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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 137 KB, 1200x800, places-derwent-island-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22221498 No.22221498 [Reply] [Original]

>can't leave this island for 2 years
>endless food and water supply the whole time
>no tv or internet connection
what books are you brining?

>> No.22221506

Can I bring whatever books I want or just the ones I have? If it's the former then I'd bring the entire western canon and I'd spend much more than 2 years there.

>> No.22221514

You can bring whatever books you like, anon.

>> No.22221530

Shipbuilding for Dummies.

>> No.22221693

I would literally kill for an opportunity to spend 8 seasons in a place like this

>> No.22221697

All the sci-fi and fantasy novels I can find, and some high-end philosophical works. I would also try to write my own book.

>> No.22221739

>books I’ve read at least partially but would finish or re-read
Arabian Nights
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Edgar Allen Poe’s complete works
The Red and the Black
Lonesome Dove
Blood Meridian
Shelby Foote’s The Civil War trilogy
The Power Broker

>books I haven’t read at all but want to
Stella Maris
Shadow Country
Tree of Smoke
Arabian Sands
Beau Geste
The Hamlet
The Town
The Mansion
The Long Ships
The Sea Wolf
Memoirs from Beyond the Grave
The Centurions
Sailing Alone Around the World
Two Years Before the Mast
The North Water
Maybe Mommsen’s Roman History
Something about Napoleon
Something about Admiral Nelson

>> No.22221742

I bet Moby Dick tastes nice

>> No.22221867
File: 46 KB, 320x311, 549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's no limit then I may as well bring my whole wishlist with me. It's no big deal if I don't read some.

>> No.22221871

A math textbook and a physics one. I don't know about fiction. I don't have anything that I really feel like reading, so some collections of classics.

>> No.22221941

I feel you'll go insane if you're an atheist. (Luckily I'm not one.)

>> No.22221947

Literally heaven on Earth.

>> No.22221998

why did you say 8 seasons instead of just repeating two years like op said

>> No.22222429

I feel like it would take me at least 2 years to get through all the books I have already

>> No.22222431

Not really, just pick up writing if you haven't or start making clay sculptures or anything really.

>> No.22222440


>> No.22222458

I'll give up my choice of books in exchange for spending 20 years there.

>> No.22222468

My entire library.
How is that "heaven on earth" when it's not even endemic plants or wildlife? Only soulless faggots think such an obviously artificial island is heaven on Earth.

>> No.22222482

>endemic plants or wildlife
Why would that be a good thing? I just want a pretty house, a few trees, and a beach. Stop overthinking, retard.

>> No.22222563

>Why would that be a good thing?
It's just something I prefer as one with a strong soul. For example, I love coconuts. In Vietnam, they even had a religion inspired by coconuts. The MCTs of coconuts can serve as a substitute for carbs. If I went to a REAL tropic island, the first thing I would do is read a bunch of books about coconuts and pray to each and every single coconut tree.
I also like pineapples.
My staple diet would be coconuts, pineapples, fish, and more coconuts.
>I just want a pretty house, a few trees, and a beach.
One thing that makes me sad is how many islands had massive bird biodiversity die-out. This was also evident in Hawaii due to the introduction of mosquitoes, which are vectors of disease, and invasive species.
I want to play a flute and attract birds while eating coconuts.
It's not overthinking, but I realize thinking even a little bit is hard for nignogs like you. Or it could be due to have candida infection from eating too many carbs, so you would benefit from coconuts.

>> No.22222579

I think mostly scriptures and math texts. I'll bring some conan doyle and christie for the lazy days.

>> No.22222634

to differentiate and distinguish myself

>> No.22222640

Tons of books in Greek and Latin

>> No.22222711

I wouldn't bring any books

>> No.22222735

christcucks are so insufferable

>> No.22222759

>endless food and water supply

I’m going to need access to cannabis and reasonably priced red wine or I will be very cranky

>> No.22222770


>> No.22222792

My TBR stack. It’s 1000 books. With literally nothing else to do I might read a book a day. 2x365=730. Say 750 generously. I’d be pleased with that.

>> No.22222862

you're already insane, anon. you're talking to the spirit in the sky.

>> No.22222887
File: 61 KB, 419x630, A Pickle for the Knowing Ones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what books are you brining?
The only correct answer

>> No.22222903


>> No.22222926

Well this is /lit/ after all.

>> No.22222958

tips fedora

>> No.22222978
File: 257 KB, 960x1385, 3D365FBF-A8DB-422C-9E8B-6428F1CE8EB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheist are not insane for not talking to your imaginary friend.
A good case can be made for your insanity though.

>> No.22222984

All my choice? Then I'm bringing the full Loeb library, the 三民書局 classics series, and the Pléiade. With that and paper and pens I'll be happy.

>> No.22223021

Why dream like this? A contemplative life is perfectly within your reach. You can develop some fucking self control and choose to tune out things, people, channels of communication that displease you. Work an honest job like a teacher or post worker and you will be able to afford all the books you want, though not an extravagant lifestyle. You live in the best time to hunker down and read in human history, culturally barren though they be: all cultures are open to you, and you are safer from war and disease than any of your ancestors. You are far better off than anyone on a desert island or any medieval monk. Just resolve to live authentically and stop filling your brain with garbage. It's as easy as wanting it.

>> No.22223072

Why would you take such low-effort bait?

>> No.22223088

>no internet
I'll just kill myself at the start.

>> No.22223110

redpill me on this book

>> No.22223127

Complete works of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Aristotle, Jung, Mishima. All gothic canon. All classic epic poems. History from greeks to the end of 20th century. Collections of greek, roman and hindu myths and norse sagas. Silmarillion and Lord of the Rings series. Second Apocalypse series. I can read all I want and don't read if I don't want it. Call me a pseud, I won't care.

>> No.22223171

why do you life somewhere where you can be over rolled by 20 meter waves in 1 night?

>> No.22223278

The man who wrote it was the wisest man of his era, possibly the wisest man to ever set foot in North America. He made a fortune off of selling coal to coal towns and warming pans to the sunny Carribean.

>> No.22223314
File: 19 KB, 428x368, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak of the devils. Raging with insanity.

>> No.22223323

ok, started reading now

>> No.22223331

Ahh, a plague of christ speaketh
And schizophrenia be done upon the evildoers. And it was so. [1]

>> No.22223343

Instructions on how to chop down trees and make a boat.
>but you can't leave
It'll take me two years to make a decent ship anyway. It's something to do and gives me exercise.

>> No.22223616

I would die with no companionship or way to hear music. Those two are some of the simplest joys life offers. But in terms of books, I suppose I would bring the Russians to stoke my loneliness, and Irish to heal it. Carrol and Tolkien as well, I should get that done. As well as a few math books, been meaning to get through Lang's basic math, and so that and perhaps something on algebra, topology, and groups. Then to comfort my existential fear id brink witts investigations, and for spiritual comfort id bring Kierkegaard. Then for light reading p much all the books on the /lit/ discerning child chart.