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/lit/ - Literature

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22159664 No.22159664 [Reply] [Original]

death in the battlefield edition

previous >>22152768

>> No.22159692

I never got a papercut, so these days I have been intentionally trying to get one. Not depressed or anything though, I just read a lot and feel like I'm missing out.

>> No.22159741

Just a dead man walking through the dead of night

>> No.22159742

If you had to choose one poet to best represent the peaks of the poetic traditions of the languages you know, who would you choose?

>French : Baudelaire
>German : Hölderlin
>English : Uh, Yeats, I guess?

>> No.22159811

drinking again

>> No.22159845

Sometimes I have to give presentations at work and it makes me hate myself when I start talking with cringey corporate-speak. It’s just automatic though.

>> No.22159853

In exactly one month my 6 month NEET ends and I will turn 23. I'm just as unambitious sperg as I was 5 years ago, all I do is work out, read books and play video games. I don't care about a career, I just want to buy my own house where I can do all the things mentioned above, but somewhere in my head there is a fear that my attitude may change in the next few years

>> No.22159857

there are so many songs that are really good and i really like them, but they have a bad connotation and make me feel embarassed to listen to them, because they went "viral" and the radios (old times) and social media wouldn't stop fucking playing them all the fucking god damned time. now they're infamous and i can't enjoy them without secondhand cringe ruining my experience. i hate humanity i wish everyone would die. something comes out, not enough to enjoy it, no, it has to be repeated and viraled to death, used up and thrown away like trash when the fad is over. humans are locusts

i'm glad most of what i listen to is too obscure to get hit with this

>> No.22159883

French is probably Hugo, actually. Agree with the German; English is Shakespeare

>> No.22159902


>> No.22159914

I am working my way through the Peterson-Lindsay podcast episode and since its been a long time since I've been listened to JBP I figured it should be stimulating enough for rainy weekend afternoon.
JBP brings up the Cain and Able story from the bible as a way to say that it is not morally correct to point to the ill-begotten arrangement of the world, and that it was Cain's lack of sacrifice which was the true cause of his problems.
Not five minutes latter JBP points to the ill-begotten arrangement of the world by calling Larry Fink and Bloody blackrock, then not long later he laments that the University system has succumbed to the consumerist mindset, treating students like paying customers instead of students.

My questions:
1) Is this a fair assessment of what he presented in the conversation?
2) Is it possible that he is lamenting the improper configuration of the world, similar to Cain, and thus JBPs is not making appropriate sacrifices?
3) on what grounds does he find it appropriate to lament the ill-begotten arrangement of the world?

>> No.22159954
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I downloaded an app that identifies bird calls through recordings and soon I will be able to identify all of the birds in my city by sound alone. I collected six today on my walk through the woods. The American Robin was my favorite followed closely by the Blacked-capped Chickadee

>> No.22159999

I've been incredibly fortunate lately and still I'm so depressed like I couldn't even tell you.

>> No.22160030

God is with you

>> No.22160079

A gf will unironically fix me


>> No.22160087

Then go and find one

>> No.22160095

I'd like to informally apologize for my shitposts on /lit/. I'm sorry. I'll try my best to put more effort into my future posts.

>> No.22160110

How can you do this????

>> No.22160149

i have so much in my mind but im unable to write anything as soon as i start and idk why

>> No.22160154

What are you trying to write?

>> No.22160159
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There's a point you reach where being isolated and bottled up for so long just burns away everything positive and amiable. I'am scorn, disdain, rage and I can give nothing but it. And like a fruit that has been rotting on the inside for some time my skin will begin to show it as well. I wish I knew a better life or at least feel something but crippling self-denial and internalized hate. I see smiling people and it just burns me.I don't know why I was chosen for this.

>> No.22160165

that's cool anon, good for you

>> No.22160179

Aristotle says I'm subhuman.

>> No.22160190

must not order more books from the amazon 3 for 2 sale

>> No.22160191

how so?

>> No.22160197

I dont have a social life therefore I substitute it by drinking on usually Friday evening and sometimes Saturday.

>> No.22160200


>> No.22160201

What app's that?

>> No.22160204

I'm an apolitical NEET. Never voted. Never watch or read the news.
>To be fully human is to live in political society, and Aquinas makes a great deal of Aristotle’s claim that one who is separated from society so as to be completely a-political must be either sub-human or super-human, either a “beast or a god.”

>> No.22160213

why are you apolitical?

>> No.22160216

Why don’t you have a social life?

>> No.22160220

The local subreddit makes me so fucking mad. No hint of any thought is allowed and everyone is a retard repeating american culture war propaganda that has nothing to do with my country. The only possible result and therefore likely the actual goal is conditioning certain political views as a norm that can't be questioned.

>> No.22160223

I'm not out of choice. There's a limited amount of time in the day, and I happen to use all of it for other things. I never felt compelled to prioritize becoming politically literate because I find it boring compared to the other things I like, like philosophy hence my awareness of Aristotle's viewpoint.

>> No.22160225

small town and ND.

>> No.22160228

my local split into 2 subs because of that. the shitlib "this is fine, the meth hobo zombies are great people and fun to hang around, there are no problems, there is no fentanyl in ba sing se" crowed, and the sub where we're allowed to discuss the hobo camp fires and drug needles all over the ground.

>> No.22160236

You can still choose despite being political illiterate.

>> No.22160241

Some reactionary is being imprisoned for threats and stockpiling guns.
>this is why we need black history month
Is a real top post..

>> No.22160255

short stories, poems, wisdoms and paintings
its like for a brief moment while doing my own life i can make up something worthy to write but then as soon as i write it i either forget or misunderstood what i thought (mostly forget) and i feel miserable not doing so, idk if im lazy or unambitious...

>> No.22160262

I don't know what's right or wrong for society. The issue is epistemological rather than political.

>> No.22160286

>be me
>wading through death on the battefield
>some year 1000 years ago
This charnelhouse, this slaughter. Are the gods so wild that they need bathe in the blood of beast and men alike?
That great stallion, brave and strong hearted, dead in a heap 'neath his late lord, he
Stabbed to a heap by some other dead son
And lo I see my entrails leaking from this split belly
Why hide it, why run from it, why speak poems about such twisted fate?
I am dying in this house of death, Odin's raven's already marring my last breaths with their ravenous cawings
Yet oh how good the sun does feel on my pale and cold body, growing paler and colder
Not yet
I can still swing this blade
Bid my wife farewell, and our sons and daughters too
I go to Valholl
Or wherever dead men go when they die

>> No.22160460

Being non-white and sort of intelligent means you have to come to terms with the fact that you are a Goth coming to pick the bones of a dead civilization. I hope you guys get your country back.

>> No.22160553

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.22160675

The political of Aristotle is gone from the world. See Schmitt.

>> No.22160679

I wish I had a different personality.

>> No.22160765

the clock is ticking...

>> No.22160801

What kind of personality do you have?

>> No.22160817

I don’t really know how to describe it other than to say that I wish it were stronger and more memorable, one more appropriate for a leader.

>> No.22160827

the cock is flicking

>> No.22160890
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I find basedjak humor fucking hilarious and i dont know why. I feel like such a retard laughing at it but i cant help myself.

>> No.22160948

What do you think someone should do if they have a good life on paper but it’s still not enough for them?

>> No.22160958

Some things taste better reheated.

>> No.22160965
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I have a weird relationship with exclamation points. I never use them in my communications with people I know IRL. I cringe at the prospect.
It feels so sanguine and overly earnest. But I guess that's just me letting myself be trapped in my own limiting narrative about my aloofness and dispassionate nature.
The truth is that I'd love to use exclamation points! People are thrilled to read them!
I myself always read so much energy and passion into them. The exclamation point surely can become abused and annoying, but it is unquestionably the punctuation of vivacity and jubilation.
I will end all my professional emails with "Thanks a bunch!" or "I look forward to hearing from you again!"
I will text old friends I haven't spoken to in a decade saying "Hi! How are you? I hope you are fine!"
People will be so thrilled to communicate with me, you have no idea!

>> No.22160993
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bolognese is always better the day after
especially when it's been consumed once already, hehehehe

>> No.22161042

>visa or my bank or this bookshop's website is cockblocking me from sexy new book

>> No.22161044

Want to go out and do something during the weekend, but everything costs money.
Drive to the museum ... wastes gas which wastes money.
Taking a hike expands energy, so i have to eat more which costs me more money.
Sitting here on my phone uses data which costs money.
Not wasting money somehow wastes money.
I think I'll just sit in my car like a slack jawed idiot or a prisoner. The only thing in this world that's free is nothing, so I'll take as much of it as I can.

>> No.22161048
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(Forgot my pic)

>> No.22161066
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>> No.22161085

How far is the museum?

>> No.22161249
File: 894 KB, 800x533, Art-Lovers-Guide-PsychedelicArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am losing my sanity, I can feel it twisting into madness and psychosis
I'm nervous, about to break and explode, I can't tell what is real or not anymore, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE
I need to break free and I need to do something and I need to do something or I'll go FUCKING CRAZY
pls God, if you exist, if you are there to hear my words, please have mercy upon my soul and my mind

>> No.22161315

what do you think might be the cause of this? no real reason?

>> No.22161342

French : Rimbaud
English : Swinburn
German : Hölderlin seems correct

>> No.22161372

theres no room in this hell
theres no room in the next

>> No.22161400

I was invited to this party with these real hardcore conservative types bestowing upon me this penetrating gaze. They asked what my passion is and I said I like dogs. I mean I really like dogs. I’m even thinking about reenrolling to local University for dog psychology. I want to be a dog psychologist. At which point I believe I lost their respect.

>> No.22161459

Im often at parties with extreme leftoids. They dont suspect a thing because i studied art.

>> No.22161460
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So there's this girl and I want her so bad but every time I see her she's with her dad. How do I approach her, bros?

>> No.22161473
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Read GR and got filtered hard. Probably the worst book I’ve ever read. Am I permanently brain damaged?

>> No.22161600


>> No.22161619

you're not alone, read his better later work instead

>> No.22161631

I feel I've trapped myself with mistakes, one after the other, while also being too scared and too dumb to straight up, stop being a coward and facing life, which only accumulated failures and disadvantages and obstacles and together with decadence of my country (Brazil), cursed me to a chronic anxiety and stress of both present and future. Each step might be a horrible mistake and the peaks of anxiety over stuff like if I'm going to have a job and something to eat next month are crippling me.
Again, I need to do something or else I'll just repeat the exact same mistake I commited for years, but at the same time I don't really have that many options left and all the ones available are risky and there are many factors that can go wrong.

>> No.22161652
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Find out what the dad's favorite food is. If you know that, you'll have a way to distract him. Say for instance his favorite food is lasagna. Simply make a lasagna and approach the two of them carrying it. At this point say "Hey look, it's lasagna!" and throw it as far as you can. He'll chase it, and you can use that time ask out his daughter. Just make sure that his favorite food and his daughter's favorite foods are different.

>> No.22161658

Just ask her dad what her bride price is.

>> No.22161666
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wrote this out just for kicks, hard to say if there's much of an audience for contemporary Americana, but it's a pretty good story I think

>> No.22161671

Wait til she's eighteen you sicko

>> No.22161855

Woof... season 6 of black mirror is bad. Actuallu pissed off... it used to be one of my favorite shows but I dont think theres been an episode I really loved since they got a hold of it. I think I am just going to accept I don't like Netflix's writers. I've never seen a show produced by them that I enjoyed.

>> No.22161873
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people might think I am a deranged and immoral human for writing this like this, but actually, I am egregiously moralistic. I equate the "badness and immorality" of that sort of story as the same as walking around with any sort of exposed skin or hair, including face (all should be covered by all sexes). I would prefer the standard attire of humanity to be something like this, with the coat down to the knees, for all sexes.

Of course, I don't dress like that because you can't wear a mask in public. Call me a hypocrite, but I have no choice in the matter. My moralistic stances are often even more austere than this, and with the totality of immorality, even subtle things seen as a "slippery slope" in the same way that HIV=AIDS=Death, the punishment for this sort of wanton immorality like exposed skin or otherwise would invariably be public communicable execution by stoning, in an entirely secular sense, with the optional religious elements existing so long as they must be tolerated to retain the approval of the general public.

This is why I am so unfazed by things like "public drunken bondage gang-rape shit orgy with a 9-year-old", because to me, this is the equivalent, morally speaking, as having exposed skin or any sort of suggestion of a possibly sexualized bodily form in public. If one is legal and allegedly acceptable, I must defend the other as being equally as "acceptable", in the sense that they are unforgivable actions which are reasonably punished by death.

Again, sure, you may think I am being too harsh, but think about building a bridge. Even if you are at 90% morality, and just tolerate the smallest 10% of immorality, is that acceptable for building a bridge? To leave 10% of the bridge unfinished? No, the bridge becomes worthless, it doesn't reach the other side, and anyone who walks to the end of it is faced with either walk back to the starting point (pure anarchy) or commit suicide by waiting (waiting at 90/10 morality,) or jumping (fight to the death pointlessly).

It's a far more sickening reality to watch this 90% bridge of "contemporary morality" be defended by the general public as "a functional bridge" when in reality the bridge serves no purpose other than to inhibit the establishment of a moral society and force anyone who attempts to walk the bridge to a moral society to accept that it is impossible to reach that resolution, being faced with either fighting to the death or tolerating immorality.

>> No.22161884

>public communal execution by stoning

mistyped this as communicable instead of communal

>> No.22161952

A good bridge barely notices a 10% reduction in structural integrity.

>> No.22161992

The thing is we don’t. Black people really only excel at art, when it comes to practical things that impact everyday life they’re shit at it. Whites excel at both. They just need to try harder and maybe there would be a case for it. Otherwise they’re just right brained goons

>> No.22161994

Just wasted another day browsing /lit/, I feel like shit. I don't know why I'm like this like an actual addict.
All I have is the temporary dopamine hit refreshing 8 plus tabs. The outside world seems boring (and scary) in comparison to the safe familiarity of /lit/. Distracting myself from myself.
I wonder if my parents are secretly embarrassed about me. Like if relatives ask what I'm up to or doing they panic trying to make something up.
Sometimes i rewind and wonder how different my life would be if I'd done things even a little different.
Days are blending together, I'm beholden to my worst habits, and some days it seems like I've lost my interior voice altogether.
I miss the sight of a familiar face or voice. I want to feel like a real person again. I've forgotten what it's like to have a real conversation. A month ago a random girl approached my campfire and joined me, and that had been the 1st time in a longtime I had a conversation and started to feel normal again. I didn't realize how out of touch I've been until someone graces you with their presence and makes you feel like you too are just like them, a normal person
I've already lost touch. I wonder if when people see me they can tell I've lost touch .
Yesterday I had an interview for a job at a fast food joint. The kind of place where as soon as you enter you wonder if you even really want the job. A job wearing those silly little white hats and coming home smelling like old ketchup. Is it even worth it?
I've been looking for work for over a month, and somehow I'm not even fit for shitjobs. I always leave a bad impression because of my inability to carry the conversation. I'll just make short blunt statements. She asked me what I'm proud of in my life, and i had no answer i lamely squeaked out that "I like to read".
I know more what I'm not proud of, which is most things. . In and Out the door, there's no story.
Interviewed for a job doing security at a mall. Turn me down say it's cause i only have my provisional liscense, but i know it's really because I left a poor impression.
I spent a month and $150 getting the damn thing, only to be turned down left and right. "Sorry anon we're looking for people with a driver's liscense from this state". "Sorry anon we're looking for people based in X". "Now anon, I see here you don't have zizabate alpha A certificate clearance, we're really only looking for people with Zizabate Alpha Omega clearance"
I will show up and do everything you ask of me. I will sacrifice my firstborn infant to the H.R roastie gods. I will perform blood oaths and offerings to gain LinkedIn connections. I will be your slave.

I don't understand how all these companies are claiming they're desperate for workers, when they find every excuse possible not to hire you no matter how many fucking hoops you jump through . .

>> No.22162001

When I first was contacted by them they made it sound like they had a ton of jobs available all over the state and all i had to do was get this liscense. I get the liscense and it's radio silence. A manager calls me and asks if I can come into their office to meet them. Drive all the way out there a half hour drive. Come in, "So here's the thing we don't have anything i might be able to get you a job filling in for a couple days for someone missing " I'm just thinking to myself you couldn't have told me this over the phone. I drive all the way out there to be told they have nothing. Fuck you. But instead I tell her I'm willing to work any shift even weekend. She says she'll contact me soon, but nothing radio silence.
Since I've been living out of my car I put a random address for the background check, which apparently raised red flag & the security company cut of all contact with me. Or at least Im guessing that's why.
I'm so fucking tired. I've lost all confidence. I wish I could go full Ted K (minus the bombing people) and just live in the forest. Pure silence and tranquility. At this point I'm just done.
I want a cabin in the middle of nowhere next to a quiet lake stocked full of canned foods to last me a lifetime.
Just a minute ago a cop pulls over and tells me I'm trespassing and need to leave. Trespassing on a empty abandoned dirt hill. This world is a hellhole designed to kill you and make you give up.
I don't ask for the minimum I ask below it.
Tonight I'm going to have a thermos full of wine and try to forget all this.

>> No.22162003

I’m always described as being a mean person by many others

>> No.22162065

What have you done that makes them describe you that way?

>> No.22162333

I have so little im common with my dad that I literally cant have a conversation with him that isnt awkward small talk or him telling me how much he hates my mom

>> No.22162340

That's the message the black history meme delivers to you. The framing is enough to make it all meaningless. The same retards that completely buy into the propaganda are shocked by the retards doing the exact same things but on the opposite "side". I can't say anything about race, sex, religion or anything like that to anyone even slightly influenced by american bullshit.

>> No.22162341

Where do they usually hide?

>> No.22162345

Try Tinder

>> No.22162347

Hiding in plain sight... clever

>> No.22162377
File: 27 KB, 800x800, shirt-1496524015-814e865d8e999425ba1d310001d28f3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>person doesn't believe religion
>still yells out "Jesus Christ!" when shocked/scared
Makes you think

>> No.22162395

I've discovered that some of my blood is dripping down my nasal cavity. Much of that blood is falling onto my shirt which is causing dark red stains to appear on it.

>> No.22162399
File: 42 KB, 543x715, Profile_Chel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking around for a good place to start serializing my big story on the internet, but what I've gradually realized is that the best place to do it is a place I own myself. I own the domain name of my pen name, I'll just build/get built a website on it and I can start sharing my story around on THAT.

>> No.22162402

really annoying when i find someone who is smart enough to engage in a deeper-than-bants conversation and a single mention of a right wing author or perspective turns them off. its an eerie NPC moment combined with the feeling of reaching the end of the map in a game. its like they sense the danger of talking about a topic past a certain point. sometimes i know its just naivety other times I can tell that the topic or reality gives them bad feel and they would rather not go there.

>> No.22162420

I would get jolts to my nervous system, where for a fraction of a second I would feel such immense hope, such comfort in life and with life. Like I've miraculously recovered my child's programming. And then some synapse reroutes. The glitch is solved. And I'm back to being adult me.

I wonder if that's a glimpse to what mania is like. Like everything is fine, and good and hopeful and pretty. And it's visceral, not just an abstract assesment. Like you feel the goodness seeping through your limbs. It's safe to imagine wild scenarios again.

It happened twice now. I hope it happens again.

>> No.22162423

mine only talks to me when he's drunk and once every 4 months. to be honest i think he's embarrassed since I've reach an age where guilt no longer works on me and I can see him for the loser he is. for years he used guilt to make claims about how ungrateful I was etc despite the only times he ever engaged with me was for my help with this or that matter. i'm sure this is the case for many parents but it feels like a sign of immaturity. yes the world is cold and functional and if you don't want it so in your family you have to make an effort so it isn't but if you just treat your children like employees then they will treat you like one too.

>> No.22162546

It's called being drunk. And it's the ideal state of being. Sober reality is a pale imitation.

>> No.22162563

Isn't that the whole point of life? You can't live in fear forever. Plus, risking everything and coming on top of a situation is thrilling.

>> No.22162593

how do people read any philosophical work when its so pointless and completely fucking boring?

>200 pages of repeating what concept means in different ways
>300 pages of explaining consequences of concept in different ways
i should kill myself just for being a braindead nihilist zoomer.

>> No.22162602
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I act far more inept and retarded than I actually am. When I'm with my male friends and the discussion shifts to something that I know about, I stay silent or shrug my shoulders instead of engaging in something that I think would have a banal conclusion. When I hang out with girls I act extremely autistic and clumsy. Because of this I've never got a gf, but I do have a bunch of women who treat me like I'm their little semi-retarded son. I don't even know why I do it, I guess it's just a lot more fun to behave like apu incarnate than a normie.

>> No.22162645

>don't even know why I do it, I guess it's just a lot more fun to behave like apu incarnate than a normie.
I'm you and it is. I also used to pretend having a retarded laugh that I know use unironically now
I guess finding it more fun could also mean that we're dumb as shit

>> No.22162650

I'm gonna die. I've been sedentary and drinking lots of whole milk and eggs - devouring a carton's of scrambled eggs daily, too, sometimes. And now I've unceremoniously killed my 5 month abstinence of getting daily heart-poundingly, thought
-flatteningly high on sugary sodas with chemically fast-absorbing THC, curled in my seat miraculously accounting the heaping expense into my sporadic and slothful schedule and its minimum wage, minimum living bank account. This is it. This is God's thumb upon my vein. I'm gonna die as nothing. A black corpse pathetically melting toward my leg hair covered floor, oozing like tar in decomposition, fading. A little stupid retard with developmental problems. A fluke, dud child. That's it. Start over.

>> No.22162664
File: 86 KB, 1200x630, burnout-quotes-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many cravings are satiated by the very thing that creates and continues the craving.

You smoke a cigarette to satiate the craving that the cigarette gave you in the first place. You're smoking a cigarette just to temporarily not crave smoking a cigarette. If you wish to not smoke a cigarette, this should not be done by smoking a cigarette but rather by NOT smoking a cigarette. It is better to never have the craving at all rather than to have the craving and satiate it, especially if the method of satiating it is unhealthy/costly/unproductive/etc.

It is the same with masturbation, I coom to temporarily satiate the desire to coom, but the desire to coom will return as cooming creates and continues the desire. In other words, cooming begets cooming. If the reason I coom is to not feel like cooming for a while, then I should stop cooming period as this will slowly kill the craving. This is very much part of delayed gratification. Sure, cooming gives me pleasure but it is always short and I post-nut clarity makes me regret it afterwards.

This works the same way with all things the body desires. I drink water to satiate my thirst (craving for water), or rather I drink water to temporarily not feel like drinking water. But at least water is something I need to survive, cigarettes and cooming are not.

What would you prefer, to satiate a chocolate cake craving with chocolate cake, or to not have the craving in the first place?

I'm starting to read and learn more about delayed gratification and only pursuing pleasure that has benefits outside of pleasure like a runner's high brought on by healthy exercise or sexual pleasure that at least strengthens the bond between me and my spouse. What are your thoughts?

>> No.22162738

I don't drink. I drank once and the state I embodied was comparable to my post-food hypomania. In short, very disappointing.

>> No.22162741

I'm not where I want to be in life, and I'm working but it really feels in vain. Like I'm working for what end? I dunno.

>> No.22162751

A life without satiation is not much of a life and so if you try to keep denying everything, the drive to feel satisfied in something will only increase. Pick your vice

>> No.22162762

>Oh, my Big Bang.

>> No.22162770

Reading this makes me crave for sugar.

>> No.22162870

is it weird if i really, really, REALLY enjoy my cat's scent. almost every time i see him, i would pick him up, bring his body close, and just inhale as much as i can. it's like a drug. if i could explain it, the scent itself has top notes of cinnamon and chocolate, so a very sweet kind of aroma, and then you are met with a lower, woodsy, almost nutty middle note, and then finally a much more musky, animalistic base note from it being well, a living cat. this i would describe as the fragrance of my cat's fur, which he is always constantly grooming and cleaning. goodness, i gotta catch a whiff right now. i can't get enough of this stuff, it just smells so nice

>> No.22162885

I think I made a big mistake by moving back to my parents to summer and choosing a job close to them. Meanwhile paying rent for two rooms/apts would mean much less money to be spent, but at least I could visit pubs and bookshops. Now everything except workplace, grocery stores, shitty restaurants are over two hour drive away. Our country's shit fuel tax politics is not helping at all. Definitely never living with my parents again.

>> No.22162888

my idea is that if you deny those things which are there strictly to give you pleasure like drugs, junk food, etc. then it will raise your base level of enjoyment. chores that once made you feel bored could then make you feel content, and you would enjoy more for less.

i think in these cases its 'the grass is always greener on your current side of the fence' because if you were to look at their lifestyle then you would prefer your current one whereas the person in that other lifestyle would prefer their current one too. you might think their life is boring without those specific pleasures, but that is only because you have the cravings for them in the first place and can't imagine not fulfilling the cravings, as well as thinking the other person has those cravings too (they don't).

it isn't a complete denial of anything that may seem pleasurable, just pleasure that is for the sake of pleasure with nothing else. chocolate cake gives only pleasure and nothing else. sex with strangers gives pleasure and nothing else. sex with your partner gives pleasure and strengthens the bond and relationship especially if they are your only source of sexual pleasure as you swear off masturbation.

when you eat chocolate cake and see someone not eating it, you may think they are suffering by denying themselves. this is projection, it is you who has the craving that must be satiated, they themselves don't suffer because they haven't actually denied their cravings because they don't have any.

>> No.22163073

I'm about 3 days away from my deadline, one day from another project's presentation, two days from another one's deadline. All carelessly picked up because I thought could do it. All because I could juggle more projects before with ease. I thought I've recovered enough.
The stars are naked above me, half lit cigarettes sat between my fingers, Uta's album fron OP Red are blasting through the Aria earphones I bought. I really don't know what to do, hahaha.

>> No.22163172

My balls are very small. Physically and mentally.

>> No.22163177

Godspeed to you. I don't know how hard it is but you should be able to complete a project a day. Don't forget that the most important thing is sleeping.

I'm going to cook some food, then I'm going to take a big fucking nap and then I'll work on a project I need to complete for tomorrow too, btw

>> No.22163322 [DELETED] 


>> No.22163361

Thanks, best of luck to you. I was thinking of going to sleep myself.

>> No.22163371

Is there a poet who's good at expressing their insecurities?
I'd like to learn to vent my troubles without whining. Everyone is troubled after all, maybe voicing this is more admirable than weak.

>> No.22163415

Yesterday I was met a person I hadn't seen for quite a while. We talked and hugged. Couldn't sleep this night BC I had a boner so big it hurted. I srsly doubted that it was mine BC of this half the time. Other half the vinyl record 'living next door to Alice' by Smokie just spinned round and round in my head.
Its so over...

>> No.22163429

i dont know what marxism is

>> No.22163474

My parents were orphaned early so they both have the cunty habit of making fun of adults who throw massive woeisme parties on kikebook when their fossilaged decrepit parents die. I wanted to argue that grief is le sacred no matter how old you are etc.

>> No.22163504

i don’t feel human. I’m going through the motions. Everything’s surreal and artificial. I’m an overgrown child. I am this close to ending it. But mostly out of confusion, not out of grief or frustration.
Ask me what I know, what i can do, what i want. My answer to all inquiries is one twisty faux mouvement by my brain. Straining to get an answer.

>> No.22163508
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I'm a 27 year old man and I read romance novels. I mostly enjoy YA fantasy settings, but contemporary can also be enjoyable. It depends a lot on the specific scenario

>> No.22163526

Who am I? I’ve excised myself out of the maelstrom that is life. But im not robust enough or exceptional enough to do much with this respite. And how do i plunge back into the rat race? Better i be half sedated, going through the motions. One tireless cog in an unmindful clockwork behemoth. Who gives a shit about delegating the fruit of labor to some malignant corporate party. I’ll get a monthly allowance, and buy a few tinkers and shiny objects to sate my petulant greed. What did i do with my time “off”. I’ve pondered everything, but wisdom unbacked by experience verges on prejudice. I’ll could prattle “meditations” for hours. Words won’t leave a mark. Some noble sounding verbiage and glib, vacuous statements of unwarranted, unearned “wisdom”.

>> No.22163535

I ate like an animal for a month but i still weigh 43.6 kilos.

>> No.22163593

the scars of battles unfought

>> No.22163602

Depends on how you voice it.
If you treat your readers as an emotional trash bin for you to dump garbage thoughts and feelings onto, then you're doing it wrong.
If you channel your pains into creating something that has its own value (outside of merely being you venting), then you do well.

>> No.22163625

last night i cried to a cop, im just being honest

>> No.22163632


>> No.22163633

why did you cry?

>> No.22163646

my friend overdosed

>> No.22163678

I have complicated feelings about alcohol.
I grew up in a Mormon household. In Mormonism, alcohol use has this strange position where it's rarely explicitly referred to as "sinful," but it's prohibited from consumption and using it means you lose your pass to enter Mormon temples, which in their belief system basically means you lose your ticket to Mormon Heaven. Even using alcohol for cooking is strongly frowned upon. Beer is explicitly authorized for use in the "scripture" which prohibits other alcohol use, and yet it also is seen as sinful to consume. The New Testament explicitly mentions Jesus and the Apostles using wine, but the Mormon form of the Eucharist is served using tap water. My family never had alcohol in the house, and neither did any of my extended family. One of the places I lived as a kid had a grand total of one bar and one liquor store in it, for a town of 50,000 people.
I think Mormonism is a front for a corporate investment scheme at best and an outright demonic invention at worst, and I quit believing in its claims years ago, but for some reason I still have strong reservations about consuming alcohol. I've never tried it and actively avoid social situations in which drinking is the norm, going to bars or clubs, being around heavy drinkers, or anything of the sort. In my work environment (military) heavy drinking is fairly common and I've seen lots of people act like retards or get in serious trouble while drunk, and lots more become obnoxious and loud or make a huge mess and puke everywhere while drinking. I don't want anything to do with that. On the other hand, I'm a little curious about alcohol and sometimes read the labels of interesting drinks at the store. I read about the Carthusian monks recently and the drink they make, Chartreuse, piqued my interest. Something made by generations of cloistered monks devoted to contemplation can't be bad, can it? But that's as far as my interest goes.
Maybe someday I'll try it but my misgivings definitely outweigh any curiosity I have right now.

>> No.22163687

My only brush with mortality was the time when i was 13 when i was superstitiously convinced i was going to die that summer.

>> No.22163711

I have a large personal library, and I'm trying to organize it in the best way possible. Working on the philosophy section first, and it[s hard to find a way to organize it that doesn't become difficult after a while. Does anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.22163725
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>mfw i could be an Orthodox monk at the Valamo monastery in Finland making vodka

>> No.22163741

big titty bimbos

>> No.22163752

>If you channel your pains into creating something that has its own value
Do you have a good example for this? I can think of a couple, but there it's always very non-explicit that the troubles displayed really are the author's (although obvious if you know a bit about their life).

>> No.22163778

Lost my time card, second week on the job. I will check the changing room first, but I think that I dropped it somewhere and wont be able to locate it. My supervisor is also an angry, ex-military bastard so that wont help.

>> No.22163797

Paying attention to the details, even when you are faituged, is not something difficult to master.
You deserve whatever scorn is directed at you, and I wish such scorn was more commonplace and praised rather than rare and loathed.
Society would probably improve

>> No.22163864

I can sympathize, but I’m not really working hard. I know exactly what I want. I just don’t feel like I have a clear path there.

>> No.22163905

When i was 14 or so i was browsing a forum with my brother and he got into a long argument with one of the users about some bullshit. Thats when i realized i wouldnt have the intelligence and viciousness to be able to keep a discussion going while defending my own position.

>> No.22163918

Why don't you get twice as vicious to make up for your lack of intelligence? It's easy and fun, and not letting people get under your skin while mastering getting underneath other's is a great way to pass time online and in real life

>> No.22163934

I hope you find it man.

>> No.22163966

Our mental health in first world countries is deteriorating and you can attribute a large portion of this to the internet. It's a basic platitude and it's said over and over but the lack of talking face to face, of forced interaction is gradually hurting people. If all you do is stay inside all day it warps your reality. But how do we reverse this?

>> No.22163990

My cum bottle is almost full

>> No.22163992 [DELETED] 

i live next to a beauty parlor and it's almost as bad as living next to a liquor store. it's amazing how many women like to argue loudly on the phone with their bf or husband while they are waiting to get their hair done. there' some lady outside screaming into her phone at least once a week in the summer. if it's not that it's some macho dude waiting in his car while his gf gets her hair done and blasting rap music or raggaeton for an hour. liquor stores ruin neighborhoods, but the bums and other lowlifes that congregate in front of a liquor store only really bother you when you walk by. the beauty parlor noise disrupts you even when you are inside with the air conditioner blasting.

>> No.22163994
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Dont know man. On chans its easy but on a forum with an account and all its quite hard.

>> No.22164012

Every time I go back to my parent's house the cat avoids me.
It avoids everyone, she's the wary type. I think some are that way by nature, and they don't make very good pets.
Regardless, if you're kind, patient, and gentle enough even the feral wary cats will warm up enough to you to get a pet or two in.
Not this cat though. She is so small and cute and I would like to pet and hold her, but she does not like anyone or anything touching her at all. It's vexing. Of course you can't force it, if you ever get desperate enough to try, perhaps with the thought of, "here, see? It's not bad; it's nice!", she will scratch and hiss and bite even if you've never been anything but gentle and kind to her.
Yet she is so small and fluffy and cute. I want to pet her, and I want her to enjoy being pet by me. It might even be especially nice for a cat that hates the company of everyone else to enjoy the company of only you.
I am gentle and kind and patient, but I fear this cat will never love me. I guess I will have to resign myself to this fate, to the detriment of both this cat and myself.
Even still I shall try and hope, and maybe someday this cat will see how it really is better, loving and being loved.
Especially by me

>> No.22164093

best of luck to you and your cat

>> No.22164128
File: 37 KB, 1200x628, Dopamine-3-2-1200x628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my idea is that if you deny those things which are there strictly to give you pleasure like drugs, junk food, etc. then it will raise your base level of enjoyment.

This is more or less backed up by our current understanding of dopamine. Every peak is followed by a crash, and your baseline level is lowered over time. So always chasing pleasure leads inevitably to burnout.

>> No.22164132

>Paying attention to the details, even when you are faituged, is not something difficult to master.
Hahaha. Got a bit too faituged there I reckon, missing out this detail.

>> No.22164151

This morning during mass, I suddenly began convulsing and screaming uncontrollably, causing the entire congregation to pause as they called an ambulance to rush me to the hospital, where doctors were unable to determine what was the cause.

>> No.22164311

did you enjoy the attention?

>> No.22164329

>risking everything and coming on top of a situation is thrilling
tell it to my brain

>> No.22164363

Wrote this for someone who was talking about “losing developmental milestones” before his thread was deleted.
>Social milestones are a meme. Go cry to some novice monk who was captured by vikings and made to work as a slave for ten years before escaping about losing your youth. Yeah, you’ll never be part of the football team or go to university parties, so what? There are thousands of things you CAN do right now and instead of going after them you keep lamenting about what’s permanently out of your reach. Do you know what I’ve been interested in lately? Baseball and guitars. I could bitch and moan about how I should’ve gone after these things in my youth, about how I’m almost thirty and live in a a place where no one even plays baseball or about how I’ll be a noob musician outperformed by people half my age, but so what? I’ll go to the one place in my city that has baseball practice, I’ll take guitar lessons and I’ll be fine. Maybe these things will end up not being all that great, maybe they’ll be hobbies I’ll practice for the rest of my life. The only way of knowing is by trying and it surely beats the hell out of feeling sorry for yourself and thinking about “what ifs” for the rest of your life.

>> No.22164403

stfu boomer, no one cares about your fear of missing out

>> No.22164414


>> No.22164441

I would like to meet people who don’t have the need to feel above others. Maybe that’s something inherently human, but I can’t help but think that feeling this way and acting on it is inherently bad. I’m not a saint myself. In fact, I grew up in a house where this behaviour was quite common and it took me decades to realize how frequently I thoughtlessly reproduced it. There was also the matter of relationships. Twice I dated women who had previously been with controlling men and both times - after they realised I wouldn’t act as their surrogate father - their behaviour flipped and they started acting controlling towards me. It’s like most people can only understand interpersonal relations in terms of control, of those above and those bellow. I reject feeling superior to others, but it’s frustrating to automatically have people feel above you the moment you try to be humble, because for them humility equals inferiority.

>> No.22164448

It's Sunday and I'm not going to church. I want to go and I should go but I don't. I get this feeling that I'd be bothering the congregation if I was there, even if I just stood in the back. The last time I went was to a Divine Liturgy in Topeka almost two years ago. After growing up in a very low-church environment, I saw the icons, the candles, the priest waving his censer over the congregation, and I thought, this is how man should be in front of God. My shirt jacket smelled like incense for a week afterwards. The other day I read that copypasta that's been going around the board, you know the one where anon talked about the "tortured christian" life and described it as 'kino' and compared it to Smeagol conversing with Gollum, and it got to me pretty bad because I'm just like he said, someone caught between a life dominated by banal lustful urges and a frail, shrinking desire for God. An orthoLARPer, if you will. I never received a valid baptism, not from the wacky Arian space Jesus cult I was raised in, and I wonder if being truly baptized would change me in a way the other things I've done haven't. That's why every now and then I look up the closest parish to my residence and read through their FAQ page, think about taking catechumen classes. The nasty slimy part of me recoils at the thought of telling a priest, face to face. At the thought of confessing, looking down at the floor and heat rising to my arms and the back of my head, the countless hours spent on Internet hentai, the shameful things I did to get off, experimenting with my body. I call it the nasty part of me even though it's not 'part' at all but simply me in a different mood, as if I can distance myself from it and thereby avoid responsibility. There's so much more I've done, worse things I don't dare write about even on an anonymous image board. In another time I would have been struck dead by now.
I wonder if monastics flee the world to focus solely on God or if there are some who are trying to flee themselves as well. The simplicity and solitude of a life without modern trappings are so very appealing but I doubt I could really manage it, even if I repented I think the effects of years of porn addiction and Internet use will persist my whole life long and warp my mind and soul and I shouldn't attempt to intrude on those who haven't done such things to themselves. Maybe I'll start wearing a small cross on a necklace, just as a reminder that I can touch and see. I hope my parents don't disown me when I tell them I don't believe in their cult anymore. I hope there's something of value I can do with my life because so far I've really just burdened and hurt the people I care about most. It's really true what they say - you send yourself to Hell and the doors are locked from the inside. Tonight I'll say the Lord's Prayer and cross myself before bed and try to take another step towards figuring it out in the morning.

>> No.22164454

Good post, I also think of these things as elastic. There are people who lost 5-10 years of their lives to wars breaking out in their country, and when they finished, they went on to become famous physicists or they simply resumed their work on the book that later made them famous. Conversely there are people who had all the time and leisure in the world because of their social status, or simply the peace and prosperity of their time, and it was precisely this that made them never wake up and get moving until it was too late. Accomplishments and experiences are qualitative, not quantitative. You can always still become / discover who you really are.

Hang yourself

>> No.22164459

>hang yourself
niggy who cares what you think, go back to watching tv and scratching your balls while you shout at the goalie

>> No.22164460

honestly can't take going to parties or bars anymore. on top of the clear emotional instability binge drinking seems to cause me, the false sense of closeness that evaporates the second people leave is exhausting. also unless I very rarely stumble across an interesting person or one of my flakey but entertaining friends come with, its basically always turns into a sex chess match where I try to position myself next to a cute girl and chat her up the whole night. I feel like if I had a compatible enough gf and all my friends were grinding less, I'd rarely wonder into these places.

>> No.22164462

For spreading negativity and whiny bitterness in the world you are a faggot. You can continue being a faggot or not, up to you.

>> No.22164478

>here's my moral views on your awful conduct towards me, i will expect you to reform to my standards from my post
you are a self entitled boomer who thinks literally anyone gives a shit about your whining about some sports ball, get bent you fucking nigger faggot no one gives a shit if you want positive replies post something positive you absolute cunt

>> No.22164487

Aw fuck, I can't believe I've done this.
I am undone. Everything I have ever stood for, I take it all back

>> No.22164500

That’s cute anon. There’s a jap cat snack called Churu that they like a lot. Maybe try giving her some the next time you see each other. Also, be patient. If you insist on trying to pet her when she doesn’t want it things will stay that way forever. It’s better to just enjoy each other’s company a few times before trying to touch her. You might want to hold your hand out and let her smell it, especially if you’ve washed it with some good soap or have been cooking. Cats like nice smells a lot. Also, sit down on the ground when you’re interacting with her and always do everything calmly. Cats are scared of sudden moves and loud noises.

>> No.22164504

I didn't read your post. Stop being a gay whiny faggot. The fact that simply saying "quit being a faggot, retard" makes you write longer and longer posts revealing some worldview or quest you have regarding "boomers" shows that you're less aloof than you think you are. No this doesn't apply to me writing a longer post, as I am not a faggot or a retard like you. Hang yourself or quit being a fag.

>> No.22164506

People who like to maintain the illusion of superiority are often insecure in their own foundation of self.
Of course, everyone displays antisocial traits of self centeredness, egocentrism, selfishness etc. It’s an evolutionary trait for survival. But it’s even more pronounced with people who are unpracticed in introspection and thus cannot tell that the person they love to hate is actually their very selves.
Obligatory babby’s first psych101

>> No.22164509

Did the revival tent pastor succeed in casting the demons out of you?>>22164448
I want to go to church but I don’t remember how to act during mass. It’s been so long since I went. I also need to confess.

>> No.22164515

Anyone else get these brief zaps of incoherence where you’re just bursting with inexplicable disgust. I can feel it in my jaw especially. It’s beyond my body even. Im disgusted with my soul. And everything attached to it. Parents, friends loved ones. All my endeavors past and present suddenly and for that instant seem very trite and insignificant. Banal. Like a bug.
When i was younger i used to get these fits but usually they were directed towards something external. A teacher or an object. With the latter the feeling is often delivered with some random force of agression. Like i would crush the pen or beat the teddy against the pillow.

>> No.22164516

interesting rebuttal boomer faggot, how about you stop sucking goalie dick and get a handle on your life

>> No.22164528

No you were right, you deserve scorn for the mistake. It's all more fun and productive that way but of course everything can be taken to boring extremes.

>> No.22164628
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Abrupt ending

>> No.22164784
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>> No.22164822



>> No.22164946

Nobody does. Even Marx didnt.

>> No.22164949

I used to have that need but took the humble pill, but instead of just losing the need to one up people, I now experience a need to be beneath people.

>> No.22164957

Based toxoplasmosis enjoyrr

>> No.22164972
File: 201 KB, 900x1212, 1488827782038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about this pic lately.
The duck is not a flamingo, it has none of the instincts flamingos have, and what comes naturally to flamingos is a mystery to the duck. Being a social animal, however, it still tries to behave accordingly with those around it.
Maybe the duck doesn't realize it's a duck. Maybe it was born in a place with only flamingos around. The only happiness that the duck sees and knows about is flamingo happiness. It tries to find flamingo happiness, but it fails because its legs aren't suited for the over-salted water flamingos spend their time in. Nor do the flamingos spend time in places ducks enjoy.

Ultimately there's 4 outcomes for the duck: The first would be to realize it is a duck, and try to find other ducks. It could die in its journey, or it could succeed, eventually discovering duck happiness that it can finally start working towards. The second would be to not really realize that, but end up finding other ducks anyway, purely by chance.
The third outcome is for the duck to stubbornly keep trying for flamingo happiness, because that's all it knows about. Its misplaced efforts leading it unto a bleak, painful path until its eventual demise, caused by trying to force an incompatible lifestyle with itself. The fourth outcome is for the duck to bring an end to its life of its own choice, whether actively or just passively by wasting away, no longer moving or feeding.

...Or it could just be a zoo and the duck ended up in the flamingo quarters by accident.

>> No.22164975

me on the right

>> No.22164988
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>> No.22165024

Yes, that matches my own observations. Still, dealing with them is tiresome. Welles rant about Chaplin and Woody Allen sums it perfectly.
The parasite-free virgin
>Is afraid of everything
>dislikes cats
>makes whinny posts insulting others
>is probably depressed
The toxoCHADmosis
>parasite gives him a constant test boost and disregard for danger which makes him live life to the max
>friends with cats
>makes joyful and descriptive posts
>is never depressed, any sadness instantly dissipates after huffing his cat’s fur

>> No.22165099

>twice I dated women who had previously been with controlling men and both times - after they realised I wouldn’t act as their surrogate father - their behaviour flipped and they started acting controlling towards me.

this is just women. the Nietzsche quote about them being incapable of friendship and instead just flipping between tyrant and slave is extraordinarily accurate.

>> No.22165185

You forgot the 5th option
>lol look at me, I'm dumb flamingo standing on one leg like a jackass

>> No.22165216

Then what should I do if I don’t want to boss someone around or have them bossing me around? Get a dakimakura?

>> No.22165222

Learn to enjoy power dynamics. All human relationships are about domination and submission and most people enjoy both.

>> No.22165365


>> No.22165382
File: 11 KB, 277x333, itscool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me. I've been huffing my cat's fur multiple times a day to get my fix. He just smells so good. I wish I could distill an essential oil or something from him so I don't need to bother him so much.
Wow, this explains a lot.
Not too long ago I started getting regularly exposed to secondhand smoke for hours a day and my cat stopped smelling good to me.
Then I remembered that nicotine is anti-parasitic.
Once I stopped getting exposed to smoke, my cat started smelling good again.

>> No.22165396 [DELETED] 

rip big pokey this shit went so hard when i was in college still one of the sickest beats of all time


>> No.22165500

---- Solaria ----
Field Marshall Deja Vu

Making sense of scent non-sequiturs

Takes memory long used to automation and
Strong at the core as weak around the periphery of proper names.

It's easy enough to imagine why a
Tiberius or Marie would flee the rancor

Of Rome and Versailles once at liberty to do so--

Or why it is that an upwind grill
Makes a gorgeous perfume in countryside

So distilled of red that one can race its unremitting green
Without a chance of being butched by deer

Blundering into the comet
Made of tempered glass and such.

Rid of a lot of noise and nose-blindness the senses
Assume a balanced predominance

And one imagines weird installations
Like a klaxon calliope playing Handel from five miles away

And other admixtures melded in fun.

Mashups like the orange marshmallow circus peanut effect
Of smoking a menthol cigarette

While wearing Lagerfeld in snowy cold
Or those that go forever without explicit recipe--

Any setup impossible to record or reproduce, but maybe
Characterize loosely, when you're in the mood.

I suppose both Seneca and Hadrian would have enjoyed topiary
Well enough to have gotten the point of it.

But as for Henry II, forget about it.
One may as well prompt dolphins for codpiece critiques,

Ask oysters about rococo architecture,
Bullfrogs about the gold

Of their pyrite irises, drifts of florid scent what you are.

>> No.22165547

When I was a kid my cat would sleep on my face every day.

>> No.22165624

Living in a high density apartment block means the constant sounds of either blood curdling domestic violence or incessant renovation work coming from fifteen different places. Not to mention people revving their cars at night and the sounds of ambulances.

>> No.22165628 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1283b
Speech Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.22165644

Don't forget leafblowers, and niggers screaming/laughing/loitering for hours.

>> No.22165676

I used to live in a house next to an apartment. The place gave off a demonic and oppressive aura. Humans shouldn't live in those.

>> No.22165808

Didn't care much for or against cats till 25. It depends on the cat. Never got on all that well with any except for a skinny runt and and a big old fat one of the American Wirehair breed--which used to heavily oomph itself onto my bed on a regular schedule. Neither got in my face when I was busy with something, but both were quite happy to flop on or around me, with purring a-go-go, when I was supine and sleepy. The breed apparently has a sense of timing and condition that suits me very well. All dogs are way too cloying, too busy, not lazy enough. I prefer pets that have a use for me, but which I have no practical use for unless one's counting the aesthetic kind. Cats are more like garden varieties than dogs are.

>> No.22165839

Penises are so ugly. Almost threw up when I accidently saw some dude's penis.

>> No.22165853
File: 138 KB, 1080x1094, 62a32684b66df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a nice dinner with my folks for fathers day and my belated birthday


apparently someone broke in while I was gone at my parents. the thing is, nothing is missing. I guess the picture of Pol Pot, the weird mystical books and the giant hardcover book on Disease Pathology must have creeped them out (not to mention my laptop's lock screen is a mock-up of the Zodiac Killer, a broken weed pipe and tons of cigarette butts everywhere). that and the fact it looks like a tornado ran through here, but it was like that before I left. dude probably thought I was Jeffrey Dahmer and booked it.

>> No.22165859

I also left this artist playing while I was gone


>> No.22165926

I hate those leafblowers motherfuckers. Literally can't enjoy a single day in peace because of these tards. Where I lived previously they would come every single fucking day at 8.

>> No.22165927

Earthquake lights

>> No.22165962

Automation project is going well. I hope I'll be freed from menial tasks at work soon. I should've started that from the beginning, it's so fucking cool.

>> No.22166016
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I have come to grips with the fact that I'm not really that intelligent, I just spend a lot of time reading.

>> No.22166045

I think im depressed.

>> No.22166049

Dude's penises are gross but girl dick is hot

>> No.22166131

I cant sleep because im excited cause im traveling on vacation in family house by the sea tommorow.
Im not gonna bring laptop with me, im gonna fast, read, cook, ride bike in nature, swim and be at peace alone far from the city fuss

>> No.22166136

I spent about 20 minutes peeling and slicing potatoes and carrots this afternoon. Excellent place to start, much as mushrooms are improved by the process of canning. Far better and easier would be air traffic control. No doubt you know it would take a fraction of the computational power to make that happen, compared to self-driving cars. Shit can't even adequately imitate fonts yet, but when it can, who knows?

>> No.22166159

Doesn't matter how often I make passes through the catalog, there's always ten to thirty frog spammers drawing in you clowns. You'll be spamming this shitty character for the next eighty years, won't you?

I hate you all.

>> No.22166266

I'm tired, I'm going to sleep

>> No.22166273

>the person they love to hate is actually their very selves.
This is trivially untrue. I don't think any psychology course would teach you something obviously wrong like that.

>> No.22166292

99% of citizens in modern first world democracies are subhuman according to Aristotle. All we do is go to the polls once every few years and cast a vote for the party we are aligned with in terms of beliefs/values. That's not what Aristotle had in mind at all. He meant active participation in politics, not casting ballots. That sort of participation just isn't practical the way modern states function though.

>> No.22166306

>try this app that doesn't work unless you're in the top 10% of attractiveness

>> No.22166309

---- Solaria ----
Statistical Tables

The Man from Hartford couldn't spend
So much of his life listening to instrumental music while

Drinking in high summer light and scent unspent
While it reigned, damn lesser chances.

Yet the principle is the same, that you can get almost everything wrong
And thrive on accuracy attending to this major theme--

Trust what sweetly hums for the longest time.

>> No.22166330

>put on clean clothes
>come back
>balls smell weird
What's going on?

>> No.22166359
File: 91 KB, 1200x670, Untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walking to the front of my apartment building to scan in and there is a small girl dressed in all black with wet hair who just got dropped off near the door. As I'm walking up she asks me sheepishly if I can scan her in. I jokingly say yeah sure as long as you're not a burglar or something. She says I am just trying to get back into my apartment because my boyfriend beat the shit out of me. That caught me off guard. I notice the fresh stiches above her eye. Say that's a shame I'm sorry. She said it obviously isn't my fault, and then we rode silently on the slowest elevator in Oregon up to the 5th floor.

>> No.22166391

Shoulda fucked her

>> No.22166392

>implying I'm ugly

>> No.22166475

---- Solaria ----
Right as Right Stuff Goes

From 7 miles up or so, Mexico City
Looks articulately fine if dusty brown all around.

Thunderheads flanking North everywhere are fading to sleep
As the last of day falls into the first of night.

One sails through the tops of them
Without feeling a flicker.

The window comes into view of the Illinois grid
Scintillating delicately over snow.

Back to where one splits Beta Lyrae in backyard telescopes,
Grows siningias in a nuclear grid, and fathers

Like friends discourse, however they do, about anything more or less close at hand.

>> No.22166575

Should’ve asked if she needed medical help or police

>> No.22166596

sounds like she just got medical help man

>> No.22166620

If the app didn't work for you, you're ugly

>> No.22166640

I ain't about what should have been it's about what happened.

>> No.22166665

Bored. Hope I get them quints

>> No.22166673

pretty close

>> No.22166689

>implying it didnt work

>> No.22166692

i've drank a few coffees in my time, though i always thought it wasn't up to much. but never until this morning have i had two cuppa joes one after another - now that's a result.

>> No.22166709

Such is life

>> No.22166763

eat drink piss shit WIPE eat drink piss shit WIPE eat drink piss shit WIPE eat drink piss shit WIPE eat drink piss shit WIPE eat drink piss shit WIPE eat drink piss shit WIPE eat drink piss shit WIPE

what's that? i need to SLEEP too?

im so fucking over it

>> No.22166766

sounds like it

>> No.22166774

I hope my boyfriend's ex girlfriend is having a good day. I no longer hate her because she gave me the opportunity to save my boyfriend.

>> No.22166791

I bet he misses her a lot.

>> No.22166802

i haven't been on lit for like a year and you're still doing this. utterly bizarre.

>> No.22166808

He doesn't.
I haven't posted in quite a while.

>> No.22166816

I’m starting to dislike my girlfriend.

>> No.22166817

what are the chances

>> No.22166820


>> No.22166825

At least you have one

>> No.22166830


>> No.22166835


>> No.22166836

I remember you posting the same shit like a month ago and I said your boyfriend will always love her more and prob thinks about her when he is using you, the downgrade.

>> No.22166840

she is obsessed with my ex

>> No.22166842

I like to imagine my ex-girlfriend taking a big shit on my current girlfriend's face and then kicking her in the face.

>> No.22166847

I go through phases of genuinely hating and then loving my girlfriend all the time, seems pretty normal to me

>> No.22166856

My boyfriend only thinks of me. You're just projecting your sad love life onto me.

>> No.22166863

No? as a bf of a girl I can assure you think about my exes and also random girls in my life i want to stick my cock in all the time

>> No.22166868

I'd definitely dump any woman who does what you're doing, peak crazy whore material. Yandere shit is so boring, every bitch who does stuff like this is just tediously unstable.

>> No.22166870


>> No.22166871

Not all men are crappy boyfriend's like you.

>> No.22166878

My boyfriend is obsessive as well so he does not mind.

>> No.22166880

>not all men

>> No.22166886

destroy the internet

>> No.22166898

Ambition is hell.
It's so tiresome. I get depressed by simple passing thoughts of not being up to the challenge I set for myself.

>> No.22166915
File: 56 KB, 636x421, adc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going

>> No.22166920


>> No.22166949

The soul knows

>> No.22166959

Many such cases. It’s a strange feeling seeing someone reach the outer limits of their thinking. I think it’s partially because they think their ideas have always existed despite it being a product of the philosophies of the last few centuries. I only know one person IRL who I can speak freely with.

>> No.22166973

crazy that no one feels like talking to you
must be something wrong with them

>> No.22167001

I get along with a lot of people. I was more so referring to the very small number of people I can express my true views to.

>> No.22167002

What’s the best used bookshop in

>> No.22167015

>the drive to feel satisfied in something will only increase
Wrong, read Sayings of the Desert Fathers

>> No.22167027

Finally making good progress with my squats. Having strong leg muscles is such a satisfying feeling.

>> No.22167028

that's always been common knowledge. you've simply subscribed to the relatively modern view of reducing things you like into only ever addictions
kingsley amis said
>Doing what you wanted to do was the only training, and the only preliminary, needed for doing more of what you wanted to do.
you have to account for views other than the one you have. after all, exercise puts stress on the body and ages you, and surely i don't need to tell you about complications brought on by love.

>> No.22167053

Hit 3pl8 yet?

>> No.22167101

Have any philosophers of politics argued that analyzing ideologies as things in themselves is overrated because ideologies are ultimately only fronts for whatever people think best suits their personal and tribal interests at a particular time and place, and can easily exchange one for the other like they are underwear depending on the situation?

>> No.22167136

I don't know how can men become addicted to porn nowadays. The women are fucking ugly and fake-looking, the men are obnoxious or the wrong color, the atmosphere nonexistent, the kinks gross, the sex completely mechanical and passionless.

>> No.22167138

why add 'nowadays' on there

>> No.22167140

Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just that porn addiction seemed to be a much smaller problem before the age of tinder, smartphones, and the internet being available for practically everyone.

>> No.22167149

I have wandered from the path and now the way back is closed to me.

>> No.22167156
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>> No.22167241

"Some have argued that technology, through the use of HRT and surgerical techniques, may help us have a somewhat peaceful resolution to the female question. Such utopian thinking is wrong and deluded.
True, in the post-abolition world, technology will have a role in ensuring the continuation of a pure, untarnished brotherhood of men, through in-vitro cloning and other techniques... but those are for foids-to-be.
There can be no technological salvation for the foids-who-are. The evil that they bring into the world remain in them, forever. Partial justice is achieved when the foid departs; if the conversion of a subject were perfect, then the time post-transition could be used to mend the evil she had done prior... but let it be even slightly flawed, and then not only have you denied the world of justice, you have also allowed injustice to continue."

[spolier]trying to pastiche the Solanas schizo manifesto but gender-swapped[/spoiler]

>> No.22167364

Woke up with a headache today, already shitted 5 times and I don't think it will end on that

>> No.22167381

I don't get what's the point of these pseudo-political talk shows where everyone involved already thinks the same ways about practically everything and at most argue about inconsequential semantic differences.

>> No.22167388

could be a book

>> No.22167400

Now that I'm clearly going bald I need to go to the gym more often.
Not fat at all but I need to compensate for being BALD

>> No.22167411
File: 50 KB, 554x554, 8wX0Etn76Jx1tN2oHxs1LpJotxTCwtnGFpWrAWu-I-I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame the Demiurge for this.

>> No.22167472

I was starting to dislike my imaginary gf because she was too clingy, but after some time apart I realized I really enjoy her company and wantmore of itr

>> No.22167631

Thinking about buying a decades worth of tic tacs
Why not since I eat it every day anyway.

>> No.22167690


>> No.22167706

Didn't find it but an tech support gave me one, didn't even have to talk to my supervisor. He seemed happy today, maybe he got laid last night, or won a lottery.

>> No.22167715
File: 15 KB, 368x568, 20230222_231259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i the only one that feels like were either currently in or entering a dark age of humanity? And I dont mean the whole "the West has fallen" bs, its just something ive gathered from a lot of clues. Ask yourself something: what are we currently in a golden age of, and if so what? No nation i can think of on earth (except for maybe china) is having a long term rise in stability and economic power, and virtually every nation in the west continues to see all issues become increasingly exacerbated. All music, movies, shows, video games, books, and the respective genres of all have seen their golden ages come and go. The internet along with pretty much every website on there is an utterly hollow shell of its former self. The global population continues to increase at an insane speed while the capacity to feed and house them, especially without destroying nature further, doesnt. Space exploration, let alone colonization, is still a pretty distant dream.

I dont know man, call me a jew, call me an incel, i dont care. I just keep hearing of all these incredible golden ages in so many different categories, and everything i can think of now in the world is just getting continuously worse without a new peak in sight.

>> No.22167726

Which board users have the lowest average IQ?

>> No.22167731

This board, or maybe /adv/

>> No.22167736

/soc/ easily

>> No.22167738

/b/ or /r9k/

>> No.22167742

you have to use the right kind of paper

>> No.22167751

>people watched less porn when it wasn't constantly available at a moment's notice
Wow I'm shocked. It used to be that you had to go to some sketchy shop or theater to watch hardcore porn. Most people just don't have the stomach for that, to be masturbating in a dark room with a bunch of other creeps. And you had to pay. Now it's all free and you can do it in bed.

>> No.22167765
File: 336 KB, 2432x1516, IMG_3468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a lot of friends in college
>everyone is single when the group first forms
>see them pretty much all the time even between busy schedules
>as upperclassmen most of them end up getting a gf at some point or another
>as soon as someone gets a gf they vanish
>spend damn near every waking minute of free time with them, even leaving important events early to be with them more
>90% of the time they break up and get depressed
>never understood why they were always so obsessed with each other
>well maybe if i get a gf ill get it
>finally get a gf a few months ago
>still together
>still spend a lot of time with her
>still make time for my friends

im genuinely confused this isnt hard at all

>> No.22167792

/x/ without a doubt.

>> No.22167798

Going on a 5 day work trip. I'll be doing rennovations on a cabin in a summercamp way back deep in the mountains. I was there working a couple weeks back and it's a very idyllic location. Often times I regret dropping out of university my freshnan year because I feel that I lost out on the opportunity to live a student lifestyle. Classes, dorms, dating, parties, clubs, concerts, etc. Then I remember that I hated that life when I was there and didnt want it. I wanted something else, and I got something else. Real, tangible, meaningful work away from the fantasy land adult daycare. Real grizzled and calloused people in the real world far away from academic naval gazing and progressive bullshittery. And these excitinf and engaging work project, which though difficult, grant me variety and excitement. I know some people who now have their bachelors, who now have their masters, who now are entering PhDs or whatever other post graduate studies. Their lives seem already at an end and the dullness of white collar career work is numbing them. Some can't find work at all. One guy, super smart, hard working, brilliant guy who got a double major in 3 years and isgoing on to a doctorate told me that he envies me for still having education on the backburner (just earned my associate's :D) thus giving me choices and freedoms he closed years ago. Dropping out was the best decision I ever made.

>> No.22167803

Babbys first infatuation

>> No.22167805

Every board I start posting on drops a standard deviation.

>> No.22167811

/pol/ without any doubt

>> No.22167826

This has little to do with right wing views, it's any view which causes existential anguish, or which causes someone's intellectual supports to vanish from under them, the type of supports they use to justify the lifestyle they live. Start talking about the real possibility of an afterlife, eternal consequences of actions, even outside of the context of popular religions like Christianity, and they clam up and start desperately trying to justify their ignorance, and how you should be ignorant too. That is the most genuine experience of Platonic cave dwellers you will get, I think. The only real "non-NPC" (if we have to use that phrase) I've spoken to before in person was a zen master at a nearby zendou. I don't know if it's some kind of sixth sense, but you can really tell who these people are before either of you even speak a word to each other.

>> No.22167848

I also am glad I dropped out, but imo it's idiotic to frame this kind of thing as "real working folks vs the phony white collar academic." Blue collar people have their own varieties of bullshit and fakery. If you can tolerate one more than the other then the choice is obvious but talking about them like they're more pure is just today's version of the "noble savage"

>> No.22167860

Thats true. I should specify that this comes from my personal feelings that school always felt like a holding pen for me. Writing essays and being corralled felt like a shadow of a life. I wanted something tangible, and being in the world of contracting invovled actionable plans, labor, finances, deals that all felt real to me. Taking on debt to write another essay about intersectionalism felt degrading and frivolous

>> No.22167881

love addiction/seeking escape through romance and being immature
I was the same, in college stressed as hell by work, so I spent a lot of the time with the first gf trying to numb myself to this which predictably made me needy, blowing up the relationship and making me broken and depressed for a while after
If you're doing like you said and making time for other things, not expecting this one person to relieve all your bad feelings, instead handling that shit yourself then youre good

>> No.22167893

all of them

>> No.22167913

I really want to quit my job but I’ll never find a comfier arrangement than the one I already have.

>> No.22168014

How did you get your job, anon?
I want to do what you're doing but I've gotten stuck in suburban hell.

>> No.22168081

From tommorrow I'm starting to take care of myself more.
>Masturbation only allowed once a day, only at night and only after working out
>No more than 1h of watching anime
>Minimum of 50 pages reading per day
>More cardio in general
>Starting a diary desu
Only 1 month of carefree neet left for me and I'm back to waging, but I promise to myself that I will spend next 2 years reading books from my must-read list on goodreads and after that I'm going to change me life by going back to college or becoming a professional in some blue collar job. I still have time as I am retarded zoomer in early 20s so I will use that time to become wiser and stronger before choosing a career for myself

>> No.22168086

PIt was within the few precious moments of optimism he was afforded each day, as the brilliant morning sky towered over the crumbling remnants of a civil society below, that it dawned on him,

is this a neighborhood or a prison?
A life or a sentence?
Might there be another way?

But he hadn’t the time to consider it further for his company-issued responder had begun to chime, work was calling before he even arrived and along with it the crushing weight of every reason one could list for why there was in fact no other way and why it was a waste of company resources to even consider the notion.

The sun had set before it even rose, all the wonder and possibilities of a new day aborted before it came to term. Every morning its own tragedy; he took another piece of his soul, tossed it on the fire and answered the call.

“This is urgent!” the voice on the other side of the line said. It always was.

>> No.22168090

*It was within the few precious moments

Fucking captcha

>> No.22168091

>From tommorrow I'm starting
this old chestnut

>> No.22168095

Did I appeal to you anon: >>22168086

>> No.22168101
File: 704 KB, 785x1000, 1672403097197023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm serious and I WILL commit to what I said

>> No.22168122

>Starting a diary desu

>> No.22168134

It always works out in ways you didn't expect in the end.

>> No.22168140

you just know this is one of those guys who calls everyone a degenerate.

>> No.22168148

Good luck but I'm always amazed by people who jack off more than once a day.
How is your dick not calloused and bruised?

>> No.22168152

Not that anon but I started a diary (not daily, just when I have something worth documenting or thoughts to work out) and it has done me a lot of good. My goals feel more tangible, I get more done and spend less time ruminating on what went wrong, what I could have done differently, etc. I put it on the page and it's out.

>> No.22168157

Okay, I'll write an entry in mine.

>> No.22168162

To write down my thoughts and just write anything at all. Besides obviously reading, I think writing could help me gain more literacy and appreciate books deeper in general, wouldn't it?
I'm as degenerate as most of you, but I don't call people by this name here
Idk my dick just seems fine even after 4 sessions, might be just wonders of still young age

>> No.22168163

if you're uncut you can pretty much jack it as much as you want. in fact, during the enlightenment, heckin sciencearino doctors started suggesting circumcision as a way to cure chronic masturbation.

>> No.22168184

I'm uncut but chronic masturbation would still seem damaging to me.
And I'm guessing this guy is a true gooner so he jerks his dick for hours a day.

>> No.22168187

Today is a day of mourning.

>> No.22168197

physically damaging? i banged out 5 wanks a day for about 4 years with no wear & tear

>> No.22168198

i wonder when the democrats will start catering to the gooner identity for another voting bloc. on no, pornhub is blocked in utah? democrats stand in solidarity with the goon community, vote for us for unfettered porn access for all! demand a gooner studies department at the state university! demand the dei department at your job does a gooner awareness workshop! demand your health insurance give you a stipend to spend on onlyfans! and remember to vote blue in november!

>> No.22168203

No I am not. I jerk off an average of 2 times a day and it takes less than 10 minutes per session. But jerking off early in the day is just bad, draining my energy for the rest of the day, while jerking off in the evening after doing all my chores is satisfying and doesn't have a negative effect on me. It's morning wood that I must throw away and diminish frequency of masturbating on average

>> No.22168208

I prefer morning sex/wank.
Get it out of the way and allows me to focus on other stuff.
But I can understand if you're unable to not then jack off before bed.

>> No.22168216

Are you getting enough vit c and potassium?

>> No.22168219

You're a neet then, right?
Didn't you feel like a monkey when you're so addicted to the coom?

>> No.22168223

>demand a gooner studies department at the state university
Honestly they probably should be studied

>> No.22168230

You should NOT be ashamed about the cum stains on your clothes.
It's a normal human function, in fact not ejaculating is dangerous!
So why so prudish, who cares if your co-worker jacks off in the stall. Does it hurt you? No? Then shut the fuck up and let him be

>> No.22168238

real shit homie, you're not alone in viewing things this way

>> No.22168240

Yeah, everyone is different. The rules are different for each individual who has to guess them for himself
I don't count how much I take, but probably enough since I don't have any deficiency symptoms and eat lots of food containing it

>> No.22168252

not a neet, this was when i was a teenager
can't say i ever felt like a monkey

>> No.22168271

apple music is fucked up. they give me a section on my "listen now" page that says "1990s" and it has some 90s stuff but also this which it says itself was released in 2023:


>> No.22168449

Depressed lads. Gonna have to very reluctantly give up my dream of academia to try and do something more practical like law because of some financial bullshit. Just want to write books on pagan Rome morality not be some fucking junior barrister making 25 a day if I'm lucky.

>> No.22168707


>> No.22168736

Yeah man lifes a bitch. You canalways write about it on 4chan and know someone will read it.

>> No.22168820

I want a daughter while I'm still young

>> No.22168839

when i was a 17yo on /mu/ my fav band was thinking fellers union local 282, who were so underground hipster cred their wikipedia page was like 1 paragraph. with one sentence saying they were a fav band of a character in 'the corrections', a novel by a writer i'd never heard of. now that i'm a 27 yo on /lit/ i see this book posted all the time
i don't know

>> No.22168845

I think 28 is a good age to off myself. I'm worn out. I don't like my prospects. Ready to call it quits.

>> No.22168865

If the cyberpunk future comes in my lifetime I feel like I'm going to be one of those weirdos who refuse to get any cybernetics out of a mixture of distrust and personal belief in the organic over the mechanic.

>> No.22169640

Nah I’m going all in