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22162536 No.22162536 [Reply] [Original]

Was Mishima an actual homosexual? Is there proof that he had attraction/relations with men?

>> No.22162540
File: 120 KB, 850x586, Gabriele_D’Annunzio_nude_on_the_beach,_1880s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aesthetes are always a bit gay

>> No.22162545

>this man was a national war hero

>> No.22162548

As he died he came.

>> No.22162554
File: 387 KB, 1000x1097, 1686159701450934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As he died he came
Newfags don't know the meme.

>> No.22162567
File: 206 KB, 1270x983, mishima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. He just had a fetish for masculinity.

>> No.22162583

Nobody waxes his moustache for the beach.

>> No.22162606
File: 25 KB, 433x600, the-martyrdom-of-saint-sebastian-1616.jpg!Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22162709

Why do you want to know? Who cares?

>> No.22162712


>> No.22162749


>> No.22162783

It's true

>> No.22162816

he was a hardcore narcissist, so he shared a lot of features with homosexuals, but i seriously doubt he would consent to getting poop on his dick, or having his asshole gaped. At best he seems like he would be more into autoeroticism, like the sort of guys who derive more pleasure from masturbation than sex

>> No.22162845

his arguably most autobiographical novel is about a homosexual

>> No.22162848

for a person who lived such an exciting and adventurous life it feels amazing that he survived till old age and died peacefully of natural causes

>> No.22163112

What's his best novels to start with after reading Sun and Steel?

>> No.22163380

No, it's not. In Confessions of a Mask he never fantasizes with having sex with a man. It's always visions of heroism, masculinity, or downright gore.

>> No.22163401

this is ridiculous. the main character openly talks about homosexuality and being homosexual, he just uses the word invert.

>> No.22163410

i mean, it does kind of look like a girl.

>> No.22163413

Why don't you show use one quote from the book where he talks about wanting to have sex with a man?

>> No.22163420

Anon, it's like you forgot you were reading a translation. You're assuming the implication you want to see in the translated word is also there in the original language.

>> No.22163448
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first of all don't use the first person plural, you are one person

>where he talks about wanting to have sex with a man?
if we were talking about any other topic you would not be applying this sort of standard. you wanna say the book is not homosexual because of how fetishistic it is and he doesn't talk about wholesome vanilla buttsex?

anyway I took a picture for you, might take some more

>> No.22163455

Why are you vehemently defending this man's supposed heterosexuality (lol) when you haven't even read any of the translations (imagine reading translations lmao) of his books ? Please have sex, touch grass, etc., Chud.

>> No.22163461

that's also true of course, but I think at some point you have to give a translator the benefit of the doubt and assume he translated as closely to the original meaning as possible. otherwise you could never talk about books in languages you don't speak

>> No.22163469

Kochan didn't want to have sex with Omi. He just was sexually attracted to his masculinity. No one here is denying that Mishima had a fetish for masculinity. That doesn't mean he was gay.

>> No.22163483

>a fetish for masculinity.
i know i'm not going to convince you because i know that you have been repeating this phrase for probably years, constantly, in every mishima thread on the board and I can only assume this is a way for you to cope with your own "fetish for masculinity"

>> No.22163500

>He just was sexually attracted to his masculinity
And that's gay

>> No.22163514


this is what faggot activists would have you believe (because they want you in THEIR camp and therefore you're under the jurisdiction of THEM and THEIR "experts" (just like how because you were born on certain soil means you're X and therefore have to die in the desert for schlomo, etc)) but—ESCAPE THEIR ONTOLOGY. It is a carefully-constructed prison that suggests a prior the validity of their arguments—i.e. non-arguments. BREAK THE CONDITIONING

>> No.22163521

>sexually attracted to masculinity
Round these here parts we call that GAY, son.

>> No.22163536

Explain how it's not gay

>> No.22163564

Does it really matter?
If so, why?

>> No.22163565

the term gay is inherently flawed

>> No.22163572

then why make the point that someone wasn't gay at all, just say from the get go that terms like gay or straight are flawed

>> No.22163574

>you have been repeating this phrase
I'm not the only one who says it, and I would have no issue with Mishima being gay if that was actually the case, but it isn't. I enjoy writers like Proust or Wilde, who did have sex with men, but all the sources point out that Mishima not only did not, but he was also simply not interested in doing it.
Because he never had any interest in having sex with men. Read this >>22162554, for example. It comes from an interview with one of his lovers, where he explains he left Mishima because Mishima wasn't interested in having sex, and just wanted him to assist him to perform fake seppuku rituals.

>> No.22163583

Truman Capote said Mishima had sex with men, but you have to decide if that can be trusted.
but I don't understand why you apply this standard where he can't be gay because he was a weird fetishistic guy, basically anyone with some fucked up paraphilia cant be called gay or straight then, even if their sexual interests are focused on only one gender

>> No.22163627

>but I don't understand why you apply this standard where he can't be gay because he was a weird fetishistic guy, basically anyone with some fucked up paraphilia cant be called gay or straight then, even if their sexual interests are focused on only one gender
NTA, but following that logic you would be implying that pedophiles are homosexuals because they mostly molest boys, and that would be really homophobic and ignorant from your part. Evey expert on human sexuality agrees that pedophiles aren't homosexuals but a unique sexual orientation. I don't know much about Mishima, but maybe it was the same with him? A unique identity that can't be classified in the normative binary?

>> No.22163639

>he wasn't even gay
Very sneaky to put that in.

>> No.22163651

>on only one gender
Mishima had a wife and two kids. At the very least he was capable of getting hard with a woman.

>> No.22163653

they mostly molest girls actually but it's like 60/40 i believe.
i don't disagree with you completely but then I would say just do away with terms like heterosexual and homosexual in general since human attraction is so nuanced

>> No.22163656

because he's not gay

>> No.22163670

>expert on human sexuality
come on now

>> No.22163750

He looks gay

>> No.22163874

>he was a hardcore narcissist
Care to explain? I have seen this mentioned often recently. I see the need for validation, but not manipulation and poor empathy; he had a good relationship with his wife and children.

>> No.22164718

Yeah Capote said Mishima wanted to suck a "big white cock" but can we trust him? I mean, they apparently hated each other after meeting one another, so it may be slander.

>> No.22164720

>I see the need for validation, but not manipulation and poor empathy
you're thinking of narcissist as a standard personality disorder instead of just someone in love with his Self or maybe more precisely the Image of his Self.

>> No.22165802

He literally had his first masturbation experience looking at (male) Greek statues

>> No.22167120

Yes, he was so gay in fact, he was known for fucking every noblewoman in Italy's aristocratic circles

>> No.22167133

Anyone who considers themselves straight of course