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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.04 MB, 1862x3293, creepylit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22192981 No.22192981 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22193042

>Gormenghast is experimental underground literature
These charts are always shit.

>> No.22193044

tbf i'm happy to see gormenghast mentioned anywhere

>> No.22193058

>Hogg is in tier 3
Showed her hand too soon trying to look "2hardcore4u."

>> No.22193061

The Henry Darger shit and mispelled Kyumeno were obvious red flags that this is some reddit shit.

>> No.22193113

Why are you asking for recommendations at the same time you post an image containing dozens of the kind of books you’re looking for? Have you already read everything in that image?

>> No.22193123

are any of these worth reading or should i just look up the synopses

>> No.22193126
File: 235 KB, 627x548, 1678717645869659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my diary desu

>> No.22193148

They "just" released, or re-released them in my country and they are widely available everywhere. It was a pretty basic read. What is this picture trying to convey?

>> No.22193187

It’s obvious from this retarded image that whomever made it has not read a single book mentioned

>> No.22193191

PKD where

>> No.22193194

We need a /lit/ version of this image
first tier, read nigga read

>> No.22193204

/lit/ only ever recommends hogg, babyfucker and behead all satans when it comes to this shit

>> No.22193227

It is some Reddit shit.

Because it's not exactly a huge list. Most of it is entry-level shit (Kafka, literally Stephen King) and then descends into manga and stuff that's not even in print.

There was a thread like this maybe a couple of months back that I cannot for the life of me find in the archives, but there was some pretty hardcore shit being recommended.

>> No.22193236
File: 289 KB, 1314x731, IMG_1953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22193265

De Sade and Bataille do nothing to me. Where do I go from here? Give me some fringe shit, /lit/.

>> No.22193267

Go to /gif/

>> No.22193273

I will do you a solid little homie. Go full Yuropoor degenerate and get your hands on some Kossolowski and Guyotat.

>> No.22193296

What is Kossolowski?

>> No.22193311


>> No.22193321


>> No.22193322

I mean Klossowski. Le Baphomet is a good starting point.

>> No.22193335

>Gay french retard that was gay buttbuddies with Foucault and constantly blasphemed Christianity and Islam with his pedophile rituals
How was he not a degenerate.

>> No.22193356

You all realize you are immature faggots for biting into any of this shit right? These threads come up like weekly at minimum, always the same “oooooo so disgusting and edgy, DAE serial killers and schizos?”
Its all the same vein of gross out horror, novels and artworks with no end goal other than being extremely violent and disgusting are basically to literature what Jackass is to film. Trite garbage, theres a reason its never considered by any worthwhile novelist.
Literally the least morally conflicting Shakespeare plays and average level existential/metaphysical philosophy is more unsettling to the learned man than whatever trash gets listed at the lowest tier of these “oooooo how dark and obscure, i wad LITERALLY never the same after reading this” absolute fucking garbage. And like the smell of garbage, It all becomes the same once the initial disgust wears off.

>> No.22193363

>Effortposting on a reddit op thread
Must take gargantuan effort to be this agressively gay and stupid.

>> No.22193373
File: 178 KB, 1207x1920, call-of-united-airlines-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why read one of the crappy books in that series, when you can read the best one?
It has a lot less broken spelling/grammar/punctuation than the other volumes in the series, but the same sort of self-insert characters and meandering dream-like plot.
Still, a vast improvement over the precursors.

>> No.22193375

>thinking yourself superior for just lurking
>likely complain about how garbage lit is in the next thread
Youre no better than the redditanons who take this trash seriously

>> No.22193380

I dont read books written by proud bbc worshipping sissies.

>> No.22193392

>thinking yourself superior for just lurking
>likely complain about how garbage lit is in the next thread
Youre the only one who came into this thread and did any of that. Take your meds suppositorily schizo so we dont have to suffer your shitposting until your next 5150 runs out.

>> No.22193394
File: 80 KB, 735x422, call-of-united-airlines-flightdeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally agree, but you don't understand...Call Of United Airlines wasn't actually written by Gardner.

>> No.22193431


>> No.22193472

Good post. Post-gothic horror as a genre has just been a cringeworthy disaster desu.

>> No.22193506


>> No.22193514

>titus alone

>> No.22193722
File: 1.28 MB, 1580x2063, i like to read iceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22193724
File: 941 KB, 999x3158, suicide note condensed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide Note by Mitchell Heisman

>> No.22193797

Where can I know more about it?

>> No.22193841

fippy bippy

>> No.22193845

Bruh thats a suicide thesis, and desu its just a bunch of Neitzche quotes and less disturbing than Cobains

>> No.22194250

And yet, it is YOU that is the immature faggot. Now whaddya think of that, retard?

>> No.22194289

this art style is even worse than the wojaks

>> No.22194309

>tier 12

>> No.22194619
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