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22207129 No.22207129 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22207152
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>> No.22207155

she's a milf i won't lie

>> No.22207156

she's a gilf

>> No.22207162

no grandchildren yet is there?

>> No.22207426

it is over

>> No.22207536

only a jewish pedophile could write something as insidious as harry potter.

Bro go to a magic school,
The nazis are totally the bad guys.

Lol Snape get cucked hahaha thats what you get for joining the death eaters even though they just want to remove the corrupt fucking government and cause TND

>> No.22207539


>> No.22207561

Shes a chwistian though. Being against racism ≠ jewish, hell jews are inherently racist, voldemort is a jewish wizard

>> No.22207605

true true. I think harry does become racist in that time travel book though
shame they couldnt go back in time and make hermione white

>> No.22207693

People honestly give rowling too much shit for the “retcons” she never said hermoine was always black, just that she doesn’t mind it. She also changed a line of dialogue in the third harry potter movie because it made dumbledore sound straight when she had written him to be gay. She writes bios on all her characters and a lot of that stuff isn’t included in the books

>> No.22207967

sounds good for a nerd. University seems like a Slaneshi alchohol fratboy sorority rape prison.

If only there was like a good university or school or some shit that existed somewhere that taught people not to be fucking redditors bro.

then again r/prequel memes goes hard

>> No.22207987

Those exist, they're called Ivy League schools. The vast majority of their students are kids of rich Republicans. All this woke shit comes from wastoid home town universities that the underclass (democrats) can afford. Same for the teachers, all the actual good ones teach at Stanford and Harvard, while the retarded woke pieces of shit fight for scraps at WKU and SNHU while getting paid less than a janitor.

>> No.22209137

Dont know what you meant by this

>> No.22209145


>> No.22209149



>> No.22209157

You know, I never realized how much she looks like Houellebecq

>> No.22209195

When I read this I burned all her books, but then when she came out as transphobic I bought all her books again. She's playing me like a fiddle.

>> No.22209201

I now remember an infographic by Varg Vikernes showing that all modern religions are actually jewish. Does anyone have it?

>> No.22209204

There is no such thing as transphobia only lack of insanity.

>> No.22209273

Is someone a Christian merely because they call themselves a Christian? Because if that’s the case, I’m the richest man in the world.

>> No.22209317

>white skin was never specified
>very clever
Yeah, but black skin was obviously precluded from the get go.

>> No.22209836

What did he actually mean by this

>> No.22209839

Ideologies develop and change over time yes
The afterlife is canon in harry potter

>> No.22210066

Funny because paganism itself is a modern reconstruction

>> No.22210338

Hermione turns "pink" in several places in the book.

>> No.22210347

I laughed way too hard at this

>> No.22210381

The Potter phenomenon will fade; and, in fact, a bit like the hipsters is already in the process of its self-cancellation—both the hipster and Harry Potter grew up together, on parallel tracks, and now have gone flat and faded. Rowling is now the left’s enemy—her works will be rewritten or ignored; and, being astroturfed creations in the first place, never had much substance (except that roughly two generations—a generation being about 15 years—have been indoctrinated into Potterism).

As it happens, what will strike you as most characteristic about Potter and hipsters in 10 years’ time is how white these cultural phenomena will appear—being the last hurrah of coherent Western pop culture and neo-bohemianism. We’ll not see anything so distinctly European again in the mainstream for over a century, at least.

We’ll see just how quickly the left can reverse and eliminate a detected “counter-revolutionary” as Rowling continues in her anti-trans activism. Yet, at core, if you want to understand what the left is—an imitation and an inversion—Potter will describe it to you. It was once said that “evangelical” parents burned Potter books due to perceived “witchcraft”contained therein—I agree that Potter should be burned but, in fact, the last risk in Potter is witchcraft. Rowling and her world come from straight-forward materialism—the problem with Potter, unlike Narnia or LotR, is that there is no real magic in them.

It’s not that Rowling is a witch that’s the problem—it’s that she’s a completely straight-forward Amnesty International supporter who believes in human rights, feminism, materialism, and progress. The last thing she actually believes is that magic is real—and that’s why these books have no future.

>> No.22210523

>Rowling and her world come from straight-forward materialism

That's why they yearn for Hogwarts. A place without internet, computers or even telephones. Where you wear a uniform and compete for prestige of your allotted House. Where you have no choice but to read a fucking book and talk to people. That's the real magic.

>> No.22210527

This whole drama is played out in Potterworld—it’s just Anglo progressive liberalism, in love with elitism, but democratic to the core. Yet Lenin was all for hierarchy, order, and discipline—as were St. Paul and Ignatius Loyola—and that was no block to the propagation and implementation of a democratic message. Hence Hogwarts, the school for the democratic elite—and hence it is a mistake just to look to the army or the police to “save us” in rightist terms; for to be on the right is not to be for hierarchy, discipline, and order—but to be for reality, which includes all of the aforementioned but is also somewhat more.

So Hogwarts—like Harvard—serves as a place to train the progressive elite; and there are, somewhat in the shadows, some remnants from the old order, strictly aristocratic, who are aligned with “evil” (non-inclusive, pagan). The divide is between the masculine and the feminine—between the universal “democratic magic” and the blood-based “old magic”.

However, the ambivalence towards the institution itself, even if it turns out “the Bertrand Russells of magic”, is revealed in the name—“Hogwarts”. The name denigrates—it’s an ugly name. This is because, as a feminist (also socialist, same thing) once revealed to me in bed, despite her position as a successful lecturer and “public intellectual”, she wished her father, a long-suffering dentist, had sent her to private school and that she went to Oxford. “Hogwarts”—I hate it because I can’t have it.

>> No.22210663

Knowing they wouldn't survive an OFSTED inspection, Hogwarts is more secretive than the Bohemian Grove, and more segregated than Little Rock. Voldemort certainly had a point, or he wouldn't have had so many followers. I don't know if Rowling is blind enough to realise that, but it should be obvious to anyone with eyes to read.

>> No.22210796

She hates transfolx so much it's unreal

>> No.22210800
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>> No.22210815
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imagine spending all of those years virtue signaling and begging for positive validation only to go down in history as basically hitler?

>> No.22210858

>all those years virtue signaling
Shes a liberal. The only thing shes done that could remotely be said to be virtue signalling is saying shes not against a black woman playing hermoine

>> No.22210954

guys can you stop talking about the dumb bitch and just pictures of her tits please? harry potter is dumb, she’s dumb, but she also a total milf who makes me coom so i must bear witness.

>> No.22211013

It's impressive how she hardly looks worse than she did in her 30s. Money is magic.

>> No.22211035

Marketing is not writing, but this author does not know the laws of the past and they feel like a god, pretending to force a reader to have a determinate perception.

When a reader, reads a book, he can imagine everything and is not forced to follow a preconception.

Sad writer.

>> No.22211042
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>> No.22211187

The lack of technology is done for aesthetic and plot reasons. As an alternative it presents flying broomsticks, broomstick servicing kits, flying cars, an invisibility cloak, detailed descriptions of magic wands, a billion candy types, etc. Characters show their goodness by giving presents to Harry.
It doesn't bother me but I do find it noticeable.

>> No.22211192

witch face

>> No.22211207

her face was pretty hot. now it still is good but she’s got this cunty look permanently baked into her now. still would smash.

>> No.22211216

Generally speaking if you ascribe to nicene creed you’re a Christian though I concede there are other developed heretical early Branchs

>> No.22211825

JKR is a foxy bitch. Just a straight up smoke show. She should change her weird witchy Twitter pfp. Trans women are men in costumes. Thank you for reading.

>> No.22211834

the uninformed /pol/yp strikes again

>> No.22211843

why are christtards so nuts kek

>> No.22212630

10/10 in bongland

>> No.22212663

Did that guy even mention religion?

>> No.22212676

Hitler had a point, else he wouldn't have had so many followers either.
Cartoonishly evil villains depicted in media usually comes with the same stigma of "hate" for groups that seemingly are just innocent people. Same strawman, just tripe with Jewish influence.

>> No.22212920
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>> No.22212926

there's a line, i think in chamber of secrets, where hermione "goes white" after being shocked or disturbed by something. black people can go pale but they don't go white.

>> No.22212959

Absolutely abhorrent post

>> No.22213094

can you guys hurry it up with the milfy pics please?

>> No.22213111

Rowling responds personally to fan mail because she doesn't do fuck-all else with her life and has heaps of time on her hands.

>> No.22213685

I have better things to do than argue with people on /lit/.

>> No.22213811 [DELETED] 


>> No.22213829

The person who wrote that is a schizophrenic pagan who believes in esoteric magic, not a christcuck

>> No.22214075

Kek, based

>> No.22214132
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>> No.22214192

This tweet is true?

>> No.22214506


Consider Rowling's wealth and "seniority" in the public eye as well as her tact when it comes to the trans issue. Consider the subhuman reactions that people have at the mention of her name. Now consider what happens to less fortunate people when they attempt to speak against the issue.

>> No.22214597

>to less fortunate people when they attempt to speak against the issue.

Getting a proper education is luck and not being rich, however, she should be a writer.

Soon this woman will be more famous for his hate speech and not for her books.

Being wealthy is luck but please.

I ask myself why this woman is not a fan of Putin.

>> No.22214656

Kill yourself tranny

>> No.22214668


>> No.22214727

exactly right my friend

>> No.22214730

Based Joanne

>> No.22214913

You are a retard, you can't find out anything, don't lie to yourself.

>> No.22214975

Imagine her giving you a cheeky wank while typing one her new books, nice.

>> No.22215068

>Is someone a Christian merely because they call themselves a Christian?

Yes. That’s exactly how it works. Haven’t you ever seen a Protestant church?

>> No.22215135

Next thing you know, his dentures have fallen out.

>> No.22215145

Yes, but the tranny replying is a troll account

>> No.22215199

Estrogen brain

>> No.22215290

She trolls herself then she can't be trolled.

>> No.22215319

god i hope so

>> No.22215332


>> No.22215362

what about jk rowling saying "cope and seethe"

>> No.22215366


>> No.22215492

Don't use difficult words or your brain may implode.

>> No.22215542

Give attention or she cut off your jewels.

>> No.22215564

You aren’t smart

>> No.22216528
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wtf, I looked it up and she really did say "cope and seethe"

>> No.22216632

If I had a billion dollars and a following of millions I would also use my platform to tell trannies to cope and seethe.

>> No.22217303

and she'd probably be calling you pathetic or something like that the whole time for asking her to do that while she's working. she's so bad

>> No.22217494

how do i get a multimillionaire Thatcherite milf gf bros

>> No.22217507


>> No.22217583

4chan is infested by this grandma

>> No.22217627

I know this is overused af but goddamn do I wanna Slytherin pls mommiii

>> No.22217703


>> No.22217715

I'd give her a jolly good rogering, I would.

>> No.22218005

By this grandma? you have shit taste

>> No.22218026

It seems you should have more meaningful things in life to derive this kind of amusement from

>> No.22218027

Milfs and grannies are always the best fucks anon, more experienced.
Thanks for the hard on

>> No.22218038

This reminds me of one time a middle aged junkie wanked me off for £20, don't know why. I don't regret it.

>> No.22218110

Opposing trans lunacy hardly makes you a Thatcherite, it's what nearly every left wing group believed pretty much before political correctness and wokeness infected everything. You can be economically left wing and socially conservative, from what i have read she doesn't even hate them, just rightly refuses to accept their deranged totalitarian beliefs.

>> No.22218115

How do you think laughing works? Am I supposed to laugh at "meaningful things in life" rather than stupid shit? Please enlighten me with your wisdom.

>> No.22218139

It depends. My grandma used to be pretty good but now, in her late 80s, she can't bring the energy anymore. It's a pity as she still has the right ideas but the execution is lacking.

>> No.22218163
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>> No.22218309

you’re welcome for that mate. hope you had a good time.

>> No.22218318

Got a sore cock so couldn't fap, but thanks for future wankage material.

>> No.22218672

Go to a construction site if you want other materials.

>> No.22218681

>the chair thing
wait that's a fake account talking about ACK-ing, right? kind of takes the fun out of Jo's Sneedposting