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/lit/ - Literature

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22213932 No.22213932 [Reply] [Original]

>900 pages into writing my "masterpiece"
>mention to dad my daily usage of a dictionary to assist this masterpiece
>he says "don't be using too many long boring words or I won't bother to finish it"
>filled up his weed vape and started laughing at me
Anybody elses Dad's insult their work before?

>> No.22213941


>> No.22213943

If you're daily using a dictionary or thesaurus to write something then you're clearly trying to appear more than you are and it will show. Every single great work of literature has been written freely from the mind and heart. One's abilities define it.

>> No.22213947

>Every single great work of literature has been written freely from the mind and heart
You're naive Anon.

>> No.22213953

Also divine inspiration or the ability to use GPT4 correctly.

>> No.22213958

99% of books are fucking mindnumbling boring and pointless and shit now because they're so basic.

If a book doesn't make you study, have in jokes, hidden meanings and things you have to work out then it's not going to be a masterpiece.....

>> No.22213963

>using a dictionary daily
Dont use words you dont know faggot. We can tell.

>> No.22213969

You may just not be intelligent or educated enough to write like the classics simply from your own ability. I'm sorry but learning to write like that is a gradual development of our natural language, like muscles.

>> No.22214066

Or the lad may be running up against a culture of illiteracy.

I consider myself to be intensely self-disciplined and incredibly amiable, all the time, but even I feel like butchering people who can't read and declare that "big wordth" are just fucking decoration as if they don't have vital meaning. And that whilst this resembles an extreme autistic mental block that those same people are likely to proclaim that other people are autistic, for possessing a grasp of language and logic.

Just saying, at this point it's more likely this going on.

>> No.22214084

I'm not saying using higher literacy is wrong, or relying on the dictionary or thesaurus to learn higher literacy is wrong, but using a dictionary or thesaurus every day to write a single work is a wrong way to write.

>> No.22214145

my dad tries his best to show interest in my work but he literally falls asleep within seconds of me talking about it. he could be wide awake but for some reason it knocks him out. it's not even a boring story either, it's high-fantasy full of action and violence

he's also not at all a reader or really the intellectual type at all so giving him any writing without at least 1 picture to look at to is like asking your infant child to do your taxes

ironically he's probably the perfect beta reader though, considering even at his level 70-80% of people are twice as dumb as he ever could be. if he is getting bored or doesn't like something then some retard stranger definitely is going to get bored/not like it

>> No.22214153

>900 pages
too long.

>> No.22214160


If he's a stoner then you're probably a stoner too and your book is nonsense.

>> No.22214162 [DELETED] 

I mean, let's take soif as an example, the fat fuck clearly took inspiration from war of the roses, i'd imagine he read a book on it while writing the series at least

>> No.22214165
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>book named stoenr
>is a masterpiece
what did god mean by this?

>> No.22214180 [DELETED] 
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>If you're daily using a dictionary or thesaurus to write something then you're clearly trying to appear more than you are and it will show. Every single great work of literature has been written freely from the mind and heart. One's abilities define it.

>> No.22214185 [DELETED] 
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>You may just not be intelligent or educated enough to write like the classics simply from your own ability.

>> No.22214186


>> No.22214187 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 340x512, aeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I consider myself to be intensely self-disciplined and incredibly amiable, all the time

>> No.22214207

grow up.

>> No.22214220

*bim bim bim*

>> No.22214298

point is that if I would smash your face in for this, someone without such self-control would probably shoot your mother and father with an assault weapon - and then smash your kid siblings brains out against a rock, due to the deleterious effect on the species and the moral imperative to remove it.

>> No.22214319
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>point is that if I would smash your face in for this, someone without such self-control would probably shoot your mother and father with an assault weapon - and then smash your kid siblings brains out against a rock, due to the deleterious effect on the species and the moral imperative to remove it.

>> No.22214326
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>> No.22214336


Calm down weirdo.

>> No.22214341

low IQ autistic dysgenic trash, your grandfather should have drowned screaming in concrete in a construction project accident in on Hoover Damn.

>> No.22214343
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>> No.22214344

see above >>22214341

And, you know, I'd happy knife you in the stomach and rip out your organs. I pray someone would say these kinds of things to me IRL. you cowardly cunt fluff hahaha

>> No.22214345

low IQ autistic dysgenic trash, your grandfather should have drowned screaming in concrete in a construction project accident in on Hoover Damn.

>> No.22214361


Sure bro, keep sending those death threats so I can get you banned.

>> No.22214388 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22214396
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>Sure bro, keep sending those death threats so I can get you banned.

>low IQ autistic dysgenic trash, your grandfather should have drowned screaming in concrete in a construction project accident in on Hoover Damn.

>> No.22214414
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>> No.22214415

nahh broski I don't 'want' to threaten you and I'm not angry, I'm just saying that I would joyfully take my time killing any person who spends their life demoralizing hundreds of thousands of strangers and killing the spirit of inquiry of all those people -mostly young children- to engage with the world, by this doing this headfucking sick psycho shit you called "trolling" back in the day.

Not to worry about it though. The reason you won't listen to reason here is the reason why you'll have to be put down like a broken dog. That's why I've reached this conclusion about people like you. It's totally fine to do whatever to you lol

>> No.22214430
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>he doesn't write to fast-paced music to get a rhythmic, almost sing-song type of prose where big words just punctuate every so often

>> No.22214451

Calm down incel

>> No.22214458
File: 652 KB, 447x669, chrischan peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because you fucked your mum, chris, doesn't mean you can start calling other people virgins.

tell me this picture doesn't resemble you.

>> No.22214663

>dad vapes weed
Take pride that your dad is an even bigger loser than you are

>> No.22214701
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>just think of the children!
>my feelings aren't hurt I just really care!

>> No.22214752

I can go to /gif/ right now and see threads of people jerking it to women getting stabbed to death and men having their testicles ruptured. Here - little buddy - on the Chan? Your descriptions of violence don't really mean anything. Us true Channers are unaffected. You just come off as a cringe faggot, and you need to go back.

>> No.22216120

>I can go to /gif/ right now and see threads of people jerking it to women getting stabbed to death and men having their testicles ruptured. Here - little buddy - on the Chan? Your descriptions of violence don't really mean anything. Us true Channers are unaffected. You just come off as a cringe
You say this and you don't think it fully justifies what I said in the minds of us normal people who are the majority species on the planet.

But more rationally (rationally: how many am i really going to kill? is it worth my trouble to be denied nice coffee in a prison setting to do this?) it should be proof to you that this is a psychotic breeding ground and you should not let yourself be influenced by the cult behavior of those people.

give up on your old ways of thinking.

>> No.22216131

>wanting people you know to read you
Wtf? Straight-up psycho behavior.

>> No.22216233

my dad thinks i stole my story from "a videogame synopsis" but has never said which one. whenever i ask him, he laughs and says "YOU know which one". I had my sister push him on the issue once and he told her the same thing even though shes never played any video games.

There might be something wrong with him mentally. he has a binder where he rewrites popular songs with homoerotic lyrics, and a notebook where he draws racial charactures of fantasy creatures. in his universe blacks are gnomes, southeast asains are sprites, medeteranians are "ogres" etc.

The only feedback I ever got from him on the work was "show dont tell" but that was back when i was 14 and hes never bothered to read anything ive written since then. He always just gets mad about the video game thing

>> No.22216251

This. I won’t even let people I know listen to the music I listen to

>> No.22216331

Assuming your masterpiece is fictional, then your dad is right.
I won't be consulting a dictionary while reading a contemporary fiction. DNF that pseud shit.
I'll take the time for an older work which was written with archaic words which were appropriate in the archaic time it originated.

If you had to look it up, then so will the reader.
Keep it simple unless you want your story to be constantly interrupted by dictionary look-ups, or not understood.
There is beauty in simplicity.

Also, it is not an insult. He just told you the truth.

>> No.22216551

>If you had to look it up, then so will the reader.
God forbid!

>Keep it simple unless you want your story to be constantly interrupted by dictionary look-ups, or not understood.
Nothing much can be conveyed in this manner and that is the purpose of 'dumbing-down', considering what and who you're really arguing for by this. If a society or individual cannot understand Law, for example, it will be subjected to violence all the time.

>There is beauty in simplicity.
Simplicity is not poverty of intellect.

>> No.22216600

You simply suck at writing, bro

>> No.22216613

I think an occasional big word is okay if the context surrounding said word helps define it.

>> No.22216767

sad, many such cases

>> No.22216826

>many such cases
oh? You'll find no such literature written "dumbed-down" prior to the recent modern paperbacks. You Fucking White Nigger.

>> No.22216853

>Every single great work of literature has been written freely from the mind and heart.
Let's laugh at this retard

>> No.22216860

Your father sounds based as fuck desu. You should have him inspire one of your main characters

>> No.22216865

>And, you know, I'd happy knife you in the stomach and rip out your organs.
You won't do shit, you worthless Americoomer fatso

>> No.22216867

>I'm just saying that I would joyfully take my time killing any person
You are just the clown of the hour. Congrats.

>> No.22216875

>i stole my story from "a videogame synopsis" but has never said which one
This man is turning out to be a paragon of virtue the more you describe him. Forget about your shitty zoomie 900-page novel nobody is gonna read, you should be writing about him.