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File: 211 KB, 1400x1396, Jonathan-Pageau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22144386 No.22144386 [Reply] [Original]

>cook up together with his brother some completely novel and unprecedented interpretation of Christianity
>this is how the Ancients and Medievals saw it guize, I promise
>rally disgruntled right-wing incels
>validate their prejudiced and bigotted views

>> No.22144650

His whole schtick seems like a massive cope for his art sucking.

>> No.22144668
File: 15 KB, 333x438, IMG_5406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you read it OP?

>> No.22144687

What qualifications does this guy have to write a commentary on Genesis?

>> No.22144708

he makes mediocre drawings

>> No.22144729

I'm trying my best every day to not be a disgruntled right-winger but his talks on modern media makes a lot of sense to me. Sometimes it's comforting to know that I'm not the only one who sees it for what it is

>> No.22144745

I actually did run my eyes over it, enough to tell that it's completely arbitrary. I doubt most contemporary Orthodox theologians would see eye to eye on it, let alone the Church Fathers as he claims, let alone ancient Hebrews! It's not even Jungian, as some would think. It's made up whole cloth.

>> No.22144789

>Church Fathers
Which is why he doesn't quote them to substantiate his claims. In fact the book has very few references, IIRC: there's not many quotes you can find for something that you are making up on the spot (which is fair game, I suppose, but at least be honest about it).

>> No.22144799
File: 63 KB, 444x691, IMG_5409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They seem to be heavily influenced by pic rel

>> No.22144813

Give me the lowdown on this guy. I hear ortholarps talk about him all the time. Listened to part of one of his podcasts on the grail mythology and had to turn it off when he started talking about how the reason imaginative storytelling developed in the medieval west (and not in Byzantium) was because westerners were trying to cope with the fact that their sacraments didn’t connect them with god anymore after the schism.

>> No.22144926

>completely novel and unprecedented interpretation
As a young atheist years before this culture war nonsense I read some stuff by Johannes Kepler about science where he kept mentioning God which made me think I should give his kind of interpretation a chance. That and some Justin Martyr was all I needed to arrive at a similar "unprecedented interpretation" years before I heard about this guy.
The interpretations you think of as authoritative because they're promoted by pop media don't align with how Christians in the past acted and wrote. This guy makes sense, you do not.

>> No.22144946

Why did you turn it off? That's an incredibly based take.

>> No.22144968

You got it all wrong, dimwit. I don't really care whether it is novel, or old or authoritative or not. The problem is that he claims that his and his brother's extremely idiosyncratic and _modern_ interpretation of Genesis is how the ancients and medieval saw it, which is bs. I challenge anyone to back his and his brother's interpretation with the Christian Church Fathers. Pro tip: you can't (not that I expect a moron like you to even be able to read let alone do that, kek).

>> No.22144975

I don’t know much about Christianity but I prefer it to the weird scholastic syllogism shit online Catholics do to “prove”

>> No.22145029

Maybe when it comes to some claims. Be specific. The bulk of what he says seems closer to the church fathers like what Justin wrote, what later Christians in my area in the 12th century wrote and what Kepler wrote than any of the actually literally modern mainstream nonsense. The entire burger tradition that everyone in the world now associates with the word "Christianity" is modern. Most of it makes no sense on any level because it's a product of reading texts written for academics in a certain context while completely ignoring any hint of that context.

>> No.22145225

It’s historically absurd. A ridiculously sour-grapes justification for why Byzantine culture lacked a lovely thing that many other cultures (including the oh-so-evil west) possessed.

>> No.22145288

He just got it from le Guénon
>prejudiced and bigotted views
Ah yes, everyone who disagrees with a leftard is simply a bigot. Good argument, dumdum.

>> No.22145293

Byzantium is r3ddit-tier

>> No.22145315

Even the orthodox Slavs had great imaginative storytelling and cycles of epic poetry, something he conveniently ignored. Byzantium was unusually sterile in this regard and he’s trying to spin that as proof of how their religion was the best.

>> No.22145363

>Byzantium was unusually sterile in this regard and he’s trying to spin that as proof of how their religion was the best.
Sounds similar to what a Protestant would say about the Orthodox lacking pop songs and chairs.

>> No.22145385

We can acknowledge Athos as something great while noting that it is stagnant. The monks reiterate an already working system more than they attempt to reach something new. The tribes in the north and west were wilder and more exploratory, physically and in their stories. The explorer cultures caused the schism and kept moving away from their roots over time as explorers do while the monks repeated the same things for 1500 years.

>> No.22145394

>literature is just like pop songs dude
Remind me why you’re on a literature board?

>> No.22145398
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>> No.22145448

>can't get comparisons, let alone metaphors
It's about complaining about stagnation and having to add needless things to remedy a problem that is of your own creation. Like a child complaining he's getting bored and expects to be entertained. Like Prots having to turn their churches into hip jazz music venues to get more people to join.

>> No.22145677

Imaginative literature is not an innovation. It’s been a feature of nearly all traditional societies, produced alongside explicitly philosophical/theological writing, and communicating the same metaphysics

>> No.22145690

For me it's jay dyer, but you should dial8

>> No.22145839

Any christian leader or even those less than any kind of leader position who have tried to call for clarity and virtuous orderliness in how people live their lives only get more validated with each passing year as everything increasingly fragments and dissolves into confusion. And ultimately people like that would agree on quite a lot with what those two are trying to explain if they had a discussion

>> No.22146883



>> No.22147101

lmao, this video is funny

>> No.22147187

All ecelebs must hang.

>> No.22147423

It's disgusting and so are you.

>> No.22147441

Yet another mediocre thoughtleader for mediocre minds. Snorefest

>> No.22147574

I don't think his interpretation is novel at all. He's right that people used to have a symbolic understanding of the Bible. The church fathers understood scripture as having 4 senses, all of which are correct, including the literal. But Pageau massively favors the symbolic meaning of the Bible over the literal meaning. Like if you asked him "Did Jonah really get swallowed by a whale?" he would say "This is such a bad question. Pre-modern people didn't see it that way at all. See, the whale represents the grave and Jonah spends three days in there, so it symbolically represents the death and rebirth of Christ," totally ignoring your question.
But if you asked some medieval priest, they would say "Of course! That's what the scripture says. Also, God used this historical event to symbolically represent the sacrifice of Our Lord. Also it teaches us how humans are and should be."
Pageau actually believes in the Bible in the exact same way that Peterson does. The only difference is he likes going to church.

>> No.22147623
File: 553 KB, 1280x1568, 1280px-El_Greco_-_The_Burial_of_the_Count_of_Orgaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pageau thinks there's sacred art, coomer trash art, and nothing in between. According to him El Greco belongs in the latter category

>> No.22147818
File: 86 KB, 408x630, 9781663239983_p0_v1_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Pageau but Jay Dyer is better for philosphy and theology.

>> No.22147829


>> No.22147911

>Also, God used this historical event to symbolically represent
Academics at the time were used to this even when it doesn't come from God. Plato used historical events to symbolically present his ideas. This makes the brain of the average modern autistic academic explode.

>> No.22147916

So were chairs. But Orthodox don't have them. What does that tell you?

>> No.22147924

I don't know much about this guy except that he is an artist and was buddies with Jordan Peterson. QRD on his views?

>> No.22147931
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He did a good video with Jay Dyer where they talk about symbolism.
By the way, this is very important to understand in the Orthodox worldview: Something being symbolic does NOT mean that it isn't literal as well. It can be both literal and symbolic.
A lot of people make this mistake where they think "Oh this thing in the Bible is symbolic, so that means it didn't literally happen." That's wrong.

>> No.22147986

>He uses obfuscatory language to preach to homophobic chuds!!!!!
Am I misunderstanding his critique?

>> No.22148033

If his basic premise is that there’s a symbolic aspect which has been lost in modernity that seems to me pretty indisputable.

>> No.22148041

I know for a fact that’s not true because the one and only video of his I’ve watched talked about the history of art and ran entirely counter to this assertion. He even mentions El Greco in the video.

>> No.22148082

His first point is that icon carving is something Pageau made up.
The guy that says shit like that is making a video complaining that someone is misrepresenting the history of Christianity online. There is no critique just projection. To critique the meaning you have to understand it.

>> No.22148088
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A man was visiting an Orthodox Christian monastery and a monk came up to him and said "There is something terribly wrong with you. You spiritually have a foul stench about you."
The man didn't understand what the monk could be talking about.
They met again that night and had a conversation. Eventually it came out that the man had written a book supporting evolutionary theory. This was the cause of the foul stench! The monk told him that evolutionary theory is a Masonic deception and contrary to Orthodox Christianity.
The man later renounced his belief in evolution.

>> No.22148120

In the USA, Orthodox priests (especially Greek ones) are known for being masons thoughbeit

>> No.22148125
File: 100 KB, 800x600, Varna-metropolitan-Kiril-by-DP-Gatev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally, the Greeks tend to be the most liberal Orthodox by far.
ROCOR are usually the most conservative, followed by Serbian and Bulgarian.

>> No.22148133

Visibly shook he dropped his copy of Selfish Gene and renounced the demonic practice of game theory.
An icon of the great Theotokos wept tears of joy and the evolutionist cur was banished to Romania.

>> No.22148151
File: 1.34 MB, 864x1080, 1660453207797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22148161

Nothing they say is incompatible with evolution. Everything they say like everything in the Bible reiterates a completely different state of being before and after the fall. Before the fall there was no adversity, no changes in weather, no conflict between animals. It's not a physical place but the ideal as it existed before time, space and sin.

>> No.22148190
File: 177 KB, 1277x1920, DSC_5727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that again?
I can't speak for Matthieu, but where exactly does Jonathan go off the rails?
>rally disgruntled right-wing incels
>validate their prejudiced and bigotted views
You mean Jay Dyer? Pageau should break off from the containment that is Daily Wire though.

>> No.22148192
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>his country is a literal shithole but he can't help but shilling for it to clueless Westerners online
See, if you were a liberal I would've called you delusional, ideologically possessed, cringe etc but since you're not, I must call you a based trad savior of the white race and true believer. Just two more posts and everyone will become Orthodox and based like Russia.

>> No.22148195

ROCOR are different from the MP.

>> No.22148221
File: 92 KB, 764x1200, 1666893970161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22148225

Stalin had nice aesthetics but not as nice as the orthobased church.

>> No.22148232

Why is there this hate against Jay Dyer? Nothing he says is wrong.

>> No.22148259

He's a thug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4_xh7vs4gY

>> No.22148268

But he is right.

>> No.22148278

I will now ignore your message

>> No.22148308

Meletios Metaxakis was a freemason. He started the ecumenist movement and changed the calendar to that end. GOarch and Constantinople are the hotbeds of liberalism and globalism but so are AOCANA and OCA. In any case its better that people go to those churches than none at all, at least for now. Those churches are necessary for most converts.
They're in communion with MP. There was a schism in the ROCOR because of this. The true Orthodox didn't want to join a church that was compromised by the KGB in Soviet times and is now compromised by the current Russian government which has pro-Soviet nostalgia. But again its still better to go to an Orthodox church than not at all.

>> No.22148324

>le ebin ironic and self-aware post
Cringe. Kys

>> No.22148345

American ortholarper here.
Which is the best out of the following options:
>other not listed

>> No.22148360
File: 163 KB, 720x960, 1676067612105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROCOR is definitely the most conservative by far.
OCA and GOARCH have been subverted by liberalism and wokeness.
Antiochian is usually somewhere in the middle.
Serbian and Bulgarian are conservative too.

>> No.22148373

The OCA church I go to is great. We have an excellent priest and lots of converts.

>> No.22148377

Fine, his whole schtick is a cope for his art being incredibly mid.

>> No.22148382

zoom back over to reddit

>> No.22148393
File: 49 KB, 750x439, Screenshot Ea-Bolber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a plague.

>> No.22148397

You don't want people to become Orthodox? What is the problem here?

>> No.22148420

Is it back up?

>> No.22148435
File: 1.11 MB, 1362x2952, El_Greco_-_The_Resurrection_-_WGA10530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>El Greco not a coomer
Anon Pls

>> No.22148494

Watch from 18:00

>"angel upskirts"
>"strange inversion"
>"very disturbing"
>imaginary foot in man's ass
>"strange sexual element"
>decapitated head in crotch = gay!
>"don't you see?? the mountains are penis shaped!"
Well? I agree with Pageau on a lot of things but this shit is just plain stupid.

>> No.22148657
File: 68 KB, 400x500, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Icons are windows into heaven. That is to say that they are transcendental in a real way.
Starting with Giotto Western iconography became more sensuous. It shows a fall from the stillness of transcendence to the ecstasy of aesthetic stimulation; how something looks in and of itself rather than seeing it as a bridge to something and looking through the art toward that something. The use of this spiritual perception declined and the focus on innovation for its own sake and sensual gratification emerged.
That is what Pageu is talking about here. Camille Paglia would probably agree in her own way (and think its a good thing).

>> No.22148687
File: 47 KB, 850x1100, JesusSaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>validate their prejudiced and bigotted views
>says the anti-child rape fascist
wow, another hypocrite, saying "discrimination is bad" then discriminating against child rape. Fucking pseud

>> No.22148756

>Camille Paglia
Who cares what some deranged feminist pedo thinks? Why would you even bring her up in this thread?

>> No.22148784

Someone outside of Orthodoxy or the Traditionalist School perceived the same thing and had the opposite opinion on it. That vouches for the subjects existence.

>> No.22148791


>> No.22148852

I understand this sentiment and, as an artist, agree with it wholeheartedly. However Pageau seems to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater here. Do you honestly believe that El Greco's work is nothing more than about eliciting base stimulation, essentially no different than Thomas Kinkade? I feel there's a lot more to this, but I find it hard to put into words (which, in fact, is why I'm an artist). Lewis' sehnsucht and Traherne's poem Shadows in the Water comes near to what I mean. Icons are abstract, transcendental, etc, but these other works of art are haecettic, divinely immanent. There's something uniquely Christian about it.

>> No.22148877
File: 70 KB, 700x700, BestTerrorist4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see people bullshitting with each other about these irrelevant people, I can't help but think it's astroturfing. You just read these completely irrelevant people's books where they schizoshitpost for 500 pages about LARPing bullshit? I've never met a Christian that's read the fucking Bible.

>> No.22149067

>There are actual Ortholarper Zoomers here.

>> No.22149123

The personal does not belong in sacred art because it is transpersonal. In Orthodoxy, Christians pray against the imagination, dreams, and even memories. Orthodoxy is an ascetic religion even for laypeople. Romanticism and visionary flourishes have no place in it. Those belong to the subjective existential human realm. Pageau's probably just trying to show the difference between the two. If he ever goes to far as to call the other forms of art inferior they're only inferior for the purpose of sacred art. It doesn't meant the Old Masters weren't skilled geniuses of their craft.

>> No.22149141

Wrong. Chairs weren’t introduced in the west until the counterreformation. Definitely an innovation that marks the degeneration of western liturgics.

>> No.22149159

these dudes want to emulate muslims so badly while also holding onto their christian beliefs
fucking bizarre

>> No.22149183
File: 138 KB, 1024x683, otmaa13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that we can't expect Roman papalists to know anything about theology, but your post is very ironic because the Roman papalist doctrines of Filioque, Absolute Divine Simplicity, and Thomism make your idea of God much closer to Islam than Orthodox theology is.

>> No.22149201

Orthodox church existed long before Islam though

>> No.22149218
File: 176 KB, 1080x1080, 1686705975208635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just become tradcath bro

>> No.22149273
File: 175 KB, 800x745, tomtar02-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So on the one hand you have christians like Blake and Coleridge who believed that the imagination is a valuable, if not our primary, spiritual faculty, and on the other hand you have the Orthodox who think that stuff is nothing more than prissy daydreaming that is a hindrance at best. What caused this divergence?

>> No.22149293

Orthodox have the doctrine of the nous.
Westerners lost that.

>> No.22149331

>Nothing he says is wrong.
That’s incorrect, Jay Dyer’s attempted “”refutation”” of non-dualism (which he inaccurately refers to as monism) by saying that it makes it impossible to know anything because everything known is an illusion is wrong. It’s wrong because in non-dualism the non-illusory ultimate reality is one’s own self and is self-evident and self-disclosing when one’s false views are corrected or abandoned, thus, the point that changing phenomena are illusory is no impediment to directly intuiting the ultimate reality of God.

Jay Dyer wouldnt last two minutes trying to argue this against anyone educated in Vedanta like Swami Sarvapriyananda. It’s only because his fans are western Christians who dont study that stuff that nobody notices or calls him out for this amateur mistake. Anyone who thinks that Jay Dyer has done a deep study of eastern metaphysics and that he identifies issues in it which are only solved in eastern orthodoxy is laughably clueless.

>> No.22149334
File: 36 KB, 500x795, Проф._др_Јустин_Поповић.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22149344

>It’s wrong because in non-dualism the non-illusory ultimate reality is one’s own self and is self-evident and self-disclosing when one’s false views are corrected or abandoned
Jay has destroyed the cogito argument many times.

>> No.22149386

I don't really care about anything else he or his brother have said. I just think the metaphor of clothing he uses for technology (among others) is really insightful.

>> No.22149393

Thought Slime is an immense faggot and so are you for having watched even one of his videos

>> No.22149416

>Jay has destroyed the cogito argument many times.
That’s not the cogito argument. The cogito argument of Descartes is “I think, therefore I am”, that’s not what non-dualism is claiming. It simply doesn’t work to try to refute it by pointing to things in western thought that seem tangentially related, this is *also* clueless.

>> No.22149428

Christ was a non-dualist trinitarian.

>> No.22149467

It's funny how you disgusting trannies think being a disgruntled right wing prejudiced bigoted incel is a bad thing or something to be ashamed about. Pageau is based, and you're a fag.

>> No.22149484

we have a phonetic version of 'nous' which informs us, via third parties, what is supposed to be true and what is supposed to be false; in fact it guides and directs our entire civilization.

>> No.22149514
File: 79 KB, 960x960, jay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, and Jay Dyer is even more based.

>> No.22149595

Don't forget Fr. Peter Heers. They hate him.


>> No.22149609

Agreed. Fr. Peter Heers is a great teacher.

>> No.22149732

>This isn't American evangelical boomerism, it must not be real Christianity

>> No.22149758

>It’s historically absurd
Lol this is their whole schtick.
When historically absurd: dude you don't get it. it's like symbolic.
When historically relevant at all: literally muh tradition.

>> No.22149772

Nothing he says is even that political; he could get into culture war shit way more than he does if he wanted to.

I listened to that podcast and I don't remember him saying that at all. He disagrees with a lot of what Protestantism did to Christianity but he rarely gets into the specifics of Catholic vs Orthodox.

>> No.22149774

>Catholic vs Orthodox
Jay Dyer is better for this topic. He makes papalists so butthurt it's unreal.

>> No.22149777

now this I can fap to

>> No.22149780

What specifically does he say that you can't find in the Church Fathers, or that the Church Fathers wouldn't agree with? Sounds like you've just got a vendetta and want to dismiss him while being vague about it.

>> No.22149781

we get it, symbolism and tradition are beyond you. try reading some guenon (pbuh) and maybe it won't be. you don't read and your shit is all retarded.

>> No.22149785

Jay Dyer wanted to start some beef with Pageau or something iirc, this was a few years ago

>> No.22149790

They had some disagreements in the past, but they both moved on from it. They did a video together recently.

>> No.22149791

They're on good terms now

>> No.22149792

Pageau wanted to talk to/debate him after this video but he wouldn't do it. ThoughtSlime is a clickbaity breadtube grifter faggot.

>> No.22149805

My preferred eceleb would curbstomb yours, symbolically.

>> No.22149890

This, exactly this

Pageau favors only the symbolic in his essays, and completely ignores the factual/historical aspect. The way this guy dodges questions then acts like he knows something is truly infuriating.

>> No.22149897

Who is Mr Forehead here?

>> No.22149902

breadtube caths are in fact a thing, maybe even in this thread at this very moment...

>> No.22149905

Probably because the symbolic is what is neglected and never really understood in our time and place. Its the one aspect people need help understanding.

>> No.22150045

Yes the French muzzie has all the answers for Christians... Keep having a real and/or symbolic one.

>> No.22150102

Guenon is more complicated than 'lol he who convert to muzzieism!!!!' and is essential for any honest opponent of modernity. If you don't understand why Guenon is important you are a faggotized beast of burden normie. Keep having a normal one.

>> No.22150500
File: 1.35 MB, 675x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the OG (Original Guenon)

>> No.22150560

Will this be less underwhelming than Jung's Man and His Symbols?
>dude a little girl's vague dream foreshadowed her death lmao

>> No.22150631

Haven't watched much of his stuff at all, but i read Guénon and what he says seems to be in accordance with it. I watched his discussion/debate with styxhexenhammer666 and styx was made to look like a petty materialist child.

>> No.22150802

>I'm trying my best every day to not be a disgruntled right-winger but his talks on modern media makes a lot of sense to me
youtube qrd link?

>> No.22150869

That was the only time I ever paid attention to anything with Styx and he came out of it simultaneously looking like a materialist fedora and also a cringe new age """occult researcher""" schizo.

>> No.22150953

This is a good one https://youtu.be/gFxu3Q71NvE

>> No.22150958

Good post

>> No.22152029

Nothing is literal https://youtu.be/2VLPDSRL5f4

>> No.22152045

I was going to bump this thread but I'm glad you did it for me. I couldn't think of anything to write.

>> No.22152432

This video of his was pretty good.

>> No.22152467

Any religious person that starts courting rightoids will soon find themselves having to choose between their religion and state worship and racism.

>> No.22152471


>> No.22152483

Because rightoids aren't religious, they will simply use what is useful about religion to get what they want, which is rallying the masses around their bullshit. In other words, they think religion is useful propaganda.

>> No.22152509

What part of religiousity in particular do they lack?

>> No.22152516

Judging by your line of questions you're probably exactly the kind of /pol/goloid I'm talking about.

>> No.22152522

How do you know so much? I hope these aren't baseless asumptions.

>> No.22152524

Everything I say has historical precedent. Go to Wiki and search for the term "Positive Christianity".

>> No.22152529

Okay, thanks for clarification. All of your knowledge of these matters are based on histories, and the assumption you make is that Pageau is repeating history.

>> No.22152530

Lol really? What was the initial cause.

>> No.22152531

I think Pageau is doing himself a disfavor by courting people who care more about the racial makeup of their neighbor than they care about Jesus Christ.

>> No.22152537

Jay made some comments that Pageau lifted some of Jay's grad work and claimed it his own. But they did squash it.
Though Pageau fans seems to have strong allergy to "orthobros" and tend take a very distant and detached approach to politics.

>> No.22152539

god delusion by richard dawkins

>> No.22153627

>people who care more about the racial makeup of their neighbor than they care about Jesus Christ.

>> No.22154186

defamatory shill thread with no argument or substance.

>> No.22154193

tell us how the ancients and medieval saw it then.

>> No.22154598

Here is what Valentin Tomberg says about this:
"(“The Inner Light”), published at St. Petersburg in 1915/16—gave a well-
documented exposition of the doctrine of orthodox mystics concerning true
and false illumination. There he reproaches the mystics of western
Christianity for their doctrine (namely that of admitting, under certainconditions, visions and illuminations of an intellectual nature), i.e. for not
rejecting visions and illuminations from the outset.
Thus, the mystics of eastern Christianity are so impressed by the reality
and the danger of the sphere of mirages that they prefer to renounce all
spiritual experience of a visionary or intellectual nature, whatever it may be,
rather than risk the danger of confrontation with the reality of this sphere.
With respect to the mystics of western Christianity, they are also conscious
of the reality of this sphere and its dangers, but they do not reject outright
all vision and intellectual illumination."

>> No.22154741

Jay Dyer is arrogant and obnoxious. He's even rude to his own wife in front of the camera (imagine what he's like when there's no one filming). It wouldn't surprise me if she ended up divorcing him for psychological abuse.

>> No.22154861


>> No.22155093

Men should act like kings, not pigs.

>> No.22155125

imagine caring simp faggot

>> No.22155926

I agree. I'm a fan of his work but he seems like a douche. Never seen him be rude to his wife though. He needs to drop the ego / his pride and he will become even better.

>> No.22155943

Even if you don't like his personality, he is very intelligent and knowledgeable in philosophy and globalist conspiracies.

>> No.22155966

Yeah his personality isn't compelling. His work on conspiracy theories is top tier. I was familiar with him from like 10 years ago when he was in the circle of freeman fly and isaac weishaupt. I had no idea he became Orthodox and more serious about the conspiracy stuff. It used to be basic stuff about hollywood satanism but now he goes into great detail using the elites own texts about their overall agenda. And the theological and philosophical stuff is impressive too. I thought he was just another mark dice type guy to be honest so he really showed me.

>> No.22155977

You need a sense of humor to like Jay, if you don't you can always stick with Pageau

>> No.22155989

Your shitty impersonations aren't funny, Jay.

>> No.22156088

Why would I prefer to be self hating and not have sex?

>> No.22156127
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Blake is often called heterodox even by Protestant/Catholic standards and in fact he was a satanist. He's very explicit about it in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, early on in the book he says he's channelling the voice of the devil. The chaotic, imaginative states of attention are not spiritual but the very antithesis of spiritual, they are demonic, a fall from the human state. You may be mesmerized by sublime imagery and "genius" but it is nothing more than a trick. A literal magic trick. This is understood by both the Orthodox and the Traditionalists. Don't mess with things that want you to lose control of the "I".

>> No.22156275
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>Don't mess with things that want you to lose control of the "I".
good post

>> No.22156316
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How come Greek Orthodox are so much more liberal than all the other Orthodox?

>> No.22156493

The more I look into Orthodoxy in the West the more I think it just some sort of psyop, not unlike that report that was leaked a while ago from the FBI saying that young Catholics are extremists, perhaps it's an effort to de-radicalise disenfranchised or demoralized men like this guy >>22149467

Look at Pageau, he content is genuinely interesting but he is associated with the likes of Peterson, Shapiro, The Daily Wire etc. It's a huge red flag. Nothing about Orthodoxy in the West seems authentic at all, it solely exists online. North America has OCA and ROCOR, but these just don't exist in other countries. I'm genuinely interested in Orthodoxy but I cannot help feel inorganically 'pushed' towards it as it is either online or it is a ethnic social club with no in between.
This book is a load of shit, it does a good job of explaining about how to think of things symbolically but it literally has zero citations, and as a result it can be completely disregarded
This guy is a prideful POS and it is so glaringly obvious he is a grifter, think I watched some video of some tradcath exposing him as a LARPer too

>> No.22156525

Blake believed the established Church to be Satanic and regularly engaged in modes of rhetorical reversal, but I wouldn't expect a retarded tradlarper to understand that.

>> No.22156554
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>Pageau is a psyop
are you fucking crazy

>> No.22156588 [DELETED] 

are you ok

>> No.22156613

You need to calm down and stop being so emotional.

>> No.22156636

byzantine literature is massive wtf are you talking about? literally created the romantic novel. had a giant poetic and theatric tradition, developed and preserved ancient greek genres and had the most comprehensive and original theology in the christian world. this is not even mentioning the encyclopae and historical annals.
uneducated westoids talking about literally any other culture is ridiculously pathetic

>> No.22156657

Not him directly, just the whole 'network' he exists within, particularity the Daily Wire
I'm not?
My point is that I have been on the internet from the Atheist+ days and I'm noticing the same trend when it comes to Orthodoxy on the internet. That's all I'm saying, sorry if it sounded a bit schizo

>> No.22156670

He's an icon carver and nothing more.
He's not profound and often he's quite cringe.

>> No.22156672

Well what does what he say have to do with the person?
The person is a grifter, a shithead, a conspiratard.

>> No.22156682
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go get another vaccine

>> No.22156683

You've been programmed by hollywood to give me that reply.

>> No.22156685
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You people use this word for anyone who doesn't agree with the normie liberal worldview.

>> No.22156686

It has a meaning. I'm also illiberal.
Why are you >>22156682 so retarded? You seem young, sub 18.

>> No.22156691
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I will never get the vaccine.

>> No.22156704

tbqh I don't think Pageau's ties to Daily Wire are a huge deal. They came to him and his content for that isn't really any more culture war-tinged than his normal stuff (I wouldn't know though because I don't subscribe to fucking Daily Wire).

I wouldn't be surprised if there was an attempt by the alphabet agencies to push potential far-right radicals towards Orthodoxy/traditionalist Catholicism. So much of the discussion of these faiths online is weirdly connected to political connotations that just are not there if you know anything of them in real life.

>> No.22156716
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He is right.

>> No.22156754
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>> No.22156761

Why do Orthos get so butthurt over the Immaculate Conception?
>Luke says Gabriel calls Mary "full of grace"
>Full of grace = devoid of sin
>Devoid of sin = devoid of original as well as actual sin
>Devoid of original sin = Immaculate Conception
Getting mad at this because its implications were refined in later tradition feels like a very Protestant way of thinking.

>> No.22156791
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You know there are tons of Orthodox priests who spoke out against the covid "vaccine" right? It is not just some sort of online thing at all.
In fact, Saint Paisios prophecied it and he said that it would be a forerunner of the mark of the beast.

>> No.22156855
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>> No.22156862

Absolutely based

>> No.22156978

Imagine thinking you can be a leftoid and a """christian""". I suppose Christianity is really about loving faggotry, feminism, and yearning for third worldist 'religious socialism'. It's obvious who's injecting political leanings into religion.
You are literally a schizo. New Atheism was an organic bottom up phenomenon and so are tradcaths/orthobros, something isn't a psyop because it's a trend you don't understand.

>> No.22157008


>> No.22157018
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this is catchy

>> No.22157033

Have you even seen the video you've posted or at least read the article he's also reading from?
It's from a Fordhamite.
Are you a woke retard with "protect trans kids" flags in your room? Do you insist that abortion is a religious service?

Don't know if the fat tattooed guy in the video is aware but it benefits Jay Dyer, makes him objectively based.

>> No.22157288

He's live btw:
seems sharper today and less of a clown

>> No.22157343
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>> No.22157345
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>> No.22157349

Seems like regular Jay to me

>> No.22157359
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>> No.22157372

Definitely not. You're clearly not consuming his content in large quantities.

>> No.22157381
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He is being very patient right now.

>> No.22157390

These baseless assumptions only hurt you

>> No.22157408

>t. mentally ill solipsist
nothing more to be said or done, take care

>> No.22157439

How do you know so much?

>> No.22157471
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listening to the Jay dyer stream

>> No.22157637

Internet Orthodoxy can get pretty fake and gay. Most Orthodox Churches consist of relatively normal people striving to practice the genuine faith. The ones with a decent number of converts singing mostly in English are ideal.
>Look at Pageau, he content is genuinely interesting but he is associated with the likes of Peterson, Shapiro, The Daily Wire etc.
Definitely agree.

>> No.22157684

Jay says a lot of wrong things. his entire approach is wrong. his mindset is wrong. and he just does not attend services (I go to his parish outside of Nashville). he's a fraud, desu. he is leading a lot of people in the wrong direction.

>> No.22157693

the funny part that the west cannot understand is that Eastern Orthodoxy rejects ALL metaphysics!
Dyer makes the mistake that the purpose of Ecumenical Councils was to define an Orthodox philosophy and metaphysics.

>> No.22157705
File: 159 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20230616_230709_167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone just keeps repeating this stupid meme that St Gregory of Nyssa was a universalist.The idea that a Saint could have "fully heretical" theology is very bizarre, very Barlaamite. Modern academics are cringe and wrong about most things.
Dyer is totally wrong about St Gregory of Nyssa. This is the first mention of gender in the section on the creation of man. Everything before this is pretty much talking about what it means to be created in the image of God.
>"St Maximos has a mistake where he follows some of these neoplatonic arguments as did [St Gregory of] Nyssa and [St Gregory] Nazianzus that the fall also included a fall into two genders".

>> No.22157710
File: 190 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20230616_231108_312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here Fr Seraphim is affirming that St Gregory is saying that mankind was made, before the Fall, male and female, but the function of sexual reproduction didn't exist before the Fall.

>> No.22157894

Read on the soul and resurrection he presents a universalist view there.
Not even Staniloae who translated that text disagrees on that, no academic does either.

They just excuse Nyssa because he wrote that before it was condemned.

>> No.22157897

>Internet [thing] can get pretty fake and gay.
No shit?

>> No.22157973

Why is there this bizarre effort to slander Jay? This has to be some kind of coordinated operation.

>> No.22158002
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>>Look at Pageau, he content is genuinely interesting but he is associated with the likes of Peterson, Shapiro, The Daily Wire etc.
I don't know about Pageau, but Jay has made fun of Shapiro for being a normie tier cuckservative with nothing interesting to say.
As for Peterson, Jay has said both good and bad things about him. Jay has commended him for seeming to at least try to move in the direction of Christianity, but he also has criticized Peterson's psychological metaphor understanding of God, his classical liberalism, and his weak philosophical arguments.

>> No.22158009

Well aside from the spiritual war the glowies mustn't like him because he exposes their plans very well, possibly the best in the public arena. I mean he gets it straight from the horse's mouth and he doesn't get bombastic or add weird stuff onto it. A real person would just say they don't like his humor or something not vaguely say that he's lying and just leave it at that. Bot behavior.

>> No.22158051

I think he's avoided outright saying so publicly out of the politeness that comes with having a friendly relationship, but Jonathan Pageau has hinted he thinks Peterson is ultimately too much of a fencesitter and needs to make that crucial commitment to a church at some point in his life for the sake of his soul

>> No.22158435

New atheism was born around the dawn of the normie internet as well as when religious terrorism was at its all time high in the West, it was only ever Islam and Christianity that was targeted. Tradcath orthobros were born at a time now with a large number of disenfranchised, demoralized, young (primarily white) men have completely dropped out of society and some have even resorted to shooting up schools. I believe there is overlap between all groups here.

I just don't think there is anything grassroots or organic with the internet these days.
>So much of the discussion of these faiths online is weirdly connected to political connotations that just are not there if you know anything of them in real life.
The guy is just cringe, unfunny and unlikable. most people can see through it

>> No.22158448

I don't know who that is but he looks like an old, less closeted Wendigoon.

>> No.22158542

modern right-wingers are basically hippies that are too lazy to actually read the bible. They care more about Trump than Jesus. It's pure pretense.

>> No.22159015

because he is what is wrong with Orthodoxy in the west. He is leading people down the wrong path.

>> No.22159038

It seems like one anon here from Nashville knows him somewhat personally, probably a personal grudge or there is a difference in theology that has grown into the need to complain about him.
The others seem like anti-trinitarians, either some protestant universalist or islamic, or Judaic
The last kind is more of the humorless intellectual who assumes it is not possible to marry humor with academic study.

I get it, Jay can seem mean sometimes and this is hardly funny. But it is typically the lack of humor in his critics more at fault here.

>> No.22159041

So which path is better?

>> No.22159149

Thanks. I was also curious if Tomberg said anything about Blake specifically but it looks like he never mentioned him

>> No.22159215

the path of the contemporary Saints (St Paisios, St Joseph the Hesychast, Geronda Ephraim of Arizona, Optina Elders, etc) and Holy elders. not the modern academics.

>> No.22159449

Every critic of Jay just says he is cringe, mean, unlikeable, etc.
None of them can actually show a specific example of where he is wrong.
It is such an obvious coordinated operation to slander him.

>> No.22159455

>I cannot help feel inorganically 'pushed' towards it as it is either online or it is a ethnic social club with no in between
Have you visited an Orthodox church, anon? genuine question

>> No.22159467

Do you schizos really believe that anyone who dislikes your chosen e-celeb of the month is part of a coordinated operation? Or were you those faggots in elementary school that had to call foul when you lost at a game on the playground?

>> No.22159470

>St Paisios
You know he prophecied the covid vaccine, don't you? He said that it would be a forerunner of the mark of the beast. Typically you anti-Jay types always say that "antivaxxers" are cringe conspiracy theorists.

>> No.22159476

He is leading lots of young men to Orthodoxy. What are you doing?

>> No.22159481

if you took the vax you must repent and take it to confession. we are antivax

>> No.22159483

see >>22149331

He may be knowledgeable about Orthodoxy but he is evidently clueless about non-western philosophy/metaphysics

>> No.22159487

That is also what Jay says and all the priests who support Jay's work.

>> No.22159493

Can you link something good by him? All I see posted is dumb shit.

>> No.22159511

on the satanic messaging in pop culture

on the Trinity

on Logos and Logoi

>> No.22159532

also here is a really interesting one on renaissance art

>> No.22159551

Let me guess, he shits on Renaissance art and thinks it was all made by evil catholic coomers?

>> No.22159555

if you give it a chance you will be impressed, there is lots of interesting knowledge in it

>> No.22159560

Alright then, I'll watch it

>> No.22159567

I don't enjoy listening to him. Pageau can teach me things, this guy does not try. The first video is scattered from the start, he doesn't draw me in or structure a specific point. He does not even present his ideas as ideas, he states them as fact and mostly refers to gossip about celebrities instead of some analysis of symbolism. He's not interesting.

>> No.22159841

Define ascetic you wordsalad nigger

>> No.22160944

Techniques of enstasy

>Enstasy (Gk., en-stasis, ‘standing into’). The experiences, or abolition of experience, arising as a consequence of those meditational, etc., techniques which withdraw the practitioner from the world, and even from awareness of the self. The word was coined in contrast to ecstasy. Examples are dhyāna, jhāna.

IIRC evola called it the dry path

>> No.22161740

Many on places like /lit/ could find usefulness in that one question. Getting down to the brass tacks, who are the people at least trying to show and explain where and why things have gone so wrong and giving some kind of rough guide on what to do, whether or not people decide to take it or leave it

>> No.22161857

Isn’t this guy some kind of leftie grifter?

>> No.22161860

Damn I guess no conversion for me

>> No.22161864

I’ve never met an atheist who didn’t at least admit to being in an open relationship

>> No.22161868

Positive Christianity is the correct interpretation anyways

>> No.22162269

Or maybe — just maybe — the reason so many people find him cringe, mean, unlikeable, etc. is because he is cringe, mean, unlikeable, etc.??

>> No.22162305

He's actually not that bad. I just started watching him more. The Matthew McConaughey stuff wasn't funny but that was it. It was only because he just kept going with it when it was hardly a joke to begin with.

>> No.22162322 [DELETED] 
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Stereotypes are repeatedly seen patterns, and pattern recognition is a basic function of the mind. Prejudice and bigotry are heuristic techniques for self preservation based on pattern recognition. Stop gaslighting people.

>> No.22162327
File: 2.77 MB, 480x882, 1684022381585820.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prejudice and bigotry are heuristic techniques for self preservation based on pattern recognition.

>> No.22162440

I think there is more truth to this than most people realize. I don't think people understand how many 100s of millions go into the "domestic counterterror" sectors in the Intel community per year. The Daily Wire/associated groups seem extremely controlled with regard to funding. It's no coincidence they never touch things of actual importance like financialization or domestic surveillance. as soon as I saw guys like Peterson and Pageau interview arch warhawk spooks like Vance, Rubio and Hawley I knew the jig was up.

>> No.22162469

Pageau has never interviewed anyone like that as far as I know. if I'm wrong please link.

>> No.22162497

the fact that he's on the Daily Wire payroll and closely associated with Peterson is proof enough. it's even more cringe that Peterson/Pageau closely associated with Netanyahu and the general "right-wing" neocon Israel/intelligence axis sphere. it's all so tiring and predictable.

>> No.22162643

I don't know about Pageau desu but Jay Dyer has criticized mass surveillance, the neocon agenda, and globalism many times.

>> No.22162665
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Also, I don't know if you are aware of this, but the Orthodox church doesn't believe in zionism like many Protestants do. In fact, Orthodox consider it a heresy and an Antichrist agenda. Jay and many others have talked about this.
Many anons on 4channel seem to think that zionism is the default belief of any Christian, but that's not true.

>> No.22162886

Pageau has talked often about the increasing authoritarian power of the state but all the mechanical details of the systems involved is also all ultimately driven by the engulfing desire to grab more and more control and power by the powers that be. And that the powers that be are able to do what they're doing through the mechanics of how systems work because they have their own (darker) ways of taking a lot of advantage of what they see in the patterns of reality. He's obviously not an economist but he's said multiple times to brace for the coming simultaneous presence of chaos, dark spirits, and brutal top-down authoritarian power

>> No.22162952

Just want to mention to take care of yourselves physically, anons. Don't eat the processed goyslop and do the exercise you can. Do a trial of vit d3 and magnesium supplementation to see if it helps. I'm not sure what exact form the troubling times will look like and with everything that's going on, at least stay physically clean when there's so much mental shit flying around.
Especially if you live in america, buy your staple foods like wheat/rice/oatmeal organic even if you never buy anything else organic. Don't drink the tap water. Consider avoiding conventional cow dairy products like milk (again, especially in burgerland) to minimize physical inflammation, sheep and goat dairy is fine

>> No.22163036
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>> No.22163078


>> No.22163150

Sheep and goat milk are really great, very easy on the stomach

>> No.22163714

I don’t think Jay Dyer is an operative, honestly. He gets demonetized too often, and is not astroturfed enough. But more importantly: his narrative lands too close to home for him to be a shill.
Peterson on the other hand, glows like a Christmas tree. He could well be an Israeli or CIA asset. His whole operation reeks of honeypot.
Now Pageau is a little bit harder to read. He associates with Peterson, sure, but that doesn’t make him guilty by association. His narrative is harmless enough: convert to baseddoxy, discuss symbolism, own the libs, btw buy my art and comic books. He doesn’t come anywhere near Jay Dyer’s level of exposition. Maybe he just wants to promote his art.

>> No.22164010

this desu

>> No.22164519


>> No.22164522

this desu

>> No.22164883
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>> No.22164938

This isn't another
>muh nominalism!
guy, is it? Cuz I'm going to find him in real life at his home and butt rape him if he is.

>> No.22165045

>Peterson on the other hand, glows like a Christmas tree. He could well be an Israeli
But they can't have Christmas trees.

>> No.22165136
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I like Mr. Dyer but given his semi-mainstream presence and his ties to both Dugin and Alex Jones, there is a very non-trivial chance that he is a limited hangout in service to one of the system's many agendas. Whitney Webb is like his liberal counterpart in this respect. Just to say, don't look to attention whores (narcissists) to be your surrogate dad, leave your mom's basement and get involved with in-real-life humans in in-real-life communities. Fuck all of this plastic ephemera. You can do better.

>> No.22165244
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But what does Jay say that would be part of a glowie agenda? He has always been against surveillaince, the covid "vaccine", feminism, LGBT, BLM, globalism, neoconservatism, and so on. He is against everything that the system says!

>> No.22165272

Still doesn't follow that he isn't in their pockets. It's really irrelevant, I don't care about these stupid glowies, my main point was:
>Just to say, don't look to attention whores (narcissists) to be your surrogate dad, leave your mom's basement and get involved with in-real-life humans in in-real-life communities. Fuck all of this plastic ephemera. You can do better.

>> No.22165275
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If he is against all that they stand for then why would be in their pockets

>> No.22165296

>If Alex Jones is against all that they stand for then why would be in their pockets.
>If Joe Rogan is against all that they stand for then why would be in their pockets.
>If Whitney Webb is against all that they stand for then why would be in their pockets.

>> No.22165300

what is the answer???

>> No.22165307

You tell me.

>> No.22165316
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I don't know.

>> No.22165340

I don't know either. It's not easy because we lack real leaders, so it's understandable to make do with what we have, but these e-people aren't real people, and I would prefer to steer potentially vulnerable Anons away from these potential wolves.

>> No.22165369

There is litterally nothing stopping any real person from having a youtube channel. Jay is a real person, I met him and jamie in Nashville.

>> No.22165383
File: 531 KB, 1920x1440, High_five_At_the_zoo_Novosibirsk_Siberia_24.07.2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were they nice?
I know that people call Jay mean a lot, but I think he seems like a nice guy as long as you aren't being annoying.

>> No.22165389

Lol, bro, my posts are obviously not addressed to you. Cheers

>> No.22165398

Jay was very cool, he even recognized me from an old stream I hooked up with him and someone else. Worse thing you could say about him is he is a little bit shorter than you'd think and Jamie is maybe a tad shy in person. Jay seemed like an old friend from high school.
I heard Pageau is not exactly a social butterfly in person. But this is enough gossip for me already.

>> No.22165401

When is your subreddit unlocking? Soon I h

>> No.22165406

that was some weird shit from that guy

>> No.22166191

>he is a little bit shorter than you'd think
Oh nonononono…

>> No.22166369

I think he said he is 6'2".

>> No.22166582

I'd like to apologize for these posts. I shouldn't let mere supicion lead to such uncharitable conclusions about Mr. Dyer, when they're nearly completely groundless. Sorry about that.

>> No.22166940

all is forgiven