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2217766 No.2217766 [Reply] [Original]

Speculation for the 14th book?

Dresden Files general

>> No.2217778

It will be objectively bad, you'll insist otherwise and be eight dollars poorer.

>> No.2217780
File: 284 KB, 1161x869, 1316906864637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2217787

I like how there's a dickgirl on his desktop. classy.

>> No.2217795

If you look closely there's a Jim Butcher book in his Ayn Rand stack.

>> No.2217811


>> No.2217819


Did one a few months back when i finished 13 but.... guess it was too early got no response.

I think Harry is gonna have problems with the counsel, whats her name is already wanted dead, and even if Harry comes back to take her guardianship, he wouldn't be allowed because : 1. He is the enemy(winter's bitch) 2.She already broke a fuck load of rules while he was gone.

I also want to see more mouse i wonder if now that Harry is Winter's Knight he will be able to talk to him.

>> No.2217826

That name is a bannable offence.

>> No.2217825

I can't wait for everyone's reaction to Harry being the Winter Knight.

>> No.2217839

Too bad the book didn't describe Harry boning Mab in more detail.....

>> No.2217840
File: 271 KB, 1024x768, harrydresden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat hat

>> No.2217848

Its funny in all the books i read he never had a hat...
YET the cover has one...

>> No.2217852

Um... and there's a bread crust poking out of his zip? wtf?

>> No.2217866

you just wouldn't understand

>> No.2217869

Wait, wut? OMG. Why the fuck is that bread there?? lmao. SOmething really ain't right about that pic.

>> No.2217876

I understand better than you will ever know.

>> No.2217884
File: 39 KB, 657x410, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.2217914
File: 167 KB, 473x589, 1303842813218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it begins

>> No.2217942

The only issue I'm seeing with Cold Days is that, if Harry still has his completely broken as shit OP Winter Knight powers, how is any opponent going to even be a challenge for him?

Like, the Nickleheads and Cowl are the only things that can stand up to him with his magic + Winter Knight powers, unless Butcher seriously cuts him down or there's some kind of "limiter" that he has to work with, which would be silly.

>> No.2217946

summer is going to be gunning for him hard

>> No.2218022
File: 63 KB, 640x254, whatiexpected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2218050

I can't tell what's funnier: The bread stuck on his collar, the horrible white zinfandel, the cheesy trade paperbacks, the dickgirl on his screen, or the smug look on his shit-eating face.

Man, this is perfect.

>> No.2218057

I know where the pic came from, but I'm not telling.

>> No.2218067

Ah Dresden. Stomping the "squishy wizard" stereotype for 13 books and counting.

Yeah, he ends the book beat up as hell, but the more hurt he is, the tougher he gets. That or he just pulls out a gun and shoots them

>> No.2218109

twilight for boys

>> No.2218455

No this is actually a nice book, he isn't a glitter wizard who wants underage loli's (twilight 200+year old vamp wants teenage loli) so......

>> No.2219781

No it's just that it is more adult than children so it is more mature than most on the mass market.

>> No.2219785

>Waits almost 24 hours before arguing

>> No.2219827

>Doesn't even know if the person is for or against the post
>Doesn't know that the poster agreed
>Doesn't see that they reason the books are better cause it wasn't written in a childish way
>Doesn't know he can come at me

>> No.2219841

The prose is pretty much on the same league though.

>> No.2219844

>Not deep enough for a mature, cultured reader such as myself. Would not enjoy.

It's not meant to be taken too seriously. He blows shit up and fights demons, that's about it. If you can't have fun with absurd awesomeness, then it's probably not the series for you.

>> No.2219873

Does this look like the Ulysses General Thread to you?
It is meant to be mush for the brain.

>> No.2219896

Don't know how it will be, but i'd like:
-More of his brother
-A bit more about the black council
-Some new magic etc in winter
-General over-the-top ass kicking

>> No.2219901

Hey that's what twilight fans say too.

>> No.2219904

What about Molly, Mouse, White Council, The Wardens, Gentleman Johnny?

>> No.2219907

Are you trying to troll us?
Because i think you are the same guy as >>2219841

>> No.2219908

Yes. I'm not the same guy, but his point is solid.

>> No.2219911

Are you by chance one of the small few who believe that the only books that should be posted on /lit/ are books before the 19th century?

>> No.2219915

No. Are you?

>> No.2219925

You sure as fuck are acting like it though.

If you don't enjoy the series, get the fuck out of the GD.

>> No.2219940

No i am not but i have dwelled in /lit/ long enough to sniff out those small few who think that no one see them behind the veil.
They are also those that are open about it and don't cat and mouse around.

>> No.2220087

Harry is gonna like working for the Winter Court and Mab's pussy gonna be too good to leave or disobey.
I mean look how women use their vag irl.

>> No.2220120

You sound mad.

>i have dwelled in /lit/ long enough
>i know from having seen quite a few shops in my time...

But seriously, are you implying that we should just let this kind of posts go by untrolled? Never before have I heard such a ridiculous notion.

>> No.2220130

You sound like a bored 14 year old who just learned what "trolling" is. Go back to /b/.

>> No.2220126

I'm on the second book and just found out there's a TV series. Now I don't have to bother with the books anymore.

>> No.2220148

Looking forward to one of the fairy courts getting wiped out like the red court vampires.

>> No.2220246

I downloaded all 12 eps and watched the first one 3/4 ways.... i deleted it and the other 11 without looking back.

A skin-walker came into Dresden's house just by a woman pulling down a few black cloths and throwing away(he didn't even put up a fight or his acting didn't portray it horrible horrible acting) his sheild bracelet.

The skin-walker then precedes to tear Harry's skin off for info(she was at full power past his threshold), Bob the Skull is an old man(ghost in an incorporeal human form that lives in a skull) who makes holographic projections about doom boxes

Watch at your own risk but it is nothing like the books it just shares the book's name.

>> No.2220253

Both are need for balance the vamps were not needed they were just predators.

>> No.2220276


Well, yeah. I like those characters, but they all had parts in the last book. Time to do some catching up with the stuff. I'm assuming Molly will have a big part of the next book, especially since Harry works for Mab and Molly turned "rouge".

>> No.2220285

^this post is for you

>> No.2220297

We only saw mouse in the ending of the book and for some reason Harry could touch him as a ghost yet he couldn't understand him, also do you remember what Azrael called mouse? He called him brother yet you hear Harry's Godmother call mouse a demon and it seems that the head nickel head could see what mouse was long before harry knew.

We also have to know what or who was that voice that whispered into Harry's ear, could some part of Lash still remain?

>> No.2220338

...So, is this series actually good?

>> No.2220351

define good

>> No.2220411


I hope the black council would pull it off. Maybe trigger off global warming haha.
I think one of the Summer court is probably in cahoots with them.

>> No.2220499

Its great you get a mindgasm from all the literary input.

>> No.2220566

>black council
and in turn Harry gets blamed.
Cowl is a member of the white council he has to be .. maybe the Merlin?

>> No.2220715

It's thoroughly enjoyable. It's not groundbreaking or deep, but every book is a full on adventure and the characters are great. If you're looking for something fun to read, you could do a lot, lot worse.

I'd recommend reading at least the first 3, since the first two are kinda slow but you need the background. You can knock them out really fast if you get into it.

>> No.2220761

Im only on the second book (theweerwolf one) does the qauality of writing geet any better oor does the plots get much deeper. fuck im drunk and im horny as hell

>> No.2221175

Yes to one and two.

WTF to the last part.

>> No.2221893

Not werewolves umm forgot their names.

>> No.2222684

I think Jim Butcher should end the series at book 14 it's getting drab and he keeps pushing his character into crazy unbelievable situations only to have him come out of them more powerful that before.
I think this is over used and Jim should cease this behavior the books are not even that enjoyable.

>> No.2224378

I am new to these books are there any graphical sex scenes?
I heard its a paranormal romance novel.

>> No.2224402

Yes it is a teenage boy's fantasy book.
Dresden is to boys what Twilight is to girl.

>> No.2224417

> Dat Hat that Harry never wears in the books, which is the same hat Jim Butcher vehemently hates.

>> No.2224421


I'm not saying you're wrong about the fantasy bit.

Because you are correct, that is exactly what it is.

But its hardly twilight for boys. It is well written, witty, and intelligent.

If twilight was written well, then your comparison would be valid.

>> No.2224429
File: 71 KB, 415x502, wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG, every book i see that hat and i never read him putting it on or taking it off.
Is that suppose to be his wizard hat?
When he goes into his lab he wears that along with his robe?

>> No.2224432


In the books he doesnt have a hat. The hat was supposed to identify him, in the beginning, as a hardboiled-type detective. More recently, its meant to show him as a 'cowboy' a rogue.

Jim doesnt like it because it isnt in the book.

>> No.2224437

No, it's simply the cover artist's choices being put above Butcher's.
I assume like every other /lit/fag on 4chan you hate Ayn Rand and Twilight without ever reading them. I sat down and read Twilight and i can assure you, Jim Butcher is better. Characters and prose are better, the setting as well and it's lacks gaping plot holes.

>> No.2224445

How can a girl sleep with the dead and become pregnant? Does sperm still have it potency after it was in a carcass testicle for 200 years?

>> No.2224457

>No, it's simply the cover artist's choices being put above Butcher's.
Oh i am sorry the artist has a right to do what he wants because he spent months writing and doing research for the books.

>> No.2224459


Its the publishers

>> No.2224470

So what do you think of Harry now?
Homeless, carless, dogless, apprenticeless, white councilless, businessless.
Do you think he is going to live in faery now?

>> No.2224478

I wrote "Gaping plot holes" for a reason, bro. And i only read the first

>> No.2224482

Actually, the covers with Harry on it by himself aren't the original ones. I'm not saying the artist has to read the fucking book, but he could at least have talked to Butcher. it's just some minor thing that pisses me off.

>> No.2224486

You are making it sound as if all books were printed at once together. After Jim saw the first print his concerns should have been meet and corrections made.

>> No.2224501


Are you ignoring what I'm saying?

The publishers push the hat thing. Jim is known to not like it, but at the beginning he didnt have the power to overrule/argue with them

>> No.2224506

He has now Cold Days should be without a damn hat.

>> No.2224514

Annoys me to no end when i read a book and the description on the cover is different than in the book.
Especially with Dresden Files cause that hat annoys the fuck out of me. It's not the fucking Wild West.

>> No.2224516


I'm more interested in how his becoming the winter knight will affect his already tenuous relations with the wizarding community at large.

>> No.2224526

I wonder if he will be able to make a gun out of the Ever After now that he is the winter knight and got loads of power and manipulation.