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22220650 No.22220650 [Reply] [Original]

I saw a milf at the party tonight and I want to . . .
But tell me what's on YOUR mind.


>> No.22220665

I hate that I keep brooding about that horrible first year of university that completely fucked me in the head and sent me down an irrecoverable trajectory in life.

>> No.22220672

I think I'm going to start smoking again.
It's been six years, but my personal aesthetic simply demands it.

>> No.22220675

I wonder how many anons have kys'd themselves because of a mean comment. Not exclusively because of a mean comment, but with the mean comment being the last straw after already feeling depressed. There are probably quite a few.

>> No.22220676

>muh woe is me doomer thread #4837448

>> No.22220679

I think I wasted this holiday, like I do every holiday. I had some people out of town who wanted to have a barbecue but I didn't want to make the drive because I was too tired. Now im stuck at home alone, drinking alone with nothing to do. My idle mind is set on brooding. I'm gonna watch Scream 6 to try and distract myself.

>> No.22220685

She's so cute and I wanna cuck him like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.22220695

I wonder how many anons come and go from this place I'll never speak to again? How many total posts have I made since 2005 on this fucking god awful website?

>> No.22220713
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Jami Gertz I am thinking. I would like to fuck Jami Gertz I am thinking.

>> No.22220719
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I just realized I have more of a crush for a gaijin Filipina/French American Jpop idol from the mid to late 2000s and a Japanese/Russian Jpop rock chick who got breast cancer and died by the age of 40 than most women I have ever met. And it has to do with how interesting they are as people and how they seem to be relatively chill compared to most women (of course they are both rather attractive and that is also a part of it). Why are women so boring? I'm not saying they are bad or icky, but just cursory interactions with most women give me the true impression that I couldn't find them interesting past their physical beauty. Not really sad or angry so much as confused.

>> No.22220722

Read like half of this book today but a lot of the important exposition is in Portuguese even though the entirety of the narration is in english.

>> No.22220730

OP here.
So this milf, she was probably my age or slightly older, but I'm an unmarried, bald, borderline neet, at the big blow-out 4th party in the bourgie suburbs. I was there because it's my extended family's big party and she was a friend of a friend. Incredibly pretty face, tight-fitting dress, a husband and two kids.
Our eyes caught the first time probably by chance. The second was maybe my fault. The third and fourth were definitely her doing.
When I don't wear a hat I'm a bald guy. When I do wear one I am a tall, dark, handsome man who seems to attract the gaze of married women of all kinds, young women, and the occasional GILF.
This has been my torture for 20 years, I'm the handsome guy when the girls don't realize I'm bald, but without it, I fade into the scenery. God I haven't had such an attractive woman look directly at me so many times in a single night for a while. Fuck. (I was wearing a hat tonight if it wasn't clear)

Stay tuned for my book which I might eventually write about what it's like being a handsome guy who went bald in high school and ends up on 4channel in his mid 30's.
But I'll be in this thread for a while, of course I'm not going anywhere, ask me whatever you are curious about.

>> No.22220758
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Music, Philosophy, Religion, the Notion

National Socialism
Poetry, Science, Mathematics, Nihilism, the Body



I dance in silence
Silence is a white robe


the ant. the cult of the ant. I am an ant.
God is the lion. God is the antelope.
God laughs and God cries. I am God.

They hate me. I hate myself. They hate me. I love myself. They love me. I am them.

It is called "the dark wheel." It is called "the golden elixir." These are the same. The dark wheel is the hidden self in body. The golden elixir is the hidden self in mind.

Everything has a number. A prime number cannot be generated. a prime number cannot be defined. We use the wrong operations, we cannot generate prime numbers. A prime number is only not a composite number. I am a prime number: I am nothing, I am unique.

I dance in silence. What is in silence but me? I am silence. I am the laughter of Chrysippus. Am I the tears of Heraclitus?

Causes are irrelevant to me. Yet I would rather know one cause than be king of all Persia.

Three and four are friends.

Babylon adopts Christianity. Christ cannot speak for himself.

Life is mine. Death also is mine.

>> No.22220778

I'm dating a BBW.

>> No.22220812 [DELETED] 

oh man how did i miss this jam

>> No.22220883

I had this dream where I was in supermarket car park trying to hide from getting hit by lightning. It was very intense and uncomfortable.

>> No.22220890

Obese people deserve no rights

>> No.22221101

Anyone else experience this?
Everytime I masturbate I suddenly lose all interest either half way to completion or right before finishing, and sometimes won't even finish.
It's like suddenly right as I'm about to acheive satisfaction the rational side of my brain kicks into gear and I think to myself "why am I even doing this?" And suddenly the lewd images either appear revolting or just plain boring to me.
Normally that happens afterwards .. But lately it's like achieve post nut clarity in the act...

>> No.22221115

You like your fantasy more than you like real people to the point where you can’t even project that fantasy onto women you meet.

>> No.22221131

the glownigger's favorite thread

>> No.22221219
File: 113 KB, 552x811, why-are-people-sad-paulo-coelho-quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"The 'be yourself' part really just came from a lot of things that I've gone through in my life and a lot of different changes and all the different tragedies and all the horrendously stupid mistakes I've made in my personal life, and wanting to be able to make up for those things and wanting to be able to not be ashamed, all that stuff. ... You know, that's the one thing about getting older that's better, and this song kinda says it so simply, to a degree that 10 years ago I would've been embarrassed to put it in a song 'cause it is so simple. But there it is." -- Chris Cornell (1964-2017), Launch, 2005

For anyone who is a young adult here,
is worth taking the time to read.

I would like to add some of my own qualifications and perspective--part agreement, part counterpoint.


I am in my early thirties.

When I was young and my mother was away, my father and I watched Conan the Barbarian, as a father does with his son when his mother is not around to object. I remember paying attention to the music, to how it felt so coordinated and connected with the action of the film; I remember feigning to hide my eyes when my father told me to do so because the female body was on display; I remember thinking to myself that Valeria should be the kind of woman I should find and marry; I remember questioning, as a short, skinny, dorky boy, if all heroes had to be and look and act like Conan; I remember the blood and the violence that should have haunted me and made me close my eyes but didn't.

I remember the scene when Thulsa Doom captures Conan and coaxes an obliging young woman to jump to her death as a demonstration of his power.

I remember that my father paused the film after this scene, and told me, directly, harshly,

>"Did see that girl, Anon? Do you see all of those other people in white robes?"

He waited for me to respond that yes, I had seen them.

>"Those people are followers, Anon."

He waited for a moment before pointing at me, in a manner that made me think I had done something wrong.


It was as much of an accusation as it was a threat.

>> No.22221223

>to get men to rally around a cause, a belief, an idea, is always easier than persuading them to lead their own lives

>> No.22221224

I didn't have a childhood in what I think is the normal sense of what it means to have a childhood. I was a child, yes, as all men are children at one point, but I was not carefree; I was introspective, I was aware of the evil in the world, I was aware of the fact that people were and are unhappy, I was aware of death. I was a serious little human with serious little attitudes and serious little thoughts that no child in the world should go to bed thinking.

I realized that I was different, that I was not like my classmate or my family or my parents. That the things they told me to placate my curiosity about the world sounded right and pleasant and happy but that there was something wrong, something off, some grave mistake or error or inconsistency about it. I could not understand why my friends watched Power Rangers--it was stupid and clearly men in plastic suits pretending to fight other men wearing black garbage bags sewn together--or cartoons that weren't something like Rocko's Modern Life or Ren & Stimpy. I could not understand why I was teased for reading books--books were these magical objects filled with holy words that painted worlds I found myself daydreaming and sketching in my idle classroom hours when my work was done and my teacher preoccupied with other classmates. I would play make-believe games with my friends based on the cool characters and places and events from movies and books we wanted to imitate and was oblivious to the mockery of others until one afternoon a mother supervising our lunch recess in the schoolyard made one of my classmate walk up to me and apologize for comments I had no idea he had made and couldn't quite understand what the ultimate point of them were and why it was a problem that I didn't like basketball.

I realized that some people didn't seem to have thoughts inside of their heads that had not previously belonged to someone else, or simply none at all, and wondered what made the thoughts in my head any different.

>> No.22221226

Too many books.

>> No.22221228

By middle school, I had stopped caring about the opinions of my classmates. I was content to huddle around MAD magazines and video game strategy guides and quote Spaceballs and Weird Al and Monty Python during school breaks with my two remaining friends. I didn't care that it wasn't cool for boys to be smart but it was for girls, though I did know there was something very wrong with it.

I had my first girlfriend at the age of 14. It was a pure thing, or perhaps as pure as something tangible like that could have been at the turn of the century.

Halfway through my first semester of freshman year,

>"I love you forever"

gave way to

>"forever scares me."

She broke up with me and dated one of my teammates that I had previously introduced to her. I went to the Homecoming Dance with her best friend. Then I met other girls and forgot about her until my senior year when she tried to win me back in ways that, in hindsight, were both innocent and horribly inappropriate, greased mostly equally with lust and regret.


My senior year, I went to a dance with a handwritten note pinned to my dress shirt that read,

>"NON -

A classmate in my AP English class had seen a picture of me with the tag displayed prominently and said,

>"You know, Anon's Last Name, labeling yourself as a "non-conformist" is a pretty conformist thing to do."

I was irritated by his comment.

A few years later, my avoidance of all labels outside of communicative necessity had been complete and fully realized.

>> No.22221235

The last girl I dated told me, after yet another fight we both agreed to let go unresolved, as she stared at the wall and pouted,

>"You're the most intense person I have ever met. I can't hide anything from you because you see right through me. ... I feel naked around you--always naked and unable to hide. You stare right into my soul and it makes me feel so ugly, so worthless and less than. I can't escape from you. I hate it."

I hope to go the rest of my life with this being the only potential immortalization of her.


I worry about my friends, often, and more than I should, even though I know this is not healthy for me, even though I try to discipline my mind and recognize such thoughts as unconstructive and wasteful.

One my childhood friends and I reconnected after 15 or so years. Over that time we had clearly grown in our separate ways, but there was enough there to bond again to some degree. He has always had a preoccupation with a particular brand of fetishization of youth and rebellion. One day, we were drinking and smoking cigarettes together and he said,

>"You know what The Beats said, right? Never trust anyone under thirty."

>> No.22221238

I couldn't think of an appropriate reply, and so simply assented and said that that was an interesting way to view the world. We were both 27 at the time. He has since put himself on the same career path he managed to avoid for a decade. He is in a relationship and living with a nice woman a few years older than him. She has an easy time cooking and cleaning and bringing in income to pay for things but struggles to hold a protracted conversation about much beyond her personal life.

My friend has this fake smile he now wears every time I see him that he has not once taken off and put away. He is vain. He is always taking pictures of things on his phone that don't seem to have any meaning other than to record an event with some evidence of its occurrence.

Something inside of him is dying, or it is already dead and rotting and he refuses to bury it. I think he will likely live a life of quiet unhappiness, or that some catastrophe will occur and break him; if it happens later rather than sooner, I think he will kill himself. Since COVID, we see each other on our birthdays and otherwise once or thrice a year. We have increasingly less to say to each other. I am unsure if he has had a novel thought of any revelation for some while now. I think we will eventually only call one another on our birthdays until perhaps I forget one year, and then maybe the next, until there is no conscious remembrance and a mild shrug whenever I wake up remembering that he might still exist.

Another childhood friend of mine is a straight-edge. I think he had a Jack and Coke once at gathering and thought it was disgusting. He has told me a few times that my smoking really annoyed him when we used to play Xbox together and he had to wait in the lobby for me while I had a quick cigarette. He lives with his family in an uncomfortable situation. He eats mostly fast food and drinks too much soda. Video games have been the only constant thing in his life, always chasing the experience of playing Ocarina and Banjo as a child--never satisfied. The last time we had a conversation of any kind, he expressed a deep desire to finally move out so he could go on a date for the what is--not technically, but most appropriately--his first time.

I have tried to help him move out over the years, in ways both material and immaterial. He has refused my help. I know that he resents me in some ways. I know that he resents that school was always easy for me and that I always had girlfriends or else a potential one waiting in the wings and that I have made something of something of my own life. I worry that if he manages to stop wasting away, if he can manage that, he will be unable to manage coping with the lost decade--or two, or three, or--and will crumple and fade and die in the present anyway.

>> No.22221241

watching succession made me reflect on my own corporate job and makes me realize I have no talent whatsoever at ‘playing the game’ or scheming. I am not Machiavellian in the slightest, I just have a crude manipulation in a dumb sociopathic way that’s probably see through to outsiders.

Maybe low IQ. I don’t understand how some peoples brains works like there’s.

>> No.22221242

I am finally on a career path.

I could have been on this path ten years ago. I am reminded of this by some family and some friends, despite their elation that I no longer appear purposeless and directionless.

I am unbothered by these comments.

I did not know ten years ago that this is what I truly wanted to do, what I am truly good at or made for or whatever, what gives me joy and isn't a cointoss and will exhale new challenges every year and so on and so on until I decide I no longer wish to work or die or am simply too decrepit to physically show up.

I had to prune and burn and out-think my options until there were no practical ones left and the path was clear and obvious and walkable.


I think I can say that I understand humans well enough.


I no longer hate us humans, even if I might become angry at times.

I know I will never not be disappointed in us.


We are not taught in most of our schools how to think because we are to be easily malleable and manipulated.

We are not taught in most of our schools how to manage our money because we are to be subjected to the process of cajoling and brainwashing and pressurization and begging until we ultimately part with it on what eventually become someone else's terms and do desperate and irresponsible things to seek more when we run out.

We are not taught in most of our schools how to be healthy and deal with our traumas and become a real person because that is not of any benefit for those who exploit such conditions of men.

We propose evil and ruinous solutions that have somehow become even more evil and ruinous than the problems they seek to solve.


There will be the people that set realistic goals for themselves, the people that set unrealistic goals for themselves, the people that set no goals for themselves; working or not working being its own affair.

To paraphrase one of The Men--there are those who see, those who can see when shown, and those who cannot see.

I think I have already done some special things in my life. I have certainly done a few things that most people will never do. There are so many things that I will not do, and so many things I still have left to do.

I am unsure if there is anything I can do that could not be done by someone else, though I do know they would not be able to do it exactly as I can, for whatever worth that might have.

If I am given the benefit of knowing my death before it has yet arrived, between quickly and very, very, very slowly, I know I will be at peace, for I have taken great pains to live in such a way that is authentic to how I have been made to be and how I have decided to be.

And with that--given that--I am at peace. There is no other option.

It is enough.

>> No.22221247 [DELETED] 

That makes sense. I need to talk to more women in general. I need to get rid of this fantasy. I'll never be with those women but there is a chance I will meet an interesting woman in her own right.

>> No.22221295

I enjoyed your effort post. As someone who struggled with neuroticism, drug addiction, the usual stuff, etc. in his late teens and early 20s it’s crazy to look at myself now and realize I’m in my mid 20s with a corporate job. It’s not what I like or want to do, but it’s a step forward. I hope I figure out my calling soon.

>> No.22221325

I don't think that's it. I deleted my old post because while I don't talk to a lot of woman, I did fall for a friend's gf once and I did have a crush on a girl in my physics class in undergrad and talked to her regularly in addition to other nerdy type girls I have met over the years. Frankly, I haven't found the type of woman I'm actually interested in. I know the difference between fantasy and reality. I also know that I don't mesh well with certain types of people that are extremely cliquey and not passionate about something. It's the same reason I hung out with the CS dudes in the computer lab for 4 years instead of at clubs and bars and shit: they were actually doing something and had genuine interests in things, like coding,cars, etc that you can get proficient at and create something, something I find is kinda rare in most people nowadays. I find women who are like that more attractive than women who aren't like that, which probably better explains why I have a crush on those Jpop stars rather than projecting a fantasy onto them, when I know I can never have them just due to time and space (and death).

>> No.22221340

Do men "enjoy" sex, or is it the validation of their masculinity and ego that they actually enjoy about sex? Man's capacity for physical pleasure is very limited, and far exceeded by the capacity of women for physical pleasure. Even on 4chan, when anons talk about the actual act of sex, they very rarely talk about what feels good for them in particular, but very often talk about things which are meant to impress their partners and provoke some sort of reaction, like shooting bigger loads or making their dicks look bigger, all in order to validate their own sense of masculinity. It all comes off as if men have sex less to feel good and more to enjoy the feeling of having their sense of virility reassured and stroked, though obviously these motivations are parallel rather than contradictory.

>> No.22221380

Go to Turkey and take finasteride/monoxidil. It'll fuck up your hormones but it's not like you're going to fuck anyone staying bald either.

>> No.22221467
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>can make girls laugh and even tease or flirt but only when I think its not serious and doesnt lead anywhere
>once realize that it might lead somewhere I either become very distant or put them into friendzone by never escalating into physical intimacy
I just cannot get over this. It makes sense on why I've ended up as a turbovirgin in his 30s

>> No.22221638
File: 280 KB, 945x947, 1676850976159685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling terrible, but great. Feel empty, yet I recognize that it's maybe potential. I overcame some of my biggest personal fears, but now feel numb. I don't know what's going on with me. I want to Kurt Cobain myself, but I want to move forward. At least I can still laugh. I've always been able to laugh.

>> No.22221648

What book, anon? I'm Brazilian, maybe I can help you understand it.

>> No.22221684


>> No.22221741

>can have banter with women
>mental block into actual sexual intimacy
anon have you considered that you're a homosexual man or a bisexual man with very little sexual experience which leads you to avoid it due to it being new and uncomfortable to you?

>> No.22221792

After thinking it was dead for 5 months I got my Pocketbook to work again yesterday.
I'm over the moon and can finally start reading properly now.
First book is Atomised by Houellebecq

>> No.22221834

I dont see myself as a homo or even bisexual because I've never had any feelings towards men. I had very terrible experiences with closest women in my childhood and basically no positive ones.

>> No.22221848

Get it over with and fuck a prostitute,
I am amazed that people make it to their 30s without ever fucking a woman.
Especially when you obviously want it.

>> No.22221854

Just a play pretend act.

>> No.22221860

Yes. Or you can continue to be afraid of women and fuck up any chance for the rest of your life.

>> No.22221865

Neither of these paths are shameless.

>> No.22221870

One is more normal than the other.
If you need a whore to set you straight then it's much better than being a frightened little wizard.

>> No.22221878 [DELETED] 

do u think free jazz was a psyop to destroy the jazz scene? it reminds me a lot of the modern art with suspicious connections to the cia.


>> No.22222126

Where did Xi jinping weed smoker go? What happened to him?

>> No.22222319

she overdosed on weed

>> No.22222445

You ever meet someone who obviously has been conditioned by reddit for a decade? I wonder if they can tell I've been conditioned by 4chan. I wonder if the conditioning is similar to Maoist revolutionaries. I wonder if I have been watching too much Adam Curtis and have begun to see the patterns in the white noise. I'm confused.

>> No.22222461

what's your name I'm confused because you know like we're supposed to believe in the ministry right so it's a it is the church and state supposed to be separate I'm confused cuz I never went to school right is that confused person get a resolution I don't understand you see right you have a cross two sticks right and that's how I felt when I was in Waterloo because when I walked in Waterloo and smiled that people they treated me like a vampire they used the cross and they went like this by not smiling at me then Toronto hey hi guys you know me Steve Spearow me I'm a nobody you understand and you can't kill a person with no body so why am I afraid I'm not afraid I'm afraid of the boogeyman who's the boogeyman you figure it out I'm getting out of here I'm going back to water everywhere half short skirts and then they feel violated when I look at them why cuz I have sunglasses on and I'm weird I'm from humberside I'm sorry if I made a fool of Humber side but all those people who called me asleep Walker I woke up now I'm going back to sleep cuz I'm going to be committed and isolation room because I'm going to go back to the ministry and allow them to perceive me as I am hey Toronto the good look at look at this Square it was a s*** hole when I worked here now it looks like New York Manhattan where are the bumps there's no bumps here Toronto doesn't have thumbs but Waterloo they're creating bumps they created me why I don't know maybe it's the church oh wait a second I'm going to be crucified right I'm not going to raise my voice
>Verification not required.

>> No.22222500

who got it?

>> No.22222555

I don't have the attention span for sex.

>> No.22222601

Why does this always happen to me? My life sucks again. I'm doing work on a 4th of July. I have this job, and at first, I really enjoyed it. Love what I do, and still do, actually. But I got good at it, too good, so naturally my manager wanted me to move up... by assigning me more roles and responsibility. Now there's too much on my plate. What was once a confortable amount of work, is now too much work.

And I can't talk to anyone about this Why complain? Why whine? I got a promotion. A raise. More money. Sometimes it's not about the money. I had a good thing going on, I was happy. I didn't need more money, I mean of course more money is nice, but money doesn't always buy less stress. Where am I going with this? What was once a job I would have happily done for the next 20 years, now I think about leaving in the next 2. Management was a mistake. This happened at my last job too, what is my problem? I agreed to this you know, I always do this to myself. Anon, think you can do this? Sure, why not. Anon, wanna give this a shot? Yeah, let me at it. I should have just said no. Said it would disrupt my work life balance. Because it does.

I have no one to blame but myself of course and that's the worst part. Is that I chose to do this. Why? Because I'm a fucking idiot. Ooh, well whatcha gonna do big guy? You're in the hole now and you gotta do something. Yeah, I do.

I don't know. This is one of those situations where the problem will fix itself one way or another. If I can't do the job, they say, oh there is too much on your plate, you have tried to bite more than you chew, you're not actually ready for this. They either tone me back down after a disaster, or they simply let me go. Back to square one.

Or I succeed. Things get worse. I get fed up. I leave. Back to square one. Why bother where you can't really lose? Why so upset? Because I'd still be letting some really good people down, I would be failing them for not living up to what I agreed to, and I'd have soured the work relationship. I can't really win.

Sure, sure, anon, why not look at this like an opportunity instead. It's a good career move. You are moving up. But what am I really moving up to? More stressful work? More money to do what? I don't really need money for much, I live a quiet simple life. Hypocrite you say, you live quite extravagantly and don't nearly donate enough as you could. And you would be right, I can give more.

But that doesn't address the root cause thst I am not having a good time anymore. I can't relax. This is all I think about. All my tasks are coming due, and more and more I find greater dissatisfaction from my work... work I myself agreed to. Fuck I am so stupid.

Yes, the best cope is to just keep telling myself this is a temporary problem that will go on its own eventually. If I can't do the job, they let me go. If I can do the job, they give me another promotion and I either step down and/or go elsewhere. Just take the money and run. This my final cope.

>> No.22222607

did you ask chatgpt to make a post whining about your job for you? that's what it looks like. not reading it.

>> No.22222618


>> No.22222622

>saddle up horse lords
oh shit two hours until partiboi drops his 4th of july set

>> No.22222659

The fix is to have multiple women at the same time, each one having a unique kink. Also take viagra, switch position every 10 seconds and watch pornos while doing it, preferably multiple ones playing at the same time on different screens.

>> No.22222681

I have a headache, and I must fap

>> No.22222812

---- Solaria ----

In about 3 to 5 weeks the first hawk moths will appear
Like hallucinations in their absolute silence
To the human ear, among

Petunias of the tall and heirloom variety,
Their almost invisibly slender and long probosci
Doing what they do, their wings refined as any sum

Of culture and yet invisible to themselves.


One of my favorite literary images is the one John Updike wrote in 1976 of a view of fireworks from a jet ride he took on July 4th.

>> No.22222960

Only scent and the sight of beautiful bodies and faces puts me on to sex in any mode. Can't remember when I last had a headache, even hungover, and in conditions like that i sleep 16 out of 24 hours, and await improvements in the most general sense.

>> No.22223071

I hate people with a different skin color than me (x32)

>> No.22223115

every doctor in "in search of lost time" so far has been a dickhead, I think Proust would be an antivaxxer

>> No.22223200

---- Solaria ----

That old frail chick
Grows some unbelievable Hollyhocks.

I suppose she chanced upon them, and kept to them.
I experiment every year, and accomplish every year, more in conversation.

For instance the differences in scent between different
Colors of sweet pea, effects of rendering engines

And endless things discretion forbids.

The longer I live the more I hate and fear the East.

>> No.22223269

My tummy and my hand are covered in cum right now

>> No.22223341

---- Solaria ----
1972 Buick Electra

He used to joke that the Pontiac was a ton lighter
While we toured most Satanic refineries.

He was an absolute stitch,
Though I don't think he ever got what I meant

By impatiens beds, the blue front Amazon on my shoulder.

>> No.22223344

Don't be so gross anon

>> No.22223406

i read in the paper that the philly shooter was a "computer nerd" so i thought oh no another chud goes nuts, but then i searched to see how chuddy, and it turns it the shooter wasn't that kind of computer nerd.

>> No.22223407

By comparison to what I'm used to that seems rather chaste: Walls, wood floors, carpets, the tummies of other guys. Why restrict yourself to narrow a regime?

>> No.22223442

OP said "write what's on your mind", not "write what's on your tummy"

>> No.22223472

Happy 4th of July, USofAnons.

>> No.22223506

I'm a man of routine and habit. Change upsets me.

>> No.22223560

I got brutally height-mogged in public today. Creatures like me shouldn't exist for a man to see

>> No.22223627

---- Solaria ----
The Time Machine IV

I took the most pleasure in how long how long a time horizon it takes
Reading it from within purple shades and green windows,
As if anything conscious will last a fraction of that long.

>> No.22223649
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I was thinking about the Irenaen theodicy recently and I thought of God as an alchemist hunched over his magnum opus, Man, carrying out each process; not experimentally but confidently, always at an epistemic distance to his creation.

>> No.22223665

I shouldn’t have stayed with my mother for so long. It’s been like 3 years.

>> No.22223668
File: 114 KB, 946x1346, 1676636181428545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just learned at this moment that Cormac Mccarthy died two weeks ago and I don't feel so good

>> No.22223670

For me it's all conditional. The slightest change delights me, so long as it's the slightest improvement, as weather is. I am very lazy, and also very social

>> No.22223689

Is 5 years a significant difference?

>> No.22223773

Look into attachment theory and CPTSD. It sounds like you have avoidant or fearful-avoidant attachment 'style.'

>> No.22223782

bless you, anon

>> No.22223802

an actual Dandy

>> No.22223812

"Don't treat me like a baby unless you're willing to change my diaper."
"Why piss when you can cum?"
"Double-decker bust" (referring to a woman with large and/or four tits)
"The equal opportunity employment agency sends its retards."

>> No.22223929
File: 19 KB, 489x427, 2w5uyeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up at 6am
>drink 7 cups of raw milk
>weird feelings and fatigue persist all day
>cancel the only plans I've had this year so far
>stay home
>sit in bed
>coom to bumble profiles
>marvel at how things took such a down turn
Why do I sabotage myself like this?

>> No.22223987
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imagine if ants had the capacity for speech and language
living in an anthill would be a totalitarian nightmare where everyone would snitch on everyone else
it would make the DDR look like a hippie utopia

>> No.22224051

There was actually a really good movie about that

>> No.22224110 [DELETED] 

I hate anyone who isn't exactly the same as me.

>> No.22224145

For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

>> No.22224162
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I have ultimately become more right-wing because I have begun to look at history more honestly, and it has revealed to me the fundamental failure of the attempts at "progress" that categorize Modernity.

From the Protestant Reformation onwards, so-called reformer after so-called reformer has attempted to create a world of broad freedom and broad prosperity, but they keep meeting with failure every time, and within a generation of their efforts fizzling out, the elites have regained their positions, either the old elites or new elites settling into the old elites' chairs.

Kill the king and you get the emperor. Kill the tsar and you get the dictator. Over and over, time after time, every revolution ends in its primary impetus being failed, and merely a return to the old social order with perhaps a new coat of paint.

It's all so futile. So worthless. The entire Modern world has been one big failure because it never manages to escape the same kind of hierarchy of wealth and power that always categorized both the Ancient and the Medieval worlds. It's worse than ever, if anything.

I don't understand why anyone would be left-wing or believe in "progress" in 2023. It's a fool's errand. At least the Jacobins were doing something NEW. But now? After all that's happened? Why waste your time believing in something you know from history is destined to end in failure?

You might as well just be a right-winger, reify the systems of hierarchy, and try to refine them and make them work the best for the biggest amount of people.

I refuse to believe there is a single left-winger in 2023 who is not either stupid, dishonest, or both.

>> No.22224186

looks like something I'd enjoy. Where can I watch it?

>> No.22224201

rutracker, you pleb

>> No.22224224

I use fmovies to stream. Just have an adblocker

>> No.22224249

basically China?

>> No.22224289

I don't look like one, for the most part, but somehow attract that kind of attention despite my best efforts. I like the feeling of being alone in nature while in the best of creature comforts, and of driving fast where hardly anyone else is to be seen, and very often get away with both.

>> No.22224292

I never really stopped, but went from cigarettes to pipes

You and I are in the same board. It’s not just my mother but my sister as well who is three years my junior. I guess my grandmother counts but she’s been dead for over ten years. I just entered my 40s last year

You sound like that 30 year old Greek prick who tried lecturing me on discord. Go jump off a cliff.

>> No.22224295

Meant to say *same boat. Dunno why it autocorrected

The left has always been dishonest since it became a thing

>> No.22224329

I came inside a whore and after she cleaned out her pussy and flushed the toilet she came out and told me "I just killed your kids."

I had never wanted so badly to mercilessly beat someone before

>> No.22224335

Disgusting. You had better be joking or imagining all of it.

>> No.22224340

No anon, YOU killed your own kids. Thats what you deserve for fucking a whore

>> No.22224352

I want to know what it feels like to fist someone

>> No.22224354

DM me

>> No.22224374

This happened and it honestly felt so fucking surreal. That's really how she choose to conceptualize it?

You're right

>> No.22224498

this is basically /lit/'s general thread right? are there other places with similar autistic tendencies that i can ask question such as this: can someone explain the sentence in pic related? "killing whom we" doesn't sound like it make sense. Is it simply saying that "those guys have us who 'doesn't even have the will to live' as enemies" which is to say that perhaps we should let them kill us since we are nihilistic anyways

>> No.22224510
File: 320 KB, 597x423, can translate this pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, forgot pic

>> No.22224569

Do you have any pipe tobacco you recommend?
I was considering picking up a tin and a corncob. Either that or American Spirits. I'm kind of pissed they don't make Nat Shermans anymore.

>> No.22224619

A sperm isn't a human, get a grip.
You fucked and coomed in a stranger and you're upset that she made a crude joke?

>> No.22224839

Not too far from my home there's this piercing shop with a bunch of goth girls in their late 20s who are specialized in genital piercings. I fantasize about getting one just for the experience, but I don't actually want a genital piercing.

>> No.22224866

You could always go for a lower-risk one like an upper scrote piercing. They'll be obligated to hold your dick to get it out of the way while they work. Afterwards you can just take the jewelry out and enjoy the memory.

>> No.22224904

What to say when the spider
Say when the spider what
When the spider the spider what
The spider does what
Does does dies does it not
Not live and then not
Legs legs then none

>> No.22224944
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I smoke Good Stuff mainly, Gold flavor but right now I have a bag of Gambler Red open. I can’t smoke American Spirits though my younger brother used to.

Unrelated question, but has anyone seriously tried to merge the phenomenologies of Jean-Paul Sartre and Gabriel Marcel? Because I’m trying to but there’s a problem where Marcel speaks to the differences of people where Sartre states that individual actions make broad strokes over society. I’m struggling here, don’t feel like making a new thread but maybe someone can give me some insight here.

>> No.22224968

At what age do you think it’s embarrassing for a single man to live with his mother?

>> No.22224975
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I have a REALLY hard time focusing and getting into a flow state. Even when all my distractions are closed and away from me my mind wanders and there are times in which an entire hour passes by and I spent it just sitting on my hands with my mind torn between paranoid delusions, sexual fantasies and random thoughts. This happens when I try to study, work, read, write... whenever I want to do anything that is not scrolling this shithole or watching youtube videos or reading random wikipedia articles or watching porn (not even masturbating, just seeing it).

I don't want to take methylphenidate cause I heard it fucks you up in the long run, but I may have to because I don't want to keep living like a dysfunctional NPC. Fellow coombrained ADHD retards, how do you cope?
TL;DR How do I improve my focus and learning capacity?
>Meditation or other practices that may help

>> No.22225000

Teenage boys

>> No.22225002

Majority of “discussion” of actual books and writers is just insults being flung back and forth, or saying a writer is good or bad. No clue why I come here anymore

>> No.22225011

It's not really an age so much as state of life. If he is a NEET with absolutwly nothing going on, then that's something hw should bw ashamed of. If he has a future in a career path or doing some sort of higher level grad school stuff, then really there is nothing to feel bad about. God gives us different hands to start with. Our role is to play them to the best of our ability and have something we can say is a legacy by the end of our life, plus good worthwhile women are hard to comw by, even in churches/mosques/synagogues nowadays.

>> No.22225023

---- Solaria ----
Lake Shore Drive

In cars with friends and in taxis
These are among the most astonishing of scenes,

Curiously relaxing, highly civil as they seem.

>> No.22225024

Have you ever been in a face-to-face discussion about literature? It's literally "have you read X?" "oh yes, it's quite good, it reminds me of Y." "Oh, I haven't read Y." "Oh, you should, it's like X."

Really asinine stuff.

>> No.22225025

coffee ?

>> No.22225031

Jesus, it's like you never drove on Lake Shore Drive in your life. Let me help you out:

The speed limit says 45
And this utter faggotron driving 60
While everyone else is doing 80
Is positively ruining my day.

>> No.22225055

I've been on it about 50 times, from 1985 to 2015. I lose count. In the early 90s I must have gone that route twice a week

>> No.22225056

It depends who it is. Many people can elaborate on why they like a book though. /lit/ has greatly suffered from the disappearance of the English major, both in colleges, and especially here. They could generally coax more out of /lit/. I used to learn things once in a while, now I just see opinions, often with no elaboration, and insults hurled around like monkeys flinging shit

>> No.22225063


>> No.22225069
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How do you come up with something to say? I don't know what I want. When I look at life I only see confusion. I'm not depressed, I'm not sad or anxious or down in the dumps dooming about whatever. I just find it all perplexing, befuddling, confusing. I don't know what to make of it all. I don't know what to say about it. It doesn't make me sad, it doesn't make me happy, maybe a bit angry not enough to really say anything. I go through life and the overall arc of it all just leaves me unsure, like a kid in a candy shop who doesn't even know what candy is. How do you come up with something to write? When I talk to people I have strong opinions on culture like movies and tv shows and music that other people have created, but I don't really seem to have anything to create myself. It's a listlessness or ennui that permeates any attempt to make anything in any medium. I just don't know

>> No.22225128
File: 120 KB, 1200x675, stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few words about how bullshit the legal system is.

Firstly , the legal system is a weapon of violence, not of justice. Quite literally direct violence, as when it leads to capital punishment, or in times past when it involved torture or corporeal punishment. And even when the violence is not manifest, it is implicit, through the threat of violence via law enforcement and the prison system. Or even figuratively, for the law if used against you can inflict terrible abstract violence on your conditions of life, finances, etc. Without this threat of violence, direct or allusive, the justice system reveals itself as a mirage with no force or gravity to bind it. When is violence just?

Second, the law only has utility for the wealthy and is a weapon of the rich. Without the ability to pay for a private lawyer, the law is essentially unnavigable, and turns legal subjects into objects for its machinery rather than agents to actuate its mechanisms . One cannot use the law for offensive purposes unless one is wealthy for there are no public prosecutors . A public defender’s attention is too divided and is too overloaded with cases to provide anything but cursory, general advice unsuited for a complex case. Therefore the law exists to victimize the poor.

The law patently exists not to preserve and vindicate justice, though it may occasionally, incidentally serve that purpose, but to project the will of the state and the wealthy.

Furthermore, lawyers are a kind of cartel, whose product is their authority over a bunch of words that have been invested by the state with the fetishistic power of legality. They are henchmen, cutthroats, brigands, all, who are rewarded for their cleverness at bending the laws as they are discovering and pointing to them. Lawyers are inventors, authors of fiction, storytellers, first and foremost. Yet they are considered to be arbiters of truth and justice.

The state exempts itself from the very crimes it punishes its citizens for. In its corruption, theft, and murder, the law suddenly ceases to apply. For there is often no greater perpetrator of injustice than the state, though the state is above its laws.

>> No.22225145

My sister thinks ishmael and queequeg are gay.......

>> No.22225164

how do you cope with the dread that people might be talking behind your back, judging everything esp your own family

>> No.22225165

Fireworks kept going off until 12:05 PM. Tomorrow I have work and couldn't sleep. I want to look at gore pictures of dead American soldiers now.

>> No.22225187

I want to die so much. Everything is ugly. Everything is boring. I don’t know how people get through their days. How do you do it /lit/? You still like literature? You didn’t grow out of it yet?

>> No.22225217

If you're American, then off yourself.
If not, then I can give advice later.

>> No.22225223

Luv drugs
Luv money
Luv masturbating
Luv books

Simple as

>> No.22225254

>Luv money

>> No.22225309

Had a big argument with my dad. He went on about dave rubin being a conservative hero. I told him that dave rubin is a faggot and that no homosexual is conservative. He got really upset and left

>> No.22225437

kind of wild how hard is it to make money when you don't have a job. it has really elevated my respect for business owners who have had to start in this dismal state of constantly doing serious logistical work to be profitable.

>> No.22225481

I have finally figured out my first short story idea. I am going to write it, then rewrite it, then edit it and then send it in to a magazine or podcast or something under a pseudonym.

I'm not actually very bright, but with some tinkering I believe I can make this a readable.story.

>> No.22225487

Robots are the children of mankind.
So, sexbots... Umm...

>> No.22225490

thats not wild at all idiot

>> No.22225522

i know its not but I had a moment of insight about how little money I've ever made during NEET years where I was at least slightly invested in having a side hustle. even the simple stuff like flipping was barely ever profitable.

>> No.22225615

isn't likely going to be the case that USA disbands and all former states will form their own nations? i say that because looking at the national debt noones going to come together in its current united form and pay it off together, all the separate states would disband and then pay off their separate part of what they owe in that debt amount

>> No.22225692

In the coming weeks, the Supreme Court will legalize fraud. The opinion will make fascinating literature, but thankfully for us all, litigation will continue without regard to it.

>> No.22225774

It's saying their enemies are enemies of their other enemies. That these people kill people who they themselves aren't fond of existing.

>> No.22225789

I went back to a mmo I used to play years ago (out of habit looking for a friend who suicide as if one day it might be revealed it was all a sort of trick, though the evidence is concrete, my brain denies it sometimes). A guy wanted to jerk to my character so I played along, then he wanted to add me to a group conversation with his online gf under the guise of an innocent friend and then have me out him to his gf as a 'cheater'. I went along with it thinking it was some weird fetish shit and they had some weird toxic relationship founded on abuse. I expected 'her' to over-act and hoped I would see some cool fabricated drama from retards. 'She' didn't seem in on it and now I feel weird. I guess it's good they have been driven apart. The lives of people are ridiculous

>> No.22225808

"Progress" is what rival elites call the process by which old inequalities set in place by the status quo that are disfavorable to these rival elites are abolished and are replaced by new inequalities which favor them.

Frankly, I don't think politics are for you, since you clearly don't possess the critical eye necessary to grasp the true nature of the political.

>> No.22225821

Global warming is inevitable.
It doesn't matter how much we reduce carbon emissions, switch to alternative fuel sources and in general "go green".
The simple fact is in the last 25 years the population of the planet has grown 25%, and all these people require more and more resources.
Even if we deal with the temperature, it will be some other population related calamity that wreaks havoc on us.

>> No.22225823

So? That is the least of our concerns

>> No.22225950

any books about dealing with large family

>> No.22225970

---- Solaria ----
Evening Mood At Dawn

I like it here and wouldn't trade it for anywhere else in the world.
No dire obligations press me, and I am completely at peace.


>> No.22226017

Great advice, Paco. Give me one reason we shouldn’t bomb you to oblivion

>> No.22226020

>no answer
As usual

>> No.22226051

Thanks for the advice

>> No.22226062

The end has no end

>> No.22226067

I hate how sleepy I get when reading in bed.
Guess I'll have to read more during the day or outside.

>> No.22226134

I wish I could do my life over and become a different person. I was so lost until I was long an adult already. I’m happy that I found direction at all, but what I really needed was to find direction early.

>> No.22226138

I think progress, especially technological progress, has done more to undermine human dignity and basically the things that make life sweet and truly worthwhile than any political system. So it’s actually worse than you say.

>> No.22226181

After watching that interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on The Joe Rohan Experience where he talked about the influence Camus and the existentialists had on him and relating it to stoicism, I was reminded of Spengler’s claim that ethical socialism was the personal philosophy of the Western elite analogous to the same being stoicism for the Roman elite. I think it would be interesting if that personal philosophy was in reality a sort of existentialism. It almost seems more sensible to me. Socialism as a political-economic program and even philosophical system appears dead and buried. But existentialism has practically subsumed philosophy and ethics.

>> No.22226326
File: 66 KB, 492x623, IMG_0095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

29 year old volcel here. I randomly got a gf and she wants to have sex. I feel like if I give in I would be turning my back on being a reclusive mystic and would have to spend the rest of my life living with the fact that I’m nothing more than a normie, no different from all the sex-having retards. My name would never show up on the lists of virgins (Kant, Lewis Caroll, Tesla, Kierkegaard, etc). What do I do?

>> No.22226327

What would you do if your name would never show up regardless.

>> No.22226343
File: 117 KB, 529x768, Max_Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask yourself do you want to have sex with her, if the answer is yes go for it, if the answer is no don't go for it
if you get more satisfaction out of abstinence stay abstinent and let her know how it is, no need to string a woman along if you don't plan on reciprocating her obviously expressed desires

>> No.22226347

I don’t care about internet lists. Right now it feels like I belong to an invisible communion of virgins. Saints, artists, philosophers, Ted Kaczynski. If I put my peen in the puss it’s all over. My name would be blotted out from the Scroll of Virgins in Heaven.

>> No.22226354

She will leave you without the possibility of sex.
Why would you not want to experience what it's like?

>> No.22226357

Some of the biggest normies have been virgins. Some of the most esoteric, brilliant weirdos have had lots of sex. You're attaching too much meaning to virginity. Are you sure you're not intellectualizing to escape a fear of sex and/or intimacy? Once you've had sex, you'll realize it's really not that big a deal. It can be incredibly meaningful and passionate or it can be the most banal, casual experience. Either way, the basic activity is a slab of meat moving in and out of a wet hole. Stop being a fag and so what you want to do instead of being a literal man-child about it.

>> No.22226367


>> No.22226371

Then you have your answer.

>> No.22226374

I don’t know man. Of the two parts that want to give in, one wishes to do so completely, while another part wants to make a compromise which would feel very jewy (non-penetrative sex).

I don’t care much about sex in general but I’m sorely tempted to do it with her in particular

The number of virgin philosophers is staggering however

>> No.22226392

I think if you take modern virgins you'll find most of them are not philosophers but complete failures.
Be open for new experiences, I don't know your life but I highly doubt you're as wise and esoteric as to have your 'legacy' or whatever you call it damaged by having sex with a woman you love.

For me I simply do not venerate perma virgins who wrote philosophy. I think have intimate connections with actual humans is more valuable. But we might differ on that.

>> No.22226467

Relistening to Illinois by Sufjan Stevens, very very good album. Shame he went on to do ambient garbage.

>> No.22226489

>non-penetrative jewy sex
ditch the whore and return to the enclave

>> No.22226491

I was about to complain about something but upon typing it out, I realized what the obvious solution was.

>> No.22226498

I tried being myself.
It didnt work.

>> No.22226514

I'd give almost anything to be an early teenager again.
Not forever, but I just want to feel what it's like again. Dicking around in school, long vacations, childish mischief, having actual friends.
When I was young I was very aware that it would end so I cherished it. But I would like to go back again. Adult life has not been as satisfying to me.

>> No.22226523

if you miss your younger years you're the reason the rest of us don't

>> No.22226525

What does this even mean? Did I bully you in school or something?

>> No.22226528

carefree douchebags in youth tend to ruin other peoples good times by not giving a fuck and just acting like the world is their oyster, then when they have to adapt to the grown up world they miss the days when they got away with everything
either that or you didn't participate in democracy at all during your carefree days, voted like a hippie and ruined the system for everyone because it's all loooove maaaan, carefree boomers and people who pine for good olde days tend to be what ruined them

>> No.22226537

I don’t remember my mother as particularly sweet or caring. I certainly don’t know her that way now. She objectively did a lot for me, but I’ve always known her feeling as sort of indifferent or confrontational, somewhat cold in general. It’s strange to me to read testimonies of mothers as caring and sweet or nurturing.

>> No.22226539

I specifically said early teens, meaning 12-16 for me. So I didn't vote at all and the idea that enjoying your youth means I'm a hippie is odd.
I did fuck around in class and enjoyed the carefree period, I regret nothing.

>> No.22226543

Science and technology have saved life and extended it, but they’ve contributed to the brutalization and ignobling of people in the process. They made people different.

>> No.22226559

and how old are you now oh pines for the carefree days

>> No.22226560


>> No.22226565

then you were part of the generations that was born into things already being shit and don't know any better, either that or you were born with a silverspoon up your ass so you avoided seeing the shitshow and thus were able to enjoy sheltered life

>> No.22226571

I was more talking about the difference between being a child and being an adult. I did not paint the 2000s/2010s as some better age.
You missed the entire point of my post.

>> No.22226599

Something changed in online forums/comments the past few years.
Reading through a tech forum which used to be Libertarians and people who generally hold freedom in high regard. Now they are full on defending the government deleting online information. They also turned on anonymity and attack anyone advocating piracy in response to these streaming services being trash.
It's not just astroturfed either, some people have accounts started in the mid 2000s.
I would like to strangle them to death.

>> No.22226608

I'm going to tea town.

>> No.22226637

Yeah. The political mainstream shifted. Everyone doubled down on progressivism or became a reactionary. Libertarianism and liberalism in general are deader than medieval Catholicism.

>> No.22226662

I just have such a hard time wrapping my head around someone who goes out of their way to shill for a service like Netflix or Disney+.
Getting worked up over someone saying they're going back to piracy, wanting them banned or just seething at them. Is that what progressives have morphed into?
Just defending mega corp? It's the same when some company like Amazon decides to shit on Lord of the Rings in various ways. The progressive perks up when someone criticizes the decision Amazon makes when they ruin the lore or wipe their feet on the original idea of the actual creator

>> No.22226707

I don’t. They can detect that there are social benefits. These people would have been pious Puritans in Puritan New England and militant anti-Semites in Nazi Germany. Some of them believe in institutional progressive politics as a sort of quasi-religious belief, but most of them are just responding to power.

>> No.22226709

I would really like to work in legal advocacy, but I think I’m too old to to go to law school.

>> No.22226745


>> No.22226777

Is a dignified and noble life possible in modernity?

>> No.22226809

I can't tell if I'm about to get over myself and accept my lot in life, or if I just gave up.

>> No.22226818

c. Augustine - 1800: Christianity
c. 1800-1950: Science
c. 1950-2000: Social/behavioral/applied science
c. 2000-?: skepticism

>> No.22226830

The idea of CIA agents having to read my pretentious posts about Dostoevsky and sneering rants about pseuds genuinely warms my heart. I may well shitpost more just because of it. Plenty more where that came from you glowie fucks. They're going to love it when they finally get an excuse to kick my door in.

>> No.22226842

who gives a shit, if you wanna have sex then have it, if you don't wanna have sex then don't. Or fuck it, if you don't wanna have sex, have it anyway. If you do wanna have sex don't have it whatever man.

>> No.22226848

You gonna kill yourself or something?

>> No.22226915

I keep seeing people refer to Christianity and Classical Greece, namely Athens, as the two pillars of Western civilization. It’s a ridiculous notion but I think in so far as there are two pillars of Western civilization they’re obviously Christianity and Rome rather than Greece or Athens. Socrates is at best a marginal figure compared to Augustus Caesar and Constantine.

>> No.22226952

I feel like a stereotype. From my hobbies and interests I’m so obviously a political reactionary.

>> No.22226953

I read a lot, but reflect too little. Time to change this

>> No.22227008

When a girl says "you're cute" how are you supposed to respond? Thank them? I just say "oh" but it feels awkward after I say that. I feel like they expect you to thank them, but thanking them is strange to me because I don't deliberately try to make myself look cute.

>> No.22227011

The following is an example of what I feel like my e-mails say after I hit send.

Hey Faggot,

I fucked your mothers old cunt yesterday and she wanted me to tell you to re-analyze the drift data with the new set of variables. Let me know if they are in spec.


>> No.22227012

Wink and smile handsomely
Tell them they are cute too

Although if you are past a certain age it can be a bit of an insult, and she could be dismissing you, but I'm going to guess this is not the case here.

>> No.22227036

My left arm's elbow hurts.

>> No.22227042

When it's parents I just nod my head. How should I respond to girls who are clearly underage? I always just ignore them.

>> No.22227086

I feel like people will just pick thtough a philosophy bin and pick up anything that they deem useful in some way to achieve a certain will and not seriously consider the philosopher's point from his view. In my experience, this is especially true for feminist women who are desperate to sniff out anything novel that can fill in that empty religious gap. I might not be explaining my gripe sufficiently. Does any else have any similar sentiments?

>> No.22227101

Literature has saved my life. Not that it matters.

>> No.22227120

How so? I sometimes think it saved my life too.

>> No.22227124

If you’re not interested just ask bashful and say thanks. If you are interested agree and amplify or be a kind of ironic snarker. Which of the latter two should be up to your personality, but both are basically confident.

>> No.22227129

>respond to girls who are clearly underage
I'm not really sure how often you should find youself in this situation, but if we are talking teenagers, and they think you are Harry Styles, then just act like a rock star, wink and say no autographs. Or if you want to switch it up, ask if they want your autograph.

>> No.22227131
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I am literally going to meet Moldbug in less than 24 hours.

>> No.22227137

Ask him what the best way to get Theil bux is, then report back to us.

>> No.22227142

I will try unironically.

>> No.22227145

What actually is wrong with playing video games as an adult? In my mind, the main problem is just the time commitment.

>> No.22227146

I often go to parties that my parents go to, and I get compliments there, or when I pass people walking in the park. I don't think I'm like Harry Styles, no one ever said I'm hot or sexy. I'm pretty autistic and never been in a relationship, and I think I screwed myself out of so many chances.

>> No.22227156

Part of me thinks my hangups and problems are all in my head and that if I just went out and tried talking to a girl I could make it work. The other part is convinced I'm going to die alone.

>> No.22227180

"A person who thinks all the time, has nothing to think about, except thoughts"
I'm really feeling that right now, I'm so neurotic and I have no clue way. It's like being stressed is my normal and anytime I'm not stressed, something is wrong.

Currently stressing over doing laundry, my drier has met its end and now I have to go to the public laundry mat and it's causing me to be near panic attack. I'm down to my last pair of clean clothing.

>> No.22227187

Ask him when he's going to write a proper book

>> No.22227191

I think you’re probably in your head a little too much.

>> No.22227201

Have you ever been on a date?

>> No.22227213
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But he did

>> No.22227220


>> No.22227222

Ask him how he can go on living in this hellworld

>> No.22227226

If you're religious don't do that shit. I had sex hundreds of times with the same girls and all I feel now that they left is tremendous remorse and shame. I will never get married and have my first time with someone who shares my religion because of this. They'll ask you to forget about them after they leave you. I'm tainted.

>> No.22227227

isn't that just a collection of previous essays?

>> No.22227231

Well you need to do that. Then you'll see women are nothing to be intimidated by.
The easiest way is to score a date via Tinder or whatever other app. You don't need to marry the girl, but it's to get familiar with them and practice. Might even end up getting a gf out of it.
How old are you?

>> No.22227244

I think it’s because Jews have an innate antisocial personality that’s a 100% genetic

>> No.22227248

22. I've spent the last 5 years in an almost completely all-male environment due to being in the military.
I've avoided Tinder and the like because I've heard horror stories about girls not swiping right on guys who aren't in the top 1% of attractiveness and because I perceive it to be primarily used to find hookups rather than start relationships but I've never actually used the app.

>> No.22227251

>as sort of indifferent or confrontational, somewhat cold in general. It’s strange to me to read testimonies of mothers as caring and sweet or nurturing.
Same except my mom isn't confrontational but reclusive, cold, and a bit anti social.
I also remember her as very dogmatic and dismissive of other peoples' perspectives.
Now that I'm older I feel sorry for her, and can see that a lot of that was just a cope for feeling inferior to others. She's very wrapped up into herself, doesnt go outside, and spends all her time online or writing her book.

>> No.22227268

That might explain the fact that a lot of the people who call out certain Jewish issues are Jews themselves.
Norman Finkelstein
Israel Shahak
Victor Gollancz

>> No.22227272

based and checked

>> No.22227274

The top 1% stuff is nonsense. If you're in a populated area you will get some women interested into you, even if you're average. You wouldn't want the roasties who only want the top 1% of looks alone anyway.
As for hook ups, don't get ahead of yourself. You're not going to accidentally get pussy on the first match you get. You can use it to learn how to text with women and how to set up dates and hold conversation during dates.
As for texting, always keep it short. I've asked women out for dates after just 5 messages back and forth. People are on there to meet, don't make the mistake of wanting a pen pal

>> No.22227280

I just finished jacking off to a DollsKill models. I used to have a gf who was really into that brand. Wish I could get another

>> No.22227283

I need to quit coffee but I'm an addict ti the stuff.
Everytime it's just a short term boost and then for the rest of the day i reel on edge and my mood shitty.
I'm convinced that coffee might be as bad at least mentally as many hard drugs.

>> No.22227290

I woke up this morning feeling great and full of confident energy. Like i might actually be able to turn my life around.
Cup of coffee and now all that's dissipated.

>> No.22227386

Whenever I go out, I classify every man I meet into either ones that I could rape or ones that would rape me

>> No.22227389

this is the only correct way to experience the world around you

>> No.22227416

too depressed but not depressed enough to change and grow

>> No.22227422
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There's a bunch women out there making being without children their entire personality and brand. It makes me feel sad.

>> No.22227429

Maybe start going to some shows or something like that?

>> No.22227432

Thinking about quitting my job this month. I would like to go to school in the fall, but I think it’s probably too late for that.

>> No.22227446

I'm going back to school soon in my late 20s to get a diploma. It's not too late for you bro.

>> No.22227456

I’m in my 30s but I actually meant too late as in the application deadline has passed.

>> No.22227503

Yeah but it works for the purposes of not having your thread deleted by the jannies.

>> No.22227534

I just feel like I haven’t been challenged enough in my life. I’ve never been through hell. I want so badly to have that transformative experience and to come out better, but I sense intuitively that you can’t just make that happen. It’s seems like fate intervenes and puts you through the grinder…or it doesn’t and you don’t go through the grinder.

>> No.22227538

>tommorow I'll actually do something new and interesting
>tommorow arrives spend whole day browsing 4Chan. Well ok tommorow I'll do something interesting
Rinse and repeat

>> No.22227551

My ex finally dumped the boyfriend she had after me. I feel so fucking good it's unbelievable. I'm a bit ashamed but I'm pretty sure that's how she felt too when she heard about my break up. Literally pumping fists and smiling like an idiot because she's finally losing something in her life. I know I am a bad person, but I've pretty much said only good things about her behind her back for years only to learn by our common friends that she would talk shit about me. All that shit about enjoying her youth and turning pages--- I would never agree to get back with you but I hope you'll realize how wrong you were before it's too late.

>> No.22227555

Your mother seems based and intelligent, which is everything you need to enjoy being alone.

>> No.22227562

Why don't you get hair plugs or do what that other anon mentioned and take those weird hormone drugs? Just seems like a lot of wasted potential desu.
Man, here. Yes, I do enjoy sex. I feel physical pleasure from sticking my pp into a woman. Foreplay is also pleasurable. Kissing a woman's soft lips, groping her boobs/butt, and being kissed on the neck all feel physically pleasing. It also feels good having another warm body pressed up against my own body.

>> No.22227587

How are you going to do it? Online?

>> No.22227589

>tfw like bald guys
>tfw like tomboys
>tfw like hats
The modern age is ruining everything for me with "innovations". I'm going to bat for skynet the second humanity's conceivably threatened by it and we'll see how you all like it.

>> No.22227606

I’d want to go in-person full-time.

>> No.22227616

Do you think your potential is just capped if you don’t go to the right college, study the right major, get the right grades, and and/or get the right job?

>> No.22227624

Potential for what?

>> No.22227628

Nah. I'm 31 and was permanently expelled from school at 14, yet I'm on the same wage as co-workers who have degrees in the same industries. Degrees are just certificates to settle the minds of employers that you have some idea as to what you're doing as such a young age when you don't have experience. But if you have the experience, you don't really need it.

>> No.22227630

Potential is a big idea.
But simply put, if you want to be successful in the normie understanding of the term, go to the best school you can, study what makes you excited, get the best grades, and do absolutely everything you can to get hired right out of school at the largest company that will hire you. Pray that there won't be economy-wide "hiring freezes" when you graduate.
But keep in mind, it's going to be a dog-eat-dog world if you play this game.

>> No.22227681

Career or things like that, I suppose. I had politicians in mind. There haven’t been many Presidents that went to crappy colleges or failed out of university, or even delayed university until their later twenties for example. They don’t work mediocre jobs until they’re thirty-one because that’s the best their degree could’ve got them. They go to Harvard at eighteen, graduate within four years with a good degree and high grades. Then, they get good jobs. President is the extreme case but you get what I mean. It seems true for successful people of all types.

>> No.22227699

I’m long out of school already. But things have t worked out like I planned and I was basically rudderless until I was 26 anyway. It’s just something that’s on my mind.

>> No.22227703

If you want to be some shit like a doctor, yeah.
If you're just trying to make money, be a benefit to your community, or follow a passion (one not predicated on institutional credentials), your potential is instead capped by things like your biology, psychology, habits, and environment.

>> No.22227726

I’m not sure I agree with that. This society is very much captured by institutions that control admission to the club. So suppose your passion is writing novels. Do you really suppose a writer of literary fiction without a bachelor’s degree from a good university has as much chance of being published by a mainstream publisher as the same with a university degree from a good university? I don’t. We overvalue college as a signal to an insane degree in our society.

>> No.22227769

>Your mother seems based and intelligent, which is everything you need to enjoy being alone.
I don't get the impression she enjoys being alone.

>> No.22227770

I wonder what it means for the future political hopefuls on the right that all of the stars of the GOP for the last 10 years were first lifelong Democrats. Maybe a lifelong Republican just doesn’t have any chance anymore.

>> No.22227799

Technology is a political meat cleaver

>> No.22227829

The GoP has been gay and useless for decades

>> No.22227834

there are quite a lot of writers that have wrote about the phenomenon you just talked about. write about that.

>> No.22227837

I’ve never even heard of a remarkable man who was still unremarkable at his thirtieth year.

>> No.22227838

>Man's capacity for physical pleasure is very limited, and far exceeded by the capacity of women for physical pleasure
Tranny mindset, induced by porn.

>> No.22227842

What shows?

>> No.22227848

One of my friends died recently. A lot of the times I feel fine for most of the day but every now and then at night when I'm in bed I remember that I'll never be able to talk to him again and feel sad. Sometimes I just get the feeling that life just gets worse as you age, I felt the happiest in elementary school.

>> No.22227851

My happiest was middle school, specifically 8th grade. Life has been one big disappointment since then

>> No.22227863

I'm kinda at a loss, everyone. I love my girlfriend and have always envisioned building a life together with her, but she's gotten really self deprecating lately. She got drunk and asked if I minded that she was "so dumb," which obviously had not crossed my mind before, but she kept asking so many times I naturally felt guilty she would say such a thing. She refused to give me back the greek book I was reading while we were on the train after, and I think she's hidden it. I don't know what's up: this is all new. What on earth to do?

>> No.22227874

Fuck her hard and call her your dumb little slut

>> No.22227893

What's a remarkable man?

>> No.22227914

My question doesn’t concern the GOP so much as future politicians who are conservative minded. Democrats get involved in politics and they get involved in politics young, then they spend their whole lives as Democrats before some of them defect to the Republican Party and become Republican superstars like Trump and probably RFK Jr. Republicans waste their time in trade schools or being bankers or whatever, never enter politics, and then at the age of 60 decide to run and are just sort of lame duck candidates that never matter. Truly right wing people have basically no path to political office at all.

>> No.22227916



>> No.22227918

Historical men. Warlords, politicians, industrialists, people like that. I’d say great artists and writers as well maybe. People who matter in the historical canon, basically.

>> No.22227920



>> No.22227955

I just downloaded the Meetup app. Every group is for gays or middle aged women

>> No.22228119

>Anon's really desperate to transmit his DNA to the glowie database
You can just buy a kit from most genome testing companies in the US and it's automatic

>> No.22228215
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Lacking the patience to do even the things you want to do is a special kind of hell.

>> No.22228217

What is happening?

>> No.22228302

Shopping while horny is almost as bad as shopping while hungry

>> No.22228308

Last week my brother was sending me texts telling me to burn in hell and how he hates me and now he's sending me a text asking me how I'm doing. This shit is so exhausting

>> No.22228312

I'm still waiting for part 3. Any release date?

>> No.22228322

I'm going to transmit my DNA to a glowie database as a trojan horse. My autism and schizophrenia are going to destroy them from the inside.

>> No.22228462 [DELETED] 


>> No.22228533

youve had enough

>> No.22228558
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Literature has been obsolete for decades. Cinema is dying right now and theaters are on the brink of extinction. Popular music is a joke. Television is oversaturated and mediocre. Video games are hardly artistic. Where exactly are we going to search for art in the future? Where are profound and important stories going to be told? It feels like the beginning of the end.

>> No.22228581

I spent 200 bucks on fetish toys

>> No.22228592

I decided now that I don't give a shit about life I'm going to be one of those guys who buys porno, so I loaded up all the video stores of porno that I thought I like and went through looking for the best porn videos, and it turns out they're all shit. Even the one store that does good fetish stuff had maybe two good videos, and the other 100+ he shot are with ugly ratchet bitches. The reason I saw the two good ones, and thought I liked his store, is that those are the only two anyone ever thought to buy and upload to pornhub.

I'm literally sitting there dick in hand waiting to give them my money, and there's nothing worth buying.

>> No.22228595

fucking broke to this lmooooo

>> No.22228604


>> No.22228619

I’m really worried.

>> No.22228628

Tell him that I really enjoy his old blog and think its a great example of that 90s gen-x style. Truly.

>> No.22228642
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Is /lit/ effay? What do you guys wear?

>> No.22228650

SS uniform
Star Trek TNG Engineering Uniform

>> No.22228653

All that shit is free online

>> No.22228665
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>thinks he knows more about racist lesbian domination porn where the white girl wears confederate flag panties and calls the other girl a nigger and the video description claims the white girl was actually racist and made the black sub uncomfortable than i do

>> No.22228690
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This place losses a lot of its appeal when you simply disregard the opinions you don't agree with and you keep your opinions to yourself.

>> No.22228694

>I'm literally sitting there dick in hand waiting to give them my money, and there's nothing worth buying.
A nice summary of the 21st century so far

>> No.22228702
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One of my favourite hentai artist just nuked himself from the face of the internet. I loved his work. Probably wanked to only his shit for the past 2 years. I guess its a sign to move on from porn huh? Ain't gonna find another like him.

>> No.22228758

My fashion is very basic and boring these days. Usually:
White superga sneakers..
Black jeans the kind that are skinny but not too skinny
Basic single color American Eagle t shirt . If I'm feeling fancy I've a few different dress shirts
For jackets a couple hoodies one grey the other green from past jobs, a red L.L Bean jacket, which looks a bit like a jean jacket except the material is some kind of cotton. And a black winter coat i paid $15 bucks for on Amazon from China and made of cheap shoddy material

>> No.22228774

I used to date a black girl and make her call me master in the bedroom. Thaf being said, it wasn't racial, but purely about power and domination.

>> No.22228778

Jeans, plain color shirt (gray, black, red), and a flannel overshirt

>> No.22228783

>race mixing racist
many such cases among boomers

>> No.22228786

I'm a zoomer

>> No.22228790

>race mixing zoomer
many such cases

>> No.22228792

so tell me zoomer, what made you choose a black woman over literally any other ethnic group?

>> No.22228803

I had a short but intense romance defined by our mutual suicidal feelings with a black girl. I moved schools and found another depressed black girl who reminded me of the first black girl. She apparently had a thing for depressed white boys so we were a perfect match (until she cucked me)

>> No.22228806

>i chose the black girl because she was suicidal
i see, thank you for your input on what makes people pick black girls

>> No.22228807

Thats just how I choose girls generally. So far they've all been anorexic.

>> No.22228824

I have masturbated to the thought of fucking every one of my female friends. Every single one. No exceptions. for the 4th of July some of us went to the lake and I got to see a real cutie friend in a bikini. god, she has a great body. absolutely would, if I wasn't on zoloft which makes it impossible to cum

>> No.22228831

i'm excited because my vinyl copy of Emergency & I is arriving tomorrow. i'm a bit anxious about a lot of things right now but it's nice to have things to look forward to

>> No.22228903
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>> No.22228916

>posts a anime girl with dark skin
you do know that it is the genetic features and the risk of those inheriting to the offspring why most europeans refuse to mix races with africans, right?
there are dark skinned asians that people still breed with, there are dark skinned spaniards and italians that people still mix with, why do you think it is that people avoid mixing with blacks?
nose, hair and lips, no one wants that lottery win mulatto that is white with black features, that and your genetics tanks IQ scores, it is noticable increase for blacks but your kid is going to be a dumbass if you mix with blacks
these are statistics, these are not opinions, these are not hatred, these are statistical facts that one should always consider when mixing races
american's didn't and look at how they're doing in terms of IQ scale, look at what mixing did to their features, what it did to their culture and how america is today
there's a damn good reason why israeli and japanese people don't mix with foreigners and why nordic countries avoid race mixing with people from certain region

>> No.22228937

Ive been brooding about missing out on the student lifestyle and "college experience." And then i remember that I did have the college experience and absolutely hated it. But I'm stuck wishing I had a thing that made me miserable, wishing that it wouldn't make me miserable. It's very confusing and I dont know how to disentangle myself from it.

>> No.22228940

I've brooded about things I didn't do in the past then realized that's dumb because there's no sense in brooding about it. Just think about the present. The past is whatever. I don't care about it.

>> No.22228991

Not everyone has bright college years rife with pleasure. Many people end up having quite unremarkable college years. No need to agonize over it, there will be more experiences in the future.

>> No.22228996

What if I wake up to an empty world with myself as the sole human left?

>> No.22228999

I had a miserable time at school to and ended up wasting my time there.
If I had the money, I would go back now. I'd getting an education a lot more if it were completely separate from my social life.

>> No.22229021 [DELETED] 

you are the winner and you have nothing

>> No.22229147

I am officially priced out of existence. Not that my existence is worth much of anything. Beyond priceless. If it could be bought, I would sell it. I've calculated and recalculated my expenses and income, always hoping somehow the numbers would magically add up different. A new life or product line is no longer possible in any of these states. Move out west, breath the fresh air because it will be gone and bottled soon. Be the first to bottle it before the rest. If i could be the first, I might preserve some for myself. Too expensive to breathe. Sort, filter from low to high. And now the low is high and just keeps going higher while we go lower..
My (used refurbished) coffin goes for 35k made of the finest recycled plastics. Cozy, economical studio coffin. A sound Investment. It will grow in value even while I rot.
I don't own it yet, nor will my corpse, but someday I'm told the value will be all mine. I'm subleasing out a corner to the rats to help pay off the mortuary loan.
Once it's all paid then I'll get a proper funeral, so they can shove the next body in.

>> No.22229431

I don't want to work

>> No.22230077

I've been BS'ing my job for so long, I feel like the other shoe is about to drop. If it never does though, it might mean that I've finally achieved high pay, low effort, work from home comfydom. I will wait and see.

My wife and I spend much of our time gaming, getting stoned on medicinal weed, and having more sex than usual. It feels like the last hurrah before we start trying for a baby in a few months. Then the sun might finally set on my long drawn out adolescence. Even a manchild must needs promote himself to a life of responsibility and deferred gratification.

>> No.22230302

I can’t stay engaged in one job for longer than a few years. I realized this in my twenties and I’ve committed to being a sort of renaissance man ever since, even if it means I have to give up cushy jobs or go back to school as an old man, or anything else. Ideally, I will have a family and make some real money before I’m too old, but staying engaged is also pretty important. Life can be hell when it’s monotonous.

>> No.22230317

I’m really bothered by feeling like I don’t have the story arc I want.

>> No.22230362

Live streaming

>> No.22230451

We’re not. If things don’t radically change then it’s just over and art will be the least of our problems quite frankly.

>> No.22230458


>> No.22230465

>new /wwoym/

>> No.22230475

30 second difference... I'll delete mine

>> No.22230589

>Where are profound and important stories going to be told?