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22156321 No.22156321 [Reply] [Original]

Books about on how to turn around you life when you're an 30 years old loser NEET, I don't want to waste my life anymore, bros, need some good books to learn on how to turn everything around, even better if the author was a ex-loser, thanks in advance, /lit/bros.

>> No.22156331

Why do you need a book though? It seems to me it’s as simple as identifying what you want to do and then working hard at it.

>> No.22156340

The Tartar Steppe

>> No.22156392

Tell you what OP, you want a book? Buy a blank journal and write a page every day. Write about what you're doing to make your life better. Write about your dreams. Write about your problems until they seem small to you. Write about a version of you that's a better person and pretend you're them until you are. Write about anything at all as long as you pour your feelings into it.
If you can do that, you aren't a loser, no matter what anyone else says.

>> No.22156412

I want a "guideline" from another person experience on how to change life, like a want to see if it's is possible to do it and learn from other people experiences.

>> No.22156413

Turning to more consumable media probably isn't your best bet. Chances are you will read it, feel like you are accomplishing something by reading about someone else's successes, and end up doing nothing. You don't need to consume more content, you need to go do stuff.
Listen to >>22156331 and >>22156392
and just sit down and work out what you want to do, or even what you need to do to figure what you want to do, and then work out actionable steps.
If you can't think it out for yourself, use goblin.tools Magic ToDo to break your goals down for you.

>> No.22156426

As the others have said a book won't suddenly fix your issues, but if you've never read any philosophy try The Enchiridion, a super short read on stoicism that can help with how you approach your own life.

>> No.22156430

what I want from a book is to learn from their journey, their mindset, and just want to know if other people could do it.

>> No.22156515

unironically David Goggins

>> No.22156551

But it’s your life. How could anyone ever provide a guide?

>> No.22156607

If you don’t want to be a loser, don’t do what losers do.
1. Don’t masturbate.
2. Don’t watch anime or read comic books
3. Don’t be obsessed with Internet forums
4. Don’t waste your time with video games and cheap movies
5. Don’t isolate yourself from normal people
6. Don’t pretend to be more intellectual than you are
7. Don’t lie
8. Don’t quit when things get hard
9. Don’t leave things until later when they can be done now
10. Don’t forget to call your mother
11. Don’t be a disappointment to your father
12. Don’t think about having a girl friend, but about being a father
Losers don’t have families. Be a man. Build a family.

>> No.22156621

Neville Goddard. Read any of his books or listen to any of his lectures. He preached the same message for 30+ years without change. Try it and your life will change. It costs nothing. Trust me.

>> No.22156646

That sounds awfully boring, I'll prefer being a "loser" than providing for some whore

>> No.22156697

It’s not God’s fault you’ve chosen to have a short attention span

>> No.22156698

neville goddards teachings are fucking bull shit, never worked for me.

>> No.22156718

doesn't exist
>short attention span
It's not attention spawn related, but saying that people should pull themselves out of loserdom by becoming complete normalfags with their dumb wife is reductive and for boring people who have nothing interesting about them except pursuing things that don't make you a special individual.

>> No.22156815

This + read the new testament for some direction
Why did you even ask for any advice then?

>> No.22156817

For real, is he actually good and not a meeeme?

>> No.22156821

Not a guide, bro, more like how was the other people "adventure" on trying to change their life.

>> No.22156826

>mysticism and woo woo

Kek, the actual audacity.

>> No.22156832

I'm not op, I'm just calling trad retards on their bullshit; you don't have to be a boring christcuck to get out of loserdom

>> No.22156841

Just try it for at least 2-4 weeks anon

>> No.22156846

Then you already failed.

>> No.22156851

The choice is clear. To be a loser.

>> No.22156859
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Some of the advice is good basic stuff, but some of the other is just to convert people to your ideology and make people fill the void in their life with fake beliefs.
Failed at being a trad larper?
Sooo you're saying that not being a christcuck larper is being a loser?

>> No.22156865

Not really. I'm saying getting married according to millenial customs and reproducing our species may be worthwhile to the average man.

>> No.22156870

A solid argument.

>> No.22156872

By all means, continue to be a 30 year old NEET goofball watching cartoons and posting on 4chan. Nobody had to give you any advice, it was out of kindness

>> No.22156876

My, not even joking, diary desu. I literally started to being able to write at almost 27 years old. Got into college and whatever.

>> No.22156888
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Perpetuation of the species juste makes people boring af, people like that just behave like animals. Their goals do not differ from the dumbest most boring of life forms. And supporting your argument with millenial customs is just relying on the past to decide what to do, we can think for ourselves. Married men become boring anyway, they lose their individuality to only care about their dumb wife and children.

You can do other stuff than just marrying and becoming a conservative who just repeats what old traditions told him to do. Those people are just the most boring people ever, they're all clones of each other.

>> No.22156891

All I said was read the new testament, the other anon recommended you stop jerking off to cartoons and shitposting bait. But yeah, I think I'm beginning to agree. You definitely lead a more interesting life than anyone else here

>> No.22156894

Ok, you do your thing, you be you, etc

>> No.22156903

Whatever you do OP, do NOT read Goethe. Based Chad lived life on literal easy mode and then wrote THE suicidal novel of the 18th century and then when people asked him to tell people to stop killing themselves he was like, “lol, fuck no. Fucking pussies…” True story. Someone post the pasta.

>> No.22156904
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>read the new testament
Sure, I'll read it. I don't see why I should believe in some religious text over any other, I'll just read it for the cultural value. To me, christianity was just a tool of social control where rules used it to make their populace docile and servile.
>jerking off to cartoons
Nah masturbating is not a pure activity, it's quite disgusting.

>> No.22156997

You have the wrong mental about your situation, you can't "reason" your way into motivation and drive, you have to understand the way your brain works and what's trapping you in an unproductive routine and start making changes there, on the mechanisms that exist below conscious thought.
You can read the most exciting, motivating book about ambition and purpose there is, but that's not going to be enough to counteract the accumulated power of habit and the wirings of your reward system.

>> No.22157029

What you choose to find interesting or boring is entirely up to you. It is simply a matter of attention and care. So why do you care about what you care about? It clearly doesn’t bring you happiness, because if it did, you would be happy. My wife brings me great happiness, and as a living, breathing person with a whole life of memories and possibilities, has a lot more to understand and appreciate and savor than any two dimensional fabrication of a middle-aged Japanese man’s imagination. What kind of person thinks what’s unreal is more interesting than what’s real?

>> No.22157054

read the book of disquiet

>> No.22157057
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What I find interesting is people who are different from other people, and married people tend to lost their idiosyncrasies for the sake of being liked by women and become all like each other.
> So why do you care about what you care about? It clearly doesn’t bring you happiness, because if it did, you would be happy.
I guess it's mostly about escapism, but I do enjoy music/vidya/vns very much. Why I'm unhappy is more due being forced to deal with the real world when I just care about those things.
>nigga. you're talking about a WOMAN. A WOMAN. They're literally all souless demons that want to suck the life out of men. Men can be interesting and cool sometimes, but definitely not women!!! Maybe really autistic women that are basically male brained are fine, because they're basically guys, probably, but they're really few of them.

>What kind of person thinks what’s unreal is more interesting than what’s real?
The real world is an unending cruel cycle of souless creatures who only want to eat other creatures and fuck each other mindlessly. Real people are mostly dumb retards who only care about money, hedonism and sex. Fictional worlds have cute characters that are nice and pure and cuddly!!

>> No.22157062

didn't mean to greentext the nigga part, I meant to greentext this part before:
>My wife brings me great happiness, and as a living, breathing person with a whole life of memories and possibilities, has a lot more to understand and appreciate and savor than any two dimensional fabrication of a middle-aged Japanese man’s imagination

>> No.22157068

"Stupidity is its own reward."

>> No.22157101

What that supposed to mean?

>> No.22157109

It means if someone is content wasting their life, asking for advice on 4chan, then disregarding all advice they get, just go ahead and let them do it. Not trying to offend anyone, but just be honest with yourself OP

>> No.22157112

OP the truth is that there are no "shoulds" in life, at least objectively speaking. Learn this and overcome it somehow and run the clock out in the most pleasant way you can. There is nothing you should do.

>> No.22157117

That's an illusion man. Even OP knows what he should do, don't kid yourself

>> No.22157121

Not once I disregard anything, dude, so of those advice is pure bullshit like the woo woo dude before, but the David Goggins one is actually good.

>> No.22157128

Read Girard's theory of scapegoating at the very least

>> No.22157200


>> No.22157285

>10. Don’t forget to call your mother
>11. Don’t be a disappointment to your father
>12. Don’t think about having a girl friend, but about being a father
>Losers don’t have families. Be a man. Build a family.

All good advice except these tid bits, You should never give a fuck whatever any other man thinks of you even if it's your own father. If he even slightly disagrees with you, you put your finger in his fucking face and tell him to fuck off like the bitch he is. You need to cut the imbilicle cord with your mom and you shouldn't give a fuck about being a father or building a family until you have your life in order and you're ready to financially support and guide your next of kin into the the next era which is going to get progressively worse then this one.

>> No.22157293

I want to escape this world and please God.
Monastery is a way but I fear change.

>> No.22157298

Shoulds are the illusion

>> No.22157303

From your trip you seem to be a giga pseud, no depth ever only appearances, deceiving.

>> No.22157326
File: 32 KB, 735x522, 0414F250-5B64-4415-A621-F089D42B89AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step one: Don‘t become a Christian or follower of any other Abrahamic death cult.

Step two: Find something you‘re passionate about, maybe learning a language like Ancient Greek or something modern like Japanese. Maybe rigorously studying philosophy. Art, ornithology…

Step three: Preferably find people you feel close to like friends or a partner. If you‘re a heterosexual male the latter could be hard. A relationship without sexual intercourse would also be possible.

>> No.22157329

Go get a fucking blue collar factory job and most of your problems will solve themselves. Most have decent pay and decent benefits, and you will work long shifts with people who have it more together then you do.

t. papermill employee

>> No.22157358

Thread filled with jpeterson autists

>> No.22157384


Well then, nameless z0Omer, it appears that you need to look elsewhere if you want to find the next disposable authority figure that will help you get out of, or back into, some deep shit.

>> No.22157391

>> So why do you care about what you care about? It clearly doesn’t bring you happiness, because if it did, you would be happy.
It is a biological imperative, an integral, main part of the human species for hundreds of thousands of years, and it takes over you brain, providing a few sublime visions and moments that lift you up into the eternal. Its a bit different from vidya

>> No.22157392

Starting strength

Couch to 5k

Pick up a hobby that gets you outside like gardening

>> No.22157398


lol faggot enjoy wetting the bed

>> No.22157412

You seem retarded.

>> No.22157430
File: 317 KB, 1159x1463, chiaki 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biological imperatives like reproduction are what make people souless animals that are no different from retarded animals. Vidya and stuff like that are what allows human the rise above their conditions, transcend their nature and be greater than animals.

>> No.22157516

I feel like this, I can't reason my way out of procrastination. Is just doing it and turning brain off the only way out?

>> No.22157524
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No, having sex for pleasure is what sets us apart from the animals

>> No.22157529
File: 260 KB, 1071x1141, chiaki 79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga for both humans and animals sex releases happy chemicals in the lizard brain

>> No.22157619

That's not what I said

>> No.22157625

nigga I said sex makes us like animals (and they release happy chemicals), but vidya makes up above animals

>> No.22157652

actually based recommendation in this context

>> No.22157672

Why else would he ask for advice?

>> No.22157674

Except animals don't have sex for pleasure

>> No.22157683

Ah, I get what you mean. I just simply meant that sex gives you happy chemicals, not the fact that some humans have sex for pleasure and not procreation. I guess you are right then that sex purely for pleasure sets us apart. I was initially arguing with trads who obviously see sex mainly as a tool for procreation.

>> No.22158155

There's literally nothing warding me off this fate and I'm bloody terrified. Just wish I could off myself and get this shitty farce over with, desu.

>> No.22158191


>> No.22158471

Bro you need books on how to accept your fate.

>> No.22159187
File: 229 KB, 640x734, anonymous troll demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Osamu Dazai - No Longer Human
just do it bro, read it

>> No.22159236

>It is a biological imperative, an integral, main part of the human species for hundreds of thousands of years, and it takes over you brain, providing a few sublime visions and moments that lift you up into the eternal. Its a bit different from vidya
I think I can see how it might be a little bit different from vidya. Thanks, anon

>> No.22159904

>Abrahamic death cult
>something you‘re passionate about, maybe learning a language like Ancient Greek or something modern like Japanese
>A relationship without sexual intercourse would also be possible.
The amount of bullying this guy must have received at school...

>> No.22159989

>just take the advice from anonymous on 4chan and don't you try to be critical about them

>> No.22159998

Because OP and most everyone else ITT also fail to realize that shoulds are an illusion.

>> No.22160000

as if any tripfag isn't

>> No.22160018

Oh no

>> No.22160433

A relationship without sex is just a friendship.

>> No.22160451

When you have sex with your family member, what is it then?

>> No.22160469

>lain pic
Your destiny is to become a tranny

>> No.22160478

Just join the military, that's what I'm going to do and I'm a total loser.
That way I'll at least have done something

>> No.22160562

Lain activates the fatherly urge lobe of my brain. I wanna give her a big hug.

>> No.22160600

>Enlisting in peace time
>That way I'll at least have done something
You will have done nothing

>> No.22160615

Does anyone else, almost involuntarily, regard religious, and/or patriotic, lifelong "N E E T s" (not ever even training) as being akin to football "fans"?

>> No.22160629
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Ok, but you *are* retarded: that is the difference between us, nameless mouthdefecator.

>> No.22160644

>Losers don’t have families.

>> No.22160711

You can't book or movie or CONSOOM your way out of being a NEET anon.
You might be able to exercise your way out, or if not, at least be a healthy NEET.

>> No.22160716

That's okay, i don't really want to kill people anyway I'm joining the Navy. At least I will have stacked some $ and won't have to pay for housing.
Anyhow you never know. Maybe in the next year China will invade Taiwan and we'll get involved. Or the military industrial complex will gin something fun up

>> No.22160728

Develop a skill, any skill, no matter how insignificant and meaningless it may seem.

>> No.22160768

Take your meds.

>> No.22161355

Huh, it kinda is actually. I heard about this trick that is making the thing you are doing into an automatic action. Its dividing it in two parts the "pilot part" and the "automatic part" in the pilot part you start to plan what are you going to do, and set your route of action, then you ebeter the automatic part where indeed, you just do what you set yourself to do. Im pretty sure there where other stuff involved but that was what struck with me

>> No.22161911

You need to release the trauma that's keeping you stuck where you are. Your life is an expression of what your subconscious mind thinks you deserve. That's why you consciously want to change, but never actually do. Or you will change for a little while but eventually fail because you're fighting against the resistance of your own inner beliefs.

You have to free yourself from this if you truly want to change. That means establishing a new normal for your life. You can get to a point where your baseline is just being a loving, confident person. Happiness is accessible to you and it's not too late to change.

I would recommend this video and the book Letting Go by David R. Hawkins.

>t. Used to be a loser

>> No.22162386

you don't need a BOOK you need a JOB.
Stop living in your head and trying to fix your problems there, you need to leave your head and your house and get a fucking life

>> No.22162410

There was that one anon who posted his collage of self improvement books. Anyone else can offer to post theirs will be much appreciated :)

>> No.22162444

If you want to be a beta loser, yeah, do things Tateclown tells you... Only a pathetic person starts fights with family like that. If you can't be civil with your family, when they are civil with you, then you just aren't gor a civil world.

>> No.22162644

The Tao Te Ching

Though it's not really what you're looking for.

Just know that you're never trapped. You can escape. Sometimes you just have to have a leap of faith to say fuck it and do one thing. Lots of people recommend slowly grinding to change things. Doesn't always work for everyone's situation.

>> No.22162678
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im in the position i feel like suicide is the way to go desu

>> No.22162839

This. Humans aren't even designed to solve their problems on their own. We are social creatures who deal with problems by talking to and bonding with other people. That in and of itself solves half the problems caused by modernity, because a lot of depression and mental illnesses stem from loneliness and a lack of regular social interactions. Talk to people and have something to do responsibilities to fulfill, and you will start feeling better automatically, because it gives you a place to belong and purpose in life. Being by yourself and always living in your own head will only drive you insane.

>> No.22162842

Real question. Why didn't you realize earlier? When I was a college freshman at age of 19, I realized I was total loser compared to my classmates and started to improve. No books required.

>> No.22163180


>> No.22163260

Well, history might be helpful. I recommend Plutarch, The Bible, and a biography of Oliver Cromwell.

>> No.22163269

The Lord of the Rings. Frodo spent his entire life just hanging around the shire. Gandalf tells him to stop lamenting the time he’s born in and his burdens because there is greater power at work in the world and to just decide what to do with the time he’s given. He is something like 50 when sets out with the ring. Bilbo is also middle-aged in The Hobbit.

>> No.22163292

>It seems to me it’s as simple as identifying what you want to do and then working hard at it.

>> No.22163303


>> No.22163402

They do it by being born into it. You don't really go far from what's been predestined for you I'm afraid. Sounds like you're from a rich country so what are you complaining about in the first place.

>> No.22163436

i used to feel that way when i was like 25-26, what helped(or not) was to meditate, basically sit around and try to figure yourself out. I did enroll at Uni though then I started getting really sick and kept getting sick and then everyone in the world seemingly started getting sick.

>> No.22163503

That might be the case historically but only because most of history includes rigid class systems. Today, it doesn’t exist. Anyone can become a world-leader, a warlord, a priest, a wealthy landowner, an artist, anything. The previous 2 centuries are filled with examples, and in fact history has tons of remarkable exceptions as well.

>> No.22163510

Lol retard.

>> No.22163517

5, 8 and 9 are the most importants.

>> No.22163533

You are recomending him more escapism.

>> No.22163537

The hard truth is that “being a loser” is culturally relative. American? Have a job and money. That’s it. That’s how shallow this culture is.

No one with any dignity should prioritize “not being a loser” or “being succesful” in this dystopian clown show. Until dignity is restored, it’s worth nothing.

>> No.22163543

I bet you’re 24 and think you have a ton of life experience.

> no counterpoint so has to resort to insults
Sad really

>> No.22163944

That's the spirit!

>> No.22163968

You'll get one some day buddy

>> No.22164252

>Anyone can become a world-leader, a warlord, a priest, a wealthy landowner,
Uh huh, so that semi-retarded person with a lisp that works at Taco Bell can become a world leader?
You need a reality check.

>> No.22164277

Those mythical days are long long gone

>> No.22164325

It's very hard to change the core self through the ego. Generally only happens during huge life events. If you want to truly direct your life you have to go in the reverse direction, change the ego through the subconscious. Read Joe Dispenza's stuff. Some of it is kooky but the core message about how to change your personality is 100% true. Meditate and channel the emotions of the future you want

>> No.22164335

Do a team sport and find some internship.

>> No.22164336

I'm in this boat too. About to be thirty fucking four.
Huh, cool. I already wanted to read this.

Verification not required.

>> No.22164361

>I'm in this boat too. About to be thirty fucking four.
Is higher education free in your homeland? Or are you living in the US?

>> No.22164394

It should have been free, I had insane test scores. But I never did my homework so grades were mediocre. College was easy so I checked out stacks of extracurricular books and watched all the Criterion DVDs. Oh and I was a D1 athlete who quit to be more /lit/. Then I went insane and dropped out. Empty headed normies look down on me now. I haven't had sex in five years.

>> No.22164430

You sound like a typical American YA. I´m willing to bet you are a gurgling lardbucket fatso. You should aim at losing some weight and joining any military branch that will take your shit. This is true advice. Lose that Jabba The Hut physique and join any branch ASAP. We will figure the rest out later. Just do it ASAP. There are a few good books on not being disgustingly USA fat.

>> No.22164488

By the time you’ve caught up to 20 year olds you’re 40 trying to start a career with no merits. It’s so over.
>but what about x or y
Anyone overcoming this is an absurd anomaly. You may as well make it a goal to win the lottery.

>> No.22164498

What's with this crabs in a bucket mentality here all of a sudden.
I just don't get why you would put him down. I'd rather be a healthy 40 year old than a 20 year old in a wheelchair.

>> No.22164505

Yeah I'd rather be rich and handsome than poor and ugly.

>> No.22164637

lmao I'm extremely /fit/ and could kill you with my bare hands inside of a minute

>> No.22164657

Ok, I hear you loud and clear, 34 year old badass killer NEET. I imajin you at least left your parent's house a few years ago.

>> No.22164659

holy based

>> No.22164788

>Don’t isolate yourself from normal people

>> No.22164817
File: 144 KB, 882x1280, IMG_20230510_222731_893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read 'How to live' by Derek Sivers. He made an online indy label in the mid 90s called CDBaby and sold it for 40million or so a few years later. Then he put the money in a trust and gets 2% paid out to him every year. He lives with his son and has the same computer from back in the day, self hosts everything and lifts weights in his garage. His website is full of great stuff, for example he has a page where he publishes his notes from books he read. Super informative stuff.

Also check out 'Walking' and 'Silence' by Erling Kagge. And maybe 'Inward' by Yung Pueblo might help guide you a bit as well. Good luck fren

>> No.22165725

>>Read 'How to live' by Derek Sivers. He made an online indy label in the mid 90s called CDBaby and sold it for 40million or so a few years later. Then he put the money in a trust and gets 2% paid out to him every year. He lives with his son and has the same computer from back in the day, self hosts everything and lifts weights in his garage.
Nice, will he give me money to live too then? Don't have a time machine unfortunately.

>> No.22166335

Rule 7 - Don’t lie.

>> No.22167223

>6. Don’t pretend to be more intellectual than you are
First, learn to listen to advice. Secondly, let go of your ego/sense of self. Many books can help with that. Peace

>> No.22168007


Focus on making money and prepare for a long gauntlet of embarrassment and disapproval. However you might feel, you need money to survive. And prepare to settle for less

>> No.22168018

Obviously not but I wasn’t saying that

>> No.22168022

Life isn’t a race to a million but if you suppose it is, then don’t try to “catch up” by following the conventional path. Exponential growth beats linear growth pretty quickly.

>> No.22168025

spiders don't need money to survive
they just chill in their webs and eat flies and other insects

>> No.22168067


The metaphor is lost on me

>> No.22168083

It would make my ma and pa vary sad, bro.

>> No.22168287

i feel like i want to fix my life at the same time don't want to fix anything

>> No.22168328

anyone have a tendency to deliberately not talk to people i just like to see how much bad i can make it by just not trying to engage
i feel like i'm doing the same thing to my life, stroking my ego by not trying to engage

>> No.22168499

It sucks here too

>> No.22168518

Unironically great advice. Only thing I would add is it's important to replace what "losers" do with what "winners" do, otherwise you just have a void in your life and inevitably gravitate back to the same old habits. That said this can be inferred from your post.

>> No.22168526

you learn half of those things associating with normies and then he says don't forget to associate with normies

>> No.22168529

I think it’s a lot harder for people to imagine a realistic version of what a better life looks like now. It sort of feels like the only way to live a good dignified life is to be very wealthy and not have to work. Otherwise, no.

>> No.22168571

Make money
Groom yourself and get better clothes
Improve your skills and get more well rounded especially with reading
Date girls in their early 20s like you deserve it

>> No.22168579

you're low iq

>> No.22168605
File: 115 KB, 758x1156, 71WebVcbSxL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book along with simply doing what is hard everyday .this book helped me cope with changing my life and finding meaning and explanation behind everything. You need to focus on others in the short term while still doing what is best for you in the long term. You need to cultivate within you everything you desire from others.you will only ever get what you want by first giving it to others. it will be hard it will be painful it will be worth it.

>> No.22168635

>you will only ever get what you want by first giving it to others.
When? I'm 45 and still nothing.

>> No.22168667

>date girls in their early 20s
that shit would make me tear my hair out I don't get why guys would want to do this besides sex

>> No.22168668

Your not doing it right.your not trying hard enough.you think it will just fall in your lap. It's hard work every single day. You must never stop not even for a moment can you slip. Just because you are a kind person you think love will kick down your door ? That will never happen. Like I said you have to do what's best for you long term. You must carve out a place for self in this world with unwavering and nonnegotiable action. Nothing you want is up for debate. I can tell you are a soft pushover 'nice guy's.

>> No.22168669

If majority of winners seem to be jewish then does it mean I should convert to judaism even if jews will still consider me goyim?

>> No.22168676


>> No.22168691

Your a loser and you will never have the life you think you deserve. Go read 12 rules for life or something. Stop crying.

>> No.22168694

So you want to be a loser who gets berated on the internet?

>> No.22168720

This is why noone likes you in real life

>> No.22168727 [DELETED] 

You don't want to be liked in real life?

>> No.22168772 [DELETED] 

Bro, you sicken me. You need to drop the holier than thou act. You think you know and deserve more than you actually do. Just because your old doesn't mean your wise. You admittedly don't have anything you want and now you do nothing but question advice given to do. Do you want help or do you want to continue to be a self loathing asshole who will either die alone and elderly or sooner from some obesity related disease. Your forty fucking five and are acting like a 5 year old telling me 'I know you are but what am I'. You are all the same on this site.the losers who want to live a different life but make excuses or refute every single piece of advice given. Lol your fucked man. You will never have what you desire the most. You need to hear this.

>> No.22168923

Holy based. Great advice. If you're not spiritually pagan you're NGMI

>> No.22169303

But I have a wife, two sons, family I see often, and we are all happy.

>> No.22169373

if theyre so happy why do men kill there entire family?

>> No.22169391

Some men are not happy. Probably because they lie.

>> No.22170388

There is no book for that. It's quite simple. Only suffering will save you. Profound suffering.

>> No.22170425

Not one book. Just read along the text of Three Days Grace Song "I am Machine"

and after that read along the lyrics of Hatebreed "Looking Down the Barrel of Today"

>> No.22170428

The Courage to be Disliked
By two Japanese dudes

>> No.22170473

>Letters from a stoic
Subject matter looks like exactly what im looking for, i will read this!

>> No.22170549
File: 1.27 MB, 960x1706, 1685766471306.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were going to do it, you would have done it by now.
>thinking you can dramatically change yourself without dramatically changing your life
Unless you're suddenly homeless or something you're going to keep being a loser because your existence accommodates this.

Did you want to be a loser yesterday? Obviously not. So what's really different about today?

>> No.22170894

only for a while
they have another son

>> No.22172238

>What you choose to find interesting


>> No.22172383


>> No.22172932

i have no way to get what i want to do and i don't want to do anything other than it

>> No.22173669


>> No.22173773

Just do something and stop worrying about whether you are a loser or not.
Sounds generic but make the most out of what you have or are good at.

>> No.22174189

become a gymcel and stop playing league of legends

>> No.22174198

If you marry a high earner the whore will provide for you instead, baka

>> No.22174214

Well, what kind of life would you find interesting? What's your goal?

>> No.22174271
File: 6 KB, 225x225, E70A2F13-FB4F-42E6-BDCB-3980FBAC4EAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like making comfy indie games. I already have music and programming skills but I need to grind drawing too to be good enough to make decent stuff. I also like writing comfy vidya/anime fanfics. I get lots of story ideas and it is a form of escapism for me because I do not go outside very often.

I was just criticizing some of the advice given before because there are other ways to lead a good life than the common ‘god, wife and family’ life path that seems to me so boring because these people are no different than animals who live to reproduce, and I think that is a boring purpose that leads to boring people. I am also a friendless shut-in so I do not have much hope of having friends of a girlfriend. Maybe I would like to have gamedev friends eventually but even if I stay alone I think I can be happy and live a meaningful life.

>> No.22174519

You sound like a redditor desu, maybe go try there

>> No.22174529
File: 138 KB, 250x392, 59CFA72C-F1DB-4F2E-A2A7-12BE5A197700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah redditors are dumb and annoying and always competing for good boy points, I prefer hanging around on imageboards, much comfier

>> No.22175114

>I do not have much hope of having friends of a girlfriend.

>> No.22175206
File: 50 KB, 500x500, chiaki 81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's what I said dumdum. I don't care too much about it anyway.

>> No.22175264


>> No.22175274

you're just a pedophile

>> No.22175284
File: 89 KB, 514x883, chiaki 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I a pedo??? Nothing that I've said relates to that!!!

>> No.22175334

(You)r diary desu. Figure your own shit out and write down what works and what doesn't, also what do you want to try and whatever. Life is all about having your shit together, you can't have other people doing that for you. The best hey can do is to somewhat help you out, but ultimately it boils down to you doing most of the work.

>> No.22175826

Except, Hobbits live for more than 100 years. For them, 50 is like 25-30.

>> No.22177171

Any book that will help me cope with being a dicklet?.

>> No.22177191


>> No.22177306

Your problem, or its source, is most likely related to your relationship with effort. You may even read the word right now and think to yourself "relationship with effort? who likes effort?" This is exactly your problem. Many people try to pin this down, but are dancing around it. Lots of hustle culture people talk of the value of "being uncomfortable". Manosphere people like Goggins and Jocko talk about "being hard". There are countless numbers of anecdotes of people picking up a hobby (weightlifting, climbing, BJJ, coding at 14, etc) that had an overflowing effect of positivity into the rest of their life. What all of these people have discovered is that your relationship with effort is the most important thing in your life. Mentally recall a standard day in your life and think to yourself of each task that takes effort. Are any of them voluntary? If the only things you do in a day that require effort from you are involuntary, you are 100% no questions asked without a doubt about it going to feel a sense of malaise at best and deep depression at worst over a long enough period of time. Effort is not synonymous with discomfort or even "being hard" (in the manosphere sense).

Many things that take effort are enjoyable. In fact, most people's favorite things require effort. I enjoy running. It is often the highlight of my day. It is not "uncomfortable" and I'm not gassing myself to be "hard". I thoroughly enjoy the experience on a basic level. However, this doesn't mean that it doesn't take some amount of effort. Certainly, it does. It does at the most basic level of life - it requires movement! Which is why exercise is so commonly prescribed by those seeking to help the depressed. Exercise - even enjoyable exercise - requires effort to perform. Cultivating a relationship with effort where you enjoy effort for effort's sake is critical, but it doesn't happen in a day. Do something that requires a little effort each day and notice how you feel after. You will feel a level of satisfaction commensurate with the level of effort. That's how satisfaction works. Repeat this often and with ever-increasing amounts and that's how people end up training for months or even years to perform a single goal. They simply have a relationship with effort where they enjoy it so much that they can bank it up and up and cash it out for a large amount of satisfaction later.

Think about effort, how often you consciously choose to put effort into what you do on a daily basis, and add as many things as possible in your life that require it of you. Do this and you will stop going to bed feeling like a loser.

>> No.22177815

Thanks for this post

>> No.22177856

This one should go into a compilation.

>> No.22177880

i run and im still a loser

>> No.22177890

kek this + other hobbies

>> No.22177971

But you probably didn't make an effort with regards to stabilizing your life. Things as socialising, having a job, and steady relationships.

>> No.22177978

i don't think those things are a matter of simple effort

>> No.22177996
