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22210548 No.22210548 [Reply] [Original]

The IQ test just came back. Guess what guys. I'm smart. I'm really fucking smart. Smarter than this board. Think it might be time for me to leave for greener pastures.

>> No.22210557
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Oh yeah? well if you're so smart lets see you give an analysis of this film treatment:

>> No.22210570

what's your favourite book smarty-pants?

>> No.22210573


>> No.22210579


>> No.22210582
File: 52 KB, 1200x628, l-sitting-death-note-1655847605473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky.

>> No.22210587

Egoist retard thinks he's extraordinary, but he's just another Raskolnikov.

>> No.22210612

This board is populated by a few >150 and lots of <=80 niggers so the average is somewhere in the 95.

>> No.22210616

i have 3 digit iq

>> No.22210630

I sincerely doubt any human has double digit IQ

>> No.22210642

i think iq is curved where 100 is average. but ive never looked into it
but if you mean as a requirement? sure, i fuck with that

>> No.22210817

I did an IQ test when I was a kid, apparently I was fucking brilliant, but here I am, unemployed and uneducated, with a resume full of lies.
IQ means shit in the real world.

>> No.22210831

your fault, IQ means a lot. lost quite a big chunk of mine early this year and realized that I took many things for granted, thankfully I've did quite a bit with what I had before I lost it and such it doesn't affect my family as much as I feared. Do something about your life while you still have the magic. Abstract thinking means a huge deal in every field

>> No.22210849

You bang your head or something? I had a friend who knocked his head real bad playing rugby at uni and was out for a long time. Ended up with a TBI and developed full blown schizophrenia. Lives with his parents in care now. Some of the saddest shit I’ve seen.

>> No.22210850

>I'm smart
>needs an exam to tell him that this isn't the place for him
You are just good at pushing symbols with your head.

>> No.22210856

Yeah motorcycle accident.

>> No.22210872

My sympathies anon, life is truly a fucking unforgiving bitch.

>> No.22211051

I think when a person constantly gets told how smart they are from childhood, it can give them a certain arrogance that leads to self-sabotage. All through elementary school I was pretty much an A+ student winning principal awards and whatnot. The whole time my parents, teachers, and even other kids were telling me how bright I was. I would've been skipped, but I started school early and was already one of the youngest kids in my grade. By middle school, I started putting in less effort as I lost interest in things I could easily understand, and only truly excelled in subjects I cared about like English. Come high school, and the tedium of classes began driving me crazy. Started cutting school to smoke weed and drink with "friends" that were going nowhere. After 10th grade I transferred to online classes and basically withdrew from society with my parents' blessing since I was headed for juvie at the rate I was going. Ended up writing a book at 15-16, which surprise surprise, over a decade later still hasn't been published. Now I'm so far behind most of my peers it's embarrassing and I have no idea how to climb out of this hole I've dug for myself.

Sorry for the monologue. Wasn't expecting to type all that. Your post just resonated with me.

>> No.22211057
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you're all pseuds

>> No.22211103

Childhood IQ doesn't mean much, the important part is adulthood IQ.
The human brain is an impressive thing, king. I don't mean to give you any false hopes, but you never know. You might recover a lot more of your abilities than you thought you could. Just gotta keep pushing yourself.

>> No.22211182

should i be impressed? they're only numbers anon

>> No.22211379

>look at my midwit result on an internet test guys

>> No.22211387

>Childhood IQ doesn't mean much

>> No.22211395

I took that test and got 142 IQ
Anyways your score wouldn't even qualify you for Mensa