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/lit/ - Literature

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22159501 No.22159501 [Reply] [Original]

Book stores make me sad.

>> No.22159524

I don't see anything wrong with that picture?

>> No.22159527

Capitalism makes you sad, anon.
Capitalism makes us all sad over many things.

>> No.22159621

No, it doesn't. Kill yourself commie.

>> No.22159699

Are you a woman or a faggot of some sort by any chance?

>> No.22159771
File: 885 KB, 1512x2016, PXL_20230617_173656379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I should be grateful that they still have actual philosophy books for sale

>> No.22159780

It looks like they just garbage on the garbage shelf?

>> No.22159798

To clarify, I am not a Marxist. They’re dumb.
But yes, capitalism is to blame for pretty much all of it. Name a problem m I can likely explain how the economics situation is the source.

>> No.22159831

Why are you asking whether you don't see anything wrong with that picture?

>> No.22159842


>> No.22159854


>> No.22159921
File: 292 KB, 1465x2132, 1659992915545029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Book stores make me sad.
You mean vibrator/butt plug stores that also happen to sell books?

>> No.22159929
File: 61 KB, 600x380, 1660010001877347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22159943

You're illiterate so you appreciate it when bookstores focus on impulse purchases over books?

>> No.22159951

>Oh no my heckin high IQ genre's books aren't represented in the mass market book store

>> No.22159956


>> No.22159965

>hating capitalism = commie
Neck yourself, retard

>> No.22159980

Wow, you must be really intelligent for something like this to make you angry. I am in awe of your massive brain

>> No.22160336

But they are...the only philosophy books /lit/ ever talks about are in that picture. I guess OP is mad a tea leaf divining cup is placed in the same aisle. But the irony is the ancient philosophers, whom OP adores, would be all for tea leaf readings.

>> No.22160455

It is indeed very easy to be smug when you don't really know anything about the topic at hand

>> No.22160489

>If you hate the stinking, rotting, effigial corpse of the thing that once was capitalism, you MUST be a commie
People like you love the boot even more than actual commies

>> No.22160514

>"ugh how DARE these companies not sell what I want. I am too INTELLIGENT for mere normie fantasy and chick lit. le heckin epic west has fallen."

>> No.22160576

what the fuck

>> No.22160585

>ancient greeks and romans revered oracles and prophecies and magic and fortune telling
kys zoomer cuck

>> No.22160704


>> No.22160727

After seeing it memed on this board so much I saw a copy of The Critique of Pure Reason at the bookstore and opened it up. I got filtered two pages in. I’ve never read philosophy though

>> No.22160736



>> No.22161846

I picked up Works of Love and some signet books when I started reading philosophy a few years ago. The selection is fine and has all the essentials someone just starting out would need at my B&N.

>> No.22161863

>those model names
Well, there goes another thing that was just a comedy sketch when I was younger becoming real. This has happened too many times.


>> No.22161867

Seethe and dilate?

>> No.22161871

My B&Ns philosophy section looks better than that by a long mile

>> No.22161876

>staff picks

>> No.22161879


>> No.22161891

>oracles and prophecies and magic and fortune telling
Oh yeah I'm sure you're such a good Christian boy that you abhore these things. Nevermind the fact that Solomon used divination for Godly purposes and that modern versions of the bible outright remove this. Fuck you faggot. Stop posting.

>> No.22161901

It's books a million

>> No.22161924

kill yourself fascists

>> No.22161963

you are so clueless. you have been conditioned to think inside of neat little terms, definitions, and boxes. how sad.

>> No.22163211

>goes on irrelevant tangent about Christianity when the thread of the argument is that the ancient Greeks would be into tea leaf readings
You're absolutely fucking retarded and spend way too much time on /pol/. Go commit suicide by cop already.

>> No.22163217

Only go to used bookstores.
Please come to mine.
Capitalism is just being a human and if you are not being ironic you are a fucking retard.
There is literally NO OTHER WAY to behave than to use capital to produce something.
Robinson Crusoe, which you did not read because you were in remedials, is about him doing capitalism on an island by himself.
You are a commie that hates humanity and wants to die and/or khs.

>> No.22164340

I went to a bookstore yesterday and it was filled with lgbtq+++ books everywhere. They barely had any shakespeare, and the only version of the Odyssey they had was the Emily Watson translation. When I went to check out (used version of Notes From Underground and other short stories), the typical sjw art hoe girl cashier looked annoyed and basically ignored me the whole time.

>> No.22164605

Your post reminds me that
A. Neetbux is drying out
B. Gotta find a fucking job again

>> No.22164749

Amazon won, bookshops are a fucking joke

>> No.22165110

I didn't follow the flow of this shit thread I just think you're a fag.

>> No.22165132

At least there are actual philosophy books there. The B&N that used to be here just had secondaries and Marx.

>> No.22165173

>I acted like I was on /pol/. I'm the real winner here.
Then go back to /pol/.

>> No.22165180

>go back to pol chud
>didn't say anything pol related

>> No.22165200

I was recently in a book store no larger than some bathrooms. Every day the owner would carry out books onto shelves outside under an adjacent arch way. She'd open at random hours. She didn't accept donations, she made a point to only buy decent shit, user or new. /Lit/ could have gone in there every day and come out with classic or kino, they could have started with the Greeks, fall in love ten times over with the poetry

These bookstores are rare, and they often look like shit on Google reviews because there's just not a lot to them. This place as just called 'The Bookshop', and I'm pretty sure that was just an old paper poster.

Making a point to go there again.

>> No.22165554

>stop calling me out for being retarded and low IQ
No. If you want to post like a retard on /pol/, then go to /pol/.

>> No.22166497

>oh em zee i called out dem /pol/tards for sure!
Is lack of pussy bothering you by chance?