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/lit/ - Literature

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22164035 No.22164035 [Reply] [Original]

Have you seen this shit? lol

A Jewish woman claims she went through CM's trash in this 90s and found far-right anti-semitic pamphlets, Republican membership, messages from conservative book clubs, etc.


>> No.22164041

I also went through his trash. Namely Blood Meridian and Suttree.

>> No.22164044

yeah well i went through cormac mccarthys septic tank in the 90s

>> No.22164047

KEK wtf, not even joking?

>> No.22164053

>Besides border journalism I did immigrant civil rights activism. I became an assistant Girl Scout leader. I joined Planned Parenthood’s board of directors

why are they always like this?

>> No.22164054

Suttree is class, fuck you.

>> No.22164062

I'll allow you to shit on BM but Suttree is something else.

>> No.22164064

Keep at it, my sweet summer child. Never change.

>> No.22164066

>I’m from a Texan Jewish family who, by the time I was born, had quietly struggled for five generations to be fully accepted by a state that once belonged to the Confederacy. I’d felt put off by the casual, Southern-WASP machismo and violence in Cormac’s work.
A real mystery.

>> No.22164080

Sounds 100% made up

>> No.22164082

>Threw out antisemitic crap
>voted for Dole
Yeah, whatever.

>> No.22164098
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Yeah the 90s were based

>> No.22164106

>The newsletter of the Faulkner Society
Faulknerfags called it.

>> No.22164110

That's a good one

>> No.22164111

>Still, I thought, the most famous literato in America was sucking his mojo—his descriptions of the landscape, the cowboy English, the Mexican Spanish, the horses!—from the borderlands. Yet he contributed nothing to his borderland community’s library.
It's not enough to be the best living writer of your country, you have to contribute to le community!

>> No.22164160

>best living writer of your country
How deep the mighty have fallen

>> No.22164167

filtered or jelly

>> No.22164170
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Let me guess she didn't actually keep even a single item as evidence to prove definitively that this was true. That would've made far too much sense.
After all it's very normal to dig through strangers trash but keeping it? What are you crazy?
And how very convenient to bring this up 30 years later right after he died and it made the headlines.

>> No.22164176

because they're hebrew females. one of the most destructive demographics of all time.

>> No.22164184

Was he a Bircher?

(I don't care. I'm just using this as an opportunity to tell zoomers about the John Birch Society and W. Cleon Skousen.)

>> No.22164187

>Let me guess she didn't actually keep even a single item as evidence
You called it. Also the list of stuff she found reads like a late night skit of "10 things you might find in Cormac McCarthy's thrash"

>> No.22164199
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>get junk bulk mail from local dentists, car companies, etc.
>throw it out
Same energy.

>> No.22164200

Are you sure we're talking about the same man? Because I'm talking about the derivative guy writing about deserts, clowns and trannies. The decadence is astounding. America had Melville, Faulkner. Now it has tranny horse netflix Carthy McDonalds.

>> No.22164205

I agree with you there but in the 90s he still hadn't written the tranny book.

>> No.22164228

> Spotlight, the bulletin of ultra-right, anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist Texe Marrs. (I always gave Cormac the benefit of the doubt … “Oh, he must be doing research!”)

>> No.22164235

if he believed in those things he wouldn't have thrown them in the trash, only way to prove anything is if all of his wallpaper was actually just pamphlets floor to ceiling

>> No.22164257

How many tranny books has this fucktard even written?

>> No.22164286

the passenger/Stella Maris

>> No.22164292
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A faithful depiction of the judge finally enters

>> No.22164296

So, about 40% of his work is about transvestites. At least his non-Hollywood work. Transvestites. That´s the theme.

>> No.22164298


>> No.22164305

I'm very disappointed in him. He went out being a pro-LGBTQ+ faggot and an "I heckin' love science" reddit soiboi. He was meant to bring SOVL to the world.

>> No.22164444

Well he threw it out . At minimum that's a sign of rejection, though it could be interpreted any way. What does this gross garbage sniffing think her findings imply?

>> No.22164475
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> I’d felt put off by the casual, Southern-WASP machismo and violence in Cormac’s work
So I dug through trash and tried to make a character assassination based on association through my alleged finds! I am very normal! You’re the crazy kook not me haha! I just hate this country and everyone of a certain colour and I need to tear down anyone who disagrees with me. If you challenge that you’re a racist just like the other guys I accused.

>> No.22164483

Tranny writer. Next

>> No.22164554

they were disposables kek

>> No.22164700

In the article, regarding the anti-semitic thing, she said she assumed he was doing research, with a "please let me be right about this" kind of tone.

>> No.22164796

Into the trash he goes. Pretty mediocre writer, for real

>> No.22164824
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Damn, conspiratard books used to have some dope covers back in the day.

>> No.22164838

lmao chuds stay losing

>> No.22164844

it was a failed b8

>> No.22164845

>be famous author
>chuds nationwide: "he's a white Texan, he must be 'one of us' "
>"dear Mr McCarthy, I love your books! I'm enclosing some literature from my organization I'm sure you will enjoy "
>he throws it in the trash where it belongs

I mean, maybe he was racist, antisemitic, etc; but finding trash in his trash hardly proves anything

>> No.22164866

>Into the trash he goes
hmm, from my findings it appears you are a profound fan of the late mccarthy

>> No.22164886

Hmm, how enticing

>> No.22164999

Just some dumb liberal bitch doing dumb liberal bitch things

You're also a faggot for putting the pamphlet stuff at the center of your post. The article is obviously about herself.

>> No.22165152

>Besides border journalism I did immigrant civil rights activism. I became an assistant Girl Scout leader. I joined Planned Parenthood’s board of directors and the board of the public library. Like so many public resources in poverty-stricken El Paso, the struggling library was constantly trying to drum up money. A few writer luminaries lived in the city, and whenever we asked them to give benefit readings, people like Abraham Verghese showed up. But not “Cormac,” as we locals called him.

my god, kikes should be illegal

>> No.22165162


>Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia
>Variations of the DNST3 gene make Ashkenazi Jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and similar diseases.

>> No.22165164

> whenever we asked them to give benefit readings
Is this one of those “charity” things where a hobo commie “author” (reading circle of 12) gives back to the community by reading their tranny rhymes (no meter) to kids?

>> No.22165171

seek help

>> No.22165214

not only that but I found exactly the kind of thing to publicly shame him but I never let anyone know until the day after he died! Also publications wrote about it at the time but I won't link those articles and I actually forgot all about doing it until now

>> No.22165223


>> No.22165232

MacDonalds is ridiculous, anything else would just add to it

>> No.22165233

Cormie made his first and only female protag a Jew and this is how the tribe pays him lol

>> No.22165235

Imagine Cormac McCarthy reading the scene where Harrogate fucks a bunch of watermelons to a roomful of families at a public library benefit.

>> No.22165240


>> No.22165250


>> No.22165257

AI posts

>> No.22165262

In a way you are right. AI are my initials.

>> No.22165333

Pretty sad to go through someones trash. Im a huge leftist but respect Cormac for not putting politics into everything.

>> No.22165349

Anon I think you should hang yourself

>> No.22165491


>> No.22165510

funny how jews constantly pretend like the confederacy was a bastion of anti-semitism, forgetting characters like judah p. benjamin, a jew on jefferson davis's cabinet.

>> No.22165559

So? It’s his trash. It doesn’t actually say anything about his opinions on those pamphlets. In fact, he probably thought they were trash since he put them there

>> No.22165562

Why do people say stupid shit like this?

>> No.22165580

Please people don’t click this ridiculous “journalism” it’s clearly clickbait. Ignore this retard and she’ll go back to her miserable life

>> No.22165593

You seem upset.

>> No.22165600

Don't you just love journalism? A famous and well-liked American writer dies, and journalists pounce on the chance to shit on him viciously, with trash and a trashcan near his photo as the cherry on top. And they wonder why people fucking hate journalists so much...
Hyperpolitics is such a cancer. It's has gotten so much worse in the past 20 years, much less 5 years.

>> No.22165606

A melon ain't no beast

>> No.22165720

>well-liked American writer
Anon, I'm sorry

>> No.22165732

another thread about a mediocre author.

>> No.22165746

don't tell the niggers what you're in for, they'll lynch you

>> No.22165783

Imagine being a corporate compliance officer digging through the trash desperate to sniff out people that don't conform to regime morality. Can't think of a creature more pathetic.

>> No.22165790

Your description perfectly fits McDonalds. You should try professional writing.

>> No.22166181

The game of thwones wath the betht thow evuh cweated. The quote wath populawized in the episode Lowd Snow. You thould weally watch the thow.

>> No.22166256

Look the butthurt retarded ESL is back at it.

>> No.22166265

Calm down butthurt ESL retard. The way you have been seething for days is as if McCarthy fuckdd your mom before he died.

>> No.22166271

>America had a dumb redneck hillbilly and a gay sailor
>some ESL retard is mythologizing because McCarthyChads were mean to his retarded ass
You are most pathetic.

>> No.22166323

It also had hemingway, who was himself a repressing tranny.

>> No.22166336

Get over your butthurt.

>> No.22166355

The freshmen are here

>> No.22166361

This ESL retard's whore mom takes niggercock. He has to cope by posting trannies and homos.

>> No.22166982

>famous person dies
>can't sue for defamation and libel anymore
>dumb yenta satisfies her attention whoring impulses by publishing an article about something that allegedly happened 30-odd years ago
Amazing how all this crucial and devastating information only shows up now, isn't it

>> No.22166989
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>Solicitation from the Conservative Book Club, “for people who are tired of liberal misinformation and propaganda”

Yeah sorry nobody talked like this in the 90s

>> No.22166999
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unironically rent free

>> No.22167043

>internationally famous author
>sifts literal garbage

>> No.22167060

That's what those writers get for bending over backwards and walking on eggshells to please these libtarded journos. You don't get to be mad about this when you enabled it and let it grow this grotesquely massive in the first place.

>> No.22167066

Reminder that a link was found between Ashkenazim and Schizophrenia.

>> No.22167134

What? I know a lot of people like to look back at the '90s with rose-tinted glasses as the last "good" or "normal" decade or whatever, but there was culture war programming and idpol bitching going on around the clock back then too.

>> No.22168334

I was talking about the exact phrasing
"misinformation/disinformation" stuff is a recent term as far as I can tell, haven't seen it used compulsively until around 2014 lol

>> No.22168751

wait it's just transvestites? nothing wrong with a man in a dress as long as he knows he's still a man.

>> No.22168840

Ill she’s Jewish of course she doesn’t have proof. They think being deceitful is a virtue.

>> No.22168976

>There was an entire Jewish brigade that fought for the CSA and its person of the book vice president
The Carpetbagger cries out as it sorts through your trash (a crime btw).

>> No.22169206
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>> No.22169366

Poets don't vote

>> No.22169486

It was pretty normal to be a high status republican back then, it was the Iraq War, Tea Party and finally Zlormpf that made it retroactively socially unacceptable.

>> No.22169532

So is he a conservative or a leftist? Just bought two of his books, but I might send them back depending on the answer.

>> No.22169566

BM what a piece of shit. /lit/ convinced me to read it. Sick bastards.

>> No.22169576

<A Jewish woman
So will the spineless communists of /lit/ defend their hero, or do they know, somewhere deep inside, who’s master?

>> No.22169585

This is a troll article by a retarded leftist
>sun bleached deer bone
>solicitation, republican party
It's the jewish woman's projection of how a boomer male novelist from the south would be like.

This is the real deal, from 1998:


>> No.22169592

Just a regular dude. Conservative but not the MAGA/far-right kind.

>> No.22169600

>far right antisemitism pamphlets
>Just a regular dude

>> No.22169621

the jewess will always be quick to tell you what happened to her, but never why

>> No.22169634

How cowardly to write this article after he died.

>> No.22169645
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It's one of the more pathetic characteristics of users of this site that people feel the need that their icons be just like them. Maybe more pathetic on places like /tv/ where they really have to do some mental gymnastics, but it's the same here. Besides, wouldn't the fact that these things are in his trash indicate he's not treasuring them? If someone had been checking my trash at the right time they would have found Islam pamphlets, doesn't mean I'm Muslim.

>> No.22169659

>Cormac McCarthy throws away far right stuff
>"He threw it in the trash because he's far right!"
definitely a psyop

>> No.22169705

I haven't read it yet, is it actually pro-tranny? I seen some video talking explicitly about this, which I didn't watch, but the trannies in the comment section didn't seem entirely pleased with how McCarthy did it.

>> No.22170061

>Texe Marrs

>> No.22170111

He was a Mason. If anything, they were playing for the same team.

>> No.22170123

team demiurge?

>> No.22170456

Sounds like a pornstar name

>> No.22170460

There's a pre-op tranny named Debussy (I shit you not) who appears for about three pages, has a conversation with the protaginist and that's pretty much it.

>> No.22170502

trips confirm. if not literally then spiritually. theres no such thing as being outside that system if you are an artist. it doesnt matter how "outsider" you feel, you will be part of the system.
masons are gnostics

>> No.22170550

>I felt put off by other ethnicities and cultures existing with their own nation

Well that has to be the most honestly and straightforwardly Jewish thing I've ever read in my life

>> No.22170557

It’s almost as if this lying kike can prove her claims by simply posting the certified letter she claims to have of his. But we know Jewish pilpul won’t allow them to provide receipts that don’t exist

>> No.22170562
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What is it with boomers and fictional "pamphlets"? What century do you think this is? Maybe there were some far right anti-semetic telegrams in there as well. Maybe some there were morse code transcriptions as well.

>> No.22170579

>Yeah sorry nobody talked like this in the 90s
The political fringe absolutely did. If you ever go look at WN publications from the 90s that's complete in line with the kind of stuff they were putting out. Listen to some old William Luther Pierce broadcasts and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.22170593

yeah, found in the trash

>> No.22170841

Why don't you shove it up your ass faggot

>> No.22170855

>found far-right anti-semitic pamphlets
This sounds hilarious, but I doubt it. McCarthy was most likely a conservative, but like most Americans, he was a huge shabbos goy. Watch his last interviews when he discusses Heidegger and is genuinely appalled that his diaries confirmed he was a turbo antisemite.

>> No.22170859

There's a tranny character called Bussy who is obsessed with anime.

>> No.22170861

Fuck off. Mishima wasn't gay.

>> No.22170898

That was... actually not bad?
>"I’d felt put off by the casual, Southern-WASP machismo and violence in Cormac’s work. Yet I was transfixed by the deep beauty of his language.
Like this part, for example. This was great to read because it's exactly how I feel. His overall messages and themes are usually antithetical to my view of the world, but boy do I love how masterfully he conveys them.

>> No.22170905

This clearly a satirical article. I mean the sun bleached deer bone gives it away immediately.

>> No.22170932

Did Slate change editors recently or something? They are incredibly pozzed. They are the kind of magazine that sided with Amber Heard and blamed gamergate for her losing the trial (kek). I have a hard time believing they would publish a satirical article making fun of neurotic jews.

>> No.22171013

It's not satire, bro. It was written by Debbie Nathan. She's unironically the stereotypical feminist leftist jewess who wants open borders and to decriminalize thugs. Fun fact, she wrote a book denying the jews were raping children in satanic rituals, saying the kids were making it up, and Peterson loves to bring it up, unprompted, as proof that there are no satanic pedophile rings.

>> No.22171025

I don't give a fuck who wrote the article. If you can't tell it's satire then your iq is in the single digits. And please, stop using the jews as a boogeyman. They have written a lot of great literature.

>> No.22171048

Spotlight is anti-semitic in the way noticing hollywood credits is

>> No.22171084

This is retarded

its like someone digging through my trash and finding my used tampons and thinking "wow anon really liked having periods!"

>> No.22171114

>its like someone digging through my trash and finding my used tampons and thinking "wow anon really liked having periods!"
Now you unironically understand how the jewish mind works.

>> No.22171205

They are making fun of McCarthy and the media for being a Boomer white male novelist and Boomer dead white male sympathizing media respectively.

There is a documentary by Rafe on McCarthy's trash. It's posted above and none of this shows up in it.

>> No.22171227
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in the trash because he read it. He read Tex Mars.

>> No.22171344

The article is written literally by the same woman Greenlee interviewed for the movie.
>and none of this shows up in it
Bro, the documentary is, in part, about Debbie Nathan showing them the bags she stole from McCarthy. The same Debbie Nathan that wrote this article. I don't get if you're trolling or you're just thick or what.
>Later, the couple learned that a journalist named Debbie Nathan had catalogued McCarthy's garbage on and off for months
>When Greelee and Moreno interviewed Nathan, she displayed several bags of McCarthy refuse, everything from ticket stubs to used tissues.
>''I think Debbie's saying, Here's this guy who writes this macho literature, yet he eats Haagen-Dazs ice cream and goes to 'Il Postino.'''
This is from the Slate article
>Of course there were, and when I went through McCarthy’s garbage I was not surprised to find he’d gone to one. Probably with a date: in the bag were two ticket stubs for Il Postino.

>> No.22171357

>all the negroids in this thread apologizing and claiming cormac wasn't a rightwinger or racist
Since when did /lit/ become literal reddit?
Oh wait...

>> No.22171369

Based digger-anon.

>> No.22171370

/lit/ apparently has been raided by redditor this week because their subreddit was closed >>22170887

>> No.22171382

>t. electionfag

>> No.22171404

Look, "bro", I don't give a fuck what some old documentary says. The article is still obviously satire and if you can't realize that just from reading it then you need to go out and touch grass because /pol/ is rotting your brain. Jewish people are not the caricatures you seem to think they are. You're no different than redditors when they see a greentext and think anons are being serious.

>> No.22171444

Touch this:

..\…………….. /……

>> No.22171539

One of us! one of us! one of us!

>> No.22171579

Okay. But what is stopping the woman from lying in the slate article? Are the deer bones, texe mars and republican solicitation also mentioned in the documentary?

Knowing everything McCarthy has said in a private interview, he sure as hell no republican. And if he really had deerbones in his house, I don't reckon he would be throwing them away.

>> No.22171597

>he sure as hell no republican
>"There's no such thing as life without bloodshed," McCarthy says philosophically. "I think the notion that the species can be improved in some way, that everyone could live in harmony, is a really dangerous idea. Those who are afflicted with this notion are the first ones to give up their souls, their freedom. Your desire that it be that way will enslave you and make your life vacuous."
I'm not saying he was a republican, but he most certainly was not a democrat.

>> No.22171600

He was politically detached, or so his friends have said.

>> No.22171610

>the sun bleached deer bone gives it away immediately
Why? Is sun bleaching uncommon? I'm not familiar with taxidermy.

>> No.22173161


>> No.22173244

about as real as anything else jews say happened
wooden doors etc
but yeah bros the holocaust totally absolutely happened, jews would never lie about anything, and it's antisemitic to accuse them of ever lying at all about anything ever in any capacity

>> No.22173280

And if those things were happening the left would call it a russian funded hatecrime campaign, try to imprison those involved and ban balloons. What’s his fucking point? It’s always this back and forth where nobody actually talks principles. WHAT DO YOU WANT? Free speech even if the opinions are disgusting? Ok.
“Speech as long as I agree with it” isn’t a principle.

>> No.22173620

The scene was definitely changed by his editor, read it again. The character perfectly passes and is drop dead gorgeous and the main character makes sure to comment how attracted they are to it. It’s a laughable concept today and even more hilarious of a proposition in the 80’s when the story was. Cormac would have written it as an ugly monstrosity in a dress and a beard who makes everyone around it disgusted by its mere existence just for the comedic value.

>> No.22173628

Oy vey goyim, they’ve found you out

>> No.22173794

Dont forget that the Jewish loving South convicted Leo Frank of raping and murdering a little girl when they had the perfect nigger patsy to take the charge. Till this day racist leftoids with the naacp adl and wikipedia still blame the nigger janny lmao.

>> No.22173808

Why would there a deer bone in his trash? Secondly, the phrase is a poke at McCarthy who uses a lot of these clean cut, gnarly attributions in his work.

>> No.22174633

In which why does that quote suggest he isn't a democrat? I don't see it. I'm a nietzschean leftist and I agree 100% with it, and I still have voted for the democrat party every single election in the last 8 years. And don't get me wrong. I'm the first one to criticize the democrat party. There is a never ending list of reasons to criticize them. Just from the top of my head: they are liberals instead of actual leftists, they act like neocons and push identity politics to justify it, and they fucked Bernie over twice. But even then, when the choice is between them and the republican party, the democrats are by far the lesser evil. I wouldn't be surprised if Cormac thought the same. I suspect we have a similar way of thinking.

>> No.22174672

I went through his trash last year and I found a Jacobin subscription.

>> No.22174698

I went through his bookmarks before he died. He was a huge fan of Taki Mag and the Red Scare podcast.

>> No.22175132

Now that you mention it, yeah what the fuck? I’ve literally never been given a pamphlet for anything in my life aside from the doctor’s office.

>> No.22175158

You are all a bunch of racists

>> No.22175161


>> No.22176010

based anon

>> No.22176021
File: 273 KB, 894x894, D748C064-9721-41E3-ADF5-EFFC70344F8B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jewish male
>”i will preserve Yahweh’s word and raise a strong family and cherish both my people’s history and my home nation’s values”
>jewish female
>”everything must burn”

in every culture in every society, women are a liability that must be put in their place by strong men

>> No.22176075
File: 287 KB, 828x782, 673AB1D4-5240-4DB7-8341-3225FB7DF8A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comments on the article are great.

>> No.22176106

I wish

>> No.22176128
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>> No.22176147

You're a faggot.