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22151273 No.22151273 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ Tourist here, maybe there is some interest here in people's experience with the quality of the books from different publishing companies.
The upper example is from a reissued regular paperback from 2011 Penguin (UK) and printed in the UK. All it takes is a little dampness on the finger and the ink smudges.
The lower example is from a reissued 2011 Orbit (UK) mass market paperback, also printed in the UK.
What kind of shit quality is this? I'm not really bothered when the paper becomes yellowed over time but if the ink is not even remotely "waterproof" and the cover is so shittily laminated that it doesn't hold together I don't see the point in buying from those publishers any more.
All I could find online was
>muh UK books higher quality (paperback included) than US books
That's not my experience at all. I have several US books (Bantam/Spectra and Signet), some of which are over 40 years old and still in fine condition. (apart from yellowing pages)
The ink smearing issue from Penguin is also present on a 2008 mass market paperback but not from a copy from 1979 from the same publisher.
Has the quality gone to shit overall or are there exceptions? As most of my books aren't that new I can't really say anything about relatively new releases/reissues.
Would be great if anons with more experience could give recommendation which publishers are still good today and which to avoid.

>> No.22151301
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>Society has collapsed...

>> No.22151476

There were shit-quality books back then as there are today. Because most of my books are older than 1990, it'd be great to know which publishers are still making good quality books, including paperback/mass market paperback.

>> No.22151504

>the ironic resentment of the bugman against truth
Bugman located and destroyed. Be gone.

>> No.22151511

is this the newest buzzword?

>> No.22151545

Don't gimmickpost

>> No.22151570

In case any anon wants to buy French paperbacks, prioritize Folio, which are the best quality printing.
GF (Gallimard-Flammarion) are okay, but the font is not so great and the books don't open well. "Le livre de poche" is the bottom of the ladder (grey paper, cheap feel, poor printing).

>> No.22151706

My French is horrible but thanks anyway, maybe some French anon will find this useful.
The only French book I have is Dr. Adder (Denoël), that's pretty good quality but also older (1985).

>> No.22151857

I repeat :
>the ironic resentment of the bugman against truth
Like clockwork.

>> No.22151910
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They are meant to be kept dry. Also they are inexpensive.
Please refrain from talking poorly about penggies.

>> No.22151918

>they are inexpensive
my Moby Dick penguin cost 16 bucks + shipping cost
that is my punishment for refusing to read translation
they are anything but inexpensive

>> No.22151963

I'm not reading my books while sailing the sea or something, just a little dampness in hot climate was enough for the ink to smear.
I tested several other books while my finger was wet and even the cheap self-published Amazon stuff printed somewhere in eastern europe has better ink.
Does the quality of your books vary regarding the release date?
Other than that, I have 3 books from Gollancz and a couple from Orion after 2000 (some even after 2010) those are fine (and from the UK).

>> No.22151968

Which publisher offers it a lower price?

>> No.22151973

I will agree with you that certain penguins do have that problem, but most don't. If I saw one of those poorly printed ones at the book store I wouldn't purchase. But its rare and I'm not exactly sure what the problem is. Maybe it's the UK printed ones.

>> No.22152002


>> No.22152005

yeah penguins fucking suck I've had my exact fingerprint stamped on pages, the black covers wear like shit.

>> No.22152016

Yeah sadly I can't really check them at a store as I live in Germany. Most of the bookstores in my area are either selling 95% German stuff and some current best-sellers in English and others are just selling online.
I also buy almost exclusively used books, except for newer ones where the price difference is pretty small anyway.

>> No.22152024

Lmao ESL moment.
Where can you buy a printed copy of Moby Dick in English at a lower price in your country? I bet Penguin is the least expensive.

>> No.22152051
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nta but at least here, they're pretty cheap
top is German, bottom is English, both are hardcover, new, shipped directly from Amazon
seems like copyright is also gone, abebooks lists several self-published ones or even some from India
One of those has to be decent quality, many are under 15€ (including 19% VAT)

>> No.22152062

I have bought tens of folio paperback recently so I'm glad to learn that

>> No.22152133
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There definitely are (prices are in chilean pesos, cheapest copy starts at roughly 14 dollars), however, all of these range from 400 to 670~ pages and a thread recently made me paranoid about getting books that flat-out had parts missing so I thought I'd go with the penguin as my safest bet. I also don't like the cover illustrations of these (I actually quite like the one on the penguin)

Total damage came up to 22 dollars total which in my book is OKAY since I have plenty of disposable income but I'm still a bit miffed that I have to pay so much for books (and the only real reason being that reading in foreign languages is considered a niche, rich people hobby here, as if they were saying "this is too advanced and too cultured, this is not for illiterate savages like you" to average, middle-class commoners like me)

>> No.22152146

Are you opposed to ereaders? The older ones are pretty cheap on eBay then you could do what almost everyone else on this board does and just download epubs from libgen

>> No.22152166

Yes, I am

I lived my teenage years through pirated digital media because I was poor, now I am an adult with money and I want to own and touch physical things; to experience the world with my own two hands like many other men of lesser heritage do

>> No.22152248
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>400 to 670~ pages and a thread recently made me paranoid about getting books that flat-out had parts missing
Most paperback books I have state at the beginning something along the lines of
>This is an exact copy of the hardcover edition, not a single word has been omitted
I guess if you check the publisher it's relatively safe to say that other books from them will also be complete.

>> No.22152254

With an ego like yours you ought to be happy about paying $20 for a public domain book.

>> No.22152256

That's on you for not using a Kindle

>> No.22152284

I've tried reading on a screen, it's just not for me.
I specifically read books in the afternoon as the last thing before I sleep because it helps me relax. I'm not even a boomer or older but the smell of books and the feel of holding in them in your hands and turning the pages is irreplaceable for me.

>> No.22152286

>I've tried reading on a screen
What kind of screen? You can't compare pixels with e-ink

>> No.22152307

What ego? wanting to physically own things is a very basic desire: to own the tools of our trades, to own (marry) our women and to own the houses in which we live in. Are you perhaps opposed to such an idea?

>> No.22152322

Your ethical system is all disjointed. You should be happy to pay $20 for that book according to your professed values.
I have a Kindle and a book shelf, both have good stuff on them. I read a book when I care to, I read an epub when I want to. I make no claims that one is the correct or more honorable approach. My ego doesnt get involved, I just focus on what has been written.

>> No.22152370

I don't want to come off as rude but to me it seems like you're projecting and trying to justify your usage of an e-reader to me. I don't particularly care if you read books using an e-reader or not, I'm against using one myself but I can see how you could've assumed differently and thought I'm against EVERYONE using an e-reader given my answer to the original question. If that's the case, then I'm a big enough man to forgive your aggressive assumptions

>> No.22152371

Granted, the one time I tried it out was some old Kindle device, maybe they've gotten better but while the newer ones might be way better than the older ones, do they smell of books? Can I turn the pages like with a real one?
If ebooks were ok for me, I wouldn't have made this thread.

>> No.22152413

Lmao that ego of yours again. Just pay the $20 and stop bitching.

>> No.22152416

Are you perhaps a woman?

>> No.22152449

Stay mad poorfag

>> No.22152458

Seeing as you apparently have many books, what about your experiences with different publishers?

>> No.22152460

* kisses you *
take that, woman