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22154603 No.22154603 [Reply] [Original]

What work of Hegel would you recommend to a STEMcel?

>> No.22154616
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>> No.22154622

De orbitis planetarum

>> No.22154661

Think you are sly, little fucker? Kill yourself

>> No.22154668

Leaves of Grass

>> No.22154786

kek this bitch got jowls already
you can keep your tits, granny, but do you have any daughters?

>> No.22154858
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>> No.22154892

imagine your gender being such a fucking meme that merely posing with a book is a joke in itself

>> No.22154911


they're called nasolabial folds, if a woman has them at her age they're going to be like ww1 trenches when she's 30

>> No.22154974

Thanks! I had no idea that text existed.

>> No.22154980

I have them and I'm just twenty...my hairline isn't the best either...
I basically look AND think AND talk like a chud so it's over for me.

>> No.22154986

Why the FUCK do women like vandalizing books so much?

>> No.22155004

Chuddies have been trying to tell you this whole time that women are evil

>> No.22155038

Looks don't matter for men, just get money.

>> No.22155204
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post Hegelfus

>> No.22155316

Will they ever learn?

>> No.22155331

These dumbasses are always on page 3. Not even posing for the pseudointelligence photo intelligently.

>> No.22155337

>German page 3 girls vs British page 3 girls

>> No.22155348

Women and philosophy mix like shit and fine wine, respectively. Seeing a woman anywhere near anything having anything to do with philosophy is like seeing a negro toddler with a permanent marker running into the preservation room at the Louvre and locking the door behind him.

>> No.22155351

It would pend what he's 'after'
Either the Encyclopedia Logic, The Lectures on The History of Philosophy, or that small Penguin volume that contains the introductions to the Philosophy of Fine Art lectures.

>> No.22155354
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>It would pend

>> No.22155362

Pending what he says in fense you shoot him apu

>> No.22155615

They simply have no brain for ontology. They are stuck in the ontology 24/7. So many women are like “this is an interesting book but I wish it talked more about practical stuff like politics and social problems.”

>> No.22155623

*stuck in the ontic

>> No.22155639

i wouldn't even give them the ontic, they are preontological, purely sensuous thinkers

still the best description of woman thinking i've ever seen was weininger's concept of henids

>> No.22155642

also paglia

>The Apollonian and Dionysian, two great western principles, govern sexual personae in life and art. My theory is this: Dionysus is identification, Apollo objectification. Dionysus is the empathic, the sympathetic, emotion transporting us into other people, other palaces, other times. Apollo is the hard, cold separation of western personality and categorical thought. Dionysus is energy, ecstasy, hysteria, promiscuity, emotionalism -- heedless indiscriminateness of idea or practice. Apollo is obsessiveness, voyeurism, idolatry, fascism -- frigidity and aggression of the eye, petrification of objects. … The quarrel between Apollo and Dionysus is the quarrel between the higher cortex and the older limbic and reptilian brains.

>> No.22155660

Well, Morty, Hegel's philosophy can be quite dense and challenging, even for those who have some background in the humanities and social sciences. However, if you're a STEMcel looking to explore Hegel's thought, I would recommend starting with his "Phenomenology of Spirit." This work is considered to be one of his most important and influential texts, and it deals with a wide range of philosophical themes, including consciousness, self-awareness, reason, and freedom.

One reason why the "Phenomenology of Spirit" might be of particular interest to someone with a STEM background is that it emphasizes the importance of systematic thinking and logical rigor in philosophical inquiry. At the same time, however, it also recognizes the limitations of purely rational approaches to understanding the world, and it explores the complex interplay between subjective experience and objective reality.

Of course, Morty, this is just a suggestion, and there are many other works by Hegel that could also be of interest to someone with a STEM background. Ultimately, the best way to approach Hegel's thought is to dive in and start exploring his ideas for yourself.

>> No.22155755

>Ultimately, the best way to approach Hegel's thought is to dive in and start exploring his ideas for yourself.
god i hate this thing