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File: 16 KB, 220x311, Thomas_Mann_1929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22172559 No.22172559 [Reply] [Original]

How does that make you feel?

>> No.22172564

That's why he was so hot.

>> No.22172567

Not surprised since he was already a faggot

>> No.22172570

I now respect him less.

>> No.22172579

What do you have against Brazilians?

>> No.22172580

his mother immigrated to Germany when she was 7 lol hardly half Brazilian, culturally speaking

>> No.22172618

Devastating considering everytime I'm on here a faction of the CIA is gaslighting me to be more racist &/or authoritarian. So, per my programming, I must say it's devastating!

>> No.22172619 [DELETED] 

Silence, macaco

>> No.22172680

Whatever, I don't really mind it, I'm Brazilia

>> No.22172706

Brazilians didn't exist back then as South America was not yet colonized.

>> No.22172741

Apparently he was Black

>> No.22172776


>> No.22173788

Except he wasn't.
His father was German, mother half-German, quarter-Portugese and quarter-Native. This is nothing compared to Pushkin looking like a bleached African.

>> No.22173978

>half-German, quarter-Portugese and quarter-Native.
That's literally what South Brazilians are.

>> No.22173995

Yes, because Brazilian is a nationality, not a race.

>> No.22174342

pushkin was literally 1/8 and no one would ever have realized if his lineage wasnt so well doumented, the obsession with this here is weird

>> No.22174907

No different, already knew he was a pedo after reading Death in Venice.

>> No.22174917

>the obsession with this here is weird
That's what not banning butthurtbelters gets you.

>> No.22175071


>> No.22175088

People obsess over it on this board because people with more institutional leverage in academia than the average anon occasionally try to claim him as a negro poet.

>> No.22175115

You are all a bunch of racists

I will nuke this website

>> No.22175163

So the average Brazilian from Rio Grande do Sul

>> No.22175174

Dudes won't get that one isn't born Brazilian, one becomes Brazilian. Anyone who read o Cortiço would understand that. Being Brazilian is a state of mind, you can't do that by simply being son of whatever.

>> No.22175276

>His mother was Júlia da Silva Bruhns, a Brazilian Catholic and native speaker of Portuguese whose father had brought her to Germany when she was seven years old, after her mother’s early death. Usually described as being “of German and Portuguese descent” (in other words, European), Julia was in fact the daughter of an émigré German colonist, a major slaveholder and owner of several coffee and sugarcane plantations, and Maria Luiza da Silva, a “Creole,” to use the term of the time: in this context, a mix of Portuguese, Indigenous, and Black. There is definite proof of Mann’s Indigenous ancestry and only strong circumstantial evidence pointing to his African ancestry. Perhaps more importantly, Mann was aware of all this, and even wrote—in 1943, no less—that he saw his mother’s origins as more central to understanding his own work than all his European literary influences.

>By racist Nazi and American definitions, then, according to which the attribution of “one drop of black blood” is definitive, Thomas Mann was a Black writer. I myself don’t believe in different-colored drops, or proportions of this or that racially marked blood in a person, but Mann did: the stories in this book, and the rest of his writing, is filled with blood being “sensual,” “too-thick,” “southern,” or the reverse. The artist (or trickster, or tempter) characters inevitably have some of both kinds, and this intermixture generates their genius, their danger, and their chronic ill health.

>> No.22175388

do it

>> No.22175497
File: 52 KB, 420x420, 1534345774187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out he was a MED BVLL after all!

>> No.22175565

Sometimes I wonder what's the proportion of genuinely mentally ill people I interact with over the internet.
Why do you feel the need to advertise you have paranoid schizophrenia?

>> No.22175601

Because it makes me feel special I guess

>> No.22175625

He was an incestuous, bisexual, pedophile. There isn't much that could lower my opinion of him more as a person.

>> No.22175628

You're not MED

>> No.22175848

I knew he was a closeted homosexual, but what's this about pedophilia and incest?

>> No.22175857

anon is taking the oeuvre for the author. it's fine, he's just not that bright

>> No.22175897


>> No.22175919

So he was an quintroon, at best?
woah, what a revelation. what a symbol for equality, diversity and inclusion

>> No.22175927

>someone of German and Portuguese descent is somehow black
Why are yanks so retarded?

>> No.22175957

Because he has 0.0000001% of indigenous blood that means he's black

>> No.22176112

I do not care.

>> No.22176186

It should make me feel good because I dislike Mann and Brazilians are favelatards so my prejudice has been proven to be correct but then I think of Heinrich and how much better a writer he was so suddenly this doesn't work anymore. In the end, it's irrelevant.

>> No.22176393

but thats just unreasonable and everyone knows it, pushkin is too big to be falsified like that too
like manns possible quarter native heritage its a funfact at best

>> No.22176440

What's a quintroon?

>> No.22176502

Two bitroons plus a singletroon.

>> No.22176515


>> No.22176976

What is the brazillian mindset?

>> No.22176982

Brazilianity, also known as "Brasilidade" in Portuguese, is a term used to describe the unique cultural identity and diversity of Brazil. It is a complex concept that encompasses the country's history, geography, art, music, dance, and cuisine, as well as the cultural contributions of its indigenous, African, and European populations.

One of the most distinctive features of Brazilianity is its multiculturalism. Brazil is a melting pot of cultures, religions, and traditions, which have blended together over time to create a unique and diverse identity. This diversity is reflected in the country's music, which ranges from samba and bossa nova to forró and funk, and in its cuisine, which features a mix of African, European, and indigenous ingredients and flavors.

Brazilianity also reflects the country's rich history and heritage. Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese in the 16th century, and its history has been shaped by slavery, immigration, and political and social upheavals. These experiences have contributed to the country's unique cultural identity and have inspired many artists and writers to explore themes of identity, race, and social justice.

Overall, Brazilianity is a celebration of the rich cultural heritage and diversity of Brazil. It is a reflection of the country's vibrant and dynamic character, and of its people's resilience, creativity, and passion.

Kinda this, but it is not like we are perfect, this is a ChatGPT sucking Brazilians dick description.

>> No.22176988

then now i love him

>> No.22176992

This is the book that I'm talking about. I wouldn't say that I agree with the causes of things, but people here are somewhat exactly like that.

>> No.22176993

sucking gringo cock
cheap prostitution
small scams
avoiding work
sleeping during the day
bribing cops
idolizing the poor
no condoms

>> No.22177001

6.25% percent nigga

>> No.22177003

found the Bostilian.

>> No.22177185

Bostil used to be White during his days

>> No.22177275

It's obvious just from his appearance that he's an octaroon

>> No.22177784

if it wasnt known to be a fact youd be laughed at for saying it, so no

>> No.22177867
File: 36 KB, 480x489, f83f0fe0-7206-4e77-b63d-fe743dfd2576-1536490116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From "Katia Mann: Unwritten Memories" ("Katia Mann: Meine ungeschriebenen Memoiren" [1974], 1975), edited by Elisabeth Plessen and Michael Mann, translated from the German by Hunter and Hildegarde Hannum, pp. 60 and 62-63:

>All the details of the story, beginning with the man at the cemetery, are taken from actual experience.


>In the dining-room, on the very first day, we saw the Polish family, which looked exactly the way my husband described them: the girls were dressed rather stiffly and severely, and the very charming, beautiful boy of about thirteen was wearing a sailor suit with an open collar and very pretty lacings. He caught my husband’s attention immediately. This boy was tremendously attractive, and my husband was always watching him with his companions on the beach. He didn’t pursue him through all of Venice—that he didn’t do—but the boy did fascinate him, and he thought of him often.


>I still remember that my uncle, Privy Counsellor Friedberg, a famous professor of canon law in Leipzig, was outraged: ‘What a story! And a married man with a family!’

>> No.22177985

You are either Brazilian or you are not, you disgusting Yankoid drag queen faggot
>I am german italian british scottish morocan antartican am-
You are none of that, you are an ethnic abomination of a fake country that unites the negro and the hebrew spirits in perfect unison.
Now back eat your cheeseburgers and die in a school shooting, barbarianx nigger

>> No.22178004

Being half Brazilian doesn't mean anything.

>> No.22178539

KEK essa bunda em chamas