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File: 1.84 MB, 1313x1600, kellhus_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22207207 No.22207207 [Reply] [Original]

Kellhus Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)


>> No.22207215
File: 176 KB, 1280x1682, the_warmaster_by_stevesykesart_de7bi8m-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started reading the horus heresy (on Book 2 "False Gods" now) and its so comfy

>> No.22207245
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Truth shines.

>> No.22207268

Wow truth shines I guess
>verification not required

>> No.22207279
File: 902 KB, 1125x1037, bakkerposter_Nro_66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does. Have you perchance read the fantasy novels written by R. Scott Bakker?

>> No.22207284

What's with all this cuckold shit in sci-fi?

>> No.22207294

Which book? Don't bother answering if it was written in the past 7 years.

>> No.22207297

Yes. The first three books are pretty cool and I heartily recommend them, but the rest of the series is eh at best. I think Bakker ran out of actually good ideas by mid-Thousandfold Thought, and the entire Aspect Emperor tetralogy is mostly him huffing his own farts.

>> No.22207302

Brando Sando's secret project 3, the nightmare painter has released today, anybody got any links to it?

>> No.22207306

Can someone lend me a hand?
What was that one fantasy series about Gods again?
It also had this kinda finnsish feel to it.
I wanted to read it but I forgot its name and now I can't find anything about it.

>> No.22207315
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>> No.22207328
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nvmd found it.
The Gods of Pegāna

>> No.22207329

River of Shadows?

>> No.22207507

>truth shines
But the consult is correct. They did nothing wrong. Kellhus is a fucking lunatic.

>> No.22207522

antinatalist, nihilist propaganda

>> No.22207538

It's literally true in this universe.

>> No.22207546
File: 85 KB, 568x909, kellhus_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Kellhus.

>> No.22207619

Consult is running on 2 assumptions:
1. That culling the souls WOULD actually work. Nihilism or no, they have no conclusive proof.
2. That with the world being cut off from the outside, they'll get a better afterlife than damnation.

They are not objectively correct - they just believe that the threat of damnation outweighs literally anything. Which is not a fact, it's an opinion, and a very flimsy one at that.

Ultimately consult is just too scared shirtless by the Inverse Flame to actually think straight.

>> No.22207690
File: 362 KB, 680x680, ab4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i'm listening to the first expanse audiobook right? when i got to this holden line i actually laughed out loud in the middle of the street like a schizo.
>*after miller has shot a guy who had ordered 1.5 million people killed for a science experiment, while he was unarmed*
>*holden is scolding miller*
>the people who performed that experiment thought they could decide who gets to live and who gets to die. sound familiar?

fucking kek. it reminded me of this quentin comic. god damn sci-fi writers are such hacks, especially "hard" sci-fi.

>> No.22207838


>> No.22207854

Its this>>22207328
I found it because I remembered the name of the author (Lord Dunsany)

>> No.22207859

Yeah but smoking weed is not comparable to any of those things.
More close to drinking alcohol or vaping

>> No.22207870
File: 198 KB, 1400x2097, moore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I read this before diving into the rest of the Elric saga? I keep seeing this labeled as a "prequel"

>> No.22207903

That image is stupid though. It's lame joke derived from deliberately cherry-picking a lazy colloquialism to take as a literal absolute, then overdoing it to ruin whatever tiny bit of humor or insight had already been extracted from the idea.
Can't evaluate the spoilertext you posted without more context, but it looks similar in that "decide who gets to live or die" is playing off reductionist equivalency of a lazy colloqualism taken too literally.

>> No.22207910

Idk but interested. I read The Eternal Champion and it was very bad but he was only 30 when he wrote it so I'm curious about his progression.

>> No.22208015


>> No.22208033

holden chapters in leviathan wakes are extremely amateur feeling in general

>> No.22208122
File: 513 KB, 1600x2560, 57905101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gate of the Feral Gods, Dungeon Crawler Carl #4 - Matt Dinniman (2021)

The Gate of the Feral Gods is definitely the most conflicted I've felt about the series thus far. However, there's still considerably more that I like about it than what I don't, though it also has more that I dislike than any previous book.

I've liked this setting the least so far. That's mostly personal bias and possibly because I'm unable to relate it to games or quite as well. I'd hazard a guess that the more relevant references here are Indiana Jones, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, Middle Eastern fables, and Egyptian tales. What concerns me more than the setting is Carl's personal development.

After reading this book I looked at Dinniman's comment history on Reddit to see whether he had commented on my concerns, and he had, and it wasn't reassuring. That's not how I'd prefer the narrative to go if it does, as it's what I most dislike most about a lot of the progression protagonists I've tried reading, but at least I know that it's a likely possibility and can prepare myself for it.

Once again I felt the latter half was stronger than the first half, especially the last quarter which was all kinds of absurdities. For this and the last book I haven't been liking it as much until it gets to the rising action. It's not so much that it's filler as it that I find it uneven in terms of how much I'm interested in it.

This fourth book seems to be a turning point for the series, as it may now be halfway over, at least in terms of book count if not word count. In 2022, Dinniman commented on Reddit that he currently expected the series to last for 8 or 9 books. Based on what happens by the end of this book I fully believe it could be that long. The background space opera certainly made overtures to share the foreground, though that may up end being less overall than I'm now expecting.

Rating: 4/5

>> No.22208142

Later on in the series the characters all start mocking Holden for being a moralfag with a spinning compass. It's tv show level pulp, not even film worthy, I wouldn't take it seriously.

>> No.22208145

Why can't to review any proper books, not webnovel shit. Additionally you could post your reviews not here but on goodreads.

>> No.22208168

your """reviews""" are SHIT
Because he is a retard desperate for attention

>> No.22208207

I've written about over 500 books. This is the only originally serialized series that I've written about. I do post on Goodreads. I'm the founder of the Goodreads group in the OP.

>> No.22208273

He reviews "proper" books all the time, newfag.

>> No.22208300

It takes place after The Bane of the Black Sword and before Stormbringer, which is the last book of the series, I guess you could call it an "interquel".
But most Elric stories can be read as a standalone so I guess you'll have no problems starting with this, but I'll think it will be better if you start with The Elric Saga Vol. 1 first.

>> No.22208311
File: 26 KB, 466x659, Rlim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite god/creature from the Cthulhu mythos?
For me, it's Rlim Shaikorth.

>> No.22208312

>What concerns me more than the setting is Carl's personal development.
>After reading this book I looked at Dinniman's comment history on Reddit to see whether he had commented on my concerns, and he had, and it wasn't reassuring. That's not how I'd prefer the narrative to go if it does, as it's what I most dislike most about a lot of the progression protagonists I've tried reading, but at least I know that it's a likely possibility and can prepare myself for it.
I'm never reading this crap, but I'm curious as to what this bad trend of progression novel protagonists is.

>> No.22208318


>> No.22208337

What is it about webnovels that makes you prioritize them, exactly? Do you enjoy them more?

>> No.22208349

The theme I picked for the Goodreads group on a whim for this month, as shown, is progression novels. I didn't read this as a webnovel. I read it in book form. It doesn't have anything with prioritization and as a type, no, not at all.

>> No.22208353

This last bit reads like theatrical sarcasm, you know. Keep your secrets.

>> No.22208385

No sarcasm was intended.

>> No.22208405

You can maybe balance it with novel reviews? Because it's been just litrpgs for a while now. I still don't know why the fuck Westerners took light novels, cut their subject matter down to one particular theme, and called it a genre.

>> No.22208423

I’d be really into warhammer if the primary art design wasn’t a clunky cartoonish mess. Seriously looks like dogshit.

>> No.22208431

Yes, for the last two weeks it's been Western progression books because the threads have been lasting longer. There are two more DCC books, 5 and 6, and then it's possible there won't be any more of the sort for a year or more, at least.

>> No.22208432

>You can maybe balance it with novel reviews?
Not him but as I understand he has reviewed most well known fantasy novels and no one really cares about the modern progressive stuff of the past 10-15 years

>> No.22208443
File: 343 KB, 1128x1322, YoungLion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are bulky strong men, what do you expect?

>> No.22208457

New releases do seem to be all whamen and a stream of litrpgs. Never mind.

>> No.22208479
File: 135 KB, 400x600, 49879-aaaan2euube-paranoid-mage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This had interesting first few chapters but turned to boring as fuck incredibly fast

>> No.22208489

What would you prefer to see?

>> No.22208512

Anything but women/progressive sjw garbage.

>> No.22208524

Gimme some classic hero's journey stories

>> No.22208532

I'm sorry, I just can't take seriously the opinions of some libcuck basedfag who enjoys Good Intentions

>> No.22208536

By classic I mean modern ones of course. I've read the oldies

>> No.22208542

I've never read Good Intentions. That's someone else.

>> No.22208556

Wait, there are two reviewfags?

>> No.22208564

At least thee since I'm neither of them but I also post my reviews from time to time.

>> No.22208569

There are least 4 who write about what they've read and post it in the thread. There are many more who only post to Goodreads.

>> No.22208599
File: 380 KB, 1080x1313, Conan Victorious Over the Vanir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not that, I have no problem with bulky character design (take doom or gears of war for example). What I have a problem with is the art style and the cartoonish/capeshit design principles. It’s the bright neon colors, the smooth and rounded shapes, the goofy and over-wrought patterns and decals, the awful animated movie monsters. Warhammer and other similarly designed trash (Warcraft) is like a jarring mix of D&D 3E and pixar. I hate it.

>> No.22208608

Bam Stroker's Dracula

>> No.22208614

I'm pretty sure the Good Intentions faggot is the same one who reviews other coomershit and litrpg stuff.

Anyway, fuck good intentions. Absolute beta cuckolds like that MC will never be good with women irl

>> No.22208616

This is what sends some people to webnovels. There are pozzed webnovels, but unpozzed published novels are very rare.

>> No.22208624

not gonna make it to HYBERBORAI

>> No.22208652
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Low test post

>> No.22208653
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Here, I recommend this slop. Gotta read all them older Western isekais.

>> No.22208657
File: 20 KB, 265x374, All_tomorrows_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen this book discussed on lit. Is it good?

>> No.22208685

Oh, right. July 1st is tomorrow and I haven't decided on the books to be used for the Goodreads's groups monthly theme. The theme this year is the the same as last year: self-published books.

As noted in a post some time ago these are the tentative choices that were suggested to me and one I chose. I'm open to other suggestions.

Fantasy Novel: The Dragon's Banker
Science Fiction Novel: ?
Fantasy Webnovel/Serial: This Used To Be About Dungeons
Science Fiction Webnovel/Serial: Kitty Cat Kill Sat

>> No.22208715

Obviously the novel.

>> No.22208723
File: 131 KB, 760x506, 1679493706195191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

鬼神 Kill Em All 4132 Year-of-the-Tusk
I Am Mandati Man
478,637,782 CULLED SRANC

>> No.22208738

It's a picture book you mong

>> No.22208747

I'm a Ruski, and what is this. Now there are two shitposts instead of one.

>> No.22208759

this goes so so so fucking hard

>> No.22208770

yh man not gonna make it to hyperboria with that attitude

>> No.22208771

one of anon's books that get shilled on here.

>> No.22208773

holden is even worse in babylons ashes
i dropped the series at that point

>> No.22208779

Nah, I'd rather not do that. I don't have any problem having them listed in a thread on the group, but I haven't seen any worthwhile to list for the whole month. Even the above is of questionable worthwhileness, but oh well. They get posted here enough anyway which is even more visible.

>> No.22208796

saruman did nothing wrong

>> No.22208848

Are the original shadowrun books worth a read? The covers are turning me off.

>> No.22208863

People like that kill list story.

>> No.22208884

What do you recommend by Ursula K. Le Guin?

>> No.22208903
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VGH.... Kûniüri.... home.....

>> No.22208908

I actually liked the later parts better when he just goes balls to the wall murdering vampires using all the human technology together with magic.

>> No.22208955

Yeah that's boring as fuck. The MC can do anything the plot requires, which is just killing. Nothing is well explained or explored, characters are 2 dimensional at best etc. It's kind of like magical Jack Reacher with everything interesting cut out, only leaving the murdering part

>> No.22209200

I got a couple recommendations to the end of last thread, but I figured I'd cast the net again. What's good Horror /sffg/ stuff? Not really looking for Stephen King or spooksville stuff. I try looking up horror and that's all I get really, don't really know who is who and what is worth it in that genre. I don't think I have a preference but anything supernatural or alien seems interesting to me. Tired of reading creepy pastas

>> No.22209212
File: 607 KB, 1528x807, readd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22209215
File: 339 KB, 891x686, LITRPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22209222


Three Moments of an Explosion is an easy rec. It's an anthology and not all horror, but some horror and all plumbing the depths of the uncanny marianas.

>> No.22209246


>> No.22209290

Read Latro in the Mist
Read Hyperion
Read Le Morte D'Arthur
Read The BFG

>> No.22209346

What did you see in Azarinth Healer? It's a sub-par mediocrity so far, even graded against its class.

>> No.22209392

He's an autistic attention whore who can't even format his spamposts sanely, why are you surprised he loves garbage? He's the literary equivalent of a deviantartist. He's showing us his favorite knee inflation drawings.

>> No.22209488
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He's an autistic attention whore who can't even format his spamposts sanely, why are you surprised he loves garbage? He's the literary equivalent of a deviantartist. He's showing us his favorite knee inflation drawings.

>> No.22209563
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You dropped this, retard:

>> No.22209599
File: 37 KB, 313x499, Sword of Bayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the
>last book you read
>current book you're reading
>next book you plan to read

>> No.22209618

Just read the first Zelazny Amber book. Thought it was decent, if not fully taking advantage of the world it presents. My question is, does the series go to complete shit? I grabbed the second novel and already Corwin is acting more humanely, which might be nice in the real world but not so much in the fantasy realm that Zelazny has presented.

>> No.22209623

I said knee inflation, not tranny porn. Sit your mother-bearing hips down.

>> No.22209638

The Artifice of Eternity
These Burning Stars
The Eye of the Bedlam Bride

>> No.22209645

stop replying to ritualposters
filter their posts away and they disappear

>> No.22209671

Thoughts on Wild Wastes Series?

>> No.22209674

That template is older than /lit/.
>just filter book discussion
Where do you destructive fucks come from and why is every general infested with your type?

>> No.22209680
File: 81 KB, 644x1000, 168727912236976333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The First Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
I dunno, probably Along the Razor's Edge by Rob Hayes

>> No.22209690

I thought the first four were of similar tone and quality, and the fifth was a large divergence that I didn't care for, but ultimately ended satisfyingly enough. He doesn't stay an asshole edgelord though.

>> No.22209737

>Wild Wastes
Harem dogshit.Would have been good if he had focused on the fantasy fallout aspect instead.

>> No.22209748

Coomers I need your help. Is The Big Waste cuckshit?

>> No.22209767

There are like 15 different visual styles employed by the battalion of various artists employed by GW across the decades to depict various parts of 40k media. Variety is the central part of the things popularity.

>> No.22209785

I've been rereading Count of Monte Cristo too coincidentally, it's even better than I remember it when I first read it around 10 years ago, indisputably Dumas' best work

>> No.22209898


>> No.22209921
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>> No.22209968
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finally... a supreme edition

>> No.22210200

I am reading PKD and I don't like how he makes up all these names for sci-fi tech

>> No.22210240
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>fell for the Dick

>Theogony, Work and Days, Elegies
>The Persians and other plays
>Theban Plays

R. Scott Bakker's novel and some memes attached to it. You should read his work.

>self published books
No wonder the reviews have been extra bad (they were NEVER good)

>> No.22210268
File: 953 KB, 1024x728, 0acd71c71b7017594a88bb3753e92fb0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chart Maker is a master with pride
No chart is approved without his name
Towering above the posters by his side
An alpha lion that will never be tamed

Chart maker walks with a majestic stride
King of the posters he earned his fame
His lowly adversaries filled with fright
His rightful throne will never be claimed

Some lowly posters defy him out of spite
His charts are bad the peasants claimed
His wrath swept them like a deadly tide
With their filthy blood the thread was stained

>> No.22210323

I tried getting into the Elric books and while weird and interesting, it gets drab and repetitive very quickly. I'd advise you to read the earlier stuff first, the works that put the character on the map lest you get burnt out on the later cash-grabs.
Every story I've encountered has been self-contained enough to read on its own, even the Eternal Champion crossover stories.

>> No.22210374

Third of a way into Saving Supervillains. I hate every single character in this book so far, it's amazing.

>> No.22210411

HaremLit is even more sad than women's romantic light novels.

>> No.22210529

It's the same thing.

>> No.22210544

thats kinda the problem, its the most low brow literature out there

>> No.22210829

It's great. He doesn't explain shit. It's all about the idea of the backdrop and what the humans are doing. As an excerpt from the foreward of his third short story collection, the author mentions how in one of his stories, one character tells another that God is dead; and sure enough, humanity found a godlike creature, dead, floating through space, capable of creating everything we know, but it did not matter for the sake of that story.

>> No.22210853
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Is Hyperion series good enough to warrant me looking to import originals in english, or like most genre fiction, it's not that big deal literary, and I will not miss out getting translation?

>> No.22210882

Steal them and read them on your phone. As one does. Also go grind your English.

>> No.22210914
File: 463 KB, 1604x2493, Yumi_US_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it any good?

>> No.22210931

It just came out. You really ought to wait a couple days before asking that. I'll probably read it in a week or so and post my thoughts here.

>> No.22210964

Read first two books.
Don't read 3rd and 4th, the quality drop is enormous.

>> No.22210970

Have you guys heard of HYPERION???????

>> No.22210976
File: 96 KB, 900x640, hyperion_cantos__sol_weintraub_concept_by_artofkaa_dcxib7w-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story of Sol Weintraub makes Hyperion worth it. I cried so much reading it.

>> No.22211015

If only he could have written it less long. What a bore that section was. The Poet and the Satyr sections however, gold.

>> No.22211062
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"Worldbuilding" is a meme for the low iq to obsess over because they can't think, they can only absorb facts told to them by someone else. There's no reason to explain anything in your story.
There are two types of a writer.

One wants to tell a story first and foremost and treats the setting as decorations and background that are always there to serve the plot. These are the ones doing most of the mainstream writing and dictating common writing standards for ages. This made a lot of sense when people were writing realistic stories where the setting was just real world, but nowadays these people conveniently ignore that in a fantastical setting you may want to spend time writing it out and establishing it. But it's hard and requires a lot of at the very least theoretical knowledge about how even the real world works, something a dreamy art type who spends most of their time inside their head will often not possess.

The other wants to create a fictional world first and foremost and write it out in excruciating autistic detail. These are the kind of people that get really into lore, but aren't necessarily interested in actually telling a story with that lore. They simply want their world to be as real as possible, and ironically enough they achieve this by accidentally imitating the most mundane aspect of real life: the fact that real life does not have a plot or a story. People like this usually don't get jobs as writers in the actual industries, so instead they infest fantasy and sci-fi literature circles (especially amateur ones), and of course fanfiction too. These are also the kinds of people who get really upset about logistical inconsistencies in fiction.

If you couldn't tell, these two groups really fucking hate each other and cannot get behind each other's philosophy of "story above everything" and "worldbuilding above everything".

>> No.22211093

Golden Middle chads rise!

>> No.22211166

If it looks like shit, written like shit, and smells like shit...

>> No.22211223

Is that related to The Emperor's Soul AKA one of the two good novels by Brandon?

>> No.22211315

2 chapters into the Malazan book. seems pretty good. Not really sure what's going on exactly but its well written.

>> No.22211355

what is the other one?

>> No.22211393

First SLA book

>> No.22211397

Literal creepy pasta tier shit

>> No.22211404

Question as an Asimov casual. I've read Foundation books 1-5 and I'm about to start reading Robots and Empire soon along with The End of Eternity. I was wondering around when chronilogically you start realizing both Foundation and Robots take place in the same universe and which one proceeds the other?


The second chapter was probably my favourite with everyone realizing how fucked they were going up against the moon spawn. I found it to be a huge slow burn but very well written in the character development area.

>> No.22211434

Very keen on between two fires because a medieval horror mix sounds cool

>> No.22211468

>I've read Foundation books 1-5
Wow. Why? I don't know anyone who would argue that Edge or Earth are not shit.

>I was wondering around when chronilogically you start realizing both Foundation and Robots take place in the same universe and which one proceeds the other?
Foundation and Earth, no? He just drops Olivaw outta nothing and then it turns out he was fucking everywhere in the prequels.

>> No.22211491

Why ruin your otherwise decent post by leading with lazy bait that could have been posted by any retard? There are many reasons to write stories and world-building is one of them.

>> No.22211514

It is a false dichotomy is it not? First of all, there really is no excuse for there not to be a decent plot and character arcs in a book. Secondly, if you are writing SFF you better have done the bare minimum world building wise to serve as a background for the story. But then again, too much world building is just wasted effort if it does not show up in the book in some way. Story always for me comes first, but I can appreciate a well crafted world that is logical and coherent. It is not a question of which one is it, rather, is the book lacking either or both.

>> No.22211595

I think the only world-building you need is the areas that matter for your story. Everything else can just be a convincing cardboard cutout, because the readers aren't gonna be close enough to notice how flimsy it is.

>> No.22211615

Has anyone read this new Conan series? Says it was published last year in December and looks pretty interesting.

>> No.22211627
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Oops forgot to post the book

>> No.22211682

Just started Malazan. What am I in for /lit/bros??

>> No.22211765
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Finally, after the Cradle and Mage Errant stinkers, something new and GOOD to read.

>> No.22211838

>mom, the new pictureless comic book arrived !

>> No.22211867

I think I would be more into this utter slop if these were CYOA books. This shit is supposed to imitate videogames, right? These could also be text-based videogames.

>> No.22211903

an ugly, tedious, soulless and charmless slog with just enough decent content thrown in to keep you reading and wasting your time.
i'd say there's about two books' worth of good content in the whole series

>> No.22211904

Prose so good it's wasted on a fantasy book.

>> No.22211912

this guy's trolling. malazan is written like a textbook with some soap opera thrown in

>> No.22211929
File: 26 KB, 837x221, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the level of writing you can expect from malazan

>> No.22211942


>> No.22211945

is there a fantasy book that has similar feel or atmoshpere to Blood meridian? Violence, wastelands, the whole eerie feel of it?

>> No.22212032

>he derived the work d'vers from diversity
The state of anglo writers

>> No.22212069


>> No.22212077

>he's the first mage to ever think about shooting through portals
>what a genius!
And dropped.

>> No.22212079

After reading about 3/4 of Lord of Mysteries I have to admit that the "power creep" is starting to get on my nerves. Many of the recent fight were literally
>teleports behind you
>it was just a clone
>it was just a dream
>it was just an illusion
I hate that shit.

>> No.22212086
File: 397 KB, 2000x1100, 01597a_d36f3165647940e3a5c3570c2c09cda7~mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vengeance roamed the halls of the compound—like a God.
And he sang his song with a beast’s blind fury, parting wall from foundation, blowing ceiling into sky, as though the works of man were things of sand.
And when he found them, cowering beneath their Analogies, he sheared through their Wards like a rapist through a cotton shift. He beat them with hammering lights, held their shrieking bodies as though they were curious things, the idiot thrashing of an insect between thumb and forefinger …
Death came swirling down.
He felt them scramble through the corridors, desperate to organize some kind of concerted defence. He knew that the sound of agony and blasted stone reminded them of their deeds. Their horror would be the horror of the guilty. Glittering death had come to redress their trespasses.
Suspended over the carpeted floors, encompassed by hissing Wards, he blasted his own ruined halls. He encountered a cohort of Javreh. Their frantic bolts were winked into ash by the play of lights before him. Then they were screaming, clawing at eyes that had become burning coals. He strode past them, leaving only smeared meat and charred bone. He encountered a dip in the fabric of the onta, and he knew that more awaited his approach armed with the Tears of God.
He brought the building down upon them.
And he laughed more mad words, drunk with destruction. Fiery lights shivered across his defences and he turned, seething with dark crackling humour, and spoke to the two Scarlet Magi who assailed him, uttered intimate truths, fatal Abstractions, and the world about them was wracked to the pith.
He clawed away their flimsy Anagogic defences, raised them from the ruin like shrieking dolls, and dashed them against bone-breaking stone.
Seswatha was free, and he walked the ways of the present bearing tokens of ancient doom.
He would show them the Gnosis.

>> No.22212106


>> No.22212324

sadly this anon is right. i wanted to like malazan but it's overrated. some of it is interesting but idk if it makes the entire slog worth it. i still have no idea what it was really all about, it's like some military fantasy opera with all these characters who keep popping up randomly and you can't remember what they were about to start with. it's a confusing mess and leaves all sorts of important shit unresolved.

>> No.22212416

I forgot to read Babylons Ashes lmao

>> No.22212486

Harem reviewanon here, currently resting after doing my bachelor degree and reading Kitty Cat Kill Sat. Will post review tomorrow then I I'm off to vacation so no more reviews from me for around two weeks.

Then I'm probably start reading mainstream fatnasy written by women because I grown so detatched from mainstream I need to check whether the quality is as legendarily bad as everyone claims. Stay tuned.

>> No.22212527

I just realized on a reread of Bakker that the voice in Kelmomas' head talks about how Ajokli and the Gods feed upon the terror and suffering or men like bread.

This is something no one is supposed to know right? Obviously the faithful don't know. The Cisharum know because they can go to see it somehow, Kellhus knows, and the Inverse Fire shows it, but there isn't really a plausible way for Kelmomas to know.

Not sure if this is a slip up or a reveal that the voice isn't Samarmis nor is it just insanity. There are a few parts that talk about the dead failing to die, how the bead can "bounce," back into new bodies. I am thinking that's what this is indictive of.

But who would it be?

The NG?
The Consult?

>> No.22212530

Psst! Your fragility from being filtered by the big brained po-mo epic is showing.

>> No.22212536

I'd imagine all the Dunyainlets have an inkling into how the Outside really works.

Depending on the way its written it could also not be literal, just Kelmomas' musings on how men are yoked by superstition to pay homage to their fears etc etc, you know how Bakker writes.

>> No.22212537

yes, in fact if i were a character in malazan i'd be called f'ragil

>> No.22212544

I genuinely don't think there is anything more cringe than Bakker or his fans, if a corporate focus group arranged a committee to astroturf a more insincere, thesaurus-ovedosed litany of pseudointellectual claptrap to appeal specifically to 14 year old boys (or manchildren with an equivalent mental awareness), they could not have done a better job
I think I would sooner have to deal with chinklit chatbots than listen to another bakkerfag sniff his own farts

>> No.22212558
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>I genuinely don't think there is anything more cringe than Bakker or his fans, if a corporate focus group arranged a committee to astroturf a more insincere, thesaurus-ovedosed litany of pseudointellectual claptrap to appeal specifically to 14 year old boys (or manchildren with an equivalent mental awareness), they could not have done a better job
>I think I would sooner have to deal with chinklit chatbots than listen to another bakkerfag sniff his own farts

>> No.22212570

I have never read a Sanderson novel, and I almost certainly never will unless perhaps I wind up making the mistake of starting Wheel of Time.
I also do not recall Sanderson haven't a quasi-religious cult surrounding him posting incessantly on 4chan - rather, he's the member of the insidious cult called Mormonism, but fortunately 4chan is generally free of Mormon influence, if regrettably not Jehovah's Witness influence.

>> No.22212577

>expecting genuine discourse from a factory-made 2016+ newfag

>> No.22212582
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I don't.

>> No.22212583

Right, but given the ending and the avalanche of weird coincidences that has to occur to make it happen that way, it seems like an intentional reveal.

There are very strong hints that suggest Kellhus intended things to end the way they did for one.

There is also the fact that Kelmomas' last actions and impeccable timing would make a lot more sense then.

>> No.22212608

I thought the ending was fucking shit especially when random woman we haven't seen for like 3 books dies "tragically" and I'm clearly supposed to feel something but I obviously can't because I hardly know her. I fucking hate when authors do that.

>> No.22212620

Do you think GRRM will write anything set in Westeros AFTER Ice and Fire or do you think once he's finished with ADOS then he's done with that universe? I think the idea of a Snow sequel which is now scrapped has tantalized his mind a little on the subject but ideally I'd like something set 100 years or so in Westeros's timeline not right after the last book in the main series.

>> No.22212649

Theres not dialogue to be had from some rando just saying "i don't like that". Its a worse-than-worthless nothing post. Like a 1 star amazon review that just says "bad".

>> No.22212652

The entire series drops off after the first book by a tremendous degree, and it gets progressively worse as it goes on, which is saying a lot.

>> No.22212696

the amber series is only good for like the first 100 pages when corwin has amnesia and is trying to piece together wtf is going on without revealing it.
then you almost think something interesting might happen in the second book, with that black circle plot and it is interesting while you're reading about it but it never amounts to anything good and it all ends with a wet fart.

>> No.22212702

It's pretty heavily implied that Kelmomas has some weird connection with Ajokli going on, hence his being invisible to the Outside, able to get the White Luck Warrior killed, eventually able to sneak up on Khellus, getting the porcine stuffing treatment, etc.

The problem is that at the same time, Ajokli clearly -doesn't- know about it which we know from Cnaiur's little possession incident at the end of TUC. So who is it? It's not clear.

>> No.22212710

He's not going to finish the core series to say nothing of starting anything new. He can't. There is literally no way to end ASOIAF satisfyingly.

>> No.22212720

That is kind of how I was feeling now that I'm halfway through the second. When he's not doing a Bourne impression his constant refusal to tell me, the reader information becomes much more annoying. And the entire plot feels like a sideplot if Amber is the only thing that really matters, then again I'm sure that the story is trying to tell me that Amber isn't the only thing that matters and Corwin is just the first to cotton on to the fact. Even still it feels unsatisfying.

>> No.22212744

I think the cishaurim operate on the maxim: understanding breeds empathy.

They willfully blind themselves to terminate this understanding and this denies any empathy that the manufactured world presents, essentially denying foothold to any thoughts from the outside as their faculties are incomplete to decipher this message.

>> No.22212752

Well it doesn't get better. If you're the type that can drop books, go for it and move onto something else. I say this as someone who likes Zelazny. If I had to describe Amber with one word, it'd definitely be unsatisfying.

>> No.22212754
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>> No.22212775

fucking kek

>> No.22212803

Okay, now I get why it was banned. It's utterly hilarious. Prejudiced and dumb, but unfortunately too close to reality. Still, kek as fuck

>> No.22212806
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That was a really gay final climax
>lol rapebaby

>> No.22212817

Bro, if you only read one book you've seen nothing. This series has so much bullshit I don't ever remember which rape baby you reference. My personal favourite is the chicken and the the second cuck scene. I think it was second, might have been more. Technically the third. This series is wild.
Kids, never do objectivism. It rots the brain.

>> No.22212832

>This series has so much bullshit I don't ever remember which rape baby you reference. My personal favourite is the chicken and the the second cuck scene. I think it was second, might have been more. Technically the third
Buddy I was gonna stop after this first book but you're really fucking tempting me lmao

>> No.22212860

Bro, imagine all the dumb ideas a midwit fascinated by Ayn Rand canc ome up with, multiply by no access to internet to check how stupid he really is, then consider someone written it all up without a shred of irony. Army winning with enemy because they attacked naked, thus making the enemy embarassed? Constant raping and sex? Unending plotlines with weird conclusions? The level of corniness in this book is beyond human imagination.

Also, the book where the protagonist destroys communism is also a gem.

>> No.22212887


Warhammer 40k has its roots in satire of British society so it's at least partially intentional in the art style.

>> No.22212892


It's thought provoking if you're new to the speculative evolution genre but it's very much still within normie tier fiction. I found the art style pretty good but as you can see /lit/'s not a fan of text accompanied by anything except more text.

>> No.22212901
File: 24 KB, 300x375, Aegon Targaryen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sansa's hair is fiery red in the books fire is associated with the Targaryens and the colour red is on their sigil
>Young Griff/Aegon's hair colour is silvery white which coincendetally is on the backround of the Stark's banner
>Sansa had to dye her hair BLACK while in hiding in the Vale. Her hair going from red to black could be a connection to Targaryens and Blackfyres each colour is represented in their house
>Sansa has Sir Duncan the Tall's descendant looking for her all over Westeros; while Aegon has his own fake version sworn to protect him
>Both characters have been manipulated by Littlefinger and Varys but will probably die without meeting their goals I can see Sansa bringing Littlefinger to justice and Joncon killing Varys for siding with Robert over what he had done to House Targaryen during the sack
>Sansa and Aegon's child will be The Prince That Was Promised
It just makes sense if a Stark/Targaryen was the one to cause all of this then it should be a nice bookend for a Stark/Targaryen to fix eveything and bring peace to Westeros

Jon doesn't have a role in this he'll offer himself up in a marriage pact to stop The Others from invading but will have to go deep north into exile with them

>> No.22212928

I'm schizoid, I don't understand stuff like that even when it's done well. So when it gets done poorly I don't really notice since it his the same either way.

>> No.22212947

Best of luck, I don't think I'm reading "mainstream", definitions differ, but it's current year and written by women and I don't find it all that bad.

>> No.22212951

What do you think schizoids are? You're supposed to daydream easily, engage in constant abstract/horizontal thinking to the detriment of other things, that sort of shit.

>> No.22212963
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i want to cuddle with aunt Pol!

>> No.22212966

Want a huge spoiler? The plot you're reading RIGHT NOW doesn't matter. It's all COMPLETELY irrelevant. It gets thrown straight into the trash before even the midway point, and then that pile of trash is set on fire, and the ashes placed in a rocketship and fired into the sun at the beginning of the 6th Amber book.

I warn you right now: nothing good can come of continuing reading it. I made that mistake, let me save you from making it. You think you might want to finish it just because you started it, well I am here to tell you it is not worth it. There is nothing whatsoever of value to glean from its pages. Drop it right now. Put it in the trash. Put it into an industrial shredder. Toss it in the fireplace. Drop it into the ocean. Shoot it with guns. Feed it to lions at the zoo. Do ANYTHING but read it, or you will come to the end of the series and feel nothing but regret, asking of /sffg/: Why didn't I listen?

>> No.22212971

>Harry Potter fanfiction
One of the perks of being such a popular work that got a lot of people into fiction:
The amount of fanfictions is so large that there will be, by virtue of quantity, some very quality stories.
Racist Harry sounds like fun.

>> No.22212974

I'm a guro fetishist that wanks it to snuff SFM, and even I was disturbed by the fetishistic description Terry Goodkind makes of a major female character being cut in half. The third book I think it was.

>> No.22212976

And satire fucking sucks.

>> No.22213004

You are thinking of schizotypal.

Schizoids have no desire for social relationships, often accompanied by flat affect and a reduced ability to feel and express emotions.

>> No.22213007

Malloreon is such a fucking bummer. Was it really so difficult to come up with a new inciting incident instead of the ugly ass retcon of Belgariad's ending? Fucking apparently.

>> No.22213010

Oh fuck you're right.

>> No.22213022

Schizoid was removed in DSM-5.

>> No.22213025

I liked it desu

>> No.22213036

It's even cheesier, I'll grant you that. Cheese=good, naturally. Too many small timeskips.

>> No.22213040

It doesn't get any better which is why many people say the first arc is the best because he wasn't so OP.

>> No.22213045

It usually gets to that point once you reach godlike levels of power and your opponents are hundreds of years old. Doesn't help that his powers are all about that.

>> No.22213131

Well, unfortunately I have the personality type that upon hearing this news is now determined to finish the series to see how many tires can go on the fires. Glad they're all such easy reads

>> No.22213220

I dropped it because I didn't like the writing style. I couldn't even tell you why, I just recoiled from it. It never happens.

>> No.22213232
File: 32 KB, 333x500, 149055732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cyber punk
Daniel Greene has done it again!

>> No.22213282

Who cares what he reviews? His taste is absolute garbage.

>> No.22213283

I know nothing about this author but based on this cover I'm sure he's a male feminist sex pest and vocal about it on social media

>> No.22213293

What's your taste?

>> No.22213493

The golden middle is to just describe things as they come, but put a little more effort into it than the bare minimum.
So don't go out of your way explaining in excruciating detail how the political system works when the story is about farming, but if it comes up give it more attention than "oh there's a king and yadda yadda nobles yadda yadda"
Or in another way, make shit up as you go along but make sure any of the shit you randomly make up is interesting and fits with the other shit you made up. If you fuck up and make something that makes no sense or doesn't fit together perfectly that's a GOOD thing as long as you can brainstorm and patch up the cracks decently, makes the setting more interesting if it isn't some perfectly logically clock mechanism.

>> No.22213513


>> No.22213523

Are you joking? This entire thread was dedicated to the blood meridian of fantasy books

>> No.22213524

Do I have to study linguistics for decades to be able to write a good fantasy novel?

>> No.22213534

No you just have to be Oxford educated

>> No.22213538

no you just have to not be gay. You don't have to world build and or be a language fag like tolkien to write fantasy god you faggots suck

>> No.22213560

I'm halfway through Wizard of Earthsea, I'm kind of annoyed at Guin for giving the protagonist four names, thankfully only two of them are actually relevant so far

>> No.22213776

Kelmomas is the No-God which means that he in invisible to Gods, so he is not possessed by Ajokli, but Kellhus is and that's why he and the White-Luck Warrior didn't swear him.

But the thoughts? Kelmomas is clearly deranged, it might have something to do with his brother. Anyways, Kelmomas and Celmomas have many similarities personality wise which lead both times to same end result them becoming the No-God.

>> No.22213778
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This series is degenerate.

>> No.22213781

didn't see him*

>> No.22213789

Sorry, Kelmomas was very similar to Anasûrimbor Nau-Cayûti not Celmomas.

>> No.22213860

>a more insincere, thesaurus-ovedosed litany of pseudointellectual claptrap
Second Apocalypse is not really insincere, as it is not really (pseudo)intellectual or anything like that. It just has some weird rules to it's world and some characters that fuck with them.

You might as well call Chronicles of Amber pseudointellectual because of it's dense rules with Princes, the Courts of Chaos and the Pattern shit. Come to think of it - Zhelazny's books are even heavier on protagonist engaging into surface-level navelgazing. Nobody thinks they are pseudointellectual tho.

>to appeal specifically to 14 year old boys
Not really. It is basically a fun YA ass-kicking fantasy for a slightly older audience.

The books are really short on rare, long and complex words, aside from the names. Bakker's naming is kinda retarded, that is true.

Speaking of retarded naming, one thing I did find extremely weird.
>Dunies are an sect so isolationist and afraid of external influences, they have their key valuable members commit KYS for seeing some inappropriate dreams projections sent from another place
>everyone in the sect has all undesirable influences removed and is built as a stepping stone towards understanding of the Truth and creation of a self-moving soul
>everyone from the anasûrimbor of the survivor prince gets to keep the anasûrimbor last name
Even IRL monks don't keep their old names, what gives?

>> No.22213897
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>everyone from the anasûrimbor of the survivor prince gets to keep the anasûrimbor last name
I suppose names are logically ok because they help keep track of individuals and surnames help keep track of bloodlines. The fact that Anasurimbors exist 2000 years later also means that they had pretty good genetics for breeding. Also, the following lines can be interpreted in a number of ways and you can choose what way to go:
>“I was a prince,” he mumbled.
>The stranger brought him to the others, and together they celebrated their strange fortune. They cried out—not to the Gods they had repudiated but to one another—that here was evident a great correspondence of cause. Here awareness most holy could be tended. In Ishuäl, they had found shelter against the end of the world.

>> No.22213920
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wtf this is boring?

>> No.22213946

how was I supposed to know tha? from the jesus pic? Anyways, will give it a try, so thanks i guess

>> No.22213955

>I suppose names are logically ok because they help keep track of individuals and surnames help keep track of bloodlines.
Using something to keep track of lineages is good, but why keep the old surname? Especially the one that is so connected to the first apocalypse?

>> No.22213956
File: 252 KB, 825x1193, cfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it get better than this?

>> No.22213960

You mean the sequel? Eh it's alright. Or you mean the first few chapters? No, it gets rather mid as it goes on.

>> No.22213961

It's a sequel to the originally planned trilogy that came out 5 years later. It suffers from sequelitis

>> No.22213977

I don't think it mattered to them. To change or not change. It made no difference. They probably kept the name because that name lead to their sanctuary. Likely, the others who didn't have Anasurimbor had other original surnames that Dunyain had before the apocalypse. Names are just identifications.

>> No.22213984

No need to read the sequel. The book ends neatly.

>> No.22214016
File: 27 KB, 712x152, www.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know this fanfiction featured Meursault as the protagonist

>> No.22214117

Is it possible this ties into the theory that there was no first apocalypse, it's a timeloop and Akka doesn't just have Seswatha's memories, he IS Seswatha.

>> No.22214306

Yeah, or something like this. Seswatha has like 50+ plus stories where he should die. Plus, sometimes the dreams change slightly.

I couldn't tell if The False Sun ties into this. There is a great hero mage called Titgra, and we know Seswatha was called Chigra. He's a gnostic sorcerer who also seems to have the psushke, but he gets killed before the No God ever comes in that iteration.

>> No.22214483

I have to agree, I read a few of the stories over the last week and wanted to like it but I just didnt.

>> No.22214492

absolute kino

>> No.22214499

So basically I am gonna continue liking the story
I know... UGH I know...
Its just that im gonna continue liking it and talking about it is all

>> No.22214546

>Check the recommended reading chart
>Books to avoid
>Dying Earth
>Scroll down
>Infographic recommending Dying Earth

Nigger what?

>> No.22214555

The charts in the OP are garbage and most of it is just 40k bullshit.

>> No.22214566

Should have known

>> No.22214585

I've zeroed in on a next series to read. A Western isekai with a programmer protagonist. It's not highly rated at all.

>> No.22214587
File: 108 KB, 608x1000, 51TpdM6WkKL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked up attaching the pic

>> No.22214589

>programmer protagonist

>> No.22214606

>time loop sheninigans

Yeah, fuck offf, as if this whole sotry wasn't convoluted enough as it is.

>> No.22214609

Oh, and the protagonist's nickname is "Wiz". I can't not read it, obviously. I'll probably get to it in a week though.

>> No.22214616

Anyone tried reading chink webnovels, especially 仙俠 genre?

Shit's fucking insane, the protagonists make japanese look normal.

>Girl bumps into you and doesn't apologize
>You sneak into her house later, rape the girl and butcher the family

Bugmen are fucking psychopaths

>> No.22214618

why u no number the generals fags

>> No.22214633

Was this a recommendation or a condemnation? Asking so I can understand chinkshitters better.
Some OP some time ago decided to ruin the OP links. Anything to keep people from reading the good stuff.

>> No.22214637

They are oppressed hard, it's to be expected. Extreme bdsm fantasies overcompensate for it.

>> No.22214639

Well if you enjoy a protagonist that is a petty selfish psychopath I guess it might be good

For me, no thank you. I can't sympathize with the main character let alone understand the thought process

>> No.22214681

Considering the relevance of your image you surely mean that as a good thing.

>> No.22214689

Whats the name of the novel and where is it published? from what you described I don't see how that could pass ccp filter

>> No.22214697

>>22214618 It has never been numbered.
>>22214633 The OP has been basically in the same state since late 2019.
>>22214555 Only a few are 40k
>>22214546 It's not a curated collection. It's whatever people have made. Opinions differ.

>> No.22214711

Stirling? I'm gonna go ahead and guess that an editor could have cut fifty pages about food out of it....

>> No.22214816

Amber isn't pseudointellectual, it's outright anti-intellectual, hell it's even anti-thought, you lose brain cells reading it
Roger Zelazny would be the preferred author of Pol Pot and Ingsoc

>> No.22214826

I'm about to start this when I'm finished with Count of Monte Cristo
the concept seems good, and there are 4 or 5 more books in the series, but a lot of the reviews I've found are not kind, saying that the novels rely chiefly on humor derived from the slang of late 80s-early 90s computer coders, and that anybody who isn't a computer programmer is likely to encounter a barely comprehensible ironic generic fantasy story scarcely more compelling than the average Discworld novel

>> No.22214934

>but a lot of the reviews I've found are not kind
I am aware lol. I stumbled upon the series while stealing The Unholy Consult from some Russian book piracy website. Because the fourth book is called Wizardry CONSULTed, see? I think that was funny.

>> No.22214987

Have any of you nerds read girl's last tour

>> No.22215018

Sir that is an anime

>> No.22215030

You can read it and ive seen nerds discussing fucking light novels here

>> No.22215064

we don't like light novels here

>> No.22215078

You are in luck, it's manga.

>> No.22215086

that's worse + manga already has a containment board >>>/a/

>> No.22215154

/a/ is fucked I wish they could split off whatever fraction makes up the cancer shounen like OP, DBZ, csm to their own board

>> No.22215170

not my problem, have you considered reading literature (not comic books) for adults

>> No.22215305

So it's not literature

>> No.22215329

One can enjoy both.

>> No.22215434

You don't read both.

>> No.22215646

it's great if you do, but take that shit to another board

now excuse me while I go reread Throne of Glass for the third time

>> No.22215659

Royal Road is a cesspool of low bro entertainment and degeneration. Yet, it feels like the spirit of the old internet before it was taken over by corporate greed seems to be alive there. It is a fun place, where people go to make a name for themselves.

>> No.22215694

Amazing what you can do with AI nowadays. I think the artifacts in this one add to the charm.


>> No.22215740

worst vacaroo I've heard ever

>> No.22215753
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Anyone else waiting for Light Bringer in a few weeks? I've been waiting almost 4 years for this shit.

>> No.22215788
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Picked this up at a second hand book store.
Anyone read it?

>> No.22215809
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More like Throne of PAWG

>> No.22215865

So, "Green" by Jay Lake is in some charts, but it has the lgbtbbq tag. It wouldn't be the butt poking kind, would it?

>> No.22215890

>Anyone else waiting for Light Bringer in a few weeks?

>> No.22215893

Never mine, I got it. Carpet munching is fine. Ish.

>> No.22215983

Hell yeah. Dark Age was a wild ride. Golden Son is still probably my favorite but Dark Age is a close second (I wasn't wild about Iron Gold).

Hopefully he is able to sustain the pace, it feels like the number of plotlines could get out of control. With Morning Star, I felt like the finale got a bit hackneyed, so hopefully he avoids that here.

Still, one of the most enjoyable series I've found so I'm pumped to be getting a new book with apparent another close on the way.

>> No.22216071

sanderson can have a novel of nothing but anime tropes, as a treat

>> No.22216077
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>it feels like the spirit of the old internet before it was taken over by corporate greed seems to be alive there. It is a fun place,
It doesn't and it isn't. RR is extremely censored in what they allow to be published, and there is no reason for it because the US law does not really prohibit anything other than straight up bomb making instructional materials (and even then it's sort of grey area). There is no no free speech and no freedom to publish, in other words it's run by retarded commie libshits.
Then if you go to comments section or forums you just find more of reddit tier liberal garbage.
The website itself is a fucking slow cancer. It's goddamn website for storing and displaying small amounts of text yet it's slow af.

>> No.22216103

You seem butthurt that nobody liked your pseudo intellectual drivel you wrote.

>> No.22216108

and yet he's not wrong, AO3 is much more of what the OP is describing

>> No.22216114

What exactly don't they allow?

>> No.22216141 [DELETED] 

That's wrong though
It's an Israeli website owned by a Jewish woman. US law doesn't apply.
Owner and Data Controller
Nazareth, Galilee 16040

>> No.22216147

A million years ago. It's horny junior high school tier but it was fun until the series ran out of ideas and became a cash grab

>> No.22216161

Did anyone enjoy The Fifth Season by N K Jemison?
That was one of the most depressing books I've ever read. Some parts were truly hard for me to get through. Almost as graphic and horrible as The Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, but at least I was able to make myself finish Fifth Season.
The magic system and the lore of the world seemed like it could be very cool, but I won't be reading the rest of the series. It's going to give me fucking trauma if I do.

>> No.22216170

as expected

>> No.22216177

I thought The Left Hand of Darkness was really interesting. It's about this ambassador who come to visit an alien world to try to get them to join a galactic federation. However much of the politics of the world are on a medieval level, and their sense of morality especially regarding love, sex, and gender is so foreign to humanity's own. High-stakes hijinks ensue and it has some really good action scenes, drama, and some very emotional moments.

It's actually incredible how relevant it is today given our current culture wars on gender and sexuality.

>> No.22216182

How unsurprising

>> No.22216221

Xanth becomes really weird smut down the line. Piers Anthony is not right in the head.

>> No.22216367

Literally like the Gor guy, eh? Horny grandpas. Seems like diving head first into bdsm (emphasis on the s) flavored horny makes you live longer.

>> No.22216423

I got a You so you can kys

Extreme sex, incest, rape etc, almost anything to do with religion, real world politics, torture etc.
Any "disturbing mature content" is not allowed.

>> No.22216442
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I had to check the archive to see your post, but now I know.

>> No.22216490

Pure coincidence

>> No.22216497
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I've started actually reading sci-fi, and so far i've gotten through pic related and an anthology from the fifties called Horses asteroid (pretty good in some places, a lot of fun anachronism like 'Android' being used to describe a human clone and helicopters being portrayed as the coolest shit ever), Are there any other books that have characters like John Isidore? I only knew about the book from knowing blade runner was based on it, but i really don't understand how it cut him, he's the heart! Just a fundamentally decent person living in a very horrible world, the kinda guy who'd give up his last cube of margerine as a house warming gift.

>> No.22216498

Any good dieselpunk stuff? Fantastical elements are fine. For reference, i'm talking the Leviathan series, No Man's World, Destroyermen, classical stuff like War of the Worlds and other fiction of the period I suppose, though that's more that their speculative scifi is our retro.

>> No.22216506

I liked 20,000 leagues but i don't know if that counts as diesel punk, it's hard not to imagine the Nautilus as having a dirty, rusty as shit exterior though, something about the way it's described always made me think that

>> No.22216513

Yeah that's what I meant with the classics. I've read most of the Verne stuff and associated works. The Difference Engine was another fun one. I'm harboring the hope that more modern works might have flown under my radar. There's just so many books out there that there has to be a few in the niche I'm looking for, right?

>> No.22216516

Ah sorry man, i wouldn't know, best of luck on the search though!

>> No.22216518

No prob, I know this is a shot in the dark

>> No.22216522

terminal world by reynolds i guess

>> No.22216584

I'm about halfway though Tigana, and I'm enjoying it a lot. These characters are fun, and I like the contrast between the two tyrants, even if one of them being named Brandin is making me laugh.
Also, is there at least one BDSM scene in every single Kay novel? He clearly has a thing for it.

>> No.22216618

Do you suppose the storyteller dude is supposed to be a self insert?

>> No.22216634


>> No.22216639

That does seem pretty cool thanks

>> No.22216643

Dying Earth is extremely 4chan. If you're more into reddit then it is indeed an avoid.

>> No.22216646

Yeah it does. CfL is kinda mid honestly.

>> No.22216729

I dropped it after discovering the author is a self-described "nasty cock slut" and tranny chaser

>> No.22216801

You shouldn't care about the author. If you want to care about identities go somewhere else that isn't about being anonymous.

>> No.22216934

Bitch, that 'nasty cock slut' is the one writting that slop. A child won't write the code for the Apollo space mission, and a degenerate won't write anything but his perversions.

>> No.22216970

its weird on one hand i like the angle of seeing what happends to the hero after the journey is complete, but somehow it was boring as fuck to me. I dropped it at the final battle, Belgarion goes to that cave on the island to fight that bitch and wins i couldnt bother to read the rest of ti

>> No.22217065

The loss of tension I suppose. When everything was building up for that moment, and every plot thread was tied up, you lose the drive to find out more.
It is like those overpowered MC novels, since the protagonist cannot lose in a fight, you either have to keep pulling bullshit out of your ass in order to give him a challange, or you change the genre into something else.

>> No.22217142
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>> No.22217209

sandersisters get in here >>>/tv/187053739

>> No.22217251
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I just finished Lord of Light for the first time. Really cool novel. I'm marathoning Zelazny, so Creatures of Light and Darkness next.
I will NEVER forgive glowie kikes for poisoning the waters, LoL could have been adapted into a film a long time ago.

>> No.22217292

His short stories are great too

>> No.22217389

Webnovels and the entire genre is like that. Not just the MC but everyone in the story.

My guess is that the CCP lets it slide because it makes taoism = selfish monsters that only think about themselves. Or they just dont care about violence idk.

e.g. a nice kung fu master opens a dojo and trains kids, what a nice guy
Except surprise, he turns the kids into weapons through alchemy and no one is surprised because normal humans are like grains of sand to be used

Again, this is normal, not an evil character.

>> No.22217635

Is there any fantasy/scifi without female characters or characters under the age of 25?

>> No.22217662


>> No.22217663

What should I read after Harry Potter? I'm a 30yo retard and this was my first book and series. Everything suggested seems too depressing or too childish.

>> No.22217765

at this junction, i would suggest the lies of locke lamorra, then the other 2 books in the gentleman bastards

after that jack vances the dying earth and other stories by vance, after, well, you can explore further

>> No.22217812

I don't understand how Cradle is so popular. I just finished book 3 and the whole series has been pretty mid so far. It's inoffensive, but people talk about this series like it was written by Jesus Christ himself.