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22158960 No.22158960 [Reply] [Original]

books on why mexico is so fucked up and corrupt?

>> No.22158982

The Intelligence of Nations by Richard Lynn
The Bell Curve by Murray and Hernstein

>> No.22158987

Letters of Cortes

>> No.22159030

Because the Spaniards put a curse on Mexico: We remade you in our image, though you look nothing like us. Now try to solve that riddle, without going crazy or tearing each other part in mutual self hatred and distrust.

>> No.22159040

Books on why spain is so fucked up an corrupt then

>> No.22159092
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>Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States!
what did he mean by this?

>> No.22159096

Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu

>> No.22159105

I'm not Mexican but Porfirio Diaz is a personal hero of mine.

>> No.22159108


>> No.22159147

Right, definitely Spain is really fucked up and uber corrupt today, as opposed to being one of the most popular and beloved countries on the planet.

>> No.22159170

>being one of the most popular and beloved countries on the planet.
So is Mexico, it's a famous tourist destination. But corruption also exists in Spain. There is no contradiction.

>> No.22159199

There's levels to this. Spain is one of the most developed countries on the planet. Mexico is a shithole.

>> No.22159279

i went to barcelona in the early 2000s and spain is garbage. also idk what the fuck is going on over there that people don't think they stink. literally every spaniard i had interaction with smelled like cig smoke, dog shit and ripe asshole. can't imagine much has changed since then but yeah spain is gross

>> No.22159290
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Developed is a different standard than popular and beloved, though, which is what you were talking about. Mexico is doing alright.

>> No.22159386
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I don't know of a single person who'd say that they would want to go live in Mexico. Spain on the other hand is a popular choice for it's combination of relative wealth, beaches, climate, people etc.
Mexico (and only certain spots like Mexico city or Cancun) is only highly visited because it is directly South of the most wealthy country on the planet. Even then Spain is a more popular tourist destination.

>> No.22159531
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>I don't know of a single person who'd say that they would want to go live in Mexico
That's called anecdotic evidence, anon. It's not valid.
>Mexico (and only certain spots like Mexico city or Cancun) is only highly visited because it is directly South of the most wealthy country on the planet.
Nonsense. Mexico is visited on its own merits. It's a different experience/vibe than the US. Even the cities that you mention are not even border cities. And some Americans are moving to Mexico at a higher pace than ever before. It's in the news.

Every country has its most visited spots, yes. We could also reduce Spain to Barcelona and Madrid but that wouldn't be fair because other lesser known places are also visited.
>Even then Spain is a more popular tourist destination.
Spain being a popular or more popular tourist destination doesn't mean Mexico also isn't a popular destination.

Your pic rel? Even with those homicide rates, Mexico is still a popular destination for tourists. Acapulco, one of the most popular tourists spots in Mexico, is on that 2022 homicide list at #10 yet more tourists visited the place than in 2021. See pic rel.

>> No.22160180

is the concept of La Raza racist? Is it the Mexican version if Ein Volk?

>> No.22160222

>books on american hegemony and the cia?

>> No.22160427

Difference is you can travel anywhere in Spain in Japanese-like safety, while Mexico is the polar opposite.

>> No.22160443

La Raza is cultural, not racial. It's a headspace, not a pigmentation or phenotype thing. Only the most troglodytic of Mexicans would be offended at having a child that looks like a white Renaissance cherub.

>> No.22160457

Getting mugged is common in Barcelona and Madrid.

>> No.22160538

No, you get purse pilfered, not violently mugged.

>> No.22160543

So not Japanese-like safety.

>> No.22160554

how do you become a philosophy professor in mejico? is more nepotistic?

>> No.22160563
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NTA but I just wanted to post this picture.

>> No.22160569

Lack of large navigable rivers makes it incredibly difficult to build a strong centralized state to enforce stability. Add in tons of ethnic/religious conflicts and it's not a good time

>> No.22160573
File: 188 KB, 263x400, fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire And Blood by T.A. Fehrenbach, the most well written book on the history of any country I've read.

>> No.22160575

Lack of strong liberal institutions, especially the rule of law and meritocracy, generally leads to corrupt, inefficient regimes.

>> No.22160577

You posted the same information as him. It's irrelevant to tourist popularity as I already discussed.

>> No.22160594

Even if that were true it's not an explanation. You have to say why they never developed those institutions, otherwise you're just stating a truism.

>> No.22160640

>Difference is you can travel anywhere in Spain in Japanese-like safety

>> No.22160651
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>> No.22160690
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Spain has a murder rate of 0.6/100,000. Japan 0.3/100,000. Austria 0.7/100,000. Mexico 28.4/100,000. This is a good indication of petty crime as well. Yes, Spain is one of the safest countries in the world (and would be that much safer without all the third world low IQ hordes, which Japan wisely exempts from).

>> No.22160722

That would require detailed knowledge of Mexican history. But I can point to a pattern of societies who failed to undergo modernisation suffering from corruption, from Brazil to Greece to Russia. Modernisation is closely connected with the history of liberalism, meritocracy being a liberal principle (although there is also the alternative Confucian version - China incidentally the most successful contemporary non-liberal state.) The United States, Britain and France all have strong liberal traditions. Germany's liberal tradition has been very recent; it was liberalised after WW2, same with Japan. Russia never had a liberal tradition, and the inefficiency of their system became clear in the recent war. South Europe, the Balkans etc. are also not fully modern states. Very weak liberal traditions. Latin America is generally Left-populist, blaming backwardness on Capitalism. Compare also Israel with the rest of the Middle East; Islamism is anemical to reform.

>> No.22160741

There's a lot of crime in Japan, but like Spain, it's not violent.

>> No.22160763
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>> No.22160793

are mexican elites catholic?

>> No.22160798

Look at those "Spanish" men robbing the Britton.

>> No.22160839
File: 42 KB, 500x464, chinguese usted cumico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TÚ la pronunciarás: es tu palabra: y tu palabra es la mía; palabra de honor: palabra
de hombre: palabra de rueda: palabra de molino: imprecación, propósito saludo,
proyecto de vida, filiación, recuerdo, voz de los desesperados, liberación de los pobres,
orden de los poderosos, invitación a la riña y al trabajo, epígrafe del amor, signo del
nacimiento, amenaza y burla, verbo testigo, compañero de la fiesta y de la borraCHEra,
espada del valor, trono de la fuerza, colmillo de la marrullería, blasón de la raza,
salvavida de los límites, resumen de la historia: santo y seña de México: tu palabra:
—Chingue a su madre
—Hijo de la chingada
—Aquí estamos los meros chingones
—Déjate de chingaderas
—Ahoritita me lo chingo
—Andale, chingaquedito
—No te dejes chingar
—Me chingué a esa vieja
—Chinga tú
—Chingue usted
—Chinga bien, sin ver a quién
—A chingar se ha dicho
—Le chingué mil pesos
—Chínguense aunque truenen
—Chingaderitas las mías
—Me chingó el jefe
—No me chingues el día
—Vamos todos a la chingada
—Se lo llevó la chingada
—Me chingo pero no me rajo
—Se chingaron al indio
—Nos chingaron los gachupines
—Me chingan los gringos
—Viva México, jijos de su rechingada:

>> No.22160844

>Spain is literally heaven, crime doesn’t exist
>Alright, it does exist but it’s happy crime like in Japan! The thieves ask nicely
>Yes, there are violent crimes but it doesn’t matter
>Yes, my neighbor was stabbed when he was getting mugged last year
>Yes, those lovely thieves are walking towards me with a knife in their ha-

>> No.22160849
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>> No.22160902

It's too hot, and heat makes people loco. Also perhaps it has to do with the early colonial history. Spain saw its colonies as only gold mines to extract as much as possible.
The U.S colonies held a greater degree of autonomy in the British empire by contrast. Moreover the U.S never had to face the full weight of the Empire, distracted and weakened as they were by the Seven Years War facing two rival empires.
Then some have also argued the success of the U.S (relative to Latin America) has a lot to do with the abundance of land available cheaply to the average person. Or to the early religious pluralism of the U.S compared to the more hierarchical strict control thee Catholic Church wielded over Latin America.
I don't really know how true the above is though, just an idea.

>> No.22160945

Just say read why nations fail.
Everyone knows it's mostly low IQ. Same reason all of Latin America is a shithole, and why Mexicans in America are also low IQ underperformers with average IQs in the 88-92 range.

>> No.22160979

> Same reason all of Latin America is a shithole
LatAm is mostly doing alright. Shitholes are in orange/red.

>> No.22160998

So how many Spanish prime ministers have been assassinated in Spain since democracy was restored vs safest country on earth, aka, Japan?

>> No.22161896


t. Mexican tourism marketing professional with a good (but not perfect) command of English. Your silliest claim is that Mexico is visited on "its own merits". This claim itself is nonsense, to invert your retort. Of course the neighboring country is a bit different which makes it somewhat interesting to visit, but this is only an accident of geography and history. Mexico is visited for no other reason than that it happens to be the "different" thing close at hand, not because it is otherwise special.

NTA but I remember a time years ago at the old company when the brass had just acquired a company with interests in Mexico, and so three top guys flew down to see about the machinery and stuff in Monterrey. Privately, I thought to myself that you couldn't pay me to go down there.

>> No.22161909

>books about/on/why…

Kill yourself

>> No.22162591

Explain chinese, korean and japanese Turism into México.
Explain turism from other places like Argentina, Colombia and Spain into Mexico

>> No.22162615

It's in protected zones run by Spanish, American, & European hotels, far from the no go zones that now constitute entire states, especially those of the North, Pacific, and center of the country, including its most populous state, Mexico state: one of the most dangerous places for women in the Western hemisphere.

>> No.22162810
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Francisco Bulnes was the only honest historian in Mexican history, and essentially argues that the low iq masses make the country only suitable for authoritarian rule. He was a big supporter of Porfirio Diaz and his last book was a critique of the Mexican Revolution

>> No.22162827

He can't. He thinks every tourist is the same and only visits Mexico for le spring break.

>> No.22162905
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What are you talking about?
Also, the Bahamas is highly visited by Americans and Europeans, not because they love that shithole (t. have been to resorts in the Caribbean), but because it has safe, clean, nice zones run by Europeans/Americans (i.e. resorts).

>> No.22162911 [DELETED] 

Just look at the average Mexican, the most retarded apes on earth. There, you don't need two read a book.

>> No.22162977
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Mexicans living in gringoland aren't Mexicans. They're a corrupted version of us.

>> No.22163550

Because the Arabs put a curse on Spain: We remade you in our image, though you look nothing like us. Now try to solve that riddle, without going crazy or tearing each other part in mutual self hatred and distrust

>> No.22164408


Just as "anecdotic" [sic] evidence is not a valid counter-argument, the same is true of laughter. You could have salvaged your retort by posting an image of a smug laughing anime girl, which would have made it valid. As it stands it's a non-argument.

I acknowledge that Mexico receives tourism from all over the world. There are crazy people everywhere. Some people just like to get into dangerous situations, I suppose. Either way, it's incredibly stupid to go out of one's way to visit Mexico of all places (the central point), even if little "green zones" are suffered to exist by the cartels.

The Caribbean in general, including the AMERICAN portion thereof, is the most violent region on Earth. This violence is focused in Mexico but it's also spread throughout New Orleans and the various islands.

>> No.22164423

2666 is about the consequences of that corruption just a few years before the eruption of the drug war. It makes observations, as does whole of Bolano's oeuvre set in Mexico (Amulet, Cowboy Graves, Savage Detectives, Woes of True Policeman) but 2666 is by far the most extensive when it comes to the topic.

>> No.22164437

Mexico never failed to undergo modernization. It became a capitalist-technocrat society under Diaz and its political culture liberalized under the PRD regime. Its completely uninteresting to list the histories of other regimes and to try to explain Mexico when it is rather obvious that especially the Mexican revolution acts as an inflection point deviating Mexican history from that of any other major Western nation.

Mexico isn't a violent narcostate because of vague notions of corruption. Many corrupt nations tend to see low levels of violent crime.

>> No.22164442

>Mexico was basically an Oriental culture that reflected two thousand years of disease and poverty and degradation and stupidity and slavery and brutality and psychic and physical terrorism. It was sinister and gloomy and chaotic, with the special chaos of a dream. No Mexican really knew any other Mexican, and when a Mexican killed someone (which happened often), it was usually his best friend. Anyone who felt like it carried a gun, and I read of several occasions where drunken cops, shooting at the habitués of a bar, were themselves shot by armed civilians. As authority figures, Mexican cops ranked with streetcar conductors.

>> No.22164453
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desire =/= actual tourism

>> No.22164458

Which other countries have anything close to the Mexican cartels?

>> No.22164461
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>Mexico was basically an Oriental culture

>> No.22164464
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>Japs love Mexico
>meanwhile in France

>> No.22164582
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Look up codexes and relations and accounts of that time, be they first-hand or not from that time, start with specific regions and work your way throughout. The real lesson is realising just how vast and diverse the whole world the spaniards, and through their example, other imperial powers were ignoring and disrespecting completely. Don't just read rad modern papers and condensations, as they all are just drawing from the only source we have.
They really had shit figured out and then literally some random bozos come and genocide them

>> No.22164597

Paris is a Arab/black infested shithole. At least many areas. It's terribly sad what is happening to such a great city.
This says little of how popular a destination Mexico in for Jap tourists. So retarded I don't even care to explain.

>> No.22164621

>This says little of how popular a destination Mexico in for Jap tourists. So retarded I don't even care to explain.
You posted "desired" places, not actual tourism. In an online survey, 2000 people in Japan answered the question "where would you like to travel?" and that's it.

>> No.22164654

Maybe you should move to Switzerland if you're so afraid of leaving your house. For your information there are half a dozen large cities in America with higher homicide rates than Mexico City.

>> No.22164671

Colombia. Obviously the countries that produce cocaine and are on the smuggling routes are going to have the most cartel problems. Drugs enter the US through Mexico so Mexico has to deal with that problem.

>> No.22164689
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Stop buying drugs, gringos.

>> No.22164704

Drug trade barely explains something like Ciudad Juarez femicides of 1990s where most of the victims were southern Mexican women recently migrated to north to work in maquelirais set after NAFTA for cheap day assempty labour near the American border. The lack of paved street, public restrooms and streetlights was probably a bigger contributor to hundreds of homicides than any organized drug crime since the victims had nothing to do with any of it.

>> No.22164925

I'm not sure what you're rambling on about as Spain is one the wealthiest, safest, and politically stable countries in the entire world. Moreover Arab and Berber elites since ancient times viewed Mediterranean phenotype as highly attractive, so there was no clash there either.

>> No.22164937

Spain is soulless these days. Arabs have SOVL.

>> No.22165097

Violent crime means institutional weakness on the part of law enforcement, which is very closely connected with government corruption.

>> No.22165198

I just read the Mexican chapters on the Cambridge History of Latin America and it became quite clear why they are where they are.

>> No.22165241

well tell us
is it the corruption of their politicians? the left leaning indignation of their people? their violent origins? american imperialism?

>> No.22165265

why the fuck do japs love mexico??

>> No.22165274
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Mexico has a very large and capable upper class, if not perfect at least as intelligent as the average person in any well developed country.

The problem is that there's also a very large, violent, dumb, underclass. Pick your favorite, most developed, advanced, perfect nation in the world. They would start to look like Mexico too if they also had to deal with these hordes.

The problem is that the Mexican upper classes have almost always chosen to imitate the institutions of richer countries than deal with the realities of their own nation. When the USA and Europe finally go to shit, I don't know what the fuck they're going to do then.

>> No.22165286
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You have low standards.
A country with a median income 3-5x less than the developed world, with one of the highest murder rates in the world, and with streets that look like pic rel, is a shithole.

>> No.22165290

I started sketching a response, but it's too much work. Read the book. It's good.
For the specific issue of the murder-rate: it's the drugs, retard.

>> No.22165295

Litetally any history book

>> No.22165304

That's your problem, right there

>> No.22165319

this was a good intro to Mexican history, unfortunately it ends in the early 90s

>> No.22165324

>Drug trade barely explains
Everything goes back to the drug trade. Drugs are what finances these criminal groups and their reason for existence. Sure tehy commit other crimes on the side, but without the drug trade, they would not be what they are.

Everybody loves Mexico. Good food, beautiful traditional culture and architecture, nice archaeological ruins. Only people who can't appreciate Mexico are trailer park rednecks.

>> No.22165328
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>Mexico has a very large and capable upper class, if not perfect at least as intelligent as the average person in any well developed country.
Mexico has an average IQ of 88. If the upper class constitute the top 20% of the country, then sure, but this is true for any country in that IQ range (which is a lot of the world).
And this murder issue just so happens to persist in other Hispanic countries. Or when they go to a new country in representative amounts.
It's the genes retard.

>> No.22165338

Anon, you lost. Please stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.22165352

Those three coutries, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico are very much directly involved in the international drug trade and the absolute majority of homocides can be traced back to drug-related disputes.
The boys who end up in gangs are not particularly violent. They just get it rough since the day they're born. No father around and the best role model there is is a gangbanger. There are entire subcultures in poor neighborhoods surrounding gangbanging and drug dealing.
They have no chance.
You have to go full Bukele.

>> No.22165358

La región más transparente
Kino scenes
5/5 book

>> No.22165359

>The boys who end up in gangs are not particularly violent
I'd rather say "not genetically predisposed to violence", because the current sentence is ambiguous - the boys in gangs are indeed particularly violent.

>> No.22165368
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I blame americans desu famsquad

>> No.22165372

>genetically predisposed to violence
they dont even share same racial backgrounds

>> No.22165412

Sure sure, now do the rest under "Soverign". And while you're at it explain them being 3-4x more violent than "whites" in America>>22160690. Also maybe explain why there is a strong relationship anywhere, for example brazil, between % European and development/homicide/IQ. Its almost like African lions make African lion prides and asiatic lions the males live alone/in-pairs. Japanese make Japan and Guatemalans make Guatemala. SES? Why did the East Asians rapidly climb that ladder in America (in Brazil too, I might add) which also aligns with their measured intelligence abroad and at home. Also, PISA/IQ pic rel.

>> No.22165414
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Forgot pic rel

>> No.22165419
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Also, I will quickly note the European scores are greatly depressed by immigrants, e.g native Germans score higher than Japs/Chinese/Koreans, but the overall score for the country is below all 3.

>> No.22165436

start with the aztecs

>> No.22165446

Resentment, envy and desensitization.
Simple as.

>> No.22165454

Mexico suffers BC le bad USA
Spain suffers BC le ... BC le 'europe bad'
Also: Germans in mexico meme doesn't exist
Also: make Spain stronk again!

>> No.22165469

>for example brazil, between % European and development/homicide/IQ
Whites have historically been at the top of Brazilian society. The whitest areas have been occupied by European immigrants who developed Brazil's manufacturing industry. They're richer, more educated and safer areas. What's the gene for it?
>Why did the East Asians rapidly climb that ladder in America (in Brazil too, I might add)
Great work ethic and higher marginal propensity to save.

Anon, I get you. You want to believe that it's nature. That whites and the honorable Yamato people have good genes that propel them to success in our modern world. I say it's culture. Culture reproduces as much as - if not more than - people.
The favela-dwelling black kid in Brazil will not live the same life as the upper middle-class apartment-tower dwelling Japanese or the industrious German from Sovth Brazil.

>> No.22165483

I know I have, as Spain is definitely not one of the safest and most attractive, most developed and less corrupt tourist destinations in the world. Mexico is exceedingly preferable in all those regards.

>> No.22165487

you sound like the biggest chickenshit in this entire thread. the other guy was right, you should just hole up in some nordcuck country so you can all avoid each other together lmao

>> No.22165489

>Mexico suffers BC le bad USA
Dont pretend like this wasnt one of the reasons for many years, also add the Spaniards and French and all the dumb wars after the Independence

>> No.22165498
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Mexicans are the living descendants of those nice Aztec and Mayan people who would tear out hearts out of living prisoners in the hundreds so the sun would rise, and play ceremonial futbol with severed heads

>> No.22165512

t: PANAM educated PRD party member trying to convince why increasing public education funding is a bad thing

>> No.22165516

Do you really think that violence against poor working class intra-country immigrant women was done by some nefarious criminal groups? Rather than regular frustrated poor men in drinking holes and dark alleys?

>> No.22165517

ngl sounds pretty based

>> No.22165524

>muh baseless scary killings
Easiest way to spot a retard

>> No.22165529

Btw, I'm admitting and confessing this to all the anons here. Go to Mexico, beware of the incomparably and insurmountably greater perils of Spain. Indeed I'm willing to put my actual name to this error of mine to which I sincerely and truly admit: my name is Patxi Lopez de Gezurti and I'm ashamed to admit I'm from a hellish den of iniquity that makes most of Mexico seem like paradise. This shameful, baleful place is called Getxo, in the equally iniquitous, ruinous, and parlous province of Vizcaya, España.

>> No.22165539

It's actually influences specific to various geographic areas that imbue people with specific mindsets. Look at the middle east, constant war and barbarism from the Assyrians and Babylonians to Taliban ISIS

>> No.22165542
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Culture in large part comes from genetics. It's an obvious truth. Ocassionally you have geniune historical accidents like the DPRK, but we see SK/Japan/Taiwan are highly developed countries, and their diaspora do very well anywhere. Not so with the populations in question. People with an average IQ of 85 IQ make countries that look like they are full of 85 IQ people. There is an obvious simple answer that explains so many observations, not just these. But you can continue to make up little stories that explain each seperate case, one by one, flying in the face of measurements and Occam's razor.

>> No.22165581

Culture and genetics are inherently interlaced.

t. Brazilian

>> No.22165594

>flying in the face of Occam's razor.
kek I will, thanks

>> No.22165622

And how does that work, this relationship between culture and genetics?

I can see how culture can change drastically over time, after all, we don't see the polite and Tesla-driving Norwegians doing the blót anymore, living in mudhuts or killing slavs for fun, but I doubt their genetic makeup has changed that much.
You generally don't sound much better than Jared Diamond.

>> No.22165632

Aztec-centrism has been refuted a million times, Anon. And the Maya only existed in a smaller region.

>> No.22165637

Genes change so slowly and over many generations, where as cultures change within 1-2 generations.

>> No.22165640

We get it this is a racist CIA-controlled psyop board used to brainwash resentful incels, anything to further the atomizing anti-solidarial interests of the plutocratic ruling class, lest majorities wrestle free a little bit more democracy and public services from Wall Street rentiers.

>> No.22165847
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Environment determines behavior and directs genetic development. Common behavior creates culture, which is to some point reforced by genes. Culture is fluid and subject to environmental changes and human action, but it can't escape from the influence of genetics. It's a relation of co-dependence.

>> No.22165860


>> No.22165872

you dishonest faggots would literally prefer to have civilization destroyed rather than to ever admit that intelligence is genetic

>> No.22165936

allowing the nefarious criminal group to control villages instead of the state might play into it

>> No.22165946

anon western civilization created the modern problems that are literally sinking us into the sea.

>> No.22165951

link the source.

>> No.22166082

A bit dated, but I think this section from Zeihan's 'The Accidental Superpower' gives an interesting explanation of how Mexico's issues are a product of its geography.


>> No.22166125

"No es normal" Fucking good book

>> No.22166129
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While Desperados does devote a lot to the Colombians, the Mexican sections are downright apocalyptic. One of the worst things to happen to Mexico was being very fertile ground for weed and heroin and being located next to the US.

>> No.22166401

>Mexico's issues

But also its success. It's a double-edged sword being next to the world's largest market.

>> No.22166459

bolano's 2666. seriously, there're some great insights in there that explain why latin american is so fucked up

>> No.22166468

Cormac McCarthy has some good ones on fucked up Mexico. Have you read The Border Trilogy or heard of Blood Meridian?

>> No.22166488

The Crossing and Cities of the plains clearly show that McCormac was a mexi-lover.

>> No.22166862

No, they are jews.

>> No.22166970


>> No.22167056

What the hell is happening in Indonesia

>> No.22167086

You don't need me to explain that this will be from an interaction between genes and environment (and insofar as the two overlap).

>> No.22167298

Drug cartels didn't control villages or towns in 1990s. Ciudad Juarez was a PRI stronghold.

>> No.22167371

Do incels really seethe about countries they will never visit?

>> No.22167928

It is more like the top 1%. In Mexico, these elite own almost all the wealth.

>> No.22168251

Labyrinth of Solitude - Octavio Paz

TLDR; "Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the United States"

>> No.22168280

y queremos la paz

>> No.22168300

They’re corrupt because they’re wogs.

>> No.22168468

City of London, not corrupt.

>> No.22168684

Anybody who believes the American Hollywood Version that Mexico is dangerous is a basement dweller who needs to leave their house more. I'm a tall gringo who's been riding his motorcycle around Mexico for three years now and my experience has been completely safe and fucking awesome. Way more liberty than the US (roadside beers, no gay insurance or licenses needed to enjoy life, no nignog politicians mucking things up, awesome pyramids everywhere, great food, better architecture than the US, nice people.)

>> No.22168938
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>"O my son, O our lord, O ruler, O my grandson: our lord, the lord of the near, of the nigh, is made to laugh. He is arbitrary, he is capricious, he mocketh. He willeth in the manner he desireth. He is placing us in the palm of his hand; he is making us round. We roll; we become as pellets. He is casting us from side to side. We make him laugh; he is making a mockery of us.

— "The Universal History of the Things of New Spain" (1545-1590), Bernardino de Sahagún and indigenous collaborators; "Florentine Codex" (1579), Book VI, fol. 51v.

>> No.22169726

amerilard here, the country is fucked up and corrupt but its not as bad as it was like a decade or two ago. I've been to mexico city and a few cities in tamaulipas, and san luis potosi. i love the country desu. the people are always nice as long as you aren't in a white touristy area. america feels very lonely and empty comparatively.

>> No.22169727

>america feels very lonely and empty comparatively.
why come?

>> No.22169749
File: 551 KB, 1512x2016, 355511507_279874931180798_3924759228078546172_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my city, its a lot more quiet, the transportation is bad so you can't go anywhere without a car, and people are very quiet and much more rude.

the cities i've been in mexico there were always parties going on (i don't mean spring break shit, i mean like family parties and bbqs) and there was always stuff in walking distance. even in the smaller cities there's just always people out and about. it might be that everything is much more dense, im not sure

>> No.22169781

residential zoning. was it a mistake bros?

>> No.22169828
File: 266 KB, 1200x1625, BartolomédelasCasas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They snatcht young Babes from the Mothers Breasts, and then dasht out the brains of those innocents against the Rocks; others they cast into Rivers scoffing and jeering them, and call'd upon their Bodies when falling with derision, the true testimony of their Cruelty, to come to them, and inhumanely exposing others to their Merciless Swords, together with the Mothers that gave them Life
Are there any books explaining how it was possible that the Spanish monarchy and the Papacy believed this nonsense? I mean this moron believed that what a European consumed in one day would be able to support ten natives (pre-conquest) for a month and the monarchy and pope believed him.

>> No.22169831

Yes. Low density zoning with mandated numbers of single family housing was a mistake and like many of our worst compulsions, it was something we inherited from the English. It's no surprise that the great northeastern cities like nyc and philly have mixed parentage and they ignored this English demand for emptiness.

>> No.22169867 [DELETED] 

Because it's full of low-IQ brown people.

I know this because I've lived here for 30 years.
Most Mexican people think in the short term, the future does not exist, progress does not exist, and better living conditions do not exist, right now is the only thing that matters.
If you are incapable of forming a crude abstraction of what will happen to you if you drive drunk, have unprotected sex, do too many drugs, stop showing up to work, or slack off every day, you will end up in a negative-feedback loop that will lead to a poor standard of living for you, those who depend on you, and civilization at large (once you account for these behaviors compounding over decades and millions of people).

It all comes down to people being stupid and lazy, versus intelligent (capable of modeling the future in their heads), and industrious.
That's the cold hard truth. Thats why white Mexicans (above 85% European) are the elites, they mostly came from Spain after the Civil War in the 1930s, with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and quickly rose to the upper echelons of society through nothing but sheer determination, working smart & hard, and helping each other out.

There is nothing worse than the liberal American victim mentality where the poor little brown people who can't even show up on time ANYWHERE are in fact the victims of a centuries-long conspiracy by the colonial empire of the Spanish crown, or the US government (or whatever foreign influence), to keep them "oppressed" and poor.

Another thing I can't wrap my head around is how massively ugly and obese most Mexican people are, this country is truly an eugenic disaster that shows race-mixing is wrong in God's eyes.

>> No.22170018

watching the /pol/ rot set in on this board over the years has been depressing.

pq no hay mas hilos de libros en español en /lit/? crei que habia mas hispanohablantes aqui

>> No.22170076

>pq no hay mas hilos de libros en español en /lit/? crei que habia mas hispanohablantes aqui

antes habia pero se murio (como todos los buenos threads en /lit/)

pero este anon >>22169867 tiene razon, los mexicanos hicieron que el idioma español se convierte en un idioma tercermundista, le da una mala reputación a los paises de habla español con sus miserias y fealdades

>> No.22170218

>pq no hay mas hilos de libros en español en /lit/? crei que habia mas hispanohablantes aqui
Some time ago, like in 2019 or 2020 there were some general-ish threads, called hispa/lit/. Those were some of the highest quality threads I've seen on this board and they were quite popular. Sadly, some janny got mad that people were writing in spanish in an english board so they began to delete the threads.
Those threads had people who really knew a lot about literary theory, there were some great recommendations beyond popular classics. Literary theory, narratology, metre and such.
I tried to revive those threads last years, but it lasted for like three threads, and after that we were like four people replying to each other so it died out quickly. I guess most of the old anons left the board years ago.

>> No.22170257

>le da una mala reputación a los paises de habla español con sus miserias y fealdades
mexico es de los mejores paises de habla hispana. los gringos aprenden español gracias a la influencia mexicana.

>> No.22170312

The board is just an alt-right CIA psyop, basically the kind of brainwashing Ted K. was subjected to while in college; this place is just the virtual mass consumption version of it.

>> No.22170316

>I have to... I have to... doooooooooo something
By their fruits shall ye know them. At least Mexicans aren't snorting the biosphere up their nose because their parents didn't love them

>> No.22170462

Mein Kampf

>> No.22170477


>> No.22170480

Reminder that 'corruption' means 'politics in hot countries'.

>> No.22170492

I do wonder if their society would be less fucked up if americans stopped giving money to the cartels in exchange for drugs.

>> No.22170609 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 680x950, Dominguez_Belisario_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all its flaws, Mexico has no shortage of virtuous and even heroic people; they just have a frustrating tendency to end up being betrayed, sabotaged, or killed. Case in point:

>Gentlemen: You have all read with deep interest the message presented by Don Victoriano Huerta to the Congress of the Union on the 16th instant [September].There is no doubt, gentlemen, that you as well as myself felt indignant in the face of the accumulation of falsities contained in that document. Whom does that message aim to deceive, gentlemen? The Congress of the Union? No, gentlemen; all its members are cultured persons who take an interest in politics, who are in touch with events in this country and who can not be deceived on the subject. Is it the Mexican Nation that is to be deceived? Is it this noble country which, trusting in your honesty, has placed in your hands her most sacred interests? What must the National Assembly do in this case? It must respond promptly to the trust and the confidence of the Nation which has honored this body with her representation, and it must let her know the truth and so prevent her from falling into the abyss that is opening at her feet.


>First, and above everything else, this condition is due to the fact that the Mexican people can not submit and yield to and accept as President of the Republic the soldier who snatched the power by means of a treason and whose first act on arising to the presidency was to assassinate in the most cowardly manner the President and Vice President legally consecrated by the popular vote, and the first of which two men was he who promoted and gave position to Don Victoriano Huerta and covered him with honors, was the man to whom Victoriano Huerta publicly swore loyalty and faithfulness.


>The National Assembly has the duty of deposing Don Victoriano Huerta from the Presidency. He is the one against whom our brothers up in arms in the North protest, and consequently he is the one least able to carry out the pacification which is the supreme desire of all Mexicans.

>You will tell me, gentlemen, that the attempt is dangerous, for Don Victoriano Huerta is a bloodthirsty and ferocious soldier who assassinates anyone who is an obstacle to his wishes. But this should not matter, gentlemen. Thecountry exacts from you the fulfillment of a duty, though there is the risk—the certainty—that you will lose your lives.

>If in your anxiety to see peace reign again in the Republic you made a mistake and put faith in the false words of the man who promised to pacify the Republic, today when you see clearly that this man is an imposter, a wicked inept who is fast pushing the nation toward ruin, will you, for fear of death, permit such a man to continue to wield power? Reflect, gentlemen; meditate, and reply to this query.

— Belisario Domínguez (1863-1913).

Two weeks after printing and distributing that speech, Domínguez was abducted and shot by Huerta's henchmen.

>> No.22170617 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 680x950, Dominguez_Belisario_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all its flaws, Mexico has no shortage of virtuous and even heroic people; they just have a frustrating tendency to end up being betrayed, sabotaged, or killed. Case in point:

>Gentlemen: You have all read with deep interest the message presented by Don Victoriano Huerta to the Congress of the Union on the 16th instant [September].There is no doubt, gentlemen, that you as well as myself felt indignant in the face of the accumulation of falsities contained in that document. Whom does that message aim to deceive, gentlemen? The Congress of the Union? No, gentlemen; all its members are cultured persons who take an interest in politics, who are in touch with events in this country and who can not be deceived on the subject. Is it the Mexican Nation that is to be deceived? Is it this noble country which, trusting in your honesty, has placed in your hands her most sacred interests? What must the National Assembly do in this case? It must respond promptly to the trust and the confidence of the Nation which has honored this body with her representation, and it must let her know the truth and so prevent her from falling into the abyss that is opening at her feet.


>First, and above everything else, this condition is due to the fact that the Mexican people can not submit and yield to and accept as President of the Republic the soldier who snatched the power by means of a treason and whose first act on arising to the presidency was to assassinate in the most cowardly manner the President and Vice President legally consecrated by the popular vote, and the first of which two men was he who promoted and gave position to Don Victoriano Huerta and covered him with honors, was the man to whom Victoriano Huerta publicly swore loyalty and faithfulness.


>The National Assembly has the duty of deposing Don Victoriano Huerta from the Presidency. He is the one against whom our brothers up in arms in the North protest, and consequently he is the one least able to carry out the pacification which is the supreme desire of all Mexicans.

>You will tell me, gentlemen, that the attempt is dangerous, for Don Victoriano Huerta is a bloodthirsty and ferocious soldier who assassinates anyone who is an obstacle to his wishes. But this should not matter, gentlemen. Thecountry exacts from you the fulfillment of a duty, though there is the risk—the certainty—that you will lose your lives.

>If in your anxiety to see peace reign again in the Republic you made a mistake and put faith in the false words of the man who promised to pacify the Republic, today when you see clearly that this man is an imposter, a wicked inept who is fast pushing the nation toward ruin, will you, for fear of death, permit such a man to continue to wield power? Reflect, gentlemen; meditate, and reply to this query.

— Belisario Domínguez (1863-1913).

Two weeks after printing and distributing that speech, Domínguez was abducted and shot by Huerta's henchmen.

>> No.22170627
File: 272 KB, 680x950, Dominguez_Belisario_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all its flaws, Mexico has no shortage of virtuous and even heroic people; they just have a frustrating tendency to end up being betrayed, sabotaged, or killed. Case in point:

>Gentlemen: You have all read with deep interest the message presented by Don Victoriano Huerta to the Congress of the Union on the 16th instant [September].There is no doubt, gentlemen, that you as well as myself felt indignant in the face of the accumulation of falsities contained in that document. Whom does that message aim to deceive, gentlemen? The Congress of the Union? No, gentlemen; all its members are cultured persons who take an interest in politics, who are in touch with events in this country and who can not be deceived on the subject. Is it the Mexican Nation that is to be deceived? Is it this noble country which, trusting in your honesty, has placed in your hands her most sacred interests? What must the National Assembly do in this case? It must respond promptly to the trust and the confidence of the Nation which has honored this body with her representation, and it must let her know the truth and so prevent her from falling into the abyss that is opening at her feet.


>First, and above everything else, this condition is due to the fact that the Mexican people can not submit and yield to and accept as President of the Republic the soldier who snatched the power by means of a treason and whose first act on arising to the presidency was to assassinate in the most cowardly manner the President and Vice President legally consecrated by the popular vote, and the first of which two men was he who promoted and gave position to Don Victoriano Huerta and covered him with honors, was the man to whom Victoriano Huerta publicly swore loyalty and faithfulness.


>The National Assembly has the duty of deposing Don Victoriano Huerta from the Presidency. He is the one against whom our brothers up in arms in the North protest, and consequently he is the one least able to carry out the pacification which is the supreme desire of all Mexicans.

>You will tell me, gentlemen, that the attempt is dangerous, for Don Victoriano Huerta is a bloodthirsty and ferocious soldier who assassinates anyone who is an obstacle to his wishes. But this should not matter, gentlemen. Thecountry exacts from you the fulfillment of a duty, though there is the risk—the certainty—that you will lose your lives.

>If in your anxiety to see peace reign again in the Republic you made a mistake and put faith in the false words of the man who promised to pacify the Republic, today when you see clearly that this man is an imposter, a wicked inept who is fast pushing the nation toward ruin, will you, for fear of death, permit such a man to continue to wield power? Reflect, gentlemen; meditate, and reply to this query.

— Belisario Domínguez (1863-1913).

Two weeks after printing and distributing that speech, Domínguez was abducted and shot by Huerta's henchmen.

>> No.22170635

Spain is about as developed as Greece

>> No.22170657

Pretty much this, here it's explained in detail tho: https://elibrary.worldbank.org/doi/10.1596/978-1-4648-0325-3_ch6

>> No.22172116 [DELETED] 

>Why did the East Asians rapidly climb that ladder in America

For your information, Japanese, Chinese and Korean Americans (your "East Asians") have lower household income than Filipinos, Indians or even Sri Lankans in America.

>> No.22172803

You can close the thread now OP

>> No.22172972

Fp is bp once again

>> No.22173121 [DELETED] 
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Mexico is fucking god-damned horrible and I see the evidence of this in my own country every single day. Because of this, I am competent to pronounce on the quality of the Mexican country and the Mexican people.

>> No.22173147

absolutely would make a huge difference. Still wouldn't be first world.