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/lit/ - Literature

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22166598 No.22166598 [Reply] [Original]

>you need to register your device to sync!
>you are on airplane mode, would you like to turn it off?
>you need to select a wi-fi!
>you can't view your downloaded books without connecting!
>unable to sync, do you want to connect?
I'm going to spend actual money on actual books at this point holy FUCK

>> No.22166600
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Please do. Actual books are peak comf

>> No.22166601

Yeah these fucking NIGGERS have to make EVERYTHING subscription well fuck you I'll just buy an actual book - something the MBA marketing FAGGOTS who come up with this shit have never done.

>> No.22166602

wtf are you talking about?
>download books on libgen
>send file through email
>wifi connection automatically download it
it's that easy

>> No.22166603

Jailbreak it like a normal person and pirate all your books anon.

>> No.22166605

Used to do this with KOBO. The whole point of Kindle is get access to their store

>> No.22166609

Why pay when free though? only reason I buy physical books is if it's non-fiction or I want to collect and show them off.

>> No.22166611

Name of jailbreak?

>> No.22166621

Only 5.14.2 and below though. Yours looks ancient so it should be fine.

>> No.22166658

>stayed 5.15 after reset

>> No.22166680

literally just paste the files in the downloads folder

>> No.22167032

Those devices are another kike invention to destroy literature and high culture. Buy books.

>> No.22167044

My kindle has been offline for 7 years, except once it went off because of some "bug", and when I turned it back on it was updating lmao, they are such snakes its insane.
At some point I wanted to physically remove the wifi chip but no one who has tried has managed to make their kindle work.

lol no, if I do that then it gets "updated" and my collection of books written by terrorists is sent straight away to amazon servers which also coincidentally happen to be the same servers used by the fbi.

>> No.22167128

Paid 170€ for a kobo, modded it the second I got it. No more bullshit + I get all the books I want for free

>> No.22167144

>turn on airplane mode right after turning it on for the first time and never turn it off
>use a cable and calibre to add or remove books

What's the issue?

>> No.22167164

skill issue

>> No.22167172

I keep pdfs of books that are out of print or too expensive to buy on mine as well as kindle purchases.

>> No.22167177

man I love kikes

>> No.22167190

If you don't use an ereader you're a dumbfuck, I like reading more than I like clapping books on my face and dick cuz it's ""comf""

>> No.22167261


>> No.22167297

In what way did you mod it

>> No.22167339

Or, just sideload through Calibre like a normal person.

>> No.22167347

Plato OS and other stuff

>> No.22167368

You will own nothing and be happy, /lit/ edition

>> No.22167373

>own bits
How the fuck is that supposed to work?

>> No.22167375
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OP are you tech illiterate or what?

>> No.22167390

Copyright laws, locking down all media into subscription services only, shutting down piracy sites. I agree the idea of owning data is absurd at face value, yet they're doing it anyway.

>> No.22167415

I'd like to own Klaus Schwab's cottage cheese bootay

>> No.22167583
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Dude just buy one of these...

>> No.22167602

Loving every laugh

>> No.22167627

I literally have no idea what you are talking about. I have been using a kobo and pirating books for years.

>> No.22167630

Welp, they haven't closed down my irc channel lolz

>> No.22167688

>you need to register your device to sync!
no, you don't have to sync at all, just connect an USB and copy the books (converted from epub to azw3 by Calibre which btw 1. you should restrict from accessing the internet 2. never ever start or have running when kindle is connected) into the documents folder
>you are on airplane mode, would you like to turn it off?
>you need to select a wi-fi!
>unable to sync, do you want to connect?
never asked me
>you can't view your downloaded books without connecting!
what? if you already bought them legally, you are entitled to download a pirated copy of the same edition (i am not a lawyer and this varies by jurisdiction)... just use that.
>The whole point of Kindle is get access to their store
if that's the "whole point", you shouldn't be complaining that it wants to speak to its daddy, you cuck

OP is too retarded to handle a Kindle (which is practically the iPhone of such devices... I mean that the good way) and you are recommending something more complicated? lol

>> No.22167694

what? I put it into the airplane mode right after I bought it and it hasn't bothered me with anything since then

>> No.22167718

i do the same. it's not hard.

>> No.22167821

WiFi is useful for other things than just paying Amazon. For example
>read historically event I didnt knew about
>activate WiFi
>select words
>Kindle automatically searches it in Wikipedia for me

>> No.22167915

>using [[[wikipedia]]] instead of the Encyclopedia Britannica 11th edition from 1911

>> No.22167927

>just sideload through Calibre
mid2000'sereader faggot here
that is sad to read, that zooms are so mindbroken by tech that it's considered sideloading to add files to your device via usb.
It's not a task you even need calibre to do either, it's straight up the most basic feature of these devices.

>> No.22167970

>which btw 1. you should restrict from accessing the internet 2. never ever start or have running when kindle is connected

What happens in the second case?

>> No.22167985

it starts raping your kindle and if you want to close the application it says something along the line that it can result in irreversible damage to your kindle and please let me continue; I closed anyway and fortunately nothing happened, but it's not a joke I can appreciate (especially since the author of Calibre is an indian)
ok if you used calibre all your life to "sync books to your kindle" that's life... but if you are just beginning to do stuff, do yourself a favor and copy the books (converted via kindle from epub to azw3) in windows explorer or smth.

>> No.22167989

oh yes and not only can you not stop it, but you cannot disable said functionality... it starts going at it anytime you have it open and connect a kindle (and possibly other ereaders too)

>> No.22168399


Not sure what you are talking about. The Kobo is extremely fast to learn and you only have to plug it in to import (downloaded) ebooks. With the Calibre software it becomes even more easy. I can see why Kindle, which has a million safeguards against using it with downloaded material, would be a hassle.

>> No.22168415

Not sure what you are talking about as all you have to to is plug the kindle into usb and copy your book... no need to "import" anything

>> No.22168448

Use the brand PocketBook. No need to signup or to ever connect to wi fi. Do some reasearch first before buying the first ebook reader you see like a retard.

>> No.22168622

poorfag cope

>> No.22168628

literally none of these things exist
turn off wifi, use calibre

>> No.22168631

I cannot understand the schizobabble that stemmed from this reply chain but-
-you can literally just plug it into your computer and drag and drop files.
-AND if you wish: you can use calibre to sync them with no warning, no buttrape or anything.

No schizo shit or jumping through hoops required.

>> No.22168666

>No need to signup or to ever connect to wi fi
you don't need to do that with Kindle either
>PocketBook [...] was founded in 2007 in Kyiv, Ukraine
lol I prefer my ebook reader not to whore out to any stranger promising 1 dollar for the night

>> No.22168688

I'm gonna admit that I really want one of these to replace my Voyage w/ koreader when it dies for the bigger screen and it still has page turn buttons which matters the most to me.
Sage would be nicer but I know I can't justify paying £270/320 on another ereader while I still have one that works fine but is albeit a little small. At that price point it's easier to justify moving up to the 10 inch elipsa and I know from my old IPP that it's the perfect size for reading most stuff.

Sadly the curse of ereader devices flows strong with the elpisa and it is forever cucked with having no page turn buttons and people defending said decision as if there couldn't be a model without them for weirdo fucks.

>> No.22168689

>Talking shit about being founded ukraine and defending amazon lmao

>> No.22168716

> defending amazon lmao
I'd polish Bezo's bald bauble for a buck, I'll say that they have and occasionally do make good hardware at an extremely aggressive price point.
They have however been on a trend of fucking over that good hardware with terrible software and mandatory updates ever since Bezos got jealous of google when android started picking up steam. Everything is now plagued with their miserable operating systems and awful bootloaders all in the name of "cheaper accessible devices" as their shills says.

Bezos definitely commands no respect and nobody should ever defend him desu. Makes me sick whenever see some bezos bootlicker scumming around; however say what you will about that anon's post but he did merely say you don't need to do that with a kindle either. You may interpret that as defending Amazon or Bezos but when you look at the thread it fits in context.

>> No.22169073

Is it a new thing or something? I bought a new Paperwhite 5 and i just copy libgen books through usb.

>> No.22169231

>Is it a new thing or something?
Nah, OP's just a faggot I think.
You can copy through USB like you do too and it'll be fine. Last time I checked you could also download books on the kindle store on PC and copy over USB too.

>Jailbreak it like a normal person
The other anon said this but here's an argument for JB'ing a kindle.
Jailbreaking is worth it depending on which model you have and if you like koreader better.

I have an old Voyage which didn't get the dark mode/inverted update so koreader does that for me but also there's a greater control over formatting there, a lot of depth, lotta margin & spacing options so you can make use of the whole screen. I don't recall even needing to connect to wifi to JB after the reset but I could be wrong.
When it comes down to it, koreader works for me 'cause standby/sleep can be configured to display the page as it was, can be woken without a page refresh, can disable forced refreshes too, has a decent ambient FL toggle, good custom gestures & shortcuts for use and you can backup your metadata/settings easily. If you have vision problems then there's also greater control over the devices DPI and font sizes too, so useful beyond busting out the old spectacles.

If I was on a kindle that still got updates, I wouldn't connect it to wifi if Amazon had the option of removing the JB & koreader/kual.
If you're on the amazon ecosystem, buy books from the store, like the email downloads etc then stick to it, if it works it works. Nothing wrong with the default kindle experience, JBing just gives you options in the same way some people use calibre to tweak books before copying.

>> No.22169420

This sounds like someone that doesn't actually own a kindle because the real user experience is nothing like this at all

>> No.22169534

some anon posted 26reads where you can actually read books for free
started reading on my phone.... it's actually not terrible

>> No.22169540 [DELETED] 




>> No.22170357

why dont you wipe the original OS and root it run some linux os. Stop complaining theres literally 100s of options online.

>> No.22170421

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.22170526

I refuse to buy an e-reader, period
physical books or bust
I will not be constrained to deal with amazon or any shitty company who can enforce new rules arbitrarily or just brick my device cause its too old
Besides it has zero sovl

>> No.22170530


>> No.22170564

I have a kindle but I've rediscovered my love for real books. Fuck screens.

>> No.22170571

We have these threads every day reeeeeee

>> No.22170573

I'm thinking of buying an Onyx when my Kindle finally eats shit and dies; anyone here own one?

>I refuse to buy an e-reader, period
They're godlike for travel though, especially if it's a trip where you're going to have a lot of downtime.

>> No.22170598

why don't you retards just download PDF files (for free) like a normal person?

>> No.22170600

buy an Epaper display, a raspberry pi and a big battery, and make your own

>> No.22170633

It is terrible please just find a used ereader somewhere. They aren't expensive, I picked up mine for 60 euro but have found some as low as 40, and it is retarded how easy it is to upload epubs and pdfs onto it. I download most of them from libgen while on my phone and just send the files from there to my ereader.

>> No.22170654

>always have kindle on Airplane mode
>download ebook (.mobi or .azw3)
>connect kindle to computer via usb
>copy the ebook and paste it in the Downloads folder on kindle
>read a lot
Problem solved

>> No.22170668

When i go on a trip I just take a book with me
That and my laptop is full of arthouse kino backlog

>> No.22170742

It's not too late!
There's a jailbreak for 5.15 still, I think. But they patched in 5.15.1 or something, an update that changed basically nothing else. It should say on the forums what the latest possible one is.

>> No.22171118

that's all well in theory but the "trick" of proper ereaders is that they are sleeping most of the time, only aware enough to detect if you want to flip the page
you can't do that with a raspberry pi as it has to run all the time, probably consooming a billion times more battery per page than a proper eink ebook reader
you have to have some pretty advanced electronics (and not just programming) chops to pull off an eink reader device

>> No.22171398

I like books

>> No.22171558

That sounds frustrating, anon. Allow me to enlighten you:
>factory reset Kindle
>never connect to wifi when you reconfigure
>download Calibre for your PC
>find books wherever you'd like - libgen, zlibrary, etc
>download them to PC hard drive
>import to Calibre, change formats, edits, whatever
>save to new subdirectory
>copy/paste to your kindle
>sort books into collections on Kindle
>ignore prompts about synching

I've gotten over 2000 books this way. They're all backed up on my pc hard drive (and I have a 4TB external hard drive for backup), so I can add/remove them as I need to. Max levels of comfy. MAX

>> No.22171582

Wrong. You don't like reading books. You like reading texts.

>> No.22171607

Amazon and the other evil corporations can't do anything to your device if it's not connected to the internet, anon.

>> No.22171684


Be kind to your eyes. Reading on an iPhone/IPad screen is not good for your eyes. Greetings from an ophthalmologist researcher

>> No.22171703

I want you to slobber on my cock and balls.

>> No.22172011

>have pocketbook touch lux 4
>turn on wifi
>download a book from anna's archive
It's that easy when you don't buy goyslop products.

>> No.22172308

Huh? Just download Koreader you retard, I have zero of those problems

>> No.22172320

Seriously, what kind of fucking kindle does amazon send to people in the US? I have two kindles and they work just fine with my shit, just download calibre and whatever.

>> No.22172399
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>cuck-sized low-DPI proprietary Chinese abandonware
>non-goyslop product

>> No.22172403

Same, desu

>> No.22173818

I love my Kindle for reading, but I buy physical copies of things I enjoy, just to have them. Simple as.

>> No.22174091

I know. But those retard prompts about SYNC NOW etc piss me off so hard I prefer to just read on paper

>> No.22174245

>buy kobo
>don’t have jeff bezos nagware
Everything went better with exception

>> No.22174366

>There's a jailbreak for 5.15 still, I think
5.14.2 is the limit.
After updating to 5.15.1 you can restore JB that was already installed prior to the update, but not install a new one.