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22184585 No.22184585 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22184596

inb4 Christcuck crying

>> No.22184608

I bet Chris wasn't so smug as he felt the icy claws of death around his gizzard!!!

>> No.22184615

Nah I get a huge erection knowing he’s being spit roasted by Satan.
>inb4 that’s not very Christian
I don’t give a shit. It’s also not very Christian to tolerate evil either, and dealing with it doesn’t have to be done in a moral way either, because you don’t reason with Satan

>> No.22184618

Hitch ceased to exist in 2011

>> No.22184680

As I predicted, the Christcuck tears are flowing and they are delicious. The Hitchslap of Mother Teresa was the greatest put-down of the century.

>> No.22184695

Who? Sorry I’m not up to date with YouTube e-celebs

>> No.22184707

Not an argument

Do you get off on that word or something
>hey mom I posted it again! Look how I’m pwning people with le epic facts and logic!
Did your dad make you go to church again? Better yet do you even have a dad or were you raised by a single mother?

>> No.22184716

Every debate Hitchens had with a Christcuck was a devastating put-down. Christcucks are so bad at defending their irrational superstition that they have to resort to these pathetic insults.

>> No.22184729

He also btfo some rabbi when discussing circumcision

>> No.22184741

You will die and cease to exist forever. Cope.

>> No.22184745


>> No.22184761

Why do christfags always remark about being made to go to church like it‘s some epic own? Sheer projection of personal stockholm syndrome or what? I went to church weekly until I was 18 and still remained mostly chill about it for a decade afterwards. It‘s only been the past couple of years when I really looked into how poisonous the church was in the political and social development of Europe and how any notion of a based 2000 year tradition is false that I‘ve become more adamantly anti-christian.

>> No.22184792

Nah, even hardcore Hitchens fans like Cosmic Skeptic admit he relies more on charisma and wit than sound arguments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fopo9E7UAVQ

>> No.22184816

You are clutching at straws.

>> No.22184967

Cope doesn’t really exist

And yet he died of alcoholism and had AIDS. what a spectacular role model you have for yourself and others like you.

>more seethe
Look this place is practically a dumping ground for me. I don’t lose any sleep over it, either.

>> No.22185090

I forgot this is part of a larger group of christfag contentions claiming that you‘re super mad because you identified their bullshit.

>> No.22185136

I love how much this board hates Hitchens. Is it just raging christcucks? His literary writing was A+. Who cares if he want a bit batty in the noughties writing and and debating Christianity. His legacy as a political and literary commentator should be unimpeachable.

>> No.22185234

I mean, ad hominems aside since many of you think logical fallacies apply only to your enemies, regardless of what you think of the Bible or whether Mary was an adultress or not, quite a few of you seem to be the types to yell at these kinds of people for complain about homos and other riff raff but what if there's some person whose only hope to get through the day is the literal fucking bible? now, how does that concern you? what are you gonna do, start spouting mindless insults at him and say stupid shit (knowing this board, I'm pretty sure this is the only option) or are you gonna pay him no mind and let him pray in peace? you might thinking that's a case of shitting in one hand and wishing in the other but none of it has anything to do with you and your personal crusade against people who need a good dose of "le heckin facts and logic". "mind your biz" as they say.
>but they discriminate against me
no such thing unless you live in those communities, so unless you actually do, and I assume most you do not, you need to find bigger fish to fry or occupy yourself with something that doesn't involve attacking these people for whatever grievances you may hold against them.

>> No.22185414


>> No.22185433

Do you mean by dying? You don't mean by his writing, right? You are not a midwit anon, right?

>> No.22185502

Consult his posthumously published memoir “Mortality” regarding his deathbed thoughts.
Its short, even you could read it I bet!

>> No.22185509

If he was a servant of Satan, would he not be living large in Hell with Satan?
This is your brain on christianity folks

>> No.22185594

Thanks for the reminder I guess.

>> No.22185606

>I bet Chris wasn't so smug as he felt the icy claws of death around his gizzard!!!
You underestimate his capacity for smugness lol

>> No.22185617
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>Enjoying the thought of others suffering
Psychopath. You will be reincarnated as a slug in your next life.

>> No.22185622

Based Hitchens enjoyer

>> No.22185709

I'm not religious but Hitchens was completely embaressed in his debate against Craig.

>> No.22185718
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An enemy that numbers time in millennia with a cultural basis that goes back to preliterate man and symbolism rooted in primordial homonids appears!
>[(You)--Choose your fighter]!
a) Richard Dawkins: rat-faced evolutionary biologist who popularized the word meme (secret weapon: Scientism; weakness: Kafka)
b) Sam Harris: midwit who solved the problem of induction (secret weapon: meditiation; weakness: complex thought)
c) Christopher Hitchens: reformed commie/former fag with great talent for rhetoric (secret weapon: alcoholic snark (aka Hitchslap); weakness: Neoconservatism)
d) Daniel Dennett: Saturday morning philosopher (secret weapon: midwit empowerment (aka Reddit); weakness: phenomenology)
[Counter attack: nuance. Enemy isn't 4 and is unimpressed you don't believe in Santa. Attack is ineffective.]
[Counter attack: nuance. Even myth is meaningful in a way not reducible to materialism. Attack is ineffective.]
>(You) choose: SCIENCE THOUGH!
[Counter attack: nuance. Enemy brings up the history of science and its complex relationship and continuing interplay with religion. Attack is ineffective.]
>(You) choose: FEDORA TIP!
[Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
>(You) choose: NO YOU!
[Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
>[(You) have fainted.]

>> No.22185722

It's true Hitch doesn't answer well on morality, but just as there has been massive push back against evolution because it makes people think less of the human creature, the same applies to morality. There are cries of "reductionism" and a defense of what is noble or divine in the human, and comparisons to lesser primates or to utility as a mode of morality rankle people who view it as losing something precious. The truth is, this impulse comes from a human inability to fully comprehend complexity. It's why reductionism is useful to begin with, since we cannot comprehend a thing's full complexity, we break it down to pieces and examine them in simpler forms, then piece it back together to get a better understanding of the whole. When it comes to evolution, many people are simply incredulous that little biological bits of acid code could come together and construct a being that creates the world's most beautiful art work. The same applies to morality. Every biological entity has impulses based on desire of one sort or another. And when these impulses come into interaction with other people, some mechanism of navigation is required. Thus, all of morality rests on utility to the fulfillment of desires. If you find this unsatisfying, in other words, if you desire a better explanation, you simply prove the point. But here we come to the crucial point, within this navigation between people pursuing their own desires arises massive degrees of complexity, both on the biological side as well as the cultural side leading to concepts such as human solidarity, nobility, dignity, compassion, empathy, respect and so forth. The fact that these boil down to a kind of self interested utility does not remove those precious and valuable other things, because the fact that you yearn for that kind of transcendence and feel sorely imperiled by any explanation which threatens them is an indication that those things come baked in and arise through the compounding complexity of our biological and social systems. Also, it is useful to rule out the absurd in order to closer approximate the truth. If there is an objective code, is it in line with maximizing our fulfillment as content humans over the span of our life, or are we to sacrifice parts of our lives solely to the symbolic "objective moral standard"? Here we begin to see the superstitions of our forebearers, who were willing to sacrifice their children in the hopes that it would keep the gods happy. It is time to recognize the only standard which really matters is happiness, a circumspect view to constructing the "good life", and any sacrifice must have a requisite confidence that it will bring higher rewards as a result. Once again, part of this circumspect view is to build communities, your neighbors happiness and well being influence your own in complex ways you may well be incapable of fully appreciating. Thus, we lose nothing by humbly recognize this bedrock of morality.

>> No.22185726
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>> No.22185733

Fair enough, stream of consciousness, it was typed out for my own benefit more than any other anon's

>> No.22185743

I just wanted to post that wojak to be honest, I support effortposts and schizoposts and whatever hybrid of the two yours is

>> No.22185771

I intend to improve the format of my previous post while retaining it's substance in future, I think I will embrace effortposting more and even tack headlong into the winds of mockery and embrace the jeers of "reddit spacing" next time.

>> No.22185884
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>You will die and cease to exist forever. Cope.
False because NDErs say that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die.
>b-b-but NDEs are dreams or hallucinations somehow
No, the science of NDEs does not support that, and NDErs themselves say that the NDE was self-evidently not a hallucination when they had it. Even atheists who have NDEs say that.

And NDEs are more real than this world, in every way. For example, they are more consistent experiences, illustrated well by this quote:

>"For me, life is sort of like the haunted house. When you come in, you know it's just an experience. It's small, it's just one night, right? So it's just this one life. You're eternal, you have billions of lives, so knowing that you're going to come in just for one to have an experience, though it may be judged as tough, or difficult, or scary, you actually chose it because you knew it was just going to be an experience, you know it's no big deal. You understand on the other side that this part, life, is actually the dream, and you just wake up after. It's no different than one dream you had last night, out of a lifetime of dreams. This life that you're having right now is just one, it's just a blip."

So just like life is more consistent than our dreams (dreams last a few moments, life has been the same for decades), so too is the NDE reality more consistent than life (life has been the same for decades, the NDE reality has been the same for forever, for way more than trillions of years). Here this point is elaborated more on:


And it is instantly evident to NDErs that heaven is real too, even atheists:

>"It's real to us when we're in it, but once I was there in heaven I realized that's more real, that felt more real, and it made much more sense to me than anything here. This is kind of nonsensical at times. In heaven, it's so clear, so real, so rational, so logical, but yet emotional and loving at the same time. Immediately I knew that was real and this was not. Immediately."

From https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mysteries-consciousness/202204/does-afterlife-obviously-exist

So heaven is undeniably real.

>> No.22186242

explain out-of-body experiences then. the US government did decades of studies into remote-viewing and scientifically proved that these people were able to get out of their bodies and were able to spiritually visit another place (thus being alive while not in their bodies).
you're retarded if you think we know everything there is to know concerning consciousness and the existence of a soul. even most cognitive scientists don't agree with that.

>> No.22186246

Hitchens is a nonce

>> No.22186247

There is zero cognition or awareness without brain.

>> No.22186265

nta, but we don't really know for sure what nature has in store. I would like to think its as simple as brain dead, no more for forever, but there are always unknowns. Think of the weird shit we have just a slight hint of like recurrence theories or quantum immortality, now imagine all of the aspects of existence we don't understand. I'll always have to remain agnostic on the question but I'd like very much no awareness whatsoever.

>> No.22186267

then how are people able to remote view? for a scientific analysis i recommend the CIA report "Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process".

>> No.22186277
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>Oh Christopher, my son, my child, you are not in hell because you were an atheist. You are in hell because you supported the Iraq war.

>> No.22186325

>There is zero cognition or awareness without brain.
Your body can respond to a stimulus without cognition and with more speed than it takes to become aware of the stimulus.

>> No.22186336

>[picture of crowned prince of fedora tippers]
Wow, what a prediction. I'm so impressed, anon.

>> No.22186337
File: 364 KB, 1280x981, StillLifeWithASkull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memento mori

>> No.22186342

i fucking wish

>> No.22186761

This. Modern Church is absolutely despicable. I heard a pastor tell me how he was "trying" to get a kid and found the Lord helped him. He was bragging that he was having sex to a mass audience. Just like king David desu. God, King David was such a fucking mistake. I hate him.

>> No.22188261

Stop posting this ugly fucks’s face all
Over this board. It’s cringe.

>> No.22188343

Chris would have made god cry simply through his words if god would have been brave enough to see him.
Also god killed Chris because he criticized not just christgolems but also his chosen people and would have been also critical of wokeness. He would have hated trannies, had he not been cursed to death by the Jews.

>> No.22188347
