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File: 152 KB, 482x482, holden_caulfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22167417 No.22167417 [Reply] [Original]

Characters that are literally you

>> No.22167421
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>> No.22167427

you're underage

>> No.22167431

No, actually I'm 19 I just drop by at 7-Eleven picking my elixir for my wizard casting spells

>> No.22167432
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Major Major Major Major

>> No.22167481
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>> No.22167484
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>I sincerely beg your wife's pardon and your own. Tell her please, that I am a schizophrenic. And now, if you will allow me, I will take my leave.

>> No.22167488
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Wish I could be 19 again

>> No.22167517

Im like ishmael except im autistic for video games instead of whales. Im also literally razumihin

>> No.22167543

Heh. Johnny Truant
> frequent sexhaver
> constantly getting in fights
> cool scars
> tragic backstory
> haunted and gaunt, trapped in the twisted labyrinth of my own mind
> nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.22167657

Ishmael wasn't autistic about whales

>> No.22167660
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>> No.22167672
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>its so over
It ain't over yet!

>> No.22167711

nigga never stood a chance

>> No.22167748
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>> No.22168246
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I'm currently in the process of turning from an idiot into The Idiot

>> No.22168282

Ok guys, in this chapter I will explain how whales were represented in art, going all the way from the greeks to modernity. Please hang with me for a while, in the next chapter I will explain in detail the skull of the sperm whale.

>> No.22168288
File: 283 KB, 744x1138, american-psycho-book-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me, except I'm not american

>> No.22168295

Pnin and Lucky Jim, in a few years Bartleby

>> No.22168301


Lol I remember that now. Thanks anon.

I'm going all the way on self agrandizement and calling myself Jubal Harshaw.

>> No.22168305

Humbert Humbert

>> No.22168310

What woud you do different? Is 21 too late?

>> No.22168309

You stole mine!

>> No.22168354

my condolences

>> No.22168375

I definitely feel like the character should have been an incel.

>> No.22168390

I'd just fuck it up again

>> No.22168520
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>> No.22168815
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he's just like me fr fr

>> No.22168988

Just finished Serotonin. It was a very alarming read, reading about Florent-Claude was like looking into my own future. What can I do to prevent such a future?

>> No.22169021
File: 88 KB, 831x1200, Rebel-Lucifer_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucifer, for all the wrong reasons. Sometimes I hate myself, others I hate everyone around me.

>> No.22169356

John Constantine, Harry Dresden

>> No.22169401

You spend your life cruising around New York City chasing older women and prostitutes? I'm really confused why high schoolers think they can relate to this guy.

Assassinate Macron.

>> No.22169411


>> No.22169768

Not even a slight exaggeration of the book. Theres a chapter dedicated to the whales cock

>> No.22169874
File: 748 KB, 1949x2848, Suttree_-_Cormac_McCarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cornelius Suttree

>> No.22169904

This. Ishmael was a gorilla in a cage.

>> No.22170101
File: 48 KB, 320x472, der-process-nach-franz-kafka-c-knesebeck-verlag-formatkey-jpg-w320m[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22170122

Carl-Tropic of Cancer
Montaigne-Essays by Montaigne

>> No.22170186

Nicholas Urfe

>> No.22170398

Suttree is juvenalia.

>> No.22170430
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The Cat in Therese Raquin: c'est moi

>> No.22170464

Can someone redpill me on /lit/'s theory that he has sex with his sister? Is it the single throwaway line where he talks about dancing with her? There is no way he was using dance as a euphemism for sex. Also he admits to being a virgin in the story.

>> No.22170537


>> No.22170586

OP here, Holden is not literally me. I've been busy reading some masterpieces and fell for the Bible meme. I was visiting the France lately. Also have you guys tried putting lemon slices on water?

>> No.22170599

Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?


>> No.22170608
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Bobby Western
how do i fuck my sister bros...

>> No.22171940
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>> No.22172052
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Bernard Marx from picrel
I can't believe how overlooked he is when discussing literally me characters, he's LITERALLY ME

>> No.22172179

he is depressed, self depricating in an egoistic way, hates the current state of society despite being completely addicted to it and he is literally me

>> No.22172426

He has sex.

>> No.22172522


>> No.22173656
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>tip a girl 200 tokens to take her into private
>she says "hey babe what do you want to see first, my tits or my pussy"
>tell her I'd rather just talk to her
>she laughs
>"is that your kink? talking? what do you want to talk about"
>ask how old she is
>"19, why?"
>tell her she looks mature for her age
>tell her she reminds me of my cousin Sally-Ann who was gonna be the first from our village to go to college in the big city before she got knocked up by the jones' kid, you know the one with the bad eye who liked to chew 'bacco out behind the barn
>"you calling me old babe?"
>tell her I didn't mean no offense
>tell her the depth of her eyes belies her youth
>she didn't know what I meant by that but seemed flattered
>my tokens were running low at this point
>tell her that I'll get more next month and not to worry about paying the bills and that I'll be there for her
>come back next month and her account was gone
>find out later her pimp killed her to sell her organs
>never got to tell her she was my sister and that we got separated when we were little

remember to support and donate to your sister's onlyfans while you have time /lit/

>> No.22173665


>> No.22173775
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Le Chat c'est moi

>> No.22174168

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.22174197
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>> No.22174589

Tell me what I should do with the time i have before me oh grand wizard.

>> No.22174897

I read that the english translation mangles it, is this true?
I'll add that the protagonist from Soseki's The Miner is literally me.