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/lit/ - Literature

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22166663 No.22166663 [Reply] [Original]

Itt zoomer lit

>> No.22166705
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>> No.22166710

Zoomers based?

>> No.22166713


>> No.22166901
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kys go shit up /r9k/ or something retard

>> No.22166951
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>mfw they just read new books because they're new
I didn't think literary consumerism was a thing, but it apparently is. Especially because these same people can't get into any classics or pivotal genre works.

>> No.22166968
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Zoomers are vehement retards who consume literature as easily digestible entertainment and fall prey to the most moronic hacks and grifters like Brandon Sanderson and Colleen Hoover because of that, consuming volumes of idiocy for the sake of it, more stumped by content than by length.

YET, I find that their tendency to read for sensory aesthetics, "vibes" and immersion interesting. Specially among female readers and their tumblerite moodboards, this is an extremely common tendency. Enough reading of any volume of books will lead people to understand that prose is about immersion and HOW something happens rather than serieses of events and WHATS. This is why literary fiction is accused of being 100,000 words of nothing, because it is a warping of the HOW things occur in common reality, an embellishment of it, and/or an stylistic immersion thereof.

Interestingly, zoomers are very keen on understanding this side of literature that even many great books and writers of lit fic over the course of history failed to grasp, delivering under stimulating courses of events that produce no feeling or grip on the reader. Unfortunately zoomers are too self-indulgent and comfort oriented to branch out into Nabokov, Flaubert and Proust and maximize them vibes and aesthetics.

>> No.22166978

>no longer has time to happily dissociate
These words in this order and the sentiment and the reality it represents makes me angry beyond sound reason.

>> No.22167258

No cap dis book be straight bussin fr deadass oh nahh dat audible shiii aint it skull emoji

>> No.22167372


>> No.22167379

>muh disassociation
>muh depression
>muh BPD
>muh bipolar
>muh "high functioning" mental illness

Why fucking zoomer love to say that have mental illness. I have for real mental illness and I hate it.

>> No.22167386 [SPOILER] 

Would, would, would

>> No.22167394

Amazing that more books are read than ever before, yet people are becoming less and less literatre. Can only imagine what kind of bilge these books are.

>> No.22167401

>tfw women are single handily keeping the publishing/book industry alive
based women, 99.9% of men never spend a second of their free time reading because they're either retarded or they think it's gay and a waste of time

>> No.22167527

Women only read wattpad and books similar to that if you guys know what that is

>> No.22167538

Prose is cinematography of literature.

>> No.22167548
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mechanics are the prose of video games

>> No.22167554

>gallons of makeup
>spend 3 hours making a shitty 25 second chinktok

>> No.22167560
File: 62 KB, 456x700, 9780143105824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually glad this thread is up. I'm 21 and am starting to read this, but have been having some difficulty. It's may be due to the language uses (I'll admit that most of the books I've read so far have been pretty simple), but I'm still very much interested in the ideas presented in the book. Any advice for how to tackle difficult books would be helpful, and any recs would also be appreciated.

>> No.22167562

Klara and the Sun is unironically great, and women hate it because it contains themes they biologically cannot understand.

>> No.22167568

Start with the greeks.

>> No.22167807
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I'm 25, my advice is to not worry too much about retention or understanding, but to simply allow the author to make an argument, and explain what he's trying to explain. By the end, you should have a general idea of what the point is, and if it resonated with you, you can go back through a second time more slowly and methodically, maybe taking notes and writing journal entries connecting what the author is saying to your own experiences. If this is a critique of capitalism, you could connect the general statements to real world examples.

All of the best books, and certainly the most difficult ones, deserve to be read more than once if you feel they are a core part of your worldview. Plato's Republic is one that I've read twice and intend on reading again when enough time has passed

>> No.22167996

>Amazing that more books are read than ever before, yet people are becoming less and less literatre.
The world's population went up drastically, it keeps climbing. Along with the population climbing, it's easier than ever to access books and even the third world has better access than they did 10 to 20 years ago.
There's books from authors & publishing houses who previously did not operate within your continent available at a single click.
It's hardly amazing that more books are read than ever before.

All that said; you're right about the drivel too. Take a look at something like good reads or recent releases and you'll see it.
You can't force people to read what you want them to read.

>> No.22168006

Do you notice rooms going silent whenever you speak, people shifting the conversation back to what it was before your interjection?

>> No.22168030

>By Yuval

>> No.22168031

And here I was growing up with the idea that only smart people gave a shit about reading.

>> No.22168033

> zoomer lit
So TikTok?
That ain't a book tho.

>> No.22168111

She exists fully in the hyperreal, such that she considers a moment of peace and focus to be 'dissociation' from her true self, a being of near psychosis. Real and unreal have been flipped. She's not smart enough to contrive this state of mind, twisting the words of psychotherapy for clout. She actually lives it.

>> No.22168127
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zoomer womeme be like

>> No.22168153
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>> No.22168154


>> No.22168215
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>delivering under stimulating courses of events that produce no feeling or grip on the reader
Why is it about stimulation? can't they just go experiment to see what they like? Is it really over for da zoomies?

>> No.22168286

Mid-2000s Zoomer here and reading Dostoevsky and the Dune series. Also have read some big political books.

>> No.22168303

klara sucks and im mad I wasted my time reading it

>> No.22168313

Ohhh poor little mentally ill baby who has to post about it for attention online.

>> No.22168319

Is it zoomers or millennials who are real into if you write about bad things you are a bad person.
Like if you write about sexual assault or incest or paedophilia or genocide you actually support those things or something.
Everything must be clean and pure.

>> No.22168321

Nobody believes that outside of an extremely niche and mainly trolling online community. Go outside.

>> No.22168323

tits or gtfo

>> No.22168327

But it's raining outside.

>> No.22168336
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Yes they fucking do faggot. They take everything a face value and have no sense of self awareness. YOU fucking go outside.

>> No.22168344

>and the sentiment it represents
I don't understand. What sentiment does it represent?

>> No.22168345

Everyone wants to feel special, so they use their supposed mental illnesses to feel unique and have a sense of identity. Same thing with the fags who fill their twitter profiles with monikers like "Gender-Queer," "Pansexual," "Bisexual," etc. Their meaningless people trying to feel meaningful.

>> No.22168360
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i am a man i read it 'cause a woman recommended it to me and clearly that was a mistake so right back at you

>> No.22168380

This video fixed my mental illness.

>> No.22168384

It gave me one

>> No.22168424

Read actively, always catch and stop yourself if you find that you're just reading the words and not actively thinking and trying to understand everything, if you're confused dont be afraid to re read the portion youre stuck on until until you fully understand

>> No.22168470

Fuck you and your dumb mother for birthing an idiot. I work a wage slave job and even the mongoloids I work with can separate the artist from the content they create. Grow up and stop feeding into outrage culture

>> No.22168580

You first retard

>> No.22168585

>from "simple" books to D&G at 21
>I'm still very much interested in the ideas presented in the book
why? do have any vague intimation of what "ideas" you think they are writing about you're interested in? you got baited desu

>> No.22168617

Millennials for sure. It predates zoomers having a big online presence.
Same, the lower classes are actually less likely to fall for that kind of bullshit, it's not ignorance, it's an ideology. The only reason to be performatively offended is if you believe your group can drive certain topics out of discussion. That's the intelligentsia.

>> No.22168620

Shut it, zoomer, got assblasted that someone point it out that you are reatard claming to have "high functioning BDP"?

>> No.22168646

it's a way of
1.relating to like-minded people, and having some sense of belonging to those who understand
2."normalizing" it (unfortunately this coincides largely with corporations commodifying it)
3. romanticizing it, as in making it integral to their identity and worldview, which is a tight rope to say the least
4. using it as a cop-out for personal failings...I can't be in relationship because x, I can't have ambition because x, etc. this one's complicated because mental illness does effect these things

the exposure to mental illness has helped us empathize and understand people more, sure, but it has also lead to the trivializing of it, the reduction of x, y, z diagnoses into tropes (almost to phrenological levels), misrepresentations, false diagnoses and bad advice from armchair psychiatrists, and the most extreme flat out frauds, however these are hard to determine besides say people claiming tourettes

go to tumblr/twitter and look at those e-begging, they have to put "I'm a trans, poc, mentally-ill, disabled, retarded x" to virtue-bait suckers

>> No.22168650

I shit you not I saw a vid parodying sleazy "underground" music guys who try to fuck indie girls and the guy was carrying no longer human in the car. Shit has gone sideways.

>> No.22168663

These people have always existed, every generation has pearlclutchers, they're just able to mobilize better. Ironically many wish the worst happens to those who don't fit their world view.

>> No.22168881

Read ‘How to Read a Book’

I wish I would have read it in my early twenties because reading it now was ok but I learned all this shit from being a reader for a while. It will help you gain skills that may take you a decade to learn on your own.

>> No.22168888
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>> No.22168953

HOW something happens is actually WHAT happens in literature and most of arts.

>> No.22169048

Try the “grad school gut” my nigga.


>> No.22169308

No. I'm a mentally well Zoomer. The person you're criticizing doesn't exist and is an amalgamation of opinions contradictory to yours, which makes you a buffoon

>> No.22169334

Fuck, I sometimes read Zoomer Lit. I really enjoy those light novels. They are my guilty pleasure.

>> No.22169335
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>> No.22169517


>> No.22170097

I’m not the guy you’re replying to but this is good advice. Thank you Anon

>> No.22170181

I’m glad slop like this and Colleen Hoover books are dumped into tables like this at bookstores. Leaves more space in the shelves for actual good books.

>> No.22170213


>> No.22170217
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Zoomer lit

>> No.22170359

nothing wrong as long as it's not all you can stomach

>> No.22170363

Social conditioning by pharma companies to push SSRIs.

>> No.22170381

nah he's right, even here far from america in eastern yurop all the zoomies are playing mental illness like its top trumps
have a friend who has a zoomer daughter, half of her class is trans and the other half is on antidepressants and other shit

>> No.22170387

Was this thread made by bots? I can't imagine caring this much what other people read and having a public tantrum about it or obsessive over age. Fucking weird and sad.

>> No.22170392
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>> No.22170399

that would require actually reading
Not just getting the idea by reading 5 out of 10 words, all of which are at a 6th-grade reading level

>> No.22170403

Is this the /lit/ equivalent of the goyslop meme?

>> No.22170402
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It's millenials.

>> No.22170404

if you want to max out aesthetics read Huysmans and Genet

>> No.22170407

Read: How to read a book by Mortimer Adler
Read some linguistic theorists( Saussure, Searle etc)
It will give you a better idea of how to approach complex texts

>> No.22170411

>let people enjoy things!

>> No.22170415

what is Dazai doing with all that schlock around it

>> No.22170419

>stop making weird schizo complaints about things that don't involve you or matter to build some sort of sad identity and/or get attention on the Internet

>> No.22170465

Wholesome :)

>> No.22170510

Maybe has something to do with muh depression aspect of the book. That said, Dazai was severly mentally ill unlike those zoomers that claim to encompass the whole DMS. But it would be dishonest not to mention that even though the book is considered to be well written (not in my opinion though), the massage is pretty simple and digestible, which makes it on par with the types of books they read.

>> No.22170522

I don't have a problem with simple prose per se as long as it's well-written
But yeah that would make sense

>> No.22170616

Why is pop-phil Stoicism always in fashion?

>> No.22170679

Because it's a fucking edit you retard

>> No.22170692

The books on that shelf I've actually read are decent but I've never heard someone even mention the rest of them.

>> No.22170738

similar virtues that you can find in Christianity, but without the responsibility. Be your own master kind of vibes that normies love(although surface level).

>> No.22170740

clueless mutt has NEVER seen a grammatical case in his life

>> No.22170748

I honestly don't know what I would pick if I had to choose a book from there. Maybe the Daily Stoic (as cringe as that sounds) because I imagine it is just a collection of small passages - similar to the Hagakure's layout, that you can just turn to a random page and read something as you wish. If it isn't layed out like that it's terrible. I don't think I could ever pay money to read a Jordan Peterson book, heard him bang on about Jung too much already.

>> No.22170759

Name one book a zoomer has read

>> No.22170816

Enemies to Open Relationship Lovers 2: Browner and Witchier

>> No.22170847

Good post, this
I've come to a very similar conclusion but by a completely different way

>> No.22170848

went into a library in Korea. English section, tiny. Here is what I saw
> Harry Potter
> Diary of a Wimpy Kid
> White Fragility
> Oprah Winfrey’s book
> Sapiens
> Why We Sleep
> Think Grow Rich
> Outliers
Can’t be arsed to write more, but it was fucking pathetic, either childrens books (probably for kids learning English) or some woke garbage, or the majority - self help meme books. No soul, completely tasteless and clearly the work of barely-literate burgers.

>> No.22170874

>Be millennial
>Childhood consists of watching spongebob and playing video game
>Larp as something fashionable like a bisexual or a metrosexual in your teens
>Complain about the world
>Be zoomer
>Childhood consists of watching spongebob and playing video game
>Larp as something fashionable like a demisexual or non-binary in your teens
>Complain about the world
The lack of self-awareness in these threads is always insanely funny.

>> No.22171011

Those scenarios happened in your head, get help

>> No.22171035

>The lack of self-awareness in these threads is insanely funny
Thankyou for the giggle millennizoomer.

>> No.22171069

Phoning the above poster's loony bin right now

>> No.22171095

>Displays impotent rage
Yep, no difference

>> No.22171119

So let me get this straight. Your friend's, daughter's, classmates are what allow you to make a judgement of zoomers more than me being a zoomer? You're fucking retarded, I can't wait for your generations to fizzle out

>> No.22171142

They all have mental illness anon.

>> No.22171148

I don't read any of that
>Zoomers are vehement retards who consume literature as easily digestible entertainment and fall prey to the most moronic hacks and grifters like Brandon Sanderson and Colleen Hoover because of that, consuming volumes of idiocy for the sake of it, more stumped by content than by length.
No I don't

>> No.22171149

3rd Rock from the Sun is the most underrated series of all time and this guy is a thespian of world class.

>> No.22171150

That's not even funny at all.
>what if we melted water and called it HOT ICE?! AMIRIGHT?!
This is on the level my five year old currently comes up with.

>> No.22171154

>tfw I had some werid revulsion about that show and never watched it.
As time goes on I realize it was a psyop to turn people into retards.

>> No.22171204


>> No.22171319
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this people are his master´s voice. im always half perplexed how this trend of hyper psychologization always be analyzed by sociological points but nobody put the hard psychologization as a factor, people tend to see psychologization as something good, or neutral at worst.
but mental illness pressupose a sane and healthy mind that is an abhorrent concept to begin with. one dont exist without the other. people should look what psychologists propose as what a sane mental person should do and decide freely if they think psychologists are right,. but its just a matter of pure professionalism and authority at this point, nobody go to listen opinions when go to a psychologist, they go to an expert.
zoomers live a completely psychology guided life, they see it as a guide so they grip to psychology cock desperately so psychology save them from the eternal suffering world that they think they feel as suffering because they have a mental illness. my point is that psychology reinforce consciously all this, its a discipline that is based in create a non-suffering world by their own standards, they are not a neutral thing in all this.

>> No.22171473
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Women truly have no sense of shame for the embarrassing things that they do and say.

>> No.22171573
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it exacerbated mine

>> No.22171713

Oh wow she annotated every time the cripple gets diddled.

>> No.22171853
File: 56 KB, 500x500, coomer moomin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but....

>> No.22171921

>No delusional zoomer lit gf
How am I expected to continue on with life in such a state?

>> No.22172056

>the song of achilles
faggotry at its peak. i saw this book in the hands of a short-haired acne riddled ftm tranny walking down the street. couldn't have been a day older than 15.

>> No.22172097

Why are koreans reading jews bitching about whites? Or is the english section just for expats?

>> No.22172183

It's not though? It's a real picture. Dazai is popular on TikTok as le super depressed man

>> No.22172413

No, they confirm what I see and hear elsewhere, from another friend for instance who is a teacher and has much the same to say about his classes

>> No.22172447

is it really that good? Aren't the spark notes efficient?

>> No.22172474

>>>22166663 (OP)
>>mfw they just read new books because they're new
>I didn't think literary consumerism was a thing, but it apparently is. Especially because these same people can't get into any classics or pivotal genre works.
>Zoomers are vehement retards who consume literature as easily digestible entertainment a
it's called making an unpaid commercial for a product in hopes that a stranger will give you a few pennies from the begging hat he's holding out on your behalf.

I know we don't like to discuss the artificiality of the internet and media in its effects, but you really shouldn't pretend you're looking at organic humans in the wild.

>> No.22172480


>> No.22172508

Taking an interest in literature has allowed me to fuck several of these 'booktok' girls. All of their pussies have smelt delightful. All their walls have been covered in fairy lights.

"Yes darling rupi kaur's poetry really enlightens me. can you suck my soft penis now please"

>> No.22172518

>All their walls have been covered in fairy lights.
disgusting. i bet they wore diapers.

>> No.22172524

>can you suck my soft penis now please

Do you have to say it in lower case too

>> No.22172563

god I wish

>> No.22172620

That's millennialcore though

>> No.22172737

Why would I notice things that don't happen? That sounds like schizophrenia.
Do you?

>> No.22172811

Yeah, something told me all the people you surround yourself with are equally stupid. Thanks for confirming it. Now, gramps, i think your blood sugar is a little low. Go get yourself a cookie and take a nap, and throw out your computer while you're at it.

>> No.22172854

What the fuck is that cartoon insult, oh my god
Sounds exactly like a villain from Spongebob would say, what the hell

>> No.22173484

You missed out, the first 3 seasons are /lit/

>> No.22173505

>not called coomin

>> No.22174279

Nobody cares about your SpongeBob reference, but I guess it means that you're not that old, just a posturing millenial. It's sad, really.

>> No.22174355

zoomzoom can't handle the truth about his generation and has to resort to petty insults - many such cases, sad!

>> No.22174477

That's not the joke.