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22165278 No.22165278 [Reply] [Original]

>LotR is a Bong's self-insert attempt at creating the Bri'ish Homeric Epic through a Christcuck lens, and is more interested in retarded genealogy than anything else
>Conan is simply an Irish Burger's power fantasy
>Elric is a degenerate anti-LotR filled with awful prose and nonsensical stories that go back and forth, while tied to an "expansive universe"
>rest of popular fantasy is just derivatives of these
>ASOIAF is a historical rewrite of the War of the Roses and will never be finished
>Pre-Tolkien fantasy is just a bunch of interesting ideas as novellas
Why are all the big names of fantasy so awful? Why is the genre called fantasy so limited? Why did LotR become so big when it's essentially just autistic worldbuilding and philology?

>> No.22165282

>misses shitting on Chronicles of Narnia
Terrible bait.

>> No.22165452

Elric is explicitly an anti-Conan you retard, lotr doesn't come into it.

>> No.22165629

And Malazan is pure kino.

>> No.22166295

>uses the word "christcuck"
I will now ignore your post

>> No.22166435

>no Narnia
>no Earthsea
>no Lyonesse
Next time

>> No.22166511

>surprised that a genre invented for children is bad

>> No.22166516

>I've obviously never read any fantasy, but wanted to make a thread about it anyway

>> No.22166618


>> No.22166643

>Homeric Epic

>> No.22167599
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On a similar note, I never got it when "Le Based Christpilled Gymbros" and generally conservative people were surprised how the worst people ever are following the same fandom and adapting the books as some identity politics scheme. It's a fictionalized and scrambled fable for kids made by some old man who liked imagining things while at his desk as a pasttime. It's not the Iliad or The Epic of Gilgamesh or even romantic literature that it talks about chilvary or virtue in a historical but hyperbolic setting. Why even create that kind of elaborate scheme? Why not use a semi-historical setting? What the hell even is a Dothraki? Or Uruk-Hai?

People forget that the same man who made the LoTR movies popularized Harry Potter as well because he adapted those books as well.

>> No.22167613

>Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser is better than all of them

>> No.22167813

its the illiad/aenied but for ww2

>> No.22167923

>LotR is a Bong's self-insert attempt at creating the Bri'ish Homeric Epic through a Christcuck lens, and is more interested in retarded genealogy than anything else
No, thats the (proto) silmarilion you fool. LotR was just something in the universe that a 1950’s publisher thought was more sellable. Also, Homeric epics are more interested in retarded genealogies then anything else too.

At least get the facts straight.

>> No.22167950

No it isn't.

Elric is only anti-conan in the most superficial ways. They are both murderhobos who solve all their problems with swordfights. Elric just feels sad about it ;(

>> No.22167981

It is a bit like that though.

>> No.22168099
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>Conan is simply an Irish Burger's power fantasy
Not really. I don't know maybe. But Conan, while undeniably a fucking beast, constantly going on crazy adventures and banging hot women, is very clearly meant to be just a small part of a universe full of horrific things that he can't possibly hope to understand or combat. Half of the Conan stories are basically horror where Conan is scared shitless the entire time and just barely escapes with his life.

>> No.22168188

>Half of the Conan stories are basically horror where Conan is scared shitless the entire time and just barely escapes with his life.

>> No.22168209

>Conan stories are basically horror where Conan is scared shitless the entire time and just barely escapes with his life
thats not what I remember

>> No.22168402
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Take my updoot