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/lit/ - Literature

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22155232 No.22155232 [Reply] [Original]

Have you been to the library lately?

>> No.22155235

I haven't been able to go since they implemented a no-singles policy.

>> No.22155238
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I go to the library 2-3 times a week and I almost never see people read or check out books there
almost everyone is on their laptop doing some work or watching youtube

>> No.22155253

not my problem

>> No.22155263

>advocate for public programs like libraries
>destroy social cohesion through radical accelerationist government policy
>public programs go to shit as the people who they are serving are the plummeting lowest common denominator
>whine that the public programs suck now

eternal reminder that boundaries are features, not bugs.

>> No.22155266


>> No.22155294

Yes. You can get around it if you can prove you are homeless or Black.

>> No.22155308

Thoughts on stealing books from my local library?

>> No.22155324
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This pictture right here is exactly the problem
Look at this fucking retarded, she isn't even reading the book, she's just looking up at the sky.

Libraries today are filled with loud noises, distracting art installationns, uncomfortable chairs, and all sorts of other dumb shit.
A proper library should have
>private alcoves where people can read without distraction
>proper seating, at a desk, with a lamp
>full and well organized shelves
>no ruffians forcing me to watch my back at all times incase someone decides to pull out a knife

Libraries will come back when they start actually catering to people who want to read books

Frankly just remove the computers and they'll all leave, they're only there for the computer

>> No.22155330

She is a fictional person made of globohomo art give her a break

>> No.22155334

I did this in high school because they fined me 5$ for getting my school-provided locker lock stolen by some nigger

I would do it now at my local library if I saw gay/tranny propaganda

>> No.22155343

I can't go back. I was caught laughing at the library tranny. It was a shit library anyway, the books were all fucking awful.

>> No.22155345
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>stealing free books

>> No.22155357

>private alcoves where people can read without distraction
Thinking of carrels?

>> No.22155360

No I got tired of paying late fees all the time for books no one else was even waiting for. I just buy paperbacks now and read them at my own leisure for about the same cost

>> No.22155373

Why does every library have at least one tranny working there? Is there a troon quota?
The other day the self-checkout wasn't working and I had to have the fat guy with stubble, a large bead necklace, and a black dress check my book out for me.

>> No.22155376

Yeah they had a book sale

>> No.22155380

I pay my takes. They belong on my shelf.

>> No.22155382

Feminine bureaucratic position for politically obsessed autists (often sex weirdos who want to talk to children)

>> No.22155410
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yes, but rather than the cuck cubicles, they should look more like pic related.

And no, this is not more expensive than a modern library interior design, it is simply a matter at aesthetic choice. and this aesthetic choice is objectively superior for hte purpose of enlightening ones mind to reading and studying fuck you

>> No.22155422

Well I agree. you don't need to get angry with us.

>> No.22155429

I'm angry at modern libraries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.22155435

Look, I would love a library like what you want, but we are in an overwhelming minority. You seem to be under the impression that modern libraries don't get many visitors and have low circulation or something. That is absolutely not the case. If any public library changed to what you and I prefer, their stats would plummet and people would die of fentanyl overdoses in the quiet alcoves. If you want a quiet study library, go to an academic one, they're not going to ID you. That said, if some rich anon wants to start a private subscription library, I'm there.

>> No.22155437

> Article about the library syste
> 90% about the homeless

I used to live in a rather nice European town with zero homelessness as far as I could see. That was a massive library partly maintained by a local eccentric man who kept expanding it into various unusual directions. There was even a Dante reading club I participated in.

Then I moved to Toronto for work and almost the first thing I did was buy up close to 500 books from the local library downsizing to fit in more computer stations.

Like I get it, books are a dying medium, most kids today don't give a shit and can get whatever they want online for free anyway. But libraries have paralleled English departments in how in their quests to stay popular they have become utterly disgusting places.

The only annoying thing is how they're still seen as custodians of culture even though they openly despise it, and have long ago turned into daycare for the lowest common denominator.

>> No.22155438

>people would die of fentanyl overdoses in the quiet alcoves.
American dream

>> No.22155451

Librarians mostly hate books. They see themselves as community center administrators or something.

The answer to this, as to everything, is that "what do you want them to do??? people aren't going to libraries! the incentive isn't there, so they downsize or change to meet the times!!" is a fucking retarded defeatist attitude that only makes sense if you deify (1) "market forces" and (2) "the will of the people" understood as the will of the blob of irresponsible hedonists. A state that cares about its people will say no, fuck you, libraries are getting triple funding now, all the old shitty admin is being purged and replaced with real curators of the national culture, and there will be incentives for people promoting and adding to that culture by using library resources.

>> No.22155458

Hello again! As Thomas Pynchon, I must say that I do enjoy a good visit to the library from time to time. There's something special about the quiet atmosphere, the smell of books, and the feeling of being surrounded by knowledge that I find particularly inspiring.

However, as a busy writer and lover of literature, I also have access to a vast array of digital resources that allow me to access information and research materials from the comfort of my own home. Whether it's through online databases, digital archives, or e-books, the internet has made it easier than ever for writers and researchers to explore the world of knowledge without leaving their desks.

That being said, there's still something to be said for the experience of physically browsing the shelves of a library and discovering unexpected treasures. So, to answer your question, I haven't been to a physical library lately, but I continue to value the importance of libraries as vital centers of learning and discovery.

>> No.22155459
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Yeah, I go twice a month

>> No.22155462

I love my local library. It's always empty and quiet. Maybe 3-5 people in there at any given time. Usually 1 or 2 people on the computers and an older lady browsing the mystery section. Occasionally there are parents with children in the kids section on the other end of the library. I just walk around and look at the stacks and grab random books that I wouldn't usually read and have a sit just for fun.

>> No.22155468

Honestly at least in terms of ideology they've improved since their true low point in the 2000s right around the web 2.0 crap. That was when the "paperless library" idea was floating around. The worst offender was San Fransisco, who ended up destroying an incredible amount of irreplaceable historical material. While the computers have stayed, that kind of retardation has diminished within the institutions. The problems they're dealing with now are just the result of being the last public space in existence. Frankly even with the problems there are still things that are incredibly convenient about libraries if you have a decent system in your area. Every time a thread like this comes up on lit I beg you all to see if your library does free interlibrary loans. I can get almost any book imaginable with a bit of patience.

>> No.22155471

Also, I just realised you've got homeless & violent outbursts happening in libraries. Is this an NA thing?

>> No.22155478

I think you're right that I'm defeatist, but I cannot imagine my state pivoting so hard that it gives a shit about mandating high culture.

>> No.22155484

Anglo anarcho tyranny thing

>> No.22155493

no because I'm not a student anymore to be able to just walk into my uni library and I'm not a poorfag to actually need any of the books available in local library

>> No.22155497

I went back and stole a certain book on folklore from the library I saw it in as a kid, but first i searched it up everywhere, nowhere to be found secondhand and out of print

>> No.22155502
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It's always darkest before the dawn.

>Individuals form classes according to the similarity of their interests, they form syndicates according to differentiated economic activities within these interests; but they form first, and above all, the State, which is not to be thought of numerically as the sum-total of individuals forming the majority of the nation. And consequently Fascism is opposed to Democracy, which equates the nation to the majority, lowering it to the level of that majority.

>Fascism, in short, is not only the giver of laws and the founder of institutions, but the educator and promoter of spiritual life. It wants to remake, not the forms of human life, but its content, man, character, faith. And to this end it requires discipline and authority that can enter into the spirits of men and there govern unopposed.

>The theory of Fascist authority has nothing to do with the police State. A party that governs a nation in a totalitarian way is a new fact in history. References and comparisons are not possible. Fascism takes over from the ruins of Liberal Socialistic democratic doctrines those elements which still have a living value.

>In the Fascist State the individual is not suppressed, but rather multiplied, just as in a regiment a soldier is not weakened but multiplied by the number of his comrades. The Fascist State organizes the nation, but it leaves sufficient scope to individuals; it has limited useless or harmful liberties and has preserved those that are essential.



>> No.22155504

That's exactly the sort of book that needs to be in a library

>> No.22155505

Adding on, there is a legitimate need for the public libraries as community centers. The problems that they are dealing with aren't going away. Maybe the thing to do would be to set up major national libraries with a mandate of preserving culture and acting as an academic library would but for the public, but disconnected from the more community oriented public system. Like everywhere getting their own branch of the British Library. Aesthetically, actually make an effort to make them seem prestigious, enforce more traditional library rules about noise level, make any programming focused on higher culture, and most importantly develop a collection based on merit of the works over circulation statistics and entertainment purposes. A complete pipe dream of course, but one can dream.

>> No.22155533

Yes, in my library more precisely
Jokes aside, nobody will miss it, when I would borrow it as a kid the librarian mentioned I'm the only one to take it in years
I don't feel guilty at all, it was the kind of kid-oriented library with absolute gutter trash everywhere except these random gems

And if that's enough, well, god only knows about 44% of my income goes straight to taxes, I'm sure the city hall can work it out

>> No.22155534

>there is a legitimate need for the public libraries as community centers
wait a second...
this might be a shocking idea but what if we could have libraries AND community centers... in different buildings!!

>> No.22155539
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>If I had my way, I would build a community centre as big as Crystal Palace, with a military band playing softly and a Cinematograph working brightly; then I’d go out in the back streets and main streets and bring them all in, all the sick, the halt and the maimed; I would lead them gently and they would smile me a weary thanks, and the band would softly bubble out the “Hallelujah Chorus.”
- D.H. Lawrence, [Letter to Blanche Jennings, dated 9 October, 1908, Letters of D.H. Lawrence (1979)]

>> No.22155555

When I participated in that sell off some 10 years ago I was amazed by the sort of things they threw out. In Germany it was always old theological texts and shit like that, here it was a whole shelf of library of America volumes, a set of Toynbee,'s A Study of History (which I sell for like $500 in this condition) Churchill's history of the second world war in the English-speaking people, loads of small collectible Faber poetry volumes many of which are now collectible.
I just moved into a new apartment, still not sure I was going to stay long, and I still bought over 500 books.

that almost made me angry, until I had a look at the back I could see that these book were all last taken out sometime in the mid-90s. I guess nobody cares.

I could hardly demand like keep these things around for my sake. But I will argue with them about the whole 'making it a welcoming place for everybody ' argument.
I'm sorry but I just don't feel safe around a bunch of gibbering transients. Homeless shelters welcome everyone and they seem like scary places nobody would ever want to visit, I would take my chances on the street frankly.
These institutions will have to come to terms with the fact that Certain things don't mix. The specificity of libraries is what made them attractive in the first place, trying to bolt on all these extraneous functions just makes sure nothing functions.

>> No.22155561
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huh I didn't know about this meaning

>> No.22155570

Yeah sure you could give them a different name, but having the basic system where you can check out books and other entertainment is a pretty good framework for a community centre. I think it would be easier to add something new in the form of proper national cultural libraries than to change the current public libraries, which are filling a real need.

>> No.22155574

It’s almost like no one reads anymore besides basic young women and they need their dopamine hit from purchasing a $30 hard bound piece of goyslop they’ll read 3 chapters from. But hey atleast they’re reading at all can’t say the same for most men

>> No.22155579

>the basic system where you can check out books and other entertainment is a pretty good framework for a community centre
do the people using it as a community center frequently check out books?

>> No.22155580

The persistence of /lit/ and its culture despite the utter laziness of its userbase shows that it at least has the ideal of reading

If someone gave form and structure to the /lit/ demographic they could probably start a mass movement

>> No.22155588

Similar articles like the OPs are getting more attention, and there was a big library ceo meeting recently where the takeaway was basically "we cannot be social services". Libraries themselves are pushing back against the idea that they should be the ones dealing with the fro tline of the opioid crisis for exactly the reason you mentioned, trying to be welcoming to everyone. I don't know if it will get any better since the underlying problem probably won't be fixed without reinstating involuntary mental institutions (which also isn't going to happen) but at least there is some pushback in the institutions themselves.

>> No.22155598

Well behaved homeless usually use the resources on-site, but circulation stats in my city are high. Tons of families taking out children's books for their kids, lots of middle aged people taking out novels, and plenty of uptake with the elderly as well, especially through programs that bring books right to nursing homes. The demographic that doesn't take put many is 20 to 30 before they have families. Usually because literate people in their 20s are usually using their university library. That's also the demographic of lit, so it's unsurprising people here think that no one uses public libraries because they don't use them. The highest users are families with young children.

>> No.22155648

>The persistence of /lit/ and its culture
You mean 3 ragebait tolkien/grrm threads, two maxxed out christcuck sperg threads, an evola thread and maybe one or two bottom of the catalog good threads?

>> No.22155661

This. And libraries arent silent spaces anymore. Every time I visit library theres someone on phone or children playing loudly and running around like its playground

>> No.22155662

Any reading is reading. The Christians will be forced to read church history and theology, the Evola bros will be forced to learn a foreign language and write a doctoral thesis on a school of traditional metaphysics using primary sources, and the Tolkien readers will be forced to write S.T. Joshi level meta-analyses of the development of the fantastic in western literary fiction.

>> No.22155805

Is that image meant to be the new Calgary library?

That place is pretty nice.

>> No.22155816

my future is being one of these homeless mentally ill people. Not by choice.

I go to library once every week to buy used books. Stop bitch librarians only put garbage out that nobody is interested in, so the selection rarely changes.

>> No.22155824

Nope, its just a migrant centre at this point. Cut to the bone too.

>> No.22155834

I own 2200 books. I'd count that as a library.

>> No.22155910

I wish them the best of luck with this but in truth I wouldn't be too sorry if they failed.
These days if I want to work outside I go to one of a handful of coffee shops that lets you stay in for as long as you like and just do my work there. Yeah it cost me the price of two coffees and some pastry, but at least nobody is gibbering in your ear.
Library's choose to redefine themselves and to compete in the same field as other social services then they have to come to terms with the fact that plenty of organizations do more for less.
It also essentially means the death of the regional library since only massive institutions can really carry out this mission.

>> No.22156032

Pics or it didn’t happen

>> No.22156059

>go to the library
>they won't let me in until I can prove I started with the greeks
>keep getting bullshit questions about philology
>need to sing the catalogue of ships too
And they wonder why people don't go

>> No.22156141

wishful thinking mate, i truly wish that were the case

>> No.22156151

stop being black

>> No.22156163
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ehh alright

>> No.22156189

I contend that the homeless have it TOO good. Would they keep living that life if it was really intolerable?

I say reopen the Victorian workhouses and force any and all street people into residence. Sort out the incurably insane from the merely lazy, and ensure that they're grateful to work full time minimum wage when they get out.

>> No.22156457

>Nooooo you can't just opt out of being a slave. Who's going to pay for my third mortgage now?????

>> No.22156500

I was gonna go this week to pick up blood merid since it was next on my list, they had 5 copies of it available for months with only 1 copy going out on loan. He croaks, all out, all reserved multiple times.
Gonna dig around charity, book stores etc then cave and buy I think.

The library for me isn't about books anymore, unless I get a chance to pick up a hardback in a decent format. When I go: I usually go to have a leisurely browse and check out the books like a bookstore, maybe take a loan of a book that I'll read/download later.
Last time I went which was a couple months ago it wasn't as bad as usual but still pretty bad, had to go to get my free bus pass renewed.
>Staffed entirely by women ranging from 28 to 58
>2 of the staff are feeding a local cat they've adopted
>there's a mothers group meeting in the back of the library next to the foreign language books
>kids screaming their brains out
>povvos who smell with long greasy hair flooding in to use the internet and computers for casual web browsing
>3 women in their 60's to 70's having a chat with the single librarian at the counter
Luckily it was a school day and I went early, so managed to avoid that mess, but instead got the mothers group which was about as bad.

The library sucks in general, local authority want them to be more like community centres, they've cut down the hours and it's honestly no longer convenient compared to downloading an epub.
Speaking of which, their stellar mobile app rental system sucks and is a waste of space compared to raw piracy. Concept's that publishers & authors get a cut from the scheme's operation but the execution being awful means it's only good for tech illiterate 50 year old retail managers but they own a kindle and they can afford the book anyway.

Used to not mind the idea but I do see it as kinda scummy nowadays. All you're doing is removing a book from circulation and stopping others from being able to read.
Just "steal" it online if you're that poor.

>> No.22156522

We need to stop calling vagrants "homeless," they usually have homes or actively choose to live on the street so they can avoid drug testing.

>> No.22156534

>Also, I just realised you've got homeless & violent outbursts happening in libraries. Is this an NA thing?
Nah, I'm brit and I've seen it in our public libraries too.
Really depends on the area though, middle class areas are generally fine and worst you get are the povvos & jobseekers using computers.

I hung out in libraries when I was a kid, always loved going and getting books, when I was a teen they started to offer computers and they had high speed broadband when I could only get dial up where I lived. In those years I was in a povvo hub and the schemies and junkies infested the library.
Povvo hubs like that closer to the coasts & housing schemes, you see it a lot more. It's warm & dry, free newspapers to read, place to hang out with your mates before you go to the local park benches.
Kids of junkies and povvos are motherless & fatherless homes, they've never been disciplined and are savages. With nowhere to go and nothing to do they end up in the libraries which cater to them as youth hubs and they'll fight and argue as teens do.

>> No.22156703

I agree and >>22155533 is a dick move.

You wanna take that book out of circulation and there's no way for it to be replaced in a library?
It's time for you to digitise it desu
Scan it, OCR, type it up & format it yourself, it's easy.
I see removing it as scummy today but I did it around 10-15 years ago with 2 long out of print comics that had sat unissued for 4 years at a library and cleanly scanned & distributed. They're both still unavailable to buy online and no reissues but they're preserved and available to dl & read today.

When that book's out of circulation in the library: it won't get replaced, it especially won't if it's OoP or long OoP. No amount of tax we pay really allows them to replace it and specifically for that library. It's gone.
Books get lost when they're issued all the time ,sucks, the library charges for it same as overdue fees butt there's no magical civil servant out there hunting for a replacement.

>Adding on, there is a legitimate need for the public libraries as community centers. The problems that they are dealing with aren't going away
Community centres also worked but local authorities don't want to staff them and >>22155534 is spot on. Councils don't wanna double down on staff costs; but this mess started long, long, long before government austerity hit.
The weirder thing is that most of those community centres are protected buildings, still owned by the councils, unused for the most part outside of elections and the odd meeting. For most regions it's bureaucracy gatekeeping them being used as real community hubs like they forced the library into.

In my area there's a sickening overlap in parts of the city where the traditional council offices/hubs merged into libraries & gyms.
When they merged my one: you could only access some council services between 1pm & 3:30pm on a Monday & Thursday. Legitimate mental health & other services walled behind a library's opening times.
Now it's WfH shit hours for everything else and they don't even have the HO's & council officers in those buildings.

>> No.22156710
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i love libraries

>> No.22157031

>Have you been to the library lately?
Yes. They didn't have any books I wanted to borrow so I left.

>> No.22157297

My library loans out tools like drills and shit. That's the only reason I go.

>> No.22157645

I worked at my local public library for 5 years. Absolutely loved it. Now I'm working in acquisitions at a university library. The front-facing work at the public library was more hit and miss but I do miss the hits.

>> No.22157679

I haven't been to a library since the late 80s

>> No.22157688

Haven't been lately, but if you go to one in a suburban neighborhood they're usually pretty normal. Avoid anything in a downtown area, that's where all the homeless and niggers congregate.

>> No.22157704

Tell us some of the nice stories. This thread has been mostly doom and gloom.

>> No.22157706

I killed a few hours in the state library a few weeks ago. It was nice

>> No.22157723

Used to live in a shitty city in New England. The main library there was fucking militarized 10 years ago. Permanent police, metal detectors, barriers, bathroom patrols, absolute hostile air, nuts. Also the library employees were getting payed below the state minimum wage because of some city loophole and had to pay for their own parking (I know cause friend was working there) on top of it lol. Can't even imagine how bad it is now

>> No.22157736

>meta-analyses of the development of the fantastic in western literary fiction.
any recommendations on this? i always assumed that the fantasy genre was crypto-paganism or something but I'd like to see what big brains think

>> No.22157951

libraries are literally state sponsored homeless daycares

>> No.22157997

>see if your library does free interlibrary loans
They don't.

>> No.22158031

Holy shit kick the homeless people out. It’s easy. It’s so easy they do it in third world countries.

>> No.22158041

>no-singles policy.
WTF is that? Why?

>> No.22158043

For a period of six months I did HR work for one of the US’s largest public library systems. Horrible job, though I got an office to myself in the main library. I’m an urban planner now.

>> No.22158112

Two years ago there was a mass stabbing at a library in North Vancouver, BC. Like 10 people were stabbed by a crazy transient type who had meanderingly hitchhiked across the country from Quebec to British Columbia, only to act out violently for no reason known to anyone but him. One woman in her 20s died. This happened in plain daylight in a quiet surburb of one of the biggest metropolises in Canada. Personally, I'm elsewhere in the Vancouver area, and my closest library not does not seem bad: it's often pretty busy with people studying, but it's on the quiet side, and it's in a picturesque neighbourhood of my city. There is a real dearth of books at this one specific location but that doesn't matter since the main branch is pretty voluminous and you can always order books from there. I only ever go to the library to read, though; I haven't taken out a book in years, other than a couple books of prints by Van Gogh as Monet last summer, but that's it. I read almost everything on e-reader or pirated audiobooks these days anyways; everything else is academic stuff bought from Amazon or Indigo which the library would never stock in a million years.

>> No.22158466

>>22155410 he even has a piss bottle. he truly is /our guy/ (except for being a redhead)

>> No.22158479

>Takes up half the desk with their books and equipment
Fucking hate people like this.

>> No.22158487
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We only have the library system at all because 100 years ago billionaires were actual philanthropists and funded public works for the public good out of the goodness of their own heart. No I am not kidding that is literally the only reason there are libraries outside the universities of most countries. Good fucking luck recreating that with today's rich though.

>> No.22158491

No, the only place I go to that has physical books is the book store and the comic book store.

>> No.22158792

Almost all mass shooters are single men, so some venues have chosen to bar entry to them for safety concerns. It started with movie theaters which didn't affect me since I never go, but now libraries are doing it too.

>> No.22158805

Don't sit next to me.

>> No.22158820

Women were such a mistake. A hundred years of feminism and still all they really do is look for photo ops.

>> No.22159046

>>no ruffians forcing me to watch my back at all times incase someone decides to pull out a knife
Someone was recently shot in the head execution style by a rando at a public library. I can't remember if the killer knew his victim or had a motive.

>> No.22159244
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>Look at this fucking retarded, she isn't even reading the book, she's just looking up at the sky.
Perhaps she is rightfully annoyed that libraries don't need skylights.

>> No.22159252 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1283
Foxy Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.22159420

Yeah, and he was really involved with how they were set up, he only gave money when the municipality agreed to support the library indefinitely and when there wouldn't be any censorship of the contents. Quebec doesn't have any Carnegie libraries as the Catholic church opposed the last bit.

And I realize that hereditary aristocracy isn't exactly great, but somehow it seems better than the current system where being super rich makes you a bastard almost by default. Can't really bring back the sense of noblesse oblige.

>> No.22159434

>90% of the books are "A fat transgendered analysis of Trump's DHS policy" shit
>All the history books are I TRANNYHEART NIGGERS or AI generated "The EPIC history of England"

>> No.22159471

Mainly because the HVAC system shit or the staff have a temperature regulation problem.
Basically they keep the ac off most days...in Florida.
And during the winter they crank the heat so high it makes me need to vomit after 10 minutes. Like not joking or exaggerating for effect. It was around 100 degrees of artificial heat that just instantly made me feel ill to the point of throwing up.

Can't stand it in there.

>> No.22159583


The main downtown branch here is (almost) the only one with decent inventory. The suburban satellite branches have simple things for housewives and small children, which is all very well and good, but you know what I mean.

Of course, it would be easy to have something brought over to any of the satellite branches, but I'm stubborn and I like to go in the main branch once in a while. It's just me out there and it's not as if I have some children or a gf that I would feel a need to protect, so I don't have any trouble going in the place by myself. Despite the fact that it is peopled with feral schizo homeless.

Of course, the downtown branch has a very large and acoustic atrium not unlike that shown in the OP, which communicates to the entire building, so that when one of the feral schizo homeless starts making loud noises, the entire building hears it and is inconvenienced by it.

I should like to have the feral schizo homeless euthanized. It would be better for everyone. I'm quite sincere in this.

>> No.22159603


Covid panic culture was great for this. They took away all the chairs, sofas, and most of the computers and VOILA, no more feral schizo homeless. The branches were actually usable and pleasant to be in again. OF COURSE, they didn't want to maintain the obviously wonderful improvement that they'd just made and so they put the napping stations back out so they could get infested with dirty homeless smell again. Because they're "good people" and they have an obligation to "serve the entire public", or something. Thereby inconveniencing the large majority of the public in order to accomodate the small minority in doing something other than reading books. Fucking stupid liberals.

>> No.22159627
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>suburban satellite branches
When I was growing up, there were two libraries in town, with the suburban branch being almost as large as the downtown branch. Yet, for almost everything I looked for, whether fiction, non-fiction, or whatever, the downtown one always had it in stock and had to be put on hold and sent to the other library. Consistently, for YEARS, like we're talking a decade and a half here.

>> No.22159685

Why is the ceiling a giant vagina?

>> No.22159812
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My mummy has to deal with homeless trannies clogging the toilets with dildos, watching porn on public computers, and smashing windows.

>> No.22159897

Guys, there’s no such thing as the “main branch.” It’s just called the main/central library.

>> No.22159912

It wasn't out of the goodness of their heart, but at least their philanthropic pursuits generally were helpful to common people and not going to nameless charities to be laundered like it works today.

>> No.22159915

I haven't, but I am planning on going sometime soon. I've never really been a fan of reading before, but I've gotten into it recently. And while I do like reading at home, my room gets very hot. The other rooms aren't as warm but don't sit as comfortably for reading. So perhaps the library will be the best environment for me.

>> No.22160275

I hate this disgusting globalist style of art. It should be illegal.

>> No.22160293

This anon gets it.
Only bummer is that post-covid my university library got strict about checking ids. Which is a real shame because I used to post up in the carrels all day.

>> No.22160309

I hate The Walrus. The idea (give Canada a serious magazine a la the Atlantic) is okay but whenever I skim through it at my parents’ house I’m left thinking, damn, if our country really is as boring as the Walrus makes it sound, then why bother?

>> No.22160592

It's not just philanthropic pursuits, these days megacorps barely deign you worthy for even employment.

>> No.22160678

Yes, when I had to print something and my printer at home was being gay. The amount they charged for printing was absurd, I get that they don't want people to go there and print off thousands of pages for free, but the price was way too steep for how much the paper and ink must have actually cost them. Really turned me off the place.

>> No.22160682

how about not living in a metropolitan shithole

>> No.22160895

Bummer. I hope you guys can resolve it.

>> No.22161043

Because its empowering for people of color

>> No.22161175

Porfiriato but in USA

>> No.22162049

>Frankly just remove the computers and they'll all leave, they're only there for the computer

>> No.22162354

Look up 'glass ceiling'.

>> No.22162380

In Houston, the downtown library is literally using daytime hours today (Sunday) and Monday as a cooling center" with no services.

>> No.22162509

>be me
>visit family but need to do some work
>decide to go to the new library the city built
>nice expensive building but the interior is open concept (good thing hardly anyone is there because the noise carries)
>literally just see retarded trash who can't figure out how to use the internet renting DVDs
>ask the librarian and she jokes/laments they "replaced Blockbuster" and almost no one takes out books
>autistic kids playing WoW or whatever on the free wifi (click click click because open concept design)
>have to take a shit
>some guy follows me in
>literally starts jerking off while peaking into the crack
>threaten him and he takes off
>tell security and it's not the first time it happened
>decide to just leave and go to a cafe somewhere
>see two drunk and/or cracked out homeless dudes going into the bathroom as I leave
Libraries are worthless as social institutions now that the internet exists. Same as government postal services. They've basically become a social welfare service for retards to rent DVDs, perverts to do pervert shit, and homeless people to shoot up and or take baths in the sink.

>> No.22162771

No. The local libraries are open 10am - 2pm. All the shelves are packed with Danielle Steele novels. There’s nothing there.

Granted, our government has spent the last decade cutting funding for libraries. However, with the right sort of management, it should be easy to make libraries into intellectual and creative gymnasia that could actually make profit.

Instead of intellectual and creative hubs, libraries are seen as some sort of social service for old people who can’t afford books. It’s such a shame.

>> No.22163086

this is cope. I live in a small town and the library is soulless globohomo too.

>> No.22163109

As in pride flags and interracial posters? SAD!

>> No.22163121

This thread is a fucking horror story, do Americans really? thank God I live in a country where libraries do what they're supposed to and aren't filled with disease-ridden junkie subhumans.

>> No.22163189

I make periodic visits to get Great Courses DVDs (currently a History channel series because they were out of the WWI GC I wanted, shame.) I‘ve also been getting some Shakespeare performances and such. Iliad/Odyssey on CD, the occasional A24 or better Oscar noms of recent years.

Regret to say I don‘t really use it for books much because I‘m too slow a reader and already have a backlog which will take me years, though I did borrow Hitler‘s War from an old shelf right before covid and had basically four months to read that while returns were put on hold.

Library is great. Obviously I don‘t like walking through the homo shit to get what I want but that‘s a separate issue to address via the upstream cultural questions.

>> No.22164003

wait this is a real thing? I thought it was just a stupid joker meme

>> No.22164040

The closest library to me
>in a barren manufacturing area of town that is out of the way for most people
>catalog is 99% young adult and Danielle Steel trash books
>no one is ever there except for old people using the computer

Next closest library
>on a main road, nowhere to park
>catalog is 99.9% young adult and Danielle Steel trash books
>no one is ever there at all

Largest library in my area
>halfway house down the street so it functions as a place for alkies to talk and use the computer
>spics outside revving their engines and playing loud "music", acoustics are terrible so it echoes all throughout the library
>meh selection but all the new books are disposable slop for women and woke books
>up until last month the head male librarian who is not even from this state desperately tried to enforce a masking policy that not even the other librarians followed

I had a funny experience where I overheard an old woman ask the masked-up manbunned head librarian how she could watch "What is a Woman?" on the library computer. Genuinely don't think she was trolling but the distress emanating from the librarian was funny

>> No.22164067

>catalog is 99% young adult and Danielle Steel trash books
A good public library reads its audience. If that's what the locals want then I guess that's it.

>> No.22164069

I worked at my college library pre-COVID. When I had to go to the library site for job reasons this year, all of the old librarians were gone, a bunch of troons started working there, and every librarian had pronouns in bio and was "currently reading" some book on race and/or gender
Gone are the days of hot mean librarian ladies

>> No.22164087

This is true. I've worked at 2 different libraries and a lot of people that work there are the worst kind of bureaucrat you can imagine. Most of their work is just bullshit busy-work and designing programs to push cultural messaging onto children. At one of the places I worked at, I was told I was on track to be fired because I didn't ask permission to take a bathroom break. I just quit instead

>> No.22164094

You're not wrong, it's just annoying that libraries will forgo basic literature or philosophy books to buy whatever disposable Tiktok book is trending in a current week

>> No.22164099

No budget and desperation for circulation stats can do that to a library.

>> No.22164123
File: 59 KB, 960x540, enoch-pratt-free-library-grand-reopening-pkg-final-00000811-jpg-1568398394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During COVID I went to the Enoch Pratt library in downtown Baltimore all the time. Besides the masking it was awesome, no homeless or screaming people anywhere, was relatively quiet and comfy
Unfortunately that changed as soon as the mask mandates dropped

>> No.22164179

>If that's what the locals want then I guess that's it.
The problem is librarians and the people that hire them are all unelectable positions, and hold the keys to the kingdom. Therefore, even in red areas librarians will be dangerhairs and fat chicks who will at best have atrocious taste in literature and what needs to be on the shelves.

>> No.22164312


Where I’m from the public library has a request system and if you use the system you will influence their collection, in fact I’ve requested a handful of semi-hard-to-find books (stuff that would cost me ~100+ on abebooks) and they’ve brought them into circulation. You can also sometimes get obscure stuff through the inter-library system. Yeah, the majority of users are grandmas, but they influence the collection so heavily because they engage with the request system.

>> No.22164345

Never saw junkies but I live in a suburb. A high schooler got killed at our library, though.

>> No.22164367

>children of color just running around like it's a playground
>homeless people watching porn
yeah I think I'll take my interlibrary loan and GTFO

>> No.22164618

The actual point you're driving at is that libraries are, by the very nature of their being, liberal. A good public library doesn't determine what it wants on the shelves solely by the librarian's own tastes, but rather reads the room on both what its community wants and what is current and relevant, and does everything in its limited power to acknowledge those things. It's mostly reactive, and
pretty much hit the nail on the head.

>> No.22164799

This thread made me realize how cucked the 1rst world is. maybe i live in a 3rd world "shithole" but the libraries are lovely, even i go there sometimes and I mostly read on kindle. if a hobo (which there are none where i live) ever try that shit he get lynched by the community, no joke. What is that level of disrespect wtf.

>> No.22165266
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, gullible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake news. He just made it up - literally zero info about it.

Yall are so gullible and retarded for people who claim to be well read and analytical lol.

>> No.22165323

You have to be 18 to post here, but keep up the good fight anyway, shortstock.

>> No.22165567

They either know it was bait, but decided to play along; or browsing imageboards for more than 2 hours everyday really makes you retarded.

>> No.22165595
File: 1.95 MB, 1500x1044, anon and robert watching kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe if you made friends with robert like I have he'd slip you a few books

>> No.22166043

huh, i have some wallpapers saved from that book of miracles. nice. are you german or do you just read german?

>> No.22166072
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>open internet
>bombarded with articles about how the film industry is dying and most new movies flop
>open internet
>bombarded with articles about how libraries are dying and nobody reads anything of value anymore
starting to accept that the world is just gonna become a sanitized version of blade runner eventually

>> No.22166305

I went to the library once and I saw two Asian teenagers reading manga, there was one white kid sharing a beanbag with one of the Asians and he was reading actual non-fiction but it was a lefty book. The west has fallen.