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File: 166 KB, 583x792, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R06610,_Oswald_Spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22204454 No.22204454 [Reply] [Original]

>A real metaphysician has to understand the most advanced mathematics of his day. Examples include Leibniz and Plato while midwit metaphysicans are examplified by Aristotle and Kant.
Oswald Spengler said this in volume one of decline of the west. Is he correct?

>> No.22204461

Yeah, but it’s important to point out that he’s not saying someone who isn’t a mathematician can’t be a philosopher. Metaphysics and philosophy are not synonymous.

>> No.22204464

He describes how the focus of philosophy after the great metaphyscians turns to ethics and politics.

>> No.22204495
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Holy fucking shit, rare Spengler W?!?

>> No.22204503

>Is he correct?
No, since mathematics concerns the manifested cosmos and doesn’t attain to trve metaphysics

>> No.22204510

Aristotle was one of the greatest metaphysicians. So he was wrong about that. But you should probably know mathematics if you are doing metaphysics.

>> No.22204531

Silence papist

>> No.22204554

imagine how ugly the faggot who made this is

>> No.22204560

what the fuck IS metaphysics?

>> No.22204562

And socioeconomic concerns generally, yeah. I can’t really disagree. But he also makes the point elsewhere that in the end that all of these are just religious faith with deity/deities stripped out.

>> No.22204569

>No, since mathematics concerns the manifested cosmos
Most math has nothing to do with reality. For that matter none of metaphysics has anything to do with reality

>> No.22204574

Kant didn't know math? Didn't he do astronomy and geodesic studies as well?

>> No.22204576

He's right about mathematics but wrong about Kant, he knew his math and even contributed a bit to astronomy. Aristotle too. A better example would be Schopenhauer, who had truly embarrassing takes on math.

>> No.22204648

Kant knew mathematics but he didn't know advanced mathematics like that of his contemporary Euler.

>> No.22204656

I was browsing tor and while watching that stuff all of a sudden realized that all females are sluts by nature, from the moment they born they instantly act like spoiled hoes. There's no such a thing as innocence. Just comparing them with males, the way they pose, trying to sell maximum out of what they have, and what they realize has value to males, they know their holes are valuable. Males, compared to them, are designed by nature as cattle, stupid apes, shy and easily ruled. And of course they don't know how to pose, it's just not in their nature, they can't give slutty look, can't show their bodies with that mood and vibe as if they are doing something that has value, the way females do, their entire nature has one and only aim in their genes-to show off, to sell their stuff for max price, to manipulate, to constantly look for benefit in return for their fat bags and holes, which all makes them worse then most filthy scum hustlers, by nature, jews or gypsies. No wonder through history they were treated like filth, unlike now, when entire male population is worshiping their shtholes and mouths that are used as cumdumpser

>> No.22204936
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Metaphysics is an entirely nonsensical and obsolete field. While it is already cringeworthy that metaphysics fails to answer its own questions, it is even worse that metaphysics fails even harder at phrasing its questions in such a way that they become meaningfully answerable in the first place. Upon closer examination all of metaphysics appears to be wordcel confusion ("language games") dating back to a primitive late bronze age understanding of the world propagated by ancient Greek midwits. The most legitimate answer to questions of "existence" (a horribly semantically overloaded word with no distinct philosophical meaning of its own) is ultimately and unironically "It just is, okay?"

>> No.22204948 [DELETED] 
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I think you’re a nonsensical and obsolete field

>> No.22205431

He's incorrect because math just in the 20th century has grew more than in all previous years combined. It's literally impossible to even understand a small subset of it, and there's so many specialists today

>> No.22205726

Explain. How was mathematics different in Spengler’s time a hundred years ago?

>> No.22206568

>It's literally impossible to even understand a small subset of it
Speak for yourself, brainlet. I understand most of it and I'm not even a genius.

>> No.22206583

Mathematics is a lower science than Metaphysics. it would be a good idea for a metaphysician to have a working knowledge of Mathematics, but not strictly necessary for him to have one.

>> No.22206594

Metaphysics is a topic exclusively owned by mathematicians and physicists nowadays. Philosoplebs have been cucked out of their own field. You need to know at least formal logic, quantum mechanics, relativity, stochastic processes, game theory, theory of computation, information theory etc etc before talking about metaphysics. If your idea of metaphysics relies on a computable universe with local hidden variables in absolute time then it is simply factually wrong. Philosoplebs are not even aware anymore of the established facts contradicting their bullshit.

>> No.22206624

I was going to effortpost, but suffice it to say that you are an unwashed, barefooted retard not easily distinguished from an insect.

>> No.22206629

a table

>> No.22206633

you have the metaphysical presence of a duck

>> No.22206739

Instead of wasting so many years on this stuff I do wish I'd learned art instead

>> No.22206782

>It just is ok?
What do you mean by 'just is'?

>> No.22206811

Several new theories were developed and there are now subsets of mathematics that require at least 2 or 3 years studying them to be somehow knowledgeable of them. In France, you usually spend 2 to 3 years in "classes prépa" (undergraduate) to get a good grasp on basic mathematics, then you spend another year studying general mathematics before specializing in a very precise subject (i.e. complex or real analysis, lie algebra, group theory, applied mathematics...)

Isn't metaphysics supposed to study what's beyond axioms and stuff ? Then mathematics would not help you, probably.

>> No.22206854
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Challenge a mathematician - he will respond with a proof. Challenge a scientist - he will respond with facts. Challenge a philosopher - he will respond with an infantile insult. This is the pinnacle of a 3000 year intellectual tradition. Embarrassing.

>> No.22207399

The things that are between the earthly realm and heaven.

>> No.22208078

That’s because philosophers already solved metaphysics more than a thousand years ago. If you know you know.

>> No.22208559
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Metaphysics is the study of first things.
Here is a talk on metaphysics with Fr. Deacon Aninias who is a deacon in the Orthodox church and also a professor of philosophy.

>> No.22208577

it would have been a real bitch to try to keep up with Euler as a contemporary of his. if Kant knew Descartes and Newton then he was probably as well educated in math as you could reasonably expect any non working mathematician to be at that time.

>> No.22208729

It's entirely different, Spengler died in 1936 when some concepts essential to modern mathematics such as spectral sequences or the entirety of category theory haven't been introducted yet, even the notion of homology was in its early stages of development at the time of his death. In some way, 1940s-1960s for mathematics are the akin to 1900s-1920s for physics, entire new fields of math appeared that no one really thought of before, and those fields take up most of the research effort to this day.
Also back in Spengler's time there were people such as Hilbert, who were familiar with all the mathematical developments of its day. Now there are no such people.

>> No.22208739

Reminder that the anons in here will support being “into math” while also defending Nietzsche. What a fucking joke.

>> No.22208750

imagine how beautiful and inspiring the legend who made this is

>> No.22208767

I know all of them but top second from left, and bottom first from left I don't recognize. Anyone care to enlighten me?

>> No.22208776

The top one is Junger

>> No.22208795

Math is the best gauge for actual intelligence.

>> No.22208797

That's more what I feel when I see your post. Even when I see some /leftypol/ meme from an ecosystem I'm not a part of, representing ideologies or people I hate, I still think lol they're having fun, good for them I'm glad they have their own silly memes and such.

>> No.22208820
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I don't defend Nietzche. To be blunt, I actually find it annoying how some anons treat Nietzche as the end of philosophy and anything else is supposedly just a so-called "cope".
Fr. Seraphim Rose refuted Nietzche.

>> No.22208835
File: 86 KB, 408x630, 1678746667429188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Nietzche was not even consistent within his own worldview.

>> No.22209454


>> No.22210750

According to Wikipedia, Kant lectured on math, physics and philosophy. He was one of the first to give lectures on Geography, one of the first to attempt explaining earthquakes in terms of natural phenomena, and came up with the nebular hypothesis.

>> No.22210757

I don't recognize any of those Funkos

>> No.22210775

>Instragram/Snapchat smile with teeth filter

>> No.22210779

>the archetypical Nietzscheian Last Man, pictured in his bedroom

>> No.22211110

Top one is Junger, bottom one is Yockey. IMO Yockey and Teddy K are the least interesting people in that chart.

>> No.22211113

Just realised I should've probably been a bit more specific. The full names are Ernst Junger and Francis Parker Yockey.

>> No.22211115

>cites Spengler

>> No.22211124 [DELETED] 

Strange considering Kant’s looming influence over western philosophy

>> No.22211132 [DELETED] 

I find it hard to take seriously a man who used to frequent bathhouses is considered some kind of authority on metaphysics and religion

>> No.22211139 [DELETED] 

I apologize for your shitty dental care, Liam

>> No.22211269

He's not an allknowing guy but he has some good insights

>> No.22212501

itt: people who don't know anything about philosophy, mathematics or metaphysics beyond the wikipedia summary discussing those topics

>> No.22212658

>He's not an allknowing guy
He's damn near the closest thing we have to one.

>> No.22212690

imagine how average-looking the regular guy who made this is

>> No.22212691

Yeah and plato is literally a madman rambling about the most insane stuff and was famous only for defending a pedophile.
I hate all these "complex" philosophers with retarded concepts, metaphysics already is a bit far, but stuff like dialectics is just some useless bullshit that had for its only success brought about retarded marxist and their near religious pov on history. Half of philosophy is built on bullshit by retards that only write shit because it sounds like an intellectual treat, which is, may I remind, the goal of dialectics, where the thing you're looking for is just a good intellectual wank, which is good, in the realm of the arts and novels, but which is actually considered by a lot of people as serious academic works. Just attend philosophy courses, you will see, half of people speaking are completely insane and imcomprehensible, I remember a friend showing me his teacher, who wrote stuff like "on the expressivity of rocks" which, is about rocks and how people are jealous of their silence or stuff somehow, there was obviously 1000 of texts the likes of this, and there are many more academic professors like this

>> No.22213108
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Fr. Deacon Ananias is a professor of philosophy.

>> No.22213114
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>> No.22213937

>implying you can't learn all of it from Wikipedia

>> No.22214035

>The most legitimate answer to questions of "existence" (a horribly semantically overloaded word with no distinct philosophical meaning of its own) is ultimately and unironically "It just is, okay?"
That's just a massive metaphysical presupposition. Almost every person arguing from an anti-metaphysical viewpoint or anti-philosophical one makes a prior metaphysical assumption.
This is one of the key points of Spengler's philosophy, which he never quite spells out directly. Everything the human soul comprehends or achieve is done through metaphysical processing. That is, everything a person thinks or does is based on their own comprehension and experience of Being. Consciousness itself is a metaphysical processor. All art, science, and philosophy is a reflection of central metaphysical insights. This is partly why metaphysics, as a discipline, is more often a description of a culture's own understanding of being in the world. Everything a person is, was, or will be, is metaphysics. Everything a person thinks is metaphysics. Because this is their consciousness, their life (which Spengler defines as a thing 'becoming') in face with reality. In this sense, we make reality. Not in the subjective, but by our instinctual processing of reality in the soul (and we can replace that word with whatever we wish, the brain, the mind, the heart, the psyche, etc.)
Heidegger ripped this off from Spengler, and one familiar with Heidegger can see those shades. In some ways, he brings out something more obscure in Spengler.

>> No.22214039

>everything is metaphysics
>taking a shit is metaphysics
>sucking a dick is metaphysics
>see, philosophy is relevant, okay?
Delicious cope. Literally grasping at straws.

>> No.22214041

>This is one of the key points of Spengler's philosophy, which he never quite spells out directly.
>He doesn't say it but he believes in it, I read his mind

>> No.22214043

Not a good argument. It's like saying taking a shit isn't biological, and because taking a shit is so mundane and vulgar, it can't possibly have complex causes related to the digestion system, therefore biology is horseshit. It's a dumb argument and you're a dummy for liking it.

>> No.22214048
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>> No.22214054

Remember that part were Spengler said he supported trans rights? It wasn't said directly but he said it esoterically.

>> No.22214058

So you admit that defecation does not require metaphysics?

>> No.22214068
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The metaphysical presuppositions of taking a large dumper is truely profound bucko.

>> No.22214074

>The decline of the West, which at first sight may appear, like the corresponding decline of the Classical Culture, a phenomenon limited in time and space, we now perceive to be a philosophical problem that, when comprehended in all its gravity, includes within itself every great question of Being.
first page. I've studied Spengler for years and have read all of his works. It's apparent to any scholar of Spengler that he wrote extensively about metaphysics without ever proffering a formal and direct treatise on the subject. If you want to be a zoomer pontificating about books you've never read, does it have to be on this board? There's plenty of other places to shit up.

>> No.22214083

If you are going to insult me, then the argument is over you dumb nigger.

>> No.22214086

Even taking a shit is metaphysically loaded.
An Indian shits openly on the street. You and I find that disgusting, because we have lots of cultural presuppositions about shitting, and what it means to shit. We think shit is simply gross and shameful and needs to be neatly transported elsewhere. The mere scent of shit is embarrassing, even in a public toilet. An open air street shitter has such a different cultural viewpoint, which itself goes back to metaphysical presumptions, that even the act of taking a dump is done in a way alien to us.

>> No.22214090

The argument was over when you demonstrated you haven't read the source material.

>> No.22214092

I have read the source material you stupid kike nigger.

>> No.22214102

Can you back that up with citations from vedic philosophy?

>> No.22214103

You haven't even read the nutrition label to the diet coke you're swilling, you bloated fartbag.

>> No.22214106

i can't buy leibniz in my cunt, hes not treated as a philosopher

>> No.22214108

Your mother is a great whore. All the black niggers run a train on her.

>> No.22214114
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>Spenglerians are so enlightened, they can vitalize the very act of dumping shit from your ass with rich symbolism and significance
Spenglerchads, I kneel.

>> No.22214116

You're an emulsified blob of brown mass to your computer chair. You have stubs for fingers and an overworked annelid for a dick.

>> No.22214119

Your father is a coward of a man that raised an impotent failure of ason.

>> No.22214131

Your father was black and he didn't raise anyone

>> No.22214776


>> No.22215017

I read Volume 1 expecting it to be about the rise and fall of civilizations, but it was just a bunch of chapters of Spengler talking about plants, plastic, and Gothic cathedrals.

>> No.22215098
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BEHOLD! Metaphysics!

>> No.22215119

>I remember a friend showing me his teacher, who wrote stuff like "on the expressivity of rocks" which, is about rocks and how people are jealous of their silence or stuff