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22156687 No.22156687 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly was the big deal for Lenin? I understand that Machists were often pragmatists or social democrats, but did that have anything to do with their embrace of idealism? Metaphysics seems so divorced from politics.

>> No.22156902
File: 246 KB, 2024x3143, larouche epistomology chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See Bogdanov (Alexander... not those twins) as a Bolshevik who wasn't epistemologically retarded. Lenin had arm chair opinions on lots of things that were... just wrong... he was a good political strategist but maybe his ideas on plumbing and such weren't right. The early Soviet attacks on Einsteinian physics and Stalinist attacks on cybernetics as a bourgeois pseudoscience, etc is all thanks to Lenin

>Metaphysics seems so divorced from politics.
It's not but when you go full schizoid pilled you end up Larouche tier lol

>> No.22156912
File: 76 KB, 657x1000, Bogdanov Lenin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book particularly

>> No.22156924

It really was just something that Lenin was personally ignorant about. Bukharin for instance heavily disagreed with Lenin on this matter.

>> No.22156936

But all science is bourgeois. There are no proletarian institutions. Working class ideologies are praxis degraded into ideology under bourgeois assault.

This doesn't make science "wrong," but as a social category science like the humanities or "politics" as such is not a tool for workers, but a terrain of conflict.

Even this post is "bourgeois science."

>> No.22156959

>But all science is bourgeois. There are no proletarian institutions
Bogdanov would like a word with you

>> No.22157342

Maybe the proletariat arent all that great. Have you seen the average american.

>> No.22157419

Vulgar politics demands naive realism.

>> No.22158474


>> No.22158563

Average yank isn’t proletarian.
Poor =/= proletarian

>> No.22158659

The average yank is not a lumpenprole if that's what you're suggesting.

>> No.22158665

Do you live here though?

>> No.22160038


>> No.22161584

he thought he was dunking on solipsism n shieeet