside Me

>> No.22230971
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>the publisher

>> No.22230978
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>the editor
You might remember her from Crumb where she talks about how big his cock is during a photoshoot she set up.

>> No.22231083

Would be better if it were The Book of Big Breasts desu

>> No.22232372

It doesn't. The line is only crossed from literature into smut.