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/lit/ - Literature

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22158835 No.22158835 [Reply] [Original]

>Marxism for Proletariat Noobs
>Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
>The Multipolar World and You
>Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
Buying one of these books should notify the Amazon death squad. Fuck Marxists. Fucking terrorists.

>> No.22158844

I’m reasonably socialist but I can’t stand the left

>> No.22158869


>> No.22158877
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>it's another "triggered /pol/tard" thread

>> No.22158896
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Communism is a failed ideology. It doesn't work in practice. Grow up.
Marxism is a fascist-adjacent ideology btw, you belong on /pol/. There's nothing lefty about supporting totalitarian governments

>> No.22158935

janny do something ffs
i am a reactionary but you, sir have to stop posting on lit. its about literature... like... people discussing novels n shiet

>> No.22158944

"reasonably socialist" = the left
all except the 2nd one. Lenin's book has its problems but you can't put it in the same category as the others lol, that's just asinine

>> No.22158950

And I listed literature in the OP. /lit/ discusses philosophy newfag, look at the 'log.
Don't try to silence me because you're a seething tankie.

>> No.22159130

why so many people think that people must accept what is in a book? why can't someone read a book to see what it is about and then dismiss it for whatever reason they want?

>> No.22159197

And yet, you love Hitler. Curious.
The only difference between nazis and the Soviets is that Hitler wanted war and to proclaim the superiority of the German people over Jews and Slavs.
If the nazi party had any sense they would have extracted the buffoon from office. But they were all warmongers after all.

>> No.22159205

The “left” being liberal sheeple like the OP, I’m guessing. Why do you perpetuate Pentagon talking points?

>> No.22159538

>Buying one of these books should notify the Amazon death squad
I agree desu. Liberating literature should by provided free of charge, pirated if necessary. People who support p*blishers financially should by shot.