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22175345 No.22175345 [Reply] [Original]

Labourage nivernais edition
Previous: >>22168838

>> No.22175358

Because I'm a fucking loser, that's why. Received criticism at work, got depressed and didn't work for a whole week. My boss returned from vacation and now I have no idea what to tell her. I feel I'll never amount to anything and it's hard to persist

>> No.22175370

I can understand the sentiment/arguments that vice is a slippery slope, and that hedonism is meaningless excess that brings about self-ruination, but what is wrong with a little happiness?

I know that many insist that we are here to suffer through life unflinching, but yet still I hear some of the same religious people insist that this world was created for our express enjoyment.
Developers put meaningless secrets in their works all the time that serve no purpose than as a mark of their pride and love of their creation.
Am I not bound to taste of all that was made for me?
>'Muh forbidden fruit'
It was known and it has created us as we are, part of the plan as it were.
Isn't your love of creation and your creator also predicated on that free will?
Curiosity may be a vice in it of itself, but the application of your findings and the manner of which you seek new experiences or they are given seems to be the crux of much of the argument.

I am a "planter of fruit" (Jer 31:something) and a shepherd of men.
I have never squandered my existence, I have used my knowledge, and I have continued to be blessed.
Simply because excess and wanton self-indulgence is a risk, doesn't mean that one is incapable of walking amongst the sinners and the lost for the benefit of said souls.
The self-righteous Christians, unwilling to leave their pulpits, may cast their ineffective and sanctimonious judgments for all I care, for I am annealed in my faith.

Anyway, I'll do cocaine someday if the Lord delivers it unto me, and it'll be great.

>> No.22175380

What counts as a white lie? that's all I have been thinking about today.

>> No.22175414

>Received criticism at work
Me too. I made too mucj newbie mistakes. I can only think on how much do I have left. It doesnt help that I have the lowest position in my team.

>> No.22175467

I would argue outcome.
If you tell someone you like their hat when it's actually silly, and it makes them feel alright = white lie
If everyone tells them the same white lie so they wear that stupid hat more and to somewhere important, the collective white lies are now part and parcel of a grander lie.
At that point, they are no longer considered "harmless" or "trivial", even viewed individually at this point.

They may still be called white lies after that fact, in an attempt to justify or explain them by framing them under their intent.

Others may argue that I am creating a distributive fallacy, but I'm inclined to disagree.

>> No.22175494

There is a cycle to history and faith: God-fearing people bring in good times, which makes it easier to be a godless person. If more godless people exist than god-fearing people, bad times occur. Then in bad times, only the god-fearing people survive until good times again, and so on and so forth

>> No.22175499

the lie, by definition, must be said with intent to produce a more optimal outcome. i.e. telling a child that their dog went to a farm faraway never to be seen again when it had actually passed away

>> No.22175506

But with God-fearing people theres no technology.

>> No.22175514

who needs technology when you have God?

(please ponder the question closer after scoffing)

>> No.22175564

My clothes and shoes got drenched in a downpour walking home. The rain's subsided now and I'm waiting for my shoes to dry by laying around in my underwear. I'll have to eat and get dressed again to go out later, but for now there's nothing to be done.

>> No.22175618

Which board's general is better?
/adv/'s /gioyc/
/lit/'s /wwoym/

>> No.22175642

Im not really mocking but rather questioning myself whenever techologies actually replaced God in the hearts of majority of people. I do struggle with my faith too, especially being paper Catholic.

>> No.22175656
File: 325 KB, 640x480, ojamajo-doremi-wide-awake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern life is so thin and shallow and fake and the increasing lack of substance in most media we produce those days is ruining the potential of people who could've made great things. I look foward to the day mainstream social media implodes to oblivion, big companies get significantly poorer or go straight bankrupt and real life socialising takes over again.

>> No.22175668


>> No.22175671

Any thoughts on graduate philosophy programs? Worthwhile? Not worthwhile? I’m really at a crossroads.

>> No.22175672

In the solemn relinquishment of Parliament's muskrat, where Keats's hyperboloid sonnets intertwine with Eliot's opaque metamorphoses, /adv/'s /gioyc/ dandelions a mousy tarantula, accompanied by blibbersnacks and fiddlesnoots crammed from the ethereal whispered of Cheshire chatterboxes, gently teasing the perplexed notary of pensive handstands. Meanwhile, /lit/'s /wwoym/ indulges in flibbertigibbets and wibber-wobbles, adroitly jugglings intangible moonbeams and nibbling on quill-flavored rainbowfish to entertain a pensive assertiveness of introspective teahouses. This engenders an enigmatic conjunctionalism that defies concatenations. Picture, if you will, a salivating girlie reciting Shakespearean limericks within a bathtub brimming with glittering jellybeans, shimmering like the iridescent fragments of an absurdist dreamcatcher. Envision a legion of intergalactic kohlrabis gallantly mounted on stardust-crafted unicyclists, their cosmic discourse entangled in debates about the chromatic essences of nebulous soup. Oh, the perplexing riddle of it all! It is akin to implore a bumblebee to pirouette gracefully upon a pancake forged from malleable rubbers. May I be blessed with a cosmic sprinkler of intriguing wonder, for the elusive anther meanders along the courtesan of a meandering riverside adorned with hiccupping thunderstorms, zealously guarded by mirthful goblins and tickled tangerines.

>> No.22175681
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Everyone around me is bitter, disappointed, in debt or cancer ridden. My past doesn't add to anything and I don't know what to do with myself.

>> No.22175686
File: 15 KB, 384x288, 43654798796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were a bird.

>> No.22175730

Universitary philosophy is about ideological justification of those in power. There is no search for truth there. Know this before you proceed

>> No.22175807

muh I hate society and can't wait for it to fall apart
muh things were better in the past
Nice copes genius

>> No.22175831

The religious need technology so that they may better crusade against those that don't have their same god.

>> No.22175849

People fearing which god?
Good times for who?
This reeks of Christian survivorship bias and simultaneously ignores the times when predominantly god-fearing societies also just had bad times all on their own.

>> No.22175866


>> No.22175889

It's cope, and?
What is your alternative, for them to cope the way you want them too?

>> No.22175891

It's a convenient fantasy for them.
One that requires no effort on their part
It also gives an answer as to why it's not their fault that they're depressed, that some things sucks, and that change is actually out of their hands so they don't have to do anything.

>> No.22175920

No, they should just not cope. Duh.

>> No.22175950

There's plenty of alternatives that aren't harmful, anon.
Yes, those people he was referring to are coping in a negative way.
I like to tend to my houseplants as a cope when I get a little stressed.

He's not responsible for dictating how they should grow, though.
If you want someone to hold your hand about it and tell you exactly what to think, go join an organized religion.

Otherwise, look for ways to change things within your control.
Things that bring you joy.
Things that empower you and bring you pride in your abilities.
Finding the people you enjoy the company of.

They all take time and effort.
If you want to make an impact or not is a choice, and you know what choice you're making now.
The things you want to do with your life aren't actually predicated on 'society dumb' (with the exception of wanting to become an educator), and thinking they are is cope.

>> No.22175954

I don't care. I'm eating flan.

>> No.22175961

>I hate society and can't wait for it to fall apart
I bet these people envision themselves as warrior-survivor types in such a scenario rather than dirty, hungry people who die of dysentery after drinking unfiltered water.

>> No.22175976

love how everybody is so angry ITT they're venting off by psychoanalyzing your strawman with the greatest care

>> No.22175992

Everyone gets it backwards. Failure is actually better than success.

>> No.22175996

It turns out the hardest thing to cope with is the future where absolutely nothing of major significance happens. Nothing at all, just clocking in and eating fast food and bitching to your wife and watching the latest entertainment. Terrifying!

>> No.22176002
File: 440 KB, 2048x2048, 20230203_184728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just stumbled across a japanese teenage gravure account while browsing Instagram. They're posting mostly girls in bikinis.

>> No.22176013

i love writing but am too unintelligent to ever become a decent writer, so i guess i’ll just lie down and die

>> No.22176016


>> No.22176033


>> No.22176035

kek you should see my fucking explore page

>> No.22176036

Its gone. I checked the explore page again and it disappeared. I guess the zuck got them.

>> No.22176085

>I made too mucj newbie mistakes
Another anon jumping in to say that I'm also extremely incompetent and extremely sensitive to criticism. I seem to just not improve at things despite doing them over and over. Really not sure what I'm supposed to do with my life or career with these deficiencies. Feel like I'm not cut out for society.

>> No.22176122

Thinking about buying a PlayStation to play with my siblings.

>> No.22176141

not that poster but I'm the same (also a certified retard)
I wish I had a bigger brain but at least people know I'm retarded and put up with my brain problems lol (I'm the obligatory handicap hire at my factory)

>> No.22176166

>techologies actually replaced God in the hearts of majority of people
110% yes, and i am one of those hypocrites. ask anyone, would you rather live without a smartphone or without God? this would surely blackpill any faithful to the state of the average person

>> No.22176227

---- Solaria ----
Magnificent Miles

Turkey vultures cast shadows
About 9 feet wide when they're 700 feet up. They

Sweep between trees across lawn, an effect almost as instantly
Recognizable as startling, if they exaggerate

Wingspan by certain degree.

I looked up and saw three of them riding thermals
Almost straight east given how fast the west wind was blowing.

To a neighbor arrived a year ago I mentioned
That all the tall trees hereabouts must be tapped into groundwater

Given the contrast of their rich greenness
To the dry tan of grass

Left to do its thing without water that far underground.

It's possible I enjoy music redolent of galaxies
Because I feel in terms of lithosphere

And can't care that much about today's emergencies.

>> No.22176236

The proper study of man is everything.

>> No.22176247

Absolutely agreed. I like Pope, but polymaths more.

>> No.22176288

It is pretty clearly a cry of frustration.
If it was just a quick vent, they the reactions of others are meaningless.
If it isn't and that is there perpetual outlook, then leaving the idea unopposed will cause it to fester and will continue to damage their spirit.

>Best case scenario: the replies are meaningless or they do the doomers some good.
>Worst case scenario: you're an asshole who wants them to suffer.
I guess you could say that you're Pascal's dickhead.
Hope-posters will forever mog the apathetic.

>> No.22176313

Britain is the standard against which every country under the sun is ought to be measured in the minds of western historians. Every country is only successful to the degree which they manage to parallel britain's course towards constitutional, representational, secular, and liberal democracy, every study of peripheral or non-western regions is examined through the lens of the failure of their westernization.

>> No.22176322

Yeah, somebody got them mad and they hit the strawman instead of the actual man.
Pretty pathetic show.

>> No.22176326

Then don't do that, anon.
Don't live that life.


That could be really nice, what games would you play with them?

>> No.22176354
File: 20 KB, 406x475, 0975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasted another week waiting for recruiters to get back to me that never do
I'm just going to go back to retail if I don't hear back today.

>> No.22176382
File: 31 KB, 739x415, images - 2023-06-22T065958.643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dreamed of my ex-girlfriend last night. Except, the moment we went to have sex she transformed into the spitting image of Neiky Yim from Made in Hong Kong (1997).

>> No.22176387

Dude recruiters are literally braindead morons. It's a job for societal leftovers. I know because I'm related to a few of them. Actually, maybe you should become a recruiter.

>> No.22176405

I would live without God. Not because consoom, but because I am able to have a much more vivid relationship with the ones I care about while I am in another part of the world.
It is a great gift to wield a smartphone. It brings with it a power that your ancestors only dreamed of.
That others abuse wealth is not a reason I should not donate my own.
I have been given this existence to spend it caring for myself and those around me.
I have been given to selflessly by God and others, and I would handily make that sacrifice to live as I do with those gifts.
Would you not? Is your faith based in selfishness? Is your own salvation the thing that matters most to you?

>> No.22176457

>Britain did democracy the best
lol, lmao

>Every study of non-western regions is examined from a western perspective in my western education
Good bait.

>> No.22176472

Now read that again as a critique rather than a declarative statement.

>> No.22176474

Do you live anywhere near the places you're applying to?
Recruiters are absolute dogshit. I've always found that with just showing face and meeting people, I'm able to get them to pressure a recruiter to actually get in contact with me.
Not sure what field you're in though, otherwise I'd be able to give you something of more substance.

>> No.22176478

I'm having a bit of a smoov brain moment, elaborate please.

>> No.22176510

---- Solaria ----

The cable guy knew hardly anything of what I was talking about,
Though he did admit that fiber breaks were hard to locate.

Precision inquiry is a lot of fun especially when
He doesn't know how you do it:

One either is or isn't a snoop curious about everything.

>> No.22176540

I think it makes historians myopic when they examine everything through the lens of westernization, its success or failure. Like when historians of Spain, Germany, Russia, China, or Japan attribute everything bad ever happening to those countries falling short of this ideal of Britain which, from the perspective of most western historians, did everything right as far as liberalization, secularization, and overall modernization goes.

>> No.22176581

Slightly triggered that zoomers call involuntary memory "ratatouille moments"

>> No.22176583


>> No.22176670

Women owe me seks

>> No.22176714

---- Solaria ----

I went out my front door and, shielding my eyes
From offensively bright local lights

Saw and recognized it at once, and wished they all understood
The prestige of quiet lighting.

It's a half mile drive from here to
Skies of almost primordial splendor, but I'd rather see them

From bedroom windows or my front porch
From an effortless perspective.


>> No.22176729

Im flabbergasted that i share a board with retards like you that cant even recognize a shitty joe rogan rib.

>> No.22176733

That thread was on his mind, I guess.
Technically fits.

>> No.22176755

Ok, yeah. I agree with that observation.
I would even go so far as to say that western historians can't help themselves from comparing other western countries to Britain.
I understand the utility of referencing a western country to give a better understanding of the concurrency of history, but you're right that it routinely wanders into the realm of 'developmental' comparison rather than a mere reference point for the sake of understanding cultural differences.

I hope I worded that well enough to convey what I mean.

>> No.22176787

>Is your faith based in selfishness?
is yours? common among your reasoning is the word "I", and this idea of using the gift of life you have been given to "care for myself and those around me" -- is not having God, as part of the package, already to care for yourself and others?

and yet the smartphone was chosen over God. this is really a question about priorities rather than a strict this-or-that, and it saddens me to hear that even for good people that seem to have their values in the right place, faith isn't first, or rather, the idea of faith is distorted and secondary to the material world. putting the cart before the horse, so to say

>> No.22176945
File: 379 KB, 500x622, 6a00d8341c464853ef01b7c877ab52970b-500wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help, /lit/. Today I decided to tell my mother about all the rejections by girls I faced in school and how it's the reason I have such low confidence, especially when it comes to my appearance. This was all brought about by how my mother thought the dental assistant was flirting with me, to which I shot the idea down by criticizing my physical state, such as my long hair, nose hairs poking out, bushy eyebrows, and toenails. Long story short, this caused me to reveal my past misfortunes, which led me to start crying in front of her.

I ran to the bathroom. saying that I regretted revealing it and how to never discuss the matter again. She went out shopping and we haven't really discussed it yet, but I now feel a sense of strong disgust and embarrassment.

>> No.22177072

I'm thinking about applying to a 4-year school at the last minute before fall admission deadlines. I'm 30, have no money or car and I would mostly be doing it to force myself out of being a NEET, to get away from my baggage-laden hometown, and give myself a huge time and financial obligation that I have to fulfill and cannot slack off on.
I need the structure and I keep quitting my dead-end jobs, so I don't know what else there is to do.
I have historically hated institutions and the cringe leftism inherent in the contemporary college scene, but I'm really at a loss here. I can't seem to make myself strike out on the road to wander aimlessly, so what else is there?
Should I just cool it and plan things out more meticulously for next year instead of rushing headfirst? I've always thought too much and it's kept me from doing much of anything in life, so I guess I'm kind of hoping this would somehow work out.

>> No.22177086

obviously your mother feels bad that she may have failed you, but on an unconscious level it may be because she has simply raised someone insecure, weak, and too self-conscious for their own good. keep in mind even your mother is still a woman, and women are fundamentally, on an instinctive level, are disgusted by weak. they can smell it. even if out loud they proclaim they like sensitive men or whatever

where am i going with this? take pity for your mother, but also take responsibility. you're not a kid anymore, go groom yourself, cut your hair, start working out, start developing marketable and valuablw skills. you sound young, so plenty of time. but most of all just start being confident, and dont show weakness to women. only when you have plenty should you worry about sharing your life with women, who are takers by nature, not givers. till then, take heart and have courage my friend

>> No.22177087

You sound retarded as fuck. You are way past twenty five so your parents arent on the hook for your "education" and you would qualify for financial aid to be a professional student.

>> No.22177113

You have to realize that most of those countries didn’t engage in conquest which is why nothing is filtered through them. If they we’re important enough we’d be speaking their languages universally which we’re most definitely not.

>> No.22177114

---- Solaria ----

I am heading east, more or less toward the rising sun
Around 9am, in the middle of July.

The interior of my of my car is like a quiet theatre
And around it is an infinity of corn

And blue blue cornflowers
Glittering like a runway

To the stars.

I've seen botanical spectaulars far more
Articulate, but none so

Breathtaking, so unbelievable,
So near on seeing.

I am free as few men ever are, and
Completely happy for now,


That one almost weeps to see it again.


>> No.22177117

Women aren’t going to give you the satisfaction of knowing that, not even your own mother.

>> No.22177215

I feel like I’ve been stuck in indecision for the last year. I’m at a crossroads, and it’s hard to figure out which direction to take given how sun-optimal things have been. It feels a bit like no matter what, all the paths left open lead nowhere in particular.

>> No.22177233

---- Solaria ----

One has to live a long time where it's quiet enough
To form a private vocabulary with a favorite sibling, to relax completely

Into impossible visions, music theory even as phosphor potential,
To comprehend broadcast

Well enough to treat it with neglect, and dream about reality.


>> No.22177249

Can you stop posting please?

>> No.22177254

It's not that much effort to elide.

>> No.22177418
File: 32 KB, 473x600, pius-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel was right about everything and his revision of the Breviary is my favourite.
May he pray for us sinners.

>> No.22177427
File: 87 KB, 552x592, IMG_2478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do novels not do it for me? I think movies are so much better for storytelling. It leaves a lasting impression. While a novel, I’ll forget about it in a month. Philosophy books do stick with me for longer. But I think they’ve given me brain aids.

>> No.22177441

Ah yes, this reads like a person who has definitely had a super healthy relationship with a human woman.
>Marketable skills
Gross, opinion discarded.

But on a serious note, anon, if you block out his whole first paragraph and any other reference to women, some of it is decent advice.
Grooming is important for both your confidence and as the first step to coming across as well put together.
Long hair is harder to take care of and will take effort to style in a reasonable manner, should you choose to keep it.
On the other hand, a fresh cut may help you punctuate the act of turning into a new man.
I know you didn't mention it, but the stereotypes for neckbeards exist for a reason, so ensuring you shave and shower regularly is a must until you are also ready to take on the responsibility that comes with maintaining facial hair. Better nothing than scraggly shit.
I also have to have my eyebrow waxed into two eyebrows, so maybe you could look into having yours shaped once in a while to see how you like the look.
I'm a nail picker, but ensuring they are relatively short and filed is important. Last thing you want to do is nick a girl's g-spot while you're fingerblasting her. If you want her to even consider having your hands anywhere on or in her, having black grime under them is also a major no-go.
Get a decent deoderant, aluminum ones work better but apparenlty give you super-cancer or some shit, I don't know, that one is up to you.
Maybe take a look at your wardrobe? I know my biggest change came when I realized I could do better.
I almost entirely wore poorly fitting denim pants and graphic tees.
I now primarily wear khakis and other colors of chinos. (I have hiking and outdoorsy stuff as well, but that isn't business casual)
My main staple for shirts are patterned short sleeve button ups, be it hawaiian styled or otherwise.
Of course, slacks and a long-sleeve button up are mad decent as well, but my collection of those is small.

>> No.22177443

I was able to do this on a budget, as only the formal wear I bought brand new, and the majority of the rest I've thrifted by just taking some time to go see what I can find in my size every once in a while.
The most important part, though, is ensuring that they are well fitting.
ESPECIALLY the pants.
You would be truly astonished how much women admire a dude's ass.

You can decide you still prefer graphic tees, but I find the button-ups help me stand out.
They stand out, add a lot more color to the outfit, and are still not too formal while being 'fun.'
Plus, decent hawaiian patterns show up frequently and are dirt cheap at thrift stores.
An un-tucked button-up helps hide if you've put on a little winter chub, there's a reason fatfat people wear them.

Good fitting pants are non-negotiable though, and a belt will also help to ensure your ass is prominent while also giving a slight accent color if need be.

>> No.22177446

If you've got a mall nearby, or a place like Sephora, take some time to poke around. You can get a good skincare and hair products while you're there, but they're expensive and not why we're here.
You're after cologne.
Cologne interacts differently with each person's natural scent and the oils they produce.
I always hope I get a fat/chubby/kinda-ugly girl, so I can ensure that my flirting is effective and they're actually invested in this next part, but I ask for their resident 'perfume/cologne aficionado.'
After a minute of banter, I ask them what their favorite choices are out of their selection and if any of them fit my personality.
I don't understand the whole scents and personality thing any more than I understand wines or any more than that anon above knows women, so don't ask me.
Once you settle on one of the recommendations (while writing them all down), spritz a bit directly on one wrist and rub both wrists together.
You normally wouldn't do this, as the scent would be too strong, but we're doing this for science.
Bid her adieu and go for a walk while we wait for the scent to mix with your natural oils and shit.
Come back, and have her smell your wrists. Let her ponder for a minute as she eyes you up like a piece of meat.
If it's lighting up her neurons like a christmas tree, you'll know.
You may find that she actually thinks another one might be better and the one you're wearing isn't doing it, and that's fine, you can always repeat the process another day.
Here comes the best part, even if this one is 'amazing', you're "not sure about it yet."
Ask for a sample to take home of that one and any other ones you're curious about, so you can "take them for a test drive."
If they don't have one, that's fine. Many other places of this sort have them in the form of a little plastic spritzer that the worker can fill for you.
Congratz, you've now got a free couple days of liquid gold pheromone enhancements for when you want a confidence boost.

>> No.22177449

Right now is where the rest of your life begins.
These tips are fluid, don't feel bad if you're not hitting every beat.
Some days you'll be a depressed mess.
That's ok.
No one is perfect. Don't compare your lows to their highs.
Take time for yourself, but know that staying in bed all day isn't actually 'self-care.'

That other anon can eat shit talking about "don't show weakness to women" and "women are takers."
Some people are just selfish assholes, and excusing that behavior is how you end up in a terrible relationship and gaslighting yourself into thinking that being with a cunt like that is 'normal.'
Fuck that.
There is indeed truth in the core ability of finding comfort in solitude, I will grant that.
Be your own best friend and treat yourself as such, don't whip yourself for the mistakes you've made that made you who you are today.
Allow yourself to be proud of your accomplishments, and make the the kind of efforts that will impress you with your own will and strength.
You have grown and learned so much, and you will continue to do so.
Don't get bogged down and disheartened when you stray from your path or when you fail, use that as your inspiration to keep trying.
When you have a strong sense of self, you can be your own advocate.
I tend to my own emotions regularly, and wear my heart on my sleeve so that others may find comfort and safety in opening up to me.
I draw strength from my ability to be vulnerable with others.
I spend time with people who are genuine and care about real emotions.
There are a lot more real people than there are vapid social-media goblins, but they're not the ones dominating the feeds.
Find the people who you connect with and accept nothing less than the best.
Most relationships you have with people at your school will fade, but you will find more, anon, if you only leave yourself open to it.
Being a nice person for the sake of being nice and having real self-confidence will draw people to you like moths to a flame.

>> No.22177450

I’m using an empty carton of milk as a Zyn spitter while reading the Iliad this is definitely the first time anyone has ever done that

>> No.22177452

I'm sure I'm missing some things, but I hope it's at least relatively helpful in some capacity.

I have carved my own success, and you will to.
I have had many falls and failures, and you will to.
Don't forget to enjoy the world around you.
Fight for the love and kindness that you want to see in the world, be that beacon of hope.
Get off the internet, get some rest, and take time to find your own passions and your voice.
Do a little hope-posting now and again.
Listen to those who need it.
We're all a little nervous, awkward, and scared just as often as you are.
It's people just trying to make it, so find your rhythm and your peace as you learn about yourself.

And don't ever take advice from people on 4chan.
None of us know how the world works.

>> No.22177474

I’ve started feeling really terrible that I didn’t find my life’s quest at a young age.

>> No.22177483

It's not a race, anon.
Things may even change yet again before this life it through.
Do you know your current quest?

>> No.22177498

Lawyers are bad people.

>> No.22177510

At least they're honest about being bad for money.

>> No.22177565

I have this nagging hip pain. Any anons here dealt with anything similar?

>> No.22177636

>YHWH's castrati temple whores

Fucking bull cultists.

>> No.22177638

It’s so fucking unfair that you traumatized me, destroyed my self esteem and my mental health, drove me insane, treated me with extreme cruelty and callousness, and yet you still believe that you did nothing wrong and actually consider yourself the victim in this situation. I hate myself for loving you. I wish I could scour every trace of you from my memory with steel wool.

>> No.22177686
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Did he really?

>> No.22177688

i also wish we never met

>> No.22177760

I am going on a bear hunt.

>> No.22177773

No. Sorry you're old, though.

>> No.22177798

Zizek is a fucking lunatic sometimes, lol.
Hope you're enjoying the read, anon.

>> No.22177803

I’m 33 anon. Is it already over? :(

>> No.22177824

>I now feel a sense of strong disgust and embarrassment.
as a man you probably should, you opened up to a woman and not just any woman, you opened up to your own damn mother in tears that you can't get laid and you can't even take care of yourself, what did you think was going to happen?
long story short you let your fee fees do the talking by a simple stupid joke that your mother did about how some professional just doing their job scouring through your teeth is "flirting" with you, she's a stupid woman of course she's going to make retarded jokes with 0 sensitivity about how close to home to your miserable loneliness and insecurities it might hit, she will embarrass you in front of any woman you'll bring home and then ask you when are you going to give your parents grandkids, why? because she's a retarded woman that works on factory default mode
what should you learn from this? don't discuss fee fees with women, don't discuss things with either of your parents, your father will try to tough love you by sending you to military or kicking you to the curb and your mother will at "best" try to mother hen you as a mentally challenged burden and at worst let her basic bitch mode take over and start bullying you to suicide so she can cry at your funeral

>> No.22177826

>hip pain at 33
it's all ogre, if you got it that early and it's persistent you're donezo by the time you hit 50 and you'll be the gimp with the stick going around waddling like a spectacle

>> No.22177827

I believe him because I've done the same

>> No.22177842

Stop scaring me.

>> No.22177844

either you sit in a fucked up position everyday or you have managed to eat shittily and wear down the joints / bone on your hip with disuse and then stressing it a lot at once, either way you should probably see how to exercise is safely to build muscles to support it or you will be the waddling gimp by 50
could be something as simple as changing how you sit as well, i'm not a doctor just a 33 year old guy without hip pain

>> No.22177852

My job forces me to be on my feet all day. I’m guessing that’s why. Don’t know what to do? Quit my job? There are guys that are in there 50’s without any hip pain like I have. Why am I weak?

>> No.22177854

do you eat well and do proper leg exercises to keep your joints strong? read up about diet to strenghten joints and some exercise to build muscles to support it, physical work requires a proper diet you can't just potato chip and mac n cheese your way through some work

>> No.22177879

I’m honestly the most fit guy at my job. I used to lift and played basketball all my life. And I eat healthier than all my coworkers. I dont get it.

>> No.22177915

anyone who is too interested in baron ungern sternberg should probably be jailed

>> No.22177975

As I cleaned the sperm of my body I had reached an epiphany, high on the just earned exctasy, with a face of disgust and pragmatism I wiped the fluid away but mentally I was soaring high, achieving acceptance of myself and the world around me. I’ve found what I was searching for all my life, a connection with the world, honesty, for once a shameless sense of pride how far I’ve come and all that I accomplished. Sadly the feeling was a fleeting one and soon the world of doubts and insecurtiy came rushing back, racing to undo their recent eviction. Desperate for the very wanted feeling I retraced my steps until the moment of climax, it was over and gone.

>> No.22178164

Fuck off retard.

>> No.22178166

t. waddles like a spectacle because he didn't take care of his body

>> No.22178178

Fuck off retard,

>> No.22178195

You have shit parents.
My mom actually tried to set me up with some girl, like a wingman.
I didn't go for it for reasons but I cringe when I see people talk about their parents like they're out to hurt them.
It's not women or parents as a whole, it's just that yours suck.

>> No.22178201

default mode women suck and most boomers are retarded
you can't change your parents and good luck finding women that aren't default mode that are still single

>> No.22178204

so white lies are inherently utilitarian? hmmm...never thought of it that way

probably true but most advice women give to their sons about other women is usually the opposite of what women actually want or desire in a partner.

I was years ago but I'm sure there's worse figures out there to idolize. I have a pic of Pol Pot on my bedroom closet door if you're morbidly curious.

>> No.22178208

what do you mean by default mode?

>> No.22178211

>if you have to ask
don't worry about it

>> No.22178218

I’m 30 and have pretty severe daily hip pain but it’s because I broke my femur and hip joint when I was younger. I will probably need it replaced when I’m middle aged.

>> No.22178223

The irony of bourgeois libs saying that "people fear what they do not know" while only ever seeing problematic ethnic groups in sociology textbooks because they all live in their pure white bougie neighborhoods...

>> No.22178226

Average people are not impressive I agree.
But to tell some anon about his mom as if you know her better than he does is retarded.
Maybe she's just stupid enough to think he can actually pull some dentist chick. But to then draw the conclusion that you should never discuss things with your parents makes me think you have complete losers for parents.
For parents, the love of a child is stronger than the ' ick' women get when you talk about your feelings. You just have to go about it the right way. Crying and running to the bathroom is clearly the wrong way.

>> No.22178229

>i for one discuss my emotions with my parents all the time
that's nice sweetie, now straighten your bowtie and pose for the picture

>> No.22178239

>d-don't talk to your parents!!
>th-they'll just make fun of you
Your parents are fags and losers.

>> No.22178244

>"it's okay to open up to your parents and talk about your feelings as an adult man"
>they start to treat you like a crayon muncher who needs floaties
are you lost, do you need an adult?

>> No.22178247

listen, I'm 41 years old. I should have the right to know what you mean.

>> No.22178251

It is okay to talk about your life to your parents.
Maybe not for you because your parents are bad people, but most parents actually do like their children.

>> No.22178253

if you're 41 and don't know what a basic bitch is you should take the vows and become a monk
>"you know life is just so hard, i can't get laid and i am feeling really distressed that you would keep pushing me to date every woman you can mooom"
anon you're still missing the point, if you're going to act like a infantilized metrosexual don't be surprised if your parents will treat you like one as well

>> No.22178257

Did I ever say you should whine and cry to your parents?
I was responding to this piece of retardation in your post:
>don't discuss things with either of your parents
This tells me your parents are trash and you're so afraid of rejection that you'd rather die a loser than try to get help from the two people who are most likely to help you.
You're not red pilled, you're just insecure.

>> No.22178258
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i just finished "The Trial" (in german)
what the fuck?
i thought that whole organisation is just bullshit, and all he has to do is basically ignore them and not seek them out.

and at the end they just fucking kill him like a dog without him ever knowing what the hell was going on anyways ?

>> No.22178259

yes. I think Kafka intended it as a comedy.

>> No.22178260

>if i take this out of context i can have a free conversation with a random anon online
you really are a attention starved infantilized toddler aren't you, go straighten your bowtie and cry to your parents that the anonymous man online was mean to you

>> No.22178263

Okay mister epic black pilled incel
Keep redpilling the masses on 4chan, warrior.

>> No.22178281

At my work place it’s normal for everyone to suck the higher up’s dick and walk on egg shells around her. They talk about this bitch like she’s their lord.

>> No.22178289

I feel the same way about novels, with a few exceptions. The Time Machine, The Picture of Dorian Grey, and My Antonia come closer to the effect of music than most poetry does, in my experience, but then those are hardly novels, more like experiments that do better than the best of essays. It's one thing to bring up disparate subjects, or to dish, quite another to be that amiable. Novelists in general are almost never like that, not even James, though he comes close.

>> No.22178315
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>voice any criticisim of her
>everyone accuses you of being sexist and not willing to work for a woman

>> No.22178365

I used to work in an office managed by a cute athletic little dyke whose dad was a quite mad coal executive, and slipped a lot of outrageous letters to her. Would. I also had the hots for her big younger brother, for a time, until he married some local princess I hated on first sight. Never took any of it seriously, since I've met fuccbois and fat hilarious landlords from the Balkans who know more than all of them put together.

>> No.22178376

Is it me or does life suck now? Working life is so insanely boring. There is nothing to do, certainly nothing sort of dignified. I used to think art and literature were left at least, but now with AI and seeing just how bad the demands of the masses who find these are I’m not so sure about that anymore.

>> No.22178391

>tfw i cant find dumb slavic twinks in my country
I suffer in the first world

>> No.22178400

Nobody even has to talk to her. Nobody has to criticize. The only way to describe it is that people actually act like she’s royalty. When she’s in the room, people fix their posture and their manners. If something is going to her, they go above and beyond whereas they’d be lax if it was for anyone else. They sing her praises every time they can. I suspect it’s because she’s in an important and highly paid position and most of where I work is younger women who want to be where she is. Most of the men are fags so they probably do too.

>> No.22178426

The 2007/2008 crash made a lot of people enemies of eachother as nothing did before. Around that time I had a commute on an interstate connecting one suburbia to another, but had never seen homeless guys walking beside those roads before. After that, bosses became noticeably more arrogant and stupid, lower ranks more servile, weary, vulnerable to induction into moron cults. In retrospect it's all too obvious, the general effects of grotesque overpopulation.

>> No.22178455

They haven't made an ai that can work with its hands yet

>> No.22178456

A fat old Serb told me I look Czech not long ago. I took it as a great compliment, but haven't been a twink since 1997 or thereabouts.

>> No.22178519

---- Solaria ----
Home Theatre

I like it quiet as conversational ambiance,
Like something in another room

Where siblings carry on, laughing as they do
Unconcerned with what's to come.

>> No.22178571

Do you feel bad that your life turned out to be that of a pretty typical run of the mill wagie? That the dreams you dreamt of 5, 10 years ago never came to fruition. Do you feel like your life came and went before you even knew it was happening?

Sometimes it feels like you had to make decisions a decade ago, before you ever even knew the ramifications of your decisions, what decisions you wanted to make, or even that you were making a decision. At least it does to me. Is it normal for people to feel this way?

>> No.22178577

I never had any dreams in my life.

>> No.22178594

I have no regrets.
I've worked in multiple sectors, in different positions and now I've emigrated to a Carribean island. My ' dreams' can still come through. One of them being active in politics which is something you typically can do at later age.
But even if it didn't happen, I can be satisfied with lesser achievements.

People in general need to either fully go for it or lower their expectation.
I think life on the whole is great and shouldn't be taken for granted.
If you're stuck in some absolutely dead end job in some third world shithole, do whatever you can to escape.

>> No.22178641

Anon from the effortpost here.
In relation to your point:
I absolutely agree with that statement, but I actually think it goes beyond that.
I think the further removed your parents generation is from you, the worse their dating advice likely becomes.
At best, they'll give simple generic advice or deliver platitudes
>Buy her flowers
>Just be yourself :^)
>Open car doors for her
>Have you taken her on a date to the local diner for milkshakes?
It's not to say that they are incapable of good advice, but generally they are working off of a social system or values that is at some level removed from where we find ourselves now.
The better parents will put in an effort to understand you and help you grow as a person, which is more effective than dating advice.

To go even deeper and add on to the issue of advice, I completely agree that women don't give good dating advice.
Women give worthless practical 'tips' for dating.
The exception to that generalization are the tops or doms in the lesbian community.
The rest of women have never been anything other than 'the pursued'.
They don't even truly comprehend the difficulty of dealing with rejection, and they never will.
I'm as fuckin' liberal as they come on this site, and that fact is obvious to even me.
They don't realize how much patience, practice, and work it takes to make the balance of confidence, humility, and honed awareness of subtle social cues (in both your presentation of them and your observation of theirs) look like an effortless endeavor.
They are also incapable of articulating many of the subtleties of things that make them squirm like when you pull out the deep eye contact the moment you catch them accidentally giving you the 'fuck me' eyes.
Dudes don't do any better at being able to identify the tricks women pull to both lure you in to conversation and to bombard you with hints.
We're all fuckin blind on both sides in this realm.
Their advice for 'being pursued' is as worthless to us as 'pursuing' is to them.
Because of how foreign it is, when asked, each side will just give vague answers akin to the boomer parents above
>Have you tried just being friendly with her? Women like nice/confident men.
>Have you tried being blunt with him? Men need to be spoonfed hints.
Completely ignoring the fact that this is a dance, and you're opening yourself up blatantly for rejection since you're wildly stepping and ignoring the obvious rhythm.
You can also find more examples from people when asked for dating advice on their pool, and these answers are rooted in what THEY would find attractive in some ideal partner.
The logic is flawed, because they're picturing someone they're already attracted to, when the goal is to go from nothing to something.
>"I like a guy with a beard"
>"I like a girl in fishnets"
>But what if they're an average looking person who might be a bit chubby?
>"....good personality...?"
>Very helpful. Very sage advice.

>> No.22178642

There's a reason I didn't want to touch on the complexity of this in the original effortpost, because its an overwhelming topic.
It's not as helpful if you don't get your head screwed on straight first.
Being put together will also make women throw out all the stops to get your attention and make it easier, giving you the chance to find your niche and be more cognizant of the signals.
It is also significantly more effective to just exist as a happy and competent person than it is to attempt mimicry of pick-up artists and 'alpha' soothsayers.

>> No.22178646

None? None at all? How old are you?

Taking activity in politics as an example, don’t you ever feel as if you can get involved but it’s too late to do anything really remarkable in politics? I don’t know how old you are but I assume you’re like mid-to-late twenties at least.

>> No.22178663

>Carl Jung is seething beyond the grave at this post

>> No.22178671

Based and content-pilled.
Life is indeed great, brother, if only you make it so.

>> No.22178681

I'm 28.
Depends what you consider really remarkable.
I would consider being on the ballot and campaigning as satisfactory.
Or being very involved in an interest/activist group. It would be realistic because where I live now it's fairly small (110.000 people) and for other reasons.

But if I didn't manage to do any of that, I would be satisfied in other activities (working with hands, beekeeping, sports)

Some people need to feel like they have an impact on a world level. If that's you then truly go for it. Otherwise it would be wise to focus on having an impact on a more local level.

>> No.22178688
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The tone of your book matches almost exactly picrel

>> No.22178739

I am that person. I am someone that always wants big things even if I don’t have the right background for them. So I can’t really sympathize with what you’re saying even though I can recognize the humility in it and consider it admirable.

>> No.22178765

What is something big you want to achieve?
Also how old are you?

>> No.22178809

quit reading almost two years ago at this point but i still come to read these threads all the time, i like you retards

>> No.22178857

Audiobooks and podcast discussions are my best friends.

>> No.22178860

I’m not sure exactly what. I have a small set of pursuits that interest me. I’m turning 30 this year.

>> No.22178878

Nope, no dreams. Im too alienated.
I dont get it. Why Jung?

>> No.22178892

dream interpretation and dreams as a way to psychoanalyse someone

>> No.22178929

What does that mean you’re too alienated? Loners can have ambitions and dreams.

>> No.22178939

You fucked up now your only chance at redemption is to actually once and for all get your fucking life in order get some actual pussy and make sure your parents know that.

>> No.22178941

I do try analyze my dreams but nothing comes out of it.
I think I'm too alienated from myself.

>> No.22178950

I’m really not sure what that means my friend.

>> No.22178952

I’m sorry to say but your mother doesn’t care. I assume you grew up in a single mother household? So did I. Unfortunately, I think you’ll have to accept that she doesn’t care and probably doesn’t even want you to have a succesful dating life as a man…and then just forgive her for it. You’re going to have accept that you care about your life and you’re going to have make things better for yourself, and so she has basically nothing to do with it from now on.

>> No.22178960

No, I think you should take the plunge. My advice is if you have some direction at all, some sense of what you want, even what you might want but aren’t totally sure, step up to the plate right away and start swinging for the fences. 30 is a good age to do this honestly. You’re young enough to have potential but old enough to not be naive.

It’s all really a matter of figuring out what you want to do and then getting after it. So if that’s what you want, I think that’s great.

>> No.22178966

>I’m really not sure what that means my friend.
Thats understandable.

>> No.22178986

It’s fucking terrible. I have no history of injury. I’m going to see a doctor and see what they say.

>> No.22179040

And why is that?

>> No.22179064

I've noticed that you can tease mosquitoes to stick their heads through a net by putting your finger next to it. So I did, and caught one by its proboscis with a pair of tweezers. For a moment I just held it in place as it struggled desperately, but then it occurred to me to pull it through the net by its snoot. For a moment it seemed to be coming through, until the proboscis broke at its base and the mosquito flew away, crippled for the rest of its little life. I kind of regret it, it was cruel.

>> No.22179082

Care to elaborate more?

>> No.22179084

i read about as fast as any audiobook on 3 or 4x and such a speed sounds retarded so its never been worth it to me. also yet to find a single podcast that was worth listening to for longer than ten minutes. such is life

>> No.22179157

I'm just bad at putting inner state into words and especially when it comes to communicating it with other people therefore it's understandable if you're not getting me.

>> No.22179221

I’m definitely wasting my life but it’s hard to say what exactly I should be doing with this time instead. I don’t want to work really hard and long at being an employee and moderate success seems to come with very little time and effort. I’m lucky in that regard. It’s all luck actually. Not effort. I’m lazy.

>> No.22179223

your stupid :|

>> No.22179233
File: 79 KB, 779x883, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got horny watching the co-ed ballerina sob in the back of the police car after a failed field sobriety test.

>> No.22179237


>> No.22179246


>> No.22179262


>> No.22179288

It feels wrong to not help someone. I have tried my best to make their business work, put in overtime and the whole shebang, but they won't stop spending more money than they earn, and now their company is failing. And it's not my fault. And it's not my problem. I won't be in debt at the end of it, no one is coming after me for payments. I feel sorry for them. I don't want them to fail. But I can't do anything to fix it. It's their fault, their problem, not mine.

>> No.22179325

Falling again, tripped into the sinkhole. On my way down the light drizzle and silence fades; the rushing air accelerates into a roar. There’s a weight on my back, something forcing me down faster. It’s her. She’s holding on to me, a tight hug.
Now I remember. Her smile forced my hand, I asked her out on an impulse.
I came on really strong, she liked it. Only thing she likes more is to say no, pull on the reins. A quick reset, and we took it slow.
She’s everything I was looking for in a woman. Polite, sweet, silly, brash, salty, and serious. Complicated and difficult at times, but simple in her expression and desires.
Our first time in bed took a while longer than usual. She made me wait and said she felt bad doing so, I told her it’d be worth it. It was.
Three hours of ecstasy,

>> No.22179327


>> No.22179353

i like masturbating
whatchu gonna do?

>> No.22179446

Office life is hell dude. It’s not just that the personalities are insufferable. It’s really that you have no choice but to invest a lot of time and attention in the most pointless, meaningless small-minded things and fucking argue and debate them like they actually fucking matter. I really don’t know how people tolerate this for an entire life. Don’t they wonder “is this it? Is this my life? Wasn’t I made for more than this, for something more important?” I’m on like year 4 and I’m more depressed than I’ve ever.

>> No.22179468

I kinda have an office job which is 90% remote and even when I have to spend one day per two weeks in the office, the people barely interact with each other. Even then its a drag. I wish I'd have dreams.

>> No.22179518

I'm working a new call center job and this chick on the phone has one of those drawling vocal-fry Stacy voices and it's giving me an actual boner.

>> No.22179536

I’m remote too actually. It doesn’t matter. The 3 or 4 phone calls and meetings per week are enough to set me off.

>> No.22179557

there's something about an utterly relaxed, receptive women that instantly makes me horny. i remember an instance of a women that looked like she had just gotten out of yoga and was waiting in line for food at this shop I worked at. she had the drawl too but even before she spoke she gave off this this relaxed, sensual vibe that was enthralling. it couldn't be reduced to her physical beauty or clothes, it was just this energy of relaxation and receptiveness that once I looked at her, I couldn't stop.

>> No.22179658

I might make a big purchase for the family. Maybe I’ll buy an Xbox or a PlayStation or something since I don’t know what else to buy. It would be nice if I did something like this once or twice per year outside of just Christmas and birthdays.

>> No.22179672

Damn bro you are a fucking boomer. ajust by your family switches and spare yourself the embarrassment.

>> No.22179684

Now I have some Indian chick trying to social-engineer me and her tiny, worried voice is giving me a boner, so I might just be a madman.
But for the drawling voice, I do think there could be some idea about how I idealize a more relaxed lifestyle whereas I've personally either never grew out of an edgelord phase or have fallen back into one via nostalgia. Perhaps I wish I wasn't so hotheaded, and so envy a relaxed-sounding woman, as if one might save me from my angst?

>> No.22179734

If you want to have what you want, then you mustn't seek the very thing that you want but something tangential that will lead you to the thing you want, so, for example, if you want to be rich, then seeking to be rich won't make you rich, but what can make you rich is seeking a thing that could make you rich; the point being, it is the thing that would make you rich that you should seek and not the becoming rich itself because the want of being rich isn't what makes oneself rich, like putting all your focus on a specific business; however, certain things like becoming rich might not be the best thing to want in the first place because it's often ultimately unfulfilling and has the issue of the hedonic treadmill; you should find something worth pursuing, but not pursue it in itself, like happiness, but pursue something that could bring you happiness, like having a family or specializing in a craft; however, if I want to have a family to have happiness, then should I pursue having a family or pursue something tangential that would help get me a family, like hygiene and making myself look better, and if I keep breaking down my pursuit for something I want to something tangential, then there's an issue of an infinite regress; so, what am I supposed to do in a life of causality?

>> No.22179744

I want to taste pussysnot before I'm 30. I have a little over a year.

>> No.22179809

Dude...life is a circle. You are the circle. Life happens and you go with the flow. You never revisit the same thing twice. It's always the same thing. Just the difference is that we fail to see the encompassing sameness. Thus we sense stuff and react and when we did that a while then we make a decision. Next time make another decision. But remember it will lead you to the same place, same result, you're already there.

>> No.22179822

I second this.
Get some switch-lites if you don't want to spend too much, but they can't plug into a dock/TV if you want to play Mario Party or smash bros or some shit.
Find some co-op games for them as well.
Find something you think you can get into or understand, then you can either talk with them about it or play with them.

Xbox and PS have primarily online or singleplayer games. Kinda anti-social if you ask me.
Switch is the best bet if you want any semblance of couch co-op experience.

>> No.22179823

That's how I've been doing it. Sometimes I feel anxiety that I'm making a mistake in my decision, that I need to plan my future and make goals.

>> No.22179830

Reading in a Kindle feels soulless, but I don't know why. There's no reasoning behind that feeling. I wish I could enjoy reading on it because it's so practical, but I don't want I can't wrap my head around it.

>> No.22179837

>Carl Jung seething
Carl Jung thought dreams had significance.
He talked about how important they could be with analyzing them.
That post about him seething was in response to "never having any dreams"

Hope that helped.

>> No.22179855

>Reading faster than sped up audio
I have doubts, but sure. Can't really argue against pitch shift either depending on the methods you use to speed them up.
The utility in audiobooks and podcasts is that I can drive, or clean, or do other tasks while listening.
I'm not rooted to the couch and staring at the wall when listening.
Just something to consider.

>> No.22179875

Touch tree. Touch tree make me happy.

I also found a job that is in a field I enjoy, but I still have hard boundaries with it.
If I let that job creep into my life too much, it'll suck all enjoyment I have for my craft.
I do what I am contracted for, and explore further into my field with my own time.

It's also not the only thing that brings me satisfaction.

>> No.22179877

I want to read Faust but I dont know which translation to get

>> No.22179880

How much say do you have in the funds?
Can you have an outside bookkeeper either take a look or step in?

I am sorry, anon. I also find it difficult to let things go and to let people make potentially devastating decisions.

>> No.22179884

vv good tension, anon.
Beautiful even.
Thank you for sharing.

>> No.22179913

I don't appreciate black people
In fact, I wish they would all cease to exist
Life would be much better right away

>> No.22179939

No say. They have a bookkeeper they never listen to. Their problem is they want to appear wealthy without first earning it, so they drive new cars and eat out with their friends all the time, picking up their tabs. That kind of thing. Man and a woman owners, she grew up wealthy and can't step down, he's too weak to control her spending. And I'm at the point I'm tempted to just say fuck it and walk away, leaving em without any help. I would just hate to do that until they officially say they're done.

>> No.22179975

What are some good job ideas for people who like to write and to read?

>> No.22179997

Forest hobo

>> No.22180002

Did you put any money into the venture?

>> No.22180010

My brother is a shut in neet who hates me and I’m jealous of all my friends who have normal loving siblings.

>> No.22180014

You sound like a complete faggot. I hate my little brothers but i would kill a nigger for those dudes without a question.

>> No.22180026

Why do you think he hates you?

>> No.22180035

I’m really worried that I’m going to end up just like my older coworkers if I don’t make some radical change immediately, but what exactly that change should be I am still unsure.

>> No.22180043
File: 10 KB, 222x227, bdsm_krabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on the 'chans again. Got a lot to ramble about but not a lot that I would post here first beyond anything else. I used to do some bdsm stuff, well go to bdsm munches mostly. You're meant to ingratiate yourself into the community to meet similar freaks and then go to events with said people. My time in it was varied but as much as I enjoyed some sexual liberation in conversation, I did not feel as free as I wanted. Maybe it's not like this in other areas but the once cute twee hush hush this is a secret grated on me when I wanted to have honest conversations with people I thought may have been my friends. Other than one chubbier autistic chick, I've not kept in contact with any of them after leaving fetlife (fetish facebook for those not in the know). I didn't get a shag out of the entire ordeal but that's not to say that I didn't get anything physical out of it, just not as intense or as much as I would like barring the one time I was whipped on a St Andrew's Cross.

Why do I even mention all of this in the first place? I keep seeing these people dotted around the town. It's strange making eye contact with the guy who has told you he's into cbt as I would sometimes see him on my way home from my old house. Odd seeing a guy who went to the munches, who I also kissed at a nightclub walk past out of the corner of my eye going about his every day to day. I keep seeing these people, both men and women randomly out and about but I never end up talking to them cause they are usually out of sight. Not that I would really talk to them anyway, as I've had a few opportunities to do so. Just a strange feeling seeing these ghosts of people when you get more familiar with a place, it's happened with other groups and communities I've tried to be a part of but the bdsm stuff has been the one that has stuck with me the most. Haven't been part of it for a while but I keep seeing them around.

My kind of music.

Asking the internet for sympathy is risky move but I want it to work out for you. Not that I have much faith based on your story but that shouldn't stop you. Never heard a single woman in my life complain about nose hairs, eyebrows or toenails beyond an offhand joke. Long hair is a taste thing but when I had longer hair, I got some compliments about it.

The duality of man

>> No.22180067

>I have doubts
sorry for your retardation

>> No.22180072

Thank you. Every day is a journey.

>> No.22180111

nice painting. Or is it a filter/AI?

>> No.22180155

>On a mist-laden evening, H.P. Lovecraft, the brooding author of unfathomable tales, found himself inexorably drawn to the peculiar fish market on the outskirts of Innsmouth. The very air seemed to coil with an ancient malevolence as he approached the dilapidated facade of "Marsh & Sons: Purveyors of the Deep."
>Reluctantly, Lovecraft pushed open the groaning door, its hinges protesting like a chorus of tormented souls. Inside the dimly lit chamber, a noxious blend of rot and brine assaulted his senses. Fish of grotesque proportions lay sprawled upon worn slabs of marble, their lifeless eyes fixed on an unimaginable abyss.
>Moving with spectral grace, the fishmongers shuffled about, their gaunt faces etched with a haunting pallor. It was as if they had borne witness to secrets so abhorrent that sanity itself recoiled from their revelations.
>Curiosity waged a battle against an overwhelming sense of foreboding within Lovecraft's breast. Each step he took seemed to quicken the pulse of his heart, resonating in unsettling rhythm with the ululations of some forgotten deity.
>The proprietor, a hunched figure with hands twisted by the passage of time, approached Lovecraft with an unblinking gaze that penetrated to the very core of his being. "Welcome, esteemed visitor," he hissed, his voice a serpentine whisper. "Behold the harvest from the darkest depths of the ocean, a bounty that mortals such as yourself can scarcely comprehend."
>Lovecraft found himself ensnared by the sight of the monstrous marine life that sprawled before him. Their forms, defying nature's laws, bore witness to an unhallowed fusion of tentacles and scales, their maws adorned with rows of serrated teeth. A disconcerting sense of recognition wormed its way into Lovecraft's psyche, as if these aberrations mirrored the terrors that prowled the shadowed corridors of his own imagination.
>Yet, despite the cacophony of terror resounding within his mind, he yearned to unravel the secrets lurking within those abominable depths. It was a hunger that consumed his very soul, a hunger echoing the insatiable appetites of the primordial gods birthed through his fevered words and maddened mind.
>In a moment that teetered upon the precipice of insanity, a fishmonger extended a writhing creature towards Lovecraft, its eyes shimmering with a sickly, otherworldly luminescence.
>"Accept it," the fishmonger rasped. "Embrace the darkness, for it courses through your veins."
>With trembling hands, Lovecraft took the offering, feeling a surge of primal power surge through his veins. The environs of the fish market warped and twisted, melding into a nightmarish tableau.

>> No.22180157

>Shadows slithered with newfound audacity, whispering ancient incantations that resonated at the fringes of reality.
>Amidst the ululations of eldritch entities, Lovecraft glimpsed the cosmic truth. Unbeknownst to him, he had inadvertently unleashed an arcane force beyond his meager control, an eldritch curse that would consume him, body and soul. He had become the protagonist in his own macabre tale, trapped eternally within a realm where sanity and madness intermingled in a grisly symphony of horror.
>And thus, within the fish market of Innsmouth, Lovecraft's tormented psyche unraveled. He descended into the abyss of madness, forever ensnared within the dark embrace of his own monstrous creation. As his sanity slipped away, a whisper escaped his lips, borne of grim realization. "There's something fishy going on.”

>> No.22180168

What's an easy to read novel in Spanish for a gringo? I'd like to read something originally written in Spanish, not a foreign work like The Little Prince translated into the language.

>> No.22180171

Los Detectives Salvajes.

>> No.22180206

learn 2 code

>> No.22180242

This was true at my uni for most of the newer/younger profs. But there were a lot of great profs (mostly older) and they are the reason I chose that program, which was life-changing. Look into the professors before you choose a school.

>> No.22180248

What you listed sounds like things you could change.

>> No.22180255

Follow your dream and submit to magazines and contests :)

>> No.22180264

When I'm feeling like it's over and there's nothing left to lose, why do I never go skydiving, take a punishing labor job, sign up for a dance class, or hop on a bus to a new city?
Why is it always cranking one out, consuming substances, or watching old tv shows?
I get it's a low energy state that can be papered over with cheap pleasure, making my questions mostly rhetorical, but I'd like to find a way to divert this sense of surrender and abandonment of care into more fruitful channels.

>> No.22180270

Your dad was a bitch when he raised you so its no surprise that you grew up to be a useless consoomer.

>> No.22180322

I'm not worth shit

>> No.22180328

Was feeling really self confident after applying for this job. Then i started to read online how it's actually super competitive and i have pretty much zero chance.
This world seems so bleak sometimes.
I honestly feel like I would like a job like in The Lighthouse. Seems comfy.
Just sit on an island with a crazy old man, that's not so bad.

>> No.22180330

You are worth a (You)

>> No.22180334

That sounds like any low effort union job, barring the island. Anyway, you should read about lighthouse operation careers.

>> No.22180339

If you were willing to do those things, take those risks, you wouldn't need to rely on cheap passive entertainment.
But you won't take those risks, it's just a fantasy.

>> No.22180448

I think it’s because you know that you have no interest in those things.

>> No.22180456

Was just remembering an old coworker who would wear a trench coat and read manga on his shift.
Sometimes I'm frightened by the thought that I am not very far removed from becoming that man.

>> No.22180486

You're not the only person that has conned themselves into thinking that you need to 'relax' or be distracted when under stress or feeling hopeless.
Spending your time sedentary or digitally stimulated isn't self care, anon.

>> No.22180504

I'm bored. I don't work so I kind of putter around the house all day and do some general stuff to entertain myself. I have a spouse but they're busy a lot, and my best friend lives in Canada so I don't have much contact. I don't get out much and we keep moving areas so it's hard to make friends... I'm so bored I am tired of it but don't want to kms so it's mostly like waiting for the bus to arrive. Horrible way to live but not much I feel I can do, I tried hobbies. There's worse fates but it sucks...

>> No.22180521

I’m interested in this topic of destiny and specifically not whether it exists but if it does exist if it’s possible to miss your destiny.

>> No.22180524

Work out and write poems. That’s what I do. I also go for hikes and camping trips but that’s not always easy. These are the idea ways to spend leisure time imo.

>> No.22180534

how do i cope with the fact that theres nothing in this world
how do i entertain myself after knowing this for 10 years
how do i cope with the fact that the reply to this post is just gonna be another retarded hollow puppet dance of conscious nothingness

>> No.22180573
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I am genuinely too low IQ to pass testing for jobs that I am qualified for

>> No.22180576

>le doomer thread

>> No.22180634
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>realize my vices and bad habits are ways to fill the void of my unfulfilling life
>my unfulfilling life is rooted in my vices and bad habits that are self destructive and cripple me and prevent me from living a more fulfilling life


>> No.22180653
File: 69 KB, 406x720, 91c7449a4c2d7ef351d5e79b4ca32cfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what I feel anymore. I know that I believe in a god, but I don't know. I tried to be catholic but I feel that there is a lot of conflict with what I feel inside. Being raised with Christian beliefs but also pre-Christian beliefs (nature spirits, mother nature, ravens being supernatural) these things are hard to leave behind. I am not a /pol/cel and am genuinely not racist (I don't care enough to be) but something does bother me about the Bible and how Christianity feels like it is for other people. I was disappointed to find it is all about the Middle-East and Israel, that they are the chosen people and basically everything in the Bible is solely centered on that region. Must people of western and northern Europe really abandon all folklore and beliefs for Christianity, when the Bible doesn't even show any knowledge of the existence of Europe nor does it seem to care. When I look at Arthurian legends which are supposedly Christian, there are English pagan beliefs intertwined - which is probably what makes it more intriguing. The concept of knights themself seem contradictory to Christ's message and are clearly a mix of the warrior traditions of pre-Christian Europe. I feel like Balian of Iberlin in Kingdom of Heaven, when he is in Jerusalem and doesn't know what he believes. He still follows God but seems disillusioned by the ways of other people. Let's not forget the biggest thing most men have to cope around regarding Christianity - the turn the other cheek phrase. I believe in justice, and to some degree revenge. How can revenge be bad if it stops a degenerate from destroying even more lives? Sometimes taking out one or two characters can save a community, but leaving them would cause complete chaos and lead to complete destruction or disharmony. However, Christ himself would probably punish me for seeking revenge of behalf of the innocent who have been wronged and are not capable to defend themselves. As a new father, I think more and more than before about what makes a good man, morals, ethics. I've always been interested in these topics, and have always been somewhat spiritual/superstitious. Anyone else feel completely lost?

>> No.22180657

I don’t know bro you could blow your brains out, and if you’re tempted to eschew that option you could always read a Sherlock Holmes story or something

>> No.22180677

In my experience 'making goals' is not for everyone though some people thrive on it and normally are quicker on the path of success and material wealth. I personally prefer to go with the flow, and while doing that mostly trying to achieve to 'know thyself'. Well, it has gotten me to the point of buying a house at 30 and being engaged. That's not too bad for having no goals I suppose. Before that I was lost for 29 years, derealized, drug consuming depressed virgin. My gf got me out of that, she's a goal maker. For some reason we fit nicely together. Probably, unconsciously, my biggest goal used to be having sex and having someone to cuddle, well it got me somewhere.

>> No.22180741

I made the mistake of referring to a YA novel as "low-brow" in the presence of women.

>> No.22180758

Oh boy. Depending on the extent of her neurosis she’ll be projecting her self-doubt on you for the rest of her days. Hope you like meaningless drama on your life.

>> No.22180799

I feel desperate. I feel tired. I feel lost and defeated and hopeless and alone. Feel like a horse who broke its leg right at the starting line. How long I’ll be lame before having a bullet put through my skull? I’ve endured so much shit, fallen down and gotten up so many times and now I just feel done. Older and duller, with a lack of hope and an excess of tiredness to top it all off. Neeting again since December after promising myself that I would never fall so low again. I used to say that I didn’t know how I had managed to escape it the first time. It felt like a miracle then. A second lease on life. Does a great escape happens twice? There’s this rush too, this animalistic despair consuming every waking hour. I drown it out with chores or meaningless distractions. Anything to escape. It’s harder to endure even a minute of it. Hours wasted away every day because what’s left to do with your time when you don’t believe in yourself and live completely apart from the outside world while abhorring what your inner one has become? There’s only fear. So much of it.

>> No.22180805

>talk to people about hobbies to make small talk
>they seem to only talk about what they bought or want to buy
>they seem to abhor anything creative especially if it's something inherently cost-free
>conversations make me very tired
I'm about to truly give up and resign to life in isolation. I keep telling myself I shouldn't shut myself in but I see no reason not to. I don't wanna talk to these people.

>> No.22180808
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from the ADHD book I read
>problems organizing and following through on tasks and endeavours that will create a desired long-term outcome, but for which there is not sufficient short-term reward.
>Individuals with ADHD have less dopamine available in the brain’s reward networks. Thus, it is more difficult for someone with ADHD to generate the drive to engage in a task unless it is inherently enjoyable, or if there is some other strong incentive for doing so, such as the pressure of a deadline.
>There is also an aversion to the delay of rewards (i.e., delay of gratification). This delay makes it more difficult to generate the motivation to persist toward longer-range goals even though you logically know that they are important.
I spent all of yesterday thinking about how so much of my life fits into this especially my time in high school. I am 25 now and though I've been taking medication for a month now, I am starting to slowly build good habits and routines like all these books say, including Atomic Habits. I can finally move to being a normal person. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.22180813

Don’t cut yourself from others. If anything at all from my post resonated with you DON’T DO THIS. Isolation will destroy you. Try to look for people you feel more affinity towards.
>conversations make me very tired
I understand. I don’t miss 95% of the people I talked with from 2016 onwards, but believe me when I say things will get worse if you cut contact with everyone. As I used to tell a good friend of mine: do you think things are bad now? They’ll get much worse if you give up.

>> No.22180865

How can you miss your destiny?

>> No.22180870
File: 25 KB, 269x275, 1679254221785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it delusions of grandeur or did God really pick me to be his warrior

>> No.22180875

the human body is adept at keeping itself alive through any and all means, even if that means making the consciousness insanely deluded about anything, if a sorrow is too great to bear it will give you illusions to cope, if life is too much to bear it will give you promises of afterlife grand for a life well lived, no matter how tempting the lie it is still just a lie to get you to march to the finish line with it
but a lie will always remain a lie

>> No.22180880

>Isolation will destroy you.
I've spent a decade alone by choice, I think I'm just incompatible and people get weirder every year.

>> No.22180886

Because motivation comes from taking action. You're stuck in a catch-22

>> No.22180889

Even 4 chan feels like talking to normies now. All my home boards have been destroyed by retarded reddit zoomers. I don't know where to go.

>> No.22180892

pretty much what ADHD is for me. had to take Ritalin just to get the small starting amount of motivation and then slowly snowball that motivation into action into more motivation into more action.

>> No.22180893

learn to be okay with being alone and become fine with the fact that one day your body will die

>> No.22180894

I went all fields on a shitty thread and two retards called me a tripfag and said that "sage should go back to r*ddit" it would be hilarious if weren't so depressing

>> No.22180899

Problem is that being isolated also disengaged you from the current social climate. It's getting weirder out there but sometimes ignorance is bliss and it'd be nice just to ignkre that and be able to fit in.

>> No.22180902

you people are too invested into the illusion of permanence and the separation of the self

>> No.22180905

>being isolated also disengaged you from the current social climate
true, but is that a bad thing?

>> No.22180906

>you people

>> No.22180908

No but ignorance is bliss and sometimes I'd like to be a bleating sheep if it means I'm with the herd

>> No.22180909

you niggers are too invested in this reality

>> No.22181093


>> No.22181197

how did you do it?

>> No.22181200
File: 99 KB, 220x220, 1665057393819331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people call me ESL? My name is Rajid

>> No.22181240

That’s what I’m interested in learning, if you can, how you can. In medieval literature, there’s a concept like destiny but the individual has to go out and meet it and do the right things to live up to their destiny. Failure to live up to destiny is never illustrated for obvious reasons but the possibility is implied.

>> No.22181259

I want to change my personality, I don't want to be the current me anymore, I want to be someone new, someone no one will recognise despite them knowing my face.

>> No.22181260

what's there to do? be alone enough and eventually you will become okay with it as the new norm to your routine, accept that with current tech one day your body will die and you will become fine with it
if you're still having trouble with it just picture yourself outliving everyone, you already know other people die and are sort of okay with it, now imagine that you would be some immortal that would live to the heat death of the universe and roll with that thought for as long as it takes for you to grow tired of it and wish for a real end to it
simple as

the biggest problem with being okay being alone is that most people can't stand themselves because they're not being true to themselves, work through your issues and have few days for me time just with yourself indulging in non harmful ways and doing stuff that you like to do

>> No.22181265

ESL = english second language

>> No.22181317

I guess I can understand to not knowing your strengths and not applying it to be in a better position but not missing destiny. I dont think that calling and destiny is the same thing.

>> No.22181318

Slowly accepting the fact that I'm a quiet person in certain situations like work or in groups I don't know.

>> No.22181330

Do you want to be alone?

>> No.22181353

I’m interested in the topic of immortality but can’t find anything about it besides fiction, ramblings of deranged hippies and spiritual cope.
>I'm so bored I am tired of it but don't want to kms so it's mostly like waiting for the bus to arrive.
Good way of describing it.
>Anyone else feel completely lost?
The real question is if there’s anyone who doesn’t. Cool Green Knight pic, do you have any recommendations from one arthurian fan to another? Btw, try giving your kid The One and Only King books when it gets older. That’s what got me into arthurian stuff back when I was a young lad myself.
>become fine with the fact that one day your body will die
Never. I’m not even happy and still wish to live forever.
A few hours ago I saw someone confused by the word filters. Maybe we are the ones who’re wrong, still being here after so many years.
Try to do things that go against what you dislike on yourself. Like, if you despise being a limp wristed nerd start working out and drop your nerdy hobbies, at least the useless ones.

>> No.22181435

Can anyone help with a dilemma?

I'm an illustrator and just talked to someone interested in hiring me for a commission to do several biblical illustrations for a book.

But I'm an atheist and I feel like an asshole manipulating other people if I'm to represent Adam and Eve and the snake as if they were real figures. On the other side, this commission can pay my bills and wonderful artistic things have been made about the Bible, even by atheists.

I think I might take it and if so I'd do a professional job, I would not add subliminal mockery or anything. But I don't even know what this guy's church is and I'll sure feel somewhat guilty about it. Am I overthinking? Am I a sell out?

What would you do?

>> No.22181473

Would you feel guilty about portraying Hades or Thor? What an odd dilemma.

>> No.22181476
File: 1.89 MB, 1335x1179, Screenshot 2023-06-20 143700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very happy when I see her happy.

wat means?

>> No.22181514

No, because no one really believes and guide their lives through Hades and Thor these days, but this project is getting made to "teach" people about the creation of the world. I just feel bad about it, some kid may get nightmares because some guy is showing my illustrations and saying that's how things work.

>> No.22181550

You are not an atheist if you have this kind of moral dilemma (from where do you derive your metaphysics that generates this dilemma is your religion).

I think Bataille must've been only real atheist ever.

>> No.22181561

That's not the point. If I were Hindu, the dilemma would be the same. Should one work to something they don't believe in for the money? I personally think it depends on a lot of things and am not so sure about this one in particular. If he was a flat earther commisioning me a flat earth illustration to teach people the earth is flat, it would be the same dilemma.

>> No.22181593

i used to be transphobic but now i've started referring to trans people by their proper pronouns because it guarentees free (You)s. 4chan has unironically made me a better person.

>> No.22181603

You're easily influenceable.
And besides, i never understood what the point of getting (you)s is for?
You said something dumb and people respond, awesome.

>> No.22181613

Then don't paint it?

>> No.22181702

I need to see this girl in real life to stop obsessing about her.

>> No.22181707

Brings to mind this somewhat famous (or notorious) comment by the late Harold Bloom apropos Infinite Jest: "You know, I don’t want to be offensive. But ‘Infinite Jest’ is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent...We have no standards left. [Wallace] seems to have been a very sincere and troubled person, but that doesn’t mean I have to endure reading him."

Infinite Jest would be the name for the cultural vacuity inherent in the intellectual products that the salient of the military industrial complex known as the "prestige" publishing houses in the US and UK disseminate with a gaslighting intent coupled with barely disguised derision for the middling middle classes that stand outside looking in at the likes of the Derridean & Zizekian factories of obscurantism, which seem but a mirror of the obscurantism of the plutocratic neoliberal state.

I'd argue Joyce's Ulysses is actually the antithesis of the mockish/obscurantist ideological function described above because it encapsulates and therefore is a boon to actual thought: to a density of thought both qua content and in the architecture that organizes and structures said content. There is no thoughtlessness to the thought that went into the creation of Ulysses: every iota and atom of its composition, of its architecture, is a testament to the linguistic and narrative masterfulness of its creator. Every act, to be sure, of writing constitutes the engrafting or recording of a particular human mind, it is its phenomenological score, obviously with no need of level of awareness of this.

The greatest works of modern literature are evidently neither doctrinaire nor incoherent, least of all mindless, regardless of how ironically self-aware they may pretend to be in this regard. Instead they seek to sincerely manifest and elevate even the most quotidian phenomena into a 'phenomenology' or extended study of human perception that is a faithful recording of the unity of "external" nature to internal inescapable state of man's existence executed in a style that would seem extract a sort of mathematic beauty from words, and ultimately from the world at large, or at very least from the mathematical sensibilities of the human mind, whether they be manifested in pure mathematics, music, drawing, poetry, or prose.

>> No.22181708

Specifically in the case of literature, one is dealing with the transformation of language into a faithful echo of the nature of emotion, of its relationship both arbitrary and determinative of one's understanding of truth, so that one might say the nature of emotion is inseparable from the nature of truth: emotions are indisputable states of truth, can a mind exist without them, without any of them, and continue to be recognizable as human? Now a work like Ulysses may be radically innovative, but not thoughtless, superfluous, or indeed a consequence of unchecked neurosis, rather embodying the supervening of the ugliness or brutishness or incoherence to which all minds are at least occasionally subject, by the transformation of any and all states into a language that is thoroughly encoded or representative of an emotional ledger that has been rendered almost musicologically compositional in its expression and condensation of emotional truth: the intelligence that exists before language and is indeed a sort of ur language and which at its most sublime is surely equatable with what used be described as the "music of the spheres," constitutive of a sublime, seemingly otherworldly mastery of "subject and form," evincing or hinting at the mathematical unity of the whole.

>> No.22181726

No, they’re not. Destiny is something like the intersection of fate and free will. To offer an illustrative example. Imagine you have a fate laid out for you in life like a road you would follow if you had no free will. But since you have free will you can deviate off that road. The question is whether that is a possibility implied in the conception of destiny. If you have to go out and meet it, doesn’t that mean you can not go out and meet it?

>> No.22181735

Lifting weights is a very enjoyable hobby until your first real injury. What a kick in the pussy this is, my god.

>> No.22181744

>the middling middle classes that stand outside looking in at the likes of the Derridean & Zizekian factories of obscurantism, which seem but a mirror of the obscurantism of the plutocratic neoliberal state.
a berlin wall of adorno type beats did circumvent the awareness momentum, pledging it with a barbed wire. and it is more than that – the density of thought, such as in Joyce, must necesserily break away from the thought altogether, breaking-in into poetry. coming into the true speach of the time as against a mere rememberance engrained in history and markets of ideologies. yet, for that it would require a faith revived, life within the local.

>> No.22181757

>muh religion
It's all a cope, never worry about religious texts they are nothing more than ill-informed ancient metaphysical assumptions.

As for hedonism, you are misunderstanding it. Enjoying some aspects of life and pleasurable activity is not the same as hedonistic endeavor. Hedonism specifically idolizes said pleasure above all else which is fucking retarded for a modern society where pleasure is far more commonly found in drugs and consooming media en masse rather than simple pleasures like peace of mind and walks through nature.

>> No.22181784

How the fuck do you get injured doing faggot lift routines. I remember my little homies getting shoulder surgeries from throwing filthy curveballs and you bitch about your planet fitness like some dumb thot.

>> No.22181805

A faggot youtube channel has single-handedly ruined my favorite board and I genuinely hope that they die.
Normalniggers ruined the internet, I hate them with the burning of a million suns

>> No.22181864

Christian art should be theologically “correct” even from a Christian perspective so you shouldn’t do it if you’re an atheist or a Christian.

>> No.22181870


>> No.22181880

What board?

>> No.22181905

Why did God gave me this desire to do something great yet no ability to do so? Am I just a cosmic joke?

>> No.22181929

You were just intended to die to a disease or in a war that never came due to increased life expectancy.

>> No.22181936
File: 13 KB, 340x199, 1680622783967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicidal ideation last night, feeling groovy today. We're so back baby, time to take life by the horns :sunglass_emoji:

>> No.22181947

No wonder i stopped browsing /lit/ when these are the brainlets that populate the board.

>> No.22181979

Interesting. I think your dilemma has something to do with lying to kids by contributing to a worldview you believe to be false.

Consider this:
Kids raised according to archaic mythologies grow up with a unique perspective, not necessarily in a negative way. Christians are the only white demographic in America with a birth rate above the rate of replacement; the rigidity of their thinking has its benefits, an outright evolutionary advantage in this case. If their reductive worldview gives them an evolutionary advantage, can it really be said to be wrong?

>> No.22181981

Tell me anon,

would you paint a George Floyd mural?

>> No.22181985

Yet you still post. Curious.

>> No.22181990

If that's your first thoughts on the project, it's probably not going to work out well because the amount of research you'd have to do to accurately reflect their iconography is going to cause you to spam feels everywhere for weeks and probably still not lead to you doing it justice.
>What would you do?
I wouldn't be worried your work will cause anyone to believe in God.

>> No.22182007

I think the second poster is just ripping on the first for being a complete nozzle.

But yeah. Why do come back here?

>> No.22182016

He said it's a children's book. It's going to be Corporate Memphis drawings of smiling Roman soldiers poking a smiling Jesus with a stick during crucifixion

>> No.22182023

Lmao at you thinking your shit doodles have any ideological stance when your capitalist bosses can just make an ai prompt to get better artwork.

>> No.22182030


>> No.22182034

Not till 310

>> No.22182036

I don't understand what is so bad about those posts. Mention of God shit or what? They are common WW... posts.

>> No.22182038

I am dangerous levels of "feeling it", god has championed ME to spread his message and I am fucking ready to deliver

>> No.22182048
File: 463 KB, 220x220, 43DAAE76-363C-4AF1-963E-09CADD08A842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thread legit


>> No.22182152

The irony is that I personally like the iconography. lol.
>I wouldn't be worried your work will cause anyone to believe in God.
Thanks, what I wanted to hear.

I just replied to him to talk about more details and budget. I'm thinking I'm taking it.

>> No.22182173

>the icongraphy
Really? Because your post gives the impression there is a unified iconography which is just not the case.
>children's books can't have good illustrators
I mean in this particular case you might be right, but children's books are one of the main ways to make it as an illustrator.

>> No.22182255

Definitely take their money, hide symbols for luls like good ol' Michelangelo, and donate to a group that counters real harm. You may even ask the group/person contracting you what their goals are, or that of the publisher, and it may help you weigh your perceived impact. Asking about the specific stories they want you to illustrate may also help. Maybe find out if they're going to want you to make Jesus a blonde Anglo that hates minorities for all we know.

I don't see anything wrong with a religious household buying their already indoctrinated kids a book. I don't mean the word indoctrinated to be a derogatory word in this case, it's just a statement that their belief in that system has everything to do with the parents and nothing to do with a sanitized derivative of the actual book they'll come to read.

Your representation of characters, fiction or non-fiction, good values or hateful values, is well within your right as an illustrator to determine where you lie.

I don't think anyone reasonable would fault you for illustrating something simple that promoted values that you're willing to stand behind. Adam and Eve, along with genesis, are just part of the lore to give a basic hand-wave of why something instead of nothing and why morality, and not relevant to promotion of the concept that one should desire to 'be good.'

In my opinion, the dividing line I'd make is being worried about is how literal the group contracting you in that manner takes the stories, if you truly are concerned with any and all misrepresentation. Many sects treat genesis as allegorical and/or subject to change with further understanding of the world, so take that with a grain of salt.

I'd be curious as to what you decide afterwards, if you're more rooted in empirical truths at all costs and anything less is a moral failing, or if moral leeway can be granted for the better good of a child's emotional development.

>> No.22182280

I'd be more comfortable drawing for a flat earther, lol. There's no way you could convince someone of that through art alone. They're going to promote their stupidity regardless of your art, and you'd be lying to yourself if you think your art is somehow so good that it is going to be the real reason someone would fall victim to it. I'd still use a pseudonym so that people didn't know I was ever involved with them, lmao

Do giant metal casts of Jesus on the cross make non-believers weep and convert if they weren't already predisposed to falling for it? That conversion seems like it would've been inevitable to me.

>> No.22182285

Wholesome bait, I love it.

And as long as (You) exist, he'll keep getting away with it.

>> No.22182294

I'm sorry you're friends threw a 5oz ball too hard. Maybe if they did some more compound movements and shoulder stability workouts it would've delayed the inevitable of being injured when doing a physically demanding activity.
Good thing you'll never pull anything besides your dick on 4chan.

>> No.22182305

The entire internet drew people to /pol/ and ruined all my favorite boards.

>> No.22182309

It isn't too late, pussy

>> No.22182731

I used the wrong term there, I meant I like religious images in general even though I'm not religious myself. His references are wild, with medieval icons and Michelangelo's Sistine, he is not sure what he wants, but I got the point across.

The book is for teens apparently, if that makes any difference, it's not a simple style.

Thanks, I answered him positively, but I asked for more details on the project, I'm not even sure of his budget yet.

>> No.22183262

gotta confess I never really cared for the humor in tv shows like Arrested Development. shit just flew over my head.

>> No.22183266

its not healthy to be irresponsible.