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22159211 No.22159211 [Reply] [Original]

Suggest me the best Dystopian Novels ever written.

>> No.22159335

Cliche, but:
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
1984 - George Orwell

>> No.22159366
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>> No.22159494

Already read those but didn't mention it so that anons could find something to start with.

>> No.22159622

New York Times

>> No.22159641

We by Zamyatin (search for good translation on this)
Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury (didn’t particularly enjoy it)
Blindness by saramago (Its actually really good)
Slaughterhouse 5 by Vonnegut (it’s not exactly your standard dystopia but same feel)

Guilty pleasure: Battle royal by a chink I don’t remember the name of.

There are shits like The Giver (just why) and Handmaidens tale (women fetish story) and the infamous 1984+ brave new world combo (which are actually good)

Also Phillip K Dick’s TMITHC and DADOES are really good, probably way better than most of what I have wrote about.

>> No.22159960

never let me go by kazuo ishiguro

>> No.22161741

Blindness is amazing

>> No.22161942


The only actual answer on here

>> No.22161953

why isn't anyone saying The Road?

>> No.22162014

Phillip k. Dick wrotes a lot of great dystopian stories, but “A scanner darkly” is really a highlight imo. the movie is middling, but the book really stands out, and the description of the protagonist’s experience is really detailed and interesting to see as he unravels. It’a also a lot more grounded and less sci-fi than most of his other books, taking place in the 90s with minimal embellishments other than a few pieces of technology. I think the more realistic setting actually lends itself better to a dystopia, because everything is just slightly worse. From dick’s perspective in the 70s, the world of the book seems like a relatively reasonable explanation of the war on drugs.

>> No.22162207

We have a very similar taste, so I'll definitely check out the stuff you listed that I've not read yet.

Have you seen the Battle Royal movie adaptation? Would you say it's worth a read if I already watched it and enjoyed it?

>> No.22162260

Arno Schmidt - The Egghead Republic

>> No.22162280

This perfect day, ira levin

Also some japanese book which was the source material for a very good dystopian anime called Shinsekai Yori/from the new world

>> No.22162397

The first movie was really good, def give it a watch. Second one just don’t.

>> No.22162414

Sorry I just cummed in my gf and got retard brain debuff. The book is absolutely worth the read even if you saw the movie. But I have say that when compared to their own medium, the movie is better than the book. Still worth if you enjoyed the movie.

>> No.22162502

Cool, I'll add it to the list also. Thanks, anon.

>> No.22162800

Not strictly dystooian but Fatherland by Robert Harris is good. K is for Killing is another pulpier alt-hist with same general idea.

Also dystopianish are The Death of Grass, and Nevil Shute's The Beach, both sort of post apocalyptic rather than 'living in the eternal evil empire'.

It's a bit YAish but I quite liked Futuretrack 5 as well. I think I must be the only oerson who has ever read that book though.

>> No.22162801

Just step into a pub and read a local paper.

>> No.22162817

>Shinsekai Yori
Damn I put this on my backlog in like 2013 and completely forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder. Should I read or watch it? Is the translation any good?

>> No.22163052


>> No.22163143

It's the best thing I've read. The translation is well done and the book is very much readable. It's not exactly dystopian though, saying it is would be like overlooking 70% of it. But if you want to read it as a dystopia, you'll still get a masterpiece. But yeah that's a quite primitive interpretation.

>> No.22163220

Shut the fuck up, you dysgenic retarded weeb

>> No.22163236

Cyclops (kiklop) by Ranko Marinković. It's not a literal dystopia, it's set in Zagreb just before ww2. But it sure does describe a very dystopian reality of the time.
Idk if there is english translaiton, but it is a good read.

>> No.22164163

Based Makishima Shougo poster